05x07 - Duel in the Labyrinth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x07 - Duel in the Labyrinth

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

We've warped out.

The Cybertrons' spaceship, Gung-Ho, has caught an Angolmois capsule reading...

...here, at the resource planet P-0908 and they were about to start their search. RESOURCE PLANET

What's with that planet?

It's full of holes!

At one time, the civilizations from different star systems...

...mined each and every type of mineral resource from this planet...

...that resulted in the planet to take its current shape.

Is there really an Angolmois capsule in a kind of place like this?!

Yes, maybe.


You said it in a quite undependable way!

There are complicated tunnels that are running inside and throughout this resource planet.

And I can only pick up a very weak reading from the Angolmois capsule.

Then, can it be possible that...

...we'll go there and only find out it was a waste of time doing that?!

It can't be helped... It's our mission.

Geez. You gotta be kidding me!

Big Convoy, we've got a problem!

What's wrong?

The Destrons' ship, Dinosaur, is in the moon's orbit!

What did you say?!


Hey, how's are things with Saberback going?

He hasn't reported in yet.

After all, it would have been better if we didn't let him go alone.

If I were to go, something like that would never happen.

I can't believe he said that!

He's the one who talked Saberback into going alone!

This is Saberback! I did it! I found the capsule!

Oh! That brilliant shine tells me surely it is!

Well done, Saberback!

You've lived up to my expectations.

We'll come now and provide you backup!

Backup? You've gotta be kidding me!

This operation is beautiful because it will be done by me alone, from the beginning to the end.

No one had better come!

Just so you know, as long as he's holding the Angolmois capsule in his hands...

...I can't teleport him back here.

What should we do?

It can't be helped. Let him do as he pleases.

Currently we're taking a detour in this area which is out of search range from the enemy's radar.

Radar shielding device is on.

It seems like they haven't noticed us yet.

They beat us to it.

It looks like they're completely ahead of us.

Big Convoy, let's give up here and search other planets!

I can't allow that.

You all know very well what is going to happen...

...if the Destrons get their hands on the Angolmois capsules!

That maybe so, but...

Good news for you, Break.

What is?

As long as an Angolmois capsule is there, you probably won't be wasting your time.

I hate the way he says it!

Big Convoy, I'm going to organize a drop team!

Break, Colada. And Stampy, too!

Huh?! Me, too?!

I don't mind going, but I don't wanna be ordered around by you!


...I freaking don't like the fact that YOU don't go!

Are ya that scared to stand at the front line on the b*ttlefield?!

That's not it!

It's because if we let the Gung-Ho go shorthanded,

...there's a chance the Angolmois capsules we've painstakingly collected so far, might be lost to them!

I know that, but!

No, your personnel selection is pretty good, Longrack.

You three, head off to the resource planet P-0908.

Those are my orders!

Yes, sir!

But don't you think I should really stay here?

I can be watching over the enemy ship's movement and so on.

I want you to use your superior searching ability to find the Angolmois capsule.

I'm counting on you, Stampy!

Yes, sir...



I really don't wanna go!

Hey, Stampy. Hurry up and get started!

W-With what?

What the... you're asking me "what?"!?

Confirm the location of the capsule and find out the shortest way to it!

A-Ah... yes, yes.

It... It's moving... It must be the Destrons!

I knew it.

I can hardly wait to beat them!

Dammit. Now I don't know where the exit is anymore. This is not beautiful...

Hey! What's going on, Saberback? Hurry and come back to the base!

Be quiet!

It's none of your business when I will return!

Let me warn you, the Cybertrons might show up.

Magmatron-sama is very worried about you.

Of course, me, too!

What you're worried about is not me, but this one, isn't it?

Hey, where are you going?

The Angolmois capsule reading is underneath here!

I know that!

But we have to make a big detour in order to go down.

No need to. Follow me!

Oh I see, why didn't I think of it?

Use your brains a bit more!

Then, you don't need my searching ability!

I put myself in danger and plus, you guys complain about me... there's no point for me to have come here.

This is an amm*nit*on storage. Don't tell me they're loaded...?

Holy crap, they ARE fully loaded!

Y-You guys!

At last I got to see you!

Oh my, it's surprising you're all by yourself!

Hey! This is a highly flammable area here!

Don't give me your bullcrap excuse!

I'm serious!

Break, I think what he's saying is right!

What?! Colada, hang on a second!

I'm gonna make ya eat THIS!

Oh, crap!

Oh... Oh no!

Isn't this...?

Those accursed Cybertrons!

Hey! We've just confirmed an expl*si*n!

I-It's nothing. Don't worry about it!

It's nothing?!

Those Cybertron guys showed up!

Don't worry though.

I'm going to fight them off by myself!

Hey, you'd better tell me that the Angolmois capsule is safe!

Of course! Over and out!


I am going to seize it back!

Hey, Stampy, the Angolmois capsule came flying this way, didn't it?

Uh, yeah...

Where the heck is it?!

Um... well... over there.

Geez... we've gotta go back to that tunnel maze again!

Why the heck weren't you holding onto it tight?!

It's easy for you to say...

Forget about it! Let's go!


Please wait! You don't need me anymore, do you?!

Won't I just be slowing you down?

Colada, that fellow of ours is pouting.

Yeah, it seems like it.

That's not it!

We need you, Stampy! Now, come with us!

W... Why?!

Currently, since we're moving on the opposite side of the planet, and at the same speed as the Dinosaur,

...it looks like they haven't notice us yet.

But it's only a matter of time.

We can't communicate because they could detect us, but...


Shouldn't we be worried?

No, I'm not too worried. I'm more of a type who believes in my junior staff.

Calm yourself down a bit, Guiledart.

But, that guy...

Don't you think Saberback is too late coming back?

Just to let you know, he doesn't have the Angolmois capsule right now.

It's possible to teleport him. What do you wanna do?

Is that true, DNAVI?!

Address me as Josephine.

Josephine, it's not necessary to bring him back for now.

This time we'll leave it to Saberback till the very end. Understood?

I hear you...

Man! What a bonehead!

Man! It's really not my day today!

My perfectly beautiful appearance has gone to looking like this...

I will absolutely not forgive them for this!

Damn! Can it be any hotter?!

I'm sure it's faster if we go flying...

Are you saying to fly over that magma?

I pass on that! You'll never know when it's gonna erupt!

Then, anything beyond this point is out of our capability!

Don't be a wimp! Just a bit more! Hang in there!

Oh yeah, it's easy for you, 'cause you like hot places!

Say, do you wanna jump into the magma and take a quick bath?

Idiot! If I fell into that magma, even I wouldn't stand a chance!

You know it was a joke?

It was a stupid joke!

Y-You two, how can you talk like that in this kind of situation?!


Th-There's trouble! There's a Destron reading!


Where exactly?!

From above!

Found you...

Now, I'm going to teach you a lesson!

Good. Just as I calculated!

What's happening?!

That scumbag! He caused the rocks from the ceiling to collapse!

You two have to get moving!

W-We already know that!


Break, too?!

Don't let go!

Of-Of course I won't!

H... Heavy!

Wake up, you two!


I... I can't hold on anymore!

Fall, fall!



Tsk! Those guys have the devil's luck.

I'm sorry to the two of you...

Thanks to you--

Hold on, don't freaking thank us.

You don't freaking wanna make us thank you, do you?

That wasn't my intention! But...

Let it go, then. We all freaking' know that thanks is mutual!

Hey, let's go grab that capsule now!

My goodness.

Alright. Let's hurry and get back to take a shower.

Yeah, that's right.

Stampy, is there any sign of him around us?

There's no reading for now.

I'm counting on you, you're the only one whom we depend on.

Colada, what did Break say just now?

You weren't listening?

Yes, I was but...

It's rare for Break to say stuff like that.

He probably ate something weird.

You never change, Colada.

I'll take it as a compliment.

Are you sure it's this way?


Don't tell me that your navigation system got wrecked because of that shock you felt earlier.

You can't trust me that much?!

This flower is...!

No doubt about it... it's Saberback!




Wait! There isn't just one here!


Damn! Which is the real one?

Stampy, hold onto that Angolmois capsule as tight as you can!

L-Leave it to me!

Don't freakin' mind it, just keep firing!


The Angolmois capsule is definitely mine now!


You clumsy idiot!

Where'd he go?!

Up there!


Damn it! I didn't realize there was a hole like that up there!

We'll go after him!


Oops! I almost forgot to tell you.

You guys will be buried alive here!

sh**t! There's no place we can run!

What are we gonna do?

This way! Hurry!

What are you doing?! Hurry! Trust me!

I heard you!

I did it!

I've got the Angolmois capsule, and on top of that, I put an end to those three Cybertrons.

This will give me a promotion for sure!

Wait, you scumbag!

We won't let you get away with the Angolmois capsule!

Tsk! Persistent bunch!

You'll catch up easily! Go get him, you two!

It's not my day today!

Maybe I've spent too much time with these stupid guys.

Wait up, YOU!

Just a bit more!

What is it?!

The planet's magma got active because we blew things up like crazy everywhere!

Stampy's in danger! He can't fly right now!

Forget about me! You two go chase after Saberback quickly!

Don't be silly!

If you die, I will keep having bad dreams, won't I?

We still freaking' owe you!

Ha! Go to hell together hand in hand!

Break! Colada!

I'm sorry... it's all because of me...

Don't cry, shame on you!

Here, hold on to us, quickly!

And, the Destrons got the Angolmois capsule, didn't they?

I'm very sorry.

It's not their fault, they did it to save me!

I don't need an excuse!

A failure is a failure.

To hand the Angolmois capsule over to them...

...it is the same thing as to put the whole universe in danger!

Yes, we're ready for it.

It's completely our error.

No way! It was my fault!

The mission is important, but compassion for your comrades is more important.

Your friendship might be heavier than any other matter in the universe.

Good. Out of respect for your friendship, the error of having the Angolmois capsule taken away...

...shall be made up by doing 100 push-ups!

Big Convoy!


Yes, sir!

One, two, three...

Big Convoy, don't you think you're being a little too soft?

Do you really think so?


Me, too...

See?! This is an Angolmois capsule!

What are you bragging about?

You've spent so many hours on such an easy mission!

I told you already! The Cybertrons came and got in my way!

Is that really true?

There wasn't any trace of the Gung-Ho around this planet.

That can't be right!

Saberback, you can't let this happen again, or else!

Magmatron-sama, too?


I don't want to do this kind of not-so-beautiful mission anymore!

We're ready to launch!

All right. We're departing to find the next Angolmois capsule!



Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs

Episode preview

Big Convoy, we've got a problem!

What's wrong, NAVI?

It's a black hole!

Once it sucks us in, we're done for!

However, as long as there's an Angolmois capsule there, we'll need to retrieve it.

You say so, but...

Aww! It's sucking us in!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 8 is, The Black Hole Crisis

NAVI, we need to make an emergency evacuation!

Yes, sir!
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