02x10 - The Runaway

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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02x10 - The Runaway

Post by bunniefuu »

Thomas was ill. Workmen tried to make
him better but it was no use.

“Edward must take you to the works,”
said the Fat Controller.

Thomas felt very miserable.

Then the Fat Controller spoke to Duck.
“Now you must help Percy and Toby.”

Duck was delighted.

He knew Percy, and made friends
with Toby and Bertie.

Terence the tractor welcomed him too.

“Take care of Thomas's coaches,
he's sure to miss them."

Duck was very gentle with the coaches.

Annie and Clarabel were impressed.
“Such nice manners,” they said.

“It's a pleasure to go out with him.”

When Thomas came back,
Annie and Clarabel told him about Duck.

Thomas was so pleased to be home
that he forgot to be jealous.

The works had left
Thomas's handbrake stiff.

His brakes seemed as if they were
hard on, when they were not.

(Screeching) As a result,
he often overran the platform.

Thomas found this most embarrassing.

His driver and fireman
learned to be careful.

But Thomas's fireman fell ill,
and a relief man took his place.

The fireman fastened the coupling

and waited on the platform
for Henry's passengers.

The fireman had forgotten
about Thomas's handbrake.

“Not long now," Thomas thought,
as he saw Henry.

But Thomas's brakes were not hard on,
and he felt his wheels move.

He couldn't stop or even whistle
a warning without his driver and fireman.

Everyone was stranded on the platform.

“Stop, stop!" cried Annie and Clarabel
but Thomas had plenty of steam.

The alarm went out. "Stop the runaway!"
Ready for action was Harold.

The inspector had a plan,
and they took off into the sky.

At last, Thomas was tiring.
"I need to stop,” he panted.

As they neared the next station,
Thomas saw Harold land.

They arrived slowly enough
for the inspector to act.

Judging his moment, the inspector leapt
in and screwed the brake hard on.

At last, Thomas stopped.
Both he and the inspector were relieved.

They thanked Harold.
“Glad to be of service," he whirled.

“Phew! We must never let this happen
again, Thomas."

Wearily, Thomas agreed with him.
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