05x08 - Black Hole Crisis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x08 - Black Hole Crisis

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

In order to acquire the Angolmois capsules scattered across the vast universe,

...the heroic Cybertrons and evil Destrons have been battling against each other day and night.

Everyone's happily dreaming right now... being on-duty is boring.

This is part of the training!

Nothing's gonna freakin' happen!

To endure this boredom is the training itself!

What the hell?!

We've caught an Angolmois capsule reading.


NAVI, whereabout?

It's a bit far.

It's on the farthest end of this galactic system.

A location without an address, huh?

All right, destination-set complete!

They say, "everything comes to those who wait", you know!

Let's go!


Oh man... wherever we go, it all freakin' looks the same!

What's that?

Is-Isn't that?!

A black hole!

A black hole?!

I've heard about it before... so this is a black hole, huh?

This is the first time I've been this close to one.

It looks creepy to me!

Oh, this is the right time.

I've always wanted to check the inside of it at least once!

Are you an idiot or something?!

Yes... Yes...

Here it is... about the black hole.

It is a place where everything is sucked in due to its powerful gravity.

Even the electricity, light and X-ray can't escape from its gravity, so it looks like a 'black hole'.

Once you're sucked in, you're done.

But why did we warp out to such a dangerous place?

That's because the Angolmois capsule reading is close to it.

Right here... it's coming from planet T4376.

At this rate, it looks like it's going to be sucked into the black hole.

It's only a matter of time.

We're just gonna pass on this one, right?

However, the order was to bring back the Angolmois capsules regardless of the situation.

We can't be disobeying an order from HQ...

You're right.

But that's a black hole over there!

NAVI, don't bug us when we're talking about important stuff!

There's a spaceship in the shadows of the planet...

It seems like it's the Destrons' spaceship.

The Destrons?!

They might be collecting the capsule already!

We ain't gonna lose to those guys!

Now you're talking!

Yes, that's right.

We must stop the Destrons from getting their hands on the Angolmois capsules, whatever it takes.

We're moving out!

What?! No way!

We can't use the entry capsules this time.

So we'll take the Seagull instead.

Yes, sir!

What a desolate place.

It seems like there's no living things.

It looks insanely powerful.


NAVI, what's our time limit?

With the distance from the black hole...

...and the black hole's gravitational force...

...as well as calculating our Seagull's power...

Let's see... we must return to the Gung-Ho in sixty minutes.

Otherwise, the black hole will swallow us up.

Sixty minutes, huh?

That's cutting it close, isn't it?

In any case there's no time to waste.

We need to acquire the capsule.

Yes, sir!

Grrr! Just when I thought I had found the capsule...

...it so happens to be that it's inside of this bedrock!


I'll take my chance!

Keep at it!

I knew the freakin' Destrons would be here!

Those guys always get in our way.

We're gonna remove them! Let's go!


Not much we can do about him...

Guys, let's go!

Yes, sir!


You guys att*cked us out of the blue, you bastards!



Big... Convoy...


Retreat at once!


You think you can get away?!


The capsule is our priority.

The capsule is within this bedrock.

It didn't budge to their attack at all.

If we do the same thing, we'll make no progress either.

That's why we should give up and go back!

See, the black hole is waiting with its mouth wide open!

But we can't abandon the capsule right in front of us.

Stampy, please search this bedrock.

I guess it can't be helped...

It seems that there's a crack within it.

Here! Big Convoy, if we attack here...!


Let's do it!



Capsule acquisition complete!

Thirty minutes remaining.

We can walk home at this rate!

Good news for you, Stampy!

Now we can say farewell to the black hole!

Now, let's return to the Seagull!

Yes, sir!

You're going to leave that capsule for us!

No way!

We don't have time to battle!

There's no mistake with Sling's information.

All the Cybertrons are here, as well as Big Convoy.

I see.

Even Big Convoy is there.

Hey, don't let them escape!


Prepare yourselves.

I'm going to throw the whole planet along with Big Convoy into the black hole!

Oh my!



Stampy, you hold this!

I'm gonna pay you back double!



Is there any asteroid that will pass by near the planet where the Cybertrons are?

Search for it!

There is.

The one that will pass within the closest proximity is this one, 9356.

And just what does it have to do with anything?!

We'll change the direction just slightly.

Then, it will hit the planet where Big Convoy is.

It, being 9356.

Oh my, where do you come up with this stuff...?

That sounds quite interesting!

It's great for buying some time.




We can't be stranded at a place like this!

We'll be swallowed up by the black hole for real!



Something's not right!

It's too soon for the black hole's influence to be happening!

Now, Big Convoy, what will you do?

Are all team members safe?

Well, somehow...

What was that shock just now?

An asteroid just collided with this planet.

What in the...?!

So, it was like..."a bump!", huh?

By the way, don't you think the black hole is getting larger?!

No, we're freakin' getting closer to it!

Let's hurry!

Yes, sir!

By the way, Stampy, where's the Angolmois capsule?

With that kind of impact, it's gone somewhere, of course!


What was that shock just now?

Well, we got our hands on the capsule anyway.

Let's get the hell off of this planet.


Give that freakin' capsule back!

Outta the way!

SPIRAL b*mb!

DOUBLE m*ssile!







Don't let that go anymore, Stampy!


You, idiots! They've taken the capsule!

Then we'll just take it back!

Ready to teleport!


We're still fighting!

What's going on?

What the hell?

We still haven't taken the capsule back!


This is fine.

Good work, all of you!

Wh-What did you say?

Ten minutes until we plunge into the black hole!

Everyone, get on board!


If we're left behind, we'll be eaten by the black hole!

I'm glad we made it.

For sure!

Ready to launch!


Hey, what's wrong?!

Power to the max!

What the hell?!

Did it break down?!

It can't be! NAVI!

I'm calculating right now.

We're already in the gravity zone of the black hole!


That means...?!

You're saying we can't escape from that black hole?!

That impact from the asteroid earlier... it shifted this planet's orbit and sped it up.

Geez! What was the matter with me!?

There's no way to escape with the Seagull's power.

What are we gonna do?!

Magmatron is planning to throw the Cybertrons along with the whole planet into the black hole.

That's Magmatron-sama for you.

That's great!

In order to do so, he purposely bumped that asteroid into the planet where you guys were.

Magmatron-sama did that, too?

Of course!

If that had harmed us... how horrendous...

Big Convoy and the others cannot escape from there anymore.

Yes, it's like they're stuck on the planet with glue.

Eight minutes until we plunge into the black hole!

What can we do?!

That's why I told you it'd be better not to come here!

No sense telling us that now!

I really tried hard to stop you but Colada and you guys still insisted to go!

There was a capsule here, we had no choice!

You should freakin' stop whining now!

We'd been able to survive if I had team members who would listen to my opinion!

What the hell did you say?! Are you freakin' picking a fight with me?!

Let's not fight among ourselves!

Then, do you have any good ideas?!

Shall we go outside and push?

We're not talking about a car break-down here!

Argh! I give up!

Let me now go inside the black hole then!

I'm gonna observe what's going on in there!

Real men should know when to give up!

It's too soon to give up.

You said, "push from outside", huh?

Are you really going to go outside and push?

No, but we might be able to use the energy from the outside...

Don't tell me...!

Do-or-die, this is our last chance!

Our last chance?!

We will use the Angolmois capsule's energy.

Let's move the whole planet and escape from the gravity zone of the black hole.

That way, the Seagull will also be able to fly out.

Can we do such a thing?!

We won't know unless we try!

Indeed, let's try if there's even the smallest chance.

Then, why don't we use that hard bedrock where we found the capsule?

Let's go!


Five minutes until we plunge into the black hole!

That should do it.

Let's hurry.

But, who's going to be the one to aim and fire at the capsule?

I'd like to refrain from doing that.

Fixation complete!

Good. All of you get on board.

Then you will, Big Convoy?!

Don't worry. Now, get going!

But, Big Convoy...

That's an order!

Yes, sir!

One minute until we plunge into the black hole!

Stop counting every freakin' time!

In any case, we don't know what's going to happen, so hold on tight!

Twenty seconds until we plunge into the black hole!




Farewell, Big Convoy!

I will be engraving your name in my heart, as a brave soldier.











We've escaped from the gravity zone of the black hole!


Oh my, they managed to escape.

That blasted Big Convoy... he used the energy from the Angolmois capsule to his advantage!

Somehow we managed to escape.

But, what about Big Convoy?

Big Convoy!

Are you OK?


Thank goodness!

But it was totally a waste of time.

We couldn't collect the capsule, either.

That's why we shouldn't have gone in the first place!

We didn't make any progress.

No, we got to understand the insane power of the Angolmois energy.

We also gained more than that...

That we have our teamwork, and a lesson never to give up until the end.

Ah! I said something again that wasn't like me.

OK! Let's proceed back to the Gung-Ho!

Yes, sir!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Trouble! There's trouble!

Settle down already, Break!

Big Convoy went missing in the Sargasso space!

I'm not really the type to lead, but I have no choice...

...therefore, I, Longrack will be giving you all orders!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 9 is, Lieutenant Longrack.

Let's go, everybody!

You're proudly sticking your nose... no, your neck out... do you think you'll be all right?
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