02x13 - Kicker Beware!

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x13 - Kicker Beware!

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music)

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

(theme music)

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

- Transformers.


♪ Transformers ♪

(theme music)

- Hmm..


(machine buzzing)

- [Demolisher] Megatron

hasn't said a word since

we've returned.


- I suppose it's because

he can't figure out

why those Autobots built

that giant Energon tower.


- Hey, Cyclonus!

It's not funny.

- Huh?


- Now you got him mad!

- I'm sorry to bother you, sir.

- Too late!

- Yeah.

We're really sorry.

I told Demolisher

not to disturb you,

but do you think he

would listen to me?

Well, it won't happen again,

I promise Megatron, sir.

I swear, I promise.

- You two idiots.

Do you even dare to

imply that I, Megatron,

failed on my last mission?

- [Demolisher] Well we

weren't able to steal

any Energon from them.

- [Cyclous] Yeah.

And because there's

only four of us,

we don't have the man

power to attack any-

- Correct me if I'm wrong,

but you think I should

be more like Scorponok

and attack the

Autobots bases on Mars?

- (nervously laughing)

What's, what's wrong

with that idea?

- (nervously laughing)

On second thought, Megatron,

I'm willing to go

along with anything

you say, sir.

- Very well, then.

Are you willing to

follow my every command?

- Uh, yes sir.

- Wait just one minute.

Is there someone you know

of who's found Energon?

- Uh...

- So Demolisher,

Could it be the Omnicon?

- But sir, how would I know?

- On our last mission,

you wandered off for awhile.

And possibly you

discovered some information

you're not willing to divulge.

- [Demolisher] N-no!

That's ridiculous, sir.


- [Cyclonus] It was a human!

Some kid.

He's the one who

found the Energon.


- Interesting.

You never mentioned anything

about a human, Demolisher.

Do you know which one?

- Hmmm.

- Might I remind you,

it's in your best interest

to tell me everything you know.

- Cyclonus was right!

It's a boy.

The Autobots call him Kicker.

- Yes, just as I suspected.

So, Scorponok, what

brings you here?

On an eavesdropping

mission perhaps?

- I've come with news, Megatron.

- Well then, spit it out.

- One of our Command Jaguar

Terrorcons was captured

and has been transferred

to the Autobot moon base.

- The moon?

- Yes, I'm not quite

sure why Optimus Prime

and his men brought him there.

However, that's the

latest from my sources.

- But Lunar City was

completely destroyed

a few months ago.

So why would they

bring him up there?



They must've discovered a

mother load of energy there.

- [Scorponok] If

that's the case,

might I suggest we

attack them now?

Before they can raise

another Energon tower?

- [Megatron] Yes, I concur.

And if my gut

feeling is correct,

that boy will be with

those mindless Autobots.

All right men,

move out!

(dramatic music)

- So, it's a human

they're after.

- Interesting.

- How delicious!

A human with the unique

ability to sense the Energon.

- That's ridiculous!

How can a human

possibly sense Energon?

- Why do you resist us?

- Beause I don't trust

that bafoon Scorponok

for a second!

And I'm not the one resisting.

- Scorponok, I want

to meet this boy.

(dramatic music)

- Transformers!

So what makes you think there's

still Energon here, Kicker?

- I can't explain it.

Somehow, I can feel it.

- [Ironhide] Well, if you

ask me, there's nothing here.

The Decepticons

wasted this place.

- You gotta trust me Ironhide,

it's not what it looks like.

- [Ironhide] Okay, let's

just say you're right.

Let's say there is

Energon here somewhere.

But you gotta admit it,

it'd take months before

we could get a base

up and running.

- (sighs)

- [Ironhide] How can we

build a tower without a


This moon dust would

never support one.

- [Kicker] Hey, knock it off!

I know what I know, okay?

- [Ironhide] Yeah,

whatever, boss.

- [Optimus Prime] Are you

picking up any Energon, men?

- [Skyblast] Nothing, sir.

But to be honest,

they're equipment isn't

nearly as precise as

Kicker's senses are.

- Yeah, Skyblast

is right, Optimus.

I don't know how he does it,

but the kid's got

a nose for Energon.

- [Optimus Prime] Well

maybe the Terrorcon would

help us out.

- Wait, maybe I can have him.

I've never had a pet.

- What?

- [Kicker] I'm just kidding.

- I knew that. Ha.

- [Optimus Prime] What's

the verdict, Kicker?

- [Kicker] I'm not sure.

There's times when

I'm sensing Energon,

and then it goes away.

It's weird.

- [Optimus Prime] Well,

don't worry, Kicker.

We'll stay put and keep

digging as long as we have to.

Just point out

where you sense it.

- Thanks for

backing me, Optimus.

- Optimus Prime!

Power link!

Fire one!


Copter two!


Digger three!


Submarine four!

Optimus Prime Power

Link complete!

- Hey Ironhide, get over here!

- Oh man, I wish you'd

quit treating me like dirt.


(engine revving)

- Huh? Why is he stopping?

He must be sensing something.

- [Ironhide] I thought

you were the only one

around here with

that special talent?

- [Kicker] Hey, Ironhide!

Would you knock it off?!

Signalflare, go check it out!

Come on, Ironhide!

Let's follow him!

- [Ironhide] Aww, give

me a break, Kicker.

There's nothing out

there but more, nothing.

- [Optimus Prime] Is he

always like this, Ironhide?

- Yeah, for some dumb reason,

he's got it in his

head he's running the

show around here.

- Man, it sure is a good

thing they don't have a

clue that I know what I'm doing.

But one thing I'm sure of,

there is life up

there on the moon.

I've known that since

Misha and me were on

the balcony back on Earth.

And what's even stranger,

is the fact that from

the time we landed here

at Lunar City,

I've had this bazaar

feeling that something,

or someone, has

been watching us.

And I can't shake it.


- [Ironhide] What gives?!

- Heads up, Decepticon detected!

- Decepticon?

- At o'clock!

- Battle stations, everyone!

- No! Hold your fire!

Hold your fire!

It's just me!

Hold your fire!

- [Ironhide] It's Demolisher!


- [Demolisher] Long

time no see, huh guys?

- Demolisher? Is that

who I was sensing?

That's weird.

- [Ironhide] So,

what brings you here?

- Where do you want

me to start, boys?

I guess the bottom line

is I decided to desert

Megatron while I could.

- Yeah right, like we're

gonna buy that fairytale.

- Hey, give me a break!

I went AWOL cause

I'm tired of Megatron

and that's all you need to know.

- Huh.

- Okay then, I'll

prove it to you.

Follow me!

- [Ironhide] No way! We

gotta report this to Optimus!

- Oh, would you give me a break?

I don't have time to argue.

I stole the Decepticon

mobile fortress and

if Megatron finds out,

I'm done for.


Well? Are you coming, or what?

- No, it's a trap!


- Whoa!

- [Demolisher] You've

gotta believe me.

You don't have a choice, Kicker.

- [Kicker] Sorry pal.

No dice!

- Ironhide! Report

your status, stat!

- [Ironhide] We've

engaged the enemy, sir!

And I've got a sick feeling

they're after Kicker.

- [Optimus Prime] Hold tight!

We're on our way!



- Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Always a pleasure,

Optimus Prime.


- Copter two, launch!

Find Kicker.

- That's completely

pointless, Prime.

Your minuscule minion is

a little late to help you

because now, you're all mine!



- [Optimus Prime]

Hotshot, Inferno, Jetfire,

We're under attack!

Proceed to Lunar

City, on the double.

- Come on, we gotta be motorin'.


- No! Kicker!


- It's okay, Honey.

He's with Optimus.

There's nothing to worry about.

(dramatic music)

- [Prowl] Now what do we do?

Head back to Optimus?

- No Prowl,

it's not our place to

interfere with his battles.

We'll stay put,

right here, for now.

- But Rodimus, sir.

You can't just let him

hang out to dry like that.

- I wish I could, Landmine.

But I entrusted him to

protect planet Cybertron.

It would be wrong to jump in,

and interfere.

- [Kicker] Stop it!

Cease firing!

Everybody, just

hold your horses!

- Are you nuts?

- I mean it, Ironhide!

- But Kicker!

- Hey, you guys!

I think we oughta take

Demolisher at his word.

I mean, what's it gonna hurt?

- Have you totally

lost it, Kicker?

- Well, it'll give me a

chance to spy on the bad guys.

- Transform!

No, Kicker!

- This whole thing is about

me, isn't it, Demolisher?

- Um, yeah!

- Get back here!


(machine beeps)

- Look! We have a

visual on Kicker.

- Oh no, he's surrounded

by Terrorcons.

What's going on up there?

- [Doctor Jones]

I told you before,

he's fine.

That boy is a chip

off the old block.

- [Misha] I don't believe it.

Kicker doesn't have any

weapons, Doctor Jones.

That means he's

totally at their mercy.

- But why?

- [Misha] There can

only be two reasons.

Either Kicker trusts them,

or he has a plan.

- [Rodimus] Prowl, either

that boy is courageous,

or a fool. Or both.

- [Prowl] I agree, Rodimus.

- [Rodimus] Let's

keep an eye on him.

(laser sh**ting)

(energetic music)

- Hot Shot!


- Inferno!


- Jetfire!


- [Optimus Prime] Ugh.


- Optimus, sir.

Where's Kicker?

- I just dispatched

Copter Two to monitor him,

he'll be fine.

- There it is,

Megatron's Mobile Fortress.

- [Alpha Q] Scorponok,

it's time for an update.

- We have the boy.

- [Alpha Q] You mustn't

let him go near Megatron.

I want to speak

to him, directly.

- I can't believe

Demolisher pulled it off.

Curse that traitor, Demolisher.

- He tried to trick us,

but it backfired on him.

- Now's our chance, Scorponok.

As soon as they arrive,

destroy the whole lot of them.

- It shall be done.

- What's going on?

- Wait, just one minute!

What does Scorponok

think he's doing?

Come back here!

This wasn't in the plan!

I said, come back here!


- [Ironhide] Demolisher!

- Stay away from me, Autobot!

Oh come on, Ironhide!

Don't you get it?

I came here to trick you!

- I know, but...

(g*n firing)

- Megatron!

Megatron, sir!

- [Megatron] Hm?

(dramatic music)

Just what in the

universe does Scorponok

think he's doing?

(g*n firing)



Wait a minute,

it looks like he's trying to

round up all the Autobots.

(g*n fire)


You incompetent fool!

Watch where you're firing!

- [Hot Shot] Oh no, Optimus!

It's coming straight at us!

- [Jetfire] Now come on, we

can't just stand here, sir!

- No, we're staying

put, Jetfire!

Nobody leaves until

we hear from Kicker.

- [Inferno] Hey Hotshot,

it's time to Power Link.

- Let's do it!

- Inferno!

- Hotshot!

- [Both] Powerlink!

Powerlink Inferno!

- Okay men! Give them

everything you've got.

- I don't like this.


Huh? What was that?

- Huh! This is out of control!

- I get it!

- [Ironhide] Get

back here, Kicker.

It's not safe.

- No, everything's

fine, Ironhide.

- [Ironhide] Aw man, would

you just give me a break?

- They're on their way.

(dramatic music)

- [Jetfire] Huh?

- [Optimus Prime] What is that?

- [Jetfire] It

looks like a base!

(g*ns firing)

- The Omnicons of Lunar

City are still alive!

- You're right, and somehow,

Kicker knew they

were here all along.

- [Optimus Prime]

Open the space bridge

and send up the Energon tower.

We have a foundation!

- You got it, Optimus.

Oh, I'll need your help, Rad.

- I'm on it.

- There, you see, Misha.

Kicker was right, again.

- I just knew it!

(laser blasting)


(dramatic music)

- Don't let them finish it, men!

Destroy that tower, at once.

- I need cover, men.

Throw everything

you've got at them.


Energize the tower now!

- [Cyclonus] Oh no!


- Retreat!


- Ah ha, if you want a

little piece of advice,

I'd say you better get

your butts out of here

before Optimus spots you guys.


- [Alpha Q] Tell me human.

- Uh, you can talk?

- [Alpha Q] Tell me how you

know where the Energon is.

I require Energon

more than anything.

- [Kicker] Who are you?

- I am Alpha Q.

I only use my Comman

Jaguar Terrorcon

in order to speak to you.

- [Kicker] Alpha Q?

- I have one purpose.

To gain control of the universe.

In so doing, I require

vast amounts of Energon

and I cannot allow you

to stand in my way.

I hope I made myself

perfectly clear.

- Adios, Megatron.


- Explain yourself, Scorponok.

- [Kicker] Okay, I

understand the part about you

wanting Energon.

But what does that

have to do with me?

- [Alpha Q] All in

good time, human.

- [Ironhide] Kicker!

The energy blast from the

tower's headed this way

and we gotta high tail

it out of here, now!

- I wanna know, Alpha Q.



Who is this Alpha Q?

(dramatic music)

- Whoa! Where did this

monstrosity come from?

- Hey, Demolisher.

So, who's side are you on now?

- I'm a Decepticon.

Under Megatron's command.

- [Cyclonus] Hahaha!

Then hop on board the

Cyclonus Express.

- Hey, come back here!

- Forget him, Ironhide!

- One day, I'm gonna teach

that Demolisher a lesson.

- Teach a Decepticon a lesson?

- One that that traitor

will never forget.

- I'd sure like to find

out what the deal is

with that Alpha Q.

- [Cyclonus] (laughing)

Oh Demolisher,

what about your little buddy?

- Kicker!

- [Cyclonus] (laughing)

Ooh, almost got me.

Time to blow this

sh**ting gallery.

- Who fired those sh*ts?

- In due time, Kicker.


- [Cyclonus] Oh

please, Megatron.

That last battle left me

with some major damage.

I need repairs, sir.

And I can't go on

until I get them done.

- Enough whining!

If you need repairs, fine.

I'll look after you.

But spare me the

blubbering, soldier.

- Huh?



- It's unfortunate that

you failed to deliver

the human to me.

But I must admit, your

little adventure was

rather intriguing to say

the least, Scorponok.

- Sire.

- Correct me if I'm

wrong, but weren't you

attempting to steer my

mobile fortress towards the

Autobots, in an

attempt to crush them?

- [Scorponok]

Precisely, Megatron.

- I suppose, in a selfish way,

I'm glad you failed.

That leaves Optimus

Prime for me.


- [Doctor Jones] (laughing)

I'm impressed, everyone.

You sure showed those

Decepticons who's boss.

And now that the Energon

tower is operational,

no one will stop us.

- Uh dad,

could you tone it down a little?

- [Doctor Jones]

Oh right, sorry.

- [Misha] That was some battle.

- Sure was.

And it's a lucky thing we

discovered the Omnicons

at Lunar City when we did,

or they could be mining

Energon for Megatron right now.

- Don't be so modest.

From what Ironhide told me,

you're the reason

they went back there

to investigate.

You're the reason

they're all still alive.

- [Kicker] Yeah, but

there's something

I don't understand.

I was about to be kidnapped

when someone fired

sh*ts that forced the

Decepticons to retreat.

It's weird.

It's like I've got some

kind of guardian angel

watching out for me.

- Well Kicker, you think it

could be that Alpha Q guy?

- I don't think so, Misha.

I don't know what

to make of him,

but he's definitely

not my guardian angel.

Oh, when's this all gonna end?

- [Misha] It seems everyone

in the universe is fighting

to own Energon.

It makes me sad.

Don't they realize there's

enough for everyone?

- Well, maybe one day they

will realize it, Misha.

And then, this will all be over.

- Everything will turn

out just fine, hmm.

- [Kicker] I sure hope so.

- [Misha] Deep down inside,

I believe that one day,

we'll understand

everything about this great

big universe.

Don't you, Kicker?

- [Kicker] Yeah, I guess.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

(theme music)

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise. ♪

- Transformers!
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