10x10 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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10x10 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen.

We m*rder*d these dudes.

After another dinner service victory, the red team was flying high.

It felt real good to me.

While the men hit a new low.

We cannot lose anymore.

This is a disgrace.

At the "High
-Stakes" challenge We are gonna test your creativity.

The red team Chose to present Robyn's dish over Kimmie's.

I was so mad because I worked my ass off on this thing.

A decision Robyn.

It's soggy, and it's overcooked.

That proved to be costly.

Men win.

But chef Ramsey was curious.

Kimmie, I want to taste your dish.

It is delicious.

I feel so much redemption right now, you have no idea.

Bad choice, ladies.

That would have given Clemenza a run for his money.

I'm not gonna talk to anybody unless I need to.

That's kinda bitchy.

Kimmie was having none of Robyn's bad attitude.

I totally outshined that bitch, and she's totally jealous.

As Hell's Kitchen got ready to open for family steak night I'm continuing to get the kicked out of me every single day.

Patrick sought strength from his family.

Daddy wants to win this.

And in the red kitchen Tiffany's onions, they were too thick.

Barbie was fed up with Tiffany.

Tiffany doesn't care about her standards.

And Tiffany was fed up with Barbie.

Barbie knows everything.

She knows how to cook everything.

Then just as dinner service was ready to begin Oh, my God! What just happened? I just burnt my hand.

Disaster struck the red team as Kimmie was scalded with pan grease all the way up her arm.


I just have to get back in there.

You're not allowed to get back in the kitchen.

Like, asap.

You're not going back in there.

Tonight find out if Kimmie's severe burn keeps her from dinner service.

Aaah! In one of the most expl*sive Hell's Kitchen's ever.

watch who you're calling bitch! What are you gonna do? Maybe cry some more! Crybaby! As the fight to become head chef at Gordon Ramsay's Steak at the Paris, Las Vegas, gets ugly.

I ain't gonna hit you because I ain't a child like you.

Fire unh when you shake what you got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really something, child yes, you are the way you walk and talk really sets me off and I'm so excited the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby woo, woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child fire And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

It's moments before Hell's Kitchen opens for steak night.

Oh, my God! Medic! I just burnt my hand.

And the women have suffered a big casualty.

What happened? Oh, my God! What happened? Kimmie got burned bad.

Oh, my God Clemenza! Take her to the medic.

Yes, chef come on, come on.

Come on, shh, shh.

Come on.

Is she gonna be all right? Come on, don't give up.

And I hate that this is happening to her right now.

And we need her in the kitchen so I'm hoping that she's okay.

So this just now happened right here, right now? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I know it hurts.

I know it hurts, hold still.

Oh, it hurts so bad.

How did you manage to burn yourself all the way up there? What were you doing? I was just grabbing the pan.

Okay, breathe.

Just breathe while I do this.

The good news is it's only a burn.

My hand hurts like hell, but this is not the end for me.

I'm here to win this competition, so I am not giving up.

It's just real quick I know you wanna get back out there.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Keep that one dry.

Hey, you okay, Kimmie? Yeah, I'm good.

Yay, Kimmie.

I like Kimmie.

She came back with, like, a 2
-inch burn on her hand, but she's fighting back.

That's some dedication.

You go, girl.

Everyone's, like, "go, Kimmie!" Are you kidding me? She's a baby.

She is a crybaby.

All right, ladies, let's go.

Yes, chef.

Kimmie, concentrate.

Yes, chef.

I'm about to bounce back.

I know I can do this, burnt hand or not.

I'm gonna rock out on this meat station.

You got this, girl.

James? Yes, chef? Open steak night in Hell's Kitchen, please, let's go.

Yes, chef, delighted to.

It's steak night at Hell's Kitchen, and family night as well.

Tonight's special menu features a rib eye steak with fingerling potatoes and sauteed spinach topped with a fried egg.

A grilled hanger steak served with truffle fries and herbed compound butter.

And Justin's challenge
-winning filet mignon.

And for the young diners, there's also a kid's menu.

You ready, honey? I'm gonna have the ravioli.



Cheeseburger, all right.

As a special treat, each child will also receive a mini
-pizza appetizer.

I wonder if the blue will win or the red? Here we go, six tables table 31, two children.

Two pizzas, fire.

Yes, chef.

Yes, two smoked salmon, two shrimp cocktails.

Yes, chef! Let's go, ladies.

Yes, chef.

Uh, blue team, two tables table 21.

Four white salads, two pizza.

Yes, chef, two pizzas coming.

I come from New York City, and let me tell you something.

I grew up in a pizzeria, so I got a little experience, to say the very least.

-it! Mom, look.

In all honesty, I was kind of enjoying myself.

Coming right now, chef.

Come on, Clemenza.

Great pizzas salads please, let's go.

Pizza's out.

While the bambinos on the blue side Are already enjoying Clemenza's pizza That is good.

Young diners on the red side have been left waiting.

There's a lovely little lady there waiting for her pizza.

Come on, Tiffany! Yes, chef! You're so slow! Yes, chef.

I really hate cooking for children.

Kids don't know what fine dining is, so their opinions really don't matter to me.

That's burnt, look.

Just cut that part off.

Who gives a .

I really don't like kids at all.

Pizza how long? Coming right now, chef.

Come on, please! Yes, chef.

You are doing the pizza to serve first.

This side's all right.

But, like, I don't wanna eat that.

It's for kids, , eh? Staff! Yes, chef? Now we're selling burnt pizza.

Not crispy and delicious.


What is going on? All of you, get a grip.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Ow, you just hit me in the head.


The more I work with Tiffany, the more I wonder why she's a chef.

So I'm getting the station back on track.

One pizza, urgently please.

Yes, chef, here's your next pizza up.

Let's go, ladies.

Yes, chef, I got it.

I hate the stupid looks she gives to people.

I can't stand it no more.

I've just had it with Barbie's attitude.

Like, she thinks she's bad or something.

Pizza's coming out.

Here you go.

Pizza, chef.

Thank you so much, table 50, please, let's go.

Get off you're high horse.

You're not good at cooking.

Like, ugh! I Hate her.

One more pizza! Pizza coming, chef.

Let's go.

While Barbie steps up to save Tiffany's pizza station Pizza's in.

On the blue side Let's go, blue team.

4 coming your way, table 20.

Two red salad, two smoked salmon.

Yes, chef.

It's now up to Brian on appetizers to keep the positive momentum going.

Let's go! Get those bellinis up.

Get the bellinis out first.

Wait, get the bellinis out.

All right, all right, don't worry.

My style in the kitchen is very light.

I do a lot of voices all the time, and the guys love it.

Just shut the up, man.

It's not even funny, honestly.

Brian, tell me when you're a few away, man.

What I What the did he just say? I have no idea.

Brian's an annoying kind of a .

I've had enough of his .

Either shut your pie hole, or learn how to communicate.

I always wanted to make bellinis.

Ever since I was a little boy.

Smoked salmon! Answer him! Smoked salmon! Smoked salmon! Coming right up, chef.

I've got bellinis.

bellinis, ready.

Don't make the bellinis too small.

They're kind of lonely on there.

Want me to make some more? Make some more.

How can you set something on that size? Look! Yes, chef! Yes, chef! It needs to be there.

Yes, chef! I gotta make more, uh, new bellinis.

So give me a sec.

Eight bellinis away.

You make something so simple look so difficult.

Yes, chef! Stay with it, bri! Concentrate.

Brian, pay attention.


Keep making bellinis, let's go.

Flop, flop.

The flavors are very nice.



Oh, just shut up, Brian.

Hey! I've got one big imitation! Yes, chef! Try imitating being a chef for two minutes! Yes, chef! Yes? Yes! Brian, how long? It's ready, chef.

Give it to me then you idiot! Yes chef, it's coming right now.

Smoked salmon.

Dude, not so sloppy either, Brian.

Yes, chef.

off, Brian, yeah? Yes, chef.

Seriously, enough's enough.

While I like your funny side, I wanna see your serious side now.

Yes, chef! Or off.

Yes, chef! I got it, chef.



While Brian tries to get serious, over in the red kitchen, Tiffany Is attempting to redeem herself on appetizers.

We're waiting on the bellinis, Come on, Tiffany, you gotta speed up a little bit then.

It's like you're fast asleep on there.

Yes, chef.

About 20 seconds, chef! Tiffany just has no respect for the food.

I don't think they're gonna take those.


Who cares, Dana.

Let's go! She doesn't care about anything.

The only thing I have seen her passionate about in Hell's Kitchen is a cigarette.

Shrimp cocktails done! I'm taking two smoked salmon.

Bring it up right away, let's go.

Walking, walking! Right behind.

Two smoked salmons.

Hey, ladies.

All of you, come here.

Come here.

The secret of a good kitchen, a good chef is consistency.

Yes, chef.

What is this? You can't give me a perfect one and one one.

That's my fault, chef.

Oh, Tiffany.

off, ladies, yeah? Can more than one of you start making bellinis? Yes, chef, I'm making bellinis.

Can someone start leading a little bit? Yes, chef, I got 'em.

Once again, it's pandemonium.

So okay, I'll fix it.

I'm about there with bellinis.

I just can't take it anymore, like, I don't want help.

Barbie thinks she runs this place.

I've just had it.

Two smoked salmon coming.

Here you go.

Service please, two smoked salmon.

Go go, go, go.

Nice, very good.

Yes, chef.

Very nice indeed.

Perfect bellinis, chef.

Okay! God.

That is some attitude.

All right, all right, guys.

Barbie steps up once again, and red diners are enjoying their appetizers.

Meanwhile, on the blue team, Clemenza It's coming! Justin That's the first order of bellinis? And Brian Bellinis will be up in three seconds, man.

Have hit their stride.

Behind you, chef.

And appetizers are flying out of the kitchen.

Hey, blue team, the appetizers are rolling out.

Now we're hitting the entrees, let's go.

Three filet, three rib eye.

Yes, chef! It's time to start showing chef Ramsay I mean business.

It's steak night, and this is what.

"Gordon Ramsay's Steak" in Las Vegas is all about, so I'm bringing energy, stamina, passion, drive, commitment, and team.

Chef, rib eyes on your right.

Right behind you with the garnish! No sear.

Look at the color on there.

Look at it, it's like boiled meat.

Oh, off, guys.

All of you, come here.

Look at the meat.

No sear.

Just, like, boiled.

Where's the sear? I'll get it right, chef.

Tonight is steak night, let's go! Yes, chef.

While Patrick re
-fires his rib eyes Oh, brother.

Over in the red kitchen I want it now, two filet, two hanger steak.

Yes, chef! Let's go.

It's now up to Kimmie on meat and Robyn on the grill to get entrees moving out of the red kitchen.

Two filets what was the other one? Two filet, two hanger, right? Yes.

Two filet, two hanger? Yes! All right, just making sure.

You don't need to scream, Robyn.

Robyn is acting crazy as right now.

I honestly think she's still holding a grudge from the challenge about that rib eye.

Kimmie, let me know when you're walking, okay? Sure will! Kimmie, I'm coming, okay? Yeah, I'm slicing, dude.

Can I walk? Uh, give me just one second.

Two minutes, chef, two minutes.

On what? These steaks are huge.

It's not my fault.

It's not my fault, dude.

Really? Kimmie doesn't know what the she's doing.


Running! All right, running.

I got it, I got it.



There we go.

No, nowhere near.

Oh, .

Here we go, it's going down! Kimmie's gonna get yelled at.

This is gonna be a crime, folks.

Get the popcorn 'cause it's about to get good.

All of you! Yes, chef.

Come here.

Hey, look, we can't even get steak cooked.

It's badly sliced.

Who did what here? Kimmie, Robyn, look at me.

Who done it, then? It's an hour and a half into Hell's Kitchen steak night.

The red team has delivered their first entrees to the pass.

All of you! Yes, chef! We can't even get steak cooked.

But chef Ramsay has a question for Kimmie and Robyn.

Who did what here? I did the filets.

I cut the steak, chef.

Look at the way it's sliced.

Looks like it's been cut with a spoon.

It's not even sliced there.

And then next to it, where's the filet? That's cut beautifully.

Sliced beautifully.

Hell, yeah! I knew my was right.

Robyn is up, and I'm just outshining her.

I've got one up right now, watch out, guys.

How much simpler do I have to make it? Yes, chef.

I need a cut here.

Slice and knife, please.

You're killin' me, man.

While Kimmie and Robyn start over on their first table of entrees, in the blue kitchen Patrick is desperate to impress with his re
-fired rib eyes.

Going up to the pass, behind you.

Behind, chef.

I start off rough with under
-seared steaks.

I know I'm making mistakes, but I know it have it in me.

I know I'm a special chef.

Finally! Hello! That's the way to sear meat.

Thank you, chef.

Whoo! I'm so happy.

I got this now, I'm back on track.

Service, please.

Blue team, away.

Table 22, yeah? Concentrate.

Three filet with hanger steak.

Yes, chef, four minutes.

Royce deoesn't even answer.

Three filet, one hanger! Three filet, one hanger! Three filet, one hanger.

One more time! Three filet, one hanger! One more time! Three filet, one hanger! One more time! Three filet, one hanger! I got two minutes on mine! Yeah, give me three minutes, chef on On what? Two filet, one hanger! Oh, my God! Three filets! Sorry three filets, one hanger! Oh, my hey, you twit.

Hey, come here, you.

! Hey, you you in front of me, let's go.

Patrick, off! Oh, me.

! Hey, outside, get some fresh air.


It's a stupid bonehead move.

And I
-I can't believe with all my experience, I up like that.

I can't believe it.

I can't.

I know I've made my mistakes in the kitchen, but I do not quit, and I always fight.

I can get this right.

Chef, may I come back to the kitchen? Get on there, you! Yes, chef! What's going? Three filet, one hanger! There you go! How long on that hanger? Coming out right now.

With Patrick back in the game on the meat station, over in the red kitchen Walking with filets.

Hangers walking up! Robyn is ready with her hanger re
-fire, and the red team is praying that it is worthy of being sent out by chef Ramsay.

Nice, very good.

Service, please.

Here we go.

On order, ticket for table 64, rib eye, loup de mer and filet.

Yes, chef! The red team is ready to move on to their second table, and chef Ramsay Can you ladies pick it up at all? Is hoping that the red kitchen has finally found their rhythm.

How long? I'm ready to slice.

I'm ready with the fish.

Can I run? Yeah, go.

Behind, running now! Are you serious? What's the matter, girl? It would have been information that would have been useful a minute ago.

Hey, I need, uh, I just need a minute, Christina.

I'm with you.

You just told me to run.

She just told me to run the fish out.

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? But she just heard it, you said "run.

" I didn't hear your garnish, Robyn.


it, it, I'm with you.

When are you gonna be ready, babe? 45 seconds to the window heard.

Yes, thank you.

Oh, my God.

My fish is dying.

This is where the sabotage starts.

Christina, how long, baby? You ready? Yeah.

Go with sauce, walk the sauce.

Filet, rib eye.

Honestly, it gets worse.

All of you come here.

Just touch that fish there.

Just touch how dry.

It's got more wrinkles on it than I have, and I'm 44 years of age.

That should be cooked fresh! He's not gonna yell at us, he's yelling at one of the chefs.

How long ago did you cook that? Three minutes ago! Three minutes ago.

Yes, chef.

That's fresh three minutes ago? Touch.

That is nasty.

I took it off three minutes ago and I covered it.

So Again! All right.

When did you cook it? Seven minutes ago then.

Oh, seven minutes ago.

Well, I took it off three minutes ago.

So four minutes for it to cook, so seven minutes ago, chef.

Yeah, maybe 17 minutes ago.

You've gotta be out of your mind to lie to chef Ramsay because he knows.

He's not stupid.

What's going on with the fish, Kimmie? I gotta re
-fire it.

Three minutes.

Get rid of that .

I wouldn't even feed that to my cat! While the women start over on entrees off, Robyn.

Their hungry diners grow hungrier.

Where's the dinner? I mean, what time is it? Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen, the men are looking to rally once again.

But first, chef Ramsay has a little quiz for Patrick.

What's going? Three filet, one hanger.

I want this table coming together at the same time.

Yes, chef.

Got it? Yes, chef! Chef Ramsay is all over Patrick right now.

All right, get your head back in the game, let's go! But I think that's because he sees a lot in him.

Beautiful, Patrick, that's beautiful, man.

Gotta slice! I come back in with a fire.

I'm, like, I'm gonna nail this .

I've got a few more tables left to go, I'm not giving up.

I know I've got all my steaks working.

Let's go, come on, we can't lose it now.

Oh, me.

Chef, walking past with two filets! I put three steaks up and the last one was rare.

Giovanni, I have two but I'm bringing back one more.

30 seconds.

Hell no.

I've got two filet here, please tell me It's coming up right now, chef! I asked for them at the same time, where's the filets? It's not there.

I know, chef.

Oh, hell.

I know I'm in trouble.

I'm my pants right now.

I've got a 50/50 chance I'm gonna get my ass handed to me.



Come here, you.

Is that what you served me today? No, chef.

! Uh, chef, I'm sorry, it's raw.

Not good, not good.

It's raw? Really? It's two hours into steak night, and after blowing his second chance on the meat station It's raw? Patrick won't be getting a third.

Get out! ! Really? ! Patrick was, uh, in his head tonight and he just couldn't seem to bounce back.

He was frickin' scared tonight.

I'm sorry, girls.

I'm sorry, honey.

I keep letting my family down.

I'm sorry.

It is very frustrating because they have so much faith in me, and they were so proud of me to go here and fulfill a dream.

And I'm blowing it! I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Chef, filet coming at you right now, chef! Here's your filet, chef.

Service, please.

Justin has come to the rescue and beautifully cooked steaks are once again making their way out to the dining room.

It's really good.

Go team blue, go team blue.

Meanwhile, all the red team needs to get their second table of entrees out, is for Robyn and Kimmie to work together.

How long? A minute.

Kimmie and Robyn need to pull their together, or we're gonna be screwed.

How long on the loup and the filet? How long a minute! A minute, Christina, a minute.

Yes, chef.

I just kissed it so we're walking in 30 seconds.

Yes? Yeah, I'm just waiting to slice, dude.

Slice it! I'm not ready to slice it yet.

I got it, I'm not ready to slice it.

But you said a minute, Kimmie, And that's a minute.

getting me all off on my fish! Hey, you two, come here.

What's going on? Come here! What's going on here? She said two minutes, so then I It's resting.

It's resting.

So then you said a minute and a half.

Right, and I'm gonna slice in a minute.

Because then Christina's ready.

A minute's passed already.

My fish is dying because a minute's really two minutes.

No, it's not, dude, I'm counting.

All right, I'm wrong.

Yeah, you are.

I'm not wrong! Wow.

Can you get it together? bitch.

She's really starting to piss me off.

Service, please.

Despite their constant bickering, somehow Robyn and Kimmie get it right.

And entrees are leaving the kitchen.

Really good.

Very nice.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen.

Two loup de mer, two hanger steak.

Yes, chef! Let's go.

Chef Ramsay is counting on Royce on the grill to keep up the pace.

Two loup de mer, two hanger.

Yes, chef, three minutes.

I'm very good at cooking steak.

I definitely feel that I'm the Rolls
-Royce of cooking.

I got I got two hangers going up now.

Make sure it's cooked correctly, okay? I'm really good at meat temperatures.

You just see how it cooks, you're in one with the meat.

You melt with it.


All of you, come here! All of you! Yes, chef! A hanger steak, raw and perfect.

I knew it was too good to be true.

Hey, you, Rolls
-Royce off! Why the did he kick me out for nothing? I pushed all my out perfect until one table.

I mean, come on.

I don't get why he never gives me one extra chance.

With Royce and Patrick sidelined in the dorm, the remaining members of the blue team Coming up! Clemenza, you okay? I'm ready any time you are, I'm ready.

Pushed to complete dinner service.

Garnish up, guys! Let's do this.

What's the next one? Meanwhile, over in the red kitchen You're not even communicating, Kimmie.

Your minutes are not minutes.

Yeah, it is.

I know how to count do you? The women continue to serve up just as much attitude as food.

Two hanger steak, two loup de mer, one rib eye, one cheeseburger.

Yes, chef! Kimmie Let me know when we're gonna walk together, okay? Did you hear me, Kimmie? Oh, my God, Robyn, just stop talking to me, for real.

Oh, girl, don't even go there with me.

Oh, my God.

We need to work as a team.

And you can't do that because you have a personal problem with me? Good, I have a personal problem with you.

I cannot stand your ass.


My team is like a anchor on a ship and we are just going down.

Cheeseburger, rib eye, filet, okay? Can I get the french fries for the cheeseburger? No, 'cause I have time on the french fries Can you stop yelling at me? I am sick of the yelling! You wanna talk? Talk! Do not yell! Oh, my God, I can't.

Look at you all.

What a sad situation.

Oh, .

Blue team.

Yes, chef.

Come here.

Who needs it? Justin, on the fish.

Yes, chef.

You on the meat, let's go.

Chef Ramsay does not need to put the blue team in our kitchen.

that the red team has lost tonight.

I don't need any help, dude.

I'm good right now.

I don't need nothin'.

Oh, my God.

I don't need anything, I'm cooking.

All right, I understand.

I don't need these are my fish pans.

Leave my fish alone.

Talk to me.

Somebody, anybody.

What do you need? You guys aren't even listening to me.

Dude, who cares, just cook! They're all yelling, and screaming, and arguing and holy .

It is chaos.

Her count on the rib eye at the second check is what up my fish.

Just shut the up and cook.

Hey, hey, hey, there's kids in the dinning room.

Dude, pull it together.

How long on the rib eye? You had to go back because of the the filets that you up.


Maybe your count up.

crybaby she is.

How long? Behind, running now.

Walking right behind.

Hangers are up.

They're up? Okay.


Go check.

It's up.


Hey, hey.

You all just stop.

Come here, all of you.

Just touch them.

Put your hand on top.

Put your hand put your hand on top! I'm putting it on top.

I need to get over there.

Put it on top.


Red team You, you, you, you, you.


Get out! This is absolutely unreal to me.

We had such great momentum up till this day, and now it's all down the toilet.

The two fish, I was told five minutes, so I fired them.

The meats were off on the counts.

I am so livid right now.

Oh, my God.

All hell's is going to break loose.

My fish were dried because of a missed call.

I'm over it, dude.

I'm over it.

I'm so tired of her bitching.

It's just too much.

It literally drives me nuts.

I'm so pissed.

I can't even listen to I can't listen to her.

Dude, you should go up and defend yourself because your girl is throwing you under the bus right now.

But the meats were off.

On the counts.

If she knew she was going But she didn't tell me.

She wasn't communicating.

Because when Kimmie works the station she doesn't communicate.

So you're throwing me under the bus? I'm not throwing you under the bus.

Come on, tell me then.

Come on.

Kimmie, you better step the back.

Bitch, I ain't stepping nowhere! You think I'm scared of you? I'm not scared of you.

You're throwing me under the bus.

Cool, bitch.


You called me a bitch today, and you want me to keep my mouth shut? It is so ghetto right now.

Just shut up! You talk to everyone like they're a piece of .

No, I don't.

You are a piece of , and you're starting trouble, like I'm throwing you underneath the bus? Started trouble? Did you or did you not just say that her two rib eye I did.


I'm not lying.

That's not throwing So she didn't lie to me.

So you're throwing me under the bus.

It's cool, bitch.


It's true.

It's true.

It's true what you do, home slice, 'cause I know ain't none of my damn steaks come back.

How many fish came back to you? It's true.

My two fish came back because of you.

You go yourself.

You! What's funny is that Kimmie and Robyn used to be BFFs, and now all of a sudden, they're arch rivals.

I'm so done with you, dog.

I'm so done with you.

Keep my friends close, enemies closer.

That's why I was keeping you close to me, Kimmie.

There's no excuse for her to have called me a bitch when she was supposed to be my friend.

You just said you keep your enemies closer, right? You just said we ain't friends, right? forget you! We ain't friends.


We ain't friends.

You called me a bitch.



Oh, Kimmie, suck .

It's two and a half hours into dinner service Get out! off.

And Royce and Patrick from the blue team Get out! And the entire red team have been kicked out of the kitchen.

And Robyn and Kimmie are having a little difference of opinion.

The meats were off on the counts.

So you're throwing me under the bus.

Cool, bitch.


None of my damn steaks come back.

How many fish came back for you? It's true.

My two fish came back because of you.

Whew, Kimmie and Robyn, they've just been, um, you know, kind of going at it all night.


We ain't friends.

You called me a bitch.


The shouting and the name
-calling, all that it's like "dude, like shut up.

" Oh, Kimmie, suck .

While Robyn offers Kimmie an interesting suggestion, back in the kitchen, it's up to Justin Get that first one up.

Brian First noodle.

And Clemenza Hanger steak coming out, chef.

To complete dinner service for both teams.

Service, please.

This is really, really good.

Is it really good? Yeah? Last table.

Concentrate, guys.

Two meatballs, one rib eye, one loup de mer.

Yes, chef.

Rib eye.

Yes, chef, coming up.

Got your sauce.

Okay, get it up.

I'm going with the rib eye.

You get that up, okay? Tonight was really tough, but Justin's strong, Clemenza's strong, I'm strong.

So I'm really not surprised that we're the last three left.

Let's go.

Loup de mer in the window.

Pasta's going, right now.

Table ten, please.

This is so good that I want to come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Stoves off.

Let's go.

Shut it down.

Holy crap.

Let me just get one thing clear.


I started service tonight with 11 chefs.

I finished the service with three.

Thank you, Brian.

Yes, chef.

Justin, Clemenza.

Thank you.

Yes, chef.

The winning team tonight There's no such thing.

There's more passion in the valet parking before our guests arrived than in this restaurant tonight.


Red team, blue team.

Back upstairs.

Come up with two nominees to leave.

Piss off.

I can't believe that we didn't win.

I mean, the entire red team was kicked out of the kitchen, but we started with five, we ended up with three.

Based on tonight's service, we have an easy decision.

I'll go.

I got Royce and Patrick tonight.

For obvious reasons.

I'd have to say the same thing.

I didn't deserve to get nominated.

I had one thing come back.

But that's my team.

It's not really much of a team.

I really screwed the pooch on the callbacks, and then, uh, the last rare steak that got me thrown out of the kitchen.

I mean, I get it guys.

I screwed it up.

I screwed it up for myself, I screwed it up for my blue team, but I'm so much better than this, and I know I have it in me.

I'm going to come back strong because I'm not a quitter.

I'm a fighter.

All right, guys.

I think we need to start talking about this.

I'm going to I'm going to say Tiff.

It was too much with the screaming.

Can you shut up and stop yelling at me? You want to talk, talk.

Do not yell! My biggest reason for nominating Tiffany was that fight she got into with Barbie.

Completely unprofessional and unacceptable, especially on family night.

That was intense.

I thought you guys were going to fist fight over the deep fryer.

I'm just sick of, like, yelling.

And it, like, really drives me up a wall.

I was just trying to be clear, like, "please don't put that down.

" I can't handle that.

Barbie is the weakest person on this team, and I've just had it with Barbie's attitude.

We're here to cook food.

We're not here to give an attitude, like Hmm.

I'm gonna vote for Robyn and Tiffany because Tiffany, um, your pizzas came back.

And that's what was up on apps.

And Robyn didn't have no communication with me on fish, so I'm not voting for myself.

One of my vote's for Kimmie.

For mis

Here she goes with this .

She didn't communicate with me.

I was right across from her.

All she had to do was look at me.

Kimmie, you know what, why don't you be a woman and admit to fault? Because I didn't fault tonight.

Really? This is what you did, Kimmie.

At least I admit to my faults.

I didn't fault or I would admit to this ! You told me to run the fish.

That's what my fish up the first time.

How many of my steaks came back tonight? call was off.

Oh, no, my call wasn't.

Your ears need to be cleaned out, bitch.

You better watch who you're calling bitch.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Kimmie! With no dinner service winner, both teams have to nominate two people for elimination.

The men very calmly picked Royce and Patrick, but the women's deliberation How many of my steaks came back tonight? Your call was off.

Is complete chaos.

Your ears need to be cleaned out, bitch.

You better watch who you're calling bitch.

Get in my face.

I am in your face.

I'm about to hit you.

It is ugly.

They're standing this close together, and I'm just thinking, like, who's gonna hit who first? Hit me, hit me.

I ain't a child like you.

Hit me.

Get the out of my face, you stupid bitch.

What are you gonna do? hit me? Get the away from me.

Don't even get me ghetto, Kimmie.



Tonight, I am just so over the shouting, and the name
-calling, and all that .

Any conflict that's ever happened on our team somehow, Robyn has her hand in it.

So, yeah, I'm ready to have that cancer cut out of our team.

The votes are in.

Deal with it.

Steak night Disaster night.

I mean, really embarrassing.

Clemenza, first nominee and why.

Got to go with Patrick.

I mean, at this point in the game, it's inexcusable.

Second nominee and why.

Second nominee was Royce.

He got thrown out as well.

I mean it's just that mistake shouldn't be made.

Red team Kimmie, first nominee and why.

Our first nominee, chef, is Tiffany because of the appetizers.

She got us off to a slow start.

Second nominee and why.

Our second nominee, chef, was Robyn because she pretty much lied to you and told you.

That she cooked the fish three minutes, and she cooked it for seven, so What? I didn't lie to you, chef, when I said I took the fish out at three minutes.

The fish was cooked seven minutes prior.

So miscommunication on what I said, but I did not lie to you.

What? I know I've been true to myself about not lying because that's the way my mother raised me.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Kimmie.


I You know what, Kimmie? If you really want to get dirty right now, we can get dirty.

You think I'm scared of you? You called me a bitch today, and you want me to keep my mouth shut? Guess what? They're no friends in this competition because I want to work for him.


Royce, Patrick Tiffany, Robyn Step forward, please.

Royce, I'm running out of patience.

Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, I've got a lot of fight in me.

I come through these doors every day with a lot of fight.

I've been kicked, beaten, and stabbed.

And I keep coming back for more.

And that's what I'm gonna keep doing.

I feel like I'm getting better and better every day.

And I feel like I'm twice the man every day I come in here.

I'm not feeling it.

Patrick Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I'm a professional chef.

I bring all my passion, and commitment, and my drive.

There's no doubt I have some rust on me on the line.

I'm fighting through that.

I have the heart for this.

I've worked my whole life for this opportunity.

What have you got left I haven't seen? I can I can cook.

I can complete the service.

I can command that kitchen, chef.

I can do it.

Every time my back's turned, I panic because I know you're not coming forward with the goods.

Don't lose faith in me.

I can do it.


Yes, chef.

Do you care? Right now, I'm not done.

It's just the cattiness sometimes in our team just sucks, you know what I mean? Barbie.

Yes, chef.

You've been shaking your head.

What the is going on back there? Talk to me.

I feel like Tiffany doesn't care about standards.

She doesn't care about technique.

She doesn't care about service.

Really? She doesn't care about professionalism.

Or she wouldn't have stood up the pass and turn to curse at me.

Barbie, you gave me attitude.

For twice tonight, you gave me attitude.

You were, like, "uh
-uh, I'm not ready, don't bring those up.

" This is the cattiness I'm talking about.

I don't deal with that.

If you want my opinion, I think that Barbie's the weakest person in this kitchen because she can't run a station by herself.

Oh, hell no.

She's useless.

After a disastrous steak night, the blue team has nominated Patrick and Royce, and the red team has nominated Robyn and Tiffany.

But Tiffany has another suggestion about who should be going home.

I think that Barbie is the weakest person in this kitchen because she can't run a station by herself.

What? I don't want to hear your attitude or your eye
-rolling or your crap, honestly.

She doesn't care, chef.

Do you care? I do care.

How much, on a scale of one to ten? I care on a scale of one to ten, like, a nine.


Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I feel like I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I have more fight in me.

I have not given up.

I'm here, but I want to be here.

I do have standards, but I drop off my standards sometimes because I'm trying save someone's ass besides myself.

Whose ass are you saving? Who is it? Tell me.

I sometimes feel like I protect Kimmie.

Is this true, Kimmie? Yes.


Not at all.

Yes, it is true.

Why are you lying? If you think you're saving my ass, you didn't save my ass in the rib eye competition.

Hey, I told you to send me rib eye.

Don't turn around, Christina because I did.

Really, are you so now you're in charge of me, too? I'm not even talking to you.

Ah, go ahead, girl.

, talk.

This is the cattiness that goes on, chef.

This is why I hate working on the red team.

I prefer to be on the blue team.

They're gonna kick your ass.

No, they won't because they respect me because I come in here with 250%.

Oh, my God.

This is insane.

You ladies were riding high success after success.

And look at the state of you now.


My decision is Tiffany and Royce.

Back in line.

I care.

I care.

Come on, come on.

Just shut up.

That's it, just stop.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Patrick.

Give me your jacket.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.


It's not happening.

And if it is, it's not fast enough.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

Good night.

I know I had higher expectations going into this.

My family's going to be disappointed and a little sad for me, but an opportunity comes along, and you got to grab onto it and try.

It'll be great to go home, though, and see my wife and kids, I'll tell you that.

Let me tell you something.

Based on tonight's performance, I'm not done yet.

Not on the back of a service like that.


Give me your jacket.

Yes, chef.

You are leaving The red team you're joining the blue team.

Let's see how you perform now.

And if you complain about the blue team the way you did about the red team, I'm going to be looking at you and you only.

Yes, chef.

Good night.

Good night, chef.

Yes! Good luck to the blue team.

Have fun with her.

You're not going to like her, but you have fun.

Robyn's coming over with some hate for the red team, and she's got something to prove.

Hopefully, we can turn this into some positive energy and make that work for the blue team.

I came here to be the best.

And working on the red team, they've only brought out my worst.

And now the is going to be dropped because I work better with men.

Patrick talked a good game, but he couldn't back it up with his cooking.

So it's time for him to leave Hell's Kitchen.
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