01x52 - Mortal Combat

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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01x52 - Mortal Combat

Post by bunniefuu »

( Transformers theme playing )


The b*ttlefield has shifted.

The Autobots and Decepticons

are racing through space

to face the greatest evil

the Transformers

have ever encountered.

They have entered...

The Unicron Battles.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪


In our last episode,

the combined armies

of the Decepticons

and the Autobots

seem to have

neutralized the threat

from the omnipotent Unicron,

who appears to be

out of commission.

But just as peace seems to have

settled upon the universe,

an old battle

is about to begin.

Man, I wonder

if Optimus and Galvatron

got out of there safely?

SIDESWIPE: Good question.

I tried getting them on the

radio, but I got no response.

I wouldn't worry too much.

I'd say those soldiers

are good enough

to take care of themselves

out there.


Yeah, you're right Scavenger.

We'll meet them back

on Cybertron.

And for the rest of us,

I think it's best

we head back for a little R&R,

because I think we've earned

some time off, boys.

Oh, and one more thing.

Good work taking out Unicron.

( Galvatron chuckling )

Don't tell me you expected us

to remain partners

once Unicron

was destroyed, did you?

How foolish.

We were created

adversaries, Prime.

I see no need

to resume our battle.

Hm. You know you can't

leave this unresolved. Never!

( murmuring )

Oh, boy.

If we don't continue

our battle,

then everything we've done

in the past has been pointless.

There can only be one ruler

in the universe, understand?

And now that Unicron

is out of the way,

that leaves only you and me.

Optimus, you know very well

we could never reign as one.

Our fight shall continue

until either of us falls.

And I shall be

the last one standing

after I crush you, Prime,

just like this!

You just might be right,


But Optimus...

Come on, you can't be serious.

This probably

isn't the time to ask,

but when are we

gonna eat, you guys?

Zip it, Fred, or I'll give you

my fist to chew on.

I can't believe you guys would

start this thing over again.

For your information, humans,

the one and only reason

I joined forces with Optimus

was to destroy Unicron.

And now that he has been


it is time to take care

of the other obstacle

that stands in my way.

No, you're wrong.

Okay, then explain to me why

Starscream sacrificed himself.

Because he was a fool.

No, because he wanted everyone

to live in peace!

Listen and try to understand

the simple concept

that there can only be

one ruler of the universe.

And unfortunately for you,

Optimus Prime,

it's going to be me.

Are you saying

that taking out Unicron

was just a means to an end?

Yes, now you're

starting to get it.

I suppose you could say

I used you

in order to further

my lofty career ambitions.

But tell me,

is it so wrong

to set higher standards

for one's self? Well, is it?


What the--?

Your mindless ambitions

are fueled only by your greed,

and you'll stop at nothing

to get what you want.

I should have let

Unicron destroy you.

Yeah, he's right. We're sick

and tired of all this fighting.

That goes for me too.

I thought

once Unicron was wasted,

things would get back

to normal.

Would you quit

trying to be the boss?

Why can't we all

just get along?

No matter what you say, there is

no good reason to fight.

( chuckling )

This discussion

is all very interesting,

but I believe you fail

to comprehend your argument.

If you remember, didn't

Unicron mention something

about our dilemma?

As long as hatred exists,

I shall remain

impervious to attack.

So if that's the case,

are you telling me that

you are merely suppressing

your hatred of me,

or do you actually like me?

Don't deny

the inevitable, Prime.

You have no other choice.

Admit it, Prime!

I am Optimus Prime,

leader of the Autobots!

Ha. You never change,

do you?

Oh, you can deny your hatred

for me all you want, Optimus,

but in your heart

you know the real truth.


You're not gonna believe this.

Unicron just moved.


So what'd we do now, Hot Shot?

I don't know. I guess we should

wait until we hear from Optimus.

It's the only thing

we can do.

Hot Shot, might I suggest we

have some troops on high alert

just in case?

No, everyone stay put.

The way I see it

is right now

Unicron doesn't seem

to be fully alert.

That gives me a window

of opportunity to go in

and get Optimus

and the kids.

The rest of you stay here

and keep your eye on Unicron.

If you suspect he's starting

to snap out of it,

go into full attack mode

to cover me, understand?


You're not going

anywhere, Hot Shot.

Ohh! What'd you

do that for, Jetfire?


Optimus and Galvatron put you

in charge of both armies.

That means you're staying put.

This mission calls

for my skills, not yours.


Ha, ha, ha!

You didn't think

you were gonna get all

the glory, now did you, Jetfire?

Suit yourself, Cyclonus.

( laughing ):

Don't worry, I will!

You might want

to step aside, humans,

because Optimus and I have

a little, how should I say...

business to take care of.


Sorry, but we're not

going anywhere.


And besides,

Optimus isn't gonna fight.

Right. He's just going

to stand there

and let me obliterate him.

ALL ( in unison ):



Rad, Alexis, Carlos,

Fred, Billy,

the time has come to say

a personal word of thanks

to all of you

for helping the Autobots

in our quest

to save the Minicons.

KIDS: But, Optimus...

OPTIMUS: Galvatron is right.

In order to destroy Unicron,

we first must end hate

in the universe.

And that means I have to finish

what I've started.

High Wire, Grindor,

Sureshock and the others,

I entrust you with the task

of looking after the humans

and ensuring their safety,


Yes, sir.

But why fight?

Sadly, my friends,

it's the only way

to obtain peace.

Now, you must go and

take the children with you.

No, Optimus, No! Don't let him

suck you into this.

You're not gonna

change your mind?

Well, I guess we're gonna

see you soon, won't we?

Yes, you will.

But now it's time for you

and the others to go.

And one more thing, Rad,

I will always

remember you.

( tender theme playing )


the future is yours!


Good riddance, humans!


Our Minicon brothers

shall show us the way.

( rumbling )

Well, it looks like

it's just you and me, Prime.

The time for speeches

is over, Galvatron.

Let's end our quarrel

right here and right now.

Don't act surprised. This is

exactly what you wanted.

And I fight you, not as

the leader of the Autobots,

but as the leader

of all Transformers!


Unh! You're not superior

to me, Optimus Prime!

( both grunting )

( Galvatron laughing )


What in the world's

going on back there?


It could mean Unicron

is coming back to life.

Aw, give me a break.

We shut him up real good.

He could be

playing possum.

I think we should wait

and see what happens.

How about I wake him up?

Ha, ha, ha!

Forget it, Cyclonus.

If he is still alive,

the two of us don't stand

a chance against him.


I got carried away.

Well, knock it off.

Remember, Optimus, Galvatron

and the kids are still inside,

and we don't want

any accidents.



You serious? Optimus and

Galvatron are about to go at it?

Yeah, we just picked up

the kids, and they told us.

This is the big one,

Hot Shot.

Not to mention the fact

Unicron's still alive.

So what do we do,

Hot Shot?

Well, it looks like

we're caught

between a rock

and a hard place, men.

Maybe we should just wait until

Jetfire and the kids return

before we do anything.

You're right, Hoist.

I think we should just

wait it out.

Ugh. I say you call up

all your men

and hit Unicron

hard and fast, Hot Shot.

And we've got

to do it now.

We can't do that, Wheeljack.

Galvatron might get hit.

He's right.

And don't forget about Optimus.

My vote is to wait

until Optimus is back.

I don't think

we have a choice.

Well, while you guys

are deciding,

I've got a payload

to deliver back to base.

You mean we're just gonna

abandon Galvatron?

( thinking ):

I know the men are counting

on me to make a decision,

but if I make the wrong one,

the entire universe

could be at stake.

If I attack Unicron,

that leaves Optimus vulnerable,

and if I allow Unicron

to fully recover,

then he could destroy us all.

Prepare for battle, men!


Remember, Optimus

and Galvatron are still inside!

That means this must be

a surgical strike!

All units, move out!

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunting )

( laughing )

( grunting )

You're all mine!

( both grunting )

( laughing )

And here I thought you were

not going to defend yourself.

Well, I must say

it's good to have you back

to your old self again, Prime.

( Galvatron laughing )

Yes, this reminds me so much

of the good old days.

( grunting )


Over the eons,

your proclamations of peace

have always seemed pointless.

You must admit you love

the smell of battle.

♪ Transformers ♪

( grunting )

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunting )

( laughing )

( grunting )


( grunting )

( grunting )

( dramatic theme playing )

Hey, I thought

we finished off Unicron.

Sideways was eliminated.

Unicron lay only

in a state of dormancy.

Uh, mind saying that

in English?


Hey, look!

There's some kind of a hole

opening up in Unicron's armor.

Yeah, all right!

Let's go for it.

You think maybe it's some kind

of sign that Optimus is okay?

All right, men, it's time

to shift into stealth mode!

Roger that, Hot Shot!

And we'll set up

for the second wave!


Tidal Wave!

( dramatic theme playing )

This can't be

how our fight ends, Prime.

For the eons we've battled,

it's much too anti-climatic.

I demand satisfaction!

I wish I could accommodate you.

Heh, heh.

Get up...

so I can destroy you!

Don't count on it!

( grunting )

Ah, yes, that's more

like it, Prime. Ha, ha.

( both grunting )

Look, it's Optimus!

Yeah, and he's with Galvatron.


Would you quit

your yapping?

We've got to destroy Unicron

before he comes back to life!


Destroy Unicron!

Why don't you forget

about Unicron?

His power will be mine.

Oh, and, Prime, we haven't

finished our little quarrel yet!

Hot Shot,

I'll take care of Galvatron!

You lead the men

and attack Unicron

with everything

you've got!

Yeah, no problem.


Hot Shot, Unicron's

headed back to Cybertron!

This is it, boys.


( Optimus and Galvatron

grunting )

( tense theme playing )


( grunts )

Optimus' Matrix!

You're right, but why would he

take it off to fight?

That's too freaky.

But there's gotta be a reason.

Hey, maybe he know something

he's not telling us, guys!

( grunting )

( grunting )

( groans )

( both grunting )

( panting )

( groaning )

Now, that's the old Optimus

I used to know.


But the battle is over.

I have nothing left for you.

You defeated me

fair and square.

No, Galvatron, I think we'll

have to call this one a draw.

You have to admit

we really went at it, huh?

And throughout our careers,

we've been

fairly evenly matched.

You know, I've enjoyed every

nanosecond of it, Optimus.

Sorry, but I could never admit

to enjoying the battle.

However, it was a necessary evil

to obtain peace.


I may never see that day.

I only wish that

whoever survives us

will remove evil

from the universe.

( laughing )

Well, at least you were right

about one thing, Prime,

and that is you will never

survive beyond today.

And that means I shall become

supreme commander.

Bon voyage, Optimus.

( grunting )


( dramatic theme playing )


They can't!

Not with Optimus still inside.


Hang on, Galvatron!

Why are you doing this?

Never mind.

We've got enough

to worry about. Unh!

Let me go, and Unicron

will be destroyed.


I can't do that.


If you let me go, then the w*r

between us will be over.

Unicron will cease to exist,

because there won't be

enough evil in the universe

for him to feed off of.

Now, Optimus! Time has run out.

( Optimus grunting )

Hurry! I said cut me loose!


Farewell, Optimus Prime.

Victory is all yours.

Now go and look after your men.

They need you!

( screaming )


( dramatic theme playing )

The Transformer Matrix.

I don't deserve to wear it.

( dramatic theme playing )

ALL ( in unison ):

Hey, thanks a lot for the lift,

Hot Shot and Jetfire!

Well, I guess

this is it, huh, kids?

But just remember,

we'll never ever forget you.

Mh-hmm. And you guys can be sure

none of us will ever forget you.

Same here.

And thanks, kids, for all

the things you taught us.

Actually, I think we learned

a lot more from you.


Hey, if you're ever

in the Solar System,

drop in and say hi,

all right?

You got it, big guy,

but I've got a feeling

since Cybertron's been rebuilt

and the w*r's ended,

we'll be staying home

for a long time to come.


And it's good to know

the Autobots and Decepticons

are finally getting along.


Well, we gotta get going.

Good-bye and thank you.

You will always be

in the Minicons' memories.

You guys too.

We'll miss you, but we'll

never ever forget you.

This is harder

than I thought.

( sobbing )

Yeah, no kiddin'.

Aw, knock it off, guys.

You're bawling

like little babies.


Hey, look who's talking.

So, what about Optimus?

Don't worry about him.

I'm not exactly sure

where he is,

but I do know

he's out there somewhere.

And he's right here,

inside all our hearts.


You're right about that.


No matter what happens

or where we go,

Optimus Prime

will always be a part of us.

( dramatic theme playing )


The w*r between the Autobots

and the Decepticons

has come to an end.

And without the hatred

between the two sides,

there was no evil

to feed Unicron,

and he became powerless.

Both Unicron and Megatron

scattered into the far

reaches of the universe.

As for me, my purpose

has been served.

Cybertron is safe,

and Transformers live

in peace with the Minicons.

So the next time

you look out into space

and see a peaceful star

far, far away,

it just might be Cybertron.


( dramatic theme playing )

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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