02x04 - Megatron's Sword

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x04 - Megatron's Sword

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat synthesized music)

♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Robotic Voice]

Transformers, energize!

♪ Transformers! ♪

- [Voice ] Ah, Energon.

I can feel its power working.

Every new shipment

makes the sleeping one

stronger and stronger.

(electronic shot)

(ominous instrumental music)

- [Voice ] And it

won't be much longer

before the Master is

restored to his former self.

- [Voice ] Oh but those

Terracons never bring enough!

At this rate we'll

be waiting eons

for His Greatness to awake!

- [Voice ] Patience

my brother, patience.

- No, I cannot wait any longer!

Don't you see the reason we

haven't gathered enough Energon

is because the Autobots keep

interfering with our plan!

They must be eliminated at once!

- Yes, they have been

getting in the way recently

haven't they?

- Then we should

get rid of them!

And I know just

the way to do it!

Wake up, wake up

my sleeping giant!

The Autobots are near!

Get ready to riot!


Look at the energon

flows through him.

Perhaps we can use him!

- Then let's do it.

- But he's not ready!

His spark is still too dim.

- Well what does he need?

- Ah, more energon.

- He'll have all

the energon he needs

and the Autobots will supply it!

- Yes my brother!

Let's set the plan in motion!

Alert Scorponok and Tidal Wave!

(laughing maniacally)

(suspenseful instrumental music)

- Okay, don't move.

- Oh whoa!

(electronic blasting sounds)

- That's enough, forget it!

- Come on Jetfire, let's

try it one more time!

- Listen I keep telling ya

that you've gotta synchronize

your breathing with mine!

- I'm tryin'!

- If you can't sense

the vibrations of

the combination spark

by now then we might

as well give up.

It's no use.

- Cath you later.

- Yeah, okay, see ya.


- Yeah, like that!

(suspenseful synthesizer music)

- There's still no sign of the

recon ship from Earth, sir.

- I wonder what's

taking them so long.

We sent a transmission days ago!

And ever since we discovered

this energon supply

below Mars City my sensors

have been acting up.

I only hope we get some

backup from the Autobots soon!

If we're att*cked, we

don't have enough firepower

to withstand a

battle on our own!

- Yes Optimus, there is still

some energon at Mars City.

We thought it had been

completely decimated

but a hidden reserve

was discovered

by a squadron of Minicons.

I was hoping that you

could send a support team

there to investigate?

- There are Minicons

at Mars City?

- Yeah, I sent them a signal

telling them we're on our way

but they haven't responded yet.

- Don't worry the area

is completely locked down

and we've taken all the

necessary security precautions

as well.

Apprentice officers are being

assembled to go investigate.

They'll keep the station posted

on any major development.

- Good, I'm glad to hear that.

- Mars City, I'm in!

I know I could teach those

rookies a thing or two!

You gotta let me lead

the mission, sir!

- (laughing) Yeah right!

- Aw, Come on!

I've been practicing the

combination spark with Jetfire!

- And I heard you need a

whole lot more practice.

- Huh?

How'd you know that?

- Doctor, let's get those

Minicons out of Mars City.

They're an easy

target and I'm worried

our enemies might attack them.

- Yes, as you wish Optimus.

But I don't like the idea

of leaving all that

energon unguarded.

- [Voiceover] Has

Optimus lost it?

He can't abandon Mars City!

- Remember we can't mine energon

without the help

of the Omnicons.

- Oh that's right.

How could I forget that?

(electronic beeping)

That's it, a signal!

It's coming from the

Minicons at Mars City.

Two Transformers are

approaching the planet.

They won't identify themselves.

I think they're in trouble.

(ominous instrumental music)

- Intruder!

Prepare to fire on my command!

- Wait, it's a Transformer!

I think I've seen

this one before!

Yes, I recognize him!

His name is Tidal Wave.

- Well I'm not

taking any chances!

- Tidal Wave, Tidal

Wave transform!

(electronic zapping noise)

- Hold it!

Are you friend or foe?

- Enemy, no, not enemy.

- But you were once a

Deceptacon, weren't you?

- Deceptacon no more.

At ease my friends.

- Okay, but what

are you doing here?

- So have you come to

guide us back to Earth?

- You have energon here, yes?

- That's right.

We found an undiscovered

cache of raw energon

not far from here,

why do you ask?

- Tidal Wave want energon.

- This could be

some kind of a trap.

Tell the Minicons to

hold their ground.

- They understand.

- Rats!

(suspenseful instrumental music)

(Electronic sh*ts being fired)

- Teracons, attack!


- Must resurrect Megatron!

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

(electronic pulses firing)


(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- You puny Minicons!

Don't you know who

you're dealing with?

I am Scorponok.

Surrender all your energon

or suffer my wrath!

(laughing maniacally)

(laser sh*ts being fired)

(ominous drum music)

- Huh, where'd

those Autobots go?

- Get it in gear Prime Squad!

We got work to do!

Inferno, open up

the space bridge.

- I hope we're not too late!

Those Minicons are no match

for those two psychobots!

(metal footsteps clanging)

- Optimus, sir?

Are you sensing

something's wrong?

- Yes, we shouldn't

be leaving the base.

- What are you

talking about Optimus?

- It's a trick, they

want us to go into space.

That will leave the

Earth defenseless.

- But the Minicons on Mars?

- They're going to have to

make it back on their own.

Inferno, send out an emergency

order to all Autobots.

They are to withdraw all forces

and return to

Earth or Cybertron.

I want all bases on high alert

and extra guards on

the energon reserves.

We may have a big

battle ahead of us.

- Optimus sir?

So what do you want us to do?

- This squad will

not go to Mars.

It will remain at this base

and defend Earth's bases.

As your leader I'm

asking you to trust me.

An order is an order.

We're staying put

until further notice.

(clanging metal footsteps)

- Oh man!

- Don't let it get

to you, Kicker.

Optimus doesn't like the idea

of leaving those Minicons

to fight for themselves

any more than you do!

- Hotshot's right.

It's a tough decision

but it's for the best.

- Well if I were in command,

things would be different!

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Hey, what's happening?

Are we going into combat?

Is the base under

attack or what?

- Our orders are to sit tight

'till something happens!

- Hmmm?

- Come on!

Show yourselves!

I'll take you all on

myself if I have to!

- You okay Kicker?

- I'm fine.

Just mind your own business!

- Easy!

What's gotten into you?

- Nothing, ah, keep an eye out.

We're supposed to be

expecting company.

Huh, the space bridge?

(suspenseful instrumental music)

(electronic sh**ting noises)

- So Optimus was right!

- Did I miss something?

- (laughing maniacally)

Woo hoo hoo!

- I'd recognize that

cackle anywhere!

- La di da di da

di da, transform!


The one and only!

(clanging metal footsteps)

- Huh?

Who's that with Demolisher?

- Take it easy

he's not an enemy.

- What?

- Listen Ironhide, he's an

old friend of Demolisher's.

- A friend?

- Yeah!

They go way back.

- Hi yah!

- Hey watch it!

- (laughing) Still don't

know how to fight, huh?

- Of course I do!

- Oh I don't know,

I think you've spent too

much time around Autobots.

- I'm just as strong as I ever

was and I'll prove it to you!

- Easy now big fella, I

wouldn't want to hurt you.

I just want to know if

you've heard the rumor?

Scorponok's been reactivated

and he's gonna lead the

Deceptacon Army into a new era.

That's the latest,

haven't ya heard?

- If that's true then things

could be looking up for us

my old friend.


- What's with them?

- Who knows?

(Airplane engines

roaring overhead)

- It's the Minicons from Mars?

(dramatic orchestral music)

Hey, they made it!

- Welcome Sonar, it's

good to see you again.

- Sonar, what's the

situation on Mars?

(electronic beeping)

- I understand.

- Is there any news?

What's going on at Mars City?

- I'm afraid it's a lot

worse than I thought.

(ominous orchestral music)

(electronic pulsing)

- [Voice ] This supply

of energon is the bounty

we've been waiting for

but it's still not enough.

- [Voice ] We must have

more, we must have more!

- Come to us, Scorponok!

We have something for you,

the first of many rewards

if you succeed in plundering

the Autobots energon reserves.

- [Voice ] The sleeping one

holds more secrets than

you know, Scorponok.

Inside him is a w*apon

of unequaled power.

We want to give it

to you as a gift,

for your loyal service.

- [Voice ] Yes, yes, it is

a very special gift indeed.

- [Voice ] This is

no ordinary blade!

This is the Star Saber!

- Megatron's sword?

- There isn't a fortress

strong enough to withstand

its destructive power.

Wield this against the Autobots

and they will fall at your feet.

- It's very impressive.

I will put it to good use.

- Nothing will

stand in your way.

- Use this w*apon to

take all of the energon

that exists on Earth.

- And destroy the Autobots!

Destroy them all!


(suspenseful orchestral music)

(electronic beeping)

- The Minicons are just

as restless as we are!

- Yeah.

- Do you think Optimus

could have been wrong

about staying here on Earth?

There could still be Minicons

on Mars who need our help!

Oh no, Earth's under attack!

(ocean waves lapping)

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- What's a Terracon doing

all the way out here?

- Don't know, that's weird.

- They must know we

have energon here.

- Okay you bots, gather round

for your energon booster shot.

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- Wait up!

- We're coming too!

- We don't have room for

your kind of baggage.

- You'll have to stay

and protect Ocean City.

The Omnicons only have a

small amount of energon

and we've already absorbed it.

- Hey, times may have changed

but there's no way I'm gonna

take orders from an Autobot!


- Yeah, we're itching for

a piece of the action too!

- Transform!

- Transform!

- Deceptacons.

Sorry your team couldn't handle

the kind of combat

we're expecting.

- We've gotta let

them come with us,

they saw what happened

to their friends on Mars!

They deserve a

chance to get even.

Please Optimus, we

need their help!

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- Hi yah!

There is energon here!

And we are going to take

it, it belongs to us.

Let nothing stand in your way.


(electronic sh*ts being fired)


- The defenses are weak,

soon it will be ours!

- Energon.

- Yes!

Tidal Wave, follow me!

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

(laughing maniacally)

- It's like a Terrorcon

sh**ting gallery up here!

- Cyclonus!

- Tidal Wave, uh oh!

- You are in my way.

- You big lug nut!

Whose side are you on anyway?

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Is the city safe?

- Yeah, but it

doesn't look good.

- Then we'll have

to change that.

- Well come on, what

are we waiting for?

- No, here's the plan Hotshot.

Try and draw the Terracons

away from the city.

That will give me room

to go secure the energon.

- Roger!

- Kicker, Ironhide, I want

you to take the Minicons

and go set up a perimeter

around the entrance

to the city.

- But what for?

- I believe all the

civilians have been evacuated

but in case there are any left,

I want you to make sure they

all got out safely, understand?

- But Commander, I

really want to mix it up!

- That's an order!

- Yes sir.

(engine roaring)

(upbeat synthesizer music)

- Optimus Prime Supermode!

Power legs!

Fire one, combined!

Copter two, combined!

Digger three, combined!

Submarine four, combined!

Optimus Prime Supermode!

- You insect!

- You chump!

Scorponok wants you

to believe Megatron

is still alive to use you!

- But I have proof!

- Oh yeah, well

let's see it then!

- Not now, later.

- I knew you'd say that!

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- We'll be inside the walls

of the city in no time.

- That's him,

that's their leader!

(car engine roaring)

- Let's see what

this sword can do.

- Uh oh!

- Hi yah!

- Oh no!


- Whoa!

I wonder what's

going on out there?

I hope our guys are okay.

- Kicker?

- What is it?

- I wanna go out

there, I wanna fight!

(electronic beeping)

- Yeah I know, I

feel the same way

but we gotta follow orders!

I don't sense

anyone in here, huh?

That means everyone got out!


- Commander?

- I'm all right.

Get back to the battle, they've

still got us outnumbered.

I'm going to see what's

left of the energon.

- Roger that!

- Optimus Prime.

- It can't be!

That's Megatron's sword,

can he still be alive?

(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- Megatron's still alive?

What do you mean

he's still alive?

He can't be, can he?

- We need energon

for his resurrection.

- No problemo!


(electronic sh*ts being fired)

- Your traitor!


- Yeow!

- What a disaster!

The town's history!

- All I need is one clean shot.

- Save it, we gotta

help the others!

(dramatic synthesizer music)


- Cyclonus, they might

just be trying to trick us

by telling us that

Megatron is still alive.

- Well that sword

Scorponok is carrying

is a pretty good imitation.

I don't know about

you but I'm convinced.

- Don't be fooled,

it's just talk.

We've gotta stop

fightin' each other!


- Can it be true?

I don't know whose side I'm on.

- The power of your energon

star is running out.

Now you're all mine!

- This is incredible!

- It's go time, transform!

- Hey, don't go off on your own!

That was easy.

Come get some!

(electronic zapping noise)

Oh, I get it!

(electronic zapping noise)

I don't have time to

mess around with you.

- Ironhide, do you

think you're ready

to link up with me now?

Come on, let's superlink!

- Uh, right here, right now?

- Just remember to synchronize

your breathing, okay?

- Right!

(uplighting synthesized music)

- [Both Speaking] Ironhide,

Jetfire prepare to superlink!

- I did it, it really worked!



- Huh?

- Grab this!

It's all yours buddy!

- It's over, you're

out of strength.

- Go, grand force (grunting)

- You tricked me!

(electronic expl*si*n sounds)


- Why you!


(electronic zinging sounds)

- Huh, what, Megatron's sword?

- Come on, go for it,

grab it Demolisher!

- Don't touch it!

- Huh?

(motorcycle engine roaring)

- No Tidal Wave!

- Megatron will be resurrected!

- You att*cked our

friends at Mars City

and now you're gonna pay!

- You don't scare me!

You call that a w*apon?

Brace yourself this is

going to sting a little.

(electronic zapping noise)


- I warned you, hi yah!


- Ironhide, this is

your chance, do it!

- Transform!

- Retreat!

(retreating engine noise)

- Hold it!

- Stop Ironhide!

- Huh?

- Don't go after him!

- Optimus sir, I failed.

- Adios, Demolisher!

- Demolisher!

- Kicker, help me.

I don't know what I am anymore.

- Thank you Ironhide,

you saved my life.

The Deceptacons escaped

but I know their hunger

for energon will

bring them back.

We'll have to be ready.

So don't let the memory

of our fallen comrades

weight you down, you

won't be good to any of us

if you can't focus on the

future and what we have to do.

- Yes sir, I understand,

I understand.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(upbeat synthesized music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers! ♪
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