05x18 - Moving Target

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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05x18 - Moving Target

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, Mr. Mitchell.

Oh, Charlie. Evening, Charlie.

Thank you for dinner.
It was perfect.

That's one of the penalties
of working late--

Dinner with the boss.

Ken, you're sweet.

Uh-oh. That sounds pretty ominous.

I've told you.

I know.
You're one of the walking wounded.

He must have been something.

It was just a flesh wound.
I'll get over it.


Just give me time.

Ken! Look out!


Oh, boy.


Ken, are you all right?

Ohh... I think so.


Oh, I feel like I've got two heads.

Oh, boy.


Sorry, Mr. Mitchell. He got away.

I'll call the police.

Never mind, Charlie.
I don't want the police involved.

I'll get a doctor.
No, no.

I-- I'll be okay.

But you're hurt.

It's nothing.

Ken, he tried to k*ll you.
You've got to do something.

All right I will.

I promise.

I don't know. It happened so fast.

Zonk-- I was out!

You haven't any idea what he looked like?


You sure you won't eat something?

Breakfast is the most important
meal of the day.

No, thanks.

And with all that hot sauce,
it must be a fire hazard, too.

Every man to his own poison.
Kills the taste of the eggs.

Any idea what he hit you with?

No, but it felt like a baseball bat.

It was the same the last time.

This happened once before?

Last March.
I was getting out of my car in the garage.

Somebody belted me from behind.
I don't know who or what.

Fortunately, a neighbor was passing by
walking his dog, scared the guy off.

Would you know anyone
who'd want to k*ll you?

That's what I'm hiring you to find out.

Why me, not the police?

You know, in the toy business,
we're dealing with children.

Any association with crime
or v*olence is bad publicity.

That's why I want you to handle this
as quietly as possible.

Well, uh, to start with, you'd better
show me where it happened.

Listen, I think I hear my friend.

How do you like that? It's cute, huh?

You know, for a man that's almost been
m*rder*d twice, you don't seem very worried.

Because I'm laughing it up?

Something like that.

I'll tell you something.

If I wasn't laughing it up,
I'd be crying like one of our dolls.

I'm scared stiff.

Anyway, it happened right here.

I was looking at some of our new sellers
when the roof caved in.


Well, what is it, Carter?

These mechanical astronauts.

I thought we were supposed
to get them out for this Christmas.

Now look, Carter, you trying to tell me
how to run my business?

I am telling you. You were supposed
to look at these two weeks ago.

Thank God you're not running
the space program.

We'd never get to the moon.

I think I've taken enough of your time.

I would like to talk to the girl
who bailed you out last night.

Sure. Althea Blake.
Her office is right down the hall.

Thank you.

Ken, we've got to get down to business.

All right, now, take it easy.
I'll take care of it.

Come in.

Miss Blake?


I'm Joe Mannix.

Oh, yes. Ken just called.

I'm awfully glad you're here.
Please sit down.

Thank you.

How can I help?

Oh, just fill me in on a few details.

How long have you been with the company?

About a year.

I came on a temporary basis
just to reorganize the packaging,

but Ken liked my ideas so much,
he kept me around permanently.

Lucky for him.

You mean because of last night?

Come in.

Here we are, Miss Blake, right on the dot.

Did you tip the delivery man, Eddie?

Hey, you think I'd stiff a member
of the working class?

I gave him a buck this time.

He was an old guy, and he looked sick.

Besides, I hear that peddling flowers
doesn't pay very much.

That was very generous of you.

Thanks, Miss Blake.

Exactly what did happen last night,
Miss Blake?

We'd just come back from dinner.

We were working late.

I heard a noise.

I went into the corridor.

The watchman was there.

He'd heard the noise, too.

We went into the workroom.

Ken was on the floor.

A man with a knife was hovering over him.

Can you describe the man?

Mm, I didn't really get a good look.

He was tall, muscular, moved like a cat.

I'm afraid that's not very much help.

Have you any idea why Ken was att*cked?


What about the other time in March?

He told you about that?

Any reason why he shouldn't?

It's just that usually
he won't talk about it.

But he told you?
He couldn't help it.

We had a date afterward,
and he had a bad cut right on his forehead.

I see.

I wish I could be of more help.

Who's Paul Anders?

Ken's partner.

Ken didn't mention a partner.

You make it sound significant.

Sometimes partners don't get along.

Mr. Anders is a silent partner.

He has a financial interest in the firm,

but leaves the management
totally up to Ken.

What does Anders look like?

Nice-looking. Athletic.

Does he move like a cat?

You don't think--

I haven't had time to think,
just to ask questions.

Aren't they beautiful?

I'd like to know a little more
about Paul Anders.

Why don't you talk to him
when he gets back?


He's away on a hunting trip.

Oh. Uh, what does he hunt?

Big game, I believe.


All over.

This time I think it's the Sierras.

Why don't you ask Ken?

Well, Paul has his place
up beyond Moon Lake.

Has to pack in.

There would be no reason
for talking to Paul.

We're like brothers.
He has no motive for wanting me dead.

No motive you know of.

Meaning what?

Well, for starters, how about ego?

I don't understand.

Well, the sign over this factory
reads "Mitchell Toys."

Why doesn't it read "Anders Toys"
or "Mitchell & Anders"?

Maybe your partner doesn't like the billing.

Oh, that.

Well, when Paul bought into this company
a year ago, I wanted to change the name.

But he said "Mitchell Toys"
was an established trade name,

and he insisted that we keep it that way.

I see. Were you in financial trouble?

Oh, then. Not now.

We came out with this monster kit
that was a big seller.

How about insurance?

Well, sometimes partners insure each other

so that if one has an accident,
the other is the beneficiary.

Well yes, we have a policy.

For how much?
Half a million.

Then Anders would have a great deal
to gain by your death.

Most business partnerships
carry policies like that.

It's normal business procedure.
There's nothing unusual about it.

Except when someone is trying
to k*ll one of the partners.

How can you be sure
that Anders is up at Moon Lake?

Guys who hunt big game
aren't always after animals.

I'd stake my life on Paul Anders.

Maybe that's exactly what you're doing.

You know, I'd like to find out
if he's been in town lately.

Where does he live?

Look, Mannix, I hired you to protect me
and not to break up a business relationship.

Now, Paul would be hurt, really hurt,
if he got the idea he was a suspect.

Mr. Mitchell,
you'd better get another investigator.




This is Paul's address.

Instead of going after a red herring,

don't you think you ought
to stick here with me?

I think you'll be all right here
with all these people around.

Just make sure you're not alone.


My name is Mannix.
I'm looking for Mr. Anders.

Good luck.

He's not home?
That's right.

May I come in?

I was just going out.

This'll only take a minute.


Thank you.

Oh, say, this is very nice.

When do you expect Mr. Anders?

I gave up expecting things
when I got out of finishing school.

You're Mrs. Anders?

What are you selling, Mister?

I'm buying.

Just a little information.

Private fuzz, huh?

I'm the housekeeper.

When was the last time you saw Mr. Anders?

I've never seen him.

You've never seen your employer?

I was hired by a young woman--
his secretary, I guess.

I only come in twice a week,
and he travels a lot.

Tell me, would you happen to know
if he was in town yesterday?


What about last March?

I don't know about him,
but I know I wasn't.

I was in a rest home.


On a forgery rap.

You'd find out anyway.

Hi, Peggy. Any calls?

No calls, but you have a visitor.

Friend or foe?

A Miss Blake.
She says she's a friend.

I hope that wasn't an exaggeration.

No exaggeration at all.

Thank you.

I wanted to talk to you in confidence,
away from the factory.

No calls, Peggy.

There's something very strange
about the way Ken is acting.

I think you ought to call the police.

Well, he made it very clear
he didn't want the police involved.

I'm only thinking of him.
If he won't call them, I think you should.

All right, I'll talk to him again.

It may be too late to do that.

Right after you left the factory
this morning, Ken disappeared.


Left word with his secretary
that something urgent had come up.

She hasn't been able to find him all day.

Now, that doesn't sound too alarming.

But after Ken was gone, Paul Anders called.

Where was he?

Moon Lake, he said.

Anything else?

He said he was very surprised
that Ken wasn't at the factory,

that they'd arranged
to talk to each other today.

Then he asked if Ken was all right.
What'd you tell him?

I told him that there'd been
an accident at the factory

and Ken was hurt but not seriously.

Good thinking.

Was it?

Well, if you hadn't told him the truth
and Anders happens to be guilty,

then he'd know that we suspected him.

Do you think he's guilty?

It's a possibility.

I can't believe it.

What else did Anders say?

That he'd call Ken at home tonight.

I'd sure like to hear that conversation.

Aren't there ways
of recording phone conversations?

Yes, there are.


I'm really worried.

Al right.

You could get in at ,
after the maid's left.

I have a key.

I'm redecorating the house for Ken.

Open the door, Mitchell!

I know you're in there!
Open up this door!


You open this door,
or I'm gonna break it down!

Where's Mitchell?

He's not here. Who are you?

I'm Harvey Nelson,
and I heard someone in there.

No argument. It's not Mitchell.
What do you want with him?

Why, I made up a monster kit.

It was all mine!
A whole family of monsters!

And he stole it!

Now, are you sure there's no one in there?

If it'll make you feel any better,
have a look around.


Well, I guess you're telling the truth.

Hard to find an honest man these days.

But if you see Mitchell,
you tell him that Nelson was here.

And I'll be back.

I'll find him.



Why? What for?

You saved my life.

How come you're here now

if your client didn't want you
to go to the police?

I insisted, Lieutenant.

I think it's ridiculous not to go to the
police when a man's life is at stake.

Yours, too, now.

Goes with the territory.

You think it could have been your client
who was after you tonight, Joe?

Well, it's happened before,

but in this case,
I don't think it was Ken Mitchell.

Didn't look like him.

It could have been somebody he hired.

You said he didn't like the way

you were zeroing in on his silent partner
Paul Anders.

My guess for tonight-- it was Paul Anders.

That doesn't seem logical.

Even if Paul is after Ken,
and I don't believe that, why you?

He doesn't even know you're on the case.

I didn't tell him,
and Ken certainly wouldn't.

What's the story on this fellow named Carter
that works at the factory?

He didn't seem too fond of Ken.

You met Carter?

Not formally, but we saw each other.

That must have been early.

Before he disappeared today,
Ken fired Carter.

Do you think it could have been him?

No, no. Carter's too small,

but he could have hired someone
to get Ken.

We'll have a talk with Mr. Carter.

Oh, Art, seeing we're collaborating again,

I'd appreciate it if you'd send out
a Missing Persons Bulletin on my client.

We'll find him, Joe, if he's still alive.

Mannix, I hope you don't mind
my helping myself.

Not at all.

Your secretary was kind enough
to offer me some coffee,

but I preferred this.

I just left Althea.

She told me what happened at my house.

I assure you, Mannix,
I had nothing to do with it.

Absolutely nothing.

That's all right.

The damage was minor,
thanks to Mr. Nelson.

Nelson was there?

Knocking on your door in the nick of time.

Nelson, the crazy inventor.

You know, in my business,
every time we come out with a new toy,

some kook inventor claims
that we stole it from him.

Nelson claims that we pinched
the monster kit from him.

You should have seen his monster.

Wouldn't have frightened
a -year-old child.

Before we get to that, maybe you'll tell me
where you've been for the last two days.

I was at Moon Lake.


Wanted to see if Paul Anders was there.

He wasn't.

Never been there.

I guess I owe you an apology, Mannix.

What you suspected about Paul
must have been true.

Excuse me. Mr. Mitchell,
Miss Blake is on the phone.

She wants to talk to you.
She says it's urgent.


Yes, Althea?


Mannix, you'd better hear this.
It's a letter from Paul.

Okay, I'm on.

It was delivered by special messenger,
marked "personal and urgent."

Read it, Althea.

"Dear Ken, I won't go into details

"or tell you how I got
into financial trouble,

"but I was desperate.
I needed money.

"What I tried wasn't the right way.
I know that now.

"There's only one way to end it all.

"Forgive me and goodbye.


You've got to find him, stop him.

Where was the letter postmarked?

San Diego.

Lieutenant Gordon?

Joe Mannix.

Heard you were coming down.

How are you connected with the case?

I'm working for Paul Anders' partner.

Looks like su1c1de.

Deliberately drove his car
off the cliff, apparently.

Haven't recovered the body yet,
but it'll show up.

The divers found plenty of identification.

Registration, wallet, driver's license.

You're sure it was su1c1de?

A guy couldn't drive off this cliff
unless he was really trying.

Good road. Visibility is excellent.

I'm going over to the motel where he
was staying. Want to take a look?

Yes, I would, thank you.

Is that all you can tell me?

That's it.

Hi, Jimmy.

She doesn't have much to say, Lieutenant.

I think I had something
very significant to say.

What was that, Miss?

He didn't act like he was
going to k*ll himself.

How did he act?

Well, sort of normal.

And hungry.

Ate too big a breakfast for a guy
that was going to drive off a cliff.

Ham, eggs, the works.

We don't have room service
around here, usually,

but he paid me bucks
to bring it to him anyway.

There's his tray.

I just can't believe it.

Why did he do it? Why?

I was hoping you might be able to tell me.

He was in some kind of a jam.

If he needed money,
he could have asked me.

It's such an awful way to go.

You're still fond of him
even after what he tried to do to you?

I don't think Paul Anders
was responsible at the end,

and I don't want to remember him that way.

Well, that's about it.

I appreciate what you did, Mannix.

I'll write you a check.

First, maybe you'll answer
a question for me.


What were you doing in San Diego

when you claimed
you were up at Moon Lake?

You've got to be kidding.

You were registered
at the Royal Palms Motel at Point Lorna

under the name of Paul Anders.

That hot sauce you use with the eggs--
you got to kick the habit.

It's going to get you in trouble
one of these days.

Did you tell the police about this?

You're still my client.
I want to hear what you have to say.

And I hope it's convincing.

It is.

I think I--

I can explain everything...

only, uh--

Only what?

First, I want to assure you
that I didn't do what you think I did.

I was registered at that motel, and--

Come in.

Hello, Joe.

Hi, Art.

Kenneth Mitchell?


I'm Lieutenant Malcolm,
Los Angeles Police Department.

I have a warrant for your arrest.

This is ridiculous.
What's the charge?


Paul Anders?

That's right.

You think I k*lled Paul?

Before you say anything, Mr. Mitchell,
you may want to talk to an attorney.

You got evidence, Art?

That's what I've got, Joe-- evidence.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up your right to remain--

Never mind that. I know my rights.

Mannix, I'm leveling with you.

I never m*rder*d anybody.

Will you stay on the case?

No matter what I find out?

No matter what you find out.

Come in.

Hello, Althea.


Well, working late again, huh?

You know the old cliché--
life goes on for the living.

Then you've heard about Paul Anders?


I wasn't in the mood for roses.

Because of Paul?

Because... of a lot of things.

Paul's death seems to have
upset you a great deal.

I just can't believe he's k*lled himself.

Neither can the police.

They've arrested Ken for m*rder.

For murdering Paul?

Lieutenant Malcolm said he had evidence.

When he says that, he's got it.

What evidence?

I don't know, but I intend to find out.

You're staying on the case?

That's right.

I'm glad, but why?

Well, everything's
falling into place too neatly.

It always gives me a nervous stomach.

I'll talk to you later.


Any sign of when Anders was here last?

Recently, I'd say.

And smoking expensive cigars.

Prints all over this, Lieutenant.

Dust everything, Jerry.

No sign of the body?

Not according to Lieutenant Gordon
from San Diego.

Well, that isn't too unusual,
considering the ocean off Point Lorna.

Whose side are you on?

You trying to convict Mitchell?

Just trying to convince myself
that you're right.

And I can't.

I admit the evidence is circumstantial,
but it's pretty strong.

Mitchell needed that half million
from the insurance.

His behavior has been very suspicious.

He pretended he was going
to Moon Lake. He went to San Diego.

He's lied to everybody, including you.

And he checked into that hotel
under the name of Paul Anders.

Huh. Why?

So far he hasn't told me,
but I'm seeing him this afternoon.

I'll tell you why.

Because he k*lled Paul Anders.

Mannix, I tell you I didn't do it.
I'm innocent.

The DA's got a pretty strong case.

You mean you really think
they could convict me?


But how can they?
They haven't even found a body.

They don't have to find it.

You can end up on Death Row
whether they find the body or not

if they've got evidence,
and they've got evidence.

Why don't you come clean?


I guess I'd better confess.

You k*lled him?
No, I didn't k*ll anybody.

There never was a Paul Anders.
I made him up.

You what?

I mean it. Paul Anders never existed.

Maybe you'd better make that
a little clearer.

Well, you see, I got this idea
that if I had a business partner

I could split the income,
and I'd beat the federal tax.

Then I thought if the partner didn't exist,
I could keep his half.

So I invented a partner.

I took my savings and put it on the books
as Paul Anders' investment.

Quite an idea.

Until you started to look for him.

Then I figured the only way to turn you off
was to have Paul Anders die.

You did too good a job.

You've convinced everybody you k*lled him.

I tell you, Paul Anders doesn't exist.

How could I k*ll a man that I made up?

I, uh, just came from his house.

His fingerprints are all over the place.


That's right.

His ski trophy, his bills,
even his dirty laundry. It's all there.

I don't care what they found.
There never was a Paul Anders.

You're going to have a tough time
convincing the police.

I tell you, there never was such a person.
We can prove it.


Well, I meant you and I.

No, you didn't.
There was somebody in this with you.

You couldn't have done it all alone.

Somebody rented that house for you.

Somebody hired that housekeeper
and set this whole thing up.

Well, I guess I'd better tell you.

Althea was in on it.

I discussed the idea with her,
and she helped.


She rented the house, like you said.

And, well, the insurance was her idea.

She even found a guy

who was willing to take the physical
examination for a few hundred bucks.

Will she back you up?

Of course she will.

She's not going to let me go to Death Row
for k*lling a guy we dreamed up.

I'll ask her.

Thank you very much.

When Miss Blake comes in,
would you have her call Mr. Mannix, please?

Still not in, Joe.
Hasn't been at the factory all day.

I checked every place she usually goes.

She was at her health club yesterday.

I've checked the hairdresser, the dentist,
even the woman who puts on her eyelashes.

She had a new set put on yesterday.

Yesterday was a busy day.

What do you think happened to her?

We don't know that anything's
happened to her.

It's not unusual for a girl
to take a day off, is it?

Coming from you, that's original.

Mr. Mannix' office.

Just a minute, please.

The disappearing act is over.

Hello, Althea.

I hear you've been looking for me.

Yes. I was getting worried.

Joe, I've been so upset,
what with all that's happened.

I've been driving around.
I just this minute got home.

I was wondering if I could
come over and talk to you.

I'll have a drink ready for you.

What did you want to talk to me about, Joe?

Paul Anders.

His death seems to have
really shaken you up.

Thank you.

We were very close.
He meant a great deal to me.

I always thought it was Ken.

Well, Ken was interested,

but, uh, it was all on his side, really.

I never encouraged him.

When was the last time
you saw Paul Anders?


Are you still trying to prove
Ken is innocent?

Ken says there was no Paul Anders,
that he never existed.

Is this some sort of joke?
Am I supposed to laugh?

Ken wasn't laughing when he said it.

He must be pretty desperate
to think up a story like that.

Paul was real, all right.

I should know.
I was once married to him.

It's easy enough to check.
The marriage is on record.

Why did you keep it a secret?

We were separated.

We led separate lives,
but we loved each other.

Maybe I should have told Ken the truth.

Maybe what happened is my fault.

Your fault?

I think Ken k*lled Paul out of jealousy.

What is it, Joe?
Don't you believe me?

Oh, it's just that stomach of mine again.

Thanks for the drink, Althea.



I see.

Thanks, Vivian.
That's exactly what we needed.

Paul Anders never had a dime.

He couldn't buy a toy, much less
a half interest in a toy factory.

Score one for Ken Mitchell.

He invented the partner, all right.

Everything except the name Paul Anders.

Tell me something. Did Althea
suggest the name Paul Anders?

As a matter of fact, she did.

Well, I checked it out.

She was married to him.


He was a ski bum she met up at Aspen.

They separated, kept coming back together.

She was supporting him.

When you came up with the bright idea
of creating a partner,

she had a brighter idea--

Slipping her husband into the character.

So they were going to k*ll me

and this ski bum was going
to take over the business.

But the other night at the factory
she saved my life.

Because the watchman was coming.

She wasn't trying to save you.
She was warning Paul.

And all that time I thought--

Tell me something.

When you staged that su1c1de,
was Althea in on that?

Yeah, she was.

That clears up another point.

She said the only way
we could keep you from nosing around

was to make sure that you had an accident.

I said no.

She went ahead and tried anyway.

Or, rather, Paul Anders did.

I didn't know about it until afterwards.
At the time, I was in San Diego.

Yeah, that was a perfect chance
to frame you

and let the DA
put you behind bars for good.

While you were down at Point Lorna,
doing your thing,

Anders called the police
with the tip about the rental car.

Now all she has to do
is keep Paul Anders in hiding,

and ['ll be convicted of m*rder.

She'll inherit the factory
as the widow of my partner.

She'll even get the insurance.

All part of the plan.

There must be something we can do.

Well, for one thing,
you can stop sending her flowers.

She doesn't love you.

What flowers?

The roses you keep sending her all the time.

I never sent her a dandelion.

Will that be all right, sir?
That's perfect.

Would you like a card enclosed?

No card.
Just make sure they get there before .

Don't worry about it, sir.
We'll take care of it.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for the information.

The flowers were delivered personally,
just a little after .


What makes you so sure it was Paul Anders
that sent them before?

Well, we know
Ken Mitchell didn't send them.

The last time she received flowers,
she threw them in the wastebasket.

Probably got mad because it was such
a stupid thing for a dead man to do.

Do you think she'll
get mad again and phone him?

If she does, her phone is bugged.

Maybe she'll just go to him.

If she does that,
one of Malcolm's men will be on her tail.

What do you think she will do, Joe?

I'm not sure.
That's a pretty sharp gal.

But I'm hoping she'll figure I sent them
for exactly the reason I did send them--

To make her lead me to Paul Anders.

If she's as smart as you say she is,
maybe she'll sit tight and do nothing.

She can't do that.

She's got to try and get rid of me
before I find Paul Anders.

Mr. Mannix' office.

Just a moment, Miss Blake.

Hello, Althea.

I had to call, Joe.

I'm sure you've spent the day
checking out my story.

That's right.

I hope that by this time
you've found I've told you the truth.


That's a relief.

Your good opinion is important to me.

Joe, I'd like to talk to you.

Sure, when?

How about tonight?

Take me to dinner?

I can't think of anything I'd rather do.

Pick me up at my place in an hour, then.

I'll be there.

Stop worrying, Peggy.
I've got pounds on her.

Hi. Come on in.

Say, I like that outfit.

Oh, thank you.
You're right on time.

That's a good sign for our first date.

Well, I'm looking forward
to quite an evening.

So am |. I'll get my things.

Oh, by the way,
would it be all right if we went in my car?

I have a station wagon.

I'd like to pick up some things at Paul's
place on the way, if you don't mind.

Oh, I don't mind.

I'd rather not be alone when I go there.


I understand.

Is something wrong?

I was just thinking
there's so little traffic.

No cars at all.

Well, that's the way it is some nights.

We're practically all alone.

Can |, uh, help you?

No, no don't bother.
Just a few things I want to pick up.

All right, Joe.

Take off your jacket.

Turn around.

I thought detectives always carried g*ns.

I thought we were going to dinner.

Not tonight.

I gather that's the reason
we took your station wagon.

Not that I thought you'd do anything
as clumsy as having us followed,

but it did occur to me that you might have
an electronic beeper put on your car.

I hope I'm not being rude.

Don't let it bother you.

People are always shoving g*ns at me.

I'm awfully sorry you got suspicious, Joe.

I really am.

That way-- the back door.

I should have thanked you for the roses.

They were lovely.
It was nothing.

Where are we going?

A moonlight walk down to the surf.

Going swimming?

You are.

Now keep walking.

And don't stop until I tell you.

Stop right there.

This is one method of communication
they haven't discovered how to bug.

I suppose out there is a nice big boat.

One of the nicest.
Big enough to cross the ocean.

And you're invited aboard.

Thanks. That's very nice of you.

You may not think so.
You're not going very far.

Paul Anders, I presume.

You presumed correctly.

You looked better with your mask on.

You don't like the way I look?

Not too bad for a guy
that's been dead for three days.

I feel fine, just fine.

Time for your dip, Joe.

I think you two better change your plans.
We're not going to be alone long.

Go ahead. What are you waiting for?

Sorry about that, Joe.

It's an instant anesthetic--
the kind they use on animals in the zoo.

One shot of that,
and a tiger sleeps for hours.

You're going to take a nap, tiger.

And a one-way boat ride.

I still think you two
better change your plans.

You see, I put that beeper on your car.

I didn't think a smart girl like you
would go anyplace in mine.

The police ought to be along here
any minute.

You're stalling, Joe, just because
you don't want to get your feet wet.

Think you better check just to make sure.

That's good advice.

Police! Hold it!

Joe, are you--

Now how do you like that?

Now that's what I call cool.
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