20x12 - Love Me Tender

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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20x12 - Love Me Tender

Post by bunniefuu »

[bouncy music]



♪ They're two, they're four ♪

♪ They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the really

useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

male narrator: Blown away.

It was late in

the day on the island of Sodor

and a storm was approaching.

Everyone was trying to get home

as quickly as possible.

[thunder rumbling]

[whistle trills]

[whistle tooting]

Everyone wanted to make sure

that they, their homes,

and their loved ones were safe

when the storm arrived.

The island was most exposed

along its coastlines.

That's where there was

the greatest risk

of damage from the storm.

- Whoa!


Skiff and his Captain, Joe,

were travelling around

Arlesburgh Harbor

checking that everything

was secured.

- [straining]

- I think he needs help,

Captain Joe.

Oh, use one of my oars

to trap it.

- Good idea, Skiff.

- Thank you.

[lighthearted music]

♪ ♪

[horn tooting]

- Oh, I'm surprised to see you

out in this weather, Skiff.

- Captain Joe and I

have been warning everyone

about the storm, Oliver.

- That's very kind and helpful,

but shouldn't

you be getting home?

- That's right; all the other

boats are coming back

to the shelter of the harbor.

- Oh, I'll go home after

we return this sign, Duck,

but we needed to make sure

everyone was safe first!

And anyway, you and Oliver

are still out.

- But we are considerably bigger

and stronger than you, Skiff.

- Yes, we're not

tiny little railboats.

And we still have work to do.

- We have several journeys

to make before we can go home.

[whistle tooting]

- Stay safe, little railboat!

♪ ♪

- Don't be upset, Skiff.

I'm sure they only said

those things

because they're worried

about you.

- I might only be

a little railboat,

but I've still helped people

get ready for the storm.

- That you have.

And now we must make sure

you're safe too.

It wouldn't do for you

to get blown away in the storm!

- Oh, that's the last thing

I want.

- Oh, Joe, there you are!

I'm rather worried

about the pirate ship.

- So am I.

We should give her another check

from the lighthouse.

The winds are

really picking up now

and we need to be sure

everything is secured.

[dramatic music]

[whistle tooting]

narrator: Duck and Oliver

worked hard,

taking as many people home

as they could.

- Nearly done, Oliver?

- Yes, Duck, just one more

journey to Tidmouth and back.

- Me too.

One more run to Arlesburgh,

then home.

Maybe we'll both get back to our

sheds before the storm arrives.

- I hope so! Hmm...

[thunder rumbles]

narrator: Finally,

the storm arrived.

All Skiff could do

was weather it.

Then there was trouble.

- Oh no! My sail!

It's come loose. Joe! Joe!

Oh, he can't hear me.

It's okay, Skiff, don't panic.

Everything will be all right.


[thunder rumbles]


narrator: Poor Skiff

felt helpless

as he was buffeted about

by the wind.

- Oh, Joe! Where are you?

Oliver and Duck were right.

I'm only a tiny little railboat.

And I'm scared!

♪ ♪

narrator: Then there was

more trouble...

[lightning crackles]


[metal scraping]

Ohh! Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh, no!

Ohh! Joe! Joe!


Ah! Oh! Oh!

Help! I can't stop!

Oh! Ohh!



narrator: Duck had finally

finished for the night

and was turning around

to go back to Tidmouth.

But he didn't know

there was a fallen tree

on the line ahead of him.

And neither did Oliver,

who was finally going home

with Toad

in the opposite direction!

- Oh, I can hardly see a thing

with all this rain.

I can't wait to finish work.

- Oh! The storm's getting worse,

Mr. Oliver.

- Not long now, Toad,

nearly home.

Keep going! Keep going!

- Oh, what a mess!

Who's going to come and save me

in this storm?

[whistle tooting]

Oh no! That's Duck's whistle

and he'll be here any moment!

He's going to hit that tree!

Wait a minute.


He's going to hit me!


Duck! Duck!

narrator: But Skiff's voice

was carried away by the wind.

- Oh, no! He can't hear me.

There's nothing I can do.


Oh! My sail!

If I can just free my sail,

then maybe I can signal

for help!


[whistle toots]

But that wasn't Duck's whistle.

[gasps] It must have been...


[whistle tooting]







- [gasps]

[brakes squealing]

[whistle tooting]

- What's that?

- Oh, Mr. Oliver,

what's going on?

[whistles tooting]

[brakes squealing]

- Oh, no!

[brakes squealing]

- Phew.


- Skiff, is that you?

- What happened?

- My sail came unfurled,

and my anchor rope snapped,

and I got blown

all the way down here.

- Lucky for us you did.

Otherwise we would have both

crashed straight into that tree.

- Oh, I was so scared!

I didn't know how to stop you

because my sail

was trapped under me.

But then I managed

to get it free!

- You saved us, Skiff!

You're the bravest

little railboat I've ever known.

- Me too.

Thank you, Skiff.

We'll never forget this.

narrator: By the next morning,

the storm had passed.

The islanders worked to clear

any damage

the storm had left behind.

- My word, Skiff.

You managed to stop a terrible

accident from happening.


- Only because

my rope snapped, sir.

- Oh, that doesn't change

the fact that you're a hero.

Duck, Oliver, and Toad all think

you should get an award.

- An award? Really?

- Oh, yes.

- Definitely.

- And I agree!

You're the bravest

little railboat

who ever travelled

by land or sea!

[together] Or both!


- Three cheers for Skiff.

Hip hip...

- all: Hooray!

- Hip hip...

- all: Hooray!

- Hip hip...

- all: Hooray!

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪

[whistle tooting]
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