09x16 - 2 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x16 - 2 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Let's go guys.

Chef Ramsay tested the final four at the pass.

Tommy, talk to me.

Don't interrupt me and I'll tell you.

Can you take that back and give me a beef and not a lamb? Good.

Well spotted.

It looks like it's been chewed by your dog.

And while Tommy worked on convincing himself he did well enough I don't think I did bad.

Do you think I did that bad? Tough crowd.

Elise was sure she did enough to make it to the final two.

Elise, I got respect for you because you're a tough chick, and you want what you want.

He feels that I did a good enough job tonight to make it to the finals, and he's scared.

But chef Ramsay knew who his final two were, and eliminated Tommy.

-up job, kid.

- And
- Elise, you know what, keep your jacket.

You deserve it.

Tonight, the matchup we've all been waiting for.

It's totally 100% game on.

From the beginning, Paul's passion defined him.

Hustle! I'm tired of getting my ass kicked! And despite some early setbacks You, office.

It's embarrassing! Paul only got stronger You win the challenge.

Congratulations, well done.

Thank you, chef.

Dominating the last two individual challenges.

Yes! Bloody spot on.

Well done.

Yes! Awesome.

Will established himself as the one to beat early on.

That is delicious, great job.

I don't worry about somebody eating my food.

I do it, and I do it right.

And he continued to shine You've cooked the burger, perfect.

- All season long.

- Oh, my gosh.


Will, you win the challenge.

Well done, brother.

Scores, please.

- Wow, an almost perfect score.

- Will, great job.

I said it from day one, and I'll say it now The only one that can beat me is me.

Two worthy competitors Come on, guys! Put it all on the line.

- This one's raw.

- Oh, me.

- Who will triumph
- Talk to your brigade.

And become the head chef of BLT Steak in New York I'm not going down without a fight, I can tell you that much.

And the winner of Hell's Kitchen? This is it.

Push! Push! Push! Find outRight now.

Yes! And now, the conclusion of Hell's Kitchen.

Okay, both of you, listen very carefully.

Your biggest service is yet to come.

Yes, chef.

Start thinking about the menus The magic that you want to really show off.

Go upstairs and get to work with those menus.

Yes, chef.

Great job.

Don't worry, Will, you can always be my sous chef.


Here comes big Will.

Ah! You know, like, people say it's not real unless you can touch it, man? Well, I can touch it, dude I can touch it all.


I told you y'all! You all didn't believe me.

- Pauly the big deal!
- Pauly, final two.

To the experience, to the journey, and to what is to come.

After a brief celebration, the finalists work late into the night planning their menus for the final dinner service.

I'm in the final two.

I'm one service away from completing my goal to becoming a chef in New York City, and it just makes me think of my mom.

My mom passed just a few months before I came out here.

I know that she's proud of me.

She's watching how far I've gotten on this thing.

I'm not letting myself down.

I'm not letting my mom down.

I'm not letting anyone down.

I'm gonna win this.

I wanna win so badly, man, it's not even funny, because this is what I was born to do.

I am the epitome of what chef Ramsay is looking for in a chef.

And I will do everything in my damn power to make sure that I can win.

With the work on their menus completed, the finalists spend the morning reviewing their master plan with the sous chefs.

Toasted pecans with a sunny quail egg.

Sounds amazing.


We're gonna cut it the same way that we did before.

The one fillet, we'll cut it in half.

Talking about old school.


And they spend the afternoon refining their dishes for the most important dinner service of their lives.

- How are you, Will?
- Come here, quickly.

Paul, come here, quickly.

OkayI think right now that both of you need to relax and de

So, I'm gonna take you both out for dinner.


There's a limo waiting for you outside.

Hurry up.

Thank you, chef.

Excited about the opportunity to get a break from the intense preparation, Paul and Will quickly change for an evening out with chef Ramsay.

Gentlemen, congratulations.

Your limousines are waiting for you.

- Thank you very much.

- Holy.

I open the limo, and it's my mom and my wife.

I'm shocked, I'm in awe.

I don't really know what to say.

Hey, Paul.


Let's get out of here.

Let's do this.

Let's get out of here.

Thank you, James.

Hey, guys, welcome to Belasco.

Thank you very much, chef.

I got here a little early to check out the table.

You didn't expect this, did you? No, chef.

The chef's out of New York.

They opened up, literally, four weeks ago.

Really? So he's put together the most amazing menu.

Would you like to say hello? Yes, we'd love to.

When chef Ramsay was, like, "let's go to the kitchen," I'm like, "all right, cool.

Let's go look at the kitchen.

Let's go meet another chef.

" I'm really excited about this.

So this chef is dying to meet you, and the kitchen is unique.

- Holy.

- This ain't no kitchen.

Holy , I have arrived.

There's cute girls everywhere in that crowd.

I feel like a culinary rock star.

Do you remember when I told you that you weren't stars? Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Now, you are.

Enjoy the moment.

Come on.

Come on.

And now it's time for your final challenge.

You'll have one hour to prepare five stunning dishes that could be on the menu at BLT Steak.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

And your time starts now.

Off you go.

I wish you luck.

We're gonna cook five plates in one hour.

The only thing in my mind is, "what am I gonna make?"
- Let's go, Will and Paul.

- Yes, chef.

For this final challenge, Will and Paul must create their unique take on five types of dishes that could appear on the BLT menu A seafood appetizer, a salad, a seafood entree, a bone
-in rib eye, and a filet of beef.

Gotta go big or go home.

I feel my dishes will impress the judges.

They are the things that I'm very comfortable doing.

They're a reflection of how I cook very clean, very sleek.


Yes, chef.

Way to go, Paul.

Whoo! Go, Will! Under control, Will? Yes, chef.

I'm not a safe guy.

I try not to play life in a safe way.

These beets, you're gonna peel them.


Quarter them out.

I tried to make every dish untraditional and unconventional.

Does that not look like pepto? No, it looks hot.

That's just my style, you know what I'm saying? We'll start plating up, please, yes?
- Will.


- Paul.


Paul Let me check.

Is it at the pass? Okay.

Chopped cilantro, lemon zest, lemon juice.

Five, four, three, two, one, and stop.

For today's challenge, we have five very, very notable judges.

They're all part of the BLT family.

First up, please welcome the executive chef from BLT in Washington, chef Victor Albisu.


Good to see you.

Right, let's start off with Paul.

Please describe your dish.

My dish is a seafood nage, little neck clams and mussels with a lemon grass spicy broth.

It's finished with a little bit of butter and allumette potatoes on the side.

This is very well done.

Thank you.

The mussels are clean, really nice.

I think this is a very well ex*cuted dish.

Thank you, chef.

Will, please, present your dish to Victor, thank you.

I wanted to keep it on the lighter side.

I did seared scallops on a charred corn salad with a corn puree and micro cilantro.

Oh, wow.

Well, these are really well prepared.

You have a nice sear on it.

The vibrance of the citrus really accents sweetness of the scallops very, very nicely.

Would you prefer Will's dish or Paul's dish, Victor, please? Um, I think I'm gonna have to go with the scallops.

With Will.

Please welcome the executive chef at BLT, Los Angeles, chef Brian Moyers.

Nice to see you, chef.

Will has the early lead, and it's now time for the salad round.

Chef Moyers will be deciding between Will's beet salad with champagne vinaigrette Beets are cooked well.

Could use a little bit more acid, but very nice.

Or Paul's mixed Greens over roasted potatoes? Balanced very well.

I love the cheese.

I love the vinegar.

It's good salad.

Good salad.

Thank you.

Brian, which one would you choose Will or Paul's? The choice is yours.

I'm gonna have to go with you, Paul.

Thank you.

- All tied up.

- One to Paul and one to Will.


Judging the fish entrees will be Johan Svensson Good to see you.

Chef de cuisine from BLT, Honolulu.

He will choose between Will's Dover sole I would have cooked the fish a little bit less, but in all, it's It's pretty good.

And Paul's branzini.

It's crunchy.

I like things crunchy, but maybe a little bit softer, so you sort to get the flavors coming out.

Tough decision.

Do you prefer Paul's or Will's? I think I'm going with chef Paul.

Thank you.

That's two for Paul and one for Will.

It's time to move on to the all
-important meat round.

Please welcome the executive chef of BLT New York, Cliff crooks.

Thank you very much.

With Paul only one point away from winning the challenge, he hopes to score with his pan
-roasted rib eye with buttermilk puree.

Cliff, what do you think? Extremely eye

Seasoning could use a touch more salt and pepper.

Other than that, very good.

And Will, please.

With the challenge on the line, Will needs his grilled rib eye with gruyere cheese to impress, in order to stay alive.

The seasoning is dead on.

It's not over

It's spot



Wow, well, Cliff, you've got a very tough choice.


Will's, in front of you, or Paul's? I'm gonna go with Will's.

Will Wow.

We are all tied up two to two.

Well done.

Please welcome, ladies and gentlemen, the president of BLT, Keith Treyball.

Nice to see you, chef.

Thank you so much for coming.

Oh, my pleasure.

It is 100% the most important thing to impress Keith.

This is the boss of the bosses that will be the bosses of me.

Paul, please.

This is my play on a steak frites.

I did a pan
-roasted filet mignon with a braised endive and a truffle potato fries.

Mm, this is superb.

Not overdone with the truffle, great balance.

Really well done.

Thank you.

The flavors were there, the plating on it was beautiful.

I mean, he's got to love it, right? Please, Will, explain your dish to Keith, thank you.

I did a grilled filet mignon that I served with buttered brussels sprouts, a black truffle and potato puree, and a red grape jus.

It took a set of to put grapes on that plate.

I'm just hoping that he gets it.

Perfect brussels sprouts.

Thank you, chef.

I have to say, both of these dishes are excellent.

Is it Will, or is it Paul, please? It's the final challenge.

And in front of a packed theater, Will and Paul are all tied up, and it all comes down to the filet.

And that will be judged by the president of BLT Steak.

I have to say, both of these dishes are excellent.

Is it Will or is it Paul, please? I gotta go with Will.


Come on.

Yeah! Representing not only myself, but my entire family, baby, was probably one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced in my entire life.

Really, I gotta tell you, bold move with those grapes.

Bold move.

Okay, Will and Paul, great job.

Will, congratulations.

Thank you, chef.

I'd like you both now to head back to Hell's Kitchen, please.

I'm not worried.

I'm not shaking.

I didn't go out like a punk.

And I'm gonna win the service tomorrow.

I'm gonna be the next chef at BLT Steak.

When the finalists arrive back at Hell's Kitchen Hi, guys.

That's a very large present.

They are greeted by another surprise from chef Ramsay.

Open it.

I wanna see what it is.

One, two, three.

Oh, that's Tommy's ass! All the past contestants and Tommy's ass.

I was definitely happy to see both of them.


They were my prediction come true, by the way.

Will and Paul, I see you received my final gift.

Yes, chef.

- Welcome back, guys.

- Thank you, chef.

I am like a big present.

This pick is critical.

You know their strengths, their weaknesses.

Think strategy.

Who's going to work well together, who's going to have your back on the most important dinner service of your entire lives? Will, on the back of that win, you get the first pick.

On my last page, there's a list of the eight competitors we have here with a ranking order.

I knew exactly who I wanted from the beginning.

First pick, I'm going to pick Tommy.


Number one draft, baby! I'm not going to say I'm surprised.

I knew I'd be number one pick.

Let's get this man some money.

Paul, your first pick? Come on, Elise.


Thank you.


Paul feels confident in my ability.

He should.

I wouldn't have made that choice first, but whatever.

Will, second pick.


Natalie, wow.

Paul, second choice? Elizabeth.


I did leave pretty angry.

You better hope I go home.

But I never thought in a million years Paul wouldn't pick me.

Hey, girl! Are you going all
-girl, Paul or Just picking my strengths.

Will, who's it going to be? Jenny socks.

- Wow, Jennifer.

- Great choice.


If Paul was smart, he would have picked me.

But I am very excited that I am not on Elise's team.

Paul, the third choice? Come on, Jonathan.



Will, you're choosing between Carrie and Krupa.

Yes, yes.

I know that Krupa might not be the best, but I saw Elise on Paul's team, and I saw Carrie's still waiting to be picked, so I was, like, I'm going to put the two of them together and hope for some fireworks.

Krupa! You son of a bitch.

You better get out of my face.

Hold up, I'm talking.

I'm tired of hearing you talk.

Oh, let's toast to not liking each other.

Come on, Carrie.

Oh, thanks Paul, I appreciate it.

I didn't like Carrie yesterday, I didn't her the week before that, and I sure don't like her today.

- Elise and Carrie.

- Me.

Pauly is.

Okay, get back up to the dorm and start briefing your teams.

Good luck.

Off you go, guys.

I'm not totally thrilled about Elise and Carrie being on the same team but I'm going to make the best out of what I got.

Before this goes any further, all right, if you two fight, I'm going to put my foot so far up to your , I'll wiggle my toes, your ears are gonna move and that's both of you.

I'm not going to fight with her.

I'm just saying I love you both.

I am looking to draw some blood when it comes to this next dinner service for Paul, and that includes beating Carrie's ass after we get out of service, if I have to.

I got your back.

I picked the strongest team.

I know who I want.

I got oil and vinegar.

I got matches and dynamite.

I'll be honest with you, I really don't know how tomorrow's going to go.

It's going to go fine.

Anything that's not self explanatory, I'm just going to text no you know what I'm saying?? So let's start on apps first.

Spicy grild quail.

I'm m going show you exactly how it's gonna broken down.

I need a strong start, and I feel that you can give me a strong start.

I can give you a strong start, but I'm better off working meat.

I know that.

But if you wanted to work apps, I'll work apps.

I want you to work apps, because that way, when you're done with apps I can help whoever.

You're going to have, like, a wing and a wing.

Oh, God.

Will drew a puncture of quail, and it looks like a vag*na.


Are those boobs? Then Will draws a picture of the thigh and leg, and it looks like a penis.

That is a leg and a thigh.

Leg and thig.

So I'm guessing Will is very horny right now, and he needs to get out of Hell's Kitchen.

Those look like a penis and a big set of.

I apologize immensely for the way I draw.

After a late night preparing their teams for a battle Hi, chef.


Will and Paul hit the kitchen early to prepare for the biggest dinner service of their lives.

All right, everybody knows what they got to do right? Yup.

You want the pecans toasted whole, right? Oh, no, I don't.

If I had any concern right now, my only concern would be Krupa.

Oh, boiling over.


Krupa is the only person in this kitchen I've never worked with.

Way too dark.

Too dark? Way too dark.

But it's my job to lead, so I will lead.

Take a handful of those leeks, blanch 'em in the hot water, shake them off.

This is the most important day in my life.

Guys please hustle for me, please.

I cannot fail tonight.

I cannot go subpar.

I'm gonna lead my team to victory the way that I know how.

It's only an hour before dinner service, and while chef Ramsay may be confident in his two finalists Right.

Will, let's go.

He still needs to make sure that all of the dishes are up to his high standards.

-filled gnudi with a little shaved black truffle, parmesan broth and pea Greens.

It's delicious.

Really good indeed.


-seared scallops.



Really good.

I'm so confident in my menu.

Nobody in this world can tell me that that menu is not good.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good start.

Thank you.

Definitely, Paul needs to be worried.

Talk me through the menu.

This is my garlic olive oil poached shrimp.

It looks great.

Roasted garlic, some jalapeno, lemons.


Thank you, chef.

Nice, nice, nice.

It tastes amazing.

Thank you, chef.



This my heirloom tomato carpaccio.

Well it looks a mess.


I'm sorry.

I've seen plates that have come back with more tomatoes on in Hell's Kitchen.

And that's going out.

Yes, chef.

Yeah? And this is Grilled swordfish, chef, with broccoli rabe, yellow romanesca, and a crab
-stuffed tomato.

That needs work, urgently.

Just, dense boring crab meat.

I told my team exactly what to do, but I didn't taste them, and it really right now.

You've got some serious work to do there.

I gotta get out of here.

- Uh!
- Oh, Where you going? It's less than an hour until the final dinner service in Hell's Kitchen, and the test run of Paul's menu has chef Ramsay demanding of few upgrades.

You've got some serious work to do there.

I got to get out of here.

Paul! I want this not just for myself, but I want this for my mom.

I promised my mom that I was going to win before she died.

Just give me a second.

I just want to her proud.

Even though she's not here, she's here in spirit.

She's with me always, and she's going to be in the dining room tonight.

Guys, up to the pass now, please.

Whatever you guys had inside of you that got you guys here, I want it tonight.

Good luck.

Let's have a good service, y'all.

Good service, good service.

I'm not doing this for my pride.

I'm not doing this for fame.

I am doing this because I made a promise to my mom before she died that I was going to win this.

And I need you guys to help me win this.

All right.

You got it, Paul.

Let's go! Everybody ready to rock? Yeah! Let's go, boys and girls.

I know.

It's like, let's do it.

Tonight is the night, man.

This, 100%, comes down to me.

Tonight, I'm going to prove to chef exactly why I am here, and exactly why I will be hanging on that wall.



Let's go.

I'm not going out without a fight, I can tell you that much.


Yes, chef.

Let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen please.

Yes, chef.

The doors have opened for the final dinner service.

To Hell's Kitchen.

And with $1/4 million on the line and vip guests filling the dining room Quite a lovely year.

Both Will and Paul are clearly ready to prove to chef Ramsay why they're worthy of being the next head chef at BLT state in New York.

Order in.

Let's go.

Guy's this is it.

First table Three risottos, one gnudi, one quail, one scallops.

Seven minutes.

Seven minutes to the window.

Thank you.

Natalie is strong on apps, Natalie is a fighter, Natalie is a team player, and she's my rock.

You want me to fire up some scallops here for you.

No, I've got a pan right here.

This is Will's big night, and, you know, I wasn't gonna let him down.

Can I do anything for you, Natalie? No! I'm gonna stop asking.

While Will leans on Natalie, over in the blue kitchen Order !! Paul hopes Elise can get appetizers off to a strong start.

Appetizers two shrimp, two risottos.

Entrees two branzinis, two shrimp.

Yes, chef! Come on, you guys, I didn't hear a "yes, chef!" Yes, chef! Guys, talk to me.

How long? Two shrimp, two risottos, give me six minutes.

Six minutes heard.

I thought that it was going to be hard for me to come back and help somebody else win but I'm not bitter.

Like, I want to see the dude win.

Walking with shrimp.

Elise! What? There's not supposed to be any stock in there.

Just start it again.

I have to keep my cool.

I understand working with Elise, I cant I don't want to frazzle her.

How could you cook the shrimp wrong? I put splash of stock in it.

It was my bad.

Come on, then.

Yes, chef.

First table, and you're cooking it wrong for him.

Hurry up! Back to the stove.

Come on.

We're live, we're live.

- In forty five seconds
- What the.

- Let !!
- Out of the way.

Oh, my God.

Really? Is it gonna start out like this? You're a talented cook.

Yes, chef.

Use your brain.

Yes, chef.

While Elise starts over on the first appetizers, over in Will's kitchen Gnudi coming to the window.

Natalie's first appetizers are already out in the dining room Oh, my God, it's so good.

And are being thoroughly enjoyed by customers.

We got the right team.

First entree, stand by One Dover, one bass, two New York strips.

That means get one bass from the oven.

And Will is focused on pushing food out.

Why are they cooking up the fish? I just told her to put it in the oven to start getting it ready.

I understand where you're going, but they haven't even cleared the plates.

It's not a race, sir.


They get food rammed down their throatI'm nervous.

While chef Ramsay tries to keep Will from jumping the g*n on entrees, over on the blue kitchen Thank you.

Paul is still struggling to catch up on appetizers.


Liz, give me a new scallop.

These are overcooked.

Make it quick.

It's going with the risotto, please.


Hurry up.

Hurry up.

Come on, Liz, I don't want my risotto dying.

What the hell is going on over here? I don't know if it was a blonde moment or a dumb moment, it was just an Elizabeth moment.

Scallops, how long? Yes, I'm walking one right now.

Thank you.

- Liz, Liz, it's undercooked.

- Oh, my.

Throw it in the oven for another minute.

Yes, chef.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service, and while Elizabeth tries to recover on the fish station, over in the red kitchen One bass, one Dover.

How long? Two minutes.

Will is hoping Krupa can deliver on her fish.

That Dover sole must be overcooked by now.

It's mush.

Do another one.

All right.

Krupa, ehhhhUgh! That's the sign of overcooked fish.

Uh, Jen, I need that pushed back.

How long? Give me, like, six minutes.

- Ah, Krupa.

- She's was up on fish.

She had no idea what she was doing.

Watching her was like going to the dentist.



Slow everything down.

Everything's slowed down.

While Will tries to recover from Krupa's shaky start on the fish station Krupa, you're the one pushing.

Back in the blue kitchen Paul, there's nothing going out.

Paul's brigade seems to have lost their momentum.

Apps are out! Let's go.

Let's push it.

Jonathan, give me the steaks.

Jonathan, do you need help? No, I'm coming.

Are they ready or not? Yes.

Walk 'em with the sauce.

- This one's still raw.

- Oh, me.

- Jonathan, come on man.

- Get that together.

You say that you cook meat, let's see it.

Don't talk to me like that, man.

Turn around and talk to your brigade.

Come on man, seriously.

You're in control.

Talk to your brigade here.

Give me the steaks.

Those are raw.

If one's raw, they're all raw.

Come on, you guys are k*lling me.

Push! It's an hour into dinner service, and Jonathan's undercooked meat Come on, guys.

This one's still raw.

Has created a major road block in the blue kitchen, which does not sit well with Paul Give me the steaks.

- Or Elise.

- Those are raw.

If one's raw, they're all raw.

Come on.

You guys are k*lling me.

Push! Put them all in the oven.

Get them all in.

What? Don't throw things.

- Fight back.

- Don't get mad.

Jonathan was acting like a little bitch.

Put them all back in the oven, get them cooking.

I tried to help him, and he wanted to act like a little cry baby, like, "oh, no, I got this.

I got this.

" Paul, there's nothing going out.

How long you need on the steaks, Jonathan? Two minutes? Gimme an honest number.

- Three minutes.

Three minutes.

- Thank you.


There's a lot of thick ones, man.

As Paul tries to keep Jonathan focused on the meat station, over in the red kitchen, Will tries to get Krupa to focus on her fish.

Krupa, long on the Dover, a bass, a filet, and a New York? A Dover, a bass guys! Pay attention! Dover, bass, filet, and New York I've got five minutes.

Picking Krupa probably wasn't the most intelligent decision.

Oh my God.

Behind you.

Bass, you should have the sauce, so Another minute, give it another minute in the oven, please.

I'm not happy with that.

We got of to a great start now we've got deflated.

Come on! Do not give up.

I want everyone to push, until the last ticket is out.

- Heard?
- Heard.

While Will motivates his brigade, over on the blue kitchen, Paul is hoping that Jonathan's steaks Two strips.

Are finally the correct temperature.

Elise, get on meat.

Jonathan this is Again, it's raw, dude.

I gotta pull you.

Go help her with garnish.

I kicked Jonathan off the station because it got to the point where I had to.

Go help garnish, and I'll take over meat.

I need one strip right now, six all deck.

Got you.

Jonathan sucks.

He can't cook, man.

- Three strips right now.

- I've only got two.

Go over there.

He said off the meat station.

Man, don't flip.

Please don't talk to me like that.

He said go over there! What really pisses me off is the coming from Elise.

Get the b*tches out of the kitchen and let me get back on my game.

Just don't fight now, just I'm not fighting.

I'd rather work it by myself.

While Elise begins her rescue of the meat station Thank you.

You're welcome.

Back on the red side, Krupa is looking to bounce back on the fish station.




Thank you.

Bass, Dover, whatever.

With the first two fish, I up on them Number 31.

But I'm not too worried about it.

That I can definitely, you know, come back from this.

It's undercooked? Let me let me take that back to the chef.


Thank you.

Oh, no, what's wrong? It's it's raw.


Will Come on, Me.


No problem.


Yes, chef.

Reflash this, all right? Get that in the oven right now, reflash it and hurry the up, please.

Are you kidding me? With Will now struggling to get entrees out, over in the blue kitchen Let's go! Two strips, two branzini.

Elise is now in complete control of the meat station, and Paul looks to Carrie for Garnish in 30? Hold on guys.

Do you need help? Elise, get on garnish.

Honestly, my mvp tonight is Elise.

All right, what are we doing now? Two strip, two branzini? She had my back tonight 100%.

I don't care what other people say.

Salt and pepper? Yeah, babe.

I haven't got it quite Come on, girl.

Give me the garnish guys.

Come on.

Not yet.

She needs 30 seconds.

Hey, honey.

I got it.

You're really in my way right now, okay? I got this.


I got it.

No, you don't got it, Carrie.

You need help, and Elise to the rescue, as always.

Captain save

He told me to come over here.

I'm just doing what he told me what to do.

I need the peas and the tendrils.

They're coming right now.

I got it.

God, I got this.


It's still cold.


No, they're not.

They're hot.

All right, fine.

Peas and pea tendrils.

Thank you.

Thank you.


As Paul's strategic decision to move Elise from station to station pays off Oh.

Is it good? Very good.

Over in the red kitchen, in order to turn his kitchen around, Will must make an executive decision of his own.



Get on fish.

Krupa, get on deserts.


All right? I finally had to replace her at the station because there was nothing going.

We need to start rolling here.

We're starting to slow down.

This is not good.

We gotta pick it up.

Everybody keep pushing, keep fighting.

Natalie, can you take that bass up for me? This one? Yeah.

What is it supposed to be? Cooked.

Uh, that is raw.

Natalie, I need a bass , and I need it right now.

It needs, seriously, eight minutes.

Eight minutes? It's two hours into the final dinner service in Hell's Kitchen.

We're starting to slow down.

This is not good.

We gotta pick up.

Krupa's poor performance on the fish station What is it supposed to be? Cooked.

Uh, that is raw.

Has forced Will to replace her with Natalie.

Natalie, I need a bass, and I need it right now.

It needs, seriously, eight minutes.

Eight minutes? I didn't have anything.

Nothing was done.

I have to do these from start to finish.

Krupa definitely left me in, like, this hole.

Like, no fish seasoned, nothing.

You really eight out? Yes, really.

How long, Natalie? Seven minutes.

There were one too many bumps for my liking.

One too many bumps.

I'm being honest with you, that's what I need.

I'll have the next ticket with the bass.

- Seven minutes.

- There was nothing done, Will.

It's now or never for Will right now let's do this.

As Will tries to get his team back on track, over in the blue kitchen Just push hard.

One strip, one branzini, how long? I got one and a half.


Paul is driving his team to deliver the final entrees.

This is it.

This is the biggest push.

- Be as a team.

We are blue!
- We got this.

Let's go! Push! Push! Yes, chef.

Let's go! We can do this, baby.

30 seconds! Push as hard as you guys can do.

I picked you all for a reason.

Prove it to yourself that you can give on a high note.

Push to prove to chef Ramsay why he shouldn't have kicked you outta here.


Passionate Paul has his team motivated and moving.

The branzini? Thank you.

- While back in the red kitchen
- Behind fish.

Will's key move of placing Natalie on the fish station is paying off as hungry diners receive their entrees.

How's the steak? Really good.

And it appears that both kitchens are totally hitting their stride.

Tommy, I need three New York's.

I need them right now.

Coming right now.

Come on guys, let's move.

- Thank you.

- Come on, we're almost there.

How long on that fish? It's walking right now.


Is it good? Yes.

I need one more New York, please that's it.

Come on guys.

This is my last table.

Come on! Dinner service tonight was the hardest dinner service that I have ever done in my entire career.

One strip.

But I am the only person in Hell's Kitchen that got Elise and Carrie to work together.

That's it.

Pauly, you owned it, baby.


Thank you.

Good job.

Well done.

Good job.

Good job, good job.

I know I gave it my all.

We fought the entire way through, and no matter what happens, I'm proud of myself.

First of all, a personal note, I'd like to say a big, big thank you to all the chefs who returned.

Really good job.


Paul and Will, I want you to say good
-bye to your brigades now, please.

Thank you.


No matter what happens, I thank every single one of you for everything you guys did for me tonight.

Jenny socks, thank you so much.

You did great.

Did I? Thank you.

Good luck, Pauly.

Thank you.


Both of you, good job.

Seriously, the way you handled your brigades tonight was exemplary.

And now I wanna refer to these comment cards.

I'm going to take every little detail of service in account.

I'll call you when I have my decision.

I'm filled with so many emotions right now, I'm going back from day one, and I'm playing back in my mind every great service, every good service and every bad service.

I have a coin
-flip's chance of winningAnd it sucks.

It sucks being in this position of not knowing anything.

Pacing? Yes.

Can I pace with you? Yes.

I don't know what to do!.

It's like musical chairs waiting for the phone ring.

I am going to freak out.

I want this phone call, I want to go, I want to get this done with.

The anxiety is k*lling me.

Oh, my God.

My heart is brrrrrr You look exactly how I feel right now.

As he considers all that happened this year, and what happened tonight, chef Ramsay is taking his time with this very important decision.

First name? Will, from North Jersey.

And that is delicious.

Thank you, chef.

Stop arguing.

Just put the food on! Really? I don't like to lose.

Do not give up! I want everyone to push until the last ticket is out.

- Heard?
- Heard.

Come on, man, come on.

You, office! I'm tired of getting my ass kicked! He can't cook! He can't get the risotto out! Paul, what is it, please? It's a pan
-roasted sea bass, chef.

It's got finesse.

The point goes to Blue Team.

Thank you chef.

You guys are dying.

Let's go! Push! Push! Hello? Thank you, chef.

Let's go.

Okay Choosing a winner was incredibly difficult.


Yes, chef.

You have been Hell's Kitchen's most consistent chef across the board, and there is no doubt that you belong in the kitchen.

Thank you, chef.

I appreciate that.


Yes, chef? You've been one of the best chefs since you've arrived in this competition, and your passion, young man, is undeniable.

Thank you, chef.

Well done.

Thank you, chef.

After much thought, I have reached a decision.

So I'd like both of you to step up to your doors, please.

I want this so badly, I can barely compose my words.

I've never wanted anything more.

To win would be absolutely Absolutely life

This is it, man.

All I've been talking about for the last five years is how if I got into Hell's Kitchen, that I was going to win for my mom.

And now I'm one decision away.

The chef whose door opens will become the winner of Hell's Kitchen and become the head chef at BLT Steak in New York City, with a salary of $1/4 million.

Will, place your hand carefully on top of the handle.

Paul, place your hand very carefully on top of that handle.

On the count of three, and not before, I'd like you to turn the handle.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, chef! One Two Three.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, chef! On the count of three, turn the handle.

One Two Three! Holy.

Yes! I did it! Yes! Yes! Oh, my God! Yes! I am BLT, $250,000 of a big deal! I won.

I am so proud of you! Come here you.

Good job.

Come on.

Thank you.

You did good.

You know that was not your best service.

I know.

It sucks.

I'd much rather would've won.

I didn't come out here for second.

I came out here for first.

But if I had to lose to anybody, I'm glad it was Paul.

Hell's Kitchen winner, Paul! Good job! Great job! If I had to win, I'm glad that I beat the best and I also like to thank my team tonight.

We didn't do it for me.

We did it for my mom.

There's so much emotion going through me.

I mean, I'm sad, I'm happy, I'm ecstatic.

My mom's looking down on me right now.

She knows what I've been through.

She knows how hard I've worked.

This is all for her.

I mean this is it.

Look at that.

Oh, I could not be any more proud of him.

There's one lady up there, I'm telling you She's the proudest mom in the world, don't forget that.

She is.

I will never forget that.

Well done.

Thank you, chef.

I can't believe this dude.

I'm so proud of you, Paul.

Thank you, bro.

Paul won tonight because he's probably the most passionate, determined chef to ever enter Hell's Kitchen.

He will make a great head chef because his enthusiasm is contagious.

I'm so proud to hand him over the BLT Steak in New York City.

This is the greatest achievement I've ever reached in my entire life.

I am a big deal! Paul, from where? From Fort Lauderdale.

Have you dropped, 'cause your voice is very, very light? Yeah, they're down there.

Carrie, thank you for one night not having an argument with Elise.

I know, right? I mean what happened? Hell froze over.

Can I buy some for my lady? Focus on you, Tommy.

Don't worry about your lady.


All right.

Let her graduate from high school, then you can worry about Oh, come on.

Really, man? Really? Good job.

Tommy how was it? I ended up going to get something for my lady.

Oh, really? How nice.

Where did you go, toys r us? Hey, I can't He's not gonna stop.

Baby gap? How was it? It's not gonna stop, is it, until I go home? Get out there and continue, right? Take this and run with it.

And really go with it.

I mean, seriously.

Just stop being such a bitch.
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