02x11 - The Legend of Rodimus

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x11 - The Legend of Rodimus

Post by bunniefuu »

(energetic music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers Energon ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

(portal crackles)

(dramatic music)

(metal crashing)

- What's going on here, huh?

Did someone set the

wrong coordinates

for the warp gate?

- Huh?

- Who's responsible for this?

I want answers.

- Gee, I dunno.

You got me, boss.

- Ah, I see.

Renovations, of course.

Is that it?

How amusing.

- [Scorponok] It could be

that Unicorn is deteriorating

from the lack of Energon, sir.

That could be what happened.

- Scorponok, you

know that can't be.

(Scorponok sighing)

- [Q- ] Megatron is

blinded by his own power.

- [Q- ] He doesn't have a clue.

- [Q- ] The Energon is ours.

We'll take it all

before he even notices.

- It won't be long now.

Soon, Unicron will be

more powerful than ever.

- I can hardly wait.

- [Q- ] The time

has come, brothers.

- [Q- ] Yes, now we will

bring all of Unicron to life.

(Alpha Q laughing)

(portal crackling)

(inspiring music)

- [Signal Flare] Stand by

to lock the tower in place.

Target locked.

Okay, let's bring it down.

(lasers firing)

- Okay, everybody out

of the docking bay.

(inspiring music)

Bring it in nice and easy.

That's it.

(ground shaking)

- [Ironhide] Whoa, I'd say

that was either an earthquake,

or they must have just

put the tower in place.

- Just hold the light steady.

Am I the only one

who knows how risky

this operation really is?

- [Dr. Jones] The

construction of the tower

is important, but we

should really concentrate

on getting more Energon to

complete the Energon grid.

Right now, we barely have

enough to get it online.

Maybe if we're lucky enough,

we'll find what we need

in the mines of Blizzard City.

Kicker, I'd like you to go, too.

Hey, you could even lead

the team down there.

All right?

I could use your help.

You're the one with the talent.

So, what do you say, son?

Sound good?

- I don't know why I

ever agreed to do this.

Ironhide, I'm over here.

- Oh, sorry about that.

You picking up on any Energon?

- Energon.

Is that all anyone cares about?

- [Dr. Jones] Okay, Kicker,

I'm going to lower you down

nice and slow.

You let me know if you

sense any Energon nearby.

- [Kicker] It's so dark!

- [Dr. Jones] Don't be scared.

I've got you, son.

Everything will be just fine.

- Okay, daddy.

- [Dr. Jones] I'm

right here, Kicker.

Just relax.

(Kicker sniffling)

- [Ironhide] Hey Kicker,

let's go up for some air.

I think all this searching

around in the dark

might be gettin' to you.


- What?

- Hey, what's gotten into you?

If it's about your

dad, don't you think

it's time you got over it?

- What's that?

- I know that you two

haven't been getting along

too well lately, but you

gotta put that aside for now.

We've got an

important job to do,

and we have to get it done.

Your father's depending on us.

We can't just let him down.

(Kicker sighing)

Oh, and by the way, you

can lose the attitude.

- Thanks, but spare

me the lecture.

- [Hot Shot] What's goin' on?

- I was just telling

Kicker he should

look up to his father.

You know, respect

him, instead of

pushing him away all the time.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, that's

really good advice, Ironhide.

Even I have someone

I look up to.

- You're talking

about Optimus, right?

- Well, of course.

But do remember the

story of Rodimus?

Ever since I was a young

Autobot, back on Cybertron,

Rodimus has always

been one of my heroes.

- Hmm?

Unfortunately, he left and

traveled into the future.

No one has heard from him since.

- [Megatron] If there's

not enough Energon,

then we'll just

have to steal it.

We'll return to Earth

immediately and take

whatever we can find.

- But sir, that could be risky.

- Yes, risky.

- They're right, sir.

It would be unwise.

We don't have enough

power to win a battle.

We'll need many more troops--

- What?

- It's the Autobots'

Energon tower.

It's too powerful for us.

They could easily

defeat us with it.

We'll need more Energon,

and only a very large

supply will do.

- And that is why we

need to go to Earth

and steal whatever we can.

- No.

With all due respect, sir,

I think there is still

Energon to be mined on Mars.

We can collect a

little at a time,

and then increase our strength.

- Collect a little?

- Right.

We should build up our strength

and then we can attack.

(metal crashing)

- Now listen up.

We're going to raid,

conquer, and destroy.

I will accept nothing

less than that, Scorponok.

I'm in command here.

Do you understand?

(Scorponok grunts)

But if you truly feel

your plan will work,

then go ahead.

Just bring me the Energon.

- Yes, sir.

- You changed your mind, sir?

Why are you letting him go?

- Because he was

getting on my nerves.

Anyway, I need to recharge

my energy as well.

- Excellent idea, sir.

- Running this operation

is really starting

to wear me down.

Demolisher, you may go now.

- Yes, sir.

(expl*si*n booms)


(lasers blasting)

What was that?

(Megatron laughing)

- Scorponok seems to be

upset about something.

- Well, I'll show him.

- Leave him.

Maybe his anger will give him

some much-needed strength.

(Megatron laughing)

- [Scorponok] Megatron

thinks he's in control,

but he's wrong.

He's in for a big surprise.

(suspenseful music)

- I'd better keep my guard up.

I sense there are

more than Autobots

for me to worry about right now.

(Megatron laughing)


- [Starscream] He's

close by, I know it.

Ah, there he is!

- [Ironhide] Hey, Kicker?

Don't you think it's about

time we get back to work?

- [Kicker] In a minute.

First, tell me more

about this Rodimus guy.

- You don't know about Rodimus?

- Come on, how would I?

I'm not a Transformer.

- Oh, he came from Cybertron.

He's one of the most

famous Transformers ever.

- Yeah?

So what did Hot Shot

mean when he said Rodimus

took off into the future?

- Oh, well that happened

about , eons ago.

Cybertron was constantly

involved in battles

between the Autobots

and the Decepticons.

There was always a

civil w*r going on.

That is, until

Rodimus came along

and rallied the Autobots

around the message of peace,

ushering in a new era

for all Transformers.

We all learned his

famous speech in school.

It was mandatory

for all Autobots.

"All we do is battle

and nothing happens.

"Fighting all the time has

left Cybertron in ruins.

"If this continues,

we'll have no future.

"Let's leave and

create a better world.

"Join me, let's find a

place that we can call home.

"Yes, we'll never look back."

And that's it.

After that, he took

off into outer space,

and he took many

Transformers with him, too.

Rodimus was very brave.

He was one of a kind.

You know, sometimes I

think Hot Shot is trying

to be just like him.

- That's a great story, but it

doesn't say much for Optimus.

- No, you're wrong.

Rodimus left, but Optimus

stayed on Cybertron.

He protected us.

He's the reason we're

still here today.

We couldn't have rebuilt

Cybertron without him.

Optimus is the greatest leader,

and there's not a

better warrior among us.

Rodimus is a legend,

sure, but Optimus

is totally my hero.

I would follow him to

the ends of the universe

and beyond.

Listen to me, Kicker.

You'd learn a lot from Optimus

if you'd just pay attention.

- Ironhide, chill out.

I know.

Hey, what became

of Rodimus, anyway?

- It's rumored he's going

from planet to planet

trying to find

Transformers lost in space.

Well, hey, maybe if we're lucky,

he'll stop by this planet.

- [Scorponok] Good, not

an Autobot in sight.

This will be easier

than I thought.

Move out!

(robots screeching)

Excellent, you found

the mine entrance.

Now get in there

and start digging.

We don't have much time.

(robots roaring)

All the Energon found

here belongs to Alpha Q.

From now on, ignore

what Megatron says.

You serve a new master now.

Once I have the Energon,

I'll show Megatron.

Then, I'll destroy him.

- He's in sleep mode.

Now is my chance to strike.

- Keep digging.

Find the Energon, all of it.

Do it for Alpha Q.

Show him your devotion,

and I will see

that you are all rewarded.

(Scorponok laughing)

- [Rodimus] We'd better

put a stop to this.

(dramatic music)

- [Starscream] So this is

the one called Megatron.

I must destroy him.

(energy crackling)

- Hey, what's going on?

Can't a guy get some

sleep around this place?

- Megatron is in danger.

- What?

- Megatron, sir.

Starscream, what have

you done to Megatron?

He's gone.

- What's going on, Demolisher?

- I think that Megatron's

been kidnapped,

and Starscream did it.

- Who?

- [Megatron] I'm here.

- Is that you, Megatron?

- [Megatron] Yes, and

Starscream did try to attack me.

And he's still in the room.

- But where is he?

I don't see him.

- [Megatron] You can't

see him, but I can.

I have the power of invisibility

because I have become

one with Unicron.

(Starscream exclaiming)

(Megatron laughing)

- Oh, look, it's the boss.

- Megatron?

- Yes, that's right.

Starscream, you're pathetic.

Did you really think

you could sneak up on me

and I wouldn't notice you?

(Starscream exclaiming)

(Megatron laughing)

- Yes, there's two of

me and one of you now.

- Yes, and that

means double the fun.

- No, I don't believe it.

(Starscream exclaiming)

(Megatron laughing)

- There's four of him.

- Too many Megatrons.

(Starscream yelling)

- So, Starscream, try

to attack me again

if you dare.

- Stop calling me that name.

- Ha, there's no place left

for you to run, Starscream.

- What?

Where did he go?

(Megatron laughing)

- What's this?

Where am I?

- [Megatron] You are in a void.

A void of total darkness.

Absolute nothingness,

where you belong.

Are you afraid of the dark?

Well, you should be, Starscream,

because I'm in it.

Don't you remember

that you used to be

one of my trusted commanders?

Now you're nothing.

You don't even

know your own name.

You're just a prisoner

of the darkness.

Get used to your

new home, because

you'll be staying there

for a very long time.

- Stop it!

Alpha Q, I have failed you.

Forgive me.

- [Q- ] No, no, this can't be.

Megatron is still alive.

- [Q- ] He has Starscream.

- Cheater.

- He will get us.

- [Megatron] So Alpha

Q is behind all this?

I should have known.

Oh, well, I'll deal

with him soon enough.

But for the time

being, Starscream--

- Don't call me that!

- [Megatron] I'll just let

the darkness swallow you up.

- [Kicker] I'm telling

you, I can't do it anymore.

Now leave me alone.

- Can't do what?

We need to get back to work.

Everybody's waiting for us.

Now, just quit

wasting time, Kicker.


- Yeah, okay, okay, wait.

I want to tell you about

something I experienced

when I was a kid.

It was just like the

mission we're on now.

It happened when I was

on one of my father's

Energon expeditions.

- [Dr. Jones] Is everything

all right, Kicker?

Can you feel any

Energon waves yet?

- I don't know, dad.

- [Dr. Jones] Go in

closer to the asteroids.

Adjust your air and just go

where your instincts tell you.

- [Young Kicker] Oh

no, I'm going too fast!

Daddy, help me!

- [Kicker] I kept tumbling

in space for, well,

it seemed like hours.

Finally, I landed on

one of the asteroids

and got a hold of

my dad on the radio.

- [Dr. Jones] Everything

will be fine, son,

just relax.

Do you think you can find

any Energon down there?

- I'll try, daddy.

- [Dr. Jones] There's

no need to be afraid.

Just remember, I'm

right there with you.

- Daddy, where are you?

I can't see you.

It's so dark.

I don't like it here.



- [Kicker] I was

alone in the dark.

My dad was more concerned

about finding the Energon

than he was about my safety.

I can't forgive him for that.

- Boy, Kicker, I never realized

you were such a wimp.

- What?

- Have you forgotten

what I told you

about Rodimus?

Come on, he conquered

all of his fears.

He risked it all

and went into space.

Rodimus knew what he had to do,

and he got it together

and he did it.

- Hey, I was only a kid.

- Well, you're

not a kid anymore.

You gotta put this

behind you, Kicker.

- [Megatron] You've forgotten

your name and your memories.

You're not even sure

what you are anymore.

Everything that ties you

to the world you once knew

is gone.

I am the only thing

that you can believe in.

From now on, I will

shape your reality.

- No, never.

Don't come near me.

- [Megatron] That's

it, cut it all away.

Rid yourself of whatever is left

of the life you once knew.

Get rid of it all.

You only know the joy that

comes from destroying things.

It's what you do best.

Use your rage and show

me your true power.

(Megatron laughing)

- It's up to you, Kicker.

You're the only one who knows

how you can find your way

out of the darkness.

I don't know why Optimus

had to pair me up with him.

He's got a problem

with the past.

I wish I could help him,

but I don't know how.

Oh, man.

I'm starting to

sound like him now.

What's wrong with me?

- Okay, then.

I'll find my own

way out of here.

(Starscream yelling)

(Megatron laughing)

- Starscream, you're

not invincible.

My sword can either

extinguish your spark,

or make you a Decepticon again.

You're mine.

Now don't even bother resisting.

You'll only make it worse,

and that could be painful.

You have an important

decision to make.

Say you'll join

me, or I'll let you

slip away into the darkness.

I, Megatron, am your

only leader now.

Say my name, and I'll spare you.

What is my name, Starscream?

- Megatron.

- Say it again.

- Megatron.

(Megatron laughing)

(Starscream groaning)

- [Cyclonus] Phew, that

looked like it hurt.

- It is now complete.

He is under my control.

- I can do this.

I'm not a little kid

afraid of the dark anymore.

I found it!


- [Ironhide] Kicker,

are you all right?

- [Skyblast] This looks like

a good place to start diggin'.

- [Strongarm] Let's get to work.

- You're back.

- Oh, of course, partner.

I didn't want you to

get lost down here.

(drill whirring)

Listen, I hope I wasn't

too hard on you back there,

but I was being tough with

you for your own good.

Aw, don't be like that.

- So you left me.

- Come on, is that any

way to treat a pal?

- I've found the Energon.

I don't believe it.

- [Skyblast] We hit

the mother lode.

- [Ironhide] And we

owe it all to Kicker.

Way to go, buddy!

(dramatic music)

- [Rodimus] I'll go in alone.

You two keep watch out here.

I'll signal you if

I need any help.

(robots growling)

- I knew we'd find Energon.

Hurry up, keep digging.

- [Rodimus] Oh, no, you don't.

- [Scorponok] Who's there?

(lasers firing)

- [Rodimus] That Energon

doesn't belong to you.

- Who are you?

- Impossible.

- It can't be.

- Rodimus has returned.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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