01x04 - Day 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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01x04 - Day 4

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

NARRATOR: Previously,

on "Hell's Kitchen--"

You all just shut

or do it perfectly.

NARRATOR: --the red team lost

the first two dinner services

and two of its members.

The red team's

looking very small.

NARRATOR: So chef Ramsay

evened up the team.

Michael, you're

going to the red team.

NARRATOR: And in the

ensuing challenge--



results were immediate.

The winning team

is the red team.

NARRATOR: Despite the

win, Jeff's relations

with his red teammates

continued to deteriorate.

All right.

Don't f*cking

talk to me that way.

NARRATOR: At dinner

service, without Michael

in the blue kitchen, Ralph

emerged as a definitive leader.

Catalyst is done.

NARRATOR: But even

Ralph couldn't

control Andrew's mouth--

You know this big,

f*cking, fat mouth of yours?

It's getting you no where.

I'm just trying

to do the job right.

My advise is you just

shut your f*cking mouth.

NARRATOR: --or teach

Wendy the basics.

I thought cold

water was supposed

to boil faster than hot water.


NARRATOR: In the red kitchen,

Jeff had problems all evening.

I've never been on

a [bleep] line before.

Come here, you.

Come here.

Come here.

- You don't like me?

I don't know what to tell you.

You're an assh*le.

NARRATOR: Then cracked

under the pressure.


I'm sending my ass home

I've had enough of him.


quitting for good was

the final straw in the

worst dinner service

of Chef Ramsay's career.

Shut it down.

NARRATOR: It was a miserable

night in both kitchens.

The losing team

tonight is the blue team.

NARRATOR: As best of the

worst, Ralph nominated Wendy

and Andrew for elimination.

Wendy, give me your jacket,

and get out of Hell's kitchen.

NARRATOR: With both

kitchens losing a member,

it's down to the final eight.

And now the continuation

of "Hell's Kitchen."

The blue team's first dinner

service defeat is sinking in.

And for Jessica, the

loss is personal.

She's such an amazing girl,

so sweet, so thoughtful.

Today, Wendy got eliminated.

I was really upset about it.

And I think she's

an amazing person.

I just super respect her.

We're down to eight people

now, and Hell's Kitchen

is definitely changing.

I'll never walk out

on my team, man, never.


Jeff's sudden departure,

the red team is managing

to cope with the loss.

We won because why?

Because you know what?

He was gone.

Goodbye, hello, and

we f*cking got done.

We made it happen.

Whatever, man, he

got f*cking yelled at.

I'm sorry.

Are you going to cry by getting

somebody yelling at you?

We lost somebody, and

we held it together.

I think the team is

relieved that Jeff

is now out of the way.

He's been more of a

problem than he was a help.

NARRATOR: Fresh off his

nomination of Andrew,

Ralph feels the need to have

a late night heart to heart.

Are you trying to achieve

the role of smart ass?

All right, fine.

I'm a smart ass.

I've got a big

mouth, and I stood

up for what I believe tonight.

But is that the

role that you want?

No, absolutely not.

So then put the smart

ass shit away, man.

If you don't want to

be under the guillotine,

then just shut your

f*cking mouth, man.

Bottom line is you got to

check your ego at the door

when you walk in the kitchen.

And Andrew needs

to understand that.

NARRATOR: After the worst dinner

service in Hell's kitchen's

short history, Chef Ramsay

decides to go back to a not so

subtle wake-up call.


Get up.

Get up.

Get up for role call.

This, morning, we're awoken

to the the sound of air horns,

very loud air horns to be exact.

All right, guys, everybody up.

Put your lights out, and

head home to the kitchen, OK?

Mary Ellen came in

turning on lights.

Get dressed, let's go, let's

go, no brushing teeth, nothing,

just put on your uniform and go.

Come on.

Let's Go

NARRATOR: With the

restaurant fully booked

for tomorrow night, and

both teams down a member,

kitchen prep is crucial.

Let's take them off the bone.

Keep the head--

It's a cleaver.

Use it like a cleaver.


Red team, blue team, line up.

Thank you.

We spent a lot of

time in the kitchens.

You've got to understand how

the restaurant functions.

So we're going to spend a bit

of time in the dining room

where J.P is looking

at attention to detail.

Let's go through

the dining room.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay's

restaurants are built

on quality food and service.

There's nobody he trusts

more to explain the finer

points of the dining room than

his longtime maitre d' Jean

Philippe, also known as J.P.

Going to send you

all to the dining room

because it's about restaurants.

We're running a restaurant.

Although regarding

restaurant setup,

you need to be organized.

Jean Philippe gave

us some instruction

and showed us a table

for fine dining.

He started going

on, and on, and on.

So what makes a perfect table?

First of all, would be the

chairs, such as symmetric.

It's about simplicity as well,

your cutlery straightened,

napkin, folded the proper way.

JP went into one ear

and out the other end.

So I don't think anybody was

paying too much attention.

You carry your

glass by the still.

When you put your cutlery

on the table, with elegance.

And you need to know what

you're talking about as well.


Yes, chef.

Paying attention?

Yes, chef.

This is your next challenge.

Behind you, two table,

red table, blue table,

six customers at each table.

You need to set up the

most perfect table.

That was our hint.

That was our cheat sheet.

And he destroyed it so that

we couldn't take a look at it.

Turn around, set up

your table, and go.

NARRATOR: For this challenge,

the teams must recreate Jean

Philippe's perfectly set table.

They have five

minutes to arrange

the pieces of silverware,

glassware, and China.

In the end, the team with

the fewest number of mistakes

wins the challenge.

Right away, I picked

up the table cloth.

And as soon as I put

it down, it was--

that was the wrong side up.

Now, don't throw

things on there.

It's a table, guys, yeah?

I have absolutely

no clue how to set

up this dining room table.

There's just so many

pieces of silverware,

and glasses have to

be a certain way.

It's crazy.

NARRATOR: By now, the teams know

that winning has its rewards.

The glasses go

around like this.

NARRATOR: But it's the

punishment for losing

they're trying to avoid.

[interposing voices]

I don't know how these

napkins are folded.

Well, let's get everything

on, and then we'll adjust.

Jimmy had a little bit of

trouble with the napkins.

He's a bit of a lummox.

He's just a big guy.

He's a big bear.

And he's not that delicate.

Come on, guys.

There's only six,

for God's sake.

It's not .

NARRATOR: As the last

seconds wind down,

both teams scramble to properly

set pieces of glassware,

China, and silverware.

The team with the

fewest mistakes

will win this challenge.

[interposing voices]

OK, what kind of fork?

I need a snail fork here.

I need a napkin on one.

And how do we do them?

Like this?

And stop.

Stand back from the table.

Do not touch it.

OK, red team, it's scruffy.

Some chairs are pushed in.

Some chairs are pushed out.

Look at the lip on that.

I can guarantee anyone

sitting at this table,

first thing that's going to

happen, bang, up in the air.

Jimmy, napkins look

like they've just

come out of a ladies toilet.

Fingerprints everywhere.

You've got four mistakes

wrong with your table.

Attention to detail, you clearly

weren't paying attention.

OK, blue team, blue table.

Oh, you've got to keep these

glasses clear of any rim.

You want to drink wine and water

easily, not having to untuck.

OK, so for the blue

team, [inaudible]..

Yeah, OK.

Interesting, one mistake.

The winning team for the table

top set is the blue team.

[interposing voices]

Take off your jackets.

Your prize is waiting

for you in the dorm.

Red team?

Yes, chef?

Yes, chef?

All the preparation for

tomorrow night's service,

silver glasses, plates, are

awaiting you in the back

for a good old polish.

Get moving.

Come on down.


Feels much better to win than

it does to lose, doesn't it?

It's the first time

we've actually won.

NARRATOR: For winning

their first challenge,

the blue team is rewarded with

a much needed afternoon of rest,

relaxation, and spa treatments.


It smelled amazing.

There was candles everywhere.

It was super cool.

We were just blown away.

Now we're talking turkey.

We've been working

so long in the kitchen,

plus you're stressed.

So your muscles are tense.

So to get a massage was awesome.

Winning feels so much

better, doesn't it?

I wonder what the red

team's doing right now.

They're quite dirty, eh?

Jimmy, clumsy, yeah?

We were told that

we would be polishing

glasses plus all

of the silverware

for tomorrow night's dinner.

OK, so you guys

should all know what

the winning team gets, yeah?

Nobody knows in here.

Well, there's some

champagne ready.

Can you bring them

over to them, please?

For them?


Right now.

I don't like losing.

It was horrible.

So I was a hard loss to swallow.


Anyone care for champagne?

You're doing a great

job over there, Chris.

Thanks, bro.

I aim to please.

As a team, we might have an

advantage for tomorrow night

because we're

riding a good high.

[interposing voices]

No, thank you.

I got work to do.

Could you bring

the bucket closer?

We're mentally and physically

prepared by being relaxed.

Team, I propose

a toast to success

and a prosperous

evening tomorrow night.

Cheers, blue team.

They're all having

spa treatments,

and they're all

laying down and being

rubbed with cucumbers

in their eyes,

and Ralph's having a pedicure.

They're having a nice time.

I was jealous.

I would have loved to

have just had an hour

or to have a facial and

massage, which is very well

needed doing this kind of work.

Told you it would happen.

NARRATOR: The teams

gather after a hard day

and are about to

discover they're

never out from under Chef

Ramsay's watchful eye.

How funny is J.P.

this afternoon.

He's such a cool guy.

He's such a character.

He is a character.

He's totally the butler.

He's like--

You think he's

got gas sometimes?

Yeah, you don't know if

he's suppressing a laugh

or if he's just like--

He's suppressing a laugh.

That guy can giggle

at any time too.

Did you see that?

Did you see the billboard?

- What?

It's Ramsay.


Oh, my f*cking god.

No f*cking way.

He's starring right--

He's totally watching us.

I can't see his left eye either.

He really is a big boy.

Yeah, chef.

Hey, big boy?

Where's chef?

Where's chef?

Holy shit.

Dude, that is not right.

I'm creeped out about that.

Dude, that's f*cking crazy.

He'll call us a

w*nk*r from above.


three dinner services,

neither the red nor the blue

team has served even half

of their diners a full meal.

With the eight best

cooks remaining,

Chef Ramsay is expecting a

huge improvement tonight.

He's so confident, that he's

adding two new menu items.

Tonight, we're going to

be cooking some frog legs.

Second one, here we go.


NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay is

known for his high cuisine.

Frog legs and pigeon are

staples of his great restaurants

in Europe.

He has put these

items on the menu

because to be a master chef, one

must understand how to prepare

a wide variety of foods.

Now you can start to see

the pigeon taking shape.

That bird, that was

pretty nasty, and I

was just horrified,

because it was

the most disgusting smell ever.

Insert the knife.

OK, two fingers in.

I'm just pulling

out all the innards.

It was just gross.

It just smelled like

something really, really foul.

I'm not touching it.

I'm not going there.

But that's how we prep

a pigeon for service.

Today was a great

lesson for them

because ingredients

just don't arrive

on your doorstep prepared.

You've got to see it

from the beginning,

with it's feathers on,

like a proper chef.

Let's go.

Start prepping.

Oh, this thing's Satan.

Thank you, Chef Ramsay.

Thank you.

Six, five hours from service.

Frog juice in my eye.

Where are we putting these?

Adding two new menu items

last minute that nobody's ever

cooked before in

their life, it's

of course going to be difficult.

And it's trial by fire.

Burn and learn, baby.

I really don't want

to go home tonight.

None of us are going home

tonight, not the blue team.

NARRATOR: Confidence is

high in the blue kitchen.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen,

Elsie, the mother of six,

struggles to adapt to the

world of high cuisine.

I got a problem with cutting

an animal up to pieces.

I know it's done

in the supermarket,

but the visual is just

really nasty to see it.

But I'm going to handle it.

I've got an attitude today.

It's do or die.

OK, your tomatoes are on?

Ready to roll?

My tomatoes?

First night service

was catastrophe.

Chef, that ticket is gone.

They've left the restaurant.

Oh, for God's sake.

The second night, we actually

put our foot on the ladder

and started climbing.

Thank you, very good.

Crispy bacon, hallelujah.

Third service was just

diabolical, really bad.

We went back spaces.

Move your ass.

I just like to get

through a night

and accomplish a fully

book dining room properly.

Red team, blue team, with

me two seconds, please.

NARRATOR: Just minutes

before Hell's Kitchen opens,

Chef Ramsay gathers the teams.

And he's fed up with

dinner disasters.

Tonight is a comeback meal.

I think we need it, don't you?

Yes, chef.

I think we've got

a job to do, and we

need to prove not

to the customers

but to ourselves what

we're capable of doing.

That's why we're here, right?

Yes, chef.

So tonight, the first team

to serve all its customers

will be safe from elimination.

Sounds easy, Andrew?

Yes Yes, I it does, chef.

- I wish it was that easier.

- Me too, chef.

As long as Andrew keeps

his mouth shut tonight,

we have a good chance of

serving all of our diners.

It's really exciting

when chef just told us.

It's up to us whether

we win or lose tonight.

And I'm going to do

whatever it takes

to get this red team to win.

NARRATOR: Now, minutes

before the restaurant opens,

there's more news

for one of the teams.

Red team?

Yes, chef?

Second part of the punishment

for losing the challenge--

can see the dining

room out there?

Yes, chef.

Move your ass and set up

the dining room, both the

blue tables and the red tables.


Let's go.

Blue team, set up for service.

Yes, chef.

First thing to

do, this is the way

you set your side plates, OK?


OK, it needs to be done

properly because if it's not,

you can't go back

into the kitchen.

Left, left, left.

I know it's important to

have a formal dining area set

up properly, but

right now, that's

not what I'm thinking about.

I'm thinking about the service

and the food going out tonight.

A sides plate's

missing here, Jimmy?

NARRATOR: With tables and

place settings to set,

the red team is losing valuable

prep time in the kitchen.

This table here, this table.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the blue

team is done with their prep

and getting their

station set up.

Oh my god, Mary Ellen.

Look at this.

- What, what, what?

- Look at this.

Oh, you scared me.

It's beautiful.

I'm feeling pretty

good about our station.

While we're prepping right now,

the red team is setting up all

the tables in the dining room.

And I hope we use

it to our advantage.

The tables are set perfectly.

You guys go back

into the kitchen.

Give me some food.

Thank you, J.P.

Thank you, J.P.

NARRATOR: With just five

minutes before the doors open,

the red team has finished

setting the dining room.

Now they must make

up for lost time.

Both teams are

motivated more than ever

to beat all their diners and

be safe from elimination.

Behind, behind,

behind, let's move.

Everyone on the red

tables are eating tonight.

There was no way

that we were going

to disappoint Chief Ramsey.

Time to kick it into

second gear, guys.


the blue kitchen,

Ralph still feels

insecure about Andrew.

Not only do I not

see the tomato sauce,

but I don't even know

what it goes with.

It goes with the bass.

The stripped bass,

which has the--

The potatoes.

The potatoes, right.

Andrew was a little

unsure about some

of the garnish for the dishes.

I wish I didn't have

to help anybody.

But if we had to feed

customers, that's

what we're going to do tonight.

I have most of them.

The lamb, here's

ratatouille, the tomato.

Ralph took a role

of tape, and started

writing Wellington, xxx, bang.

It was a cheat sheet.

Butter, potatoes.

Do we have all the garnish

for the pigeon over here?

The pigeon gets the carrot?

Carrot, cabbage,

pan cheddar cream?

First customers

are here, yeah?

Here we go.

NARRATOR: It's at : PM, and

the restaurant is now open.

Well, thank you and

enjoy your dinner, ladies

We're clearing down, no?

Let's go, guys.

I'm desperate for us to

find a complete of service.

And that's why I'm giving

the teams extra motivation.

But I'm not going to send

out food that is mediocre.

It has to be right.

I'll be shocked if either team

can serve all their tables.

Red table on order.

Two covers.

Table , yes?

One frog legs du jour, yep?

One tuna, main course,

one cod Wellington.

Wellington in.

- Oui, chef.

Let's go, you guys.

What should I

heat the oven up to?


Is that good?

NARRATOR: Elsie has a

pivotal role tonight.

She's responsible for all meat

dishes for the very first time.

How long do I keep

that lamb in there?

I'm really worried about Elsie

on the meat station tonight.

If she messes up, I'm

going to make sure she's

the one who's eliminated.

Blue kitchen, chef.

On order, blue kitchen,

two cover, table .

One tuna, one spaghetti

lobster, main course,

one cod Wellington.

- Yes, chef.

Wellington in medium.

So it's like this.

Look at me, three

Wellington, three potato,

three spinach, three carrot.

Run it through your

head, and then all it

does is it broadens it, yeah?

My one goal for the evening

is keeping my mouth shut.

Yes, chef, no, chef,

thank you, chef, here

you go, chef, on the window.

Let's go, yes?

Mary Ellen works

quickly to turn

around her first appetizers.

And they're at the hot plate.



Let's go.

Lobster in the tomato.

Come on, get

organized, sweetheart.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Mary Ellen, that's how I

wanted to see every tuna.

Yes, chef.



Wow, that actually looks

like restaurant food, now.

Table , yes?


minutes into service,

the blue team is

off to a good start,

and has served appetizers

to several of its tables.

It's really good.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Chef

Ramsay is looking for more

good news from the red kitchen.

How long spaghetti, please?

Five minutes, five minutes,

five minutes, five minutes

for spaghetti.

- Chelsea?


Don't do this to me now.

It's coming in two minutes.

No, I'm not waiting.


seconds, seconds.

For god's sake,

calm down, woman.

Just tell me two minutes.

Yes, chef.

Els, you've got it

under control, yeah?

- Yes, chef.

- You're doing fine.

What are you worried about?

Come on, you're doing fine.

I just keep

throwing off minutes.

Don't worry about it.

NARRATOR: Less than an hour into

service, in the blue kitchen,

the first main course

is just moments

from heading to the hot plate

for Chef Ramsay's approval.

You need a plate?

You see what I'm doing here?


That's medium

rare right there.

- That's ready.

- Can I bring it out?

Sure, you can.

All right, Wellington

coming up right now.

Jessica, very

nice, the Wellington.

Thank you, chef.

Keep it going

like that, Jessica.

Go, please.

Well's nice, guys.

First main course.

NARRATOR: With the

first main course out,

Andrew brings up garnish

for the next order.

Now I want best cod.

Let's go.


What are you on?

Three Wellingtons, one bass.

One cod, one bass, two salmon.

Are your OK, Andrew?

Yes, I am.

Right, I'm talking to you.

You're sending me the

wrong garnish, yes?


Two salmon, one cob, one bass.

Five minutes.

Ralph, I don't want any fish

until the vegetables are here,


Because right now, the

whole lot's going back.

Main courses are

all piling up now.

Move your ass.

It is not difficult.

NARRATOR: Tonight's

goal is to complete

all the orders in each kitchen.

The team who does

it first will win.

The blue team has compensated

for Andrew's troubles.

And an hour and a

half into service,

they've served almost

all their appetizers

and some of their main courses.

Meanwhile, Elsie has

delivered the red kitchen's

first entrees to the hot plate.

They're close to completing

their first of tables.

All that's needed is

the garnish from Jimmy.

Jimmy, taste that.

Hurry up, Jimmy.

It's turned cold.

- Yes, chef.

Back to the pan.

It's tone cold.

- Yes, chef.

I said to you this

afternoon you were done.

Get it in the pan.

Hurry up.

Yes, chef.

Why are you serving

me stone cold garnish?

Why are you serving

me stone cold garnish?

Because I'm used--


Yes, chef.

Let's go, yeah?

I'm trying my best.

Hey, young man, well,

that's not good enough for me,

do you understand?

Because that's shit.

So don't come to me you

wimp, I'm trying my best.

And it's crap.

You send me one

more cold garnish,

you're washing pans for

the rest of your life.

You will never get

a cold garnish again.


the blue kitchen,

Ralph is now starting

to serve desserts,

completing the blue team's

first three tickets.

But they still have

a long way to go.

Let's go, guys.

Hey, Jessica, Ralph,

what did I say

to you earlier about serving

the whole dining room?

Serve everybody, chef.

One, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, eight, nine, , , .

tables to go.

We got it, chef.

Got it, chef.

Andrew, where is the endive?

He just doesn't even answer me.

- The what?

Endive, where's the endive?

Where is the endive?

Here, chef.

Oh, f*ck, Ralph,

get it back here.

Get it back.

I've got no endive.

Yes, I've got no spinach,

I've got no butternut squash.

Start the table again.


- Yes, chef?

- Hello?

Yes, chef?

Yes, you.

Fish is not even cooked yet, so

I don't know what you're doing?


Young man?

Yes, chef, I'm listening.

Yeah, young man.

You explain to him what just

happened with the garnish now.

I was late on the garnish.

We're redoing the whole order.

Yeah, table , yes.


The ticket came in an

hour and five minutes ago.

I couldn't say anything out

because a certain individual

had nothing ready on

the vegetables, OK?

Let's step up the gear and

get it back on track, please.

Yeah, chef.

When Andrew kept his mouth

shut and didn't bite back,

the discipline was now

starting to set in,

and he's really starting to

get the message, finally.

Andrew, you got a lamb

and a welly in, yes?

Yes, chef.

Yes, Ralph.

That's me.

I just have to call you Ralph.

NARRATOR: Andrew avoided a

showdown with Chef Ramsay,

and the blue kitchen

avoided a meltdown, sending

more food out to the diners.

Really yummy, just a

big chunk of lobster.


Yes, chef?

Very nice, that

spaghetti lobster.

Thank you, chef.

NARRATOR: With Jessica

mastering the meat station,

the blue kitchen now

has tickets left.

The red kitchen

still has To have

any hope of winning

tonight's service,

Elsie must get her

meat station moving.



Concentrate now, you

stay on top of the game,

wakie, wakie, wakie.

Yes, chef.

Two pigeon and Wellington

with salmon away.

Yes, chef.

I'm very anxious.

The adrenaline is running.

But I have a better


of what I need to do.

So I'm just going

to bust it out.

I'm not going to lose it.

I'm going to kick

some ass if it's

the last f*cking thing I do.

How's that?

You're doing awesome, Elsie.

The Wellington's cooked

beautifully, by the way.

The Wellington is spot on.

NARRATOR: There's only

one hour left in service,

and the blue kitchen has only

five tables left to serve.

But maitre d' Jean Philippe

has noticed a problem.

- Why, what's wrong?

- It's just a little mushy.

I couldn't eat it.


Hat on, please?

Oh, no.

What's the matter?

Well, they

mentioned it's mushy.

Mary Ellen?

Yeah, chef.

Come here, Ralph.

You taste that.

Ralph, you taste that.

And let me know

what you think, yes?


And it tastes of

what, Mary Ellen?

Little bland, chef.

Little bland.

There you go.

There you go.

Mary Ellen, I want this

f*cking table again,

three risotto, one

spaghetti, one tuna, yeah?

Yes, chef.

But I want three

beautiful risottos.

Yeah, chef.

Because you know how to

do a beautiful risotto.

Stop that.

Stop it now.

Nothing's coming out until

this table gets served.

- Sorry, chef.

- Thank you, everybody.

NARRATOR: With the blue

kitchen at a standstill--

Let's go, guys.

Come on, red team,

pick it up, yes?

NARRATOR: --the red kitchen

rallies to get dishes out.

They have six tickets

left to serve.

I want it now,

Wellington with lamb.

Pull that lamb out, OK?

You're doing great.

Oh, you're good.


Go, man.

Good job, red team.

We're not in the clear yet.

Risotto, how long, please?

NARRATOR: With just

minutes remaining,

Mary Ellen in the

blue kitchen gets

her risottos back up to par.

And the blue kitchen is

cooking now, or are they?

Where is the tuna?


Frogs legs, tuna, spaghetti,

risotto, where is the tuna?

Coming up.

No, but where is it?

Have you forgotten it?

I thought it was

frog legs, risotto--

Come here.

Come here, lady.

Frog legs, tuna,

spaghetti, risotto.

Read it out.

Where is the tuna?

It's going to be

two minutes, chef.

Two minutes.


Start it back.

Oh, there we go.

Me, I'm not taking

out f*cking bullshit.


Here you go, Mary Ellen.

- Thank you.

There you go.

Take them, yeah.

Whole f*cking lot of you.

He sent back that whole dish

because a tuna wasn't prepared?

I'm so f*cking mad

right now I just

want to punch him in the face.

Go on, Mary Ellen, we're

going to start again.

Six minutes on

that [inaudible]..

Sorry, [inaudible].

Let's do it right.


Ellen's mistake has

the blue kitchen still working

on their last five tables.

Meanwhile, the red team

is making their final push

to clear all their tickets.

How many more diners?

We have four more tickets.

We're almost there, baby.

We're almost there.

I'm melting.

We started to see the

tickets go down from eight,

to six, to four.

And when I saw those last two

tickets, I was like, all right.

Those are our tickets now?

That's what I'm talking about.

Do you need a plate?

[inaudible] what

you need, baby.

I don't know.

Yes, the final ticket.

Two wellington, and one bass.

Are they rested?

Yes, chef.

Jimmy, start dancing

like a ballerina.


Good job, red team.


Great f*cking work.

I'm so proud of you guys.

I said last table, yes?


We came together

and we did it.

And it's a great

feeling to complete

a service for the first time.

Elsie, f*cking deserve it.

Good job, sweetie.

My meat was spot on.

It's really girly but I did it.

And I'm proud of myself, and

the guys are proud of me,

and it's a good feeling.

What can I say?

NARRATOR: The red team

has just accomplished

something that's never

happened in Hell's Kitchen.

I said last table, yes?

I love the sound of that.

NARRATOR: Being the first

team to clear their tickets

ensures their safety

in Hell's Kitchen

and leaves Chef Ramsay with

only one thing left to do.

Blue team?

Yeah, chef?

Stop cooking, yes?

Mary Ellen was--

sorry, baby, lack of a better

term, a disaster tonight.

Stop cooking.

Andrew always has

problems every night

at service in a big way.

Shut it down, yes?

NARRATOR: Hell's Kitchen has

just had its best service ever.

OK, guys, tonight

was the come back meal,

and we delivered both the

blue and the red team.

Tonight, we got back on

there, both kitchens.

The shock for me

was a full service.

The red team had to

go in the dining room

and lay all the bloody tables.

That needs to

be done properly.

So on top of laying

all the tables,

they scrambled back and

got ready for service.

And for the first time

in Hell's Kitchen,

every one of the red

tables got starter,

main course, and dessert.

That is a big breakthrough.

Red team, you're the winners.

Blue team, sadly,

five tables didn't

receive their main course.

That's not good enough.


Yeah chef?

You won't be nominating

anyone tonight.

The blue team has a new

talented cook, Jessica.

The cooking was spot on.

Jessica, very nice,

the Wellington.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you, chef.

And you had the

toughest section.



I want you to go

back to the dorm

and nominate two

candidates for elimination.

Think about your

nominees and let me know.

Yeah, chef.

Let's go.

Right now, things

are bittersweet for me.

Chef said some really nice

things that make me very happy.

But at the same time, I

have to go and nominate

two of my teammates.

It sucks.

So are you going to give

me a sip of your beer though?

You can have whatever

you'd like, Love?

And I cry over everything.

Chill out, Jess.

Don't worry about it.

I know, I know.

This is just what I do.

I really Jess.

I think that we've grown

closer over the last few days.

I don't think that they'll be

one of the people nominated.

Are we going or what?

I feel for you, man, because

you carry that f*cking team.

I'm safe tonight, man.

No, no, I know.

I could be one of

those two people that she

calls up there to [inaudible]

Well, I hope you are safe.

But if you're not, it was

a pleasure meeting you.

Come find me, Jerry.

My performance didn't

merit it tonight.

It's still a game.

There's still some

strategy to it.

Ain't nothing written

in stone here.


You worried?

- Sure.


Why not?

What are the chances of

surviving the guillotine twice?


Even pleading my case, what

do I think the chances are?

A strategic move

would be vote Ralph off.

He's obviously my

biggest competition.

Maybe I do need to get a

little bit more strategic.

I think I've probably

got a chance to win this.

I've made up my decision.

It is what it is.

After successfully

serving all their tables,

the red team sits

safely on the sidelines

as the blue team nervously

awaits the elimination

of another team member.


Yes, chef.

Have you decided

on your nominees?

Yes, chef, I have.

Was it difficult?

It's extremely

difficult, chef.

These are not only

our roommates,

but they've become our friends,

and more importantly our team.

And it's aways terrible to let

; one of your team leave, chef.

First nominee and why, please.

My first nominee is Andrew.

He was on veg

tonight, and seemed

to have a bit of a hard time

getting the final product

out, and on plate, on time.

It affects the entire

team, and that's

why I nominate Andrew, chef.

Second nominee and why?

My second nominee

is Mary Ellen.

Today in the kitchen she had

a bad bout with the risotto

and she wasn't

able to bounce back

as hard as we would have liked.

Mary Ellen, Andrew,

step forward, please.

Andrew, tell me why you

think you should stay.

I kept my mouth

shut tonight, chef.

And it shows and I'm

a learning machine.

A learning machine.

I've got no endive.

Yes, I've got no spinach,

I've got no butternut squash,

and now the fish is overcooked.

So listen, young man,

start the table again.

I think being here

twice in a row

clearly indicates the

blue team don't like you.

Mary Ellen, tell me why

you think you should stay.

Well, chef, this

evening I felt

like I was doing a very

good performance on starters

until I let myself down,

my team down, and you down.

Tonight, you shut

the kitchen down.

Tonight, we had to stop cooking

on the back of those risottos.

And it was pretty

damn disgusting.

Nothing's coming out until

this table gets served.

Yes, chef.

But I want three

beautiful risottos.

Yeah, chef.

Because you know how to

do a beautiful risotto.

Sorry, chef.

I'm disappointed in you both.

The person leaving Hell's

Kitchen tonight is Mary Ellen.

Take off your jacket.

You're leaving Hell's Kitchen.

I think that Chef

Ramsay's decision

tonight was the wrong decision.

I don't believe I was the

weak link on the team tonight.

I think as shown

in the past, it was

Andrew that was the weak link.

I think that Andrew will

be joining me shortly.

And you're a lucky

boy, very lucky.

That's enough for tonight.


I just survived

the guillotine twice.

And the most important

lesson I've learned

is when you're facing the

devil in Hell's Kitchen,

shut your f*cking mouth.

I think everyone thought

that Andrew was going.

It makes you realize that

the obvious is not always

the choice he's going to make.

Anyone's vulnerable.

To me, it wasn't

the right decision.

Mary Ellen, she's just like

this sweet, innocent girl.

I think as far as a teammate

I think she's one of the best.

Mary Ellen has

left Hell's Kitchen

because of her inconsistency.

What the rest of the

team should understand

is that it is very crucial to

get better and more consistent.

That didn't happen

to Mary Ellen.

[music playing]
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