05x12 - Lonely Hydra

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x12 - Lonely Hydra

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

The sun got burned and hurt itself!

Get it? Burned!

What do you think, Ope? Pretty funny, huh?

Hydra, you've told me that silly joke 7825 times already.

Have I said it that many times?

Your memory circuits are maybe broken, I wonder?

Instead of goofing off, help me over here with dismantling this!

Yeah, yeah... I got it.

Oh, that's right! Do you know this one?

The moon fell in love.

I'm really over the moon about you!

You've told me that one 8453 times already!

I wonder what this is?



The Cybertrons' training spaceship Gung-Ho, has picked up an Angolmois capsule reading...

...and arrived here, in the depths of space, at a remote region of the galaxy.

Do you really think there's an Angolmois capsule at a place like that?

Yes, perhaps.

However, there's almost no planets around here...

I don't see any spaceships, either.

It's a space-drift where there's nothing...

Be that as it may​, let's try and head to the area where there's that Angolmois capsule reading.

That way, we should be able to see everything clearly.

I hope it won't be a waste of our time.

Warp Course - Set and complete!

All right! Gung-Ho, GO!

The Gung-Ho has gone into warp.

Just where are they off to?

In that remote region of the galaxy, where I think...

...that Hydra guy had been dispatched.

Hydra, huh?

Well then, let's open a transmission to him.

On it!

Dear me! Magmatron-sama!

It's been a while, Hydra.

That annoying voice must be from Guiledart!

You, bastard, you're still alive?!

Watch yourself! I'm Magmatron-sama's lieutenant!

Even though we're the same age, I'm your superior officer!

So watch your mouth!

Heh! What kind of superior officer​?!

You climbed your way up by buttering up to Magmatron-sama!

What did you say?! You, bastard!

You two get along well, as always.

Enough already.

I heard enough of your antics.

Anyway, Hydra...

Have you gotten anything unusual lately?

The Cybertrons' spaceship is heading towards your location right now.

They're most likely after the Angolmois capsule.

Is... Is that so?

Well then, I wonder if you're referring to that thing?

That's exactly it!

An Angolmois capsule.

I've confirmed the Angolmois capsule reading.

It's the planet in front of us.

But such a planet is not registered in the space map!

It doesn't freakin' matter! The fact is, it's there, ya know!

Confirmation on the Cybertron spaceship!

They're here already?!

Distance is 8000 clicks. It's in the reach of the tentacles.

Good! Catch it!

It appears the Cybertrons have arrived already.

Is that so? Until we get there, do whatever it takes to protect the Angolmois capsule!

Just leave it to me, Magmatron-sama!

Don't do anything clumsy, Hydra...

Dah! I'm not like you!!

This isn't good, NAVI! Something's coming!


Yes, sir!

Full astern!

Go up!

Those weird spikes are coming right at us!

What kinda planet is that?!

I let my guard down as it was shaped like a planet, but that is a Destron fortress planet.

Everyone, prepare for battle!

Stampy, keep watch over the radar!

Break and Colada, to the battle stations.

Longrack and Heinrad, take care of the navigational system!

Yes, sir!

Other tentacles are coming from 3, 4, and 7 o'clock!

At this rate, it's gonna punch a huge hole through the belly of the ship!

NAVI, run into that planet at maximum speed!

I can't comply with that!

My auto-safety will kick in!

NAVI, you freakin' stay out of this!

I'll handle the steering!

We're running into that planet, right, Big Convoy?

That's right.

I'm getting flash backs of my life right before my eyes!

This must be the aura before death!

Don't be saying stuff like that!


Deck No. 4 and 5 - damaged, No. 2 engine - stopped!

Propulsion down by 45% !

Are we really diving in, like this?!

That's right. Like this!

You're outta your mind to be doing this, Big Convoy!

At this rate, the Gung-Ho is gonna fall into pieces!

It's a GO, Colada!!

Yes, sir!

The Cybertron ship is crashing into us! Distance - 6000!

Ready the interceptor missiles!

Fire them off when their ship passes 4000 clicks!

All right!

Break, aim at those missiles with vacuum torpedoes!

Aim?! Just how can I aim at something so small?!

YOU can do it. Go for it!

Go for it... well, I guess I can try.

Colada, turn the ship over by 180° at the same time the torpedoes are launched!

Longrack, right after the flip, jump to warp immediately.

Make sure you're ready for it, both of you!

Yes, sir!!

Big Convoy, No. 2 engine is damaged, so we can only warp up to 10,000!

That should be adequate.

So many tentacles between 2 and 9 o'clock, I can't even count them anymore!

Target lock completed!

Vacuum torpedoes launch!

Wait! Not yet!

Heinrad, launch the Seagull!

The Seagull? Who's riding it?

It's going to be unmanned.

Wh-What's the point?!

No explanation is needed for an order!

Hurry and launch it!

Yes, sir!

A small enemy craft has been caught!

Who cares about it! Hurry up and launch the missiles already!

Projecting the enemy's avoidance behavior, launch them in two stages!

Roger that!

That fortress planet just launched missiles at us!

Okay, do it now, Break!

I've been waiting to hear that!

Turning around 180°!

Enemy's interceptor missiles incoming!

The engines have been hit!

That did it!

Bull's eye! Got all the torpedoes!

Ah!! The enemy had already launched another set of missiles! A second wave is approaching!

Gung-Ho, heading into warp!

We did it! We did it!

No, somehow it appears the enemy ship went into warp avoiding our missiles!


It... It's a miracle...

...that we're still alive.

We narrowly escaped death on that one!

Longrack, hurry and put out the fires, and see to the repairs.

We'll get ready for our counteroffensive shortly!

Yes, sir!

Hey, Heinrad, come with me!

I personally think it's better to run away right after the repairs are done, without doing a counteroffensive...

As a result of my search done when we got closest to the planet, the operation room should be located here.

I'm certain the Angolmois capsule is right there.

The control circuit for the tentacles converges here as well.

That's right.

That means... maybe everything is operated from the same room?

That's probably the case.

So, in order to recover the Angolmois capsule...

What's that huge hollow space there?

Not really sure but...

...it looks like there's quite a number of scrapped spaceships which have been collected!

Just what do they use them for?

He's making them part of that planet.

That fortress planet att*cks spaceships that pass near by, utilizing its tentacles,

...and then they're dismantled and used as its parts.


I'm sure you guys know already, that's an artificial planet.

Built by the Destron, Hydra.

Big Convoy, you already knew about that fortress planet?

I only heard rumor of it.

But somehow I've come up with a game plan to beat it.


It's a quite dangerous operation, though.

Longrack, how are the Gung-Ho's repairs going?

Being that it's only a temporary repair, the engines can be accelerated at full speed.

But the main cannons linked to the engines can't be used.

Hey, hold on a sec!

We're about to fight against that fortress planet, and the only w*apon we have is the freakin' vacuum torpedoes?!

We're gonna die this time for sure...

Furthermore, we're limited to only one more warp.

We're definitely gonna die...!

Big Convoy, what're we gonna do if the Destrons' Dinosaur shows up?!

If Magmatron gets his hands on that Angolmois capsule, we won't be able to recover it anymore!

No, on the contrary, we're going to use the Dinosaur.

Big Convoy, we've got a problem!

The Destrons' mothership, the Dinosaur has appeared!

Heh, a little sooner than I expected...

All right! Everyone to prepare for battle!

Yes, sir!



I have one thing to ask of you.

It seems that even Big Convoy can't touch Hydra's space fortress.

Magmatron-sama, I've managed to protect the Angolmois capsule.

Good work!

Wait until we come into the teleport-able area.

Yes! Copy that!

The Dinosaur is heading toward the fortress planet!

More than likely, they are approaching the teleport-able area!

How are the tentacles' movement?

No movement!

I figured as much...

That fortress planet won't send out those tentacles while the Dinosaur is near.

All right, Longrack, increase to maximum speed to plunge into the Dinosaur!


Big Convoy, are we diving in when we can't use the main cannons?!

I've got that right here.

The Big Cannon?

Warning! Warning!

The Gung-Ho is getting closer from the front!


Big Convoy...

Just what is he thinking?

Feh! You make me laugh for trying to take the Dinosaur head on!

The target - Big Convoy!

Here it goes!

Aim at ME!

Are you ready?!

We're OK whenever!

Oh boy...

Why me...?

We've got one chance at this.

It'll only be when we cross with their ship.


Yes, sir!

I feel lonely when I go by myself, you know...


Various areas are hit, outer wall - damaged, electromagnetic shield - reduced in half!

Hang in there, everybody!

Endure it until we've crossed with them!

It's a crazy operation but it's kinda bold and fun!

Do it now, Heinrad!

Alright! Go for it, Heinrad!



We're going together, Colada-kun!

We're counting on you, Heinrad!

Are you OK, Magmatron-sama?!

Yes, we've got no damage!

Damn! If I could use the Porcupine's tentacles, that piece of scrap ship would be easily taken down!

If you did that, we'd take collateral damage.

More importantly, we're in the teleport-able area now.

Guiledart will be sent, so you'll hand the capsule to him.

To... G-Guiledart?!

I'm ready to go.

All right, DNAVI, teleport him!

Let's see...

Today I'm feeling like...

Hey, why the heck am I here?

Calm down.

You know, they say, "No road is too long with good company".

Just hurry up already, and DO IT!

Yes, yes.

Well, teleporting!

Wha? What are you doing here?!

'Cause, "No road is too long with good company"!

That's right!

Yes, three teleports have been completed!

Three, you say?!

Who else did you send over with Guiledart, DNAVI?!

No idea...

Could it be... that the Cybertrons were on board?

Are they planning to steal the Angolmois capsule?

What a reckless operation.

Just how do they think they can escape from Porcupine?

More than likely, they're thinking about saving them with the Gung-Ho?

Then, they're playing into our hands.

If they come anywhere close to the planet Porcupine, they'll become prey to the tentacles.

And if they escape outside of it, we will attack them!

Whichever way happens, those guys are finished.

I see...

If it goes well, we'll take all the Angolmois capsules on the Gung-Ho as well!


Don't cling on to me!

Do you freakin' think I like doing that?!

Now, now, let's all be friends!

Quit messing around!

Don't be so angry! LET GO OF ME!


Wait, Hydra!

It's me! It's me, Guiledart!

I know! That's why I'm attacking!


If I defeat you, Magmatron-sama will make ME his lieutenant!

Just hold on! This isn't the time to be talking about something like this!

Well, I guess you could call it lucky, huh?




Hey, look! Those Cybertron guys are about to steal the capsule!

Hey, what in the world are you guys doing here?!

150 years ago, you said something like that, and then hit me with a surprise attack!

I haven't forgotten that!!

They really ARE getting away!

70 years ago, you tricked me here, too! I will never, EVER trust you!

It's true, Hydra! Those Cybertron guys are getting away with the capsule!


Are you trying to make me believe you, even using Ope?!

You're wrong!

What a skeptical guy.

Hey, you, the flappy guy, ENOUGH already!


Heinrad, what're ya doin'?!

Sometimes, you should believe what someone says, because it IS true!

You don't have to freakin' give him a lesson on stuff like that!

Come on, hurry!

Geez, wait!

Why didn't you tell me sooner, Guiledart?!

You're wide open!


How dare you?! This isn't the time to fight against each other, is it?!

Look who's talking after you att*cked me like there's no tomorrow?!

They've stolen the Angolmois capsule!

There's nothing to worry about!

Those guys won't be able to leave!

Big Convoy, operation capsule recovery is a success!

What's this? Colada also came with you?

It just happened.

Anyhow, good work!

Get out of there quickly!

Hang on a second! Just how are they gonna get out of there?!

You've made an exit hole not too long ago.

Huh? With those missiles?

But how about their ride?

It's fine.

Big Convoy thought it up.

Isn't that?!

It was ejected during the battle!

I didn't know what that was for during that time, you know...

You've been calculating way ahead by that much?

I guess so...

Now then, the last thing is to take the Seagull back!

Yes, sir!

The Gung-Ho has begun to move.

They're trying to save their comrades?


Uh, yes?!

It looks like Big Convoy's ship is heading toward you.

We'll attack them from both sides!

DNAVI, back away at full speed.


Once we're at a distance, send out the tentacles.


The Cybertrons' small ship!

What is that thing doing here?!

Ah, sh**t!

I totally forgot we took that from them earlier!


Send out the tentacles now!

Forget it! The Dinosaur is too close!

Bombard them at once!

On it!

The Dinosaur is getting closer!

The Seagull isn't back yet?!

Not yet.

We ran out of torpedoes, there's nothing else we can do now!

Hurry, you two!

Thanks for waiting!

We're back home now!


All right! Drop vertically and warp at the same time!



No way! That's horrible! Magmatron-sama!!

Oh! I came up with a good joke even though it's at a time like this.

A planet that hasn't taken a bath for a long time...

...is one that stinks!

It's the first time I've heard that one, but it's NOT funny at all!!

They put one over on us, and got clean away...

I made it by a hair's breadth...!

It's all because of Hydra's clumsiness...!

You, as well! You're a complete moron!!

S... Sir...!

The operation this time around was done solely by my arbitrary decisions.

However, you guys did...

...did... did...

What happened to him, our boss?

I see that he wants to say "thank you" but he's not the up-front type, so he can't get the words out.

You really did a great job. Thank you!

You're welcome!

I ended up saying something the least like me...

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs

Hmm, crystals are mysterious.

Did you know that crystals have the power to swap souls, Break?

How the heck do you think I would know THAT, Saberback?!

What do you think it would happen, Break, if your soul and mine got switched?

That would be so disgusting!!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 13 is, Break is a Destron?

Am I Saberback... OR ...Break?
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