09x06 - 12 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x06 - 12 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen I don't have any friends in this house.

It's not about being friends.

It's about professionalism.

Having survived elimination Am I modest? No.

But I'm a winner.

Elise was on the warpath.

Yes, I have a big mouth.

And I'm not gonna stop now.

The next day, the retro cooking challenge Back to basics.

Fire and water.

Proved too much for Monterray.

I'm stumped right now.

They're hard.

But a critical mistake by Krupa That, madam, is not veal.

That's filet mignon.

handed the Blue Team another challenge win.

Well done! At dinner service, a disoriented Monterray had problems on the meat.

Hey, Bozo.

That is raw.

But he wasn't the only one lost in the blue kitchen.



So chef Ramsay had no choice but to show them the way out.

Get out of here, both of you.

Off upstairs.

In the red kitchen One minute on those scallops!
- Slow it down a little bit.

- Walking with my scallops.

Gina was out for herself I could walk with my entrees now.

What? You're not walk okay, whatever.

- Sinking Elise.

- I don't have everything.

That really screwed me.

And ending both ladies' dinner service early.

off, both of you.

Off upstairs.

Then, chef Ramsay had a message for everyone.

You're going backwards! And both teams had to nominate two people.

The Blue Team chose
- Monterray.

- And Tommy.

The Red Team chose
- Krupa.

- And Elise.

- Elise.

- I'm not the weakest.

- Who is?
- Gina is the weakest.

Elise, I agree with you.

Gina, take your jacket off.

Get out of Hell's Kitchen.

And that would be the end of Gina's dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak in New York City.


And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Good night! Now I need you to get somewhere in between being a mouth and being a no
-mouth, okay? You promise? I promise.

I can do this.

I'm trying to work on my attitude and my weaknesses and my flaws.

I've definitely become more humble here.

I'm supposed to be here, yo.

Whoo! Your heart drop again? Oh, yes! What? I'ma k*ll 'em.


I'm so relieved.

I'm so relieved.

It's a little offensive, the way Elise reacted.

She's not a very humble person, so it wasn't surprising to me for her to be like a cheerleader when she came back.

She's so happy.

I don't think this is a reason to be happy.


We lost.

Gina just got sent home without even defending herself.

It's not really a time to be celebrating.

Seriously, just shut up.

I'm still here! After a miserable performance at dinner last night, the chefs are eager for a shot at redemption.

Let's go, ladies.

And chef Ramsay is happy to give them one.

New day.

New beginning.

Everybody is starting with a clean slate.

Because for the first time in Hell's Kitchen, we are going to be hosting a high school reunion.


I loved high school.

I had no worries.

It's where I met all my best friends.

I wish I could go back to high school.

Culver city class of 1991.

Excited? Yes, chef.

I was not a big fan of high school.

Everyone that says it's the best years of your life have never been to college.

Okay, listen carefully.

Upstairs in my office are three reunion committee members.

And we're going to have a private discussion with them on what they'd like to see on their menu.

From the Red Team, I would like Elizabeth.

And from the Blue Team, Paul.

Let's go.

Seriously, Elizabeth? She really is a space cadet.

You'll say something to Elizabeth, and it's like a 30
-second delay.

It's like, "what? Huh?" I wonder if anyone's home sometimes.

You got it, Paulie.

Come on, buddy.

Come on, Paulie.

Let's go, blue.

Paul's a great cook.

Paul knows what he's doing.

I have nothing but faith and confidence in Paul.

Ladies, hello.


May I introduce you to Paul and Elizabeth? So, um, first of all, we're very honored um, to host this special event.

Do you have a theme? An idea in mind? We were thinking maybe we could recreate something Hawaiian.

Like a Luau? That would be fun.

I would definitely love to see some pork, something more hearty.

I would love to see some scallops.


I haven't done a lot of, like, Hawaiian cooking and stuff.

But I've done, like, Asian.

And they do taste extremely similar.

I'm a pescetarian, so I I only eat fish.


How do you guys feel about combining meat and seafood on the same plate? Like a surf and turf? I no.

Not for me.

I think Elizabeth kind of daydreams a lot, or She doesn't pay attention.

She just said that she doesn't eat meat.

Elizabeth's in la
-la land.

Any more questions? No, I think I've got a concept.

Okay, we're gonna get cooking.

Thank you for your insight.

We'll see you, um, shortly, yes? Chef Ramsay's tasting menu challenge will not only test the team's creativity, but Paul and Elizabeth's ability to listen and communicate.

Paul and Elizabeth, you've got all the information you need.

You got 45 minutes.

And your time starts now.

Off you go.

Now it's up to Elizabeth and Paul to convey the committee's preferences to their teams.

Okay, they definitely said they wanted Asian.

So I would definitely want to do appetizer.

-wrapped, like, scallops is really nice.

Why don't we do a roasted pork tenderloin, sliced? I think that sounds really nice.

I think lentils is nicer with pork.

I don't know where the lentils came from.

They're not Asian.

I was confused as to if she really did have the right details or not.

So I feel good about this.

It is a good idea.

This is what they want.

They wanted to do a Hawaiian theme.



They also want pork.


And we got a good tenderloin right here.

If we do, like, pineapple
-mango chutney for the pork.

Yeah, that sounds good.

Do like a A fish surf and turf? One of the ladies can't eat meat at all.

Maybe make like a crab sauce for the fish.

Yeah, that sounds good.

We should start cooking.

Each team must create and prepare a tasting menu consisting of one appetizer, one meat entree, and one seafood entree.

We gotta get the pork in the oven and start the lentils.


I'll grab the lentils.

The winning dishes will be featured on the high school reunion's menu.

So I got the guava, I got the lime.

What else is after this? Put some, uh, some chiles in there.

- Chiles? What else?
- Yeah.

Some sugar, some vinegar.

Yes? Yeah, like, make chutney.

Monterray, you need to know what you're making.

Pay attention.

You shouldn't have to ask us every seven seconds what goes with this or what goes with that.

What am I doing to this pineapple?
- Breaking it down right now?
- Yeah, yeah.

You need to know, man.

This is it.

Put up or shut up.

Let's go.

Come on, monty.


Where the spoons at? While Monterray struggles to stay focused, over in the red kitchen, Carrie is very focused I'm gonna dice this up for the avocado.

On her own ideas.

We can do, um, a little bit of orange zest.


No, no.


No? I always do zest.

- I'm not feeling that.

- Really? Yeah, I kind of took charge.

But I'm not bossy.

I'm always willing to let other people put their ideas in as well.

Tuna right here, next to a little avocado.

Then we're going to do the stick up.

Can I make a suggestion? What if we do them so they go sideways?
- Nah.

I want the height.

- Yeah? So far, I've had the most success working by myself.

So for me to pair up with flirty bimbo I'm excited.

I am.

And jive on the same dish I just I wasn't feeling it.

Don't worry.

I got this.

I make this all the time at home.

Just under two minutes to go.

Yes, chef! Oh, uh

I dropped the scallop, Jamie.

Well, we got four ones to work with.

That's it?
- Will, you got the red salt?
- I got red salt here.

I'm getting the bacon pieces on it.

Holy I got this.

Croutons, croutons.

You put the nuts on top?
- Put the what on top?
- The nuts.

Okay, I'd like to introduce you to three amazing ladies that are here to choose who's got the best dishes.

Jenna, Djata, and Lynn.


Ladies, please take a seat.

We've got a wonderful tasting menu for you.

The theme is Hawaiian.

What the hell? I didn't hear anything about Hawaiian.

It was Asian.

I don't know where she came up with Asian.


Let's go.

Let's go, blue.

Are you kidding me? They wanted Hawaiian? We're gonna look like idiots going up there with these Japanese dishes.

Okay, Natalie.

It is ahi tuna and ono poke.

It's traditionally Hawaiian.

I have it on a freshly toasted crostini.

Wanted something to be, uh, really easy to eat.

Djata? I had the perfect bite.

You hit it on the head for me.

I really enjoyed the consistency of the fish.

I think it's great.

Thank you.

Good start.

Thank you, Natalie.

Nailed it.

We have a tuna tartare that we put our own little spin on.

Ahi tuna with the avocado that we mixed some chiles with.

On top you have the wonton.

Please enjoy.

Lynn? I absolutely love the tuna.

I think the guacamole is a little bit overpowering.

That's all I tasted.

Yeah, we can lighten up on that.

For me, the fish and the guacamole, I liked them each separately.

I don't know about together.

Okay, well, whatever y'all like, we could work out for you.

Please don't talk over.

But I thought the flavors were amazing.

Carrie, would you be so kind to at least I'm sorry.

Madam I'd like to hear It's constructive feedback.

- Yes, chef.

- Thank you.

Carrie does need to learn when to shut up.

Shut the up right now, Carrie, 'cause I will strangle you myself.

Jenna, what'd you think, darling? Red or blue? I think I'm gonna have to go with the blue.

I'm gonna be agreeing with Jenna on this one.

I agree.

The blue.




One point to the blue.

- Thank you so much, ladies.

- Good job, thank you.

I can't believe I got beat out by a crostini.


Meats, please.

With Natalie giving the Blue Team the early lead, it's now time for Krupa and Monterray to face off with the meat entrees.

Okay, Krupa.

We have a nut
-crusted pork loin.

There's some delicious lentils with a little bit of blanched bok choy on the side.

How was that? Um I mean, it tasted delicious.

But I don't know that I felt like it was a Hawaiian
-themed dish.

Yeah, I think of Hawaii, I don't think of lentils.


Here we have a roasted tenderloin.

On top, we have a a mango
-pineapple chutney.

The pork dish was the dish I was most concerned about.

Monterray's chutney was going to be the wild card.

I hope we get this right.

I hope the pork's cooked.

Are you, uh, sending the ladies on a diet? Where's the rest of the dish? We're just thinking, you know, light, but, you know, a little fulfilling.

That's really it's worth the small portion.

It's worth a small portion? Thank you, ma'am.

It's very tasty.


I need another bite.

I mean, it's really good.

Ladies, I don't think I have to ask.

- Yes.

- Congratulations.

Point to the Blue Team.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

I am so sick of losing.

Like, I hate losing.

I hate it.


Now I know the secret to your cooking is sit three ladies in front of you.

Fish, please.

Let's see if the Blue Team can make a clean sweep of it.

Uh, let's start off with ladies first, please.

Wow, look at that.


We have barbecue seared scallops, and the barbecue sauce is guava chipotle, finished with bacon lardons.

I hope you enjoy it, ladies.

Did you say bacon? Yes, bacon lardons.

I'll have to pass on this one.

I'm sorry, there's bacon inside the sauce, or Yeah, the bacon is inside the sauce.


And you really wanted the scallop.

It's okay.

Elizabeth, djata did explain that she's a pescetarian and she couldn't eat meat.

"I'm a pescetarian.

I can't eat it 'cause it got bacon in it.

" I kinda looked at Elizabeth like, "oh, no, you didn't.

" Did you forget? Oh, my God, Elizabeth.

I, um Just asking.

Oh, .

God almighty.

The blue team has already won the high school reunion menu challenge.

But the Red Team has one last chance to get a dish added to the menu.

But Elizabeth's poor communication Elizabeth, Djata did explain that she's a pescetarian and she couldn't eat meat.

Has put that opportunity in jeopardy.

UmI okay, I'm sorry.

I was under the impression that, like, we could mix 'em.

I'm sorry.

How do you guys feel about combining meat and seafood on the same plate, like a surf and turf? INo.

Elizabeth gave us the wrong ingredients.

She gave us the wrong theme.

She gave us Everything was wrong.

Jenna, how was that? Well, I'm gonna have to admit I'm not a big scallop person.


I honestly just didn't care for it that much.

It's too barbecue

I thought maybe it was a little undercooked.

Yes, scallops could've been done with a touch more cooking, and especially the one I ate.

Uh, will.

Give us some delight, please.

For your fish course, we have a banana leaf
-wrapped steamed opah.

Opah is also known as Hawaiian moonfish.

And the sauce is a coconut chili
-lime sauce.

Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, this is delish.




Oh, my.

I don't want to stop eating.


It kind of takes your palate on a little bit of a journey.


I think it's really flavorful.

It hits you.

I still think about it.


I feel it in my mouth.

Ah, good job.

Thank you very much.

Ladies, again, I think it's pretty obvious.

- Yes.

- Blue Team, congratulations.

Great job.


A shutout.

Well done.

Thank you, chef.

Great job.

I mean, we just got spanked so bad.

I'm tired of losing.

I'm not a loser.

Thanks for coming, Lynn.

Good to see you, darling.

It's a night to remember, yes? I'm frustrated, because it feels like Elizabeth wore earplugs during her briefing.

'Cause she didn't bring back none of the right information.

And we all looked like idiots.

All right, Paul.

Great brief.

Thank you, chef.

It feels amazing to have a clean sweep, but it even feels more amazing that I led us to a clean sweep.

So I have an amazing reward for you.

You'll be spending the day on a magnificent super yacht.

And it's got four levels!
- It has a jacuzzi.

- Wow.

A fully stocked bar.

Trust me, you are going to have an amazing day on the water.

I really needed this win.

It's like fireworks going off inside of me right now.

It's like, man.

Up to the dorm.


Great job.

Well done.

- Thank you, chef.

- Enjoy.

Ladies, you're in for a busy day.

Let me tell you that.

You'll be working to redecorate and transform Hell's Kitchen into an Hawaiian theme ahead of that wonderful dinner.

Yes, chef.

But first, it's time to start cleaning.

Let's go.

I'm really sick of this.

I don't know where all the came up with that we made, because that's not even what they wanted.

She definitely said Asian.

I know 100%.

But you pressed the issue of bacon.

And they said they wanted pork.

"Pork, we want pork.

" So I said, "go with bacon.

" But if she was a pescetarian, I'm sure she mentioned it, and that was something that should've been told to the team, because we would all know that we can't put bacon on it.

I'm not gonna take all the blame for this one.

We lost by a landslide.

You can't blame the whole thing on me.

Everybody lost points.

And not because of the information I said.

Just because, like, the dishes were not good enough.

Your scallops were undercooked, Elise.


While the red team plays the blame game, the Blue Team is ready to party on the boat.

That ain't a boat, bitch! That's a yacht.

It's awesome! Whoo
-hoo! This is the best reward ever.

Oh, we get captain's hats.

What? I get a captain's hat? We get a camera? A waterproof digital camera.

Yay! Hey, guys.

Right quick.

You guys look like the village people.

That looks like David Lee Roth.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Paul is on the yacht.

This is what it feels like to be better than everybody else.

Cheers to that.


That's what I'm talking about.

Yeah! As the Blue Team sets sail, back in Hell's Kitchen, the Red Team does some heavy lifting.

Let's go.


This is heavy.

Pick it up.

But not everyone is pulling their weight.

- It's heavy.

- Are they heavy, Jamie? Yes.

Oh, that one's lighter.

- You got the whole thing?
- Yep.

That's heavy.

As usual, Elise is kind of standing there, you know, not really doing anything.

Just kinda talking.

Ooh, that one's real heavy.

That's how Elise is.

She's good at pretending she's doing something when she's really not.

Somebody wanna give me hand? Drag it.


While the Red Team seems to have had enough of Elise, the Blue Team can't seem to get enough of Natalie.

Nice spot on the yacht, baby, can't beat that.

Can't beat that, baby.

It's real tight, man.

It don't get no better than this.

We pitched a perfect game.

I feel like a movie star right now.

I kind of came in as a supporting cast in the Blue Team, and I feel like that I kind of brought everyone together.

Hey, Natalie came over.

The men's team died and the Blue Team flies.

- Yes.

- You know what I'm sayin'? They give me a lot of respect.

And I know all my team has my back.

Hey, hey.

Oh, she moved too quick.

Back in Hell's Kitchen, the girls have been making luau leis for hours.

How many do you think you've gotten done of those leis? Oh, my God! What a relaxing day.

I drank so much wine.

I can't understand anything they're saying.

I'm the king of the world! We walk in, and the Red Team's sitting there at the table, making leis.

They look miserable.

So why not rub it in a little bit? The hot tub was so comfortable.

Get off of me.

Comfortable, whoa.

You know what I got? This cool waterproof camera.

Natalie's drunk.

I'll show you all the pictures.

It was so fun.

We'd all had some drinks.

We were all having a really good time.

And sucks for the Red Team, but, you know, what can you do? Hey, will you take a picture of me standing in, like, the flower garden? Yeah, I'll take a picture of you whenever.



It's definitely interesting to see Natalie a little tipsy.

Why don't you take the Natalie deserves it.

Natalie worked hard.

We all worked hard.

It's cool to see Natalie letting her hair down.

I wish I could've got the splash, man.

That was a classic.

Are you all right? That would've been beautiful.



I think a lot of the guys on the Blue Team, you know, they miss their wives, they miss their girlfriends.

And they really love having me on the team.

And honestly, I appreciate all the comments they make and wanting to take pictures of me.

Yo, why don't you take the yellow thing off? You shoulda been a model, not a cook.

I modeled for a while.

I can tell.

Give me a good one.

You ready? Give me a good one.

On 3, 2, 1.

Yes! Morning comes quickly, and the chefs must get an early start, prepping for tonight's first
-ever high school reunion dinner service.

But after yesterday's indulgent day on the high seas I don't know.


The Blue Team is moving a little slow.


And the Red Team is working on their final punishment task
- So is it good cake?
- I'm working on it.

Putting together a three
-layer cake.


I've never put a cake this big together.

We have to pick this up and put it on top of this.

Oh, my God.

You need another hand? Set of hands? Oh, it teared right in the middle.

Move it, move it, move it, move it, move it.

This is gonna be the worst cake ever.

This cake's gonna be a joke, because nobody's taking this seriously.

Am I the only one that cares? All right, can we have, like, a team meeting for five seconds? This cake's gonna look like , and it's not funny.

Who's laughing? Stop saying that like no one's taking this seriously.

Carrie got a big mouth, as always.

If she want to try to get in my face with it, she better back down.

I wasn't saying that I was making a joke.

That's exactly what you said.

You said, "no one's laughing either," like that that to other people makes them feel as though you're They're not taking it serious.

I'm not trying to make anyone feel I'm just telling you what you said.

Elise, can I please talk for once? You don't make me feel inferior.

I just don't like how you try to act like no one else around you is taking it seriously.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Carrie.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

" You're a trifling
-ass bitch.

Are you kidding me? I'm about to show you, bitch.

You don't have to yell at me.

I'm right here.

You better get out of my face.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

It's just minutes before the first
-ever high school reunion at Hell's Kitchen Let's keep it moving.

We almost home.

And the pressure of making a luau cake has fractured the Red Team once again.

This cake's gonna look like , and it's not funny.

Who's laughing? Stop saying that like no one's taking this seriously.

Carrie want to try to get in my face with it, she better back down.

I wasn't saying that I was making a joke.

That's exactly what you said.

You said, "no one's laughing.

" Elise, can I please talk for once? I just don't like how you act like no one else is taking it serious.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Carrie, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

- You're a trifling
-ass bitch.

- Are you kidding me? I'm about to show you, bitch.

You don't have to yell at me.

I'm right here.

You better get out of my face.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

" Get up out of my face.

Honestly, I just don't get trashy like that.

That's not my style.


Are you okay? I'm fine.

It's ironic that we're prepping for a high school reunion and Elise and Carrie are like two high school girls wanting to rip each other's hair out and accomplishing nothing.

So we're screwed.

That's what we're stuck with.

I think it looks like.

Why don't we just cover it up with a bunch of flowers? We're gonna need a lot of decorations All right, then somebody needs to just work on the Someone make a lot of decorations.

I'll start working on flowers.


With the reunion just minutes away Everyone cool, everyone knows what they're doing? All right, let's clean it up.

The decorations are all falling off.

Hi, guys.

Morning, chef.

Chef Ramsay wants to make sure everything is in order.

Let's go.

Big, big, big night.

Our first
-ever high school reunion.

Red Team.


Yes, chef.

That looks amazing.


Well done.

Thank you, chef.

Where's the cake? Please? Let's go.

We ordered the special stand for the cake, right? Yes, sir.

Oh, very good.


What on Earth Holy crap.

Did someone vomit on it? What's all the bits of brown at the bottom what's all that? We thought it would look like sand.

Sand, chef.

Look at it.

It's like a big Mexican sombrero gone wrong with someone's on it.

Oh, God.

Blue Team, have you seen this disaster? Ole.


Uh, let me tell you something.

We are definitely not serving that thing.

Do you mind, Scott? Do you mind just putting that over there, or thank you.

I hope you did a much better job preparing the Blue Team's winning dishes, yes? Yes, chef.

Please tell me you did that.

Okay, let's go.

Yes, chef.

Okay, James, open hell's kitchen, please.

Let's go.

- Yes, chef.

- You look ridiculous.

It's a Hawaiian night.

Yeah, I know.

I gathered it's Hawaiian night.

But honestly.

- Can I open?
- Yes, James.

At least once a year, chef Ramsay tests the chefs by closing Hell's Kitchen for a special event.

Tonight is a Hawaiian
-themed high school reunion, and everyone is hoping it will be a night to remember.

I'm so glad to see you guys! Class of '91.

I haven't seen you guys since ten
-year, right? I'm ready to rock this bitch.

Blue Team, here we go.

Two crab, two tuna, one shrimp, one pot sticker.

Yes, chef! I really feel like tonight, the Blue Team, we're gonna knock it out the park.

I mean, we got this menu down.

It's our dishes.

We're gonna take it in service tonight.

Stay focused.

Let's go.

Okay, Red Team, here we go.

Two pot stickers, one crab, one tuna.

Yes, chef.

Why is there garlic on this? What's what's the garlic go in? Hey, what the is this? The Blue Team's totally at an advantage.

All three of their dishes are on the menu tonight.

So it scares me, because the Red Team doesn't know how to make these dishes.

Wait, are you doing the shrimp salsa? I'm doing it.

I thought I was doing it up here.

While the Red Team tries to find their footing, the Blue Team seems to be off to a strong start.

How long, please?
- I need four minutes, chef.

- Four minutes.


Me and Natalie, we are rockin'.

Pushing out the apps.

Are you coming up? Yup, I'm right behind you.


This is going to be easy.

Easy money.

And we gonna walk out this kitchen victorious.

Thanks to Monterray and Natalie on appetizers Service, please.

Let's go.

The Blue Team is humming along Thank you.

And satisfying their reunion guests.

Meanwhile, the Red Team is eager to start sending food as well.

- Walking with my salad.

- I'm not walking yet.

Maybe a little too eager.

Carrie? Carrie? Did you just walk your apps up? Yes, I did.

It's okay, though.

I've got two pot stickers with that.

It's okay.

It's our salad.

Pot stickers.

How long? Uh, I need two minutes, chef.

Why can't everything come up together? I don't know if it was They didn't hear me, or So they just went to the window without you? Yes, chef.

Carrie has a tendency to want to, like, make herself look good, and some of the mistakes she makes shows how much of a rookie she is.

It's like neck and neck with Carrie and Krupa, who's the weakest.

I asked you to work as a team.

Everything else will come out together from now on, chef.

Oh, off, will you? Here you go.

As far as I'm concerned, you can off.

- Start again.

- Yes, chef.

While the Red Team struggles to get out appetizers, the Blue Team has moved on to entrees.

Where's the snapper? Hurry up guys, please, yes? I'm walking to the pass right now.

Watch your back, watch your back.


Yes, chef? It's cold in the center and it's raw.

I'll re
-fire, chef.

I'm struggling, Paul.

I don't expect that from you! It's our first table! It's an hour into Hell's Kitchen's first
-ever high school reunion Whoo! In the blue kitchen It's cold in the center and it's raw.

Paul's first fish entree has received a failing grade from chef Ramsay.

It's our first table! I'm struggling, Paul.

I don't expect that from you.

Not tonight! Yes, chef.

- This is my fault.

- I up.

I'm taking this 100% on my shoulders.

Is that a total re
-fire? Yes.

Guys, we gotta pick this up.

While the Blue Team starts over on their first set of entrees Is it going? Yes, chef! The Red Team is still struggling to get out appetizers.

Is there any teamwork? Yes, chef! Call back the next table! Call back the next table! Two shrimp.

Two shrimp.

Two shrimp? Oh,.

Who's gonna lead the Red Team? I am, chef.

- Let's go, then.

- Let's go, ladies! Two pot stickers, salad, and one shrimp.

Let's go.

Walking with shrimp.

I see myself as a natural born leader.

I do have a big mouth, but I know how to use it.

- 30 seconds.


- Walking with my salad.

Following with pot stickers.

We can do this! They're nicely cooked.

They're beautiful.

Good job, ladies.

That's right.

That means I don't just talk.

Keep up the communication.

I can back it up.

You know what I'm sayin'.

Service, please.

Thanks to Elise's leadership, the Red Team's reunion guests are finally enjoying their appetizers.

It looks good.

Yeah, the pot sticker's good.

Meanwhile, over in the blue kitchen Three au poivre, one snapper, one pork, one New York strip.

Yes, chef! Let's go.

Monterray decides to lend a helping hand.

We need broccolini.

Just use the same pan.

Got it.

After I was done apps, I immediately jumped on the garnish.

You know, I just went full throttle.

What pan is this? What's this? That is for your broccolini.

You just put broccolini in the cold pan.

It's gonna get all greasy, all rule number one.

Vegetables in a cold pan with cold oil turns them into what? Mush, chef.

- Start again!
- Yes, chef.

I want to see some respect And now you just put it in the trash.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- Oh, my God.

- You kidding me? It's it's really embarrassing.

I need you at your best!
- Use your brain.

- Yes, chef.

While Monterray starts over on his broccolini, over in the red kitchen Fish to the window.

Rice, garnish, let's go.

I need rice, I'm running low.

I got it.

Carrie is hoping to impress chef Ramsay with her speed.


Look at me.

Look at me! Are you adding the old rice into the fresh rice and just reheating it? I'm watching everything you're doing.

No, I did add some to the old one, yes.

I'll emp I'll start over right now.

Dump that pan.

And start over.

She wants to cut corners, and you wonder why I'm pissed off.

No, chef.

That's pretty stupid.

My mind was blown.

I was like, well, chef Ramsay sees her for who she is, the weakest on the team.

I know the name of your restaurant.

Chez leftovers.

Yes, chef.

While Carrie starts from square one on her rice, chef Ramsay Snapper, please.

Is waiting on Paul Where's the snapper? Once again.

Yes, chef.

I'm pushing it out right now.

This is raw.

All of you.

I'm struggling.

The fish is raw! It's the second time! And it's the committee's table! You can't do that to me.


Paul's crashing and burning on the fish station.

Like the Titanic, you know.

It's going down.

You! Off fish.

Jonathon, Monterray.

On the fish.

I'm like, okay.

Come on, let's go, let's go.

Get it good, guys.

One in five minutes.

While Jonathon and Monterray try to rescue the blue kitchen, over in the red kitchen, Elizabeth is ready to prove that she is more than capable on the fish station.

- Fish to the window.

- Yes, chef.

I want my performance to be absolutely perfect.

Especially after the really embarrassing challenge.

Like, I have got to redeem myself.

- Elizabeth!
- Yes, chef.

That's beautifully cooked, this snapper.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you.

You and I, we're on the same page?
- Yes, I'm on the same page.

- Good.

Let's go, then.

While the red kitchen's dishes are now a hit with red diners Over on the blue side of the dining room I do apologize.

It's being recooked.

The reunion committee has yet to receive a single snapper.

Jonathon! Monterray! Committee table! We've got to pull it together.

- Two minutes.

-Two minutes, chef.

Jump in.

Do you need help? You you do what you gotta do.

Just do what you gotta do.

Chef Ramsay throws me on fish station, so I do what I can, and Jonathon just sittin' back and watching I'm like, dude, what the hell are you doing? Start cooking for your team, please.

Like, what is wrong with you? What the is Jonathon doing? I'm trying to help, chef.

I'm just trying to help.

Jonathon's sitting in the corner like some stray dog with his tail between his legs.

If anybody needs anything, just holler at me, okay? So I guess I'm by myself.

I have to step up.

And I'm, like, more than capable of doing this job.

Where is the snapper? Right here, chef.

It's raw.

All of you, come here.

Just touch that.

Put your hand on top of there.

Touch it, touch it.

Don't you dare walk off.

- I've had enough.

- Sorry, chef.

I am so pissed off.

He screws me.

You walk away.

Where's your respect? Get out! It's two hours into Hell's Kitchen's first
-ever high school reunion.

The Red Team is successfully getting out their entrees.

Let's go, ladies.

We can do this.

This is such a great night.

I'm so happy.

Where is the snapper? The blue team's third attempt to feed the reunion committee has failed.

It's raw.

And this time, it's Monterray who's responsible.

All of you, come here.

All of you! I am so pissed off.

I can't take it anymore.

- I have had enough.

- Sorry, chef.

He screws me.

You walk away.

Where's your respect? Get out! Off.

Can a couple of us stay, chef, and try to do something? Piss off!! This is the second time I've got kicked out of a kitchen.

And, you know, that really hurts my feelings.

Red Team, listen carefully.

The Blue Team are out.

You're now going to finish and sweep up the performance the Blue Team have done.

Two snapper, two New York strip, one pork, one opah, away.

Yes, chef.

The Red Team won tonight, because they got kicked out.

Oh, my God, it feels amazing.

I apologize for the delay on your entrees.

Red Team's stepping in, though, to make your meal for you.

So your entrees will be arriving shortly.

Now it's up to the Red Team to finish service for the Blue Team's guests, who are still waiting for their main course.

I don't want any bread! We need food.

Come on, ladies, please.

Come on.

Garnish up.


Let's go.

Behind, behind, behind.

Two snapper.


It's nice.

Two snapper.

There you are.


As the reunion committee applauds the Red Team for their entrees' arrival Out on the patio, the Blue Team has little to celebrate.

'Sup, Jon?.

- You got your packed?
- Why you say that? 'Cause it's time for you to go, babe.

- Me?
- Yeah, you.

When you get on the real station, then let's see what you gonna do.

I've showed my skills several times.

-I ain't sent nothin' out up.

I see you hidin' on dessert.

I went straight to garnish.

Straight to it.

And went straight to it went straight to it and it up, got sent back, went straight to fish and it up.

So k*ll that noise, man.

- You didn't cook anything.

- Are you serious? You ain't in a position to say anything that anybody can't cook or do anything right.

Not when I ain't never seen you do anything.

Don't even know the menu, and you still don't know it.

Man, you don't know how to cook.

As Monterray and Jonathon continue to battle, the Red Team has successfully completed dinner service.

And chef Ramsay has something special planned for the high school reunion guests.

Good job.

The Red Team.

Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, seeing as it's Hawaiian night, I've got a little surprise for you to help celebrate this phenomenal Take it away, boys.


Hula dancing looks fun.

I mean, I seen you can even do it with love handles.

I'm just saying.


Do not try this at home.

Right? With the reunion ending on a fiery note, the Blue Team seems ready to explode.

We don't know what you can do, 'cause you ain't cooked yet.

You came up throwing sh*ts at me.

I don't know why.

You'll be at the house, uh, crying, 'cause you got voted off.

You'll see what I'm gonna do.

Don't see how you can throw sh*ts when you only tossed a couple of salads and worked the side dish.

Where I come from, a bitch move like that, you wouldn't last five minutes in my neighborhood.

Don't wait till I walk away.

Don't talk that when I walk away, now.

You wanna back it up? Minutes after the Blue Team was kicked out of the kitchen by chef Ramsay You'll be at the house crying 'cause you got voted off.

You'll see what I'm gonna do.

Monterray and Jonathon's feud is in full swing.

Don't see how you can throw sh*ts when you only tossed a couple salads and worked the side dish.

Don't wait till I walk away.

Don't talk any when I walk away, now.

You wanna back it up? Back it up? Back it up and talk it now.

- I say it to your face.

- I'm a grown
-ass man, dog.

Whatever I said, I said to him, and I'll say it to you and your face.

Ain't about that at all.

Like I said, man You might as well pack your , man.

That ain't never been me.



Blue Team.

Have you reached a consensus? Yes, chef.


Blue Team's first nominee, and why? Our first nominee, chef, is Monterray.

He was put on the fish station to kind of take over for Paul, and he was still serving up raw fish.

Blue Team, second nominee and why? Our second nominee is Paul, chef.

He let us down on the fish station tonight.

Overcooked and undercooked fish.

Made us all get in the weeds and get behind.


Paul, Monterray.

Step forward, please.

Before I begin, I want to hear from one other person.


Get your butt up here.

- That's right.

- Wow.

Now, I'm seriously disappointed.

Paul That was one of the worst dinner services I've ever witnessed.

I'm sick to my stomach of what happened tonight.

I ruined somebody's that they'll never get back.

I feel that I'm not done, chef.

I take full responsibility for what happened.

But I really, really don't want to go.

I'm unconvinced.

You disintegrated.

You backed up
- the entire dining room.

- I know, chef.

I had the worst service of my life.

I am so disappointed in myself that I'm literally cringing.

Cringing of watching you at the pass and you on every table 'cause I couldn't get my together.

I don't want that to ever happen again, and I have enough determination to make sure it won't happen again.

That's why I still want to be here, 'cause my fire isn't out.

- Paul.

- Chef.

Back in line.

Thank you, chef.

I'm on the fence right now.

Jonathon, are you a better chef than Monterray?
- Yes, chef.

- Why? I have the, uh, communication.

If I think it's gonna be wrong, I'd rather talk to my team and get it right the first time, you know.

Try to get a strong start, but get a stronger finish.

- Monterray.

- Yes, chef.

What have you got that Jonathon hasn't? I think more experience on just the cooking alone, in the language and the ingredients that we work with.

I think I got more experience than him.

Maybe knife skills as well.

Knife skills? Knife skills? Yes, chef.

I don't know what he's talking about.

I've never cut myself since I've been here.

It's hard to cut yourself when you're just marinating meat all day and playing with meat all day, chef.

Okay, the person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Monterray.

Give me your chef's jacket.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

Head up, Monterray.

Thank you, chef.

It was a honor.

Thank you, bud.

Right on, dog.

Good luck.

I appreciate the effort.

I truly think that jonny should've been eliminated, because he hasn't done anything since he got here.

If I'd have known, you know, to stay in the background and not cooking anything was the key to stay in Hell's Kitchen, I'd have been did that from the start.

It doesn't matter what you've done before you entered Hell's Kitchen.

It matters on what you do inside this restaurant.

Got it? Yes, chef.

Get out of here.

Here it is right here, Monty.

I'm still standing.

And I'm still in the kitchen, baby.

You're on the couch.

I know it's chef Ramsay's restaurant, but at the end of the day, this is my prize.

I'm here to win, and no one's going to stand in my way.

I feel like chef Ramsay's giving me the biggest chance in the world I'm ever gonna get.

I gotta put what happened tonight behind me, focus on tomorrow.

It was high school reunion night in Hell's Kitchen.

Unfortunately, for Monterray, he flunked the test.

Next time onhell's kitchen I'm looking for greatness.

The pressure to impress chef Ramsay Natalie! Come on.

Chef Ramsay expects a lot out of me.

Breaks the chefs You're standing there crying your eyes out.

In ways they've never been broken before.

Shut it! I'm done.

I quit.

Jonathon! You can kiss my ass.

- Jonathon!
- Jonathon! And when both teams turn on each other Tommy, wrap the Wellingtons.

Don't throw me under the bus.

I can't let this make me look bad.

My venison's gonna be about two minutes.

That's what you called two minutes ago! Who died and made her queen? You won't believe what happens.

You need to work on your attitude.

You do too! I'm not here to make friends.

It's a battle for survival.

- How long?
- I don't know.

Three minutes, I said.

Don't throw it all on us.

Oh, my God.

All next time on a heart
-stopping episode of Hell's Kitchen.

We're not done yet.
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