09x09 - 9 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x09 - 9 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Who is the weakest leader?
- Tommy.

- Carrie.

Chef Ramsay gave Tommy and Carrie a chance to show their leadership skills in the comfort food challenge.

- Tommy.

- Tommy.

What do you want to do?
- I'm waitin' on you, man.

- Tommy, what's going on? You didn't talk to me, man.

Despite continued resistance from Elise Elise, how we thinking on the pasta? I'm thinking that I'd rather have done pizza.

There is no way she can lead a horse to water.

Carrie somehow led the Red Team to victory.


Later, during the punishment, Jonathon pulled up lame.

Pulled muscle or pinched nerve.

Come on, man, you're just being a little bitch.

His teammates were suspicious.

I'll tell you, dude, he's starting to piss me off.

I don't want him on my team anymore.

And then the bad blood You don't have pasta in.

Who's taking control? Spilled into dinner service.

That's how we do it! Jonathon! It's falling apart.

It looks like.

I'm not sending it out like that.

Jonathon struggled all night If you've given up, get out! But in the red kitchen How long on the pizza, Carrie? How long does it take? About two minutes? Despite Carrie's continued confusion You rolled it looking like a pair of knickers.

The Red Team made sweet music Two Wellington.

Walking in, like, 30 seconds.

I'm walking.

It just felt like a symphony.

As Elise had her best dinner service yet.

I am back, baby, baby.

And the Red Team pulled off a landslide victory.

Elise, great job.

The Blue Team had to nominate two people, ultimately deciding on
- Jonathon.

- And
- Natalie.

- In the end, chef Ramsay had had enough of Jonathon.

Game over, big boy.

Ending his dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak in New York City.


And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

Elise, great job.

Thank you, chef.

Good job, Elise.

Good job, Elise.

I kicked ass and I banged it out without even blinking twice.

When I get in the zone like that, there's no stopping me.

came from my station tonight.

Everything was me.

Elise is on a little high horse because chef Ramsay gave her kudos.

I can't even tell you how much came off my station tonight.

At least 20 steaks.

Wow, good for you.

You get a "A" for effort.

I mean, God.

God, doesn't it get old? You're like a broken
-ass record.

Blah blah blah blah You're a crybaby.

Crybaby ass.

Who's cried more here? You? So what? So what? Uh

I cry 'cause I got passion.

So shut up.

I'm a leader.

I don't have any problem earning people's respect around me, because I can back up my talk.

She can't even make a pizza.


Here you go.

- You're a idiot.

- You really are.

You're a idiot.

Ooh, you called me something back.

I mean, the best thing is if we could split them up or one of them could go home.

I'm Carrie, and I'm gonna be a crybaby with my bottle of wine.

Start packing your every dinner service, 'cause I'm gonna make sure your ass is going home.

Elise is on a mission to get Carrie kicked off this team as soon as she can.

What does that entail? Is it going to affect the rest of the team? That's the million
-dollar question right now.

You don't know who you messing with.

Get ready.

You're going home.

After a divisive night in the dorms, the chefs are eager to face the next challenge.

But first, chef Ramsay has a question for the group.

Okay, who's married here? Not to each other.

What? No.

Um, Elise, did you win him over with your cooking? My spaghetti, 'cause that's the first thing I made for him, so.

You got straight to his heart via the stomach, right? Yeah.

Jennifer, the last time you seduced a man, how was it? All right, well, I know what takes the boxers off.

I'm single, chef.

Married to the job.

Okay, what I'm getting at is that romance and food  goes hand
-hand, right? Yes, chef.

For today's challenge, each of you will be responsible for creating a sexy, delicious dessert.


You've got one hour.

Your time starts now.

Off you go.

I call the berries.

This is rough, man.

Just one hour to create a romantic dessert I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

Using a wide variety of ingredients provided by chef Ramsay.

Hate desserts.

I'm not comfortable with desserts.

But I play to win.

I said it from day one and I'll say it now.

The only one that can beat me is me.

All right, Blue Team.

I have no idea what the I'm gonna do.

While will struggles to find inspiration, in the red kitchen, Jamie is not exactly having a sweet time either.

I hate desserts.

Everybody does.

I'm being pushed out of my comfort zone.

And that's not easy for anybody.

For me it's really hard.

I've always said I'm the worst pastry chef on Hell's Kitchen.

You can't be worse than me.

There's no way.

Ladies, just under 30 minutes to go, yes? Yes, chef.

Try that it's warm.

- Smells good.

- Yeah, it does.

Gonna put the chocolate on top.

Yeah, it's good.


I think I know what's sexy when it comes to food.

I'd rather put myself on a plate.

You know, drizzle some chocolate on me.

That would work.

But, um, we couldn't do that.


Oh, that's delicious.

A toffee and macadamia nut sticky bun with white chocolate drizzle and I don't know where Tommy got the idea that a sticky bun is a dessert, because it's a breakfast food.

Oh, I burnt my coconut again.


Tommy is very scatterbrained.

Let's go.

2 1/2 minutes to go.

One stunning portion, guys.

Not 15.

Move, Tommy.

Guys, finish up.

Oh, my gosh, it's perfect.

Listen to me carefully.

You've got four on the Blue Team.

You have five on the Red Team.

Ladies, drop one dessert.

Pick one.

Jennifer, I can still taste the alcohol in your bananas.

I can't, but I just think Carrie's isn't the prettiest.

That's my issue.

Y'all, mine is very good.

It was very tasty.


I'll take mine down.

But I'm telling you It's melting, guys.

Can we make a decision? You have a lot in yours.

- That's a lot.

- Yeah.

No, it's for two to share.

I think that they're gonna have a mess with that.

I really do.

I think we should drop Elise's.

- Pick one!
- Drop Elise.

Elise's dessert looked like baby vomit.

As soon as you shove a spoon in that, it's gonna go pbbt! That's not sexy.

- Time's up.

- All right, we're done.

We better win.

It's hard to be a team when some people are out for themselves.

At least I sit here and admit that I have selfish tendencies, and that I can be a bitch.

Elise, you have the weakest dessert on the Red Team.

Unfold your arms.

Okay, today we've been graced with two very special judges.

Really phenomenal, especially in the dessert department.

Welcome, please, Waylynn Lucas and Jordan Kahn.

Good to see you.

Jordan Kahn, desserts recently compared to Jackson Pollock.

This man knows how to create a stunning dessert.

Waylynn Lucas, one of the most talented pastry chefs anywhere in the world extraordinary.

We have, like, top
-notch judges at the top of their game.

It's extremely intimidating.

We're all feeling nervous.

- Excited?
- Yes, chef.

Blue Team, let's start off with Tommy.

Go, Tommy.

Let's go, blue.

The desserts will be rated on a star system, with each of the guest judges giving each dessert between one and three stars.

The team with the most stars wins.

Oh, .

What the is that? I made a toffee and macadamia nut sticky bun.

Sticky bun? My gal loves chocolate and she loves cinnamon buns.

How old is she? She's rather young, chef.

Uh You really gonna put me on the spot? Uh, she's 19.

All right.

And how old are you?
- 31, chef.

- 31.

I've been with  a couple gals, and this is the last one, chef, I'll tell you that.

Just think, the good news is, in two years' time, she'll be drinking.

Waylynn, sticky bun.

In terms of sexy appeal, yes or no? Not so much.

It's just sort of plopped on the plate, and drizzled all over.

Waylynn, please.

Jump in.

It's definitely not done.

It still has that translucent
-looking color in the dough.

I'm still chewing.

You present a dessert that's undercooked.

- Tommy
- How many stars, please? One.

Jordan, how many stars? I'm sorry, buddy.

I'm gonna have to agree, one star.

One star.

I really just made something that I know my girl would want to eat.

So I was kind of cooking for her.

I love you, baby.

Jamie, please.

With the Blue Team off to a shaky start, it's now Jamie's turn to step up for the Red Team.

It's a croissant
-fig bread pudding with chocolate and a strawberry
-champagne glaze.

- Jordan?
- The chantilly The whipped cream is separating a little bit.

Probably give it about one star.

One star.

I would give that two stars.

I tried to make it as sexy as bread pudding can be.

I guess it was an epic fail.

Paul, please present your dessert, thank you.

Come on, baby.

It is a banana polenta cake with a lemon mascarpone whip.

It really shines, and evenly balanced with everything else.

- I really like it.

- Thank you.

One, two, three? I would give that a three.

Three, wow.

I would say three stars.

- Thank you.

- Great job.

- Thank you.

- Really good job.

Good job, Paul.

Bam! Sexy time.

Elizabeth, let's go.

Blue Team, you lead.

Now, with the read team trailing by five stars, Elizabeth's ricotta
-strawberry Napoleon gets mixed reviews.

I'll give you two on this one.

It's very gritty, grainy.

- Waylynn? One?
- Yeah.



You know, this wouldn't be happening if my dessert went up.

Natalie, let's go.

Come on, blue.

With the Blue Team up by two I feel like it was cooked at a little too high of a temperature.

Natalie's chocolate espresso bread pudding makes a small, disappointing contribution to her team's point total.

- One star.

- I'm gonna go two stars.

Now, it's Carrie's turn to impress the judges, chef Ramsay, and her team.

My nickname back home in Texas is "Blondie," so I decided to go with a blondie with butterscotch chips.

It's not sexysexy, but maybe it'll be sexy in your mouth.

It's pretty sweet.

There's no balance.

I mean, there's literally one component, nothing else there.

I'm gonna have to go one.

I'm gonna have to go with one also.

Thank you, Carrie.

-ass, sweet

I told you.

That's how Carrie always plays.

Plays it safe.

It wasn't good.

You're you should be lucky you got one.

I love my team.

They love me so much.

Let's go.

With a three
-star lead, and only Jennifer left to go for the Red Team, will only needs to score four stars total to guarantee a win for the Blue Team.

That is definitely light.

It's the lightest of all the desserts we've had so far.

I'm very happy with the way things came out here.

Will's a strong player in this game.

And I'm, like, oh, my God.

I'm so nervous right now.

Visually? Waylynn? It's not visually appealing.

It's sort of the same color, the same tone, the same note, and the combination of the cream and the salt and pepper, it almost gives it somewhat of, like, a rancid sort of taste.

One thing you don't want to hear is the word rancid, right? Not so much, no.

I don't think you knew what you were doing.

I'm gonna have to go one.

I'm sorry, yeah.

I'm gonna go with one star.

One star, yeah.

One all around.

Not good.

And far from being sexy.

I guess I don't have a choice but to agree with what the judges said about the dish.

I mean, they're they're experts.

You know, babe Ruth doesn't hit a home run every night, so what can you do? With will scoring just one star from each judge Jennifer, you need six stars to win, let's go.

The door is open for Jennifer to win the challenge for her team.

But she'll still need to get three stars from both judges.

Jennifer, please describe the dish to the judges.

I, um, combined banana fosters with chocolate.


Flambeed with Bourbon.

And you actually put some thought into presentation.

Thank you.

I feel confident in my dish.

I thought mine out.

I think it looks great.

I might actually be able to pull this off.

Waylynn, Jordan.

One star, two star, or three star? I'm gonna go three.

- Wow.

- Thank God.

Uh, Jordan? The Red Team trails 11 to 13 in the dessert challenge.

Jennifer is now faced with the difficult task of earning three stars from the final judge to win it for her team.

Jordan, one, two, or three? I think it's the best one we've had so far.

I'm gonna have to go three stars.

Jennifer, well done.

Congratulations, Red Team.


Great job.

Thank you.

We won 'cause of me.

Thank God I fought for my dish to get up, because we almost didn't get the point.

Just before we say good
-bye to the judges, Elise, I want to taste that dish.

Elise really better put her money where her mouth is right now.

That's all I have to say.

Just explain to the judges what it is, please.

It's a fresh berry zabaione.

Followed by a heart bypass? Is it dessert for ten? I probably could've put it in a smaller glass.

Do you think so? This is gonna be so much fun.

What is in there at the bottom? Berries and the liqueur.

And vinegar.

Vinegar? How much vinegar have you put in there?
- Just a splash.

- No.

There's more than a splash in there.

There's a mound of vinegar in there.

Honestly? Today's your lucky day.

Let me tell you why.

We're not awarding a zero.

Back in line.

What a disaster.

You made the right choice, dropping that, let me tell you.

Chef Ramsay nailed it.

It was disgusting.

We made the right decision.

Okay, let's thank chef Jordan, chef Waylynn for giving up their day to be here and judge those dishes.

Thank you, chefs.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Ladies, for your reward Shh.

Wait for it, please.

You will be heading off to one of the sexiest cities in the world Las Vegas! You have got to be kidding me.

Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God.

- What? You'll be staying at Caesars Palace.

Holy In the most amazing it's not a suite.

It's not a penthouse.

 it's a villa.

Five bedrooms! Butlers at your service.

Butlers! I feel like I'm dreaming right now.

Like, this doesn't feel real.

We are the happiest that we have ever been as the Red Team.

Uh, hurry up.

Get your bags packed.

- The airplane's waiting.

- Let's go.

Blue Team, for our next dinner service, Hell's Kitchen will do something it's never done before.

The first ever date night at Hell's Kitchen.

For the punishment today, you'll be transforming this beautiful, ornate, stunning dining room into something romantic.

Then you'll be setting up the most amazing raw bar for the menu as well.

Okay, off you go.

Yes, chef.


Somebody just s*ab me twice now.

I forgot how much scrubbing oysters sucks.

My fingers are starting to hurt.

- I feel like I let my team down.

- I feel like.

I'm a better chef than that.

I can't believe we lost.

Will k*lled us.

This punishment is definitely bringing us down.

Aw  what'd you do now, will? What'd you up now? While the Blue Team is punishing will for their loss The Red Team is completely energized for their reward.

Such a big deal, it's like overwhelming to my body.

I am so excited.

We are going to Vegas.

What to wear? We need to be beautiful, be hot, be sexy.

This is what we love.

We're going to Vegas.

- Oh, my God.

- This is awesome.

Hey, girls.

Welcome to southwest airlines.

- Ready to go to Vegas?
- Yes.

- Have a good time.

- Oh, my God.

I can't believe we're going to Vegas.

I have never been to Vegas.

I've always wanted to go.

I can't wait to see this massive villa that we're staying at.

I am, like, freaking out.

Vegas! Hooray! Ladies, we're here.

Hell, yeah.

Oh, my God.

This villa is the sickest thing I've ever seen.


Oh, my God.

Pool table.

Grand piano.

Indoor pool.

Did I mention it has a naked chick? Love it! This is all for us.

Look at the rooms! The suite is big enough for me to not even know that Carrie exists tonight.

This is amazing.


The bathroom is insane.

I have a heated toilet seat in my bathroom.

Oh, my God.

Just it's sick.

In a good way.

I don't think it gets any better than this.

- Toast to Jennifer!
- I'll toast that.

Thanks, girl.

You're welcome.

Who could this be? Oh, my God! Oh, my God.

The Red Team won the dessert challenge, and has been rewarded with a trip to Vegas and their very own villa.

But that's not all.

Who could this be? When the doorbell rang in the villa, we had no idea what to expect.

- It's Holly Madison.

- Oh, my God.

How are you guys doing? Oh, my God.

Holly Madison.

I'm a really huge fan of playboy.

I couldn't have wanted a more perfect person to meet today.

Are you guys excited to be in Vegas? Very, yes.

I came here to deliver just some little goodies.

I actually have  a book I wrote about Las Vegas, so I'm giving you that, giving you tickets to my show.

But the really exciting part is you guys all get passes for you and one guest to come to Las Vegas for three days and two nights.

What? Oh, my God.

This day couldn't get any better in my mind.

We get to come back to Vegas again after Hell's Kitchen.

It's unreal.

- Thank you so much.

- The guys would k*ll for this.

Oh, they're gonna hate us! While the Red Team gushes over their Las Vegas experience, back at the restaurant, the Blue Team decorates for a special dinner service.

Date night at Hell's Kitchen.

Ow, you son of a These things are definitely making me thorny, bro.

Yo, anybody want snow cones? Yeah, I would love a snow cone, man.


I like it shaved.

I would've loved to go hang out in Vegas.

But I'm not gonna be pissy about it all day.

Dance with me.

Oh, yeah.


Let the Red Team have their fun in Vegas.

They're probably just tearing each other from limb to limb.


What a beautiful night.

Oh, my God.

It feels so amazing out here.

Seeing the whole strip, oh, my God, it was so cool.

It was beautiful.

- Can you top me off?
- Yeah, baby.

I can't believe Carrie's sharing tonight.

Carrie usually got a straw in that bottle by now.


Come on, guys.

We could be doing punishment right now.

All I said was the truth.

Oh, God.

You can't take it, don't dish it.

All you've been doing is dishing, Elise.

I'm just playing wit' her.

She's being a baby.

No fighting in Vegas.

We're overlooking the strip, enjoying champagne, and they still seem to find time to argue with each other.

It's just unbelievable.

I really don't like you.

At least we agree on that.

Come on, let's toast to not liking each other.

While the Red Team parties the night away in Vegas, morning comes early for the Blue Team.

But they are now wisely using punishment time as their time to regroup.

There's no more leeway for excuses.

- All right?
- It ain't gonna happen.

The last two challenges I kind of botched on.

I'm here to step up the game.

I'm here to do what I gotta do.

No more excuses for anybody.

You ride or you die, that's it.

Sink or swim.

If you up, it's 'cause you up.

As Will attempts to inspire the Blue Team ahead of tonight's dinner service, the Red Team makes their triumphant return from Vegas.

Back to hell.

I can't believe we're back already.


Hey, how was the trip? We all get to go back to Vegas for three days, two nights.

That's awesome.

- What's the matter?
- I'm so pissed.

Three more days and two nights in Vegas.

I so could've used that.

Natalie was a little bit bummed that she didn't get to go to Vegas.

Suck it up I didn't come here to eat, drink, and relax.

I came here to work.

I came here to do what we gotta do.

Let's go, Carrie.

Ladies, let's go.

- James.

- Yes, chef? Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

It's the first ever date night in Hell's Kitchen, and the restaurant will be playing host to all kinds of couples, from those who've been married for 20 years to those who've just met.

This is my first blind date ever.

- Wow, okay.

- It's kinda awkward.

Don't say anything dumb.

In addition to the regular menu, Hell's Kitchen will also feature a lavish raw seafood bar.

I love you.

Here we go, ladies.

Look alive.

This ain't the night to lose.

- All right, Red Team.

- Yes, chef.

On order, four covers, table 41.

Two scallops, one risotto, one lobster capellini.

Entree, two bass, two New York strip.

Yes, chef.

Two of you on appetizers.

Who's in charge here? Me, chef.

I'll do it.

I'm I'm very vocal, chef.

I will take care of it.

So you're going to run it.

I will run it.

Thank you.

This is my opportunity to step up and show that I am a leader and that I am good.

Let's go, guys.

All right, guys.

It's game time.

Let's go! Okay, Blue Team, here we go.

On order, four covers, table 23.

One risotto, one scallops, one lobster capellini, one oyster rockefeller.

Yes, chef! Wake up, Tommy.



I'd like to prove something to chef Ramsay tonight.



I'm not an idiot.

I need a scallop, Tommy.


While Tommy tries to stay focused, over in the red kitchen, Carrie tries to coordinate the Red Team's first order.

I got two scallops.

How long on your risotto? Elise? Elise? Elise, she just wouldn't work with me.

She refused to communicate with me.

How long are those in, Elise? How long are they in, Elise? Two scallops, two oysters.

How long? Um come on, drive the ticket, guys! I'm asking her she will not give me a timeline how long Two minutes! Two minutes.

I just can't work well with Carrie.

And I've tried.

- Two minutes.

Two minutes.

- All right.

I just feel that Carrie affects our team in a negative way.

She won't talk to me.

The service is going to be affected because your personal relationships?
- No, chef.

- Come on! Come on, girls.

While the Red Team works on their communication Two minutes, Elise? Elise? Over on the blue side, Tommy tries to get ahead on appetizers.

Tommy, bring me that tray of scallops.

What have you done? I'm trying to get them out for coming orders.

You season them with seconds to go! When I give you three minutes, that's when you season 'em out.

All right.

Not a second before.

Tommy, you can't season the scallops when they're five minutes out.

It pulls the water out of the scallops and dehydrates them.

So Tommy had to throw all those away.

How long? Tommy.

What are you doing? I can see 'em from here.

He's seasoned them again.

- Again?
- I'm getting ready.

until 2 1/2 minutes.

Just start over.

Tommy, why are you doing that? You were just told ten seconds ago not to.

My bad, boys.

I got a little ahead of myself.

Don't don't say sorry, man.

Just friggin' pay attention to what you're doing.

While Tommy puts on the brakes, over in the red kitchen, thanks to Jennifer Mussels and risotto, walking.

The Red Team is racing ahead.

Walking with scallops.

Heading to the pass.

Nice sear on the scallops.

Yes, chef.

Go, please.

And appetizers are flying out to the dining room.

Thank you very much.

It's very good.

Hey, look.

Come here, you.

- Me?
- Yeah.

Hey, look.


Come here, all of you.

Come here.

Whose hair is that? That wasn't in the pan, chef, when I brought it up.

Hold on.

Just say that again? Now she's saying that we planted it.

- Just say that again?
- No, chef.

That's not what I said.

So I'm asking the question, whose disgusting, greasy, black hair is that? Well, I guess it must be mine.

Oh, really? Of course it had to have been Jamie's.

I mean, she was right there.

And then she didn't even say anything.

I was just totally disgusted.


- Are you not bothered?
- Yes, chef, I'm bothered.

I checked the mushrooms when I brought them up.

Oh, really? She's not even in the game.

Do you know what? You've just given up.

No, chef.

I do feel like Jamie gives up in the kitchen.

I haven't seen her fight back yet.

I haven't seen her really, like, knock it out the box like I have.

She's not exactly getting better.

You start sulking now  look at me.

Hey, you want to start sulking, just go home.

No, chef.

Four rice? I'm about 3 1/2 out on those four rice going with the one scallop.

Two minutes, fire your scallop.

- Yep.

- Heard.

Hey, hey, hey.

Look at me, hey.


He's cooking the sea bass.

What the is he doing? Come here, you.


Come here.

He's cooking the entree before we get into the appetizers.

I got a little ahead of myself.

I was on speed racermode.

Started to get a little racy in the brain.

I was just doing everything a hair early.

So he's cooking the sea bass now for the third table.

We haven't even sent the appetizer.

Okay, I'm rushing it.

Rushing it? Do me a favor.

Off outside.

Get a big, deep breath of fresh air.

Piss off.

Go on, outside.


Hey, look at me.

- Off.

- What a moppet.

It's not just in tonight's dinner service.

That is Tommy.

This is how Tommy works every single night.

I just don't see where there's any room for improvement at this point.

Romantic dinner? More like a up dinner.

While Tommy gets sidetracked in the dining room, back in the kitchen, the Red Team is already moving on to entrees.

Sea bass at your left.

Have a look at this.

All of you, come here.

Yeah, that's you.

What? Oh, God.

- I didn't even see that.

- Oh,.

Hey, come here.

You didn't see that? Burning stuff to a crisp and trying to pass it off like you didn't see it? .

That's some kind of joke.

I didn't even see that.

Get out.

I have another one in the oven, chef.

Don't kick me out, please.

- Get out.

- I'm not ready to quit, chef.


Get out.

No, I have another one in the oven.

Get out of here.


I have another one Get out.

Chef, please, no.

I have another one in the oven.

I can do this.


You thick idiot.

in the Hell's Kitchen frst ever date night Get out.

Carrie has burned her chances of completing dinner service.

But chef Ramsay has a parting gift for her.

Hey, madam.


Take your with you, yeah? Enjoy your romantic dinner on your own.

I am so pissed off right now.

I wasn't definitely ready to leave the kitchen.

How could I not see that? Jamie had a hair in one of her garnishes.

A hair! He didn't kick her out.

But I screw up on a piece of fish, and he kicks me out? One piece of fish.

One piece of fish! That doesn't make any sense to me.

Damn it.

While Carrie lets off some steam upstairs, back downstairs, Tommy is still in the dining room.

Yeah, once again, I'm sorry about the wait.

Chef told me, go outside and get a breath of fresh air.

I walked out to the hottest girls I ever seen, like, staring at me.

And I was like, oh, sweet.

Uh, hi.

And then I left, because my heart belongs to, uh, another.

And, uh, ran back in the kitchen.

Now I'm even more excited to launch into service right now.

- Awake? Awake?
- I was a little ahead of myself.

- My apologies, yes.


- Awake? Look at me.

Yes or no.

In the eyes.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.


Hurry up! Scallops.

They're coming out, I'm gonna say, one minute.

Have to, um, prove myself to chef, and show him that I got this nailed.

Nice looking scallops, Tom.

- Yeah?
- They look good, bro.

- Thank you, brother.

- Scallops.

Going up with oysters, yes.


Service, please.

Tommy has finally recovered, and the Blue Team is able to push out appetizers.

Service, please.

- How's that?
- Very good.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen, the entrees are at the pass, and chef Ramsay is waiting for Garnish.

Jamie! Any time now, or are you just gonna piss around with me again? Jamie seems so, like, confused.

And I just wanna be like, listenwake up.

Come on.

Oh, Hell.

It's like rigor mortis with you.

Oh, come on.

That is overcooked.

Jamie! Hey, come here.

Hey, all of you, come here.

Would you serve me that? Taste that, chef.

Does that look romantic?
- Burnt zucchini?
- No, chef.

No, chef.

You're not even bothered! Yes, chef.

I just don't know what's going on with her tonight she's just not focused.

Get it together! Chef.

Yes, chef.

It's an hour and a half into dinner service, and with Jamie's garnish finally meeting chef Ramsay's standards Let's go.

Diners are now receiving their entrees again.

Oh, my gosh.

It's so good.

I like it.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen How long, two bass, one chicken, one carp? Paul is ready with the Blue Team's first entrees.

What's he done? Raw.

Paul! Stop, all of you.

Come here.

Paul just asked me, is it raw.

It's under.

You tell me.

Just touch that.

Touch that! Romantic dinner? Pisses me off, 'cause Paul knows better than that.

I mean, you just can't serve raw chicken.

Hey, chef, let me ask you.

Is that raw? Chef, it's under.

I have another one.

I'll give it to you right now.

Hey, come here, you.

Answer my question.

Yes, chef, it's raw.

Get out! Pink carnations, maybe.

Pink chicken? No chance.

I up on a chicken! I mean, I'm furious with myself.

Chef Ramsay, let me back in.

Let me finish what I started.

Tommy, give that to Paul for his romantic dinner.

Go upstairs.

Hurry up! Put the scallops on! Shut up.

While Tommy runs off to make a special delivery to Paul, out in the dining room Cheers, my love.

The couples seem to be making the best of date night, even if they still don't have their food.

Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen Vegetarian cap.

Elise is ready with her vegetarian capellini.


That's not vegetarian.

- Elise
- shut your mouth.

One capellini, no lobster.

I'm sorry.

- No, off.

- I'm sorry you're here.

You are like her.

- You just can't be bothered anymore.

- No, chef! Elise is one of those people that she thinks that she's one of the strongest, but not tonight.

Entree, one vegetarian capellini.

No lobster.

Just plain tomato sauce.

Call it out, chef.

Entrees, one vegetarian lobster capellini.

One more time! Entrees is vegetarian lobster One more time! One more time! One lobster capellini, vegetarian.

Is it in?
- Yes, chef.

- Wake up.

Yes, chef.

I know chef Ramsay's pissed off at me, because I know he expects so much more out of me, and I expect more out of myself.

And I'm pissed off at myself.

A black jacket? You need a straitjacket.

As Elise contemplates chef Ramsay's motivational talk I have to give this to you.

Tommy hurries back to his fish station.

But he's not alone.

I get back, and chef's making the scallops for me, and I'm like waiting for him to get out of the way.

I didn't want to interrupt him or ask him.

One minute to the window, scallops.

Gordon Ramsay's in the kitchen.

So you gonna watch me? Chef, can I take over? Can you take over? Yes, I got it, chef.

I got it.

- Tell me, then!
- I have it.

I have it right now.

Shout at me.

Shout at me.

- I got it, chef.

I got it.

- Let's go then! All right.

It was kinda fun yelling at chef.

I wouldn't say it's even yet.

But maybe it's like this.


Okay, five minutes out.

While Tommy finishes what chef Ramsay started, over in the red kitchen vegetarian cap.

Elise is ready to impress with her next oyster dish.

Let's go.

Oh, come on.

In fact, you tell me, chef, are they overcooked? Yes, they are, chef.

Come here, you.

Get out.

Hey, do you know what? Hey.

You don't care.

- I do care!
- Look, come here, look.

Look, look.

Hello bollocks.

Look at the water.

Look at You gonna say You're gonna say they're fresh and delicious? No, chef.

Take that.

Take that.

off out of here.

Eat them.

Enjoy your dinner.

Nice romantic plate of oysters for a little superstar.

Bon appetit, princess.

After sending up overcooked oysters Oh, come on.

Chef Ramsay has had enough of Elise, and has removed her from the kitchen.

- Take that.

- Off out of here.

Enjoy your dinner.

Nice romantic plate of oysters for a little superstar.

Bon appetit, princess.

I'm pissed.

I'm embarrassed.

The only way it could get worse is if I don't have a chance to redeem myself, because I know I can do it.

One table at a time.

Yes, chef.

What a disaster.

One capellini, right now.

Two minutes on the sea bass, strip, Wellington.

Watch this capellini.

Carrie and Elise are dead weight.

The Red Team needs to prove to chef Ramsay that we can actually work together.

Let's go.

Slicing right now.

- I'm walking.

- Come on, let's go.

Two chefs down, the remaining members of the Red Team somehow pull together
- Service.

- And send out the final entrees of the night.


Yeah, they're very sweet.

They're good.

Let's go.

Let's not stop.

Meanwhile, the blue kitchen has also picked up the pace.

One sea bass, two New York strip, one Wellington.

- How long?
- Coming up now.

I just took chef Ramsay's challenge to step up, and I did it.

Come on, guys.

We're almost at the end.

Let's go.

Table 62, please.

As the blue team moves on to desserts, one of their diners is about to receive something especially sweet.

And your dessert.

For the past five years, I've had the honor of calling you my girlfriend.

Will you be my wife for the rest of my life? Yes, I will.

Whoo! There was a proposal out there, man.

That brought me back to when I proposed to my wife.

Romance in the dining room, man, is awesome.

There's nothing I won't do for you.

A night of romance? If that's the best you can all do, I want a divorce from each and every one of you, let me tell you that.


No concentration.

A lack of respect.

And between you and Jennifer, two of you on appetizers.

And when I offered to take leadership, what did she say? "No, I got this, I got this, I got this.

- And nobody had it.

- You know what, Elise? How many appetizers did I get out that didn't get sent back? Let's think about that answer.

- Whatever, whatever.

- Okay, exactly.


Whatever! Jamie.

I'm worried.

Because unfortunately, whether you like it or not, your performance says you're getting worse.

Elizabeth! I don't know when you're gonna come out, but hurry up! Carrie.

I'm fed up with your arrogance.

I'm fed up with your attitude.

You're not even a chef! You didn't know you burnt the bass.

I would've never served it if I saw that, chef.

I do have passion.

I am a talented chef.

- Yeah.

- Sandwich girl.

I'm not just some pantry girl.

Clearly, the winning team is the Blue Team.

Ladies, get upstairs to the dorm and come to a consensus of which two should be up for elimination.

Get lost.

I am gonna prove him wrong.

I'm gonna fight.

I'm not gonna let chef Ramsay tell me I'm some sandwich pantry bitch.


I am so pissed right now.

I am, like, livid.

So who's going up? Well, I would say Carrie.

'Cause I up one piece of fish.

No, and for arguing with chef Ramsay.

Y'all actually mad at me because I didn't want to go? If he kicks you out, you get the out.

You don't argue with him.

I'm sorry that I like to fight for my position.

You fight now.

You get your ass up there and you I am gonna fight! After a disappointing dinner service, it's time for the Red Team to decide which two chefs to nominate.

So who's going up? Well, I would say Carrie.

And not surprisingly, it's already off to a rocky start.

I'm sorry that I like to fight for my position.

You fight now.

You get your ass up there and you I am gonna fight! You don't fight with him! I mean, I knew they were gonna choose me.

I'm just ready to go up there and tell chef Ramsay I deserve to be here.

I want to be here.

Obviously, I'm going up.

Y'all decide on who else is going up.

I don't think any of us are safe.


First nominee and why.

First nominee is Carrie, chef.

She disrespected you.

You threw her out of the kitchen, and instead of following your instructions, she embarrassed us as a team and stood there and fought with you.

Second nominee and why? The second nominee is Elise, chef.

The appetizers that got sent back were through Elise.

And for some reason, these two, their attitudes come out all the time.

They bring our dynamic down.

We're tired of it.

The drama that comes with this.

Carrie and Elise, step forward.

My goodness me.

Sounds like the three ladies standing behind you want rid of you both.

Carrie, tell me why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I just want to prove you wrong, 'cause you are wrong about me.

I am talented.

I do deserve to be here.

Why do they hate you? Because we're constantly fighting.

She's constantly in my face, talking.

I have tried to solve my problem with her.

But you know what? Right now, I'm focused on myself.

I haven't given up, chef.

I have not given up.


Tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Chef, I made some mistakes tonight, and I will never make the same mistake twice.

I know that I'm not in over my head like Carrie.

I know that I'm one of the final five.

You have a problem with your ego.

You don't like taking orders.

There's your way or the highway.

All I can do is apologize for my performance, and and beg you to give me another chance.

I think you're done.


The person leaving Hell's Kitchenis Both of you.

Both of you, back in line.

The person I'm going to eliminate tonight is going downhill.

And I can't deal with it for much longer.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Jamie.

You're done.

Jacket off, please.

I can't go any further with you.

I'm getting no response.

Good night.

Bye, Jamie.

It's not a good feeling to hear from one of the best chefs in the world that I didn't have what it took to stay here.

It hurt deep.

It is tough to swallow my pride and walk out those doors.

It's one of the hardest things I ever had to do.

Jamie's gone 'cause she was in over her head, and instead of getting better, she got worse and worse and worse.

Let that be a lesson.

Get out of here.

- Yes, chef.

- Yes, chef.

At the end of the day, I'm a way better chef than Carrie.

But you know what? I'm here to kick some ass.

Red and blue.

If what happened to Jamie ever happened to me, I'm telling you now, you better call security, because you can guarantee that I will not be walking out of here silent.

Elise has hated me since day one.

I mean, obviously, she doesn't want me here.

But you know what? I'm sorry, honey.

I'm not going anywhere.

Jamie's lack of fight back told me she's not ready to be a head chef.

The remaining chefs need to know it's not about what they've done in the past.

It's what they do here that counts.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Kiss my ass, bitch, 'cause I'm not gonna have to look at you after this week.

Elise and Carrie are at it again.

Shut the up.

You're more crazier than I think you are.

And that awakes a sleeping giant.

Jennifer Shut up for five seconds.

Is on the warpath.

Oh, dear.

But does that help or hurt the Red Team? It needs to go up now.

- Raw bass.

- Raw bass.

If you need help, you ask.

Unbelievable! As for the Blue Team They're not ready for battle.

We are.

To the occasion?
- I'm going, I'm going.

- You're not going! The three of you are watching him sink.

Or crash and burn? Stop.

Fire, fire.

Why are we out of control? On an expl*sive That's pathetic.

Thrilling Nerve
- Do you want to off?
- No, chef.

Wake up! Episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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