05x22 - Stolen Gung Ho

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x22 - Stolen Gung Ho

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by

Ashi Production

The Cybertrons' training spaceship, the Gung-Ho,

...has arrived at 424 Space Station, in order to replenish their supplies, and for the ship's maintenance.

424 SPACE STATION This replenishing base has a fully automated system,

...therefore, it was supposed to be the first day off in a long while for the cadets.

Gung-Ho, docking complete.

I see.

All right, all members, get off the ship!

I'm giving you a day off today!

Hooray! I was getting tired of Gung-Ho's obstacle courses and simulations!

All right!

I get to disembark after such a long time!

It's a getaway...!

You guys, just because we're on a holiday, doesn't mean you should lower your guard!

Oh, don't be so square, Longrack!

How nice, they get to have a day off!

Hey, NAVI.


What's that spaceship over there?

Let's see... it at least seems like a Cybertron ship, but it's a very old type.

I'm pretty sure they're planning to dispose of it.




Isn't this, a bit too shallow?

I agree.

It's just right for us though!

That's right!

How the heck can you say it's cold, this is freakin' boiling hot!

You, too, how the heck can this be hot, when it's like water?!

Let's adjust the hologram.

I guess we should.

It's fine like this!

That's right!

We've already adjusted it!

Checking of each parts - complete!

Beginning regular maintenance!

The Seagull seems to be quite damaged, so give it an intensive check.

Re-checking the Angolmois capsule storage.

Good work, NAVI.

You're still here?

You can leave this to me here and go rest.

I don't need any rest.

Taking a short break at a medical room is enough for me.

And besides...

And besides...?

If I go, they won't be able to rest, you know?

It DOESN'T matter!

You, Big Convoy, are the one who's been working the hardest on this ship, so I URGE you to take a good rest!

I got it. If anything happens, contact me immediately.

Yes, sir!

That's Big Convoy.

Finally a stroke of luck came for us, Bazooka.

What are you planning to do, Crazybolt?

You know already; we're gonna take it!

We're going to do that AGAIN, are we?!

We just did that not too long ago, and we had a terrible experience, we did.

It's thanks to that, we've come this far!

Don't worry, just follow my lead. I won't steer you wrong.

Nothing really good ever happened since I followed Crazybolt's lead, that it did not.

Don't worry!



And we'll put on the masks we used before...

I am ready, too, I am.

You know, it's a day off but I ended up feeling tired...

I totally agree...

So now, what do I wanna do next?

A savanna's grassland would be nice, Mach Kick.

I see, that's a good idea.

If we're gonna do that, let's go to a desert!

No freakin' way, Antarctica is the best!

It's a long-awaited day off... A desert!

It's our long-awaited day off...

...and Big Convoy isn't here...

...we can stretch out and relax...

...so, let's just get along...!


I think it's better if I don't go in.

What do you suppose this is?

Isn't it possibly what Magmatron-sama has been looking for?

What in the world is that...?

He was saying something like... "Angolmois capsules", or something.

That's good!

If we can commandeer this ship, it's possible for us to get back into the Magmatron unit!

Regular check - complete!

All that is left is the Seagull's maintenance to be completed!

Hey, good work!

Who are you?

We are this base's guards, the fox, Erima-Oinarin.

I am the armadillo, Daruma-jiro, I am.

Guards? That is strange!

The 424 Space Station is an unmanned base, so there shouldn't be any personnel like you!

That's correct!

Congratulations! You passed the test!


That's right. We're special staff assigned to inspect a navigational-type computer like you.

I don't need any inspection!

...well, that's what everybody says.

We are testing them once every few years to see if they can make sound decisions or not.

Thus, the next test will be to launch this ship!

I-I can't do that! Unless it's an order from Big Convoy himself, I cannot move the ship!

That's right! You passed the test again!

This NAVI-kun is quite brilliant, wouldn't you say, Daruma-jiro?

I-Is something wrong?

Just now... his face...

Besides, isn't your body too big for an armadillo?

N-No, it's not...!

N-Now that you mention it... you've been acting a bit strange.

What's wrong, Daruma-jiro?!

Wh-What're you doing?!

Just be quiet and do what I say!

O-Oh, we've got trouble!

What's wrong?!

Daruma-jiro has turned into a Destron!

N-No way!

This is a Destron plague!

Once they get it, the Cybertrons will all turn into Destrons!

N-No way!

There's no doubt about this! The Destron plague is widespread at this station!

W-What should we do?!

This plague temporarily stops its activity once we step out into space!

Hurry, escape this station at once!


I-It hurts! I'm turning into a Destron!

Erima-Oinarin, too?!

Y-You should run for it! At this rate, you'll turn into a DNAVI!

It hurts!

Understood! Gung-Ho, emergency launch!

It's too late for me!

Very soon, I'll look like a Destron!

But I will never forget the spirit of justice!

Hang in there!

We'll break away from this base immediately and I'll search for a cure in the computer!

The Gung-Ho?! Just where exactly is it going?!

NAVI? Just what exactly happened, NAVI?!

Big Convoy!

Don't be fooled!

That's a Destron!

A Destron soldier is pretending to be Big Convoy!

What?! No way!

Look, this is his true form!

NAVI, what are you doing?! Come back at once!

It hurts! NAVI-kun, if we return, nobody will be saved!

I'm sure the real Big Convoy has turned into THIS by now!

What's wrong, NAVI?! Can't you hear me?!


Full speed ahead!

Good! That's excellent judgment!

Longrack, come in! Longrack!

Did something happen, Big Convoy?

We've got an emergency situation. The Gung-Ho's been stolen!

What did you say?!

I'm going after the Gung-Ho! You guys follow me!


Everyone, let's go!

Go?! Just how are we gonna go after it?!

Exactly, we don't have the Seagull!

No, but I'm positive there was a rickety ship that was left here.

Do you think that thing can move?!

But we have no other choice...

Wherever it's broken, I'll fix it! Now, let's go!

Hang on, Erima-Oinarin, What are you doing?!

I'm changing the program so that nobody can invade from the outside.

Now the bridge is completely closed off!

Why would you want to do that?!

It's because...

...we're actually REAL Destron soldiers!



I'm the Destrons' Independent Invasion Soldier, Crazybolt!

As am I, the Destrons' Fortress Guard, Bazooka!

Y-You tricked me!

You got that right!

We're deeply sorry.

You, the good children watching...

...you must not easily believe what strangers tell you!

NAVI, come in! NAVI!

Not good. At this rate, I can't even dock!

It's a do-or-die at this point!

Here goes!

A flying boat! Was it after this ship?!

Big Convoy!

As I thought, that was the real Big Convoy!

That's correct! Soon we'll sh**t him though.


Understood indeed.

Ah! Big Convoy!

We now got a nice present for Magmatron-sama.

Big Convoy is a lucky guy, since he was destroyed by I, Bazooka!

Hey, are you not done yet, Longrack?!

It'll be done soon! Don't rush us!

Hurry up or else, things are gonna be a mess!

If that's the case, why don't you guys help, too?!

Our hands are full trying to learn how to pilot a ship we're not familiar with... so hang in there, both of you!

Yeah, yeah, roger that!

Goodness! I hope there's nobody playing around at a time like this!

Did someone call me...?

Even though the maintenance was done on it, I don't have any other choice!

You h*jacked the Gung-Ho, you say?

Yes. And of course, there are plenty of Angolmois capsules, too.

Well done, Crazybolt and Bazooka!

It's my utmost pleasure to receive your complimenting words.

Now I will be able to come back to Magmatron-sama's unit!

I'll consider it.

Magmatron-sama, I would advise some caution.

That Crazybolt, he spews out so many lies that he can't be trusted at all!

I know.

Crazybolt and Bazooka!

Come to space point 2049!

We'll wait for you there.

If by any chance you guys show up with Gung-Ho, then we'll believe you.

That's it!

Ah, please wait!

Why do you think they don't trust us?

It is because you tell so many lies, you do!

When have I ever lied?!

All the time, you do!

The computer has been commandeered, and I can't get into the bridge...

I'm pretty sure NAVI has been taken hostage.

Now then...

They say, sometimes you gotta lie in order to achieve one's goal, you know?!

A lie is a lie, it is!

Big Convoy... I'm sure he's successfully infiltrated the ship by now.

Please wait, Big Convoy!

Can it be any harder to steer this ship?!

The radar is also useless!

Weapons are no good, either. Are we really gonna go?!

Don't worry! Things will work out somehow if we go!

That's right! That's good!

This area is directly under the bridge.

It'll depend on how many foes there are, but I'll try anyway.

Huh? What's that?!

Somebody infiltrated!


Big Convoy!

You've got some guts to steal a Cybertron spaceship.

However, no matter what, we can't let you have the Angolmois capsules!

Y-YOU! Just what are you going to do?!

I've activated a self-destruct device in the Angolmois capsule storage room.

In three minutes it will explode!


That isn't the Angolmois capsule storage room.

That's the simulator room which everyone uses for target practice.

I wonder what Big Convoy is planning...?

In case you didn't know,

...if the Angolmois capsules explode, this ship will be blown without leaving any trace​.

It will even make a massive hole in the cosmic space.

My goodness!

You'll also be wiped out!

An incompetent commander who allowed his ship to be stolen is better off dead.

Well then, see you in "the next world".

It can't be helped, we gotta stop this!

This one will remain on the bridge.

Forget it! Without the two of us, we can't possibly defeat Big Convoy!


D-Don't worry, we've got the computer, Bazooka!

I wonder if the two of them can win against Big Convoy?!

Hurry, there's less than one minute till it explodes!

Nothing has changed here!

Just where is the self-destruction device?!

Oh, no! We've been tricked!


Wh-What is this?!

It's a simulator, it is!

We've been completely tricked, we have!

You got that right.

Big Convoy! So, that expl*si*n was...!

I've just made a new entrance to the bridge!

NAVI, how long will it take to bring the computer back to its original state?

I assume five minutes will do.

As it's a simple recombination, the password and block should be undone right away!

Good! Then I'll ask you to be my training partners for a bit.

Which one of you wants to take me on?

H-H-He does!

Let us dual!

The way of Destrons is to die, it is!

It's the Seagull!

Where's Big Convoy?

There's no reading. It seems there's nobody on board.

Dammit! Now that it's come to this, it'll be an avenging battle for Big Convoy!

Colada, full speed ahead!

Right, leave it to me!

It's not like he's dead for sure, though...!



This shall finish it!


You're quite strong...!

But not stronger than me!

If I'm up here, your attack can't get me!

You may be right. However...


How about this?!



After this experience, don't you ever think about stealing our ship again!

Big Convoy, the computer is fully back to the way it was!

Big Convoy, you're safe!

Yeah, even though it ended up being a terrible holiday.

...and don'tcha come back anymore!

My goodness...

You've made quite the flashy mess, Big Convoy!

The athletic room is in an unbelievable condition, too.

We'll have to go to the space station again for repairs!

Well, another vacation then...?!

I'm sorry, Big Convoy. It's all my fault.

Just be careful from here on...

NAVI, you'll need some adequate rest in order for you to make appropriate decisions.

You are to take a break at the next space station.

That's an order!

Y-Yes, sir!

Give NAVI a break? I've said something not like me again...



It's nice to do this once in a while!

M-Magmatron-sama, please help us!

It's me, Crazybolt!


Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


What?! Big Convoy was a failed student, you say?!

Who's saying such a thing?!

It's the guy who used to be Big Convoy's teacher, Break!

Oh my! A fierce drill sergeant whom even Big Convoy fears, Survive, has come!

What's gonna happen to us?!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 23 is, Survive: the Hot-Blooded Instructor.

Please look forward to it!

By the way, who's Killerpunch?

Beats me?
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