05x25 - Beast Warrior of Mystery!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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5 - Beast Wars Neo
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05x25 - Beast Warrior of Mystery!?

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars

Produced by Ashi Production

A transport ship from Cybertron HQ has arrived to pick up the Angolmois capsules that have been collected so far.

What I want to say to you is...

...I want to send the transport ship with an escort, as it'll be risky to leave it unmanned.

Since this is about transporting the Angolmois capsules, it will be a big responsibility.

The possibility of being targeted by the Destrons will be high as well.

It'll be a rewarding task, but failure will not be tolerated.

Volunteers, step forward!

Well then, Stampy, I highly respect your courage for volunteering to do this dangerous task!

I... um... see... well...

What, don't tell me you ended up stepping forward because you were startled by somebody?


I'll volunteer...

However, Stampy won't be able to implement this mission alone.

I'm appointing Colada as the other escort!

As it seems you two get along very well.

Big Convoy, you saw me, didn't you?

That's it, two of you!

Get ready now and come to the air lock!

Where's your reply?!

Yes, sir...

You, jerk, Colada!

If we're att*cked by the Destrons and end up dying in the space...

...this might be the last time I get to eat my carrots!


It's time to commence transport.

Contact HQ with the regular line!

The regular line?

Unless we use an encrypted line, the Destrons will be able to discover it.

I don't repeat an order.

Understood, I'm contacting HQ with the regular line.

Cybertron HQ, this is the Gung-Ho.

This the is Gung-Ho, the Cybertron unit is commencing the transport of the Angolmois capsules by the transport ship.

Yay! I've got great info!

Everybody, let us see each other again if I'm alive! Even if I wasn't alive, let's see each other, too!!

Good grief, don't cry! You're makin' me feel like we ain't really comin' back alive.

Will they be OK?

Well, it's not like the Destrons will attack them for sure.

I wonder about that? I've spoken to HQ with using the regular line, so...

Why the hell did you do that?!

Because, it was an order from Big Convoy!

Speaking of, I don't see Big Convoy here...

He didn't even come to see them off...?

That's what I thought. I wonder if Stampy and Colada were gotten rid of, giving the excuse that they're escorts?

If that's so, then you, Break would have been sent out first, don't you think?

You're right.

What the heck?!

Hey, hey, Magmatron, listen up!

The Cybertron guys seem to be sending the collected Angolmois capsules to their front-line base!

What?! You're sure of this?

They communicated with a regular line, so it leaked out completely...

...actually, no, I was able to catch it because of this Miss Monroe's brilliant skills!

They've finally made a move.

No incoming enemies from anywhere in the space. No abnormalities so far.

Geez, how timid is he?

Hey, Big Convoy, where didja get off to?!

Goodness! I can't believe he's gone somewhere at an important time like this!

Does he still think he's a lone wolf?

Big Convoy!

Where are you hiding?

There's no way Big Convoy is in a place like this, but...

...somehow I have a bad feeling about this...

This time, we'll steal all of the Angolmois capsules!

Failure will not be tolerated!

Yes, sir!

Please teleport us, Miss Monroe.

I'm gonna nail it for you!


How can you take a nap at a time like this?!

Being as frightened as you are, you're gonna burn yourself out.

This is my natural disposition!

You'd better rest up, so that ya can move quickly if somethin' happens.

Well, according to my ears, within ten thousand kilometers there are no enemies detected, so...

...we can relax for now, Colada.

Stampy... aren't you forgetting something important?

What exactly?

I've got a handkerchief and tissues...

...I've brushed my teeth...

That's right, th-they can teleport themselves, I forgot about that!

Colada, you were saying something earlier... what did you say we should do if something happened?!

If something happened, in any case...

Run for it!

Wait for me, please!

You guys, aren't you the guards of this transport ship?!


T-That's cowardly, for you to sh**t an enemy from behind!

It's more cowardly to run away in the face of an enemy!


DEAD g*n!



Fools! You've been backed into a corner.

What?! Nobody's here!

Where did they go?





Where were you hiding?!


Good! They're locked up in there!

Damn! You'll pay for this!!

It's good that they're locked up in there, but what'll we do after this?!

Oh no!

There's an ejection hatch right next to you.

You two, escape into outer space!

B-B-Big Convoy?!

Just where are you?!

Leave the rest to me. I have a plan.

In any case, let's follow Big Convoy's lead!

Ya, we'll do!

Somehow, we're saved!

We're not saved at all!

Those guys freakin' abandoned their ship!

That is not a beautiful ending as a guard.

What's going on here?!

This is the storage for the Angolmois capsules!

I've done it!

This feat was achieved all because of me being a lieutenant!

You know you didn't do much on this.

But, there's no energy reading.

What didja say?!

Careful, they could explode!

What is this? Are they papier mache capsules?

They tricked us; that's not beautiful!

The Cybertrons are supposed to be the warriors of justice, aren't they!?

We missed the feat because you guys are clumsy!

Ain't dat some crap!


A shame, isn't it, you Destron gentlemen?


Big Convoy!

So, you were riding on board the freight ship!

I'm going to wish the Destron guys a farewell, so wait here for a sec.

The giant planet behind you is...

...the planet Mesklin, known for its strong gravity.

Once you descend on that planet, it will be extremely difficult for you to leave.

Take a good rest for a while!

Hey, DNAVI, hurry up and teleport us!

You talk like that, DNAVI will be mad!

Right, right! Today's keyword; "Mr. Maric", teleport us now!

That's not it! I'm sure it was the name of a famous movie actress...!


Big Convoy, bravo!

That planet is wrapped by a strong gravitational pull and electromagnetic wave,

...so I assume their teleportation device won't properly work there.

For the next while, they won't get in our way.

So, it was your scheme to deliver the Angolmois capsules during that time by way of the Gung-Ho.

Ya... I'm sorry I had to trick you guys as well...

...but they say; "In order to deceive an enemy, one must first deceive one's allies".

Now I see...

Now, let's contact the Gung-Ho and get the Seagull to pick us up.

This is Big Convoy.

Gung-Ho, come in! Gung-Ho, come in!

This is NAVI! This is NAVI!

Everything is going as planned.

I wonder if Big Convoy's taking a nap in the cargo bay?

That can't be possible.

What's this?

Is it an earthquake...?

No... there's no earthquakes in space!

What is this?!

There's something abnormal going on with the hull of the Gung-Ho!

What is it? What happened?!

There's a hole in the Gung-Ho's cargo bay!

A meteorite?!

Or new Destrons?!

We gotta get back there quickly!

You two, please wait up!

M-M-M-My body's... stuck and... can't... get... out!


What the hell are you guys?! Are you Destrons?!

You! You! YOU!


You! YOU!




ARM sh**t!



Meddlesome guys...!





CLAP m*ssile!


k*ller sh**t!

The Gung-Ho should be close.

I can hear its subtle engine sound!

It looks like there's no particular abnormalities...

But then, where did everyone go?

What happened?!

What's wrong, guys?!

L... Look out!

W-What are they?!




Look out!




Big Convoy!

Why, YOU!

Those guys... could they be...?

I can't believe they've made a giant hole in the Gung-Ho's tough outer wall...

Yeah, they were not your usual types...

Big Convoy, are you OK?

Never mind me, please take care of everyone else.

They are seriously injured but it looks like they'll manage to recover.

I'm sorry... the Angolmois capsules got stolen...

It's not only your fault, Break.

To be honest, I've never felt scared like that before.

In everything I've learned so far, I've never encountered guys like that!

No... not even within my experience of long battles.

Guys...I'm sorry.

I'm the one who's been the fool.

The Destrons must've seen right through my operational plan...

...and summoned some new comrades.


Truly, I've never seen Transformers like them before...!

Just what are they?

Big Convoy, the bravest of many fierce battles; even he doesn't know who these three mysterious Transformers are.

Who in the world are they?

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


There's trouble! There's trouble!

We've got trouble, Archadis!

What's wrong, DNAVI?

An intruder has come on board the Dinosaur!

Such a bold guy like that... could it be Big Convoy?

Let's see... he had tusks, too, but he looked, say, much uglier.

Could it be those guys whom they were talking about recently?

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 26 is, The Stolen Capsules.

Please look forward to it!

It's those guys, called the Blentrons!
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