10x12 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x12 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Robyn, you're joining the blue team.

Chef Ramsay gave Robyn a new team.

We're gonna kick some ass.

I belong on the blue team.

And the women were overjoyed.


Robyn's gone.

I am doing cartwheels.

In the craps challenge You will roll the dice and choose an ingredient beginning with that letter.

The blue team made some unusual choices.


Dragon fruit? Edamame.

Blue team Good luck.

In the red kitchen, Dana tried to take control of her team's dish You gotta start slicing the meat, Barbie.

But would not take advice from anyone.

Does anyone else wanna taste a brussels sprout? Chef will hate it.

What? Chef will hate those crispy leaves.

They're my favorite ones.

And it proved costly.


Let down.

What a dumbass.

Congratulations, blue team.

At dinner service, the chefs hosted American Idols Lee DeWyze and Haley Reinhart and international soccer superstar David Beckham.

David Beckham has arrived.

He is a magical creature.

Which inspired the red team to their best performance yet.

You got it? Yeah, man! I'm good, I'm good.

All right.

Coming down.

It's really good.

David Beckham liked my pork chop.

That ladies that's one of the best services you've ever had.

Thanks, chef.

And it was a completely different story in the blue kitchen.

It's not working.

Get it out.

And Royce couldn't figure out his timing.

Royce! How long? Five minutes, chef.

Still five minutes! But chef Ramsay figured out exactly what to do.

Ladies, come with the blue team, let's go.

We'll double up on the stations.

Let's go! The blue team are pathetic.

And Tiffany gave more attitude Stop, stop! 'Cause you know what? This is why you guys get up.

Concentrate and talk about the order.

Than help.

It took everything that I have inside me not to shove her head into the fryer.

How do I say this? The red team blue you away.

The blue nominated Royce.

And Clemenza.


Yes, chef, 'cause of his scallops.

But in the end, it was Royce.

Who gave up his jacket and his dream of becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris, Las Vegas.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire fire And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Good night.

Good night, chef.


Yes, chef.

This jacket's like a tipi.

Get out of here.

Could sail across the Atlantic with this thing.

Clemenza I do not feel safe.

I don't wanna go home.

We're down to four.

I need someone in my corner as quick as possible.

Clemenza, sit next to me.

Come on.

Robyn called me out in front of chef Ramsay.

But you know what? I'll play your game.

I have no problem kissing ass.

I know Justin and Brian got a bromance going on.

Great job today, buddy.

Clemenza's the only one I really trust.


Let me tell you something.

Everything that everybody's said and done, that's right here.

It's gonna take a lot to pull the wool over my eyes, man.

Something's not right on the blue team.

When it was for elimination, and he said to Robyn "Who would you send home?" And Robyn goes "Clemenza.

" I'm sure she was doing the backpedal once she said that.

I don't have to work in a kitchen with Robyn, but up in the dorm she still literally drives me nuts.

She's just under my skin.

Now I gotta find a way to shake it 'cause I don't Who, Robyn? Yeah.

Like, under my skin bad.

While the wounds are still there between Robyn and her former teammates Brian, move your feet, bro.

Outside, Tiffany Brian, Brian, Brian.


Is hoping to bury the hatchet with Brian.

What do you wanna say? You came over and you belittled me.

You're not counting orders.

Listen, you're really gonna argue with him right now? I'm helping.

I'm trying to help him.

During service, Tiffany took over the station.

That stung.

Here's how you treated me, okay? You're here, I'm here.


Don't do that.

I don't know what their deal is, but they have this, like, "oh, wah, wah, my personal feelings are hurt now.

" Just shut up.

It's not about you in this competition.

It's about the customer and the food.

Do you realize that? Tiffany's a bitch.

She sucks.

It's cruel and unusual punishment To have to look at her.

I'm done with her.

You had no right to come over there and talk to me like a two

Do you understand that? Give me a break.

We didn't come over to your station and be like "get the out of the way.

That's why you're losing.

" I'm not talking to you right now.

I don't really give a .

Are you kidding me? She's out of her mind.

Clearly, life in Hell's Kitchen is more intense, and friendships are crumbling.

And as the sun rises on a new day Let's do this.

The chefs are more anxious than ever.

There ain't no hiding now.

But chef Ramsay has an idea on how to break the tension.

Good morning.

Good morning, chef! Today, I thought we would have a little fun.

Oh, .

I'm gonna challenge you to a wing
-eating competition.


Yeah! I need two volunteers from each team.

Red team, Bobby and Tiffany.

Blue team I can eat.

I might be a little guy, but I am mighty mouse.

Brian and Justin.

Justin, why do you look so miserable? I can't eat fast.

I choke on my food.

Where the hell am I gonna throw up? Let's go.

Take a seat.



Let's go.

Come on, put your bib on, please.

You wanna have a wing
-eating competition? Let's go, bro.

Bring it.

I think I can eat more wings than you any day.

On your marks Get set Go! Stop, stop, stop! Seriously? Do you honestly think that I was gonna take you on in a chicken wing contest? Come on! Let me tell you who you will be competing against this morning.

He's the world champion competitive eater Joey "Jaws" Chestnut! Wow! There's the belt.

Joey, good morning, sir.

Are you well? You guys ready? Good to see you.

Are you good? Oh, I'm feeling great.

I have no chance in hell, dude.

I've seen this guy eat.

I watch him every Fourth of July on TV.

This guy's the man.

You four, as a team, are gonna try and out
-eat the champ.

If Tiffany can eat these wings as fast as she can drink beers, we'll be good.

Whoever can finish the 60 wings first, wins $500.

Ooh! I can eat now! I'll puke.

I got it.

I'll just eat 'em all.

On your mark, get set, go! Good luck! Guys, come on.

Come on, Tiff! You gotta suck it down! Just pull it off.

He's k*lling y'all, dude.

Go, just! Come on, come on! Stick the whole thing in your mouth.

Come on, Bri! Pull the whole thing off! Just pull it off.

Come on, girl! Come on, Justin! You gotta pull the meat off.

I wanna hurl.

Come on, Tiffany.

Sorry, chef.

It's, like, too much.

I don't even want it in my mouth.

It's likeBlah.

Break the bone! Get in there, Tiff.

You're doing good.

Keep chewing, keep chewing.

Come on, Joey.

Come on, Tiff.

All right, there's $500 on the line right now.

I don't care what happens.

I'm attacking those wings.

Come on, ladies! Come on, just, come on! Joey has only four left.

Come on.

Bring it on, Chestnut.

Go, go, go, go! Come on, Brian! This morning, in an attempt to break the tension in Hell's Kitchen, chef Ramsay surprised the chefs with a wing
-eating contest.

Champion competitive eater Joey Chestnut is taking on four of the chefs, and the winner Wins $500.

Joey has only four left! Go, go, go, go! Last one, Joey! Come on, Barbie! Finish up, b! Come on, come on, don't give up! Well done, Joey.

Well done.

Check, check, check.

Thank you, sir.

Well done.

Let's hear it for the world champion Joey "Jaws" Chestnut.

Yeah, good job.

Good job, man.

Good job, Joey.

I have to commend the champion.

That is impressive.

Good work, yes? Thanks for coming, bud.

Okay, chefs, put your bibs down and get back in line, please.

Let's go.

Oh, God.

I'm not feeling well.


Some of you clearly have had your stomachs tested.

Now it's time for the real test.

It's a test of your palates.

It's time for the blind taste test.

Are you serious? My lips are numb and burning at the same time.

Red team, you have an extra player in your team.

Decide amongst yourselves who's sitting out.

I'll sit out because I smoked this morning.

Everyone standing here have all smoked cigarettes this morning.

I guess Kimmie wants to watch other people compete.

Who's sitting out? I'm sitting out.

Kimmie decided to volunteer to sit out Again.

She's scared.

Okay, first up Christina versus Brian.

Let's go.

I've actually trained for this.

But I didn't expect to have a pound and a half of wings in my stomach and all over my face and my teeth at the same time.

Blindfolds on first.

Thank you.

Chef Ramsay loves the blind taste test because it gives him a very good indication which of the chefs have a superior palate.


Headsets on.

It is the one challenge that has been in every season of Hell's Kitchen.

Brian, can you hear me? Christina, can you hear me? And not once has any chef achieved a perfect score.

Let's get started.

Now one chef from each team will go head to head in an attempt to identify four different foods.

First up Beet.



Come on, Christina.


Well done.




Wrong, shallot.





I literally talked myself out of saying shallot.

That was a tough one.

Let's make it a little bit easier.

This is turkey.

Come on.

Very dry turkey.

You gotta love Brian.

You gotta just love him.



Tofu is creamy and smooth.

I know.






Something to refresh the palate.


Come on.

Pineapple, chef.

Well done.


Well done.

Headset off.

Well done, well done.

We good? Good job, Christina! Sorry about that, guys.

Christina, tofu? that turkey.

Great start.

Well done, both of you.

I know three for four is a strong, strong performance.

I get the team off to a very good start.

Next up, Barbie and Robyn let's go! Come on, Robyn.

Come on, Robyn.

I love competing against Barbie.

I wanna see when just falls flat on her face.

I think it's fun.



Cauliflower? How do you get cauliflower from grits? Grits are so unique.

I am kicking myself right now because I sat out.

Still three to two.

After missing the first point, both chefs stumble on turnips Pear? Carrot? And sea bass.

Halibut? Halibut.


Crab? Crab? Still three to two.

But the both have one more chance for a point with Cilantro.

We gotta get this one.

Yeah, Barbie.

Come on, Barbie.

Come on, Barbie.

Let's go party.

Taste and smell.

You can smell that.

Cilantro? Come on.

There's no way anybody can get this wrong.

You pretty much smell it from a mile away.



What the hell are you talking about? Come on, Barbie.




That's cilantro? Robyn gets a big fat zero! Damn, my taste buds are off.

-ha! Ha ha ha! Barbie, grits? Don't taste like the grits I make at home.

Despite Barbie getting only one point, it was an important one.

We're all tied up.

Now Clemenza and Tiffany are each hoping to take the lead for their team.

Come on, Tiff! Come on, Tiff! Lamb.


Oh, look at the state of that.

Tiffany, you know this.

You know this, Tiff.

Come on, Clemenza.



Lamb! Really? Lamb.

Lamb? Sweet potato.

You know what that is.

So delicious.

Come on, Tiff! Sweet potato.

So delicious.

You're so happy.

So happy.


Carrot? Mango.

Not even close.


This is a shoo
-in for Clemenza, come on.

He eats eggplant all the time.

He's Italian.

Give me a break.

You cook it every day.

Take a guess! Come on, Clemenza.

I have no idea.

Say something! Turnips.

I don't know.

Umm Um, I don't even know.

It tastes like soggy diaper.

How about that? That's my answer.

Green bean.

Green beans.


Really? Eggplant.

Eggplant? Okay, let's make it even simpler.


There you go, there you go.

Peanuts? Peanuts? It's a nut.

Come on, Tiff.

Come on, let's get it, Tiff.

One more point and we're ahead.

Walnut, Walnut! Okay, that's four for the red.

Three for the blue.

The red team is ahead by just one point going into the final round of the blind taste test.

It all comes down to the last pair.

Dana and Justin, let's go! And the first ingredient will be something these chefs have cooked in every dinner service.


All right.

Come on, Dana.

You got this.

Come on, Dana.

Come on, just.

You got it, bro.


Yes! Good job.


Well done.



Oh, .

No! We got a tie.




Come on, Dana.

Perhaps a fig, chef.


Yeah! Red team needs this win so much.

We have to win.


Come on, Dana.

Come on.

Come on, Dana.

Radish, chef.

Yes! Radish.

Yeah, there you go.

Wow! 6

A little close to the menu.


In our Risotto.

Come on, Dana.


A carrot? Justin gets this right, it's over.

Come on.

Justin, let's go.

It's the final round of the blind taste test and the teams are tied with six points each.

Dana Carrot? Was unable to identify the Sunchoke.

If Justin gets this point, he will win the challenge for his team and achieve something no other chef has in the history of Hell's Kitchen a perfect score.


Yeah! Justin, four for four.

Yes, dude, we won! You have an extraordinary palate.

Never before has anyone gotten a perfect score.

Justin four for four! That is awesome! Kudos to you, Justin.

Justin, you even got sunchoke? Were you cheating? I think you could hear.

Blue team, congratulations.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, chef.


Are you in for a treat.

All of you are going to the most amazing water park.

You've got the entire park to yourselves.

I am so excited to chill out in the sun and get a tan As Jersey as that is.

Thank you, chef! Well done! It sucks so bad to lose.

I'm completely jealous right now.

Ladies, you are in, sadly, for the most difficult punishment in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

I'm sorry to say it is delivery day.


Deliveries will be arriving pretty much nonstop.

You'll be responsible for restocking both kitchens and lifting every box from those trucks.

That means the truck has arrived.

Get your asses in gear quick.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Oh, my God.

Third punishment in a row for the red team.

I don't wanna get used to this feeling.

You got to be kidding me! This is not gonna be a good day.

Come on, Clemenza.

Off to walley world.

What are you doing? We're building a barricade so they can't get out.

Like to see 'em get through that .

Here they come.

How we supposed to get through here? What's the problem, guys? Can't get through? Wait a minute.

What the you trying to do? It was like the great wall of white out there.

I'll just plow through this .

Have your fun in the sun.

All right, give me my speedo.

I'm ready! Raging waters! Kick ass! Whoo! We can go on any rides we want.

As many times as we want.

No lines.

Who has it better than me right now? Nobody.

Yeah! Whoa! It's beautiful outside.

It's just amazing.

Makes me happy.

I'll get in with you as long as you hold my hand and hug me when I'm cold.

Clemenza and I definitely have been bonding more and more each challenge win.

While the blue team is warming up to each other at the water park That would be nice.

The women Ice, guys, ice.

Are about to encounter a cold front.

Oh, We go.

Oh, .

Looks like 50 Yeah, this ain't so fun now, huh? I'm exhausted before we even get going just looking at the back of that truck.

I need a personal assistant for this job.

I hate my life so much right now.

Somebody sh**t me.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

My life sucks right now.

Barbie, we need some help in here.

What the is she doing? Did she put 'em outside the truck? No, she's just taking them off the pallets and setting them down.

Like, the easiest job out of all of this.

Barbie doesn't wanna get off the truck to carry anything in.

This stupid bitch.

I've had it.

I had it.

Barbie, come up here and start loading this .

Get the out of the truck.

You're not gonna get the easy every time.

This is easy? Kimmie might be 6'1" and 300 pounds, but, hell no, I'm not afraid of Kimmie.

Go load that thing.

Don't talk to me that way.

I'll talk to you any way I want to.

Stupid bitch.

I'm working harder than you, been working harder than you.

You crazy, stupid bitch.

You ain't worked harder than anybody.

How many? Oh, that's right none! My fat ass jogged up here more than you have! You ain't never jogged a day in your life, and your ass shows it.

After losing the blind taste test, the red team must suffer Hell's Kitchen's most brutal punishment.

not light.

Delivery day.

It's a day of truly backbreaking labor.

But instead of working harmoniously together, Barbie and Kimmie Ooh, I wanna you so bad, you nasty bitch.

Are at w*r.

Lazy bitch! Now we got Barbie running up stairs.

Good job, good job.


Knock it off!! Dude, like, shut up.

That truck, dude.

Stop! Now you're wasting time for everybody.

If we're gonna expend a lot of energy today.

I definitely don't need to do it fighting.

Not bad.

We get to relax in the sun, but it's boring.

I want a ride that's poop

Like I
-if I'm
-alive scary.

Yo, we're gonna hit up one more slide.

The giant one.


Come on.

Why? No way.

Come on, Clemenza.

Giant one, straight down.

Yeah, you're in.

I haven't done it.

Never will.

Come on.

Why? That thing freaks me out.

It's fine.

You get over your fear.

Dude, that thing freaks me out! It literally is straight down! Let's go! Brian's just out of his mind.

We all know Brian's just umbatz.

He's just crazy.

Yeaaah! You wanna do it again? , yeah, dude! I literally got probably Yeaaaah! Go! While Brian has the time of his life, the red team is feeling that punishment couldn't get any worse.

I can't feel my body parts.

I'm trying to keep up the pace.

But they're wrong.

I need you to take all the peppercorns, grind them the mortar and pestle.

I need you to do all of it.

I need you to drain the fryers, then refill them with the new fryer oil on both sides.

Okay? And I need you to take those potatoes, I need you to peel 'em and hold them in cold water in the refrigerator.

This has been the worst I repeat, the worst punishment thus far.

This is gonna take forever.

This is definitely the most not fun task I have ever done.

Oh, it's in my eye.

Oh, .

Are you serious? Oh, sweat's dripping on the back of my legs.

My arm hurts.

Hello! Yeah, that sucks.

Oh, it's nice.

After an exhausting but fun day for the blue team Honestly, I'm tired.

And a long, tedious, difficult day for the red team Oh, it's so warm! There appears to be no end in sight.

Really? Oh, my God! I thought we were done.

Like That's ridiculous.

I'm in the tub, dude! I am so pissed right now.

Thank you.

That's it? It's a small box.

It says "to the contestants of Hell's Kitchen.

Open immediately.

" I have no idea what this could be.

Special delivery! Come on, guys! Everybody has to be in the living room now.

Dana, hurry up! Oh, my God.

Anything could be inside of that little box at this point and time.

My nerves are like my heart What the is in that thing? All right.

Let's see what it is.

What is it? Special delivery! At the end of a long day for both teams, the chefs have received a mysterious delivery.

All right, let's see what it is.

Could be anything.

Come on! What's in the box? "Please play when all chefs are present.

" All right, ready? All right, shh.

Good evening.

I seriously hope you're all having a relaxing time in the dorm.

But that's about to change.

Now listen carefully.

Tomorrow night's dinner service It's red versus blue menu.

You've all got one hour to produce a stunning menu with three appetizers, three entrees, and three phenomenal desserts.

What are you waiting for? Don't stare at me.

Come on, let's go! This is awesome! We get to create our own menu.

Can I write, please? Does anybody mind? This is a really big opportunity to show chef Ramsay what we're made of.

For apps, don't you think we should do one salad? Yeah, I think one salad.

All right, so like, with beets? Yeah.

I think we should do it with frisee.


I'm gonna put roasted roasted beet salad.

What else do we wanna see? Flatbread? I think a flatbread is nice.

I'm totally stoked.

I'm really wanting to get my thoughts and ideas on this menu.

We could do mussels.

No, I don't think so.

Everybody eats mussels.

It just doesn't sound like something, like, exciting to me.

They always put me on the backburner.

I guess I'm not a great chef.

Can we all agree halibut for the fish? Yeah.

I think we should crust, though, the halibut in something.

We could do a beer
-batter crust.


For real? Kimmie, you're k*lling me.

That's not fine dining.

We gotta stay away from fried.

This is about to be a battle of the dishes, and I'm here to fight for what I want.

Everything I keep coming up with, it's "No, it's not good.

No, it's not good.

" We could do a duck confit with cassoulet.

Yeah, I think that's good.

While Kimmie and her teammates are on different wavelengths, on the blue team, Robyn and Justin Why don't we do, like, a corn chowder stew, put a fried oyster on top and caviar? No, that's tough.

Are on different planets.

Artichoke francaise? Dude, we're going way too old school.

What about doing a lobster roll? It's kinda boring.

I don't really see it fitting in, though, honestly.

Robyn's ideas sounded like something I can get at a deli.

I don't really feel that she has a fine
-dining sensibility.

She's just kind of all over the place for me.

I got a great one.

Scallops, and then a little lobster and then pipe it into squash blossom.




I do like it.

I do like it.

Me and Justin are completely on the same page.

We get each other.

I really don't think that a steak au poivre is bad idea.

I'm with it.

Let's do it.

We both understand what we need to do and what chef Ramsay wants.

We don't want too simple.

Keep it simple, stupid.

Simple, stupid.

All right, no, ready? I got it another one.

Why don't we do, like, a ring mold? Avocado, crab meat, fruit in there as well.

Chef's gonna be like "What? What are you doing? 1980?" Justin, get out of the box a little bit.

I'm out of the box.

That's 1980s.

Are you kidding me? Who the made you boss? What about a red snapper? No, no, no, no.

Not a huge snapper fan.

But he needs to have input too.

The blue team it's only Justin and Brian.

We better get something going on.

Sea bass.

I'm digging that.


While Justin and Brian hijack the blue team's menu, the red team is almost done Okay, go big or go home.

Rib eye, I think, might be a good way to go.

But Kimmie isn't.

I could do that barbeque sauce I did the other day.

Oh, I wouldn't do that.


Barbeque sauce on a steak? This is sophistication! This isn't down
-home, country cooking.

What if we put red wine in your barbeque too? Do you mind that? That's what I put in there.

I put that at the end.

Wait, wasn't it, like, Asian
-ish? No.

I think it's a good idea to put it on there.

Everything with Kimmie gets taken personally.

I feel like we can make it sound nicer than barbeque sauce.

Yeah, like same ingredients everything but just call it something different.

We'll call it something different.

Is that okay? I mean, but it's barbeque sauce.

That's what it is.

I mean, we can figure something out that just has, like it's not barbeque.

We can call it fancy
-style red wine jus.

Kimmie, it'll still really be your sauce But we're gonna make it sound a lot nicer.

Whatever y'all wanna do, man.

You know what? I'm done, dude! I'm finished.

Just let me do my sauces like I asked and everything'll be fine.

We're done.

Yeah, we're done.

All right.

Good night, ladies.

We all feel confident? Yes.

I'm happy.

None of the dishes are very complicated.

But if everyone can't execute 'em correctly, we're gonna be in deep trouble.

What can go wrong will go wrong.

Story of my life, but whatever.

Chef Ramsay has challenged the teams to design their own menus.

And now the chefs will only have a few hours to prepare nine brand
-new dishes in time for tonight's dinner service.

Whoo! That was close.

I almost cut the nail off.

But one chef on the red team Christina, how do you wanna do this chard? Doesn't even know where to start.

I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with this.

Do I drizzle? No, don't do that.

I mean, I don't know what's going on.

Kimmie is definitely the weakest link on the red team right now.

So I'm just adding all this, right? I don't wanna screw this up.

She can't really do anything without asking everyone what she should do.

Just winging it right now.

Prep is hectic, but I'm about to kick some ass on the barbeque sauce.

So it's all good.

You wanna taste this? Should I add some water? It's really It's pungent.

I'm sorry.

I spit that out because I hate alcohol.

Should I add water to make it not so Jack
-y? Or more soy? I think more soy.

All I'm tasting is um Honey and Jack Daniels.

Kimmie, we gave you this dish because we felt like it was the one thing you knew you could breeze right through.

And now you can't figure it out.

Oh! Oh, let's see if this is gonna be a winner.

Taste that.


Yay! While Kimmie has finally made something out of her sauce, in the blue kitchen, Clemenza me.

Makes a mess of himself.

Really? Right now this has gotta happen? Everybody needs to have a sense of urgency.

We gotta get focused.

We gotta have all our together.

I stayed clean all day until that.

Come on, man, please.

No, no, no, no.

I'm a mess! You really think I'm gonna let chef Ramsay yell at me for it? Clemenza? Yes, chef.

Try to stay clean.

I will, chef.

You're like a pig rolling around in all day long.

I have to get this clean and get back.

I gotta clean up.

Now Clemenza's pissing me off.

There's a lot of prep work to do.

We need to have this ready soon.

We'll never be able to get it done.

Clemenza! Where you at? With Clemenza spending his time cleaning himself, in the red kitchen, Barbie is spending her time meticulously cleaning the mussels.

I don't have time right now.

And with dinner service fast approaching You guys need to hurry up.

Everyone is feeling the pressure.

Pick it up, let's go! We need to see plates on the pass.

Barbie's been doing mussels for about two hours.

So that's really helpful.

Has anybody said anything about the mussels taking two and a half hours? I'm not gonna hit her, I'm not gonna hit her.

I'm not gonna hit her, I'm not gonna hit her.

Yeah, at her pace, we'll never get done.

It's just gonna take a while, and Dana seemed to have a problem with that.

But I don't care.

What the has she been doing for two hours with these mussels? two and a half hours now.

I need to see more plates up here, guys, let's go.

Barbie is definitely pushing me to my breaking point.

I can feel the anger and the frustration, like, right here.

Oh, my God.

I'm gonna hit this bitch.

You wanna slice off some of the potatoes and tell me how you feel? But Tiffany's potatoes are still a question mark.

All crunchy? Potatoes aren't done.

Tasted the potatoes, and I was like, "they're crunchy.

" See what it tastes like when it cools.

No, they're totally not done! They're crunchy! What, wait.

You took it out already? It's not a big deal.

Dana she thinks she knows it all, but I know what fine dining is, so I shouldn't really have anything to worry about.

Let's go.

It's only half an hour until dinner service begins.

But before the doors of Hell's Kitchen open, chef Ramsay must approve each team's menu.

Let's go.

Come on, come on.

Come on.

That's pretty.

I like that.

Look, I know you said it's 1980s, but it's sexy, bro.

Where do you think I should put this, Tiff? I should go more? Probably more, huh? Quail's up.

What do you think? Blue team definitely has the better of the dishes.

If we can execute them right, I think it's gonna be a landslide.

That's done.


Here we go! Do we have everything up at the pass that needs to be up at the pass? Okay, all right, what are we looking for? Um, theMussels.

It looks sort of Washed up.

Almost like something you get out of the bottom of the dishwasher.

Definitely not the start we're looking for.

Messy, messy.

Roasted beet salad, yes? It just tastes of dirt.

I'm not impressed with that.

We better improve from here, because we're not off to a good start.


Yeah, nice.

The bechamel is lovely.

You nailed that.

Uh, this is It's a pan
-seared halibut.


Um, it's a lobster
-corn broth.

And, um, corn and chive fritters.

Yeah, that's nice.

Thank you, I cooked it myself.

Uh, this is? It's a marinated rib eye.


-hoo! He loved it.

And you b*tches didn't wanna listen to me.

Ha ha! Redemption's a ! That tasted phenomenal.

Good job.


Thank you, chef.

Definitely a couple quick adjustments and we'll be good for the start of service.

Now that they have overcome a major hurdle Dana, do you need me to dice up some tomatoes for you? Definitely, yeah.

The red team quickly makes adjustments to their menu.

Okay, blue team, let's go.

Now it's the blue team's turn to see if their menu passes chef Ramsay's test.

Cobb salad.

Yes, with a mango puree and a paprika smoked paprika oil.

Visually, it looks like something out of the 1980s.

Surprise, surprise.

I don't know why you don't listen.

Obviously I do kinda know what I'm talking about.

It's like a fruit salad with a sprinkle of crap.

Okay, next up.

We did a ragout carpaccio.


We sear it and then sliced it up.

There's not an ounce of seasoning on the meat.

There's no seasoning anywhere.


Steak au poivre With a bleu cheese mash.

Cut down the onions.

You remember, we're in California, big boy.

Chef Ramsay doesn't like at least 75% of our dishes.

Really? We're gonna crash and burn tonight, I feel it.

You've got four appetizers.

No, that's the entree.

That's an entree.

Yes, chef.

Go on, then.

What is it? Grilled quail, like mediterranean style.

It was marinated in Rosemary, thyme.

First of all, it's undercooked.

Yeah, pink is fine, but raw is unacceptable.


There's bone everywhere.

You didn't take the bone out? Not good.

Not good.

I've got a big chunk of bone.

I'll ask the question again.

You can't check there's no bone left in there? I missed the bones.

My fault chef.


Clemenza Bye

I'm about to kick you out of here.

See ya later.

Ready to go home? Next time on Hell's Kitchen Ready to go home? Is Clemenza's careless, dangerous mistake the final straw for chef Ramsay? Get out! My faith just went out the door.

In a service where the chef's menus are put to the test Piss off, all of you! Robyn, you give me that? Justin, you set me up for failure.

Robyn is out for revenge.

It hurt me so guess what.

I'm gonna hurt you back.

Are you blaming me for that? I am blaming you, bro.

But what happens when her plan I need more squashes done.

Backfires? You lying bastard.

You knew he hadn't got it.

I will nail you to the post.

What the is going on? In the red kitchen One chef makes a mistake so horrific I thought you cared.

What do you want me to say? It puts her whole team in jeopardy.

I don't give a if the whole team goes home tonight.

I'm so confused right now.

Somebody tell me what the hell is going on! It may be red versus blue menus Here you go! But on the next Hell's Kitchen That's not good enough! It's every chef Bitch, shut the up.

For themselves.

I'm not gonna sit here and babysit people.

Don't get an attitude with me.

Guarantee it's not happening now We're screwed!
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