01x48 - Cramp

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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01x48 - Cramp

Post by bunniefuu »

( rock theme playing )


The b*ttlefield has shifted.

The Autobots and Decepticons

are racing through space

to face the greatest evil

the Transformers

have ever encountered.

They have entered...

The Unicron Battles.

♪ Transformers ♪


Galvatron, why do we

have to fight?

For just this once,

can't you put aside

your petty argument

with Optimus?

That's enough. How dare you

question me, Starscream.

But if we don't join forces

with the Autobots,

chances are good

that both sides

won't survive

the wrath of Unicron.


You're testing my patience.

I'm just worried there

won't be a second chance

before Unicron destroys

the universe as we know it.


Enough about Unicron.

I'm sick and tired of listening

to your pathetic whining.

And the day will soon come

when Unicron is defeated.

It will be too late.

You simpleton.

Optimus and I are sworn enemies.

But Galvatron sir, I don't think

Optimus would make this offer

unless he truly

believed it.

( yelling )

Let me give you

fair warning, Starscream.

Don't you dare

cross me again.

I would never.

You've got

to believe me.


I beg of you, sir, listen.

You and Optimus must put aside

your differences right away,

or there'll be nothing left

to defend on either side.

Don't you realize

the gravity of this?

Would you give it a rest.

Galvatron knows

what he's doing.

Yeah, unless of course

you're ready to jump ship again,

you useless traitor.

( chuckles )

Go ahead and laugh.

But soon that pea brain of yours

will be sorry.

Oh, I think Optimus is the one

that will be sorry,

as soon as I defeat him.

And that goes

for Unicron as well.



See, my dear Starscream,

there can only be one supreme

commander of the universe.

And trust me,

in due course,

I shall eliminate

my competition.

I can't believe

you still think

you can defeat Unicron

all by your--

I don't care

what you believe.

I will destroy Optimus first

and then I'll worry

about Unicron.

That's insanity.

The only way we can survive

is if our two armies

join forces, Galvatron.



( grunting )

You can't do this, sir.

But I must give you credit

for seeing through Thrust

and his attempt

to subvert my plans.

In that regard,

I was quite impressed.

However, I require

one's full loyalty.

Is any of this

sinking in, Starscream?

I understand, sir.

Gentlemen, it appears

we have a date with destiny.

Follow my lead.

ALL: Yes, sir.

What's the matter,


Are you just

going to sit there and mope,

or are you going to join us

and kick some Auto-butt?

Oh, and you better hurry up

and make up your mind,

or else you'll miss

Galvatron's victory party.

( cackles )

Would someone explain

what's going on?


Get in the game, Fred.

Optimus is meeting up

with the Decepticons.

I just don't get it,

I mean, I understand what

Optimus wants to do and all,

but I don't trust

that Galvatron one little bit.

Well, guys, I guess we just

have to trust Optimus.


I understand your suspicion,

but to defeat Unicron,

we need everyone we can recruit,

including Galvatron.

There's no way he's gonna

buy into your plan, Optimus.

Well, that goof

doesn't have a choice.


But we'll give him one.

I've got a lock, sir.

Decepticons approaching

at o'clock.

Attention, men.

It's time to head them off.

But remember,

this is not a battle.

All we want to do

is talk to Galvatron.

I don't want

any Decepticons harmed,

so it's imperative

that we fire only in defense.

Red Alert, you stay

and look after the ship.

( dramatic theme playing )

I wish I knew what to do.

It's easy.

The only thing you have to say

is "thank you."

I believe in you,


I must protect the humans.

I must.

( yelling )

( wind gusting )

Just remember

what Optimus said.

We fire back only in defense,

no matter what, men.

Yeah, yeah,

we know.

But I got to tell you, Hoist,

it isn't going to be easy.

I hate those



That goes for you too, Hoist.


You don't have to worry

about me, boys.

Zip it, men.

We've got company.


Okay, nobody fire

on Galvatron's ship.

We just let him

pass on through.

Then I'll play decoy.

You got that, guys?

You bet, Hot Shot.

You got it, buddy.

We got you covered.

Have you spotted him yet,


Dead ahead, sir.

In the valley below.

Then let's take her down.

Wait a minute.

It appears he's not alone.

Spare me the details,


All I'm just interested in

is Optimus.

Uh, yes, sir.

Let's go, Tidal Wave.



You're all mine, Prime!

There he is, men. And he's

packing the Star Saber Sword.

Take cover.


Ready or not, here we come,


( cackles )

Well, I guess

we just don't aim.

Hey, let's keep them

busy, okay?

It's better to aim high

than just doing nothing at all.

Cut the chatter, men,

and focus on your targets.

Remember, we don't want

any casualties out there.

Hey, look,

it's Wheeljack.

I thought

he was on our side.


So did I.

But it looks like he had

a change of heart, Carlos.

I suppose once

you become a Decepticon,

you'll always

be a Decepticon.

He's an honorable soldier

and I'm sure he feels

he must live up

to the Decepticon oath.

Let's just hope Optimus

can convince Galvatron

to join with us,

otherwise he's our enemy.

Oh, man, I can't tell

who's who anymore.

No kidding.


I suggest we forget

about the Decepticons

for the moment

and concentrate

on our side.

You're right,

Red Alert.

We've got stand

behind our troops.


There you are, Prime.

It's time

to shut you down.

( machine-g*n fire )

So you want to negotiate,

do you?

Okay, I'm game.

Let's play it your way.

Let the negotiations begin.

What's wrong,

you forget your a*mo?

Guess again,


You fool!


I hear you, sir.

And I'm coming in.



Jet Optimus. Transform.

Oh, Optimus, you and your

fancy little gadgets.

Huh? What the...?

Oh, no, you don't. You're not

getting away this time.

What's wrong?

I thought you wanted

to have a little chitchat,


I do, but only when

you calm down, Galvatron.

You just want

to get rid of Unicron.

Yeah, right.

Nice try,

but it's not going to work.

( yells )

( laughs )

I guess this is where

it finally ends, Optimus Prime.

Your lust for power sickens me.

Don't you get it?

You're the one

that's about to get it.

You misjudge me, Prime.

I don't like games.

There can only be one leader

in this universe,

and unfortunately,

it's not going to be you.

Now do the honorable thing,

you miserable coward.

Stand up and fight.

( grunts )


It looks like

we're back in business.

Tidal Wave, attack.



I see you're in need

of a w*apon, Prime.

I didn't come here

to fight.

But if you attack,

I'll defend myself.

Ha! You're a fool

to the end, Optimus.

( howls )






Would you please just

butt out of this, Tidal Wave?

Can't you see

Optimus and I

were right in the middle

of our negotiations?

Now go play

somewhere else.

( a*tillery fire )

( screams )

Now that's what I call

a bull's-eye.

I'll take out the trash,


You take care

of Galvatron.


( Galvatron laughs )


Well, I guess

that leaves you and me.

Just the way I imagined it.

So let's cut to the chase

and get this over with,

shall we?

You're mine.

( grunts )

How long have we been

adversaries, Optimus?

It seems like since

the beginning of time.

And I suppose I do have

a certain respect for you,

but I digress.

You might have fooled


with your little

truce ploy,

but I'm nobody's fool.

Now let's end this charade,

shall we?

It's not a charade.



( howls )

Starscream didn't fall

for anything.

He just saw the truth.

Don't feed me

your lies.

( grunts )

The Decepticons and Autobots

are like oil and water.

We could never join forces.

You and I

both know it's true.

That leaves only

one question to be answered.

Who will be left

to rule the universe?

Don't be a fool.

You're in no position

to call me names.

I grow tired

of your mind games,

and it's time

to end this conversation.

It's been a real pleasure

knowing you, Optimus Prime.


( grunting )

What's the matter?

You're not so tough,

are you?

Wait, I've got it.

You're waiting for

the Mini-Cons to save you.

Well, you're out of luck,

because they aren't

coming this time.


( grunts )



I don't believe it.


The game's over,


♪ Transformers ♪


I hope you realize

you're playing

a very dangerous game,


I've made my choice,


There's only one path

to surviving Unicron

and that's

to follow Optimus.

Why you...

Stay out of this,


This is between

Galvatron and me.

Now just back away.

I don't mean

any disrespect, Optimus,

but I'm not going


You understand

you'll pay for this.

No one defies my command

and gets away with it.

Sorry. I don't work

for you anymore.

I've made up my mind

to bring this to an end.

And once all is said and done,

Unicron will be destroyed

and the universe

will be at peace.

May I suggest

that you have lost your mind.

I'll destroy you.

Come and get a taste

of my blade, Galvatron.

Anyone heard anything

from Optimus yet?


Am I nuts, or are they

missing on purpose?

The obvious answer, Cyclonus,

is you're nuts.

Knock it off, you two.

This just might be

an Autobot trap.

Well, why don't we just have

a little look-see?


Time to get

this party started.

( cackles )


Oh! I've never seen

so much firepower before.


And what happened to Optimus?

Oh, man, it looks like

his whole strategy

has gone completely

out the window.

Don't worry.


Everything is going to be

all right, you guys.


I'll give you one last chance

to save your neck, Starscream.


My only chance is to see

you unite with Optimus.

I hope you know what

you're doing, Starscream.


What's going on?

Unicron's starting

to change his form again.

( beeping )



Look, Rad.

The Mini-Cons are headed

towards Unicron.


Oh, no! The horror!

The horror!

No, High Wire.

I can't let you out there.

It's too dangerous.


Just hang in there, okay.

We've got to give Optimus

a little more time.

And you've got to tell

the other Mini-Cons to stay put.

I've often wondered

what it would be like

to battle against you,


But your words are stronger

than your fighting abilities.

I'm very disappointed.

You insolent fool.

( screams )

Oh, no.

( yells )

An "A" for effort.

But unfortunately,

your misguided aspirations

are about to end

in failure, Starscream.

This battle's

far from over, Galvatron.

Oh, right. I forgot who you are.

A mere Decepticon soldier

whose programming

has gone haywire.

I admire your moxie,

but sadly I must inform you

your brave attempt

to overthrow me

is about to end

in failure.

Unless of course, you decide

to turn and walk away right now.

And maybe,

if I'm still in a good mood,

I might spare

your miserable life.

This is my final offer,


All right, then.

I believe you've made

your final decision,

haven't you?

Well, now it's time to pay

the consequences, soldier.

Get down!

What's happening?



Oh, I'm impressed, Starscream,

but not enough to be worried.

So do the smart thing

and back down

while you still can.

Better hurry and decide,


( laughs )

Time's up.


( grunting )

You're starting to annoy me,


It's the least I can do.


where in the universe

did you get

all this power?

Right now, that doesn't matter,

does it, Galvatron?

Tell me, why did you let me run

you through like that, soldier?

( groans )

This has all been

a complete waste of my time.

I remember

a very long time ago,

I swore an oath

to you, Galvatron.

And I could never

break that oath.

You had this planned

all along, didn't you?

I did, sir.

But all of this

could have been prevented

if you only had given me

some respect.

Save your breath,


I tried to gain favor

from you,

but nothing

was ever good enough.

No matter how many battles

I fought,

you always

found fault.

Then, I saw how

Optimus treated his men

and I realized

he was a leader of integrity.

Unlike you.

You were too weak

to ever gain my respect.


None of that matters now.

You must listen.

Do as Optimus says and

join forces with the Autobots,

or else every last one of us

is doomed.

( grunts and groans )

Please, sir,

do it for me.

No, Starscream! Don't!

( yells )

It's time to finish this

once and for all.

Activate Proton Cannon!

You're all mine,


What's going on

out there, Alexis?


Alexis, wait.

( panting )

Alexis, wait up.


It's over, Swindle.

But he fought like

a brave soldier until the end.


I tried to gain favor from you,

but nothing

was ever good enough.

No matter how many battles

I fought,

you always found fault.

Then, I saw how

Optimus treated his men

and I realized he was

a leader of integrity.

Unlike you.


What the--?

Everything is now

in place.




And the mighty Unicron

shall inherit

the Star Saber Sword.



I'd love to stay and chat,

but we have a universe

to destroy.

Not so fast, Sideways.

( yells )

Oh, what else

can go wrong?

This is a nightmare.

( g*nf*re )

( cackles )

( gasps )

Starscream, no!

( groans )

( sobbing )






Why did Starscream

do that to himself?

I wish I had

the answers, Alexis.


Starscream was gone.

And right now it seemed

his demise was in vain.

Yet like all things in life,

we would have to wait

to find out the true reason

why he did what he did.

But for now,

there are too many questions

without any answers.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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