Deltopia (2023)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.
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Deltopia (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[soft music playing]

[birds chirping]

- [police siren wailing]

- [crowd clamoring]

We're reporting live

on the scene

in Santa Barbara

at a once-a-year party

called "Deltopia".

Hundreds of college kids

have turned violent,

- leaving chaos in the streets

of Isla Vista.

- [booing]

We are now seeing

what appears to be a standoff.

Law enforcement on one side,

the angry crowd on the other.

[suspenseful music playing]


[police siren wailing

in distance]

- [lighter clatters]

- Our last day.

Our last f*cking day

of high school.

I can't believe

it's finally over.

And to think

we actually made it

without being k*lled

by a school sh**t.

What are the odds?

You know, I always thought

you'd be the one to do it.

Our counselor told me

school sh**t doesn't look

too good on a rsum.

Holy shit! [chuckles]

It's your lucky day.

Your dream girl's single.

Yeah, who?


Come on, man.

It's your chance to get it in!

You wanna relax?

She hasn't been single

for more than ten minutes.

Shut up, p*ssy!

You've been in love

with this girl

since, like, sixth grade.

I don't know, man.

She doesn't seem that way.

It'd be like you

dating Ellery.

No, it wouldn't.

Ellery's way too far

up her own ass.

No, Hannah's got that



vulnerable type of sexy.

It's different.

I know, but she only sees me

as like a friend.

So, pull the tampon

out of your vag*na,

and grow some balls.

And do what with those balls?

Bro, look at Kanye.

Kim had him friend-zoned

for years.

And then one day, he decided

to stop being a p*ssy

and start beatin' the p*ssy.

- But, dude, that's Kanye.

- Huh?

Okay? He's f*cking Kanye.

Kanye's got gold records.

So what? You've got

the face of an angel.

If you make it to 90,

you don't wanna look back

and think, "God, I really wish

I would have fist-banged

that chick

back in high school."

[eerie music playing]

[paper rustling]


Yo, Ellery. Why'd you post that?

It's our last day, Hannah.

We need to let the world know

that you're single.

Come on. My best friend,

the smartest, most creative--

second sexiest girl

in the school,

most badass boss babe

is finally free

to be my wing woman.

You best believe

that's breaking news.

I can't believe you stayed

with him for, like, two years.

Yeah. Well, it's been over

for a while now.

You know, just staying

together was a lot easier

than breaking up.

Baby, you can't let your anxiety

hold you back like that.

You've come so far.

It's not about that.

You know, I just couldn't

bother to break up with him.

Well, it's perfect timing.

You're gonna meet

so many guys tonight.

Mm, no. I'm-- I'm over boys.

These aren't boys, Hannah.

They're men.

They know how to treat a girl.

No. You just want a sugar daddy.

And suck on old, saggy balls

for the rest of my life?

Yeah. No, thanks.

[inhales] Yeah.

- You're gonna lose it.

- Why?

Are you ready for the best

night of your life? Mm.

[crowd cheering over cell phone]

[scoffs] Holy shit!

This is last year's Deltopia.

It's the biggest college party

in the country.

The whole street closes down,

and every house in Graeagle

has their own massive parties.

My sister's best friend

throws the best one.

And this year,

it's Wonderland-themed.

Don't worry.

I've got you covered.

[scoffs, sighs]

Yeah, no. I don't know

if I'm up for it.

El, honestly, I'm... I'm sorry.

I just-- I told my mom

that I'd spend time with her

this weekend.

And you know, she's having some,

like weird, empty-nest syndrome.

You have to come, Hannah.

James is gonna be there,

and I need your support.

He's been texting me,

like, literally nonstop.

[inhales sharply]

Don't make me beg.


- Fine! Fine! Fine!

- Yes! Yes!

But don't ditch me this time.

- I won't.

- No, I'm-- I'm serious.

That happened, like, one time.

And it was Drake's manager.

No, no, no. That was a roadie.


And he got us backstage.


- Pucker up. Come here.

- No.

- Just a little bit. Stop it.

- Mm-mm. [whines]

There is my hot mama.

All the boys are gonna be like,

"Oh, yeah, Hannah.

- Single Hannah.

I need you now."

- No. No, no.

- "Hannah, you're so hot!"

- Stop! [laughs]

- You're hot.

- You're going to make

me piss myself.

[both laugh]

- Ugh.

- All right. You coming?

Yeah. I'll be there.

[door opening, closing]

- [indistinct chatter]

- [Mr. Daniels] Okay. Come on.

Take your seats.

All right, guys.

These are the last

of the graded papers

that I'll ever have

to hand back to you...

- Hopefully.

- [papers rustling]

Well done as usual, Jack.

Now, before you move on

with your lives...

allow me to leave you with this.

Stay active. Okay, guys?

Don't just sit back and wait

for something to happen.

Make it happen.

'Cause you certainly

can't cross the ocean

by just staring at it

from the shore.

You gotta be willing to stand up

for what you believe in

no matter what.

Because there will be

an integral moment

in all of our lives

where everything that we are

and everything

that we will become

will be defined

by that one moment.

That profound decision...

and what will you do.

So, no matter the hand

that you are given in life...

it really is what you do

with that hand

- that matters the most.

- [paper ball thuds softly]

And never let age dictate

how you live your life.

You're only as old as you feel.

[clock ticking]

[school bell ringing]

[exciting music playing]

[music ends]

Make sure you all wear

sunscreen this summer, okay?

["Won't Let You Down"

by Yoni and Amy Gileadi playing]

[indistinct chatter]


[camera shutter clicking]

Ew! Is that a blackhead?

Yeah. Get your greasy

f*ckin' hands off of me.

Shut up.

You hear Stella broke up

with Matt Jacobson?

Oh. So, I guess

I'm not the only one

ending senior year

hot off a break up, huh?

No. She was only with him

for his followers.

She's so thirsty, it's pathetic.

Did you hear she gave Cody

a hand job over Christmas break

just to be tagged in that photo?

Okay. No. See.

That's the problem.

A woman strategically

growing her following

which may someday

become a career

gets called thirsty

and pathetic

by the females

who should have her back.

All the while,

the dude gets praised

and idolized by his boys.

So, you're saying we should

sleep our way to the top.

No. I'm saying

screw the double standard.

Challenge the systemic


You know a woman makes 78 cents

every dollar a man makes?

A 22-cent gap.

Wait. Yo, Justin.

Didn't you hook up with Stella?

Yeah. Stella? She's the one.

- "She's the one."

- [both laugh]

I've been saving myself for her.

What the hell

are you doing, man?

I'm a samurai.

This one is called

"the praying mantis".



Yo, Bones. You good, bud?

- [sighs]

- Aw! Don't worry about Bones.

I'm sure his mom's welfare check

can cover it, right?

Shut up, Ellery!

Your mom's a whore.

Finally, we made it.

Yeah. Now, off to college

and the real world.

Where we can truly

make a difference.


How's the photo series coming?

You, uh, capture

the soul of suburbia yet?


I don't know. I feel like

there's still something missing.

[Jack] Yeah, like what?

I don't know yet.

You know, it kinda

feels incomplete.

And I know it's just photos,

but you know,

it kinda means

something to me, so...


Didn't you hear?

Our little smarty pants

is leaving us for New York.

I thought you were headed

to a school in the UC.

Yeah. Me too.

Yeah. Uh, I-- I was.

But I'm... I'm--

I'm not really sure.

Hey. Good for you.

Mommy and Daddy

must be so proud.

I haven't decided anything yet.

Anyone can go to college

and party for four years.

But eventually, you're out

of there, and then what?

Working a cubicle

at some boring desk job,

live in debt

for the rest of your life?

- f*ck that!

- Okay, yeah, Bones.

What are you gonna do?

By the time you guys

are out of that prison,

I'll be the boss

of my own company.

[laughs] Yeah, of what?

Slacker's Smoke and Skate?

I mean, you can't even manage

your own life right now.

How are you gonna run

a business?

I'm gonna run

the f*ckin' planet, Ellery!

And you'll still be

a high school has-been,

braggin' about your glory days,

giving handies

to the football team.

The slut-shaming

is getting old, Bones.

Hey, Allie. No one asked

for your commentary, okay?

Oh. Someone's feeling

angsty today, aren't we?



So, what you guys doing tonight?

I don't know.

Probably some party

up in Santa Barbara.



What's Deltopia?

Only the biggest party ever.

Dude, we should mob up.

My cousin went last year.

Still hasn't recovered.

I'm sorry. Who said

you douchebags were invited?

What the f*ck, Ellery?

We didn't get an invite?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I don't think high school boys

are allowed.

- [chuckles]

- Hey, sweetheart.

- We're the same age.

- [school bell ringing]

Whatever. Hannah, let's go.

[butt slaps]

Lay off the milkshakes, El!

See, this is why I'm so sick

of high school guys.

They're so f*cking vapid.

College guys

are calling my name.

You should come.

Yeah, maybe.

Let's go.

[school bell ringing]



Hurry up. Let's go. This place

is sucking my soul out.

All right. Where are we headed?

"Where are we headed--"

Deltopia. Come on. Let's get it.

It's just a bunch of frat boys

beating each other off.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah.

You're not even gonna

consider this? Hannah's going.

Look. I'm over it, man.

She's leaving.

She's gonna go study out east.

That's exactly

why you need to go.

You really wanna go

the rest of your life

without knowing what it's like

to shove your tongue

- down her throat?

- [zips bag]

You're a sick f*ck.

You know that?

Forget about it, man.

Oh, look. I'll just move on.

Find somebody else.

I'm totally fine with that.

Oh, my God.

You're so oblivious.

It's pathetic!

Now's the time!

Principal f*ck face is right.

It's time to grow up.

You may never see her again.

It's fourth down

on the one-yard line,

and you're not gonna

score touchdown

unless you touch

the f*ckin' ball.

Didn't you hear them say

they're over boys?

Dude, she sees me

as a f*cking boy.

Then prove to her

you're a f*cking man!

Tell her how you feel.

You could be slammin' that fine

peach ass all summer long

then leave it out to dry.

Or you could fall

madly in love with her.

She could fall

madly in love with you.

And skip out on the East Coast.

You never know.

I don't know why

you're so adamant

about going, huh?

You hate frat parties.

Oh, clarification.

I hate those morons,

but I will bang their chicks.

And I will do their dr*gs.

God, Ellery.

My parents would freak

if they knew where

we were going right now.

Please. As if your dad

hasn't done his own

fair share of partying.

I smoked a joint with him

and his friends

at your Labor Day party.

What? No, you didn't.

Yes, I did.

We went down to the beach

and smoked a spliff.

His friends were all

drooling over me.

That's nice.

And it's really gross, Ellery.

- [Ellery chuckles]

- [scoffs]

[Hannah] It's really crazy

to think about all the drama

we put ourselves through

the last four years.

It's like it doesn't even seem

like a big deal anymore.

That's because it's not

that big of a deal.

High school is just a small

part of the big picture.

We're moving

onto better things.

Four years at college,

and I'll be off to a job

at a top PR firm.

- [cellphone dings]

- Can you check that for me?

It's Alex. And, uh,

he said his plug

couldn't come through, so...

Shit. Do you have any hookups?

- No. [scoffs]

- What about Jack? Ask him.

I'm not asking Jack

for dr*gs, Ellery. Please.

Why not?


- [laughs] You like him!

- No, I don't. I don't!

I don't. Really.

He's just a friend.

You know, and-- and Jack

is like marriage material.

And you know,

he's-- he's not like

an end-of-high school-fling.

"Marriage material"?

Oh, my God.

- You really do like him.

- No. No. I don't.

He's a loser.

You know, he's actually--

he's not a loser.

You know, he's-- he's--

he's pretty cool.

Outside of school,

in the real world,

he's second-rate.


It doesn't even matter.

Because if I like him,

which I don't in that way,

he's not worth ruining

our friendship over.

Okay, got it. We're moving on.

Could you please just call him?

If we bring our own Molly,

we won't have to worry

about popping

some stranger's stuff.

Please. Please.

Do it! Do it! Thank you!

["That One Song" by Lil Aaron

feat. Lil Lotus playing]

[Jack] Did you land

a f*cking trick?

- [cellphone ringing]

- Ooh, Hannah! [gags]


Hey. What's up?

Not much. Just by the pool.

Cool. Uh, well, are you guys

coming to Deltopia?

- [skateboards clattering]

- Uh, yeah. Maybe.

No, no. We're gonna come.

You know, I actually--

I have a favor to ask of you.

Sure. What do you need?

Come on. Just ask him.

Do you know anyone

that could get us Molly?

Uh, hang on a second.

They want Molly.

Do you know anybody?


Seriously, do you know somebody?

If you wanna get laid tonight,

say, "Yeah."

Yeah, we know somebody.

Really? Uh, sick!

- Okay. Uh...

- Yes!

Well, you're-- you're

super cool for this, uh, Jack.

I'll definitely get you back.

It's called a blow job.

- What is it?

- What? [chuckles]

Um, it's a tough job.


But somebody's gotta bring

the party favors.



Well, I'll see you soon.

- Thank you, Jack!

- [Hannah] And, Jack,

I'm really happy

that you decided to come.

- [gags]

- Yeah. Me too.

[Ellery cheers]


We're gonna pop some Molly!

And you're gonna love it!


- You owe me!

- [both laugh]

You better f*ckin'

know somebody.

Don't worry. I do.

- [skater] I'm good.

- You're a f*ckin' poser!

I got it. I got it.

[inhales, exhales]

[birds chirping]

You gotta grow

some f*ckin' balls.

So, you gotta f*ckin'...

just f*ckin' grow it.

You let people walk

all over you too much.

You need to f*ckin' tell Hannah

how you feel, you know?

Just f*ck it.

- Oh, my God!

- [tire thuds]

This is the equalizer.

What we should do

is go to Deltopia tonight

and just f*ck it all! [grunts]

[tire thuds]

[slow music playing]

[metal screeching]

[exclaims] Ahh! Whoo!

- Whoo-hoo!

- [metal clanging]

[metal clanks]

[birds chirping]

[vehicle approaching]

Please don't screw this up,

especially you.

Be cool, please.

You here for Slim?


[cigarette sizzles]

What can I do for you, boys?

Uh, we just want some Molly.

Some of your best shit.


Anybody know what this

cr*cker jack is talking about?

Ooh, g*dd*mn. [clears throat]

That is a motherfuckin'


You guys want

some of this shit?

No, thanks.

Oh, I know what you want.

You want some of that

real good shit, huh?

That raspberry robo.

That lamb shank lollipop.

[device whirring]

Whatever, man.

We just want some Molly.


I get it. I get it.

You wanna pop a Molly.

You wanna get lit.


All the ladies are doing it

these days, right?

Well, you just remember this,

you ungrateful bastards.

I'm the one giving you the shit

that's gonna get you guys laid.

I might as well be

a g*dd*mn pimp.

But I'm not out here

trying to run a whorehouse.

Does it look like I'm running

a f*ckin' whorehouse to you?


[tense music playing]


You guys are in luck.

We just got a f*ck ton

of this new shit

called "the panty-dropper",

150 milligrams a cap.

[sniffs, inhales]

Unless... [neck cracks]

Whoo! [chuckles]

You want some of this

ketamine kryptonite.

It'll put you on a K-hole

out your A-hole.

We're all good, man.

Hey. What's with this guy, huh?

Huh? Is he a f*ckin' narc? Huh?

You a f*ckin' narc?

- You a f*ckin' narc, bro, huh?

- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

- No, no, no!

- You a f*ckin' narc?

He's chill!

He's chill! He's chill!

He's just f*ckin'

stoned and high.

He's chill. I promise.

Pay the man, Jack.

f*ckin' pay me, Jack.

Hurry up, Jack!

Jack. [scoffs]

I don't like your face, Jack.

[Bones] Okay.

Let's go. Let's go.

Get the f*ck outta here.

Get the f*ck outta here, Jack!

- [door opens]

- [sniffs]

[Bones] Goddammit, Justin!

That wasn't cool, man.

You're the one acting

like a f*ckin' weirdo,

staring at him like a donkey.

No wonder he thinks

- you're a narc.

- Well, what am I

supposed to do?

Get in the car!

[huffs air]


I wanna get more into yoga

this summer.

You know, be all zen shit.

Yeah? Well,

I think you really just want

a reason to wear spandex.


It's so crazy having

someone be such just like,

a big part of your life

for so long, and then...

I don't know.

Now, it's like, over.

You grow apart, you know?

You can't really rely

on anyone these days.

You know, I was going

to tell you about New York.

- [car approaching]

- Mm?

I just didn't know.

Jackpot. Watch and learn.

Good job.

Thank you.

God, men are so easy.

What's this victim's name?


- Oh, Richard?

- Mm-hmm.

Little Richard.

- Oh, well, here he comes.

- Hm?


- Ah. You are the best.

- No problem.

Thank you!

[chuckles] Cheers, bitch.

- [bottles clink]

- [giggles]

[breathes deeply, exhales]

You now, when you take a photo,

you have the ability

to stop time.

- [camera shutter clicks]

- [Hannah] It's like magic.

What does it feel to know

exactly what you want?

[camera whirrs]

To have everything planned out?

I don't know.

Guess I feel

like I'm in control.


Sometimes, I wish

I could just turn my brain off.

You know, I have like,

all of these...

crazy, irrational fears,

and I somehow find a way

to legitimize them

no matter how absurd they are.

It's like I'm way too aware

of my own mortality.

This feels like

when we were kids.


We used to always talk about

how much we wanted to grow up.

What the hell

were we thinking?

I don't know.

But we were f*cking crazy.

[both chuckle]

[breathes deeply]

I love you so much.

We're definitely soulmates.

I love home.

["Roses" by Murky Waters


I'm gonna meet the girl

of my dreams tonight.

Don't act like you've ever

had p*ssy before.

We all know the only titties

you've ever sucked

are your mom's.

Hey, you know that when

a baby kangaroo is born,

it like, latches

onto its mom's nips

for like, a hundred days.

It won't let go.

What the f*ck

are you talking about?

[Justin] That's like

my whole childhood.

I was on the nip

till like, five or six.

That's disgusting.

Sorry your mom was too busy

smoking crack to notice you.

You shut the f*ck up!

[police siren wailing]

Oh, shit!

- Chill. It's all good.

- [police siren wailing]

- [car door slams]

- [indistinct radio chatter]

- How's it going, Officer?

- License and registration.

Sorry if I was speeding.

I don't know. I just--

I've been having issues

with my cruise control and...

Yeah. That's the problem

with you kids,

never paying attention,

always trying

to cruise through life.

You guys headed

to the Deltopia party?

It's none of your business

where we're going.

It's gonna be like that.

[Jack] Shit. Do you realize

what we're holding?

Right way to end senior year,

huh, become a couple of felons.

Why the hell do I listen to you?

- Stop being a f*ckin' p*ssy.

- [muttering]

It's fine. He can't do shit.

- Get out of the car.

- Am I being detained, Officer?

Get out of the car.

I know my rights. Okay?

I don't have to listen to this.

Serve and protect.

You work for me.

I said get out of the car now!

- All right?

- f*cking doing this.


Spread 'em! Hm?

You got any knives?

You got a needle down here, huh?

This is bullshit!

[breathes heavily]

You see this badge?

This gives me the authority

to tell you what to do.

No matter the size of your balls

never gonna change that.

You are free to go.

[engine starts]

- [Jack] You okay, dude?

- Just drive.

["Starstruck" by SNC, EXSSV

Ft. Crichy Crich playing]

Just a nice girl that can still

roll it backwards,

you know what I'm saying?

And just like, uh,

teach about me life and shit.

Like, she doesn't have to be

a rocket scientist,

although that'd be lit.

What the f*ck are you guys

doing in my car?

Yo, we're going

to Camino Real Market.

You're a pretty Uber driver.

I'm not your f*cking

Uber driver!

- Get the f*ck outta my car!

- [laughs]

- Savage!

- [Ellery] You weirdos!

- [man laughing]

- What the f*ck?

[car doors closing]

[both laugh]

What the f*ck was that?

Please stay with me.

I'll stay with you.

You're gonna be safe.

It's gonna be okay.

- [both] It's gonna be okay.

- [laughing]

["Starstruck" by SNC, EXSSV

Ft. Crichy Crich playing]


No, no, no, no.

There are some things

you just don't do in Ivy.

One of them,

take sh*ts from randos.

["Starstruck" by SNC, EXSSV

Ft. Crichy Crich continues]

[indistinct chatter, cheering]

["Stay Over" by IDKATL playing]

Home sweet home.

[Rachel] Oh, my God!

El, you made it.

- Hi, Rach.

- Hi. [chuckles]

Guys, this is my sister Ellery,

future member of Alpha Psi.

- Hey.

- You know,

James has been asking

about you.

Perfect choice, sis.

He's the head of Beta Sigma Eta.

I know, right?

Come on.

Let me show you around.

Let's go.

[host speaking indistinctly

over microphone]

[Jack] Wait.

How are we gonna find her?


Love's just another form

of energy, man.

You're attracted to her

like a magnet.

So, you gotta use your d*ck

as a compass.

It'll point you

in the right direction.

Look, Jack, we'll find her.

We're on our own time now.

We gotta enjoy the vibes.

["Flat On My Face"

by August Roads playing]

[laughs] Yeah!

[man] Hey, whoa!

Does anybody know this kid?

Does anybody know

this f*ckin' burnout?

Get the hell outta here, bro.

This is my beer.

Hey, yo.

Chill out, man.

These are my boys.

Chug! Chug!

[chanting] Chug! Chug!

Chug! Chug! Chug!

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

[crowd cheering]

Got quiet.

This a f*ckin' party.

Turn the f*ck up! Let's go!

["Bad Decisions" by AhZ playing]

Thanks for saving

my friend's ass back there.

Hey, sure thing, kid.

I'm Jack, by the way.

What's up, man? Guru.

Life-long member

of Kappa Gamma Kappa.

I swear I've seen

you boys around. You go to SP?

No, no. We just, uh...

just came here to get away

from reality for a bit.

You came

to the right place, man.

This is the American dream.

Chasing tail and drinkin' beer.

What about you?

I mean, no offense. You just...

- you look kinda old

to be a student.

- [chuckles]

I went to school here

once upon a time.

I got stuck in the hamster wheel

like everyone else.

I finally said to myself,

"You moved to the Golden Beach

to the Californi-a

for three things.

The ladies, the weed,

- and the surf."

- Yeah.


Ever since then, man,

I've been living it up.

Sounds like the life, man.

I'm still-- I'm still figuring

my shit out, but... you know,

searching for inspiration,

I guess.

Well, look around, man.

When you're walking down

the streets of Ivy

during Deltopia,

shit, you're styling

and profiling with

some of the biggest,

baddest party animals

the world has ever seen.

There ain't no better place

than between these palms,

brother. I swear to God.

There's something

about a lack of rules.

Having no boundaries,

it gives you the freedom

to flourish, to create.

- To become great.

- [cup clatters]

[woman giggling]


Goddesses everywhere

you look, man. [laughs]

Let's go.

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct radio chatter]

f*cking police.

I swear to God,

one of these days,

- someone should just--

- Relax, man.

[click tongue] Look around you.

We're in paradise.

f*ck you, no! I didn't do shit!

Wait, wait.

So, Mom didn't tell you?

- Tell me what?

- [chuckles] God. So typical.

She's staying in Europe

for another month

with her new boyfriend.

So, she's not gonna make it

to your graduation.

Oh. [scoffs]

Whatever. It's just

a stupid ceremony, right?

[Rachel] Hmm.

The guys are here, by the way.

Oh. Um, we'll just meet up

with them in a little bit.

So, Hannah, what's your plan

for next year?

Uh, I don't really know yet.

I haven't really decided.

Oh. Well, you know,

we have a great

photography program here.

She's actually, uh--

She got into a school

in New York.

Oh, wow. Okay. Well,

I mean, that's impressive.

But wait. What are you guys

gonna do without each other?

You've been inseparable

since like, kindergarten.

God, Rach.

We're not attached at the hip.

I'll be fine.

- Aw! The perils of growing up.

- [chuckles]

Okay. So, uh,

meet me downstairs

when you're done getting ready.

Yeah. Will do.

- Okay, you ready?

- [door closes]

- Put this on.

- Uh...

No. Yeah.

I think I'm pretty good

with just the wings. Um...

Uh, no. You can't be

the only one not dressed up.

Come on. Just put it on.

You'll look hot.


- Fine.

- Mm-hmm.

Gotta get you out there

and get a rebound.

- How hot are James' friends?

- Yeah. They're pretty cute.

I'm telling you,

these college guys

are so much better,

especially in bed.

You wanna get

that experience now

so you don't have to worry

about it next year.

Oh, my God. You look hot!


- It's not too much?

Are you sure?

- Turn around, let me see.

- I don't know.

- Wow.

My little caterpillar

has turned into a butterfly.

- [clicks tongue] Oh.

- [laughs]

Give your phone.

Let's take a picture.



[camera shutter clicking]

- Mm!

- [smacks lips]

Oh, yeah. We look so good.


- [camera shutter clicking]

- [smooches]

- [laughs]

- [exclaims]

So excited!

You ready for the best night

of our lives?

Yeah. Are you ready

for the best night of our lives?

- Absolutely.

- Getting f*cked up tonight.

- Don't leave me.

- I won't. Promise.


- Let's go.

- Let's f*cking go.


It's about time

you came to visit me.

- You missed me, James?

- Damn right.

You wanna play a game?

[sighs] Um...

- What is it?

- You ever heard of strike-out?

First off...

you smoke a bowl.

Take a shot.

Then you chug a beer.

Then you release

the smoke after.

Let me demonstrate.

["dr*gs On The Weekend"

by Duncan Davis, Kodeblooded

& SNC playing]

[glass thuds]

[Steve coughs]

Your turn. [groans]

Uh... No. I'm--

I'm okay with just the beer.

You know, I'm really digging

the fairy costume.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

You know, aren't fairies

supposed to grant wishes

or some shit like that?

Not that I know of.

- Wanna go over there?

- Yeah.

[man] Steve, your turn!

Duty calls.

- Yeah!

- Come on!

[crowd cheering]

Isn't this so fun?

[container clatters]

[man] Come on! Come on!

[indistinct chatter]

- [container thuds]

- [crowd cheers]

Drink, drank,

drunk last night

Drunk the night before

Gotta get drunk tonight

Like I never have

drunk before

For when I am drunk

I am happy as can be

For I am a member

of the Sigma family


["Pretty Pills"

by Murky Waters playing]

So, two is for you,

three is for me,

- and four is for whores.

- Bitch.

And six is for dicks.

Do that again, and you

will leave here without one.

Two is f*ck you.

Okay, my turn.

[girl] Eight, pick a mate.

What's your name?


All right, Jack.

You are my mate.

You remember that time

we like, ran away for like...

I don't know, we had like,

ten bucks between us,

and we slept

on that bluff and...

and freaking watched

that house burn down.

We were up there

for like, a week.

Starving our asses off.

We were on our own,

you know? It was like...

It was like our first taste

of freedom.

And we were learning

how to survive in the wild.

And you know, even though

it was pretty shitty...

I think that's like,

my favorite memory.

- Except then we got poison oak.

- [laughs]

Completely f*cked ourselves.

My balls still itch.

It was so worth it.

Sometimes, I just wanna take off

and try some place new.

Forget about my dad,

school, and all

that bullshit, and just...

Just leave. Just leave

like that summer.

So do it.

Smoke a J in Amsterdam.

Party in Ibiza.

Fall in love in Paris.

Get shot at in Detroit.

[chuckles softly]

Just bring me back

some absinthe.

If we ride together,

we die together, Jack.

I gotta piss.

[grunts softly, sighs]


[cellphone chimes]

[cellphone dings]

[Hannah] Oh, dude.

It's Jack again.

Oh, shit.

We need to get that Molly.

You girls need Molly?

- [Ellery] Yeah.

- [Hannah] No. No.

Uh, our friends

are bringing it for us.

Don't worry about it.

We got you covered.

- Yeah.

- [Ellery] Really?

No. No.

Ellery, they drove

all the way out here, okay?

We're not just gonna

ignore them.

Yes, we are. This is perfect.

Now, we don't have to hang out

with those losers.

You literally made me

call Jack, okay?

No, now, they're all

the way out here.

Oh, I'm sorry they had to come

to the biggest party

of their lives.

They'll be fine, Hannah.

They'll be shit-faced

and starting fights in no time.

Okay? They'll just give

the Molly to some other girls.

This is perfect.

No. That's messed up.

You girls coming?


Let's go.

[door opens]

You guys are chill, right?

Not gonna have to call

your mommy?

Tell her that her daughter

just got arrested,

'cause she was running

butt-naked down Del Piero Drive.

- [chuckles]

- Please.

If there's one thing I learned

from my mom,

it's how to mix my dr*gs

and alcohol.

- [James] Whoa!

- [both men chuckle]

So, how much?

No worries.

I'm sure you can figure out

a way you can repay me.


Come on. You'll love it.

Makes everything feel good.

Okay. Maybe like, half, right?

[Steve grunts softly]

[James sighs]

You don't have to.

You can play it safe.

- It's just like Fun Dip.

- [Steve] Yeah.

Don't waste any of that.

Come here.

Ooh! [chuckles]

You girls are in

for a very special night.

Here's to a new chapter.

To moving on.

To never looking back.


Hand me some of that rum, huh?

[chuckles nervously]

Has the Molly hit you yet?

I don't know.

I don't know what

I'm supposed to feel.

Don't worry,

I think you'll be safe.

["Yes I Don't Play Games"

by Riff Raff playing]

I guess she's the one.

You have no chance

with a girl like that.

[Justin] Oh, yeah.

Wanna bet?

- [Jack] Yeah.

- [laughs] Okay.

Nice moves.

- Thanks.

- [chuckles]

You might wanna tell

your buddy to back off her.

That's Murray's girl.

- [laughter]

- It's a free world, man.

He can do whatever he wants.

Hey! You must have

a death wish, kid!

- [Murray] That's my girl!

- [Jack] Hey, hey, chill!

- Back off him, man!

- Yeah?

What are you gonna do, huh?

- Let's go, m*therf*cker!

- Whoa, whoa! Hey!

- Bones, Bones, what the f*ck?

- Come on! Come on!

Yo, tell your boy to chill.

That's strike two.

- [Bones] I'll cut your ass?

- Oh, yeah?

You think I'm scared

of a dumbass

130-pound little bitch

like you? Come on.

Let's go, buddy.

[Murray] That's what I thought.



[Jack] What the f*ck

was that, huh? You trying

to get us k*lled?

I'll slit his f*ckin' throat.

Why you gotta be so crazy?

[scoffs] Are you kidding me?

I saved your ass, man.

You can't stand up for yourself

let alone your friends.

f*ck you.

[Jack] Hey.

- Can I bum a smoke?

- Sure.


Sorry for crowding your space,

but... you seemed kinda lonely.

Guess you're not much

of a mind-reader, huh?

I bet I can tell you exactly

what you're thinking of.

- Go for it.

- [lighter flicks]

You're thinking,

"Who is this tool? And why

is he trying to k*ll my vibe?"

[chuckles] Okay.

That's very cute.

But I knew who you were

the second I saw you.

Mm, I'm that obvious?

You're like the epitome

of a teen novel, man.

You know, with like,

pastel colors,

and a quirky font,

and you don't even

have a dedication,

and your dialogue

is immature, lacks depth.

So, how did you end up here?


[exhales] For a girl.

No way. [chuckles]

Her name's Hannah.

We go to the same school

together or we used to.

Today was the last day.

Well, did you find her?

No, not yet.

I don't even know what I'm gonna

tell her when I do, though.

I wanna-- I wanna tell her

how I feel, but...

at the same time,

I don't want her to like,

think I'm some stalker

for not telling her a while ago.

But do you think

she likes you back?


As a friend.

[chuckles softly] Oh. Ouch.

The friend zone.


Well, what makes this girl

so special?

She's just different, I guess.

She's shy, but...

secretly so passionate.

Mm, she can take these photos

that just captures the truth

of somebody in that moment.

Which is so beautiful.

But like, she tries to hide it,

uh-- like to fit in, I guess.


- I'm so stoned.

- [chuckles]

Okay. Well, you have

to tell her the truth.

And it has to come

from the heart, okay?

When guys try to act

all cool with this stuff,

it comes across

so egotistical or pretentious,

or... or just desperate.

I don't know. I guess

it depends if she can see

through the bullshit or not,

but it's always best to be

genuine with this stuff. Okay?

And, hey, if she's not into it

after you bare your soul,

who cares?

It's not like you're gonna

see her in class on Monday.

Yo, let's get out of here.

This party sucks.

How are we gonna find them?

Well, we're looking for a fairy.

Oh, you're looking

for a fairy?

[Bones] Yeah.

It's that Alpha Psi

Welcome to Wonderland party,

AKA sorority slut fest.

Amazing. It's really great that

we haven't been there all night.

- You know where it is?

- [Cleo] Yeah.

It's right down the street

and to the left.

Big banner. Can't miss it.

[Jack] Thanks.

- For everything.

- No worries.

Good luck, Jack.

Wait a minute.

I'm not going any further

until we take this Molly.

We've waited long enough.

I'll give you the Molly

when you give me the knife.

What? No.

Oh, my God. Are you serious?

[Bones] Maybe it'll make you

into a f*cking man.

Bottoms up.

- Party!

- [both laugh]

This is so... [laughs]

I love you so much.

I love you so much.

- [smooch]

- [both laugh]

Look at me. This is our night.

- Let's make it last forever.

- Forever. [laughs]

- Jump. Jump.

- Jump.

[chanting] Jump! Jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump!

- Jump!

- [Hannah] You jump!

[crowd chanting] Jump! Jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

No, no, no, no!

[crowd chanting] Jump! Jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

[Ellery screams, laughs]

- [Hannah] I'm gonna do it!

- [Ellery] Whoo! That's my girl!

[indistinct chatter]

[Jack] Yeah! Can you do it?

[Jack yells] Aww!

You finally made it.

Yo, Allie. What's up?

Mm. This is Rosie.

You guys wanna try some

of our magical fairy dust?

- [Bones] Yes, Allie. We do.

- Ohh...


[sighs] Come on.

- Whoa, hold up, hold up.

- [Bones] What's up, bro?

"Bro"? I ain't your bro.

Look, I need to see at least

one chick for every guy.

We're not trying to have

a sausage party here.

Okay, come on. Look.

These guys are our friends.

All right?

This is just one more.

- It's not gonna happen.

- [Bones] assh*le.

Look. Only two of you guys

are getting in right now.

Justin, you gotta

hang out here for a sec.

What? Why?

'Cause you don't VIP, man.

No, listen. We can't do that.

No. We can't do that.

Yes, we can.

- [Justin] You guys, go ahead.

- You sure, man?

Yeah. You have to find her.

I'll meet up

with you guys later.

[Bones] Great.

Let's do this, Jack.

[indistinct chatter]

["Just The dr*gs"

by Chemical Safari playing]

[laughs maniacally]

[laughs maniacally]

["Mad Hats"

by Adam O'Rourke playing]


[rock music playing]

[music ends]

[gasps, breathes heavily]

Hannah banana.

- Wait.

- Hey.

Where-- where did Ellery go?

[Steve] Come on. Let's go

get you dried off.

Hey, Bones.

Who's VIP now?


[chuckles, sniffles]

- [Bones] Turn that shit off.

- Come on. [laughs]

Oh. [sniffs]

So, Bones, you have just

finished high school

and have the world

at your fingertips.

What's next?

High school was horrible.

So now that I'm out of there,

I'll do whatever I want.

And, uh, what's that?

Smokin', chillin',

f*ckin' takin' over the world

with my boys.

Isn't Jack going to college?

I have other friends, Allie.

It's okay not to know, Bones.

I'm not worried about shit.

I have Google.

[sniffles, sighs]

Ohh... [sniffles]

Hey, Hannah. Hannah!

[indistinct chatter]

Bones. [pants] Dude.

This place is like

a f*cking maze.

I take it that you didn't find

your little fairy slut.

She's probably around here

f*cking some frat guy

right now anyway.

f*ck you.

Why you always gotta be

such an assh*le, huh?

Get over it, man.

Stop being such a p*ssy.


Why am I always a p*ssy?

Because-- because--

because I don't constantly

hate life?

You know, just because

I don't get into fights with--

with everybody around me

doesn't make me a f*cking p*ssy!

Chill out, man.

No. No. Okay? You-- you--

you make me feel like shit,

because I might actually do

something with my life. Okay?

Stop trying to drag me down

to your level, man.

You're so f*cking negative!

- Drag you down?

- Yeah!

There we go. Yeah. f*cking speak

some truth for once.

That's all I am to you.

Some f*cking charity case

you keep around so you feel

better about yourself.

That's f*cking bullshit, huh?

You know that's

f*cking bullshit.

You love it, man.

Everyone always telling you,

"Oh, you got

so much opportunity."


Oh, but don't let Bones

hold you back.

Well, guess what?

I'm not the one

holding you back.

Go for what you want

for once in your life.

- Be a man.

- f*ck you.

We drove all the way out here,

so you could find Hannah.

How's that going?

We nearly got arrested.

And got our asses kicked.

All for you.

Because I wanted you to finally

have something that you want.

And I'm the assh*le?

You know what?

Maybe I wanna go to college.

But I never had the chance.

Should I cry 'cause Daddy

never came home?

Oh, please. Feel sorry for me

'cause Mama's always strung out?

No. f*ck that shit.

I don't need your pity.

And don't for one second think

that you're better than me.

Everyone at school

always giving you handouts.

Mamma and Daddy

always wiping your ass.

It makes me f*cking sick.

No one's giving me

handouts, Bones.

I worked f*cking hard

for that shit, okay?

I'm not gonna feel bad

that I got parents

that care about me.

Well, it's good they do,

'cause Hannah clearly doesn't.

It's pretty obvious why.

You're f*ckin' pathetic.

Oh, no. Hey, I'm sorry,

okay, man?

I'm f*cking sorry that nobody

gives a shit about you.

[whispers] But you make it

so f*cking impossible.

What are you afraid of?

[door closes]

- Mm.

- I got you all wet.




Jack, dude, dude,

I found Hannah.

- Where?

- Upstairs.

[grunts softly]

[Hannah] Wait. [grunts]

Wait. Stop! Get off of me!

Just give me a second, okay?



I've been looking for you,

like everywhere.

This is like a--

a really bad time.

There's something

I wanna tell you.

Hey, it--

it's something that I--

[stammers] I've been wanting

to tell you for a while,

but I just--

I couldn't because...

I'm so sorry. Is there

any way that we can...

Can we do this another time?

[Jack] No. No, no.

I-I have to do this now.

Look. I... [breathes deeply]

I didn't come here

for the stupid party, okay?

I came here for you.

Oh. What?

What I'm trying to say

is that I-I like you a lot.

All right. Okay, a lot more

than I can ever put into words.


Wait your turn, bro. [scoffs]

Wait, Jack!


Wanna join us?


Hannah, wait. Ugh.

Hannah! What are you doing?


Why did you leave me alone

down there?

You were having fun.

What's wrong?

Just stop, Ellery,

please. Okay?

Just stop trying to turn me

into something

that I'm just not, okay?

I don't-- I don't do this.

I'm not like this.

Like what?

I don't get

as f*cked up as you!

Okay? I don't just hook up

with every guy

that just gives me, just like,

a little bit of attention, okay?

Oh. So now, I'm just

some drunk, pathetic slut?

What the hell is your problem?

You know, I'm tired.

I'm tired of this, Ellery.

It's exhausting. Okay?

You think the entire world

just revolves around you.

Okay? And it doesn't!

And you're always trying

to change me.

No, I'm trying to help you,


to pull that stick

out of your ass.

Ellery, I never asked

for your help, okay?

If you dislike who I am

this much,

then why...

why are we even friends?

I don't know.

Maybe I'm afraid, okay?

Afraid? Afraid of what?

That you're gonna leave

and forget about me.

Everyone leaves.

It's college. Okay?

It's not that big of a deal!

But you didn't even

talk to me about it first!

- I'm your best friend!

- I haven't decided anything!

No, you decided months ago when

you submitted that application.

You know, you're such a liar.


You act like you're just


- like you're so innocent--

- No, I don't!

Yes, you do! Like you're just

so innocent and pure,

when really you're just

as f*cked up as the rest of us.

You stayed in a relationship

for two years

with someone you didn't

even really like,

just because

you needed a cover.

So, no other guy

could get close to you

and find out

who you really are.


Okay, Ellery. Then, um...

then who am I?

Just a damaged girl

who's forever stuck in limbo.

Someone who's too afraid

to feel anything,

so they just hang on

to whatever is comfortable.

I mean, God, aren't you sick

of being comfortable, Hannah?


That's exactly why I applied

to a college 3,000 miles away

from you.

Well, good.

I'm very happy for you.

Congratulations, because

you can't experience life

hiding behind the lens

of a f*cking camera.

You know what

the saddest part is?

That Jack is in love with you,

and you pretend

you don't even see it.

- That's not true.

- No, yes.

You would rather hook up

with some rando

that doesn't even give

a shit about you,

because you know that's easier

than actually feeling something.

That's f*cked up.

The cops are shutting down

the streets!

- [police siren wailing]

- Party's over!

Cops are arresting everyone!

Hey, man.

Looks like you don't got

your posse anymore, huh?

- f*ck off.

- Don't run away this time

- like a little bitch!

- [groans]

Fight! World star! World star!

- [cop] Party's over!

- [grunting]

- [indistinct]

- [crowd chanting] Fight! Fight!

This is bullshit! You guys

always have to ruin the party!

- [crowd booing]

- [indistinct shouting]

He didn't do anything.

- [crowd booing]

- [indistinct shouting]

[grunting, muttering]

[booing continues]

- [crowd cheering]

- Officer down. We need backup.

- [radio static]

- [cop] Hey, hey, hey!

- [shouting continues]

- We need back up!

- Who do they think they are


- Pigs.

The cops!

- [police siren wailing]

- [crowd clamoring]

- [crowd] f*ck you!

- [cop] Go, go, go! Go, go, go!

[man] f*ck you!

- Hold that line!

- [indistinct clamoring]

[tense music playing]

- [indistinct radio chatter]

- Stay tight! Stay tight!

- [overlapping shouting]

- Get the f*ck outta here!

Get the f*ck outta here!

This has been declared

an unlawful assembly.

[crowd clamoring continues]

You must vacate

the premises immediately.

- [crowd booing]

- f*ck you! f*ck you!

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Why do they think

they can tell us what to do?

We've had to deal

our whole lives with parents

and teachers telling us

what to do.

And now, these jerks?

This isn't about

shutting down our party.

Don't you see that?

This is every teacher

sending us to detention,

every counselor telling us

we can't get into school,

'cause we're not good enough.

They don't think we matter.

But we do!

This is our night!

This is our party!

- Leave us alone!

- [crowd cheering]

Stand down

and disperse immediately!

You stand down!

You think we'll go? Hell, no!

[crowd chanting]

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

Hell, no! We won't go!

[retches, spits]

[breathes heavily, groans]


Where were we?

[breathes heavily]

Let's go!

[crowd clamoring]

Hey, Bones. Bones, watch out!

- Hey!

- [knife clinks]

Let him go.

No, Jack. It's not worth it.

Run! [grunts]

Yeah. Run away,

you little p*ssy.

- [grunts]

- [groans]

- [man] Whoa!

- [crowd clamoring]

Get inside!

Everybody, get inside!

Go! Go! Go!


- Jack!

- What are you doing here?

You just need

to get out of here.

Why did you wait until

the last day of high school

- to tell me something?

- I don't know.

God, I feel...

I feel really stupid.

No, it's not your fault.

Okay. It's my fault.

I should have told you,

- like years ago--

- No, it is my fault.

I don't know. I just thought

if we were just to stay friends,

that I wouldn't f*ck

everything up.

But there's just this way

that you looked at me.

You know, and I didn't

wanna lose that. I didn't.

But I do care a lot.

And-- and I do love you.

But I-- I f*cked up, and--

[police siren wailing]

[both laugh]

[Hannah] Oh, my God.

["Falling in Love"

by Brandon Jenner playing]


- Where are you going?

- Oh, I gotta go.

- That was fun, though.

- Can't stay?

No. I gotta go meet up

with the boys.

But I'll see you

around school in the fall.

[door opens, closes]

Walk of shame.

[waves crashing in distance]

Smellery Ellery,

how was your night?

Educational, I'm sure.

Not in the mood, Bones.

[taps couch]

I don't get it.

What did I do to deserve this?

[scoffs softly] Deserve what?

Your life is perfect.

Then why do I feel so worthless?

Come on, Ellery.

Every guy is wrapped

around your finger.

You're smart and beautiful.

And you're the only one that

doesn't put up with my shit.

You call it like it is.

And that takes guts.

And as much as I hate

to admit it...

I've got your back.

If someone hurts you,

I'll f*ck 'em up.

- [scoffs]

- You just let me know.

I just never thought this is

how things would end up.

Do you think

we'll ever get to a place

where we're just happy?

Well, I hope so.

Oh, what happened to you?

- What?

- [sighs]

Uh, you know, started a riot.

Lit some shit on fire.

Got my ass beat by some cops.

Just a regular Friday.

- Oh, my God. Bones.

- [chuckles]

You really have to start

being more careful

or you're gonna end up

in real trouble one day.

It's not like

anyone would care.

You know that's not true.

There's a lot of people

that care about you.

Oh, yeah?


So, I...

think I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna move

to New York next year.

I need to...

figure out who I am

without everyone else, you know?

Then do what's best for you.


what's your plan?

Well, first, I'll go

to my dad's dream school.

[scoffs] Do everything

that he wants me to do.

Basically, just give him

a chance to live

vicariously through me.


But what do you wanna do?

I don't know.

I think I wanna travel.

I really wanna see the world.

Experience some shit.


Maybe stop by New York.

Oh, definitely stop by New York.


Are you gonna see

anybody out there?

I don't know.

Should I not?

[mouths] Uh, well...

You should do

what you wanna do.

Can I tell you something?

I'm so scared to leave.

You know...

you get so used

to the way things are,

that change...

seems totally incomprehensible.

- [indistinct chatter]

- [cutlery clinking]

[sighs] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, dude.

I was really--

I was out of line.

No, I'm sorry.

I'm happy for you. I am.

You don't need me anymore

and that's okay.

You're gonna do

amazing things out there.

Is that what you think?

You think I don't need you

anymore, Ellery?

Come on, dude.

I'm always gonna need you.

Just because I'm leaving,

it doesn't mean I'm leaving you.

You know?

You're my best friend.

My sister.

It's never gonna stop

because we live

in different cities, man.

Come on!

- [grunts]

- [smooch]

- I love you.

- I love you.

- [diner bell dings]

- [door opens]


Check it out.

- Oh, my God.

- [Ellery] Oh, my God.


You made it.

So, she's the one?

Yeah, she's the one.

[all laugh]

What am I supposed to do

about this?

Thanks for having my back, man.

Hey. We ride together,

we die together, huh.

- We outta here?

- Yeah.

Let's go.


[Hannah] Deltopia.

- [Jack] f*cking Deltopia.

- [Hannah laughs]

[diner bell dings]

- [Jack] Guru!

- What's up, man?

Y'all outta here already?

We were just getting

this party started.

Yeah, man. Gotta head home.

Back to reality.

I hope you found

what you were lookin' for.

Your inspiration.

Uh, I think I did.

- [both laugh]

- My man.

- Catch you later.

- See you soon. Be good.

Hey, Dad.

Look, sorry I missed

all your calls yesterday. I...

I'll be back in like,

a few hours.

So, I realized

something yesterday.

I learned a hell of a lot

through experience,

and, uh... [chuckles]

Man, I wanna experience


So I'm not gonna go to college.

I think I'm gonna take

a year off, or maybe more.

I don't know yet, but, uh,

I wanna travel for a little bit.

Maybe see the world, maybe--

maybe check out the East Coast.

I'll see you.

- [sighs]

- [chuckles]

I wish I told you

how I felt earlier.

Don't see anybody else

in New York, okay?

I wanna be with you.

I love you.

["That One Song" by Lil Aaron

feat. Lil Lotus playing]

I remember how the words

fell off your tongue

You knew all the right ones

to hurt me

You take it back,

but the damage has been done

Should have known

you don't deserve me

And you can blame it on us

Just being young,

irresponsible and dumb

Haven't you heard that karma

catches up to you eventually?

So, I wrote this with you

in mind

Everyone has that one song

That they hate

when it comes on

And I hope that

this is that one song for you

Always try to change

the station

But your friends

all sing along

Yeah, I hope that

this is that one song for you

This is that one song

for you

And I know you hate

the sound of my voice

Try your best

to always drown out the noise

But you keep taking

Your friends know

you're faking

We know you're better off

without me, you're drowning

You're lucky that

you found me, you can't say

That I'm not the best

that you ever had

So, I wrote this with you

in mind

Everyone has that one song

That they hate

when it comes on

And I hope that

this is that one song for you

Always try

to change the station

But your friends

all sing along

Yeah, I hope that

this is that one song for you

This is that one song

for you

It's funny

how things work out

I know we don't see

eye to eye

So, I wrote this with you

in mind

Everyone has that one song

That they hate

when it comes on

And I hope that

this is that one song for you

Always try

to change the station

But your friends

all sing along

Yeah, I hope that

this is that one song for you

This is that one song

for you

Yeah, I hope that

this is that one song for you

This is that one song

for you

That one song, that one song,

that one song, that one song

Yeah, I hope that

this is that one song for you

This is that one song

for you

[music ends]

[soft music playing]

[music ends]
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