01x22 - Vow

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
Post Reply

01x22 - Vow

Post by bunniefuu »


The w*r between the Autobots

and the Decepticons rages on

as they struggle to retrieve

the prized Mini-Cons.

The side who wins is the side

that collects the most.

And if the Decepticons

prove victorious,

then Megatron and his corrupt

Mini-Cons control the universe.

The Earth's only chance

for a peaceful cosmos

is for Optimus Prime

and the Autobots

to destroy their enemy.

Now get ready

for a new battle.

♪ Transformers ♪

What? The Skyboom Shield?

I'll cut it into pieces.

( grunting )

Give it to me, Optimus.



Okay, sure. The Star Saber

and the Skyboom Shield

could cause some serious damage

in the wrong hands.

But the big mystery was,

where did these weapons

come from

and why were the Autobots

being so secretive about it?

How come?


How come we can't come

to the base?

You gotta give us a reason,

Hot Shot.


that's the way it's gotta be.

( grunts )

You can't stop me to--


It's a direct order

from Optimus.

I cannot let you pass.

No way. Optimus would never

give an order like that.

Blurr is right.

Now, please do as you're told,


This could get dangerous.

( action theme playing )

♪ Transformers ♪

( suspenseful theme playing )

Attention. All Mini-Cons

will now fight by my side.

You will obey only Megatron

or suffer the consequences.

Do you understand?

Hurry up. You're too slow.

Get in formation.

( beeping )

All right. Time to program

the battle sequence.

I'll switch

into full-blast mode

while you Mini-Cons

distract the enemy's attention.

Then I'll strike

with the Star Saber.


Commence combat simulation

on my mark.

Aah! Full-blast mode.


Mini-Cons attack! Huh?

That's just to remind you

there will be other Autobots

in the area, sir.

( grunts )

Just stay out of this.


Your duty is to disrupt

the enemy's communications.

Do you understand me?

( beeping )


Hot Shot and Blurr will lead

this defensive formation.

Smokescreen will remain

in the rear.

And before we engage

the Decepticons in combat,

he will pass

the Skyboom Shield forward.

Why Smokescreen?


Because Smokescreen will have

the best view of the action.

And his Longarm launcher

makes him best suited

to carry the Skyboom Shield.


Good plan.


And if necessary,

the Shield can be passed

to Scavenger or Red Alert.

That's great.

Then any one of us

can use the Skyboom Shield

at any time.

But remember,

without Smokescreen

this formation won't work

at all, Hot Shot.

Hey, pal, I know.

Chill out.

Don't worry about me.

I got it. I mean,

I'll be there. Don't worry.

Hey, we're counting on you.

We don't want the Decepticons

to get the upper hand,



This could get very complicated.

We don't understand

the full power

of the Skyboom Shield yet.

But I wanna make sure

you're aware of the dangers

when it's used

against the Star Saber.

We can't afford mistakes.



( Sureshock beeping )


What, Sureshock? We're trying

to have a meeting.

( Sureshock beeping )

Uh, translation, please.

I think he wants to know

why they're not coming

with us, sir.

I'm afraid

this mission is too risky.

( buzzes )

( beeping )


So we're not allowed to go

near the Autobots

till they figure out what's up

with that sword and shield?


Optimus is just uptight.

Aw, man, it's not fair.


What a rip-off.


He knows what's best.

I mean, we all know

how powerful the Star Saber

and the Skyboom Shield are.


I think another battle

at the Astrogate

would be a pretty scary thing

to watch anyway.

I guess.

But we should do something.

I really don't like sitting

on the sidelines like this.

After all

I am a man of action, you know?

Let's have something to eat.

That will take our mind

off our troubles.

The fate of the world

is at stake

and all you think about

is food?

( groans )

( Sureshock beeping )

BOTH: Huh?

Hi, guys.

ALEXIS: How you doing?

RAD: What's going on?

( Sureshock continues beeping )

Sneaky. You followed us

all the way from the base.

Maybe they got

kicked out too.

I'm sure they just got lonely

back there, that's all.

( beeping )

( chuckles )

I say this calls

for a sandwich.


Something's not right.

( Sureshock buzzes )


Sureshock says he's intercepted

a strange signal.


He says it's a message

from the Decepticon Mini-Cons

on the moon.

CARLOS: No way.


( ominous theme playing )


Why would the Mini-Cons

on the moon

be sending a message

to these guys down here?

Hey, maybe

they just wanna talk.

Yeah, I'm sure.

That's it.

They're lonely. Right.

No, wait. Fred's right.

Uh, yeah, sure.

Yeah, maybe the Mini-Cons

on the moon

wanna join up with their friends

down here on the Earth.

So you think those Mini-Cons

are worried about these guys?

Yeah. They want peace.

Do you think so?


Yeah. It all makes sense now.

Don't you remember the Mini-Cons

that formed the Skyboom Shield?

They tried to protect Sparkplug

when Optimus and Megatron

were battling last time.

So up on the moon,

the Mini-Cons might be

under Megatron's control.

But I bet

they want no part of the w*r

that the Decepticons

are trying to start.


So I assume you made contact

with the Mini-Cons on Earth.

( beeping )

So if all goes

according to plan,

we'll at least get some use

out of them.

( upbeat theme playing )

Hey, are you sure

the Warp Gate is up here?

Positive, Carlos.

Warp Gate. Then what?


We should tell Optimus.

Go get him, Rad.

We'll wait for you.

Let's go, Fred. Come on.


But can we stop for lunch?

I'm starving.

( ominous theme playing )

I'll act as a decoy

and draw the Autobots

through the Warp Gates

and split them up.

Once they're separated

I'll contact you.

Until then

you will remain on standby.


Yes. Of course, Megatron.

( Cyclonus snickering )


So for once, Megatron

is going to do some work.

And just think, we'll get

the Skyboom Shield as well.

Sure. If his plan works.

( chuckles )



Come on. Is anybody home?

Hey, open up. Says me.

It's not working.

Hold on.

Optimus, it's Rad.

Sorry to bother you,

but the Decepticons' Mini-Cons

are on their way to Earth.

( whirring )

Huh? Huh?

Are you saying that you

intercepted the enemy's signal?

Enemy? Huh?

Uh, no, we're talking

about the Mini-Cons.

That explains

why Sparkplug was acting up.

We'll have to get

to that Warp Gate on the double.


I don't think you understand

what we're saying.

We're gonna take care

of this.

You two stay here

where it's safe.


But what about Alexis

and the others?


Uh, are you sure

we went the right way?

( Sureshock beeping )


Sureshock says

this is the place.

Aah! Look.


Then where's the Warp Gate?




( beeping and buzzing )

Hey, guys,

what was that?

OPTIMUS: Don't move.


All of you,

go back the way you came. Now!

( suspenseful theme playing )


Come. This way.

Get back to the base


Hey, what's the big deal?

He's gone.


Oh, well,

there's nothing to be afaid of.

Look, I'll even prove--



( gasps )

No, wait. Optimus!

( grunts )

Hey, wait.

Don't leave us here alone.

Huh? Hey. You.

What Warp Gate

did Megatron go through again?

Huh? I don't know.

Uh, there's too much noise

on the signal right now.

What noise?

( snickering )

It looks like

one of the Mini-Cons

is messing with us.

How can you laugh? This is not a


We've all got to adjust

our equipment right now.



Why are you all

just standing there?

Get going!

We've got to make sure

Megatron gets back

to the base.

Go on! Get to work!

Sure. Whatever.

Yeah. We'll give it

our best shot.

Huh. Well, then start moving

on the double.

( computer beeping )

Ah, darn. I can't make contact

with Laserbeak at all.


Optimus, no.

♪ Transformers ♪

( action theme playing )

( ominous theme playing )

( Fred whimpering )

OPTIMUS: Where are we?

HOT SHOT: I don't know.

( grunting )

( groaning )

Hey, Fred, are you all right?



Aah! Hold me!

Aah! They're sh**ting at us!

I know that!

Promise you won't leave me.

( ominous theme playing )


What's he up too?

I want my mommy!

( whirring )

( Fred whimpers )

Let's move out.

They left without us.

I know. That's not the plan.

How am I supposed to pass

the Skyboom Shield to them?


Huh? Huh?

( echoing )

Can you hear me, Optimus?

( Fred whimpering )

( both screaming )


Didn't I tell you it wasn't safe

for you two to come with me?


Then let's go home.

It's too late now.

We're sorry, Optimus.

We just thought

that we could convince

some of the Mini-Cons

on the Decepticons' side

to help end all this fighting.

I understand.

I just know we can get

some of those Mini-Cons

to join us good guys.

It may be difficult

to get them on our side.

Megatron has a strong grip

on them.


But why's that?

Believe it or not,

they look up to Megatron.

It may sound strange,

but they think of him

as kind of a father figure.

No way. I know those Mini-Cons

don't wanna fight.

I'm sure they want peace

just like everybody else.

They have to.

Uh, Fred.

I know you don't like it,

but this is the way

it has to be.

The Mini-Cons that are

on the Decepticons' side

are with our enemies.

If we back down,

we'll lose everything.

But all you've been doing

is fighting for years.

There has to be a way

for you to get along somehow.

( sighs )

( whirring )

Oh, not again.


( wind whistling )

( all gasp )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( laughing )

Follow me, Optimus Prime.

As you wish.



( beeping )


( suspenseful theme playing )

Now let's complete the plan.

Don't even think

about deserting me.

( beeping )

Ha, ha.

You better drop

those foolish ideas

from your data banks or I'll use

the Star Saber

to slice each one of you

in half.

( beeping )


As long as you remember that,

we'll get along just fine.

( Megatron laughing )

Megatron has done it.

What do you mean?


This is all part of the plan.

He's divided the Autobots

and now intends

on conquering us.

No way.


Look over there.

Megatron already has

his Mini-Con troops in place.


It was a trap.


I'm afraid you're right, Fred.

He's got us.

We're doomed for sure.

And I still haven't had

my lunch.


( beeping )

Go on. I gave you an order

to attack them.

( beeping )

( grunting )


Optimus. Please don't fire

on those Mini-Cons.

They're trying

to draw me out.

They're not. There's no way they

would try

to do something like that

on their own.

Optimus, please,

listen to me!

I know it's hard for you

to believe,

but those Mini-Cons

really don't wanna fight you.

They sent us a message.

They're on the level.

They want peace.


You gotta trust me.

( sighs )

Please, Optimus.

I want you two to run for it

when I give you the signal.

This has to stop.

Yeah, wake up!

Go. Now!

( both grunting )

Come on.

Look, they're giving up.

Oh, no!

( suspenseful theme playing )

Get moving.

( both scream )


Huh? What's he doing?

They're gonna blast him

to pieces.

He's just trying

to protect us.

Why does he have

to do it this way?

Oh, no, he won't stop.

( thinking )

I don't know

if Fred and Rad are right,

but this is the only way

I'm going to know

if I can trust these Mini-Cons.

( laughing)

What do you think you're doing,

Optimus Prime?

Are you going to sacrifice

yourself on the Star Saber?

I never ordered you

to stop the attack, did I?

Fire until he's buried

in the ground.

( beeping )

( groans )

( whirring )

( groaning )

Ha-ha-ha. What a joke.

You're still refusing

to sh**t back

at these pathetic Mini-Cons.

You know what your problem is,

Optimus? You're soft.

Good riddance.

( slow theme playing )

( grunts )

( whimpers then sobs )

Why is he doing this?

I can't watch anymore.

I know Optimus believes

what we said

about those Mini-Cons.

Come on.

Hang in there, Fred.

( wailing )

We were wrong.

And Optimus can't take much more

of that m*ssile fire.

They won't let up on him.

It's not over yet.

( Optimus groaning )

( beeping )

What is it?

Oh, you want me

to finish him off?

( Mini-Cons beeping )

You've learned a lot

from me.

Well, I suspect

this will be the perfect ending

to a perfect day.

Hey, Optimus!

ALEXIS ( over radio ):

Come in, Rad.


Finally, I got through.

Something or someone

has been jamming

our communications all day.

Listen up.

Optimus is in big trouble.

They still need our help.

What is it, Alexis?

I've finally locked

into Megatron's signal.

Goodie. Then it's time

to go bash some Autobots.

No. We're supposed

to wait here

until we get the order

to move out.

Don't listen to Megatron.

You don't have to fight



Can't you think of anything

better to say

for your last words?

All right, then,

I'll finish you off quickly

so I don't have to listen

to any more

of your pathetic speeches.

( groans )

( grunting )

What is this?

That's it.

( Mini-Cons beeping )

( both gasp )

All right, they did it!

The Mini-Cons

are gonna save Optimus.


didn't I tell you, Fred?

How dare you!

( grunting )

Oh, no,

he's got the Star Saber.

( both whimpering )

♪ Transformers ♪


Hey, look,

it's the Autobots.


Coming through.



( Smokescreen grunts )

( action theme playing )

( grunts )


Use that Skyboom Shield.

( grunting )

I got you now.


DEMOLISHER ( over radio ):

Megatron, sir,

are you all right?

I'm sorry it took so long

to repair

our transmission equipment.


♪ Transformers ♪

You're back. All right!

Thanks to you.

You mean you believed

what we said the whole time?

I wouldn't be much

of a leader

if I didn't listen

to the advice

of some of my most trusted

friends now, would I?



( whimpers then sobs )

That's great.

But does this mean that

we're a team again, guys?


It sure does.

Now that the mystery is solved.



When the Skyboom Shield

and the Star Saber

slammed into each other,

an incredible amount

of energy was released.

I know now that it was

the screams of the Mini-Cons

who had been forced

to fight a battle

they didn't want to fight.

Those poor Mini-Cons.

( beeping )

The Mini-Cons

sacrificed themselves.

Now we must liberate them all.


I agree.

And we'll need everyone

in this room's help to do it.

And that includes you kids

as well.


Please understand.

We never wanna leave you kids

out of anything.

We just worry

about your safety.

We'll need your help if

you're still willing to help us.

Sure, we'll do anything

to help out a friend.

RAD ( narrating ):

So it's the silent strength

of the Mini-Cons

that give the Star Saber

and the Skyboom Shield

their awesome power.

And under the control

of someone like Megatron,

they have no choice

but to do his bidding.

Well, that's gonna change.

Because my friends and I

are gonna make sure

the Mini-Cons get to live

in peace like they deserve.

And with the Autobots

on our side,

that should be no problem.

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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