10x18 - 4 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x18 - 4 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Tonight we are walking out minus Robyn.

With Robyn gone Such a relief.

The five remaining chefs had their eyes on the price.

The stakes are at the highest point they've ever been right now.

In a challenge that tested the chefs ability to teach Are you ready to meet your students? Yes, chef.

The chefs were partnered with Miss Teen USA All you can do is teach.

You girls are not dressed to cook today.

For better Perfect.



Or for worse.

I need to get my thong tongs! Mamma Mia.

It came down to Dana's student Visually beautiful.

Good job.

Thank you.

Versus Barbie's student.


The sauce is near perfect.

You just raised the bar yet again.

The winner is Barbie.

Well done.

Really good job.

During Hell's Kitchen Italian night Clemenza, take the risotto! Barbie was determined to lead.

Looks like someone literally peed in the frying pan.

I just told you take the risotto.

There's no helping this girl.

She led Clemenza in the wrong direction.

Come here.

Overcooked .

Clemenza Stop.

Seemed to have problems all night.

What were the appetizers on that table? I didn't hear it, chef.

And after their great service against past runners
-up Wow.

Good job all round.

Great job.

Why can't every service be like that? Burnt, chef.

Bumpy to say the least.

What's happened to you guys all of a sudden? I honestly do not understand what the is going on.

I'm pissed off.

Get upstairs.

Give me the one person you want to get rid of.

And when it came time to nominate Chef, I don't think the team came to a final nomination, chef.

They disappointed chef Ramsay again.

Does anyone have a pair of ? Yeah.

Go on, Dana.

Barbie and Clemenza.

Clemenza Yes, chef.

Seventh time standing in front of me.

In the end, chef Ramsay decided that Clemenza.

Was out of lives in Hell's Kitchen.

Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen, please.

And the final four celebrated.

Final four, guys.

Final four, guys.

But chef Ramsay sent them a surprise.

Oh, .

Find out right now This day has been such an emotional roller coaster.

What it is.

Oh, my God.

Oh, man.

This is kind of scary.

And who survives their most challenging test of leadership so far.

Each of you will have a turn running the pass.

This is huge.

I have to prove I'm worthy of that position in Vegas.

As the chefs battle to get one step closer to becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris Las Vegas.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby whoo, whoo, whoo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen "Enjoy this.

The best part is yet to come.

Chef Ramsay.

" Oh, .

Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me? My mama.

Oh, my God, to see my girl and my mom, it was just amazing.

Tina! Mom, dad! Is that really you? Oh, my God, my kids.

Hi! My God.

I knew I was gonna cry as soon as I saw my kids and my partner.

I've literally been stone
-faced the whole time I've been here.

I haven't really shown any emotion.

And it feels good finally just to let go and just get that hug from your family, that love that you really need right now.

How's it been? Hard.

We're so proud of you, Justin.

These two have been like that.

We're like best friends.

We're hanging out every day when we get back.

They call us The Dynamic Duo.

You all right? I am.

You know me.

Yeah, I know you're tough as nails.

My family is so supportive.

And they're so proud of me, no matter what happens, and I know it.

Having brought their loved ones up to date on the highs and lows of Hell's Kitchen Love you.

The chefs say their good

To see my babe, it's honestly exactly what I needed.

I'll hold onto this moment as long as I can.

I love you.

I love you.

The family surprise has brought the chefs a little closer to each other.

That was one of the most emotional experiences of my life.

Chef wasn't lying when he said it was just gonna get better from here.

But early the next morning, it's every chef for themself.

Good morning.

Everybody downstairs.

There's a car waiting out front for you.

Let's go.

As the competition is back on.

Damn, man.

I just woke up.

I'm exhausted.

We had a long night with our family.

But I have to push myself because this is it, dude.

We're taking off, and we have no idea where we're going.

Final four, it's down to the nitty
-gritty, so anything could happen at any time.

The thought process is going through your head, like, what are we gonna do? Morning.

Line up, please.

We know, to be a great chef, not only do you have to be creative and a great leader, but every chef should know how to maximize profits, and that's what today's challenge is all about.

Each of you will be given $15.

Thank you, chef.



$15 is not a lot.

I'm like, come on, chef.

You got more money than that.

Fork it over.

You've got ten minutes to select some stunning ingredients.

After that, you're gonna head back to Hell's Kitchen, where you've got 30 minutes to create an amazing dish.

The key across this challenge is to create a dish that will bring the highest price, therefore the biggest profit.

Got it? Yes, chef.

Your time starts now.

Off you go.

Good luck.


Why don't they move that fast at service? In this highly creative challenge, each chef must design a fine dining dish in ten minutes while they shop for ingredients with a budget of $15.

Can I get a weight on this front dry
-aged strip? This is definitely an important challenge.

He's got to know that the head chef he chooses is gonna consistently make money for him.

This is a little over 3/4 of a pound.

That's all right.

Okay, sorry.

Never mind.

Fish is expensive.

We don't pay $35.

99 for Halibut in new Jersey.

I'm just gonna have to make it a small portion.

Can I get five ounces of Halibut, please? $9.


Yeah, that's good.

While Dana invests in an expensive protein, Barbie is looking to take a more economical route.

Ah, yeah, perfect.

Can I have one of the center
-cut pork chops, please? My inspiration for this dish came when I saw that pork was $5.

99 a pound.

Thank you very much.

But I just can't have a pork chop on the plate.

I need to add value to this dish.

And I saw the sausage, and I just had to have it.

Here you go.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Four minutes left.

Excuse me.


I run around the store, and I'm picking seasonal ingredients that would be cheaper right now you know, corn and avocados.

I grab those right away.

Coming out! And then I wanted to bring it together with some colossal shrimp.

Thank you very much.

Um, just under half a pound of swordfish steak.

Oh, no, you can leave it on.

Thank you.

Three, two, one.

With the shopping complete, it's time for the chefs to see if they stayed within their $15 budget.






Thank you.

And it seems everyone has managed to do just that.

Total now is $15.


Oh, .

Except for Justin.

Chef, can I borrow 77 cents? Oh, this sucks so bad.

Bring the avocado back.

At some point, you have to make the tough decision.

So that brought me right back down, and I got my last ingredient, which was a mango, and I was good to go.



Keep the change.

Now that everyone is on budget, it's time to return to Hell's Kitchen And begin the cooking phase Let's go.

Of the profit margin challenge.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Let's go.

Let's do this.


Does everybody have an idea of what they're making? Yes, chef.

I'm not 100% sure.

I'm super excited about my ingredients.

I don't have 100% idea of what I'm doing at this point, but I'm not nervous because I'm the best.

I've been doing it every competition so far.

You all and just see what happens.

I got it.

I know what I'm doing.

Christina, you have the least amount of ingredients out of everybody.

I know.

All right.

Good luck.

I'm worried about my dish, but I can't let my mind go to the, you know, why didn't I get this or why didn't I get that? I'm just hoping that, when people see they're getting fish and shrimp, they might be willing to pay a little bit more.

Working with me.

I love you.

Just under 15 minutes to go, yeah? Yes, chef.

Looking around, like, it's so quiet in the kitchen.

'Cause there's only three other people.

This challenge is make it or break it.

I mean, there's a lot of pressure here.

If you mess something up, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Your cream's bubbling, Dana.

What's that? Watch your cream.


It's a challenge.

We're not working in teams.

So why are you helping her? I'm only focusing on me.

Come on, yo.


Here we go.

Five, four, three, two, one, and stop, guys.

Okay, listen carefully, to help me judge this profit margin challenge, I brought in three amazing experts.

Our first judge is michelin
-starred, the executive chef and the owner of M.


Post Restaurant in Manhattan beach.

Please welcome David Lefevre.

Chef, good to see you.

Good to be here.

Thank you so much for coming.

Our next judge is the west coast editor of Bon Appetit Magazine and a bestselling cookbook author.

Please welcome Hugh Garvey.

Absolute pleasure.

Thank you.


Our third judge, he's the general manager of the Michelin
-starred Patina Restaurant Group.

Please welcome Christian Philippo.

Good to see you.

Good to see you too.

Thank you.

Oh, man.

This is kind of scary.

I think this is gonna be our toughest panel yet.

Now listen carefully.

The judges are gonna taste your dishes.

One by one, they're gonna give me their price that they are willing to pay for it.

The chef that has the highest average priced dish wins the challenge.

Let's start off with Justin.

Oui, chef.

I'm the first one up, and I'm feeling pretty confident in my dish.

I know I have some bold flavors, and I'm excited.

So I went with roasted corn, roasted mango, jalapeno salsa and a chili shrimp on top.

It's nice and crispy outside.

I think the cooking is nice as well.

Yeah, the shrimp is perfectly cooked.

But it's lacking some liveliness.

To me, this dish screams lime juice.

You have key lime or something like that to give it really that burst to explode in your mouth.

Good point.

Christian, let's start off with you.

How much would you pay? I'm hoping that, since I chose shrimp, that it's definitely gonna go for a higher price.

You know, it's seafood.

It's at least a $30, $40 dish.

I will say $24.



What, are you kidding me? I just don't understand it, and I deserve a lot more than that.


I would say probably $29.

Hugh, please.

I'd expect to pay around $32 for this.

Thank you.

I have respect for them, but, you know what, definitely could have gotten more money for it.

Thank you, Justin.

Average price for your dish $28.


Not bad.

Oh, it's an average.

Okay, Barbie, please.

All right, Barbie.

A lot of pressure on my shoulders as I'm walking up, because I made a pork chop.

Pork chops usually average less than shrimp, but I still think that I have at least a $32 dish.

I made pork and Sauerkraut.

Pork is usually not one of those dishes that you would expect to get $35, $40 for, so I added value by adding the sausage.

The pork is cooked very well.

Thank you.

With the sausage, though, it's a little bit over salty.


I like the generosity of this dish, but I don't think it needed the second meat.

I have to agree with Hugh.

The pork is the star of the show.

Value wasn't gonna come in a sausage.

David, how much would you be willing to pay for this entree, please? You know, I'd probably be willing to pay 33 bucks for that.

I'd be willing to pay $34 for this.


Christian, please.


Barbie, congratulations.

Average price of your dish is $33.

Thank you.

You have the lead.

I can't believe I just got beat down by Barbie.

It really hurts.

It really irks me.

$33 the price to beat.

Hell, yeah.

I'm feeling good.

Next up, let's go with Dana please.

$33 for a pork chop? Wow.

I guess size does matter.

I'm worried now, because my piece of halibut is, like, this big.

That is a panko and herb
-crusted halibut over a shaved fennel salad.

And that's a citrus beurre blanc underneath.

I love that you chose halibut.

The seafood is the star of the show.

Christian, how was that for you? The fish is very nice.

It's a great dish.

Very fresh.

It's delicious.

Very elegant.

Thank you.

Hugh, how much would you be prepared to spend on that dish? Uh, I would spend $32.


Great start.

Christian, please.

I would say $32 as well.

David? $38 would be what I would pay for it.

$38! Damn, that's good.

Dana, on average price your dish $34.

Great job.

Thank you.

We have a new leader and only one chef left.

Christina, let's go please.

Dana just crushed it yet again.

There's not a lot of challenges left.

So I got a big hill to climb right now.

I have a grilled swordfish with saffron rice.

Shrimp as well.

I love that broth.

I feel like I'm in the South of France.

It's a very flavorful dish.

The brothiness is nice with the rice.

But I see the skin on it.

I might have taken that off myself.

Be careful with the skin leaving on the plate.

It doesn't look too good.

Oh, come on.

Definitely not good feedback on the skin.

Damn non
-skin lovers.

Skin is where it's at.

Get your skin on.

I don't agree with all the gents here who want the skin off.

I think that adds flavor.

I like the option.

Thank you, man.

Thanks for having my back on that.

Now I'm hoping Hugh Garvey will pay more than he was willing to pay for Dana's dish.

Price, please.

I'd pay, um $35 for this.


Okay, good.

I never, ever, ever wish bad on Christina, but I just hope that her dish doesn't get as much as mine.

Come on.

Christian, please.

I will give $32.


It's down to the final judge.

And Christina will need a price of at least $35 to tie Dana.

David, please.

Um Come on, chef Lefevre.

Come on.

I just need $36 to win.

Help me out here, buddy.

I would probably pay Christina is the last chef to be judged in the profit margin challenge.

David, please.

And she will need a price of at least $36 from judge David Lefevre to win the challenge and beat close friend Dana.

Um, I would probably pay $34 for that.

Christina, average price for your dish Is $33.


Dana, congratulations.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good job.

Yeah! Winning a challenge is awesome, but winning a challenge when it's down to the final four huge! So proud of myself.

It's all me, baby.

It's all me.

Ironically, the smallest
-looking portion delivered the biggest punch in terms of value for money.

Dana, let me win a challenge for once.

I need to step it up, I need to focus on trying to make a good impression tonight.

Judges, as always, an absolute pleasure.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, chefs.

Thank you, guys.

Good to see you.

Dana, you are in for a fantastic afternoon.

It's going to start off with an amazing visit to David Lefevre's restaurant.

Oh, nice.

Chef David is going to treat you to an amazing lunch.


But I also arranged for him to give you some one
-one time.

At this stage of the game, any form of education from experts like that comes in handy.

Oh, absolutely.

Everyone else is gonna be stuck here doing something crappy.

I'm gonna be going to an amazing lunch, getting some tips, and it feels so right.

Head upstairs.

Hurry up.

Buddy, awesome.

Well done.

Have fun.

Get going.

Your limo's waiting.

All right.

All right.

Bye, guys.

First of all, I'd like to apologize ahead of what I'm about to tell you.

Because this is a unique punishment.

We pride ourselves in Hell's Kitchen on looking after the environment.

So today, Christina, Justin, and Barbie, you have the important task of separating And sorting out every ounce of trash in Hell's Kitchen for recycling purposes, clearly.

It's gonna be messy.

It'll be disgusting.

Once you've gone through sorting out bags of trash, get showered, and get your asses back in the kitchen, 'cause I'm opening Hell's Kitchen tonight.

Got it, Barbie? Yes, chef.

Justin? Yes, chef.

Christina? Yes, chef.

Get outside.

Your trash bags are waiting you.

Let's go.

The punishment today is a really, real bad one.

Oh, .

And I've been through a handful of pretty bad punishments, but this is a whole new level of disgusting.

I would give Clemenza a head
-toe bath if I didn't have to go in that dumpster today.

This is absolutely horrifying.

It's gross.

I'm seeing nasty scallops and old artichokes.

It smells like the most putrid thing you ever smelled in your life.

There's no way I can even go near that.

I'm not even kidding.

I'll definitely throw up.

Seriously? This is what every Friday is like.

Waste, vegetable, oil, and compost.

I do this at home.

You get familiar with the smell.

And there's all different kinds of smells.

You know, like, "dairy" air, so get over it.

What? Oh, .

You're a dumpster diver.

Barbie, I like your goggles.

Thank you.

I'm glad Dana's leaving.

She would have done nothing but whine and cry and bitch and moan and make me want to throw her in the dumpster.

While the losers work on their recycling skills Dana arrives at chef Lefevre's restaurant for her one
-one cooking lessons.




I have the whole restaurant to myself? Come on in.

Come on in.

Congratulations, huh? Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Dish was amazing.

I want to welcome you to Manhattan Beach Post.

It's beautiful.

Do a little cooking if that's all right with you.

Sounds perfect.


Come this way.


It's just a beautiful restaurant.

I'm excited to see the kitchen and just jump in and start cooking.

So one of the dishes that we sell a ton of is our vietnamese curried mussels.

To have this one
-one time with chef Lefevre is amazing.

This is a Michelin
-star chef giving me a private cooking lesson.

There you go.

Right, and then a half ladle of that.

We're gonna let that steam.


Oh, it smells so good.

Ugh, there are so many maggots in here.

Oh, my God.


Oh, that's nasty.

If you puke, just make sure you do it in the organic one, all right? Really? That's what I'm thinking about right now.

I'm gonna recycle my throw

Justin is definitely the baby of the group today.

The last thing I want is for Justin to puke all over something we're gonna have to clean up.

If there's maggots, I'll take it.

I'm gonna go over here.

While Justin tries to keep his lunch down Dana is anxious to enjoy hers.


Okay, you put that back.

A good squeeze over there.

Can we go eat it now? Actually, I think I've got some people in the restaurant that we can serve it to up front if you're cool with that.

I'm sure they'd be psyched if you were there.

What? What? Dude, I'm starving.

I thought this was just for me.

You can set it right down in the middle of the table.

You just never know what's gonna be next.

Oh, really? They said there were some guests in the dining room that needed to be served.

These two guests aren't just any two guests.

They're my parents! I was not expecting this at all.

Just enjoy, relax, and have a good time.


Thank you.

This is amazing.

It's always better to win in Hell's Kitchen.

Cheers, Dana.

We're so proud of you.

You're just amazing.

This feels so good.

I can't believe my parents are sitting here with me, but, at the same time, I'm thinking, "don't lose focus.

"You need to get back in there and go kick some ass tonight.

" Dana, go for it.

All right.

I do every day.

I know.

I'm proud of you.


Love you.


Love you.

Love you.

While Dana's lunch with her family comes to an end Her three competitors are busy prepping for tonight's service.

Dude, why do I keep smelling that garbage? It's probably stuck in it's somewhere on you.

I have it can't be.

I changed, I showered.

I scrubbed the out of myself.

I don't get it.

Hi, guys.

Hey, buddy.

It was so fun.

I got to see my mama and dada.

I got to eat and cook too.

Come on, Dana.

Now I'm annoyed.

The last thing I want to hear is how great the reward was.

We have been here busting our ass all day long.

Please tell me regular menu.

Regular menu? Regular menu? I don't know, I feel like nobody's, like, talking to me.

Everyone is totally ignoring me.

Even Christina.

It's weird.

I don't know what I did to deserve this.

Come on, Christina.

What the is your problem? An hour before dinner service, Dana returns from a warm, wonderful day with her parents.

I don't know, I feel like nobody's, like, talking to me.

But she gets a chilly reception from her fellow chefs.

What the is your problem? No more friendships.

It's not about friendships anymore, so it's time to step it up, and this service could determine our fate in Hell's Kitchen.

Line up quickly, quickly, quick.

Okay, tonight you're gonna be tested on your leadership skills.

Each of you will have a turn running the pass.

Damn, homey, I'm about to run the pass.

This is huge.

If you can't do this, how are you gonna run a brigade of 40 chefs? This, for me, is one of the most important tests.

This will really establish the difference between a cook and a chef.

One more thing, and listen carefully tonight is an even bigger night for you all because the president of Paris Las Vegas, Mr.

David hoenemeyer, is gracing us with his presence.

So you do not want to screw up.

Let me tell you that.

Service of our life.

This is huge.

Like, I have to put out my best all night long to prove that I'm worthy of that position in Vegas.

Tonight, I want to see who has the natural ability to become a great leader.

Got it? Yes, chef.

Let's go.


Yes, chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Tonight will be a true test of each of the chefs' leadership abilities.

These are gonna take longer too.

They're way bigger than usual.

Chef Ramsay is looking to see who can run the kitchen Let's go, guys.

Come on.

While maintaining the highest of standards.

Okay, look at me.

Tonight, step up to the plate and lead.

Yes, chef.

Scott and Andi are gonna jump in on the sections and help, so we get the momentum going, okay? On order: Three risotto, one Caesar salad.

Yes, chef.

How long? I got seven minutes, chef.

Seven minutes.

Let's go.

This dinner service, really everything's at stake.

We've all made it this far.

We're all gonna come out fighting something fierce.

So I have to push myself and I need to really be on point tonight.

Christina, risotto.

I'm hoping it's there, yes? Justin, Caesar salad, please.

Yes, chef.

Is that all three? Three.

That's delicious.

With chef Ramsay getting the kitchen out of the starting gate Service, please.

And appetizers leaving quickly out of the kitchen Justin, on the hot plate now.

Yes, chef.

Christina, take over the garnish.

Scott, take over the apps please, thank you.

Chef Ramsay is ready to hand the reins over to Justin.

Now look at me.

Read the ticket.

Get the attention of your brigade.

Come on.

Three scallops, one lobster spaghetti, two bass, two cod, order.

Yes, chef.

My strategy at the pass is to just drive the food.

How long? Two minutes on the risotto.


I'm just trying to make sure everything's done properly, make sure everything's done perfectly, and get the food to the diner.

Service, please.

Appetizers, table 61.

Justin is off to a solid start.

Good flavor.


But his quality control is about to be tested Coming.

As chef Scott sabotages him by putting crab in the lobster spaghetti.

Lobster spaghetti.

How long? Spaghetti right now.

I'm taking everything I've learned since I've been here.

I'm tasting every single thing that's come to that pass.

What is that? Crab.

Lobster spaghetti, chef.

Not crab.

Let's go, Justin.

Come here.

Oui, chef.

Good catch.

Look at me.

Now you understand the importance, yes, of tasting everything.

Well done.

Really well done.

I'm not gonna let anything slide by me.

There's no way it's gonna happen.

With Justin acing test number one Chef, how long for this refire of spaghetti? I need another one right after, right? Six minutes.

He now has to contend with sending out entrees as well as appetizers.

Let's go.

VIP table: Three scallops, one lobster spaghetti, entree two bass, two Wellington.

Wellington, two bass.

Dana, answer me.

Yes, chef.

Justin's being so annoying.

I mean, take a deep breath or something.

How long? Six minutes.

Six five minutes.

I need it in five.

It's gonna take six.

It's my five minutes.

Come on.

Get it together.

It really irks me to know that Dana's dragging on fish and doesn't really seem to care.

She's not gonna get fast at all.

I'm waiting for first table.


Spaghetti ready.

Walking with Welly.

Walking with Welly garnish.

Where's those bass? Three minutes.

I need it now.

We're dying.

It's gonna be ready when it's ready.

Now, young lady, so far your attitude stinks.

Come here, you.

This is his time now, and he's driving the team.

Yes, chef.

So it is your time or his time? It's his time well, okay then.

Move your ass.

Yes, chef.

Your biggest problem is Dana's time, not the restaurant's time.

You haven't sorted out the difference in your mind.

It's our first table.

If you've given up, go home.

Tonight, chef Ramsay is testing the final four's ability to run the kitchen.

Lobster spaghetti, chef, not crab.

Good catch.

Justin easily passed his quality control test.

I need it now.

We're dying.

It's gonna be ready when it's ready.

But has lost control of one of the chefs in his brigade.

Young lady, if you're doing that to sabotage him, you're doing a good job.

Wait, what? I work as hard when Justin's up there as I do when anybody's on the pass.

When you stand up here, you'll understand what the I'm saying.

It's our first table.

Where's those bass? Right here, right here.

With Dana now delivering her bass Service please.

And Justin regaining control of the kitchen VIPs out.

Food is once again making it out to the dining room.



Very good.

Well done.

Thank you, chef.

You're on apps.

Let's go.

Dana, hot plate.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

I need to prove to chef Ramsay that I'm the chef he's looking for.

I need to step up and take the leadership role that chef wants me to take.

Two cod, one Wellington, one strip.

Come here, you.

Come here.

Dana, look at me.

They have to respond.

Yes, chef.

You are driving them.

Yes, chef.

Read it again.

Guys, listen to me.

Order in: Two cod, one Wellington, one strip.


Yes, chef.


That's better.

How long? One Wellington, one strip three minutes.

Three minutes, heard.

Followed by one risotto, one scallop.

Dropping a scallop.

risotto dropped.

Two minutes to the window, please.

I am going to run this kitchen.

This kitchen is not going to run me.

Can I get garnish in the window, please? Yup.

Garnish behind you.

Coming in.

Service, please.

With Dana having a firm grip on the kitchen, food continues to leave at a steady pace.

Justin, how long on the risotto? Walking right now.

Thank you.

Leave the risotto here.

risotto here.

But she's about to face her quality control test.

As chef Ramsay slips some sugar into the risotto.

I'll dress scallops, you do the two risotto, yes? Okay.

It's coming.

Calamari's right behind you.


Taste that.

I tasted this one.

This one was cooked.

Taste again for me.

Oh, that was made with sugar.

Yeah, I didn't catch that.

Sugar! I'm an idiot.

I should have tasted it.

Come on then.

Fire two more then.

Get some spirit in you.

I need you to fire two more risotto please.

Oui, chef.

I got to figure out what to do up here to make myself turn around and to get better at this, because I'm not gonna stand up here at the pass and fail.

I'm not.

How long on the risotto? Right here.

Right here, chef.

Let's go.

Behind you.

It's behind you, chef.




Good job on that risotto.

Tastes good.

Thank you.

It's an hour and a half into dinner service, and, after stumbling on her quality control test, Dana has put in a strong performance.

That's really good.

Barbie, join me at the hot plate.

Yes, chef.

Now it's up to Barbie to show what she can do as the head chef.

Look at me.

There's one way driving this kitchen.

It's your way.

Yes, chef.

You understand? Off you go.

Order in! One risotto, one scallops, followed by one scallops, one Caesar.

One Wellington, one New York strip.

I'm so confused.

Barbie, we're over here.

And the guests are over there.

What the hell are you doing? We can't hear you when you're not looking at us.

What are you doing? You don't shout out there.

You take the ticket there, and you command to your brigade.

One risotto, one scallop, followed by one scallops, one Caesar.

One Wellington, one New York strip.

Yes, chef.

The hardest thing about running the pass is trusting that everyone back there has your back.

I'm walking risotto in 30 seconds.

Dropping scallops.

I'm gonna take control and do what I have to do.

Chef's looking for a leader tonight.

I plan on bringing him one.

How long? Scallops are following.

risotto's in the window, chef.

Come on, Dana.


Two scallops.

Potato puree going up right now.

Taste that.

Justin, too much white wine.


Talk to fish about that refire on that risotto.

I'm walking in 20 seconds.


Did you talk to scallops about that? Justin's not talking with Dana, so she doesn't know she needs four scallops all day.

So we're dragging a Caesar salad and a scallops.

Caesar salad, scallops, how long? Dana, how long for the scallops? They're not even working in tandem.

This is your chance now.

Hey, you, come here.

Hey, you, come here, you.

Come on, guys, pull it together.

I need you guys to talk to each other.

I need a salad from you, and I need scallops from you.


Two minutes.

Two minutes.

What the hell? Train wreck.

Train wreck.

Caesar in my hand, chef.

My salad is up.

I need those scallops.

They're coming right now.

With Barbie working through the communication breakdown between Justin and Dana Go, John.

The kitchen is back on track.

Fire table 24.

Four Wellington away.

Walking with Welly behind.

Potato puree going up right now.

But the night is not getting any easier, as chef Scott brings his quality control test to the pass, delivering celeriac mash instead of mashed potatoes.

This puree doesn't look right.

Chef Scott, these aren't potatoes.

Tastes like celeriac.

Celeriac instead of mashed potatoes.

Like, please.

I know what I'm doing.


Well spotted.

Let's go.


I need two Wellington, one cod, one New York strip.

Yes, chef.

Walking right now.

Catching chef Scott's sabotage has allowed Barbie Right behind, right behind, right behind.

Coming with the cod garnish right now.

Thank you.

Service, please.

To finish her turn at the pass on a positive note.

Wow, that's really good.

Okay, Barbie, well done.

I think I fared pretty well leading the brigade tonight.

Chef was looking for leadership skills, and I believe I did that.

Christina, in the window, let's go.

Yes, chef.

Look at me.

Organize it, and run your team.

Yes, chef.

Two cod, one Welly, one strip.

How long? Four minutes.

Four minutes, okay.

I'm pumped.

If there's a gear past fifth, I'm there.

Dana, how long? I'm ready when garnish is ready.

Barbie, how long do you need? Two minutes.

Dana, I'll see you in 2 1/2 minutes.

Finally, a voice on the hot plate.

I don't really feel nervous.

I feel confident.

And I'm ready to go.

Dana, is your fish looking okay? Give me two minutes, please.

Come on, buddy.

No, no.

When was the last time, you heard me call one of my brigade "buddy"? Dana, please, bring the cod.

Bringing the cod.

I don't know about that, Dana.

Are these too burnt? Dana, come on.

Christina, the cod, it's burnt underneath.

I have to redo it.

You don't have another one? No, I need four minutes.

Forget the friendship.

Let's go.

Dana, push that.

Yup, yup.

As soon as it's ready, I'll get it to you.

Fine, look at me.

Yes, chef.

You have to run the brigade.

Right now, they're running you.

Yes, chef.

Dana, you're k*lling me right now.

I love you, girl.

I love you to death, but I need that fish.

Wellington ready.

New York ready.

Dana, walking.

Walking right now.

You're joking.

Cod's undercooked.

Get her up here.


Come here.

It's under.

Get it back in the oven for another 90 seconds, please.

Nothing here again.

Nothing's coming out! Dana, I need that cod! Coming back right now with that cod.

So let's just go then.

I need 60 seconds.

Hurry up! Make it 45, Dana.

Come on.

Right now, we're .

We're .

Where's that cod, Dana? I need it walking.

It's two hours into dinner service, and Christina is getting her turn at running the pass.

Now Dana's up.

Nothing's here.

But her inability to get a piece of cod from her good friend Dana has brought the kitchen to a grinding halt.

Dana, I need that cod.

I need 60 seconds.

Hurry up! Make it 45, Dana.

Come on.

Right now, we're .

We're .

Where's that cod, Dana? I need it walking.

Buddy, hey, a little high
-five, a little hug it out? No, that.

We're now.

Serious, like, this late in the game, like, the quality of food you're putting out? At this point, I don't even give a about friendship.

Dana, I need those cod.

Walking with cod.

Walk quickly.


Chef's right.

This is a competition.

Go ahead and sink yourself.

I want to win.

You have two in your hand, right? Two, yes.

Come on.

We're just .

Your timing's way off tonight.

Go, please.

Last two tables.

Let's go.

Christina's assertiveness has clearly paid off Chef Scott, I'm ready for that Welly and strip.

As the kitchen only suffered a minor slowdown.

New York, Wellington.


Now chef Ramsay will see if her quality control is up to par, as he delivers an arugula garnish instead of spinach.

Thank you, chef.

What the is this? Is this arugula? Are you kidding me? It's arugula.

There's no way that's spinach.

Come on, man.

That's more like it.

Well spotted.

If there is one thing that chef Ramsay has driven home, it's that you check everything.

So there's no way I'm gonna let this slide.

Go, please.

After catching the garnish swap, Christina sends the final entrees out to the dining room.



Well done.

Stoves off.

Let's go.

Line up there.

I want to chat with you.



I want you to go upstairs and have a bloody good discussion on who deserves to stay and who deserves to go home.

Understand? Yes, chef.

Yeah? Off you go.

There's only four of us left.

We're down to the best, and everyone has to be able to hold their stations down.

And I don't believe Dana did.

She couldn't work her station, and she couldn't work the pass.

She was not able to handle that pressure.

Let's just vote and get it over with.

I feel like nobody stood out as, like, bad.

What the are you talking about? You messed up.

Own up to it.

Dana sucked horribly, so it's over.

Dana, you drug on the ticket oh, one minute, though.

I can't make it cook faster than it cooks.

The first ticket was dragging hard.


When I was at the pass, Dana couldn't really get the food up.

It was messing me up.

She was a disaster.

Have you ever worked a pass before? Me? No.

I felt that you had never worked a pass before.


If Barbie thinks she is going to win Hell's Kitchen, she is delusional.

You were very uncomfortable at the pass.

Um, all right.

I usually disagree with Barbie, and Dana is one of my best friends, but she was just kind of up the entire line.

Dana, I'm sorry.

You know it's never personal.

But I know you had one under cod when I was up there.

Really, Christina? They can say what they want, but I've been on top in pretty much every challenge.

It's about the entire competition.

It's not just about tonight.

So I don't deserve to go home.

Tonight, you were dropped into the deep end big time.

And it was a very important test for me to see who's gonna sink, who's gonna swim, who can hold their own, who can crack under pressure, who can push the brigade.

So I need to hear why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen.


I haven't given up since I've gotten here, chef.

I've learned, I've grown, and I still have my passion.

I still have my inspiration and my motivation.

I don't want to go home tonight.


I drive every single day.

I give 150%.

The biggest thing I learned in this competition is leave my ego and know that I know how to lead a team.

You showed me that.

It's not all about cooking.

It's about leading, and I know I have what it takes to lead any kind of brigade there is.


I've excelled in the challenges.

I think I've outright won four or five of them.

And I've been consistent this entire competition.

I know tonight wasn't my best performance, but, when I do make a mistake, I listen to what you say, I learn from it, and I don't make the same mistakes again.

Thank you.


The moment I walked through those doors that first day, I had my mouth shut and had my eyes and ears open.

As I progressed throughout this competition, I found my spot as the leader on my team.

My standards are so much higher, and that's on account of you.

This has been really hard for me.

And the reason why I'm having such a hard time is that the next service in Hell's Kitchen is the final.

Tonight, two of you are going home.

The first person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Chef Ramsay has just informed the chefs that the next service will be the final, and so tonight two chefs will be leaving.

The first person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Barbie.

Listen, you've been amazing.

The level of improvement has been extraordinary.

You are a very gifted, smart, determined girl.

So you take that I will, chef.

And you run with it.

Thank you.

Please give me your jacket.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you, chef.

Bye, guys.

See you, Barbie.

Good luck, Barbie.

I really did want to win, but, you know, Hell's Kitchen is not easy.

And, at the very beginning, everyone was trying to get rid of me.

You want to get choked out? You want to get choked out, you dumb ? Yeah, .

You ain't never jogged a day in your life.

And your ass shows it.

Ooh, I want to hit you so bad, you nasty bitch.

But I didn't let that stop me.

Ladies, congratulations.

I just put up three perfect scallops, and we won.

It wasn't easy.

Who cooked them? I did, chef.

You did? Yes, chef.

For the firefighters of this country.

Get out! But I got a black jacket.

And got all the way to the top four.

Tastes like celeriac.

Well spotted.

Let's go.


So I definitely feel like I proved some people wrong.

I'm really proud of myself.

I'm not gonna be bummed about it at all.

I had a blast while I was here.

When I look at the three of you, this is where it gets really hard.

Really difficult.

Because there's a fraction separating all three of you.

And, honestly, I could see all three of you in the Hell's Kitchen final.

But there can only be two.

The first chef going through to the Hell's Kitchen final is Next time on Hell's Kitchen, the finale begins as the final three The first chef going through to the Hell's Kitchen final is Become the final two.

Who will be competing? Congratulations to you both.

In one of the most glamorous Welcome.

Luxurious Your VIP day starts here.

-top What a welcome.

Look at that.


Hell's Kitchens yet.

Ladies and gentlemen, Penn and Teller.

Chef Wolfgang Puck.

Wolfgang Puck Good to see you.

Thank you.

Everyone will be there.

Welcome back.

Here's my can of whoop

Serving it up.

Anybody want some? Watch out, b*tches, 'cause here comes Robyn.

As the time has come for the final battle, which will determine who will become Gordon Ramsay's new head chef.
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