05x24 - Gather! New Warrior Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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05x24 - Gather! New Warrior Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by

Ashi Production

It needs to be cooked a bit longer...

During that time...

...I should put together that report.

It's a promise made between Planet Seibertron's Vector Sigma-sama and me...

...that I would report back to her on the Transformers we met on our journey...

I'll start off with Mach Kick, I guess?


Hey, Heinrad, what're you doing?

You're sneaking around all by yourself, that's suspicious!

I'm putting together a report to be sent to HQ...

You better not be talking bad behind our backs!

By the way, this Tanuki soup looks really good!

You don't mind us having a sip of it, do you?

Yeah, let's eat it up!

Ahh, not yet!

I'm thinking about having it after my report's done.

Oh? It's a report about Mach Kick?

Geez... that guy has been cocky right from the start.

Well, I have to admit that he's more experienced than us, though.

He fought with lieutenant Longrack often.

Just thinking about Mach Kick makes me angry!

Was somebody talking about me?

Go ahead, spit it out!


Nothing! We're saying that Mach Kick's been helping us on various things...

You were saying something totally different earlier...

That's right! That's right!

I also went through various hardships, trying to raise rookies like you guys.

I'm the lieutenant, please don't forget that, at least!

Yes, sir! ...is that what you wanna hear?

----- Episode 15 Dialogue Start ---- Big Convoy and that horse...

What's the relationship between them?

It's not that kind of relationship...!

Outta tha' way!

Outta tha' way!

Here I come!

What in the-?

Sorry! I'm sorry!! I'M SORRY!!!

Here it goes!

I think it's almost ready?

Yay! Clean up time!

Wha-? Wha-?!

That old-world charm...!

...the antique colour is disappearing!

Let's giddyup, Longrack!

How many times do I have to tell you?! I'm the lieutenant!

I'm the one giving orders!

I'm not ordering! It's a rallying cry, you know!

Transporter - Launching!

Sleep-talking is something you do when you're sleeping, you know!

Look who's talking!

I'd like you to cut back on your snoring, attitude, and tall tale!

Snoring?! Just when was I snoring?!

Every single night!

That can't be true!

Yes it is!






See? Here comes something!

DOUBLE m*ssile!

Come on. That was disappointing.

Here it comes again!

Whatever... we don't have anything to fear!

DOUBLE m*ssile!

What did it just-?!



The Angolmois capsule is on the top floor of this tower!

There's no time! Let's fly!

This time, it's coming in a group!


Watch this!

A-An electromagnetic barrier?

"Carelessness can be very dangerous", they say.

That main computer is quite well-made​.

We don't have any other weapons, except this.

But, what are you planning on doing?!

Destroying that computer's main source of power!

Aim firmly!

No, I meant, what are YOU going to do?

I'm going to do this!

H-Hurry it up!

This is nuts!

You're not using your head at all!

Just hurry up and fire already!

R-Roger that!

Captain Strata!

Have you been well, Mach Kick?

Captain Strata! You're alive!

I've been waiting for you.

For me?!


For us to build together a new Thoroughbred Corps.

R-Roger that!

Hang on a moment, Mach Kick!

You currently belong to the Big Convoy unit!

C'mon, don't be so square!

I've already contacted your battleship for you.

There's nothing to worry about.

Hang on a minute!

The Gung-Ho is not a battleship, but a trainee ship!

As a Cybertron captain, you should know this much!

Don't tell me--!

Look out!!

A hologram?

It's not like you, Mach Kick!

Use your head a bit more!

Damn! Of all things, it used Captain Strata to get to me!

What are we going to do? They've powered it up again!

There's one way to do this!

While I'm luring those guys...

After all, I'm a nice guy, dont'cha think so, Longrack?!

You're just moody, that's all...

Didja say something? Didja say something?!

Yes-yes-yes! You're a nice guy!

I'll return as soon as I get the Angolmois capsule!

Until then, hang in there!

Right! I'll hang in there as best as I can!


C'mon and get some!

Come and catch me!


What the heck?!

It's just a bit further!

I've got no choice but keep going!

The ultimate defense system AND the ultimate attack system...!

Which is truly stronger?!

Mach Kick, we've done it! I've got the Angolmois capsule!

Good work, Longrack!

The Cybertrons have flown to the planet Galo's Arctic pole.

There's definitely an Angolmois capsule there.

This time around, we'll bring it back beautifully.

You even report about the Destrons, too, huh?

Oh, this?

Knowing about our enemies is important also!

At any rate, that Archadis guy is quite cunning!


I beg your pardon for me being so cunning.

I hate that type the most!

But I'm pretty sure that he's hated by his Destron comrades, too!

What a sad guy when his comrades hate him!

It's usually the case for a person like that who doesn't realize that he's being hated.

Yes, yes! You got that right!

...like Mach Kick...

You say something?

No! Nothing.

He'll be useful.

What's that?!


Who the heck did this?!

You are my first souvenirs to Magmatron-sama, so, please don't think I'm cunning, OK?

At this rate, it'll be the end of us!

Longrack, what're we gonna do next?!

You're the freakin' commanding officer, aren't you?!

Give us some damn orders, NOW!


As Cybertron warriors, openly and squarely...

...we'll surrender!

Yeah, I remember that! That was a horrible order!

Longrack, you haven't grown up at all, even after you became a lieutenant.

That's absolutely right!

After all, an experienced and brilliant person like me should be the lieutenant...

Look! We're doing a report on Archadis right now, you know!

Well, while we're at it...

I didn't know there was one more dog left, you, Cybertron!

If you're gonna say that, can you say "one more horse", instead?


I beg your pardon for me being so cunning.

That's it!


He did it!



How dare you!! I'll turn you into a horse meat steak!

And I'll turn you, into a grilled archeopteryx!

Destron var'mit!


Hm! I foal that went well!

Nice pun!

Finally, it's time for me to show up!

The Cybertron named Randy was a kind-hearted, powerful...

...and very energetic guy!

Oh? This is the entrance to yer home?

Ah, my apologies!


Please, don't be so mad.


What a wimpy Cybertron!

Who're ya?!

Who's the crooked one, doing a sneak attack like that?!

Was it you, guys? That was unforgivable!

Y'all must be poachers from earlier!

I won't let ya get away with this!

I'll protect the animals of this planet!

We're not interested in such things like animals!

Every poacher says that!

And they say, what they're interested in is the money and energy!

I'll take this guy out with another shot from my Tailbunker!




Sling! You OK?! Sling?!

Do ya want some, too?!

Or, should I give ya one more charge, which is my specialty?!

I've been feeling out of shape, so this is good timing!

Sling, l-let's retreat for now.

DNAVI, please teleport us!

She won't do it by calling her that!

Today, she said something like, "Address me as Hamburg."


Wait, no... not Hamburg.

Or was it, Omelette Rice?

That's it! I remember now!

I'm sure it was Curry Rice!

It's Kerensky!


Do both of you want to be teleported to the end of the universe?!

Uh, hang on...!

Wait, DNAVI!

I told you, that's not it!

Kerensky-chan, please teleport us!

Let us beautifully meet again!

Where'd they head off to?

No need to worry.

No matter what happens, I'll be there to protect ya.

That's my mission after all.

No mater what guys come here, I'll be sure to chase them off!

Hydra is a Destron, but he was kind of a lovable guy...

The engines have been hit!

We did it! We did it!

No, somehow it appears the enemy ship went into warp avoiding our missiles!



Don't cling on to me!

Do you freakin' think I like doing that?!

Now, now, let's all be friends!

Quit messing around!

Get off me!


Wait, Hydra!

It's me! It's me, Guiledart!

I know! That's why I'm attacking!

If I defeat you, Magmatron-sama will make ME his lieutenant!

Just hold on! This isn't the time to be talking about something like this!



Hey, what are you guys doing here?!

150 years ago, you said something like that, and then hit me with a surprise attack!

I haven't forgotten that!!

They really ARE getting away!

70 years ago, you tricked me here, too! I will never, EVER trust you!

It's true, Hydra! Those Cybertron guys are getting away with the capsule!


Are you trying to make me believe you, even using Ope?!

You're wrong!

He really is a gloomy kind of guy...

Hey, you, the lovable guy there, ENOUGH already!


Heinrad, what're ya doin'?!

Sometimes, you should believe what someone says, because it IS true!

You don't have to freakin' give him a lesson on stuff like that!

Come on, hurry!

He really is a lovable kind of guy!

You're wide open!


How dare you?!

I really am a lovable kind of guy...

Are you OK?

That attack didn't phase me at all...

Yeah, Bump... he's a Cybertron but somehow I didn't like him.

He's an academic and intelligent, so I can see why Break can't get along with him.

Yeah, that's right...


Are you saying I'm stupid?!

I didn't say that!

I really don't like him!

I send the analysis results to HQ.

It's kinda too low-key...

Nonetheless, Cybertrons should be fighting the Destrons!

This type of low-profile research is...

...keeping the Cybertrons strong.

Something you kids wouldn't understand...


Calm down. Fighting is no good.

Fellow Cybertrons should get along with each other!

Isn't that...?!

So it was freakin' YOU who stole the parts from the Seagull!

You've got some nerve!

I didn't steal any parts...

I just moved the stuff that was there.

Good grief, we can't be too careful around this guy!

What's up with this guy?! Hey! Don't be curling up!

All he does is quibble.

How could you do such a thing to my lab?!

SPIRAL b*mb!

Now I am MAD!


Yay, I did it!



Ha! So you can do it when you set your mind to it!

Seems so!

Then, he should have fought much earlier!

I REALLY don't like him.


Nevertheless, the Destrons keep throwing bad guys at us one after another...

Then, where the he...ck is... it... may... I... ask?

Where did I see it?

I can't remember.

Geez! Fine, I'll make you remember!

W-What are you going to do? B-Break?!

Hardhead-san, look out! It's a meteorite!

That's right! I remember now!

What was that?

Um, I thought a meteorite came crashing down...

Um, do you remember the place where the capsule is?

I just did, but...

...I've forgotten now.

Please hurry up and remember, it could be any time that there's an expl*si*n, Hardhead-san!

I remember!


You, the hardheaded bastard!

You are... actually Cybertrons?!



Stop running away like a mouse!

With this, I'm going to beat the hell outta you until you're scrap!





Right?! You're hardheaded! Am I hardheaded?! Hey, AM I?!

You're hardheaded!

Feel as if the sound of the roaring waves are his breathing...

Feel as if the surging wave is a sign of his very presence...

If I can tear through the raging waves,

...then it is possible to tear through Big Convoy as well!




You've lost, Big Convoy!


It's completed!

The lethal technique, Raging Waves Destroyer !

As we review our past events like this, I can see that we've met many Transformers during our journey...

Well, it's the thing they say; the universe is vast.

However, out of all the newcomers, I'm the most brilliant one!

Munch, munch... What the heck are you eating, Mach Kick?

That was quite delicious!

Just when I was thinking to get the share of it later...!

Vector Sigma-sama, if we have to deal with newcomers like this,

...this training journey will have troubles along the way...!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


We've got trouble!

The Angolmois capsules are being targeted!

Is it the Destrons again?!

It was some incredible guys that I've never seen before!

They might be stronger than Big Convoy!

If it was a Destron, we won't be beaten though!

Then, Stampy, you take care of the Destrons for us, OK?!

By myself?!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 25 is, The Mysterious Beast Warriors!?

Please look forward to it!

They are REALLY strong!
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