09x14 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x14 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen All right, folks, final five.

The final five celebrated.

And in their first individual challenge, will's meatloaf Absolutely awesome.

Beat out Elise's eggplant parmesan Very pretty.

By a single point.

great job.

Then chef Ramsay revealed a surprising dinner service test.

There will be another team Whoo! Inside the red kitchen.

Did you guys bring  your sunglasses? 'Cause we're about to shine.

I just brought body bags.

But while planning their team menu It's not all what you want.

Elise tried to take over.

I'm not cooking will's menu.

I'm not shut up! Yo, I'm sick of this! You had to have been the problem.

I'm not the problem 'cause I'm still here.

Then at dinner How long, Tenille? Although the returning chefs were a little rusty.

It's like canned tuna.

Come on.

Yes, chef.

Is that medium well? No, chef.

And I need the garnish first, Jennifer! Jennifer had a few stumbles on garnish.

This is stone cold! But all in all, both teams had strong services.

What a night! The winning team was Current chefs.

The final five passed a major test but I need you to give me the name of two that should be up for elimination.

What? During deliberation, Elise put up a fight.

You want to put me up because you're scared I will beat you.

You better watch it! Yeah, you are.

And Jennifer let out a secret.

I've had a huge crush on you from day one.

I'm so embarrassed right now.

Gym socks loves me! When the dust settled, they chose Jennifer, chef.

And Me, chef.

Excuse me? Myself.

For elimination.

But chef Ramsay decided that No one performed in such a way that they deserve to leave this competition.

Yes! And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

Well done.

Yes, chef.

Good night, chef.

No one went home tonight.

I'm still in Hell's Kitchen.

So I'm very happy right now.

Oh, my God, I cannot believe I just said my good

Jenn wants to kiss me.

Jenn and Pauly sitting in a tree.

I've had a huge crush on you from day one.

Aww, you're so cute.

I think it's cute.

I think it's funny.

I mean, it would never work 'cause she's from Boston.

My soul mate's definitely gonna be a jets fan, sorry.

I am, like, so embarrassed right now.

Jenn, don't be embarrassed.

Look at you blushing.

I didn't want to go home with him not knowing, and now he knows, and I'm still here.

That's all I'm gonna say.



Please, Paul, do not tease me.

At dinner service, formance the confident black team seems ready for whatever chef Ramsay might throw at them.

Okay, good morning.

Morning, chef.

Listen carefully, chefs become heroes when they're able  to take an ingredient and turn it into something with incredible value, right? Yes, chef.

First, you start with a top
-quality ingredient.

If you are lucky enough to have a stunning, wild white Alaskan salmon fall from the sky, can you imagine? Holy.

Scared the outta me.

I thought I was gonna poop myself.

Oh, my God.

Chef Ramsay can make fish fall from the sky.

That's all I'm gonna say.

Now, this salmon costs $450.

From this one salmon, 30 portions.

And I could make  a stunning dish like this.

A dish like that at a minimum of $40 per portion times 30, that is a profit  of $750.

This plus this plus this, equals this.

Hold on! So for today's challenge, add your creativity and turn your salmon into the most profitable dish ever.

Clearly the person  with the highest price will win the challenge.

Off you go.

Get out of my way.

In the profit challenge, the chefs have 30 minutes to turn their portion of rare Alaskan white salmon into an expensive entree.

The chef whose dish garners the highest price wins the challenge.

Who took my grater? Where is it? It's right here in front of my face; Never mind.

I just gotta keep shining in the individual challenge to prove to chef today that I'm worthy of being in this competition.

I've never worked with white salmon before, but I can cook fish.

While Elise and the other chefs begin to work on their dishes, Jennifer One piece of salmon.

God, I think I'm thinking too much.

Appears to be stuck in the planning phase.

Oh, my God, how am I gonna cook this? Am I supposed to leave the skin on it? I've just never worked with it before.

Who stole my salt? I did.

I moved it to the middle.

Jenn's poaching the fish with the skin off.

Yeah, you're on the wrong track.

- last ten minutes.

- Don't plate too early.

Oh, my God.

My strategy was I kept it simple.

Just a little truffle oil in there to accent the fact that this is a very expensive piece of fish.

Behind you, hot, hot, hot.


God, I feel like I need something else.


Coming, coming, coming.




And serve.

Okay, great.

I've invited three very special judges.

They work in some  of the finest restaurants anywhere in the country, and they know what dishes attract top dollar.

Our first judge is the general manager of Nobu L.


Oh, yeah.

Please welcome  Justin Wyborn.

Good to see you.

Welcome back.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Our next judge  is the general manager of Providence, a two Michelin  star restaurant.

Please welcome  Donato Poto.

Thank you so much  for coming.

Thank you so much.

And our third and final judge is the maitre d' of the famed Beverly Hills restaurant Mr.


Please welcome  Chris Denton.

Hi, chef.

How are you? Good to see you.

Thank you so much.

I'm kinda blown away.

Everybody's at the top of their field.

It's awesome to be able to show these judges what I'm about.

So after tasting the dish, I'm gonna need you  to tell me what price  you would expect to find that on a menu.

And we'll come up with an average, split between all three of you.

The person with  the highest average will win the challenge.

Okay, great.

Will, please.

I'm confident in the way my food tastes.

I'm confident in the way my food is cooked.

I don't wanna just win.

I wanna dominate.

What I'm presenting you today is a Pan
-roasted wild Alaskan white king salmon in a tomato and garlic stew.

I think the skin could be a little crispier.

But the temperature's great.

Dish is solid.

That's just a little too salty for me with the potatoes, but everything else seems pretty decent.


You've done a good job with the other things not overwhelming the fish.

Okay, great, Justin, let's start off with you.

How would you price  that dish? It was good, and I'd probably say about $30.


I would give this dish $28.


I would say probably 28 too.

Thank you very much.

So, will, our judges have given  you an average price of $28.


Elise next, please.

Thank you.

I'm next after will, and my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

But my salmon is cooked perfectly.

My macaroni and cheese tastes awesome.

There's no reason why they shouldn't like it.

Visually not very good, I'm afraid.

I've never seen it sliced like that before.

What was the reason  behind that? I sliced it to show the middle 'cause I think it was pretty.

Pretty? It looks like a dog's chewed it.

Why pasta with the fish? That's what I wanted to go with.

They're looking at me like I done lost my mind, putting macaroni and cheese on a plate with salmon.

After tasting the pasta, you really don't notice the fish so much.

Chris, price.

27, I think.

I will give that salmon 22.

Wow, okay.

The average price, $24.


Okay, rock and roll.

Tommy, let's go.

I'm pretty excited about this.

I Hope you are.

So I have a white Alaskan salmon pan
-roasted, and there's a very light pomegranate a l'anis beurre blanc.

I like the seasoning  that you've used.

But the fish is a little bit dry.

You know, that's a little disappointing for me.



I want to like this dish more than I did.

Unfortunately  it looks a little better than it actually was gonna taste.

Justin, price
-wise, what would you give that? Um, I'd probably go, like, $26.


No more than 25.

I would say probably 25.

Our esteemed judges have given you an average price of $25.



That's a big kick in the.

That's rough.

Paul, let's go, please.

Yes, chef.

Oh, and now Paul coming up to bat with his awesome white salmon dish in romanesco.

The more I eat, the happier you're gonna be.

The dish is very nice.

Thank you.

Visually, I think it looks quite nice.

It's quite good.

It's cooked right.

And I liked it.

 nice, good.

It is good, no doubt about it.

He's gonna slaughter us all.

I don't know.

Donato? I would give 29.

Let's just stay with 29 also.

Wow, Chris, please.

Price? The price, I would say 31.



Good job.



Well done.

Thank you, chef.

Good job, Pauly.

Thank you, chef.

Good job.

Thank you.

Homerun! With white salmon has him out in front.

One more chef.

Jennifer, please.

And now his not
-secret admirer Jennifer is the last chef remaining.

Oh, my God, it's coming down to me and my crush Paul.


I did a poached salmon with an oyster broth.

Poaching a white Alaskan king salmon? I know, I wanted to try something different.

I saw everyone else searing.

That was a ballsy move by Jenn, especially when you have one go and an expensive ingredient.

I'm very surprised, it tastes much better than it looked.

I like it.

The presentation  wasn't terrific, but the flavor is good and I respect your gamble.

Quite good.

Donato, how much  would you put that at Providence? Probably 29.


For Jennifer to win the challenge, she needs a price of at least $32 from the last judge.

Justin could change the game.

Yeah, um, the fish was cooked well.

It did have flavor.

There was definitely great flavor in there.

It's a tough call.

Um, I'd probably say In today's profit challenge, Paul is currently leading with a dish the three judges have given an average price of $29.


Justin, please.

For Jennifer to win, she needs a price of $32 or more from the final judge.

Um, the fish was cooked well.

Um, I'd probably say, what, Jennifer, the average price for your dish is $28.


Damn it.

Paul beats will by a dollar.

And you win the challenge.

Congratulations, well done.

Great work.

Judges, as always thank you, chef.

Great comments.

Thank you.

 thank you.

Best wishes.


Okay, Paul, today you're joining me Ooh.

On a phenomenal tour of L.


In our own private  helicopter.

Awesome! I'm stoked to be going on a helicopter, hanging out with chef.

You'll have an amazing lunch at the water grill.

What? One of L.


's finest  seafood restaurants.

I picked the right day to win.

We can't have this experience just you and I on our own.

Who you gonna take? Â is it Jennifer? I would love one
-one time with Paul and a little lunch.

Please pick me.

Um I don't wanna take Elise 'cause I feel like I'd be very tempted to push Elise out of the helicopter.

Tommy, come on.

Yeah? Yeah.

Oh, yeah, boy.

All right, guys, Â hurry up and get ready.

We're taking off quite literally in 15 minutes.


I did not think Paul was gonna choose me for a helicopter ride.

But, hey, a little bromance going on.

I'm not gonna make out with you.

Will, Jennifer, Elise, we've got work to do.

First of all, the bar needs a little bit of sprucing up ahead of tonight's service.

Polishing the stemware, arranging the bottles, filling up  the ice buckets.

And then tonight we'll be serving Paul's dish, so you'll spend all day preparing that, cleaning the salmon, Â deboning it.

Look after these ones.

Expensive, okay? That's disgusting.

Oh, this is weak, man.

There they are.

Nice pink shirt, buddy! Wife, don't get mad at me.

Bring him back in one piece, please.

Paul, you got my lipstick? Yeah, it's in my pocket.

I'm phenomenally attractive.

I mean, seriously, like, would you not want to invite this? Why you blushing? Oh, my God, will you leave me alone? Will and Jennifer are joking and laughing.

And I'm thinking, am I the only one pissed right now that I'm doing the punishment? While Elise, will, and Jennifer are grounded at Hell's Kitchen, Paul and Tommy are about to take to the sky.


 let's go.

Good job.

Paul, good job.

Thank you, chef.

I've never been on a helicopter before.

I mean, chef's used to this , I'm not.

This is gonna be awesome.

Great day for flying.

Paul, congratulations.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

Yes, well done, buddy.


This is gorgeous, I will have to say.


Yeah, this is really wild.


oh, my God.

Oh, I'm so scared of heights.



Tommy was getting a little freaked out.

He had white knuckles on his legs.

Tommy, how could you be scared? You can see the ground.

I sure can.

It just occurred to me that we're landing on a rooftop.

This is definitely quite the adventure.


Thank you.

Good job.

You nailed it.

Yes, I did.

Thank you.

While Paul and Tommy are enjoying the high life The punishment back at Hell's Kitchen is far from glamorous.

Elise? I'm scared to mess it up.

It's pretty big.

I don't need to be smelling like fish.

I don't roll like that.

I'll do it.

I'm actually excited about it.

Now I go here? Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna  take the knife, follow the gills up to the head.

Okay? It totally pisses me off when people stand around and watch.

Wasn't it a team punishment? See, I've done punishments with Elise.

Will hasn't.

So now he knows what I've dealt with for weeks.

It's hot in here today.

After their exhilarating helicopter tour of Los Angeles with chef Ramsay Our man date begins.

-hoo! Paul and Tommy settle in for a private lunch with the executive chef of water grill.

Hello, chef.

Hey, guys.

I'm like, wow, chef Amanda, so hot.

Ooh, fire.


Thank you.

So blt in New York? That's the grand prize, right? Yeah, that's my next job.


Oh, my God.

I got a place for you to sit right here on my lap.

So do you guys have any questions? Is there any, like, advice that I can give you? You wanna come fly  in my helicopter? She's an attractive young chef, and Pauly was trying to flirt a little bit and, you know, run his game in his pink shirt.

What happens after this? We have service tonight.

What happens at dinner service? Usually I'm berated, belittled, and end up feeling like, like an inexperienced hack by the end of the evening.

So what are you doing later? Fortunately for Paul, back at Hell's Kitchen I'm gonna smell great later.

Someone still loves him.

Yep, your man's gonna love it.

Maybe the smell of salmon will attract him.

oh, my God.

Jennifer saying she has a crush, that's not what we're here for.

It's like, you have no clue what's going on.

This is a game.

You gotta play it.

You naughty, naughty girl.

How was your day? It was awesome.

It was a good time.

We met the chef there.

Her name's Amanda.

Oh, my God, Â smoking hot.

Sitting down  to a nice lunch.

It was amazing.

I'm the jealous wife.

I was very upset, but, you know, Paul's not my husband yet.

So, you know, he can look, just can't touch.

Elise, you all right? You look like you got a bone to pick.

Hey! Let's go, guys.

Yeah, quickly.

Yes, chef.


Yes, chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

As Hell's Kitchen opens to another packed house How are you this evening? Good.

Yourself? Okay.

This is the best night.

For the first time one kitchen will be responsible for the entire dining room.

And there will be no place to hide as the five chefs will have chef Ramsay's undivided attention.

Let's go, guys, yes? One order Risotto, one lobster capellini.

Yes, chef.

Fire the apps, come on.

Yes, chef.

I'm on apps.

I have to be vocal because if I don't step up and lead, I'm going home.

Tommy's supporting it.

Yes, chef.

Jennifer, get him in action.

 let's go.

What do you need? You can make one capellini for me, that'd be great.

All right.

How long? Jennifer? How long? Jennifer? Yes, chef? Talk to me! I'm gonna get it out of you if it kills me, I'm telling you.

Either you or Tommy's got to call out times here.

Jenn and Tommy are on apps.

You need to step up, you know what I'm saying? Final five, man, you know, you need to man up, and you need to make sure that your station is right because of you.

I'm totally.

How can I help then? I don't know what you're doing right here, all right? And I'm doing my best to help you.

I'm not gonna argue with you right now.

Let's just do this.

All right, it's cool.

How long for the capellini? You've gotta talk! Just stop panicking! I'm walking right now, chef.

Right now? Jenn, Jenn.

Hold it.

Jenn, wait, wait.

If you're not communicating with your whole team, then capellini is not gonna get up when you think it's gonna magically appear.

Capellini, how long? Come on, please, Tommy.

Capellini! Tommy, get it out, please.

Right now.

, come on.

I'm waiting.

All right, chef.


Tommy! Uh

It's just 15 minutes into dinner services for the final five, and Tommy and Jennifer's poor communication I'm walking right now, chef.

Right now? Jenn, Jenn.

Has the kitchen off to a shaky start.

Tommy! Uh

Stop! Taste that.

All of you.

Taste the capellini.

Even visually, Â when you look at it, it's in your teeth! It's in your teeth! Come on, guys.

That's what I was worried about.

Start again, Â all of you.

Jenn wasn't listening, you know, and now I look like a fool.

She's standing  on top of him.

No one's coordinating the standards.

No one cares tonight.

Just listen  to the silence on the appetizers.

That's the fight back.

That's what I've got to work with.

Listen to it.

She has to talk to him.



Get it out right now, Tommy.

Did you taste it? You've got to talk to each other.

Yes, chef.

Shutting down, Â both of you.

Tommy, I'm walking.


Hot Pan, chef.

Taste that.

all of you.

Quickly! Â taste it.

That's exactly how a Risotto should be.

It's delicious.

Thank you, chef.

 look at me.

Open up.

Yes, chef.

With the food now up to his high standards Service, please.

Appetizers have landed on the tables of grateful customers.

Bon appetit.

Bon appetit.

Jennifer, two scallops, one mussels, one lobster capellini.

The apps are backed up.

And do you know what? Look at me.

It's our second table.

Yes, chef.

Jennifer, let me know when you're two minutes  out on that so I can start my scallop, please.

Answer her.

Elise, two minutes.

Seared scallops.

I need to know when to cook my scallops.

She said two minutes.

Drop the scallops.

Two minutes on scallops.


I am freaking out.

God, I can't do this right now.

I'm not getting the apps out the door right now.

It sucks.

And I can't trust Elise.

Elise, I'm walking.

Elise, are you walking with scallops? No, you called I told you two minutes ago.

Don't start! You told me Listen to the state of this.

I'm a minute out, okay? I'm a minute out.

Whose fault this time then? Nobody called it.

I told you twice.

Jennifer, you did not give me a time.

I'm sorry, you're waiting on me for once in the night.

Last time I checked, we were waiting on you since we opened the doors.

Where are you going? I'm waiting on her.

For a change.

Guys, don't start arguing.

Are you  kidding me? You told me two scallops It doesn't matter,  all right! In real life, when a restaurant stops serving everyone gets fired! Oh, my God.

Guys, just get the food out.

You guys can wrestle later on.

So how long then? How long do you need? I'm waiting on you.

Oh, my God.

I'm waiting on scallops.

I told you that two minutes ago.

I'm walking on the scallops right now.

Right behind.


Oh, guys.

Hey, guys.

Hey, guys.

The Risotto's burned on the bottom.


Yeah, Off.

Putting up rice in a burnt Pan, that's, like, day one.

And the thing that really pissed me off was, like, I thought Jenn was gonna be the girl that came over here and, like, pushed me to be better.

It's such a shame! If you both start talking, there's harmony.

There's no harmony.

When are we doing the re
-fire? Elise, a minute and a half.

Minute and a half, heard.

Dropping scallops.


Hot Pan, chef.

Good girl.


Where's the scallop? Behind you, chef.

Nicely cooked, the scallops.

Thank you, chef.

With Jennifer and Elise finally communicating Service, please.

Appetizers are finding their way to grateful customers.


Thank you very much.

It's so good.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service, and after a slow start on appetizers chef Ramsay wants to speed up delivery of the food.

Let's go, one mussels, one lobster capellini.

Entree, two salmon, one new York steak, one Wellington.

Yes, chef.

So he now has his final five working on pushing out appetizers and entrees at the same time.

How long, Paul? Two minutes.

One strip, one welly going with two fish.

You need more time on this or no? Yeah, I need more than two minutes.

After the way the challenge went, I gotta dust myself off and prove to chef I can cook salmon.

Where is the salmon? One minute out, chef.

One strip and a Wellington coming up.

Salmon! Salmon walking, chef.


Hey, you.

Hey, come here, you.

You, come here.

Is that what you presented to me? Is that what the best dish of the day was? It's definitely not my dish, the one that I made today.

It's not that at all.

It's an over
-cooked piece of salmon.

Look at the state of that.

Dry as.

Oh, send the meat please, Scott.

Hoping that the fish re
-fire from Elise is only a short time away, chef Ramsay has decided to break his rule and send out only half of the table's entrees.

Um It's gonna get cold at some point, so We're dragging the salmon.

I've sent half the meat in front of the salmon.

It's coming, chef.

Put it down, .

Yes, chef, yes, chef.

Come here, you.


Touch this skin.

This skin's soggy.

Cook it on the bottom, not the skin.

Elise, you're gonna overcook if you try to sear the skin.

You gotta just leave it on the skin, put it in the oven You cook the fish for 99% on its skin.

The skin was still soft.

That just means you don't know how to cook fish.

I mean, this is, like, straight up chef 101.


Yep? Can you look at my fish so I can get a grip and send the rest of them out right? What do you think, Paul? You gotta leave 'em on the skin.

That's what I up.


You shoulda told me that Just leave it there.

But I don't want it to overcook.

It's not gonna overcook.


You gotta start those over.

There's literally two people sitting at a table watching other people eat while they're like, "wow, I wish I had my salmon.


" You are served.

Yeah, flip it over on the skin.

Don't take it off  the skin.

Why is it not cooking  on the skin? I guess I thought I was gonna burn it.

What? I just said cook it on the skin.

I know you did, chef.

I don't know what else to do other than take a tack hammer and hit Elise in the head.

Skin side down, skin side down, skin side down.

Skin side down.

$30 dish.

You take it to zero.

This is embarrassing.

One New York strip, Â one Wellington left the kitchen 14 minutes ago.

I'm dragging two salmon.

I need to complete a table.

No one's picking it up! It's the skin, I got it.

I will get it.

Congratulations, Â you just said what I've been saying for the last hour.

I will get it.

It's one hour into dinner service, and thanks to inconsistent performances from Jennifer, Tommy, and Elise The kitchen has only managed to get out half of their appetizers and half of one table's entrees.

No one's picking it up! It's the skin, I got it.

I will get it.

Congratulations, Â you just said what I've been saying for the last hour.

I will get it.

On the next two salmon, how long? The next two salmon, five minutes.

Five minutes.

All right.

And I'll leave them skin side down.

That's the part  I'm missing, I guess.

With Elise backed up on salmon and diners getting anxious Here they are, down to the final five.

You'd think we'd be getting food by now, right? Do you know when our food will be coming? We've been waiting for a while.

I know.

 I do apologize.

Chef Ramsay has another incoming order.

Hey, Elise.

All meat.

Sit back in your chair, put your lip gloss on.

Three Wellingtons, two New York strips.

Yes, chef.

And now all eyes are on Paul and the meat station.

Can you do three Wells and three strips? Yes, let's go! Yes, beautiful.

Three minutes! Everyone's going down in flames, but my pride is at stake.

I'm gonna show chef Ramsay what he's looking for is me.

How long, please? Garnish walking to the window, chef.

Let's go.


 come on, Paul! Yes, chef.

Don't you start.

Watch your back.

Coming down.

Coming down hot.

That's cooked perfectly.

Here we go, yes? Six top, chef.

While Paul and will have delivered an entire six top of meat entrees Let's see if it was worth the wait.


Chef Ramsay turns his attention back to Jennifer, Tommy, and the appetizers.

Let's go, capellini  Risotto! Are we all set, Tommy? Can you walk? Not yet, not yet.

You gotta give me one second.

One minute.


One minute.

All right.

Come on.

Like, the actual pasta, make sure it's not al dente.

The sauce is fine.

 I seasoned it.

No, it's good.

All right.

Coming with garnish.

Right behind.

Kidding me.


Undercooked capellini again.

Come on, Tommy! Get in the game.

Tommy told you, Jenn, that, like, the capellini's not cooked, and you still served it.

You still served it.

You panicked.

Do you guys wanna switch? I'll switch, I'll switch with you if you want.

- No, I'm good at this.

- I can do this.

Trying to save her station, and she won't allow me to help her.

Do you need a hand over here? So I'm going over to talk to Elise and see if she needs help.

Use this non

I've got a non
-stick heating up.

I have to re
-cook, okay? Let me tell you one tip.

It'll help you out.

Tommy comes running over, he's like, "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

" Let it get crispy.

I am, I am, I got it.

Tommy to the rescue.

I was like, "oh, hell no.

" This ain't help.

You're searing it on medium.

You're on medium heat right now.

Turn it up.

You're searing seafood.

What? Now Tommy's on the fish.

No, Tommy's seasoning my scallops.

How long for the two salmon? Four minutes.

Still four minutes? Because I had to start it over.

It wasn't right.

I wasn't gonna bring it up again not right.

The two you had to start again, what happened? They stuck to the Pan.

It's the Pan's fault.

Why don't you throw a tantrum now? I'm not, chef.

I've sent half  the table.

I'm gonna get it together, chef.

If this is not perfect, I'm sending the whole lot back again, I swear to God.

Yes, chef.

Get off my sauce.

Get off of it.

Okay? All right.

All right.

It's not heating hot enough.

You gotta put it on high.

Tommy, I can't do that.

Go, you gotta get out of my space, please.

Babe, I'm trying to help you.

Elise cannot work on a team.

She's drowning, and she smacks the hand that's trying to help her.

Salmon! Walking.

All of you, stop.

Just stop, all of you! Come here, you.

Put your finger in there.

Not pink, raw.

I'm done.

Leave me alone.

All of you, Off out of here.

All of you, get out.


Just off.

Enough's enough.

We're the final five, black coats, and I'm getting kicked out of a service.


Not cool.

Am I finishing? Put them back in the Pan please, Scott, yeah.

Get Andy to get Paul and will back, okay? Yes.

I mean, how can three individuals be? Will, Paul, Â come with me.

The greatest pick
-up that you could ever have in your life, to have chef Gordon Ramsay Let's go, Paul.

Let's go, will, please.

Yes, chef.

Say, "you know what, it wasn't you.

Go finish what you started.

" Two salmon, we're dragging, yes? Yes, chef.

Why the do I not get to go with them? Why am I out  of the kitchen right now? That's.

It's my fault with my station.

I don't know why, but I get in the kitchen and I just I lose it.

I just can't communicate, and I hate it.

While Jennifer stews on the patio, Will and Paul are fired up to get back in the kitchen.

two salmon, please.

Behind you.

Go, yes.


Nicely cooked.

Redemption! Spelled P

Service, please.

Enjoy, guys.

Sorry for the delay.

Thank you.

Two salmon, one cod, one New York strip.

I need to get fish going, man.

I got a cod already dropped.

Chef, right behind you.

As Paul and Will make tremendous headway on the backed
-up orders Last ticket, guys.

One salmon, one New York strip, two Wellington.

Yes, chef.

Diners are finally receiving their long
-awaited entrees, and the last table can enjoy their dinner.

Oh, yay, we all got our food.

Great job, well done.

Thank you very much.

The last service in this kitchen, we had the best service ever with the exact same five that's standing in front of me now.

Tonight, it was not the same five people, let me tell you that.

Go back to the dorm and think of two individuals up for elimination.

Leave me alone, please.

Chef, I gotta ask you something.

Why did you send me out of the kitchen? I wanted to be back in here with my team.

I should not have had to leave tonight.

And I could have held it down with any.

I'm so mad.

Off, Tommy, or I'll stick your head in that oven and I'll talk to you through the gas burner.

Do it.

After a dinner service so disastrous that three of the final five chefs were kicked out of the kitchen Leave me alone, please.

A brave Tommy has a question for chef Ramsay.

Why did you send me out of the kitchen? I wanted to be back in here with my team.

I should not have had to leave tonight.

And I could have held it down with any.

I'm so mad.

Off, Tommy, or I'll stick your head in that oven and I'll talk to you through the gas burner.

Do it.

Please don't rub any more salt in the wound.


Tonight's service, on apps Was horrific.

Was horrific.

Jenn, you put up Risotto in a burnt Pan.

So Jenn's going up.

Elise, you went down in a ball.

I know I should go up too.

I know I can cook better than Jennifer.

I need one more shot to prove myself.

I need to use what I got to get what I want.

Will, can I talk to you for a minute? Oh, here we go.

Elise, she's a tricky one.

She's gonna do anything to stay in this game.

Yo, she can make an attempt to running a game on me, but I'm gonna call it the way I see it.

It's, you know, in one ear and out the other.


Come here, please.

Can I talk to you? See, I went to the king, because they follow him anyway.

So then I pulled Paul, because I know if will's gonna do it, then Paul's gonna do it.


"Please, if they ask you, "who do you think should go home? You tell them Jennifer.

" Oh, will, you're better than me.

Oh, Paul, you're so much better than me.

"I'm a better person  than Jennifer is.

"And I communicate better than Jennifer.

And I'm a better cook than Jennifer is.

" After tall the she's put us through, Will and Paul are smart enough not to fall for Elise's.

What a night.

Paul, first nominee and why.

First nominee, chef, is Jennifer.

Jennifer didn't take control of the appetizer station tonight.

She wasn't leading.

Second nominee and why? Elise, chef.

She wasn't able to cook anything tonight.

Elise, Jennifer, step forward, please.

Jennifer, your worst performance so far in Hell's Kitchen.

Why do you think you should stay? My strengths are that I can cook, that I'm organized.

My problem is talking to my team.

If you can't talk  to each other standing next to each other, how in the hell are you gonna command a team? Elise, you cook the most expensive salmon in the world upside down.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, chef, because I'm just getting started.

I'm a good communicator in the kitchen.

I'm a leader.

The problem is you argue with everyone.

No, I didn't argue with anyone tonight.

You argued with me.

You argued right off at me.

Because you weren't giving me a time at all, and I was getting further behind because you weren't giving me a time on scallops.

I sent up one Risotto wrong.

How many salmons there's a lot of Stop! Right now I have a big issue.

I have a chef that can't shut the up.

And I have a chef that can't talk.

Paul, who is the weakest chef? Honestly? Um Son of a The black team has put Jennifer and Elise up for elimination.

And now chef Ramsay has a question for Paul.

Who is the weakest chef? Paul! Son of a bitch.

Honestly? Will? Solely based on cooking, chef.

Pure cooking.

I think Elise is a stronger cook than Jennifer.

Are you serious? You are kidding me.

I'm not saying you can't cook.

The truth hurts.

Paul, do you have a pair of? Yes, chef.

Than use them.

Who's the worst cook? Jennifer, chef.

Thank you.

I'm being honest.

You know what, you better Hope I go home.


Do you have a? Yeah, it's still here.

Uh Nothing personal, but I'd have  to say it's Elise.

Someone that's honest.

No, it's not hon Someone that's not a
-fraid of you.

They're not afraid of me.

It's not They're not afraid of me.

 it's the truth.


 it's the truth.


It's the truth.

Enough's enough.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Jennifer.

Darling, come here.

The heart is amazing.

The palate is extraordinary.

I just don't think you're ready to run a team.

You're a lady, and you don't like fighting.

No, I fight, I just I wanna fight against these two  right now.

I want to show them where I stand.

I can't believe you two would actually sit here and say that she is better than me.

I am.

I have a better palate and I can cook way better You didn't show it in the challenge.

What? Elise, Elise, Elise That's totally the wrong way to go about this.

You're going about this  all wrong.

Totally the wrong way.

All right.

Thank you.

Please give me your jacket.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

Good night.

Keep your head up, Jennifer.


Pork's actually quite nice.

Thank you.

And push! Oh, my God! You get your ass up there, and you fight.

I am gonna fight.

Fight with him! You know, I'm tired of being second best.

I want to be the best.

That's why I came here.

I think it's the best one we've had so far.

Great job.

Thank you.

I work hard with them, for them.

I make sure you guys are great.

Toast to Jennifer.

You know, to make it this far in Hell's Kitchen, I proved to myself that I can cook.

The lamb's delicious.

Thank you, chef.



You won it for your team.

Go and join them.

That's the only good thing right now.

They get to deal with Elise.

Excuse me.


Shut up for five seconds.

You don't shut up! I have more passion and more heart than any of these.

They're lucky I'm gone, 'cause I would have kicked all their asses because I can cook.

It's so hard for me to forget a night like tonight.

But you can help me by bouncing back.

Yes, chef! Get out of here.

Good night, chef.

I might be getting played like a fiddle.

I don't know.

All I know is, is that if I am getting played it's gonna bite her in the ass.

I just can't even believe it.

Like, I just had a moment of brilliance, that's all.

We all have 'em, but not as good as me.

I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I did what was right.

Total honesty, Elise can cook.

The people that are here deserve to be here.

Whoo! Jennifer finally found her voice in Hell's Kitchen.

Unfortunately, it was when she was being eliminated.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen, it's the two
-hour season finale.

Tommy, will, Paul, and Elise are ready to do whatever it takes to claim victory.

I am ready to beat the out of people.

k*ll 'em all and sort the bodies out later on.

First they have to prove they're worthy.

Tonight it's all about leadership.

I'm bringing everything I have.

But running the pass has its challenges.

I've answered you a thousand times.

No, you haven't! Two minutes! Especially when everyone has their own agenda.

I guess I'm kind of the snake in the grass on this one.

In the most cutthroat dinner service of the season.

I'll give it to you right now.

Don't interrupt me, and I'll tell you.

Is this for real? It looks like it's been chewed by your dog! You won't believe what these chefs will do Don't try to me like this.

I'm not; You're the one that's trying to me with my pants on.

To make it to the finals.

Are you deliberately trying to me here? No, that was an accident.

Elise, I think she's a really, really shady female.

The second she gets a chance, she's gonna stick a knife right in your back.

Find out who are the final two.


And who will win it all.

High five to that.

And become head chef at BLT Steak in New York City on the most unexpected I feel like will knows now that it's a competition.

He's scared.

Passionate Tommy, talk to me! Do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't win.

Hell's Kitchen finale She's the devil! Oh, my God.

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