19x14 - Snuggling with the Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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19x14 - Snuggling with the Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen

-It's time!
-[Cody] It is Bruce Buffer!

The chefs had to battle…

Round one, protein!

-[bell rings]

…in a challenge
that tested their creativity.

Feta? What do I do with the feta cheese?

That doesn't go
with what I'm doing at all!

In the first individual
Black Jacket challenge…

It tastes really good.
It's a very refined dish.

Does it knock Declan
off the champion's chair?

…lightweight, Mary Lou…

Pound for pound, you'd have no idea

that Mary Lou could topple
somebody the size of Declan.

…delivered a KO to Big D.

Declan, move.

We have a new champion.
Question is, can anyone knock her out?

Heavyweights, Cody…

Visually, I think it's nice.
I mean, it's very modern-looking.

…and Kori…

-It delivers on flavor.
-Thank you.

-…each went toe-to-toe with Mary Lou.
-No. Mary Lou is fine over there.

The winner is Mary Lou.

-[Cody] Yeah!

Everybody better watch out.
Mary Lou is coming up.

At dinner service…

-Crab cake, how long?
-Walking with the crab cake now.

…Declan on app station…

[Ramsay] Touch that. It's ice cold.
Come on, Declan!

…started off icy…

Declan, did they have apps
on the Blue side of the kitchen?

-[Mary Lou] Do you have two lamb working?
-Yes, Chef. Two lamb working.

There's communication now!

…while Mary Lou and Cody…

Two lamb, one New York strip,
straight down. Thank you.

Right behind you.

-Nicely cooked, Cody.
-Thank you, Chef.

…were on fire.

Oh, she looks so hot when she works too.

-I need you to pull the fish. I can't--
-[Mary Lou] Pull the fish. Okay.

But the pressure of just one kitchen
serving the entire dining room…

She's drowning.

-What do you need, Amber?
-I need you to drop two halibut for me.

…was too much for Amber, as she floundered
on the fish station all night.

-Yes, Chef?

We're in the weeds.

-Take control. Get rid of them!
-Yes, Chef!

-Kori, stay here with me.
-Yes, Chef.

The team nominated…

Declan, Amber, step forward, please.

Chef Ramsay decided
it was time to send home…


…ending her dream

of becoming the head chef
at Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

And now, the continuation
of Hell's Kitchen.

Listen to this.

You've got a one-in-four chance
of becoming the new head chef

of Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

It's that close.

-Good night.
-[all] Good night, Chef.

[sighs] Final four.

Declan, myself, Kori, Mary Lou.
I'm incredibly glad that it's them.

I think we're all incredibly strong
and deserve to be here.

I'm really excited
to compete against the best.


There we go.


[Cody] I would love to, Hams.

I got really scared
Cody was gonna go home.

[Cody] I saw my life flashing
before my eyes today.

[Mary Lou]

[Cody] You'll never lose me.

[whispers] I'll always be there.


From the time Cody walked
into Hell's Kitchen,

he's been chasing Mary Lou
like a dog in heat.

-I don't wear boxers.

It was like in the cartoons
where the eyes pop out of its head,

and its mouth opens up,
and its tongue rolls down,

and it goes, "Wah!"

-I was like, "Oh, Hams is gone."
-Hell no.

Cody makes me feel tingly.

And he can't go home. Not yet.


[Mary Lou]

[Cody] Aw!

[Mary Lou] I don't know
what's going to happen next,

but I'm really excited,
and I don't know why.

[Cody] Do a twirl.


-I'm light-headed.

[electronic music playing, muffled]

-[Jason] Let's go! Wake up!
-[Christina] Time to get up!

Why? Why so early, Chef Christina?

[Jason] Chef Ramsay
needs you guys right away.

You tell a couple of grown men
to jump up out of nowhere,

you might be getting
more than you expected.

Straight to the dining room,
up the stairs to his office.

-[Kori] Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

-Don't keep him waiting.
-[Cody] Yes, Chef. Come on, Dec.

There's this pumping, banging house music.
What is going on?

-[Mary Lou] Oh, shit.
-[dance music playing]

[Cody] Excuse me.

A full-blown club at : in the morning?

Excuse me. Coming through.


[Declan] Hot stuff. Coming through.

-[Cody] Come on, Declan.
-[Declan groans]

Good morning. Line up, please.

I know you got up early,
but what about the atmosphere?

-Amazing, Chef.

There's no town anywhere in the world
that parties like Vegas.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

Now, the people
you've just literally squeezed through

are our guests this morning.

And they've just finished
a long night of dancing

at Drai's Nightclub at the Cromwell.

-They've worked up an amazing appetite.
-Yes, Chef.

I want you now
to get creative with comfort food.

Sophisticated comfort food.

Every partygoer down there
are gonna be sampling all of your dishes,

and, at the end, they'll judge
for the most outstanding dish.

Thirty minutes prep
and minutes to serve portions.

So one hour from now,

I want all of your small plates
on the pass ready to go.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Your minutes start now.

Let's go, guys. Move. Let's go.

-[Kori] Careful.
-[Cody] Pardon me.

[Kori] Don't die.

I'm a big guy, but I'm moving
like a cat through the crowd.

There's women. There's boobs.
There's ass. There's tits everywhere.

There's heels, legs, perfume.
There's a lot of shit going on!

I'm running through. Let's go.

Forget about all that.
Get there, get there, get there!

Don't even look at them,
you dirty dog! Get up there!

In today's Small Plate Challenge,

Chef Ramsay is testing the chefs' ability
to create and assemble a dish

that will appeal to Vegas clubgoers.

-Good luck, mama.
-Good luck to you too.

I'm making salmon croquette.

It is something
that I grew up making for my grandma,

and she liked what she liked.

I used to make these for my grandma,

and she would only make me use
salmon in a can.


I was like, "We can use real salmon."
She's like, "It doesn't taste the same."

My grandma helped me start cooking.
She always just let me do what I wanted.

She always let me experiment
and always liked it.

I lost her about two years ago,
so, it's like my homage to my grammy.

You're doing them in a pan,
not in a fryer?

-I like them better in the pan.

-Plus, that's the way Grandma liked it.

[dance music playing]

-How are you looking?
-I'm good.

My gazpacho is done.
I'm just gonna check it for citrus.

This is gonna go in the fryer right now.
I'm looking solid.

I think the perfect thing
for this particular atmosphere right now

is some drunk food, so, I have
a watermelon-and-heirloom-tomato gazpacho.


And on top, I'm gonna do a Japanese-style
fried chicken called karaage.

Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah.

It's fire! I've been working
on this fried chicken for a while.

It's one of my favorite things
to make for my friends.

It's also the highly requested thing
amongst the group.

[growls] I'm-- I'm happy.

-How many drinks you think they had?

I'm jealous.

Although there's a party going on
in the background, it doesn't matter.

It's not gonna phase me. It's just noise.

Block it out, get to work, get it done.

Holy shit! Look at that!

That's not too distracting
out there, is it?


Wow. I see this tall glass of water
with blonde hair in a little black number.

Oh, my God. I'm a Viking,
and that is a Viking woman to me.

Look at that. Damn!

-[Jason] Keep your eyes off that blonde.
-Yes, Chef.

That's not even happening.

Mind back in the game.
Get in there. Get the food done.

I can't focus
on some hot piece like that.

I've got to make this food done.

[Ramsay] Fifteen minutes to go.

-Forty portions, yes?
-[Kori] Yes, Chef.

I've been there before
where you're out having a good time,

you're dancing,
you're having a couple cocktails.

You want something
that's gonna fill you up

but yet also still be really, really good.

Chicken lollipops. Who doesn't love
a good, little fried chicken on a bone

and just something yummy in your mouth?

-Kori, you doing okay over there?
-Yeah. I'm testing a batch right now.

[imitating music beat]

I just want to party
with everybody else, but I can't.

Don't dance, Mary. Be a professional.

[Christina] They're hungry,
that's for sure.

Just under five minutes, yes?

-[Cody] Heard, Chef.

Oh, shit!

Oh, my God. I literally forgot
about my sesame seeds.

Watch that pan.
About to go up in flames, for f*ck's sake.

They are completely burnt.
I don't have time for this.

[Christina] Kori,
you doing okay over there?

I don't know.

[Christina] Kori? Aw, hell.

The final four chefs have been challenged
to prepare small plates

for Las Vegas clubgoers…

-[Ramsay] Just under five minutes, guys.
-Oh, shit!

and Kori has a burning issue
on her hands.

Watch that pan. About to go up in flames.

-[Christina] Kori, you doing okay?

I need to focus, fresh pan.

I've got a little bit more sesame seeds
under my sleeves, so I'm lucky about that.

Nothing's gonna stop me today.

[Ramsay] Sixty seconds.
Last minute. Let's go.

Kori, how far are you, please?

-I'm ready to sauce and serve.
-[Ramsay] Good. Glad to hear it.

-Start plating, please, Declan. Let's go.
-Heard, Chef.

[Ramsay] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two, one, and stop.

-Well done.
-[partygoers cheer]

Please make your way up.
Pick one plate up from each of them,

and, more importantly, enjoy.

-Thank you.

Who's hungry?

-[partygoers] Yeah!
-[Kori] Yeah?

Don't worry, yellow's always the best.

Just remember, yellow, and those of you
who speak Spanish, amarillo.

[chuckles] Hey!

I'll smile, I'll dance, I'll laugh,
I'll do whatever I gotta do

to make sure
that I stay memorable in their minds

when they're sitting down,
filling out those little cards.

They gotta fall in love with you,
and then they fall in love with your food.

-Who cooks the best? Mama, right?
-[partygoers] Yeah!

Guess who's the mama right here?

Oh, the mom card again. Wow.

-[Kori] Hi.
-[woman] What is this?

[Kori] It's a fried-chicken lollipop.

-[woman] Yes! I'm excited to try it.
-[Kori] Thank you!

[Cody] Don't listen
to that mom down there.

It's just a little bit
of my childhood in there.

I really wish they would've given me
some purple plates, for obvious reasons,

but I guess the pink ones will work.

So it's, uh, my version
of a mini-fish-and-chips.

It's cod brandade
rolled in a crispy kataifi pastry.

It's a great bite for me
after a night out.

As regards to comfort food,
it's the only way to go.

[Cody] I've been working on this
for a while.

It's really good too. Here, by all means.

-Oh, thank you.
-Of course.

In general, people say
that I'm a flirt. I disagree.

-How are you?
-Good. How are you?

Living the dream one day at a time.

-How was the party?
-It was amazing.

[women giggle]

-Hi. How are you?
-I'm great. How are you?

Good. Thank you.

[Cody] Look at that leaf. Isn't it cute?

-It's delicious.
-Why, thank you!

-Please enjoy.
-Thank you so much.

[Cody] I don't get it.

-[woman] I'm excited for this.
-[man] I know. It smells amazing.


I don't really like salmon,
but I like this.

-Dope. You need a bite.
-Really good?

[Ramsay] Okay, guys,
start filling out the cards, please.

Can't wait to hear your feedback.

Now that the hungry clubgoers
have tasted all four dishes,

they will judge each one,

ranking their favorites
from first to last.

I would have to go probably Cody first.

I say Cody as well.

The chef that totals
the most first-place votes

will win the challenge.

That was tough.

What was your favorite?

I loved Kori's. I love ginger,
it really hit off the top of the tongue,

and after drinking and dancing,
that's definitely what I'm driven to.

-Young lady, what was your favorite?
-Cody. It was perfectly cooked.

And I just thought the pairing of chicken
and watermelon was phenomenal.

-[Ramsay] Quite refreshing as well.
-A great palate cleanser.

Oh, my God. It's so good.

They seem to be enjoying the food,
that's for sure.

I could fail this challenge super hard,
but I feel like I did my grandma so proud.

Win or lose, I-- I feel proud.

-That's all that matters, right?
-I'm happy with me.


My grandma
would've really liked that dish.

The results are in.

Let's go reverse order, shall we?

The chef whose dish was liked the least,

with only % of the votes, is…

Mary Lou.

-[partygoers, Cody] Aw.

It's okay.

In third place, with % of the votes, is


-[partygoers] Aw.

It's now between Cody and Kori.

The winner of this incredible challenge,
congratulations goes to…

Kori. Well done.

-[gasps, screams]
-[Mary Lou laughs]

[partygoers cheer, applaud]

Wow. I'm the winner.

-[Ramsay] Well done.

[Kori] I'm so excited. I'm stepping up
my game, and I'm showing what I can do.

This is big for me. This is real big.


This incredible reward is spectacular.

In fact, the reward is so spectacular,
you shouldn't experience it alone.

So, who would you like
to take with you today?

Oh, shit.

Definitely want to reward Mary Lou
for picking me last time,

but you know what? I have to go with…

…the runner-up.

-Um, thank you, Cody.
-[Cody] What?

-[partygoers cheer, applaud]

Me? I'm not expecting this
at all right now.

[Ramsay] Today's reward
is a shopping spree at Macy's.

What the f*ck?

-You'll get to spend a total of $ , …

…$ , each.

I don't think I've ever had two grand
to spend on myself on whatever I want.

[Ramsay] Once you get inside Macy's,

there's a special, second big prize
waiting for you there as well.

Would I want a shopping spree? Yeah.

But Kori doesn't do anything accidentally.

I'm sorry to say, Declan and Mary Lou,

it's that time of year
where the dorms need a spring clean.

I need all those beds turned upside down.

I need the bathrooms tidied out
and the fridges sorted out.

[both] Yes, Chef.

Cody, Kori,
you should head on and get changed.

-[partygoers applaud, cheer]
-I'll see you both later.

[Kori] We all have our little buddy system
going on in the house,

but, at the end of the day,
it's about teamwork,

and I need to get to know these guys.

-I was nervous.
-I wasn't expecting that at all.

Cody is the big competitor.

I definitely get nervous
going up against him.

He's got a great palate,
he's got a great background.

-You and I have our bond.
-I'm not mad.

[Kori] My father always said,

"Keep your friends close
and your enemies even closer."

So, I'm keeping a very tight eye on Cody
and just see where his head's at.

[Cody] Aw, we get to bond.

-[Kori whispers] Oh, my God.

-Hi! Welcome to Macy's!
-[both] Hi!

So, a part of your win, you get $ ,

that you can spend
however you want here at Macy's.

And on top of that, we'd also like
to give you the entire suite

of the brand-new Hell's Kitchen collection
of home and kitchen goods.

-Are you serious? Like, all of it?

We're getting a $ , shopping spree,

and on top of that,
the entire Hell's Kitchen dish set.

I'm talking Dutch ovens, skillets,
grill pans, bakeware, and it's all for us.

What did I do to deserve this?

Get whatever you want,
and we'll see you at the checkout.

Boom. Two grand in hand. Let's go.

Oh, my God. Look at all this stuff.

-I've got money to spend.
-Got a lot of money to spend.

[Kori laughs]

[sighs] Oh, it's hella comfy too.

[Kori] Young man,
don't get me kicked out of Macy's!

[Cody laughs]

Room service.

[screams] Oh, it's a bug. It's okay.

Ew, it is dusty down here.

No one's deep-cleaned the dorms
since we've been there.

[Declan] Oh, my God.


I don't know what this is.

You could tell
that a lot of people were living here

because there was
just things strewn everywhere.

I've got to stop leaving
my stuff everywhere.

-Gotta get right in underneath the rim.

[Declan] If you don't,
all those little buggers will be there.

Luckily, Big D has good conversation.
He's so funny.

But would I rather be on a shopping spree?

[both laugh]

-Brightens your eyes.
-It does.

-You need a suit, young man.
-Guess what color I would pick.

-Um, pink?

It's more like a salmon.

Damn straight I'm getting a pink one.

I wasn't expecting it, but thank you
so f*cking much for having me.

You know, I know Mary Lou
probably would've needed and enjoyed this,

but I wanted to spend some time with you.

I am glad I took Cody.

We were able to get to know
each other a little bit more.

You know, it's so therapeutic
to be out of the kitchen.

-It is.
-[Kori] Out of uniform.

I think I've created
a little more bond with him.

Even though we're now individuals,
we're still a team,

so I'm definitely gonna keep
that team camaraderie,

that "I'll help you, you help me,"
all the way to the end.

Oh, my God.

-Oh, my God. That was amazing.
-$ , well spent, huh?


-We're home!
-[Declan] Hey.

-[Mary Lou] Hi.
-Guess what we got for you guys?

-[Mary Lou] What did you get?
-Declan, this is for you.

What? You're too good.

-Miss Mary Lou, look what we got for you.
-[Declan] Oh, my God.

-The little new Vitamix.
-It's the little one.

-I'm gonna cry.
-Now we all have one.

[Declan] Oh, my God!

Thank you, Kori and Cody, for my Vitamix.

I'll remember you for the rest of my life.
I owe my entire world to you.

My Vitamix.

[narrator] Coming up…

The most important service so far.

Chef Ramsay heats up the competition…

You need eyes coming out
of your f*cking arse, okay?

…testing the final four chefs
as they run the pass…

-One carbonara, one risotto!
-Yes, Chef!

…but with tensions running high…

Is Chef Christina
the only one that hears me here?

…will one of these chefs
let the power go straight to their head?

Enjoy your cocktail,
but I need those Wellingtons.

-[Cody] I need three minutes.
-I don't have three minutes!

-, Chef?

-Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.

There's an electricity in the air tonight,

as the dining room
fills with hungry guests…

Gordon Ramsay is right there.
It's pretty cool. [laughs]

…primed for an unforgettable meal
prepared by the final four chefs.

[women] Can I start with the crab cake?

New York strip.

Beef tartare, please.

[all] Cheers.

Tonight, the chefs will face
their most crucial test yet.

They will each take a turn
running the pass.

-[Ramsay] All of us can multitask?
-Yes, Chef.

-I want to see it tonight. Let's go.
-[all] Yes, Chef!

While each chef is at the pass,

Sous Chef Christina
will cover their station,

delivering surprise sabotages designed
to test their attention to detail.

This could make or break their career.

-To HK. Our friend Gordon Ramsay.
-To HK.

And the first chef
to run the pass this evening is…

-Yes, Chef?

-Let's go. First on to the hot plate.
-Let's go.

-[Ramsay] Christina, appetizers.
-Yes, Chef.

-Your kitchen. Your standards. In control.
-Yes, Chef.

Pick that ticket up,
look at your team and fire it, please.

I am definitely nervous,
but this is what I do.

My career has led to this moment.
Whoo! Let's f*cking go.

All right, walking in, four top, table .

Uh, first course.
Two risotto, one scallop, one carbonara.

-[all] Heard!

-Three minutes on the riso, Cody.
-Risotto heard. Thank you.

Those are out.

I feel like I'm not doing shit.
This is what it's like?

For Cody's first quality control test,

Chef Christina has made the risotto
with orzo instead of arborio rice.

[Ramsay] Plate the risotto. Let's go.

-Christina, can I see you real quick?
-Yes, Chef.

This isn't arborio rice. This is orzo.

-Look at me. Well spotted.
-Thank you, Chef.

Stay calm. Well spotted.
That's a tough one, okay?

Okay, this is the game.
This is the game now.


-Sorry, yes. Two minutes.
-Thank you.

For Cody's next test, Chef Christina
has swapped the pasta in the carbonara.

Carbonara with fettuccine.

This is pappardelle.

-Please, fire a new one, right now.
-Heard, Chef.

Hmm. Not today, m*therf*cker.

-How long?
-Uh, seconds, Chef.

-Ninety seconds?
-What are we waiting on?

Uh-- The carbonara was done
with the pappardelle, Chef.

-Well spotted.
-[groans] That's two in a row.

With Cody's attention to detail
impressing Chef Ramsay…

[Ramsay] Well done.
Carbonara and scallops.

…and diners…

-Oh, this is delicious.
-That's really good.

The scallops are amazing.

…his next test…

-Another four top for you.
-Thank you.

…is already in his hand.

On fire, table .
One salmon, two Wellington, one duck.

-[Kori, Declan] Heard!

Wait. There's no duck.

There's no duck?

Well spotted.

Cody, you cook with your ears too,

and, as a mommy…

[whispers] I hear everything.

-You need to look at the ticket first.
-Yes, Chef.

So you should be told that,
not your brigade telling you.

-You study that ticket every time.
-Yes, Chef.

This is a grounding moment.

I feel like I'm at the top of a mountain
with a lot more to climb,

and all I got to do is step the f*ck up.

[Mary Lou] Salmon. Walking now. Heard?

[Cody] The salmon's fine,
but a little less cook.

-Tell her.
-One second, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Mary Lou.
-Yes, Chef?

-Come here.
-Yes, Chef.

Go. Come on, Cody, let's go. Tell her.

I can't hear you.

Less cook on that salmon.

-Heard. Less.
-Less cooked, okay?

[Mary Lou] Yes, Chef.

I don't hear the forcefulness
in his voice.

I don't hear the confidence.
I don't hear the determination.

Listen to me.

You caught two tough sabotages,
but you got scrambled at the end, yes?

-You need to be decisive.
-[Cody] Yes, Chef.

Jump back on with Christina, please.
Off we go.

Right. Mary Lou, to the pass.
Cody's with fish, please. Let's go.

-Mary Lou.
-[Mary Lou] Yes, Chef!

You need to study the tickets. Come over
and command the kitchen, okay? Let's go.

[Mary Lou] Fire, table .
Two Wellington, two lamb.

[Declan, Kori] Heard.

-Two lamb, two Wellie. Five minutes.

Every single service that we've had
comes into play now.

Remember, you check everything.

-Last line of defense, young lady, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

This is that leadership role.
If you can't run the pass,

how you gonna run
Chef Ramsay's restaurant?

-Garnish is up.
-[Kori] Heard.

Wellington is already at the pass.

For Mary Lou's first test,

Chef Ramsay has replaced the duxelles
in the beef Wellington with tapenade.

-[Ramsay] You're dressing the Wellington?
-[Mary Lou] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Gotta be quick, Mary Lou.
-Looks beautiful inside.

[Ramsay] Stop what you're doing.
Taste that end there.

-What is that?
-It tastes winey.

Winey? No. It's made with tapenade.
It's not duxelles.

-Come on, Mary Lou.

-You have to spot this shit. Get a grip.
-Yes, Chef.

Damn. That's tapenade.

So now if anyone ever gives me tapenade,
I'm gonna just hit them in the face.

You're air-traffic control.

-You're landing these tables.
-Yes, Chef.

Uh-oh, Mary Lou.
How did you miss that? That's easy.

[Ramsay] Taste everything.

Don't let any more mistakes happen.

f*cking hell. Getting backed up.

-Let's go, Declan, please.
-Yes, Chef. Walking to the pass now.

No plates out.
Garnish up finally. Let's go.

-[Mary Lou] How long on the two lamb?
-I need three solid minutes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Let's go.

For the next quality control sabotage,

Chef Ramsay has added beets
to the Wellington garnish

instead of carrots.

[Mary Lou] These are beets.

-Yeah. Well spotted.
-Thank you, Chef.

-The real garnish is behind you.
-Thank you, Chef.


I don't like to toot my own horn,
but I'm gonna give it a little tug.

Just one toot.
Just, like, toot. That's it.

Well spotted. You taste everything.

-You can't just throw food on a plate.
-Yes, Chef.

Mary Lou is finding her rhythm at the pass
and directing her brigade.

-Two lamb, how long?
-Two lamb, how long?

Is Chef Christina
the only one that hears me here?

-[Kori] Yes, Chef! Ready in one minute!
-[Declan] Heard, Chef!

Now you're sounding like a chef,
and you control it from here.

-[Mary Lou] How long on the two lamb?
-Walking lamb right now, Chef.

Hot. Behind.

Hot pans. Both hands.

[Ramsay] That's it. Let's go.

For f*ck's sake. Come on!

Stop what you're doing.
Come here. It's not good enough.

Come on, Mary Lou. Do your job, okay?

You get her here and tell her.
We stop the whole f*cking table.

-Kori? I need you to come here!
-Yes, Chef?

I'm gonna look deep into her amber eyes,
and I'm gonna have to crush her!

-Kori, your lamb is raw.

-Take it back and cook it.

-[Ramsay] What's happened?

Look at me.
I want to know what's happened.

-Yes, Chef.
-It's a small lamb. It's not even big.

-And that's miles away.
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] This is embarrassing!

And stop f*cking dicking around
'cause I'm gonna get pissed in a minute.

-[Kori] Yes, Chef!
-I'm not expecting this. Enough's enough!

It's over an hour into dinner service,

and the Black Jacket chefs
are taking turns running the pass.

-We stop the whole f*cking table.
-Kori? I need you to come here.

And Kori has just delivered
a raw lamb to Mary Lou.

-Yes, ma'am.
-[Mary Lou] Kori, your lamb is raw.

-Take it back and cook it.

-What's happened? That's miles away.
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] This is embarrassing!

-Yes, Chef!
-I'm not expecting this.

[Kori] I am so kicking myself right now.

My meats aren't coming out
the way I want them to,

and I'm fumbling big time.

-Let's go, Kori, please.
-Walking lamb.

I'm excited to run the pass,
but it doesn't matter

'cause if I can't get the protein right,
everything else is useless.

-Come on, Kori. Get it together.
-[Kori] Yes, Chef.

That's better. Service, please.

-Well done.
-Heard. Thank you, Chef.

-Good job.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Back in line.
You take over from Declan.

-[Declan] Yes, Chef?
-Let's go.

[Declan] Coming in, table .

One scallops, one beef tartare,
one carbonara, one risotto.

To follow, one halibut,
one New York strip, two Wellington.

-[all] Heard.
-Thank you.

I'm gonna dominate the pass tonight.
I am not gonna let Chef Ramsay down.

We got four strong chefs. It's time for me
to separate myself away from the pack.

-How long till we get it on the pass?
-Halibut in one minute.

-Garnish coming now.

For Declan's first quality control test,

Chef Ramsay has swapped
braised fennel for braised endive.

Here you go. The halibut.
I've got the mash. Let's go.

Check everything.

-Chef, heard.

-[Ramsay] Taste that.
-This is wrong. It's meant to be fennel.

I need a fennel pickup.
Head on, for one halibut.

-[Ramsay] Look at me.
-Yes, Chef?

Last line of defense,
everything is on your shoulder,

you need eyes coming out
of your f*cking arse.

-[Declan] Yes, Chef. Heard.
-Let's go.

I can't believe
that I didn't catch that mistake.

I've got to quality control
every single dish they give me.

No more mishaps. This has to go well.

-Wake up, Declan. Focus, yes? Let's go.
-Heard, Chef.

[Kori sighs] Declan.

I need to wear a rain jacket next to you
sometimes. You sweat all over the place.

I would enjoy a martini
called a Declan martini.

We take Declan's chef shirt off,
and we squeeze it in a martini glass,

we shake it,
and it's a dirty Declan martini.

Who's working the beef?

[narrator] For Declan's next
quality control sabotage,

Chef Christina has replaced
the beef tartare with tuna.

[Christina] Tartare is in the window.

This isn't beef. This is tuna.
Will you give me beef tartare, please?

Hey. Well spotted.

Back in the game. Keep firing.
I'm gonna keep dodging these b*ll*ts.

Nothing's gonna get past me.
I'm on the ball.

Carbonara coming, Chef Christina?

For Declan's final test of the evening,

Chef Christina has added courgettes
to the carbonara instead of peas.

[Christina] Carbonara in the window.

This is wrong.
I need peas in that, not courgettes.

-Yeah. Good man. Well done.

Declan stumbles a little bit,
but as soon as he finds a rhythm,

he catches right back on.

-Tough start, strong finish.
-Yes, Chef.

-Yeah, really strong. Well done.
-Heard. Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

-The carbonara is delicious.
-That's delightful.

[Ramsay] Cody? Jump over to meats, please.

-[Kori] Yes, Chef?

Let's go. Come here, please.

What is happening over here? A graveyard.

Last one running the pass.
You're in the driving seat here now.

-You cannot afford to abandon ship.
-Yes, Chef.

I need to prove to Chef Ramsay

that I have the leadership skills
he's looking for in his head chef.

So you know what? Head down, pans hot.
Let's get the f*ck on the road.

Order in!

-Appetizers, one risotto, one scallop!
-[all] Heard.

-[Declan] Five minutes.

I definitely got my game face on.
I have total confidence in myself tonight.

-Dropped the scallops?

For Kori's first quality control sabotage,

Chef Christina has swapped
scallops for halibut rings.

-Scallops walking.
-[Kori] Scallops heard. Thank you.

That's not scallops.

The color's off. Everything's off.

-That's fish.
-That's halibut. Well spotted.

-Well done.
-Thank you.

Oh, you sneaky, sneaky chef.
But I caught it.

Chef Christina, I don't know what that is,
but it's not scallops.

There is no slipping by Mama!

I'm gonna make damn sure
everything's perfect.

Go, please.

Fire, ready? One halibut,
one New York, two Wellington. Heard?

-[all] Heard.
-How much time?

-Uh, four minutes, please.

[narrator] For Kori's next test,

Chef Christina has replaced
the halibut with Chilean sea bass.

-How long on that halibut?
-Thirty seconds!

-Thirty seconds, Chef!
-Thank you, Chef.

-[Mary Lou] I'm gonna go with the garnish.
-[Kori] Thank you.

-Right here, please.

Thank you, Chef.

Chef, this doesn't taste like halibut.
It tastes like cod or something.

That's not halibut.

It's Chilean sea bass. Well spotted.

-Thank you.
-Well spotted.

Can I get a halibut,
not a Chilean sea bass, please, Chef?

-Thirty seconds, Chef.
-Thank you.

I am super focused right now.

I'm definitely showing Chef Ramsay
that I am his next head chef.

I'm proving to him
that I can stay calm under pressure,

and I am worthy of where I am right now.

Service, please. Let's go.

-Oh, nice.
-Look that that.

-Thank you.

-Look at that steak.
-With ranch sauce! Awesome!

-That's not ranch sauce.
-I'm kidding, you idiot.

Two Wellie, how much time?

-Three and a half.

One minute, Mary Lou?

-One minute for garnish.
-Thank you.

I'm slicing Wellington in seconds.

-Go ahead and bring me those Wellingtons.


-[Ramsay] That's nowhere near cooked.
-[Kori] No.

-Cody, come here, please.
-f*ck the please. Hurry up!

[Kori] The Wellingtons
are not cooked all the way.

-Please put them back in. Thank you.
-Yep. Heard.

[Cody] From the get-go,
Kori's station was a mess.

There was four burnt lambs,

three Wellingtons
that looked overcooked, and they were raw.

I felt like I was set up to fail.

-Can I get those Wellingtons?
-Wellingtons are coming, Chef.

Come on, Cody. Hurry it up.

Enjoy your cocktail,
but I need those Wellingtons, please.

Those Wellingtons are cold in the center.
I need three minutes.

I don't have three minutes!

Kori is the last Black Jacket chef

to take her turn running the pass.

Come on, Cody. Hurry it up.

Enjoy your cocktail,
but I need those Wellingtons, please.

…and Cody has just cut
into his refired Wellingtons.

Those Wellingtons are cold in the center.
I need three minutes.

I don't have three minutes! Hurry up!

[Ramsay] All of a sudden,
it's a meltdown in here!

I'm embarrassed. I have to own this.

They were on my station,
I sent them out, and so that falls on me.

-I need those Wellingtons!
-[Cody] Coming to the window right now.

However, I feel like I'm taking credit
for someone else's inconsistency.

Kori's performance was the reason
that the meat station is a disaster.

-[exhales] See if those are good.
-[Ramsay] Finally.

Go, please. Quick as you can.

Last table, guys.

-Two salmon, one halibut, one lamb.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Everything at the same time?
-Yes, Chef. Everything at the same time.

-Coming up in a hot pan, Chef.

-Lamb, over there, please.

Make sure that last table
is absolutely immaculate, yes?

[Kori] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Well done, Kori. Good job.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Service, please.

[women] Wow. It looks so good.

[man] How is it? Worth the wait?

-[Ramsay] Clear down. Stove off.

Well done. Line up. Let's go.

First of all, tough one. Really tough.

Whilst you were strong on the pass,

there were a number
of surprising mistakes tonight.

I want all four of you
to go back to the dorm

and think about which chef deserves
to be alongside you in the finale.

-Is that clear?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Then get out of here. All of you.
-Yes, Chef.

Right now, with four of us left,
these decisions have to be cutthroat.

It's all business. You can't think
about it as friends or pals,

'cause anything could happen.

I'm going to fight my way
until the end. I've got this.

So how do you guys want to do this?
Do we defend our cases or give opinions?

Just get to opinions.

In terms of who I'd want
to go up against in the finale,

Declan's a really strong competitor,
but I see a lot of fire in Mary Lou.

She is an amazing f*cking chef.

How many mistakes
did everybody get on the pass?

-I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm not going to say anything.
They use it against me.

This is some next-level shit
going on in my brain right now.

Cody and Kori.

From where I was,
your station was going down,

as well as when you were working the pass,
I just didn't really feel your presence.

-Yeah, I couldn't hear you at all.
-You didn't have a presence at all.

I definitely believe
that Cody should go home tonight.

He had a couple pieces of meat come back.
He was not forceful in the kitchen.

I do think that you called the tickets
and then left it at that.

I heard, "Heard," from all of you,

so that was my inclination
that you guys heard me.

If I say, "Heard?"
and everyone says, "Heard,"

then I'm gonna assume
that you f*cking heard me.

I can f*cking repeat it,
but why did you say, "Heard"?

Because I did hear you,
but I didn't feel, like, commanded.

-Know what I'm saying?

I strongly disagree I was the person
that made the most mistakes tonight.

I was bouncing around the entire night,
communicating with Kori the entire time.

I felt my callbacks were really on point.

I would say that my service overall
was higher than Kori's.

I really feel like Kori was the catalyst
that set everything back tonight.

When I jumped on the meat station,

all the meats that were there
were garbage to say the least.

Meat went down,
and when I jumped onto the station,

I was using the proteins
that were already cooked.

When you left the station, did you tell me
anything about the station?

-Did you tell me, "Those are undercooked"?
-No, I did not.

I don't believe I should go home for this.

But, at end of the day,
that's your station. You own it.

[Cody] The meats you were doing
were inconsistent.

I feel like if we're basing it on service,
you went down.

I honestly don't believe I deserve to go
over one fumble with the meats today.



-Yes, Chef?

Which chef would you want
to go up against in the finale?

I would love
to go up against Mary Lou, Chef.

She's found her voice in this competition.
She has extreme talent.

She would be
an amazing person to go up against.

And why do you think
that you deserve a spot in the finale?

I can say I honestly have not been
in front of you in elimination.

I'm a team player, %.
You know, I'm-- I'm a fighter.

-Mary Lou.
-Chef, I'd choose Kori.

From the very beginning,
Kori has been a leader amongst the team.

I am not the same person
that I was when I came here.

You asked me to be confident,
and you can hear my voice.

You've asked me to bounce back,
and I have proven

not only can I be a team player,
but I can be a leader as well.

-Chef, I have to say Mary Lou.

I think that I've showed
the most growth on the Blue side,

and she's shown
the most growth on the Red side.

I was a pillar

and the reason why the Blue Team
was able to have the success that it did.

I absolutely deserve
to be in the finale, Chef.


Chef, in the finale,
I'd like to go up against Cody.

He's been consistent
the whole way through, Chef.

And the all-important question,

why do you think
you deserve a spot in the finale?

I've been vocal the whole way through,
a team player the whole way through.

That's why I feel I strongly deserve
the position in the final here, Chef.

I've never had a situation like this.

You are the four most competitive,
articulate, and passionate chefs

I've ever had at this stage.

I'm proud of all four of you,
but I have made my decision.

And the first chef not advancing
in the competition is…

The first chef
not advancing in the competition is…


Listen, young man, you are not ready
to run a brigade of that magnitude,

but I don't want your jacket tonight.

I want you to keep it as a memory
of everything you've achieved

in this competition.

My door is open.
That's how much I believe in you.

Thank you, Chef.

Been a pleasure.

See you soon, bubba.

-Dude, bring it in.
-Yeah, dude.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Good job.

-Thank you.
-Remember, the door's open.

[Cody] Yes, Chef.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Although it is bittersweet
that I am leaving today,

I can't tell you
what this experience has done for me.

My name's Cody. I'll be making karaage,
which is a Japanese fried chicken.

Love it. Ladies, how does that sound?

-[women] Good. Delicious.
-Damn straight.

I came here confident, and I've been
nothing but unapologetically me.

-Brightens your eyes.
-It does.

The lows were definitely there.

-Hold the f*ck on.
-You hold the f*ck on!

-She said--
-Watch how the f*ck you talk to me!

-You're no f*cking tough guy.
-You need to relax.

I've gotten my ass kicked a few times.

It looks a mess, Cody.
I don't expect you to plate like that.

-Who cooked these scallops?
-I did, Chef.

Get in the f*cking game quickly.

[Cody] However,
I've grown so much since I've been here.

I think the most outstanding dish
of the day…

Congratulations, Cody on the Blue Team.

-[all cheer]

[Cody] The highs are unforgettable.

-What a day.
-[all] Blue Team!

[Cody] It's really mind-blowing.

[Ramsay] Cheers.

[Cody] Moments I will never forget
for the rest of my life.

[all, echoing] Go Blue Team!

[Cody] I not only met
a bunch of really great chefs,

but just a bunch
of really great human beings.

A lot of people I plan
on being friends with for a long time.

-You like me a lot.
-I know I do.

-[Mary Lou laughs]
-You're a nice person, and you're pretty.

One thing I've realized
is that I'm not done climbing.

My confidence has been reestablished.

It's just greatness from here.

Tough. Very tough.

The first chef moving on
in the competition is…


-[Kori, Mary Lou applaud]

-How do you feel?
-Over the moon. I'm shedding a tear.

Holy shit. [chuckles]

Mary Lou and Kori.
How much do I hate this decision.

The chef joining Declan is…


-And Mary Lou.
-[gasps, laughing]

That's right.

Congratulations, both of you.

Come here, D.

[Ramsay] Amazing.

Only two of you will be cooking
in the final dinner service,

and all three of you will have to face
one more challenge to get there.

-But right now, enjoy the moment.
-[all] Thank you, Chef.

-Head up to the dorms.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

I don't even know
what to do with myself right now.

I can't believe that I made it this far.

Chef Ramsay sees me,
and he sees my potential.

I have a one-in-three chance
of winning this competition.

I just want
to hold onto this moment forever.

Yes! Final three, and I'm one of them.

Man, this feels good.

But top three is not where I'm stopping.

I plan on being focused, being dedicated,

and cooking
my freaking little fingers off.

Declan, what do you think the family
would be saying back in Ireland now?

-Oh, my good God! [laughs]

This is real! I'm in the final three!

[Kori laughs]

I'm as proud as a pig in shit! Yeah!

[Ramsay] Throughout this competition,
Cody was never shy about his abilities,

but when it came to running the pass,
he was just a bit shy,

so, unfortunately,
it was time to say goodbye.

[narrator] Next time…

[Ramsay] Our Hell's Kitchen finalists.
Mary Lou, Kori, and Declan.

Amazing. Well done.

The last three left standing…

Just make sure those proteins
are cooked beautifully, okay?

I'm hella nervous.
Chef Ramsay's opinion is everything.

…battle it out on the biggest stage yet…

-[Declan] Bing, bang, bosh.
-Good? Okay.

I've always kept
a pair of aces up my sleeve,

and these are the aces, five of them.

The steaks are just about done.

…for the final two spots.

The first dish is small
and full of flavor, like me.

The stakes have never been higher.


This is it. No more hiding.
No more cooking.

One of us is leaving,
and two of us are staying.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen.
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