03x09 - 3 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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03x09 - 3 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen."


now one team.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay helped

the final five celebrate.

In their first

individual challenge,

the chefs cooked

for trendsetters.

CHEF RAMSAY: Sell that dish.

NARRATOR: High school students.

- What's up, fellas?

Go green, people.

NARRATOR: In the end,

Julia's chicken sandwich

reigned supreme.


And she chose Jen to join her.

Cheers, my dear.

NARRATOR: On a trip to the Green

Valley Ranch Resort and Spa.


At dinner service.

One monkfish, one

turbot, and one Wellington.

NARRATOR: Bonnie excelled

at the meat station.

CHEF RAMSAY: Wellington

is nicely cooked.

Thank you, chef.

NARRATOR: Josh screwed

up on appetizers.

How many are you doing?


What's going on?

NARRATOR: And again.


NARRATOR: Until Chef

Ramsay could take no more.

Do me a favor.

Take that off and

f*cking get out of here.

Get out.

Get out!

Dream is over, guys.

NARRATOR: Jen rescued

the appetizer station.

Very nice, seasoned

beautifully risotto.

Thank you, Chef.


was lost on garnish.

CHEF RAMSAY: Your body

language is giving up.

NARRATOR: And Jen and Rock.

- Don't do that to me, Rock.

- What did you say?


each other's throats.

seconds, Rock.

Don't say nothing

else to me, please.

I cannot run this

kitchen like this.


dinner, Chef Ramsay

gave Bonnie a compliment.

Your best night so far.

NARRATOR: And an assignment.

The choice is yours.

NARRATOR: She nominated.




Julia, take off your jacket.

You have done phenomenally well.

I am personally going to

send you to culinary school.

I am very proud of you.

[theme music]

NARRATOR: And now, the

continuation of "Hell's


- Jen?

- Yes?

Can I talk to you for a

second, just real quick?

It will take two seconds.


For whatever

happened, I didn't

like the way you talked to me.

But I apologize for what I

said, what I did, for whatever.

I don't even remember

some of the ques--

Yeah, I apologize as well.

Can we hug?

I am a firm believer in

trying to clear the air.

I learned that through, you

know, messing up with my wife.

I just wanted to apologize.

Rock said he was sorry.

I said I was sorry.

And you press on after that.

So I'm not going to dwell on it.

Oh, god, poor Jules.

I feel so bad.

I'm hoping this is going to

be the best thing for her,

that she can go to school

and like-- you know?

It's OK.

BONNIE: Chef chose

Julie to go home.

And I feel so sad.

I feel gutted.

I'm just going to

be sorry to not,

you know, wake up and see her

smiling face in the morning.

I'm really sad

that Julie is gone.

And she was an

inspiration to me.

And I felt proud of her.

This is a sad moment

for everybody today.

This is so surreal.

Three people-- it went

from five to three

in the span of hours.

I really, really didn't

think I'd get this far.

Sometimes I just feel like

I'm not worthy to be here.

But that man downstairs

really wants it.

He's come from such,

like a poor background,

and like, has had to work

so hard for everything.


I feel so fortunate

to be in this position,

to be in the top three.

It's only two more people

that I have to outlast.

NARRATOR: After an

emotional night,

the final three chefs gather

before an uncharacteristically

cheerful Chef Ramsay.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Morning, chef.

Good to see you guys, yes?

Throughout my whole

career, I worked

with some phenomenal chefs.

And right now, I'd

like all three of you

to meet someone that is,

in my mind, the best.

I was trying to think

of what chef he's.

Worked with or, you know,

what chefs he's worked under.

And quite frankly,

without this person,

I wouldn't be here today,

my number one mentor.

Meet my mum.

Good to see you, Mum.

Good to see you.

Good morning.

Good morning.

That is Bonnie, Jen, and Rock.


JEN: Good morning.

BONNIE: Good morning.


Chef Ramsay's mom is so cute.

- Rock, no cursing, please.

- Not at all.

Never, ever in

front of your Mum.

ROCK: Right.

I love when he

says it's his mum.

That's so cute.

And what have you brought me?

Macaroni and cheese.

Macaroni and cheese--

my favorite.

I grew up with this dish.

In today's restaurant

world, people

want to feel at

ease when they can

identify something from their

childhood, comfort food.

But in a fine dining

restaurant, you

have to take that

comfort food and make

it into something quite unique.

Now this is my

macaroni and cheese,

served with roasted

lobster, finished

with shavings of black truffle

and aged Parmesan cheese.

So for today's

challenge, you'll be

taking one of America's

classics and then evolving

it into something fine dining.

I was stoked about

this challenge,

because my restaurant is

Southern Creole Cajun.

And so I try to take, you

know, classic Southern dishes

and make them more contemporary.

Homemade to gourmet--

Scott and MaryAnn, please.

Now in front of you, you got

five dishes to choose from.

I want you to pick a dome

each, look at what you've

got in terms of

American classic,

and evolve that dish

into something exciting.

Who's going first?

OK, Bonnie, pick

a dome and tell me

what your American classic is.

Franks and beans.

BONNIE: That's not

an American classic.

That's a British classic.

That's not a British classic.

Hot dogs and beans.

What's more American

than a hot dog?

Beans and franks--

it just threw me.

I was like, how can

I make this gourmet?

Franks and beans.

Get over it, Bonnie.

Who's next?

I'll go.

Think carefully.

Fried chicken.

JEN: Fried chicken.



I can do something with that.

OK, Rock, pick a dome.


CHEF RAMSAY: Spaghetti

and meatballs.

You've got one hour.

Are you ready?

ROCK: Yes, chef.

JEN: Yes, chef.


NARRATOR: For this

challenge, the aspiring chefs

can use anything from

the well-stocked pantry

to create their

innovative version

of a classic American dish.

Is it just beans and

franks cut up in it?

Never Never had a

hot dog with beans?

Bonnie started doing

her Bonnie thing,

like what is that?

- Does it go on a bun?

How I am supposed to do this?

Is it just beans?

What is that?

Franks and f*cking beans.




I eat hot dogs, but

I've never eaten

hot dogs with beans, like

unless it was like a chili dog.

Is that weird?

Just under to go, yeah?

Yes, chef.

You do not want to

lose this challenge.


They've given us the

most amazing ingredients.

So that definitely

got my mind going.

In my mind, I start with

the main, like OK, chicken.

I don't want to

do like a roulade.

I wanted it to be stuffed.

I just didn't want

it to be plain.

Just under minutes, yes?

Yes, chef.

I was try to do three

different dishes.

I just, I wanted it to

have depth and range.

So I really had my

work cut out for me.

Bonnie, I don't

know [inaudible]..

You girls got the time?

Anybody got the time?

Last three minutes.

Not time-- T-H-Y.

JEN: Be careful.



BONNIE: Oh, jeez.

CHEF RAMSAY: One minute to go.

Doesn't make it.


seconds-- let's' go, Jen.



CHEF RAMSAY: Come on, guys.

Time up.

Come on, Rock.

Bring them over, please.

Thank you.


Yes, chef?

Show me-- what did you make?

I did an Italian version

of beans and franks--

mini bruschettas.

I served it with a

mushroom cream leek sauce.


Thank you.


ROCK: Yes.

CHEF RAMSAY: What did you do?

I did a what I call

a study of spaghetti.

It's three different

spaghettis-- a cream sauce,

[inaudible],, and this is

a spicy chorizo and pork.


Well done.

ROCK: Thank you.

Jen, blow me away.

JEN: I did a fried chicken

roulade stuffed with crab

meat, spinach, and goat cheese.

That's definitely a new

version of fried chicken.


Back in line, please--

well done.

Now it's time.

I've got some special

judges to help me taste.

Your mums are here.

BONNIE: Oh, thank god.


Carol, Joyce, and Carol.

Welcome to "Hell's Kitchen."

JEN: I thought maybe it was

chefs from another restaurant,

not my mom, you know?

I just couldn't believe

that she was here.

Hello, my darling.

ROCK: I was really happy.

And I was really looking forward

to the judging being over

and being able to go

talk to my mother.

May we sit you here, please?


Thank you.

Good to see you.

We haven't seen or been

able to talk to our parents

in weeks.

To see my mom, that was

a reward enough for me.

These lovely ladies

are all helping

me today to select a winner.

NARRATOR: During the

tasting, the aspiring chefs

must remain silent

and give no clue

as to which dish is theirs.

There we are.

NARRATOR: The tasting

begins with Rock's

trio of gourmet spaghetti.

ROCK: Started with

my spaghetti--

my mother nodded her head.

She liked it.

That was reassuring.


This is something else.


Happy, very happy.


the second dish.

NARRATOR: Next, the moms try

Jen's fried chicken roulade.

JEN: I was like, oh, my god.

What if my mom hates it?

I was more worried about her

not liking it than anybody else.

Carol, what did

you think of that?


- Very good.



Final dish.

NARRATOR: Up last,

Bonnie's contemporary spin

on franks and beans.

It was really fun to

watch the moms eat our food.

You know, I know

that my mom doesn't

really like gourmet food.



That's my mom.

I don't want to give it up.



It's now time to pick a winner.


Come on, Mom.

Out of those three dishes--


Which one is your favorite?

I can't hear anything.

NARRATOR: While Chef Ramsay

confers with the mothers,

the aspiring chefs

strain for any clue

as to how they're voting.

ROCK: The mothers backs

were to us so we couldn't

really hear who they voted for.

You know, you're on edge.

I was on edge.

So we have an outright

winner with all three votes

from three serious critics.

The most favorite dish,

congratulations, Jen.

Well done.

JEN: I can't believe that

they all picked my dish.

That means that me being

here is not a joke, that I do

have some talent, you know?

I just need to really

feed it and nurture it.

I'm so pleased I can't

get blamed for this one.


Jen and Carol, we have a

special day for you guys, yes?

We're going out for lunch

together with my mum

and myself and both of you.

BONNIE: I was a

little jealous of Jen

that she got to go out

with her mom for the day.

But I honestly think Jen

needed it more than I did.

Rock and Bonnie, as always

when you lose a challenge,

there is a punishment.

You'll be cleaning

the dorms, just

like mums used to

do to your rooms--

hoovering, dusting, polishing,

and making the beds.

Listen, spend a few

minutes together.

You've earned it.

And Rock and Bonnie, after

that, go back to the dorm.

I thought I was

going home last night.

I act like an idiot

and he yells at me.

How could you not?

He yells at everybody.

BONNIE: I just hugged

my mom and, you know,

told her how much I loved her.

And yeah, it was good.

I love you.

Oh, don't mess up my makeup.

I love you, too.

It was just great to

even, you know, hug her.

And you know, she really--

she gave me a boost.

She gave me a boost

that I really needed.

Just keep living

your dream, boy.

Just do it.

Pray for me.

I am, all the time.

It was just great.


See you.

ROCK: See you later.

All right.

BONNIE: Bye, Mom.

Mommy, I love you.

I love you.


I don't want to

go clean the dorm.


Jen, how do you feel?

Uh, self-confident.

Three out of three--

number three out of three.

I'm fining my niche.

You're finding your niche.



Welcome to The Lodge.

Rock and Bonnie, OK, got

a list of everything we want

to do-- the bathrooms,

the showers,

the toilets, the sinks, mop

the floors, Windex the mirrors.

The place needs to be

scrubbed down, spotless.

All right, get to it.

- We've got a lot to do.

- OK.

I'm good at, like, making beds.

Making beds?


Making beds is, like,

so minimal on this list.

That's all I'm good at.

Well, you going to get

good at some other stuff.

I can Windex stuff, too.

ROCK: She says she's a nanny.

And you don't clean this.

You don't clean that.

What do you do?

Let's just do it together.

How about that?

Apparently I don't

do nanny duties at all,

because I'm not really a nanny.

I'm a personal chef.

And I do a little bit of

babysitting, basically.


Um, will you throw that ham away

and clean out the refrigerator?

OK, I'll clean out

the refrigerator.

Will you just bring

a trash bag over?

Is there anything

else I can do for you.

Can I--

Yeah, I would love a foot rub.

Wonder what Jen's

doing right now.

Thank you, [inaudible].

- Wow.

- Oh, my god.

Don't be scared.

You're so close

to the final two.

Next step is what

are you going to do?

You're going to be--

JEN: Loud.

- Loud and--

- Assertive.

CHEF RAMSAY: Assertive and--

In control.

In control and--

OK, what are you looking for?



I thought I covered

all the bases.

The one-on-one time that

I had with Chef Ramsay

was the single most

important time that I've

had to spend with him.

My little dolly.

My little dolly--

I'll remember that

on service tomorrow.

Well done, my darling.

- Well done.

- Well done.

Well done.

Well done.

Well done.

- Thank you.

I'm very proud of you, Jen.

My mom thought I

did the spaghetti.

And she still voted against it.

I wish she would've

voted for the spaghetti.

It wasn't that bad,

chilling with Bonnie.

She's a diva and a drama queen.


ROCK: Yes?



I'm hungry.

ROCK: Eat.

She's moody.

I don't want to

do any more dishes.

And she's bossy.

Rock, where the hell are you?

It was ai'it.

But it was just a long day.

Rock, I'm tired.

I have low energy.

Stop talking.

You might have a

little more energy.

Just be quiet for a minute.

I'm hungry.


CHEF RAMSAY: One more surprise--

you're going shopping.

Welcome to Surfas, yes, an

amazing kitchen equipment shop.

Anything to do with food

is here, equipment-wise.

It's an amazing shop, yes?

Our last surprise-- $ , .

Oh, my god.


it wisely, yes?


Enjoy, yes?

- Oh, my god.

- Have a good look around.

And we're going to leave you.

Bye, ladies.


Good night.

JEN: Thank you.

- Bye, ladies.

Bye-bye now.

I love shopping with my mom.

I go hog wild in, you

know, all those stores.

[gasp] Holy cake pans.

Oh, my god.

Cast iron skillet.

Oh, copper pots!

I want a blender.

I should make a tally here

on how much you're spending.

Oh, my god.

They have these.

I got a lot of stuff,

a lot for $ , .

I love Gordon.

[laughs] I got a lot of stuff.

$ .

JEN: I came back to

"Hell's Kitchen."

And I had to say

goodbye to my mom.

And I was crying, of course,

because I'm a basket case.

I love you.

I am so proud of you.

She give me words

of encouragement

and said that she knows

that I'll do well.

The day went so quick with her.

But I'm glad that she

shared this with me.



How was it?

- How was your day?

- It was good.

How was yours?

Jen and Bonnie

are really close.

They've been working together.

They're friends.

I'm pretty sure they want to

see each other in the final.

It doesn't bother me

that I'm isolated.

I'm here.

I'm alone.

And that keeps me focused.

- Service is tomorrow.

- I know.

ROCK: Yeah.

He said it's the biggest

service of our life.


JEN: I have to be

strong, be assertive.

And I have to be in control.

Gosh, do you think we can

pull off service tomorrow?

We have to.

It's our biggest

night, you know?

If I can get through service

tomorrow, I will be so happy.

I just don't want

to get kicked out.

Good night, Rock.

Jen won the competition.

Great for Jen.

Great for Jen.

But tomorrow ain't

no great for Jen.

Great for Rock.

NARRATOR: Tonight, the

final three face the biggest

dinner service of their lives.

To get here, they watched

nine of their competitors

leave "Hell's Kitchen."

CHEF RAMSAY: Take your jacket

off and get out of "Hell's


Get out!

Good morning.

Good morning, guys.

You guys ready to shine tonight?

Oh, yeah.

JEN: Oh, yeah.

Winning this dinner

service ensures

me a place in the final two.

I'm honestly not even

worried about Rock or Jen.

When I have my restaurant

in Vegas, I'll miss you.

I'm going to beat

the crap out of them.

Right behind you, Rock.

Rock is strong.

He's fierce, you know?

But I'm a fighter.

And this prize is mine.

Hot behind you--

hot, hot, hot.

I think we're in for

a hell of a night.

The prize is so

close, I can smell it.

I just need to beat two

people and I'm on my way

to Vegas, baby.

OK, guys, let's go--

big night tonight.


At the end of

tonight's service,

that will determine which

two go through to the final

and an even bigger night

for all three of you

because each and every one of

you will be running the pass.

I'll start it off.

I will get the service going.

And then I have to pass it over

to each and every one of you.

This is where it

separates the difference

from a cook to a leader.

Just when you think

that you're just

going to be able to cook and

try to outshine it, you know,

it's always something else.

This is a very serious task.

You run the kitchen, or

the kitchen runs you.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Bonnie, have two

minutes with me, please.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: The winner

of "Hell's Kitchen"

will be in charge of

running a restaurant.

But before the aspiring chefs

attempt it on their own,

Chef Ramsay offers them a

little assertiveness training.

I'm the cook.

You're the chef now.

I've just screwed up.

The pasta is undercooked.

The scallops are raw.

I want to know inside that

I've got a real little fiery

bitch on my hands.

Come here.

Taste this.

Have you tasted anything that

you've cooked for me tonight?

Have you tasted-- what

do you taste out of that?

It's raw.

Is that acceptable?

Stand up to the line.

I have given you

every opportunity

to let you get back on track.

And you keep f*cking it up.

I just heard Bonnie

screaming and cursing.

And I actually got

a little happy.

I was like, oh, she's

cursing chef out.

That's good.

She can go home.

It's just me and Jen.

We can skip right

to the championship.

One more time, and you

are out of this kitchen.


Get another pot on

and get it going now.

Bloody hell.

What came out of there?

I got the message big time.

- Good.

And I will not screw up again.

It was so fun to yell at chef

and have chef, like, just sit

there and take it, you

know, didn't yell back,

you know, just had to sit

there and be like, sorry.

You know, I was like, you're

damn right you're sorry.

Two seconds please, Rock.

Yes, sir.

You're pretty pissed with me.

I tried to make you look stupid.

Give it to me.

What's wrong with you?

Why is this-- why do

we have this here?

I told you how important

that table was.

Can I cook it again?

What-- what-- you should

have cooked it right?

What-- what are you going

to give me this time?

What are you going to

cook-- give me this time?

You going to give

me something better?

You've got no idea how

stupid you just sounded.

That was p*ssy talk.


So I've just

really screwed you,

and you're f*cking

fuming because it doesn't

get any bigger than this.

Chef, it's there.

What-- just tell me.

Just tell me-- why

did you do that?

I rushed it.

Why did you rush it?

We had a countdown for a reason.

Why did you rush it?

You were shouting at me.

- Because I was shouting at you?

- Yeah.

You want me to whisper?

You want me to give you a hug?

- No.

But I trust you one time.

I didn't taste one

[inaudible],, and you

send them out f*cking raw.



Welcome home.

Now you sound like a chef.


Jen, two seconds.

Yes, chef.

The fish cook-- that's

me-- has just screwed it.

You are fuming in a way

that you cannot believe.

Tell me off.

You think I've worked f*cking

years so you can f*ck up

my career, send out raw fish?

You want f*ck off, you can

f*ck off out of here, OK?

That sounded like a drunk

country and Western singer.

Let's work at this way.

OK You're in love with

your golden retriever.


I've just put it in the

microwave and blown it up.

Now you're pissed.

So tell me how you feel

serving you raw turbot now?

You're going to f*cking

serve me raw turbot,

after I've worked so

hard for years?

Get the f*ck back on the

station, make the turbot,

and make it happen.


Second time around was great.

First time was shit.

OK, Jean Philippe.

Chef, oui.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Hi, ladies.

I'm going to go for

the scallops, please.

I'm going to

have the monkfish.

Fish up.

OK, guys, here we go, yes?

The first ticket on

order to cover table --

two langoustine, main

course, two monkfish.

Yes, chef.

We are going to

complete a service, yes?

Yes, chef.

CHEF RAMSAY: Three minutes

to window, two langoustine.

Two langoustines, two

langoustines on order.

BONNIE: Langoustine.

OK, let's go-- one risotto,

one scallops, one langoustine,

one minute away.

Yes, chef.

Two langoustines to the

window-- chicken is in.

CHEF RAMSAY: Thank you.

One scallop, one risotto,

one langoustine, one mullet.

That's right.

Keep it going, huh?

Let's go service

speed, table .

Today sounds magical, yes?

- Scallops in.

- Nice.


And look at this--


Service, please.

That's the best-- we

sent two tables out, yes?

Do not stop now, yes?

Yes, chef.

NARRATOR: The final three

have proven that they

deserve to be here tonight.

Chef Ramsey will be

using the sous chefs

to fill the gaps in

the kitchen and to help

test the finalists at the pass.

Scott and MaryAnn, I

need seconds, please

Yes, chef.


We're talking about one or

two mistakes per person.


A big one-- the

spaghetti of crab, yeah--

send it to me but

with no crab in there.



NARRATOR: Each chef

will have a turn

expediting or running the pass.

Up first is Jen.

Jen, come here you, missy.

- I'm up on the hot plate.

- Yeah.

You're on the hot plate.

JEN: I have never expedited.

And I'm feeling the

pressure right now.

I need to really do well here.

On .

JEN: Yes, chef.

Oh, yes.

- Right.

Here's what you do.

- Chef, what is this?

He just brought in an order.


So what would

you do with that?

- I have to order.

- You're f*cking right, you do.

- Yes, chef.

- Come on.

- Yes, chef.

- [inaudible].

Ordering-- two

langoustine, entrees,

one Wellington, one chicken, one

squab in the poaching liquid,


BONNIE: Yes, chef.

ROCK: Yes, chef.


been assertive,

calling out the orders.

One minute, langoustine,

spaghetti-- come on, Scott.

Spaghetti coming right now.

NARRATOR: But that's

the easy part.

Now she must pass Chef

Ramsay's quality control test.


Table , service,

please-- where

is my monk fish and my turbot?


Just what the f*ck

are you doing?

Come here.

Taste-- spaghetti of what?

- Spaghetti of crab.

- What's in there?

- Just tomatoes.

- Where is the crab?

It's not in there, chef.

You have to cook

your eyes now.

- Yes, chef.

- Start again.

Yes, chef.

Reorder-- one langoustines,

one spaghetti, seven minutes

to the window.

NARRATOR: Jen has failed

the Chef Ramsay's test.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Now he's looking

to see how she recovers.

Come on, come on,

come on, come on,

come on, come on, come on.

I'll set that.

Are you happy with it?

Risotto cooked too long.

I don't like it.

It's not seasoned properly,

doesn't taste good.

Praise Jesus-- I'm glad I

caught something, you know?

I felt like I had a boost

of confidence at that point.

Six minutes for two new ones.

- Reorder.

- Six minutes.

You can do it in five.

I'd do it in five.

You can do it in five.

Can't do it in five, chef.

I need six.

Five minutes.

Five minutes it is.

It was a lot to

handle up at the pass.

This isn't right.

- That's it.

That's it.

Yeah, that's it.

- Oh, it is?

- That's fine.

That's fine.

Table .

Controlling the times, making

sure that everybody's in check,

I knew that I had to be strong.

I had to be firm.

Otherwise, I'm out

of this competition.

One monkfish, one turbot

to the window now.

- What did you say?

- Where's my veg?

Where is my veg?

ROCK: When Jen was up

there, it was a little

difficult to listen to her.

She's inexperienced so it was

coming across a little jumbled.

One scallop, one--

two scallops, one

risotto, one langoustine.

All right, let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Table , service, please.

- Good.



Back to your station.

NARRATOR: While Jen's

turn at the pass

has had its ups and

downs, the kitchen

still managed to

get both appetizers

and entrees out to the diners.

That smells good, huh?

Rock, on the hot plate.

Yes, chef.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Now it's Rock's

turn to lead the kitchen.

So we have a scallop,

risotto, langoustine,

spaghetti-- how long, Jen?

- Three minutes.

Three minutes?

Yes, chef.

Let's go, people.

Come on, then work with then--

scallops on the

outside of the plate.

Service, please-- go, go, go.

NARRATOR: As Rock gets

comfortable at the pass,

Chef Scott is preparing

a test for him--

a monkfish missing

a key ingredient.

Two scallop, one

mullet, one langoustine.

Monkfish up.

Thank you, monkfish.

Come on, push.

Use your fingers, Rock.

Come on!

What happened to--

Scott, what happened to the ham?

Uh, I didn't know there

was supposed to be ham on it.

It comes with ham.

You're not supposed

to take it off.

- Oh, oh, sorry, chef.

- Good.

SCOTT: Nobody told me.

- Good.

- Nobody told you?

- Nope.

Chef Scott sent me a monkfish

that was supposed to be wrapped

in Parma ham and prosciutto.

And I sent that back.

And I did think, like, you

know, if you do that again, ugh.

I need three and a

half minutes, Scott.

- Yep.

- Rock, well-spotted.

ROCK: Good.

Thank you.

Thank you.

NARRATOR: Rock has passed Chef

Ramsay's quality control test.

But he's failing

at another test.

Too slow-- let's go.

Getting his team to complete

orders in a timely manner.

You're very quiet.

You're on the hot plate.

I want to hear you, yes?

[inaudible], please.

On order, listen--

four [inaudible],,

table , two spaghetti, one

scallop, one langoustine.

BONNIE: Rock was a little slow.

He has been an executive chef.

So I think he should be better.

- Go on, you.

Go. speed.



Your fingers are slow as f*ck.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, that's two scallops.

Come on.

Get another plan out.

Come on.

ROCK: Chef Ramsay is

giving me a hard time.

He said my fingers were slow.

- Got to move.

Got to, got to move.

But I just want

to be efficient.

I didn't want to

mess anything up.

You know, I got it.

Wellington, monkfish,

turbot, and a squab medium.

- Yes, chef.

- Yes, chef.

Service, please.

Let's go.

Pea risotto.

Oh, it's beautiful.

DINNER GUEST: Very excited.

Let's go.

Go, please.

It's pretty.

And it's really good.

Well done-- back

to your section.

Thank you.

NARRATOR: With over half the

restaurant left to be fed--

Right, Bonnie, let's go.

NARRATOR: --It's up to

Bonnie to pick up the pace.

OK, guys, stand by.

Stand by-- one

Wellington, medium,

one turbot, two monkfish.

Stand by.

You know what?

f*ck that.


Stand by.

One monkfish, one turbot.

Forget what I just said.

Bonnie was kind of

all over the place.





I need that mullet.

It was a little difficult

at certain moments

to listen to her.

Rock, that turbot

better be coming up here.

Jen, where is that risotto?

Where is my pigeon?


team works to keep

up with all of the orders--

Pigeon now.

NARRATOR: --it's time

for Bonnie to have

her quality control tested.

Squab coming right now.


dress the turbot.

You dress the pigeon.

Let's go.

Service refined.

Refined chicken ready.

CHEF RAMSAY: Succotash, please.

BONNIE: This skin isn't crispy.

CHEF RAMSAY: Well-spotted.

BONNIE: Scott, I

need another pigeon.

It's hard enough to do

this for the first time.

And then when people

make mistakes--

there was no crisp on the skin.

I can see why chef

gets so mad at us.

Where's that risotto?

- Risotto.

Thank you.

Jen, I think it-- it still

needs some more salt, babe.

Jen doesn't even taste her food.

I'm not sure she has as good of

a palate as I though she did.

Still not seasoned enough.

NARRATOR: While at

the pass, Bonnie

has done well maintaining

Chef Ramsay's high standards.

Get a pan on.

Get that risotto in now.

NARRATOR: But some things--

There is no more, chef.


out of her control.


NARRATOR: And in the

hands of her cooks.

The risotto is over-cooked.

I can't serve this.


I just over-cooked it.

Scott, check the rice.

Is that rice

over-cooked, yes or no?

- Yeah, it is, chef.

- It is?

Oh, f*ck me.

Is the rice on?

Is the rice on?

- Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

- It's going on right now, chef.

- Yes, chef.

It will be ready.

It will be ready.

It will be ready, yeah?

And we'll come back

to the risotto.

Go, complete, table .

The presentation is fabulous.

Table one, thank you.


Thank you.

It's really nice.


Well done.

Rock, clear down, please.

Back to your section.

NARRATOR: With the dinner

service nearly complete--

Last six tables, come on.

NARRATOR: --Chef Ramsay takes

back control of the kitchen.

Table two, , yes, , go.

Go, please.

Last table-- wakey-wakey.

Let's go.

One chicken, two Wellington.


Table gone, guys.

OK, well done, yes.

Tonight has been our best ever

service in Hell's Kitchen--

every appetizer, every

entree, every dessert, yeah?

I'm really proud of you.

You just confirmed why

you are the last three.

Thank you, chef.

JEN: Thank you, chef.

Eh, it was good.

But it wasn't perfect.

You all handled the hot plate.

And you all had highs

and lows on that.

I'll be judging all three

of you on how you performed

on the hot plate,

working the pass,

and how you operated

your stations.

I want all three of you

to go back to the dorm

and decide why you really

think you should be

a finalist in Hell's Kitchen.

That's a tall

order, because it's

going to be very tough for

me to end one of your dreams.

Now get back to the dorm.

JEN: I belong here.

I belong in the final two.

I honestly feel

like I deserve it.

You still want this?

Yeah, I do.

JEN: I work hard

and so does Rock.

Like, we live at our jobs.

Sometimes I wonder if Bonnie's

heart is in the right place

with this, you know?

Why do you really want it?

I think that maybe

I don't want it,

or the reason I felt

that I didn't want it

is just because I'm terrified

to, like, take that step,

you know?

Just getting around our

own fear is sometimes

the hardest thing to do.

This conversation changes you.

I've been pushed to my limits.

And I'm still here.

And I'm still standing.

And I've gotten

better with all that.

If-- you know, if

I have to leave,

it's going be so

hard to, you know,

know that the competition

has ended for me.

ROCK: This would just mean

everything to my family.

It's always been a dream of

mine to run a restaurant.

It would mean a great deal,

even beyond, you know,

the restaurant itself.

I need to win.


Yes, chef.

Why should you be a

finalist in "Hell's Kitchen?"

With every service,

I have gotten better.

I'm a team player, but I can

take it to the next step.

And I can be the person

that people look to.

I think I have what it takes.

Jen, why do you

think you should be

a finalist in "Hell's kitchen?"

I live for food.

Being in the kitchen is my home.

I don't have all the

experience, but I love learning.

I know I've been a mouse,

but I'm gaining confidence.

I have the confidence

inside of me.

And it's coming

out every service.


To me, I've grown a lot, and

not just as a cook or a chef.

I've grown a lot as a--

as a person.

I've learned a lot.

I'm a leader.

I didn't come here to

finish second or third.

I came to get this restaurant.

Thank you.

All three of you had

tremendous highs this evening.

Risotto cooked

too long-- reorder.



Jen, I think it-- it still

needs some more salt, babe.

It's still not seasoned enough.

Get a pan on.

Get that risotto in now.

ROCK: It-- it comes with ham.

You're not supposed

to take it off.



Thank you.


This is a tough decision.

And my decision is Rock, you've

got to go into the final.

Don't scare me like that.


Thank you.

Bonnie and Jen, this

is extremely difficult.

Person leaving "Hell's

Kitchen" is Jen.

You have done so well.

And your enthusiasm

and your drive for food

is extraordinary--

bloody well done.

I'll miss you.

You can cook on my team.

You have nothing to

feel ashamed about, eh,

nothing whatsoever.

Don' you dare stop.

Thank you.

Don't you dare stop, yes, eh?

You keep your head high, yes?

Well done, my darling.

Thank you, chef.

Bye, everybody.

I'm from a small town.

And things like this don't

happen to people like us

every day.

Come on, guys.

Come on.

Jen, very nice,

that spaghetti.

JEN: Thank you, chef.

Did you come out here to

f*cking be the nice girl,

or did you come out here--

No, Vinnie, I didn't come

out here to be the nice girl.

CHEF RAMSAY: Wow-- bloody hell.

The most favorite dish, Jen--

well done.

So beautiful.

And look it, look

it, right there.

Oh, my god.



Spend it wisely, yes?

JEN: I'm going to be successful.

I know I am.

I tried so hard.

And I sacrificed so much so far.

And it just wasn't enough.


You are the finalists

in "Hell's Kitchen."

You're one step

away from becoming

the head chef at the Green

Valley Ranch Resort in Vegas.

I have a little

surprise for you both.

Rock, turn around.

Your wife is

standing behind you.

Bonnie, mom and

dad are behind you.

Hey, baby.



I love you.

I don't think I'm going to

be a teacher anymore, Dada.

Think they'll

give me a conjugal?

I hope so.

Bonnie and Rock,

two seconds, please.

You both have come a

very, very long way.

And you so deserve to be there.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, chef.

But now, your

biggest challenge

is still ahead of you.

NARRATOR: On the next

"Hell's Kitchen."

You're one step away from

your very own restaurant.

CHEF RAMSAY: The finale begins.

BONNIE: I'm going

to win this thing.

I'm determined.

ROCK: Nothing is going

to stop me from winning--


NARRATOR: As Bonnie and

Rock get ready for battle.

BONNIE: When people realize

that I'm a force to be

reckoned with, it's too late.

You think it's

too late for me?


NARRATOR: They'll be

redesigning "Hell's Kitchen."

The wallpaper company

sent us the wrong paper.

NARRATOR: Creating their menus.

Is it totally up to me?

It's your menu.

NARRATOR: And scouting their

new potential home in Vegas.



Where they will get a surprise

they will never forget.

Later, when the chefs

return to Hell's Kitchen--

Bonnie, pick the first

member of your team.

NARRATOR: --not everyone

is happy to be there.

You all right, Jules?

NARRATOR: Who will

prove they have

what it takes to be the

head chef at the Green

Valley Ranch Resort and Spa?

Will it be Rock,

the executive chef

from Spotsylvania, Virginia?

Give me the crab cake.

Give me the crab cake.

NARRATOR: Or Bonnie,

the personal chef

and nanny from Agoura

Hills, California.

Come on, you guys.

Pick it up.

NARRATOR: You don't want to

miss the next "Hell's Kitchen."
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