11x10 - 12 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x10 - 12 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously, on Hell's Kitchen Go now.

(Announcer) In the steak challenge (Mary) I'm doing a rib eye with a blackberry vanilla sauce.

(Announcer) The chefs had to be creative with different cuts of meat.

Oh, yeah.

We're men, we cook steak.

This is ours for the winning.

(Announcer) And although the men were confident they would finally get a victory (Gordon) I just can't believe you've overcooked the steak.

(Announcer) The women (Gordon) Coratulations, red team.

Whoo! Yes! (Announcer) Handed them another crushing defeat.

We lost again.

(Announcer) At dinner service I'm dying right now.

(Announcer) Barrettt put the blue kitchen behind.

Barrettt, [bleep]

! You bring the salad, right? Like[Knocking]

Hello? (Announcer) But Anthony Four cocktails coming up.

(Announcer) And Michael How are they? Perfect.

(Announcer) Helped secure a much
-needed victory (Jon) Look at that, like a team.

Up at the pass all together.

Good job, guys.

Finally, a decent service.

(Announcer) In the red kitchen Raw filet.

It's not Sushi night, it's steak night! (Announcer) Jacqueline And Amanda Filet! Four minutes, chef! Oh, my God! (Announcer) Struggled with the steaks.

What is it, for the second time? It's [bleep]

raw, chef.

That's right, it's [bleep]

raw! (Announcer) And their lack of consistency brought the entire kitchen down.

You, you, you, you, [bleep]

off, all four of you! Get out! I am so mad right now.

(Announcer) The red team's frustration and anger reached a boiling point in the dorm.

So I'm not shutting the [bleep]

up! Going on and on and on, and it's done! Bitch, I'm not gonna [bleep]

take it anymore.

(Announcer) And forced to put two up for elimination It was like a [bleep]

freak show.

(Announcer) The women nominated Amanda.

(Announcer) And Jacqueline, chef.

(Announcer) After her disastrous turn on the meat station Jacqueline, give me your jacket.

(Announcer) Jacqueline's dream of becoming head chef of Gordon Ramsay pub and grill at Caesars Palace went up in flames.

[Ohio Players' Fire]

Fire Whoa The way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child ohh! Go, Jon! When you take what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really smokin', child [roars]

When you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah, yeah well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame of love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! [Kiss]

You're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child ow, fire uh
-huh got me burning, got me burning (Announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Leave me alone, guys.

Get out.

(Amanda) I'm feeling like a piece of [bleep]


I should be the one that chef Ramsay's patting on the shoulder every night, but I was on the chopping block.

It sucks.

I feel like you've been folding, so you can't do it anymore.

That's the only reason I said you, Amanda, is because you've been folding.

And how you reacted when you went upstairs and packed your [bleep]

Is the reason why I said you were weak.

You have to step up.

You have to pick that slack up.

I want to shine and become a leader for the red team.

That's what chef Ramsay's looking for, and that's what I need to show.

(Announcer) As the number of chefs continues to dwindle, the remaining chefs are reinvigorated Unbreakable, homie.

(Announcer) And prepared to show chef Ramsay they are ready for anything.

(Gordon) I like that energy.


Good morning.

(All) Morning, chef.

(Gordon) Last night after service, James, Andy, and I were talking about when we really started to develop our love for cooking.

But it's interesting that it was when we were all teenagers.

When I was a teen, I had two loves.

A love of cooking [Laughter]

And a love of soccer.

Oh Oh, my God.


Who knew looking at this picture that this cute, little kid from Scotland was gonna turn out to be such a hard
-ass in the kitchen? Uh, why are you guys all laughing? Trust me, I did a little research of my own.

Oh, no.

Let's take a look.


Yeah! (Anthony) Oh, my God.

Zach's hair moved from his head all the way down to his chin.

They swapped places.

Ready for the next one? Whoa! [Laughter]

Nedra! (Woman) Cyndi! (Man) Whoa.

Looking back into our younger years Oh, my God! [Laughs]

(Cyndi) It's freakin' hysterical.


Brace yourselves.

Oh! Holy hell! Ray, seriously.

Like a mobster or something.

Old school Ray, he could just pop his collar on you.

Hey, baby, hows you doin'? [Laughter]

Okay, there is one more picture I'd like to show you all.

This one's a very important one.

This is Brianna.

Now, this pic wasn't taken ten years ago, this is her today.

She is turning 15, and tomorrow night, we'll be hosting our first ever Quinceanera.

Huh? What's it called? "Quintenita," "quintiera"? Quinceanera is a Latin
-American tradition commemorating when a young lady becomes a woman.



Now, are you ready to meet our guest of honor? (All) Yes, chef.

[Mariachi music]

Whoo! [Singing in Spanish]

Nice to see you, darling.

You're welcome.

Good to see you.

How are you, my darling? Welcome.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Give a warm welcome to Brianna [Applause]

(Mary) Brianna's young, and she's so tiny and cute.

Her mother Jennifer Hi.


And her godmother and party planner Josette.



So, chefs, listen carefully.

Because for your next challenge, you'll be creating a tasting menu for this Quinceanera.

Tell me what you're looking for in the food.

Well, I love chicken.

I like it creamy, lemony Mm

I also like, um, fun appetizers.

(Gordon) Nice.

Jennifer? Something that's spicy but not too spicy.

If it's too spicy, Brianna just won't eat it.

(Gordon) Right.

Really? A young latina that doesn't like spicy food? Where did she grow up? Josette? We like to eat meat.

Good, hearty portions of it.


Brianna, what is your favorite appetizer? Cheese.

Cheese is my favorite.

(Mary) What kinds of meat do you like? Or styles you like it cooked? We like steak.

A medium to a well, something that's just hearty.

Please raise your hand if you have any more questions.

(Zach) Question after question, I don't need more.

What does Rihanna, her mom, and her godmom know about food anyway? Let the chefs do the cooking.

Based on what you've just heard, you'll have 45 minutes to create two appetizers.

One cold, one hot.

One pasta dish, one chicken, and one steak entree.

Chefs, are you ready? (All) Yes, chef.

(Gordon) 45 minutes, starting from Now.

Off you go.

Let's talk, let's talk.

Guys, I'm gonna do macaroni and cheese sticks.

Mary's gonna start on the chicken.

I'm gonna do a ravioli, okay? (Announcer) In the Quinceanera challenge, chef Ramsay has given the teams 45 minutes to create a five
-course tasting menu for the special occasion.

Mm, that smells like a Quinceanera.

How we feeling, girls? Everybody's working? Yeah.

We're gonna make it.

And we're gonna make it good.

Every girl on the red team, we've been there.

We've all been a 15

The opportunity to give this to Brianna is just amazing.

(Susan) She wanted creamy, cheesy, lemony.

All right, we're good.

We need hot sauce too.

Where's the hot sauce? Oh, there you are.

I was looking for you.

I figure Spanish people, hot sauce.

They work out pretty well, right? Ooh, I like it.

Got a kick to it.

Halfway, ladies.

(All) Yes, chef.

Amanda, doing all right? Yes, feeling good.


(Amanda) Today is my redemption.

We've definitely got this.

All right, steak's on, guys.

Thank you.

Last five minutes, guys.

We're at crunch time, guys.

Ray, you need that pasta in that water.

You're not gonna make it, man.

Losing challenges is demoralizing.

So today, I'm doing everything possible to make sure that we win this [bleep]


Mike, how you doing with your meat, man? It's here.

I don't have it yeah.

(Jon) All right, just make sure you got time.

I'm not droppi the ball on that [bleep]


That's for sure.

(Anthony) Move, guys.

Who needs help? (Anthony) Let's go, if we're not on plates, we need to be getting 'em.

(Gordon) Five, four, three, two, One And stop.

Okay, we're gonna start off with the cold appetizers.

Come on up, please, let's go.

Yeah, buddy.

(Gordon) Ja'nel, please explain the dish.

I wanted to do a ceviche.

It's mango, cucumber, jalapeno, orange, lime.

I like that.

(Jennifer) It was good.

It was not too spicy.

Thank you.

Jon, please explain.

Okay, I also did a ceviche.

A very thinly
-sliced Halibut, lobster, and crab.

I put it in a little, crispy shell so it's easier to pick up and eat.

I like it 'cause I can taste the lemony.

(Josette) Very good flavor.

I especially like the fried on the outside.

Thank you.

Ladies, tough decision.

The red team or blue team? My favorite was the blue team.



I'll go with the blue team.

(Gordon) Brianna? The blue team.

Wow, congratulations, blue team.

Good stuff.

Yeah, Jonny.


Kicked ass.

I know.

Next, the battle of the hot apps.

(Announcer) With Jon giving the blue team the early lead, Cyndi's fried cheese raviolis (Brianna) I like it because the cheese comes out, and it's like, it's hot and melty.

(Announcer) Impress the judges.

Very good.

(Announcer) But Barrettt hopes to top her with his fried macaroni and cheese balls.

[Clears throat]

You okay? The sauce Is a little spicy.

Tastes more like hot sauce.

Oh, my God.

Spicy hot sauce.

I mean, guys, did you even listen to what Brianna wanted? (Jennifer) If it's too spicy, Brianna just won't eat it.

Red or blue, please? Good job, red team.

I have to agree with Josette.

The red team.

(Gordon) Red.


Red wins.

Really good job indeed.

Good job, Cyndi.

We're tied.

(Mary) Whoo, ladies! [Exhales]

Next course, the pasta, please.

Let's go.

(Nedra) I look over, and guess who's going up with me.

Grandpa Ray.

I got this one in the bag.

I have here grilled shrimp with an herb marinade.

I like it.

Thank you.

The shrimp is prepared perfectly.

It's very good.

Raymond, please, what is that? Chef, I made some homemade raviolis Wow.

And I filled it with three different cheeses.

Homemade ricotta, queso fresco, and mozzarella.

The sauce is really good.

Thank you.

It's delicious.

Red or blue, please? I'd have to say I'd go with the blue team.

(Gordon) Josette.

The red team.

(Gordon) Red team.



I'll go with the blue team.

(Gordon) Another point to blue.

Ray, that's a lovely dish.

(Ray) Thank you.

I'm telling you, I'm like the ravioli [bleep]

king here.

This is my day.

(Announcer) Ray has regained the lead for the blue team.

Next up, battle of the chicken.

Let's go.

(Announcer) And now Anthony has the chance to clinch the victory.

Today I've made something very simple.

Something I'd eat with my Nana.


It's grilled chicken underneath is pinto beans that I've refried.

(Brianna) The chicken was, like, really good, I liked it, tender.

The only thing that I think that I would fix is, like, to add a little bit more flavor to it.


Brianna, really, like, you're 15.

What do you know about the flavor of chicken? (Jennifer) Very well prepared.

Like you said, it reminds me of something that we'd have at home.

Overall, very good.

Mary, please present the dish.

I've prepared for you a butterfly chicken breast with a lemon cream sauce and a cauliflower puree.

I like the flavor that you used, but I kind of found it a little too soft.

I love the lemon in it.

Really, really flavorful.

But the sauce has a little bit too much lemon.

Josette, we'll start with you.

The score right now is two to one.

We have to get this point or we're gonna go down in flames.

I'm gonna go with the red team.

Red team.


I'll go with the blue team.

And finally, my darling.

I liked both of them, they were really good, but I'd have to go with (Announcer) In today's Quinceanera tasting menu challenge, the blue team is up by one.

I liked both of them, they were really good.

(Announcer) A vote for Mary's lemon chicken will tie the score.

But a point for Anthony's grilled chicken will seal the victory for the blue team.

But I'd have to go with the red team.


(Gordon) Congratulations.

Thank you.

(Cyndi) Way to go, Mary.

Good job.

Point to the red team.

Whew, that was close.

All right, girls, come on, now.

We still got a good, fighting chance here.

We're tied.

It all comes down to the last dish.

Let's see the steak.

All right, Amanda.

Come on, babe.

(Ray) I mean, we've won just one challenge.

We need this so bad.

I made a grilled rib eye with some spicy chili peppers, but nothing overpowering.

The flavor was really good.

Thank you.

It was delicious.

Yeah! I'm back! Michael, please.

(Michael) Brianna really enjoyed Amanda's dish, but my flavors are spot on.

I really don't think there's any comparison.


Is that blood? Uh, yeah.

Is it raw? No, chef.

It did taste a little raw.


Definitely undercooked.


Absolutely right.

Brianna does not like the undercooked.


Sorry about the blood on the plate.

I don't even know what to think anymore.

I guess I can't cook steak.

I [bleep]

give up already.

Prefer the red team or blue team? (All) Red team.

Red team, uh, well done.

Another point to the red team.

Thank you.


(Gordon) Congratulations.

Great job.

(Jon) We were so close.

Just another demoralizing blow for the blue team.

Jennifer, Josette, and Brianna, these winning dishes are going on the menu.

Thank you for your feedback.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Yeah? Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Ladies, seven out of eight challenges.

Total domination.

Great job.

(All) Thank you, chef.

Seeing how we're celebrating Brianna's 15th birthday, your reward is all about fun.

I'm sending all of you to Southern California's premiere theme park.

Knott's Berry Farm! Yeah! That's what I wanted! I'm gonna be in the front row of every coaster with my hands way in the air.

Go and become teenagers again.

Yes, chef.

Get changed.

Thank you, chef.

Whoo, Gordon's Angels! [Laughter]

Good job, guys! Way to go, ladies! Oh, jeez.

This [bleep]


(Gordon) Okay, gentlemen, you're in for a long day here in Hell's Kitchen.

You'll be getting the entire restaurant transformed for our Quinceanera party.

Oh You will be under the guidance of Josette.


Setting up all the decorations.

You have an enormous amount of work ahead of you.

(Barrettt) I'm sick of losing, and now I'm losing it.

I'm gonna go to my safe place.

(Josette) So first thing is we need to totally get ready for transformation.

We need to strip the tables, all the dinnerware and everything needs to be put on the carts.

(Zach) Yes, Josette! We gotcha! Faster we break it down, the faster we can put it up.

[All cheering]

Of course.

Right? It's always great timing with them.

(Josette) Nobody's paying attention to any of the booths on the side.

You really need to get over there and start clearing those out.


The boys are getting their [bleep]

busted by the party planner.

Chop, chop! Good luck to you, b*tches.

(Susan) Thank you! Yay! Knott's Berry Farm! [Bleep]


[Women cheering]


Oh, my God.

I am pumped.

Roller coasters everywhere.

I wanna go on the biggest, the fastest, and the scariest.

[All screaming]

Oh, [bleep]


Somethin' just goes, whoo! And people scream like [Screams]

I am not getting on that.

What about this one? There's drops on here? No! (Nedra) Oh! Get ready! I'm gonna k*ll you b*tches! Here we go, ladies! [Screaming]


! (Announcer) While the women experience the thrill of victory, the men face the agony of (Josette) Each of you are gonna take a doll to dress.

(Announcer) Decorating.

You need to cut I feel like a [bleep]


I've never put dolls together.

It wasn't, like, one of my MOSs in the marine corps.

"Here, you're gonna clean this cannon, and you're gonna make these little, Spanish dolls.

" [Chuckles]

Dude, I got glitter all over me.


Maybe I can glue some of my manhood back together.

(Jon) Good luck with that.

(Barrettt) You don't have enough glue, Barrettt.


Oh, my God! Shut up! (Ja'nel) How fitting.

Who's going first? I'll go.

Amanda, go.

(Susan) Get the real clown.

(Ja'nel) Get him right in the head.

What's that? You wanna talk some [bleep]

? Eat this.


[Women cheer]

(Nedra) Come on, Suzy.


Thank you very much, gentlemen.


You guys are a bunch of suckers.

How we doing? Uh, chippin' away at it.

On this one, the bow needs to be redone so that the shiny side is out.



Right now it's like a bunch of psychotics setting up this birthday party.

Because Josette's crazy, you know.

She's the event planner.

Everything's gotta be perfect.

All these in the back all have the flat side out.

So the back row needs to be redone.

Oh, [bleep]


I'm gonna go ballistic.

(Michael) We're on our last nerve with this party planner.

We're just spiraling down.

Oh, my God, this is gonna take nine more hours.

Let's just get moving on the chairs so that the chairs can get dressed.

I'm going as fast as I can with these.

We really need to hurry up 'cause we've got a lot of other stuff to do.

Oh, my God.

(Josette) I really need these done.

(Barrett) You know what, [bleep]

this place.

I wanna get the [bleep]

outta here.



(Announcer) After losing their seventh challenge out of eight, the men are spending a grueling day with the Quinceanera party planner.

(Josette) We really need to hurry up, 'cause we've got a lot of other stuff to do.

(Announcer) And Barrettt is on the verge of losing it.

(Josette) I really need these done.

(Barrett) You know what? [Bleep]


Barrettt! Relax.


Dude, seriously.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna flip out, man! [Laughter]

Here they come.

Be proud of what you've done, men.

(All) Wow! (Ja'nel) There's a candy bar! You guys wanna help unwrap candy by hand? (All) No, thank you.

(Mary) It's so hard being so good at winning.


Suckas! My God.


My hands are gonna be really sore after this.

When does the punishment stop? (Michael) When you die.

(Zach) Yeah.

(Announcer) Tonight, for the first time, Hell's Kitchen is hosting a Quinceanera.

Let's do it.

(Announcer) And both teams are anxious to get to work prepping for tonight's special occasion.

We're gonna k*ll it.


You all right? (Amanda) My nerves are going a little bit.

(Susan) I'm concerned about Amanda.

I hope she can keep her head in the game so that we can have a successful service.

(Zach) No pressure.

I'm looking out into the dining room, and I'm just amazed of the job that we did.

I'm ready to knock this dinner service out the ballpark.

Start sprinklin', start sprinklin'.


Tonight we are opening our doors for our first ever Quinceanera.

Celebrations like this only come once in a lifetime.

(All) Yes, chef.

All the appetizers must go out like clockwork.

Because at the end of the appetizers, there's a very important waltz.

Clear? (All) Yes, chef.


How should the kitchen run? (All) Clockwork! Let's go, guys.

Let's make some history.

Okay, Jean
-Philippe, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

And welcome our guests, thank you.

Oui, chef.

Let's go.

We're not going down.

We're pushing tonight, chef.

(Gordon) You're pushing tonight, are you? Zach's pushing tonight, by the way.

(Zach) Yes, you better believe it.

Yeah? Good.

I can't let her down.

I know.

I oh.

Senoras y senores, all rise for la Quinceanera.

Brianna Rojas And her escort Eros Soanz.

(Gordon) She looks gorgeous.

I know.

Aww! (Gordon) Okay, let's go.

Stations, let's go.

Man up.

We got this.

(Announcer) Tonight's menu includes the winning dishes from yesterday's challenge.


The chicken? (Announcer) Chef Ramsay has both kitchens working together to deliver appetizers to the head table.

Okay, top table, here we go.

Three ceviche, two ravioli, one Caesar salad.

Yes, chef! Let's go! Yes, chef.

(Gordon) Okay, top table.

Here we go.

Fire two Caesar, three tuna, one ravioli.

Yes, chef! Are you guys good? You know what you're doing? Yes! Three tuna, two Caesar.

Three tuna? The first table, red and blue got to split the apps.

Tuna's going in the pan, girls.

We gotta be on the money.

Ladies, ravioli's out! Let's go, ladies.

Pick it up.

Yes, chef! I'm slicing.

(Gordon) Move! Let's go! [Bleep]

! Ravioli's here, chef.

Let's go.

Amanda, wake up, please! It's not working! Come on, please! Bring the tuna now! Where's the noodles gone? I got 'em right here.

These are broken.

Why is all this tuna broken? Hey.

Hey, look at this one here.

Look, look, look.

Oh, God.


Come on, Amanda! Get your [bleep]

together! Come on then, Amanda! I'm sorry, chef.

I'll get one in the pan right now.


hell! Need that tuna.

Yeah, she's [bleep]

butchered it.

(Announcer) While Amanda starts over on the tuna, over in the blue kitchen, it's up to Anthony and Jon to finish the blue team's share of the head table appetizers.

Come on! Where's the drive? Yes, chef! Working, chef.

Three ceviche, two ravioli, and a Caesar first.


Let me let me do these.

Dude, dude, come on, man.

Like, too many people on my [bleep]


Ray, Ray.

Go talk.

Go talk.

Thank you.

Thank you, we're good.

Come on, Ray, let's go! Yes, chef.

Working it.

All set with this one.

Walking up.

Go! (Gordon) Let's go! Good.

Guys, let me help you with the apps, please.

Ray, we're good.

You're good? Yes.

All right.

Thank you.


(Gordon) Okay.

Off you go, yes? Ladies, I've sent blue team's top table.

Let's go.

Amanda, where's the tuna? Right here, chef! Let's go, Amanda.

(Gordon) Let's go! (Amanda) Behind you! Let's go.

Go with that tuna, please, quickly.

Top table, let's go.

(Announcer) Amanda's tuna finally makes its way out to the dining room, and the head table's appetizers are complete.

Thank you.

(Announcer) And the Quinceanera is off to a reasonable start.


Service, please.

(Gordon) Six covers, table 21.

Two ceviche, two ravioli, two tuna.

Yes, chef! Let's go! Amanda, get it together! Yes, chef! One minute! You need something, Amanda? No.

"I got it, I got it!" No, you don't.

Man, I'm going right over there right now to help her out.

(Announcer) While Nedra pitches in to keep the red team on track, over in the blue kitchen Go.

(Announcer) Thanks to great teamwork from Jon and Anthony Chef, on your right.

Service, please.

(Announcer) A steady stream of appetizers are making their way out to the dining room.

Madam is having the raviolis? Behind you, chef.

Nice! (Gordon) Let's go.

Service, please.

Let's go, please.

All right, that's it.

That's it on apps.


That's not nice.

Anthony, I love you, man.



(Announcer) While the blue team is busy congratulating themselves, over in the red kitchen, Amanda's struggle with the tuna has her team playing catch

(Gordon) Ladies! Yes, chef! The blue team have finished.

We're two tickets behind! Yes, chef! Oh, my God.

Coming right now! Here's the tuna.

You are kidding me.

It's ice cold.

Hey, all of you, come here.

Hurry up! [Bangs]

Just touch that.

Touch that with your fingers.

Stone cold.

Sto it's ice cold! [Bleep]

! Something so easy! Who seared it? Nedra seared it.


it, Amanda.

You skating on thin ice! That's not the one I seared.



I just don't know where to go.

A piece of fish that big that can't be seared! [Bleep]

! Chef, I did not take it out of the pan, chef! Nedra seared it, chef.

I got it.

"Nedra seared it.

I got it.

" That's not the one I seared.

Back off the station! I have it! Chef, it was a poor mistake.

I'm trying to fix it right now.



(Announcer) It's almost an hour into dinner service, and the red team's backlog on appetizers has left some of the partygoers without food And put the guest of honor and the entire party on hold, as she waits to perform the traditional Quinceanera waltz.

Chef Ramsay, we still have two tables that haven't eaten.

They're just coming now, my darling.

Bear with me two seconds, please.

We're almost done with our food.

We need to have the other tables out.

They're not even seasoned.

Just cook 'em! We gotta get 'em up.

Come on! You gave it to me! Come on, guys! Half the dining room finished! Hey, guys, don't don't don't let us down, please, yeah? We need to start the waltz here tonight, yeah? Everybody else is finished! It's coming right now! I need a minute! Come on, now.

Let's go! Here! [Bleep]

me! Oh, my G Are you kidding me? Take control of your station, Amanda.

She bumped into me, chef.

Chef, I can't hold them anymore.

This is an absolute joke! (Announcer) Hell's Kitchen is hosting its first ever Quinceanera.

We need to start the waltz here tonight.

Everybody else is finished! (Announcer) Unfortunately, Amanda's inability to sear tuna I need a minute! (Announcer) And to get along with Nedra Let's go! Here! [Bleep]

me! Oh, my G (announcer) Has left some diners hungry and Brianna waiting to perform her waltz.

She bumped into me, chef.

Hey, who's searing it? She took over searing.

I'm gonna take it over.

Who is in charge? I'm in charge, chef! Tell her, then! I'm in charge! All right, get your tuna.

If you don't want my help, I ain't gonna [bleep]

give it to you.

Figure it out on your own.

(Gordon) What the [bleep]

is going on there? I don't know, chef.

Look at that.

This is extraordinary! It's not it's not my fault.

-Philippe) Chef, I can't hold them anymore.

They need they need to start dancing, chef.

Oh, [bleep]


Move, move, move, move, move.

This cannot be real.

(Amanda) It's coming right now! Senoras y senores, the court will now perform the waltz.


[Waltz playing]

(Gordon) They've started the waltz.

I've never seen individuals screw the easiest [bleep]

appetizers in the world! I'm more embarrassed than you are, trust me.

(Gordon) Oh, please.


I'm sorry, Oh, [bleep]




Hey, [bleep]



off! Do I need to drop another ravioli? Hey.

Hey, all of you, come here.


Waltz has started.

Hurry up! Look and speed it up! You guys are moving slower than the [bleep]

waltz! Yes, chef.

Entrees are firing now.

Top table first.

It has to go together.

Yes, chef.

What is difficult here? Nothing, chef.

Blue team, away now.

Two salmon, two rib eye, one chicken, one linguini.

Yes, chef! Red team, two linguini, two chicken, one rib eye, one salmon.

Yes, chef! Hey, blue team! Yes, chef? I want it in six minutes.

You got it, chef.

Get some momentum.

Move! Yes, chef! (Anthony) Thanks to the red team, chef Ramsay is pissed off.

We really need to be on our game, because that anger is just gonna be multiplied by ten if we start [bleep]


(Gordon) Garnish to the window.

Let's go! I'm ready.

Beautiful! Hot behind you, gentlemen.

Put it down.

Hey, I want more potatoes! Look what I've got.


Substantial! Yes, chef! Get some more [bleep]

potatoes on! We've got to go! Yes, chef! More potatoes, please.

Heard that.

(Michael) Jon and Anthony really k*lled it on apps tonight.

We're off to a great start, but it's not how you start, it's how you finish.

Potatoes! Yes, chef! (Gordon) Move, Zach.

Yes, chef! Barrett, you about to go up on that first ticket? Yeah.

Yeah, this is going.

Go for it.

(Gordon) linguini, where is it? Pasta.

Leave it down at the end.



Hey, hey, time

All of you! Yeah, it's not [bleep]


Yeah, no, hold on, hold on.

Uh, hey, hey.

I want you to taste that.

I want I want you to [bleep]

taste it.

Hey, no, no, hey.

Just taste it.

Get in there! Get in, you! Get in, get in, get in! Taste it.

Just taste it.

Crunchy [bleep]


No spinach.

And look at that.

The oil slick.


I'll fix I'll fix it, chef.

I'll fix it right now.

I'll fix it right now.

Oh, come on, guys.

Zach, look at that! I know it looks like [bleep]

, chef! You [bleep]

me on the garnish as well! Little portions.

Linguini, let's go! I'm ready, I'm ready.

Behind, behind.


Here you go, chef.

(Gordon) Service, please.

Sorry, Jon.

All right, guys.

Two linguini, two salmon, two chicken.

Let's go! Bounce back, [bleep]


Bounce back! (Announcer) With Barrett bouncing back, entrees are now leaving the blue kitchen.

(Woman) The food is delicious.

(Brianna) It's so good.

(Announcer) And back in the red kitchen, it's up to Nedra on the meat station to make sure her team keeps up.

Are we ready? Give me one minute on chicken.

Let's go! (Nedra) The appetizers were so [bleep]

up, but I'm on the meat station tonight.

We should have this one in the bag.

What the [bleep]

is that? Hey, all of you! All of you, urgently! [Bleep]

me! Look at that.

Touch how dry that is.

Who cooked that? I did, chef.


I got one right here.

I'll give it to you right now.

I'm sorry, chef.

(Gordon) Come on.

Get it together, Nedra, please? Here you go.

Walking right now with another chicken.


Hey, you.

Come here, you.

I'm not in the mood for any more dry [bleep]


Yes, chef.

However, this one's perfect.

Yes, chef.


Service, please.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Now that Nedra's moist and delicious chicken has completed the order for the head table Thank you for your patience.

(Announcer) The red team Go.

Rib eye.

(Announcer) And the blue team Go, Jon.

(Announcer) Are sending entrees out to the rest of the dining room.

(Woman) This is good, isn't it? Mmm! (Announcer) But in the blue kitchen, chef Ramsay Two rib eye.

You have potatoes for one there.

(Announcer) Has a complaint that is sounding a little familiar.

I've got two rib eyes, Zach, and I've got one portion.

Yes, chef.

I told you, get lots of potatoes on! I gave him some already.

Calm down.


Hey, smartass.

(Zach) Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Come here, you.

Why does it take you four times to understand? It doesn't, chef.

Look at me.

It doesn't, chef.

So when you [bleep]

get told to do it, why don't you do it then? I
-I made a mistake, chef.

It won't happen again.

You see, I'm on it.

Chef, you don't gotta bark! Chill! [Bleep]


He's always [Grunting]


relax, dude.

Get this guy a big pan and show him.

You're just k*lling us for nothing! No, I'm not k*lling us, chef! (Gordon) Get the [bleep]

potatoes on then! Look at me! Yes, chef.

Not a problem, chef.

There's the potatoes, okay? Three [bleep]


"Get the potatoes on.

" "Oh, chef, I'm gonna work hard tonight.

" [Bleep]

you, Zach! Yes, chef! Next time, you're [bleep]

history! Yes, chef! (Announcer) While Zach longs for chef Ramsay's approval, both the red team Last ticket! Let's get these entrees out, guys! (Announcer) And the blue team Let's go, please.

(Announcer) Move on to their last ticket.

Two linguini, two salmon, two chicken.

The service started out bumpy, with the first pasta coming back, but I finished strong.

I fight back.

Two linguini.

All of you! Hey, everybody, over here! [Bangs]

Let's go.

Hey, look, look, look.

Look what I get.


Yeah, that's a charred [bleep]

stick in a piece of rubber b*llet.

Oh, [bleep]


What are you doing? I'll put more in.

It's got a black piece of cinder in there.


! Hey, blue team! Yes, chef! We're gonna be in the [bleep]

! [Bangs]

Come on! (Announcer) It's nearly two hours into the Hell's Kitchen Quinceanera, and two tables are still waiting for their entrees.

(Josette) Two tables that haven't eaten yet.


I just want those tables to get fed.

Over here.

(Announcer) And thanks to Barrett in the blue kitchen, the wait has just gotten longer.

Oh, [bleep]


What are you doing? I'll put more in.

It's got a black piece of cinder in there.


! I want two linguini urgently! With new shrimp.

Yes, chef.

One minute to the pan, chef.

Last ticket, and he's [bleep]

letting you down.

Guys, I'm not letting nobody down.

All right, good.

Then you better [bleep]

have it, Barrett.

(Barrett) More flavor? I'll give you [bleep]



How could I [bleep]

up pasta? I'm gonna slap myself in the face for the next two years because of this pasta.

I got it.

Come on.


Service, please.

Let's go.

(Announcer) With the men completing their last ticket Hurry up! Coming up, right behind, right behind! (Announcer) The only thing standing between chef Ramsay and a complete dinner service is Two rib eye.

There you go, chef.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, all of you! Who cooked that? That is me, chef.

This rib eye has still got his [bleep]

horns on! I have two in the oven right now, chef.

I'll bring 'em right now.

How about sending me the perfect one? Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Please! She can't cook! And you're on fire! (Mary) Could this night get any worse? [Groans]

Rib eye! (Gordon) Let's go! Chicken's ready, getting dry! Rib eye, chef.

Yeah? Finally.

Service, please.

I'm really disappointed.

I wanted this to be a memorable enchanting night for Brianna, but instead, we really [bleep]

sucked tonight.

Tonight, we hosted a special event.

Yes, it was special, all right.

Especially painful.

The losing team tonight The red.

And the blue.

Do you know why? That was [bleep]


Both teams, nominate your two weakest chefs from tonight's service.

Piss off! I am pretty pissed off about the Quinceanera.

The blue team had a lot of chances to win the service tonight, and we didn't.

It all just came crashing down again.

So who's your two, Jon? Based on just who got yelled at the most, who I'd have to say is you and Barrett.


(Barrett) I cannot believe it.

All the points that I got for my blue team when we were in those challenges don't mean a [bleep]

thing right now.

One little [bleep]

up and your ass is on the chopping block.



That's how this [bleep]

is gonna get played from now on.

I'm not voting for my [bleep]



I'm from Philly.

Throwing the towel in is not an option.

All right, so who are the two? The biggest issue tonight was the whole tuna debacle.

We have to nominate Amanda.

Every single tuna came back, one right after the other, right after the other, right after the other.

I would just I'd have to say you, Amanda, because of the tuna.

And I would say Cyndi, just 'cause of your steak.

(Cyndi) I should not be going up tonight.

I've been a leader since I walked into Hell's Kitchen.

It's time to cut the dead weight, and I'm not it.

Y'all want to put me up, put me up.

I'm gonna fight, though.

I don't agree with sending Cyndi up there at all.

The only other person that [bleep]

up is Nedra.

I had a skinny chicken and a thick chicken.

They went in the pan at the same time, and, [bleep]

, I
-I sent one up.

Nedra never [bleep]

lives up to anything that she ever does.

I hope to God that she's the next to go.

So what's our team decide? [Dramatic music]

I am not happy.

One amazing Quinceanera, and you completely [bleep]

it up.

Blue team, have you made a decision? Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Ray, first nominee and why.

Chef, our first nominee was Barrett, uh, based on the, uh, performance with the pasta.

Second nominee and why? Chef, our second nominee was Zach.

He didn't fire the potatoes, and that kinda held up some of the entrees.

Red team, have you reached a decision? (All) Yes, chef.



Chef, tonight, our first nominee is Amanda because of her performance on the appetizers.

She just couldn't get it right.

Our second nominee was a little more difficult to determine.

(Announcer) The blue team has nominated Barrett and Zach for elimination.

As for the red team, the women have nominated Amanda, and now they must give chef Ramsay their second selection.

Chef, our second nominee was a little more difficult to determine.

We came up with Cyndi because of the rib eyes that came back raw.

I agree with that.

Barrett, Zach, Amanda, Cyndi, step forward, please.


Yes, chef? Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, chef, because tonight is my worst performance, and it's never gonna happen again.

Do you give a [bleep]

? I give a huge [bleep]

, chef.


Yes, chef? Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, from day one, I've never given up.

I know I disappointed you and that young lady today with that tuna.

When you're in the weeds like that, what's the one thing you should do? Take control of my station.

Which you didn't do.


Yes, chef? Why do you think you should stay in this competition? Because I'm passionate about what I do.

I believe in what I do, and at the end of the day, I enjoy what I do.

You're not cut out for this level, are you? Yes, I am, chef.


Yes, chef? Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Because this is what I do.

I have such passion for it.

You could knock me down, like I said, 100 times.

I'd get back 101.

So for me to go home right now in this competition, it's it's not even an option for me.


Yeah, I'm not happy.

I mean, honestly, one, two, three, four of you, I want to send all of you home.

My decision is [Suspenseful music]

Amanda Give me your jacket.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

(Amanda) I didn't expect to be leaving Hell's Kitchen so soon.

This is something I've been doing for 13 years.

I thought it was easy, and it's not.

It's not easy, I'll tell you that.

It's not easy.

Tonight was a disaster.

An embarrassment.

And that is why I am not done.

[Dramatic music]

(Announcer) Next time, on Hell's Kitchen [Hone rings]

Hello? Who's that? (Announcer) An urgent phone call changes everything.

Tonight, our guests are very important to the entire country.

(Announcer) They're cooking for top secret VIPs.

If ever I wanted a perfect evening, tonight is the night.

(Announcer) And the stakes are higher than ever Look at me.

You're not even directing anything.

I'm a little frazzled.

When are you two gonna wake up? (Announcer) And one chef sabotaged I don't care who I have to take down.

You're a disgrace.

Don't lie! (Announcer) Forces chef Ramsay onto the line.

I can't [bleep]

around tonight.

(Announcer) But will a disastrous mistake [Bleep]

! You'll [bleep]

k*ll someone with that! Get the [bleep]

out of here! (Announcer) thr*aten national security? What the [bleep]

is that? Oh, my God! Are you kidding me? I'm done! It's over.

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