07x26 - Three Cheers for Thomas

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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07x26 - Three Cheers for Thomas

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] It was an exciting

day on the island of Sodor.

"Good morning!" Called Harold.

(train whistle)

Annie and Clarabel were

full of happy children.

Thomas was taking them to

their annual Sports Day.

Everything was ready

for the day to begin.

"I do hope I'm number one

and win a medal," said a boy.

"It must be splendid to win

a medal," chuffed Thomas.

"After all, I'm

engine number one."

(train engine chugging)

Thomas worked hard all afternoon

but he couldn't stop

thinking about medals.

He imagined himself

wearing a gold medal

on a bright red ribbon.

How smart he would look!

(truck whirring)

"Hello Thomas!" Whistled Percy.

"I'm taking Sir Tophamm

Hatt to sports day."

"You can see the egg and

spoon race," chuffed Thomas.

"I didn't know eggs

and spoons had races."

"Children race with eggs

on spoons." Said Bertie.

"And the winner gets a medal!

I wish I could have a medal!"

"You need to win a race

first!" Whistled Percy.

(train whistle)

"I'll race you, Thomas!

The first one to the

station is the winner!"

"You're on!" Called Thomas.

"Ready, steady,


(horn honks)

(upbeat music)

(horn honks)

"Better hurry,

Bertie!" Peeped Thomas.

(train whistle)

Then, Thomas had to stop

to pick up some passengers.

(horn honks)

"Better hurry,

Thomas!" Teased Bertie

as he rattled over the bridge.

(train whistle)

(upbeat music)

Then, Bertie had to stop

at a level crossing.

"Last one there puffs

hot air!" Called Thomas.

Thomas was nearly

at the station.

As he drew near

the playing field,

a signalman flagged him down.

Now, Thomas was really cross.

Bertie was sure to win!

Then he saw Sir Tophamm Hatt.

"Thomas, the sport's day medals

have been left in my office.

You must fetch them at once!

We can't let the children down!"

"Of course not,

sir!" Replied Thomas

and he cuffed away.

(upbeat string music)

Meanwhile, Bertie had

raced into the station.

"I won!" Shouted

Bertie. "I won!"

And he waited

eagerly for Thomas.

He waited and waited.

(upbeat music)

But Thomas had forgotten

about the race.

He was thinking

about the children.

"I can't let them down!

I can't let them down!"

At last, Thomas puffed

back into the big station.

The station master gave Thomas'

driver the box of medals.

(Train whistle)

Then, Thomas set off again.

(upbeat music)

He arrived just in time!

"Well done," said

Sir Tophamm Hat.

"Thank you, sir!" Panted Thomas.

Sir Tophamm Hat presented

the medals to the winners.


"Thank you, sir!"


(car engine)

The next day, Bertie

and the medal winner

arrived with a

surprise for Thomas.

A small boy presented

him with a gold medal

on a red ribbon.

"You were very helpful

at Sports Day."

"So we thought you should

have a medal of your own,"

added the boy.

"My very own medal,"

said Thomas. "Thank you!"

"Three cheers for Thomas,

the number one engine!"

"Hip, hip, hooray!"

(horn honks)

"But I still won the

race," tooted Bertie.

(train whistle)

Thomas just peeped happily.

(upbeat music)
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