05x15 - Mach Kick Volunteering Enlistment!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x15 - Mach Kick Volunteering Enlistment!?

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

The Cybertrons have set foot on the planet Com, located an Angolmois capsule...

...and successfully acquired it.

Big Convoy, I got my hands on an Angolmois capsule!

This place shall be your grave!

TAIL sh**t!

Not good!

I won't make it in time!

What's that?!

Not bad.

Was that from a newcomer? What a nuisance.

Bring me back, DNAVI!

Thank you very much, Big Convoy!

I almost got blown to bits along with the Angolmois capsule.


I'm not the one who shot down Guiledart's m*ssile...

Somebody's watching us...

Big Convoy, is something wrong?​

N... No.

Everyone return to the Gung-Ho, at once!

Yes, sir!


Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!!

What is it?

A-A suspicious guy... has broken into the ship!


Does he know this is the Cybertron spaceship?

If so, that bastard must have a very thick skin!

Let's chuck him out into the absolute zero of outer space!

Where is he? Please guide us.

This way!

H... Here!

I-Inside MY room?!

Got it, guys?

We'll fly together at him all at once!

But what happens if he's a good guy?

Not too many good guys would sneak into someone else's spaceship...

You're right about that.

Damn straight! Let's go guys!

Together now and---!

W-What the...!

M... My...

My room!!

Hey, Longrack, your vein is showing up.

Geez! I can't allow this!

My high-sense interior has been completely changed into a horse barn!


You there! Get out of here now! This is MY room!

ARM sh**t!


What's up?

I was taking such a nice nap...

Taking a nap?!

What happened to my interior?!

Oh that? It was in the way, so I tossed it into outer space.

T-Tossed it?

Tossed it...

Longrack, calm down already.

What's going on? What happened?

Ah, Big Convoy!

A-Are you Big Convoy?!

I am deeply moved, sir!

Big Convoy and that horse...

What's the relationship between them?

It's not that kind of relationship...

He's eating so much of my solid fuel!

You know, I couldn't refuel for while 'cause I was looking for Big Convoy everywhere in the universe...

My name is Mach Kick!

I observed Big Convoy play an active role back on that fortress planet...

...and I've made up my mind to fight alongside with him someday...

Hey-hey! Either choose to eat or talk!

Didn't yer mama ever tell you not to talk while ya eat?

I beg of you, please accept me to join the Big Convoy unit!

I don't know what to say to that.

I beg of you.

For Heaven's sake, please!

This unit was formed to train new recruits.

This isn't a unit where a warrior like you is meant to join.

I don't care about that!

I'll start as a new recruit, or even a lower rank than that!

This is lieutenant Longrack.

Longrack, I'll leave Mach Kick to you.


He's an experienced warrior but in this unit, you guys are his seniors.

Yes, sir!

Got it? You're to clean every nook and corner of this ship.


If there's even one spec of dust you'll have to do it all over again!

Got it?


Outta tha' way!

This is gonna get interesting with Longrack and Mach Kick!

I'm sure that Longrack guy is gonna take the full opportunity to torment this guy!


Outta tha' way!

Here I come!

What in the-?

Sorry! I'm sorry!! I'M SORRY!!!

Here it goes!

On a cold day like this, having hot-pot for dinner is the best...


I think it's almost ready?

Yay! Clean up time!

That old-world charm...!

...the antique colour is disappearing!

Inboard​ cleaning complete!

You know, right? If there's any cloudiness...

What is this glaring light? I have to cover my eyes!

Well, that's close enough to what I can do!

Who in the world is this Mach Kick guy?

I heard he was a lieutenant in the Thoroughbred Corps...

...but during the fight on that fortress planet, his entire unit was wiped out.

And Mach Kick was the only one who survived?

He looks like he knows how to swim with the tide, you know...

I wonder if that's the only reason. He could be communicating with the Destrons.

You're saying he's a spy?

That would explain why he was the only one who survived!

He's the kind of a guy whom we can keep on doubting forever.

Mind if I take a go at it?

H-Here you go.

Go ahead.

I don't need stuff like that.

In... Incredible!

Mach Kick-sensei, please take me on as your disciple!

Damn... It's definitely strange for a guy like that to self-invite himself into our unit out of the blue.

Break mentioned about him maybe being a Destron spy...

...there might be some truth to it.

I will catch him red handed!

The Cybertrons have continuously caught an Angolmois capsule reading near the planet Galo.

Located! Located!

The Angolmois capsule is on the planet Galo!

It's in the area of 31° Northern latitude and 134° East longitude!

Longrack, I'm leaving it in your hands to bring back the Angolmois capsule.

Yes, the Destrons don't seem to be aware of the capsule's existence as of yet.

How about a plan by sending our dummies into a different location...

...and taking the capsule while luring the Destrons away?

No, no! Such plan won't work!

What did you say?

They'll figure out a silly trick like that right away!

We wouldn't know that until we tried it, would we?!

There ARE some sharp ones in the Destrons, too, you know!

Why are you taking sides with the Destrons?!

Enough of this, you two!

Why?! These young folks don't know just how awful the Destrons can be!

I know of your experience very well.

However, I've already told you that Longrack is the senior officer in this unit!


Do as you like, Longrack.


I'll do my best to live up to Big Convoy's expectations!

The Destrons have also caught the reading from the dummies shot toward the planet Galo.

The Cybertrons have flown to the planet Galo's Arctic pole.

There's definitely an Angolmois capsule there.

This time around, we'll bring it back beautifully.

You're a whole bunch of fools.

What is it?

An intruder on the Dinosaur?


Who the heck are you?!

Just leave him to me!

I'll pound him into pieces!


This is Archadis whom I called over as a helper.

Magmatron-sama, why is that, when we're here for you?!

Archadis holds the title of the Destrons' number one most cunning individual.

He will be very useful.

I was going to observe the Magmatron unit in action but, oh my...

...you were about to walk into such a silly trap, so I couldn't keep my mouth shut...

Well, forgive my rudeness.


Did you just refer to us as being "brainless like babies"?!

He didn't go that far!

Archadis, have you thought up something in that famous cunning head of yours?

You all pretend that you've been fooled by their plan, please.

I'll take care the rest.


Archadis, I'll let you do that.

I appreciate your words of entrusting this to me, Magmatron-sama.

You did it, Longrack. All members of the Destron unit were teleported to the Arctic pole.

All right! The plan worked!


It went as I predicted! Now, we'll quickly look for the Angolmois capsule!

The Angolmois capsule reading is coming from that valley!

All right, everyone, let's go!

If a unit is huddled together like this, and then an enemy pulls a sneak attack, your unit will be wiped out!

Have you forgotten, Mach Kick?!

The commanding officer of this operation is me!

Then, do as you please.

Longrack... he's full of self-confidence... he's just like me back on the fortress planet.

I hope everything goes well, though...

Stampy, where's the Angolmois capsule?


What's wrong, Stampy?

There's someone else here other than us.

I've got a reading for sure!

But the Destrons are supposed to be at the North Pole, right?

If not them, then who?

Probably some living creatures on this planet.

Don't worry about it.

What's that?!


Who the heck did this?!

By the way, that Mach Kick guy's gone all of a sudden!

I knew it! Mach Kick is a Destron spy!

No way! That can't be true!

I'm pretty sure HE guided the Destrons to wipe out the Thoroughbred Corps on the fortress planet!

Show yourself, Mach Kick!

What are you confusing yourselves with, you, new recruits?

I am Archadis. The Destrons' newest warrior.

You are my first souvenirs to Magmatron-sama, so, no hard feelings, OK?

At this rate, it'll be the end of us!

Longrack, what're we gonna do next?!

You're the freakin' commanding officer, aren't you?!

Give us some damn orders, NOW!


As Cybertron warriors, openly and squarely...

...we'll surrender.


What did you just say?!

Now that it seems everyone's decided on what to do, please prepare yourselves!

WING b*mb!


It appears that you had a close call, you new recruits!

Mach Kick, the one who came to save me on the planet Com wasn't Big Convoy... but it was you?!

This ain't the time to be worryin' about that now.

I didn't know there was one more dog left, you, Cybertron!

If you're gonna say that, can you say "one more horse", instead?

Hang in there, Mach Kick!

Huh? I thought you hated Mach Kick?!

He's fighting on behalf of all of us!

On this occasion, I'm putting aside my personal feelings.

Don't give up, Mach Kick!

Please hang in there!

Keep on going!

It's a bit too late to be cheering me on...

I would rather you had listened to my advice earlier...


Prepare yourself, Mach Kick.

Once you're on the receiving end of my Founder Shot, you're done for!

That's it!


He did it!




How dare you!! I'll turn you into a horse meat steak!

And I'll turn you, into a grilled archeopteryx!

Destron var'mit!


DNAVI, teleport me!

Thanks to Mach Kick, the Cybertrons had a narrow escape...

...from the enemy trap...

...and were able to acquire the Angolmois capsule and return to the Gung-Ho.

That's two times in a row, getting the Angolmois capsule - good job, Longrack.

You're mistaken, Big Convoy.

If it were not for Mach Kick, all of us wouldn't have made it back here safely.

Even worse, I would have been already scrapped back on the planet Com.

Everything turned out well, thanks to Mach Kick. I'm still not there yet...

Don't be so hard on yourself, Longrack!

He's eating my solid fuel again!

It's just... I didn't go through all sorts of experiences for nothing, that's all.

From here on, you can consider me as your older brother and talk to me about anything!

Mach Kick has lost his own unit at the battle of the fortress planet.

At times, people have to go through painful experiences.

However, they grow up, using those painful experiences as their spiritual food.

I knew Mach Kick's experience would be helpful for Longrack.

So you knew everything to begin with?!


T-That's a moving story...

I said something pretentious again...

It's true though.

I'm still inexperienced.

Yo, inexperienced one, would you mind getting your Older Brother some green tea?

Green tea?

After that...

...let's see... you can massage my shoulders.

Hey, Mach Kick, now you're getting a bit too carried away!

Yessir, Big Convoy!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


What's going on?

The more we attack, the stronger that weaponry gets!

You shouldn't hesitate to attack, Longrack!

As I've just SAID, the more we attack, the stronger it gets!

Fire! Fire!

Mach Kick, I'm the lieutenant!

I'm more experienced!

I can't get along with a horse with a long face!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 16 is, Planet of the Ultimate Weaponry.

Please look forward to it!

Well, your neck is longer than mine!
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