09x03 - 15 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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09x03 - 15 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Food service my ass! After an embarrassing opening
-night dinner service Not one entree has left this kitchen.

Chef Ramsay made the teams go back to basics.

I know I can cook meat.

In the meat
-grilling challenge
- Don't do that.

Back up off my arm, dawg.

Carrie and Elise didn't impress Chef Ramsay.

That's not medium

Not happy with that.

Or each other.

Even just to look at her makes me want to sock her.

I just want toUnh! And will's perfectly cooked meat You cooked the burger medium


-bye, girls.


Clinched the victory for the men's team.


At dinner service Come on, ladies, let's go.

Carrie continued to struggle CarrieHow can we be backed up with a Caesar salad? And Elise's big mouth Let's go, ladies.

Ten minutes till the window.

Ten minutes? Ten seconds.

Got her in big trouble with Chef Ramsay.

Stop pointing at me like I'm some picture! Thank you, Chef Ramsay, for shutting up Elise.

In the blue kitchen Where's the risotto? Chino screwed up the risotto Another burnt risotto.

Burnt! And Brendan Is that the same bass? No, Chef.

So where's the old one, then? Threw it away, Chef.

Show me.

Got caught in a lie.

I'm gonna ask you one more time
- is that the bass from ten minutes ago? Yes.

Which infuriated Chef Ramsay so much You, you, you, you, you That he kicked all of the men out of the kitchen.

Get the out of here.

Get out! The women completed the blue team's orders Ladies, well done.

Hell yeah! And the men lost their second dinner service in a row, and nominated Brendan.

And Chino, step forward.

I'm disappointed.

Chef Ramsay ended the night with an easy decision.

Brendan, give me your chef jacket.

Dashing Brendan's hopes of being head chef at BLT Steak in New York City.

But Chef Ramsay wasn't done.

Ladies, we've only seen men leave the building.

I need to hear from a volunteer who will go to the men's team.

Fire woo woo woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees and I'm smoking baby the way you swerve, curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child when you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah the way you push, push lets me know that you're good
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

I didn't come out here to be embarrassed, man.

Monterray, I agree with you, bro.

It hurt my pride a little to have Chef Ramsay say that he feels that us, as the blue team, we needed some help.

If we do succeed next shift because another person from another team came over, that's the thing about it.

Look, whoever comes, she's part of our team.

I have no problems with anybody coming over.

I'm tired of getting my ass kicked.

She's blue, she's blue.

So what are we gonna do? I was thinking about it.

I'm tired of the drama.

And I'm not saying that you're drama or you're drama.

But we all know that this combination right here
- I can't stay in this dynamic anymore.

It Carrie and Elise do not get split up, that will be the downfall of the red team.

I don't want to go, and I'm not.

You two not getting along is an issue.

He said a volunteer.

I really want to go.

I see it as an opportunity for one of us to step up.

I really want to go too.

Damn, that really takes away from our team.

You two are very strong in the kitchen.

We're all competing against each other anyway.

You're either gonna prove yourself, or you're not.


I mean, seriously.

I was thinking about it, but I don't know.

I have an idea.

If you want to go, then I won't go.

If Jamie won't go Now, are you behind me on that? Yeah.

I wanted to go on the blue team, but everybody knows that this was the best solution that could possibly happen.

All right, it's easy.


I volunteer.

I just haven't had, really, a chance to shine.

And I think this is my time to step up and do it.

Plus, I enjoy working with guys.

I'm gonna come out smelling like roses.

Carrie's going.



With the big decision behind them, the women and the men settle into a peaceful slumber.

But early the next morning, Chef Ramsay has arranged for a raucous slumber party.

Aah! I don't like clowns.

Clowns are freaky.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Shut the up.

That's the wrong way to wake me up.

Get the Out of here, bro.

Come on, quick.

Chef Ramsay feels that since you cook like a bunch of clowns, you might as well be woken up by a bunch of clowns.

Apparently, we're all a bunch of clowns.

A stunning metaphor.

My mind has been blown.

Today, in the challenge, there's a very special ingredient.

Out front, there is a truck full of Stonefire naan bread that needs to be unloaded and brought in immediately.

Okay? Let's go.

Everybody outside.

Okay, right inside.

Line 'em up in the kitchen.

I'm a sandwich guy.

I love Stonefire naan bread, dude.

I'm curious to see what we're gonna do with a crap
-load of naan bread.


Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

Look at all those red jackets.

It's like an army there.

So, ladies, who's volunteering? I am, Chef.


Wow, wow, wow.

The person joining the blue team will be Carrie.

It's not you.


Yes, Chef.

We just lost a good member of our team.

This sucks! This is awesome.

For Chef Ramsay to pick me, that shows me that he knows that I can step up.

What do you think you can bring to the blue team to make a difference? I was over in their kitchen a little bit last night, and I think there's some organizational skills lacking.

Maybe we can pull together and really make it happen.

Love the attitude.

Will, you make it look painful.

It's nothing personal against any of the girls, but it sucks.

I've never had anyone say that to me before in my entire career in the kitchen.

To have that happen in front of you, that's what hurts the most.

I do not want anybody that was not on our team originally on our team now.

But Chef Ramsay's gonna do what Chef Ramsay wants to do, and the only thing we can do is roll with it.

Right, now I think our guests are arriving.

They are very hungry.

You gotta be kidding me, bro.

I don't do clowns, Chef.

Have a good look behind the clowns, because today you'll be cooking an extraordinary lunch for children.

Aw Oh Ladies, welcome.

This is your next challenge.

When I seen the moms and the kids coming in, I got that fire inside of me.

Because that's why I'm here, for my four babies.

I'm getting a little teary
-eyed now, you know.

I definitely miss my babies.

First team to feed their diners wins the challenge.

Let's get into the kitchens.

Let's go.

In today's mommy and me challenge Who's doing bechamel? Carrie is.

The chefs must first serve pasta and chicken quesadillas to 50 hungry children.

I'll cook the chicken if you can find some tortillas.

Once all the kids have been served, the chefs must prepare panini sandwiches for 50 mothers, utilizing the naan bread from today's delivery.

We're gonna eat some food.

The first team to serve their side of the dining room wins the challenge.

Are you hungry? Well They're gonna bring you some food soon.

Right, ladies, first order in.

Here we go.

One quesadilla, one bowl of pasta for the children.

That goes first.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.


I need somebody on quesadillas right now.

Got it.

I'm over losing challenges.

We have to win this one.

Where are we going with this? Blue team, here we go.

Away first, one quesadilla, one bowl of pasta for the children.

Yes, Chef.

Me, personally, I feel a lot of pressure in this challenge.

Because as a team, we suck.

This is .

Pick it up! I feel like we need the win.

Let's go, guys.

Bang it out.

Both teams are off to a fast start.


Very hot.

Thank you.

And within 20 minutes, each kitchen has fed half of their hungry children.

Convection oven's on.

I'm gonna put it in now? Yeah.

Can I flip it? Do you want to get a new one started? You think that's okay? I can't believe Jamie's going to serve a burned quesadilla.

It's not gonna be good.

Where's the quesadilla? It's burnt.

They're children! Ladies! Ladies, come here! All of you! Would you serve that to your baby? No, Chef.

No, Chef.


Jamie, stop sulking like a baby! The babies are out there, not in here! Start again.

While Jamie is making her little diners wait You hungry? I'm starving.

In the blue kitchen, Natalie is determined to push her new team ahead I've got two more coming at you, Will.

And get out the last of their kids' plates.

What's your time on the chicken, Monterray? Chicken is in.

Two minutes.

How about pasta? Natalie, give me four
- four minutes.

Four minutes, guys.

Nice job, Natalie.

Okay, I've got you on quesadillas.

We finally Started communicating.

And you know why? Because we got Natalie over on the team.

How are we looking, guys? How long? Chef Ramsay knows what he's doing 100%, man.

You got peppers on there yet? Yes.

Service, please.

Last quesadilla.

Did we get the panini? Yes, Chef.

Last quesadilla, guys.


Table two.

Let's go.

challenge, the teams are virtually tied, having served all of the children in the dining room.

Three chicken panini, one ham, three sweet potato fries.

Yes, Chef Now the race is on to get the mothers fed.

We need three chickens, one ham
-let's go.


We need some over here.

We can't be keep crossing over each other, Carrie.

You're running around frazzled.

I'm not running around frazzled.

I'm trying to get this done.

We already been assigned paninis.

I'm doing the chicken, Carrie.

You can cut.

You can cut.

We need to be organized.

I consider Elise like a little yip
-yip dog.

She just kind of bip bip bip bip bip bip at your feet, and you just kind of kick her away, you know.

How 'bout I'll cut it over here? She's not listening.

How's that? How 'bout I cut it over here? The girl's not listening.

I'm trying to get the done.

I'm frustrated with Carrie.

I hate her.

She runs around the kitchen like a chicken with her head cut off.

Breathing and all that.

Nobody needs that.

Looks like there's missing.

This is not
- Carrie made this one.

That's the one I made.

I did not.

Carrie made that one.

Get rid of that .

Excuse me.

Elise, I made that one right there and I set it right there.

Get away from me, Carrie! While the red team wastes time arguing I need a ham on the fly! I need a ham yesterday! I'm making it now.

Thank you.

Two chicken, one ham, one veg.

The blue team's newfound chemistry is paying off.

Let's go, guys.

We're kicking ass.

And they now have the lead.

You've got a very small lead.

Keep it going.

Yes, Chef.

Go! Slide 'em up there.

Service, please.

Table one.

Table one.

Thank you.

Ladies, the guys are flying out now.

Come on! Chicken! It's like a back and forth battle with us and the red team.

We're so close right now.

We gotta pick up the pace.

Let's do this! Two tables left.

Let's go.

Right now.

Excuse me, Chef.


All of you, just stop.

Look at me! Look at me! For Chef Ramsay's teamwork challenge, the chefs are cooking lunch for a dining room full of hungry children and their mothers.

The blue team has got two tickets left, ladies.

You've got three.

Let's go.

And both teams are racing to the finish.

Excuse me, Chef.

All of you, just stop! Look at me.

Look at me! There's no chicken in here.

I mean, do you think I'm gonna push that out? You've got a small lead, but it's shrinking away.

Start the table again! Yes, Chef.

Guys, use every single little bit of chicken we have.

A nice, even layer, man.

Oh, man, that burned my ass, man.

I need the paninis.

You're griddling paninis, you know what I'm saying? It ain't rocket science.

Good luck.

Good luck, guys.

Come on, we're so close, I'd like to take it away from them.

Table four.


There we go.

Send the chicken.

Let's go.

Last table.

Two veg panini.

Let's go! Guys, pick it up! Come on, come on, come on.

Fast, fast, fast.

Talk to each other.

Talk to each other.

They're on their last ticket, and so are you.

Come on, come on, Carrie.

I've got a veggie right here, Chef.

Is that it? Go.

Service, please.

Blue team, congratulations I really wanted to go to the blue team.

I really did.

That was the first time we actually communicated, bro.

Welcome aboard, baby! Welcome.

One, two, three Blue! Credit's given where credit's deserved.

Natalie came in
- she's a rock star.

Natalie, that's awesome.

It's what I do, boys.

We need to come back together as a team.

At the same time we have to look at our weakest links too because that's gonna cause us problems at dinner service.

Why are you in my space? I'm not in your space.

Back up.

You're in my space.

This is my personal space.

I'm like a foot away.

Your mouth is one of the issues, Carrie.

You following people around and walking around doing Is one of the weakest issues.

Jamie, I thought I was actually helping out.


Find a station and man it! All right.

All right, fine.

That's it.

Guys, line up.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

OkayBlue team, job well done.

You know, if I'd have known it was that easy to bring a beautiful lady in to get everybody talking, I'd have had Tommy put a dress on, man.

Okay, today you're gonna have a lot of surprises.

I don't want to give it away now in front of the girls.

It would be unfair.

So run upstairs and change into something a little bit more comfortable.

Okay? Get out of there.

Ladies, where did that spirit go? How can you lose it? Is it because you lost your lucky charm in Natalie? No, Chef.

I will say, Chef, I feel like Carrie ran around the kitchen today like a chicken with her head cut off Oh, my God.

And didn't know where she should go, what she should do.

'Cause we were neck and neck, and we could have won this challenge easily with our eyes closed.

I was trying to, like, get everything out.

I was doing everything I can because I want to make it perfect.

I wouldn't send out a half
-assed sandwich or anything like that.

It's just like she's
- both of you need to shut up.

That's what needs to happen.


Shut your mouths.

Both of you.

Stop talking.


-all right.

Okay, just leave it.

Okay, you're gonna be spending a little time together today figuring it out.

First of all, look at the state of my dining room.

What a mess.


I want my dining room pristine.


Off you go.

Yes, Chef.

God, this is a disaster.

Like, how did I end up with this team that can't put their differences aside when it's all of our asses on the line? Kids are disgusting.

Kids are nasty.


The restaurant was disgusting.

I can't understand how kids can be that messy.

My son is three years old and was never that messy.

There's something in the vacuum.

I don't know how this thing works.

Carrie is worse than useless.

Something not up here.

You broke the vacuum.

dang it.

I feel a little bad for Carrie.

Everybody's got this tainted image of her.

And once you get somebody in your radar, every single thing that they do you're gonna criticize.

It never fails.

I don't like punishment.

While most of the red team goes medieval on Carrie Whoo! The blue team is in for some medieval fun.

Welcome to the splendors of Medieval Times.

Yeah! All right.

Medieval Times.

Oh, my God.

It's getting to sit and eat a big
-ass turkey leg and watch people fight.

s*ab him in the heart! Go, blue knight! Don't take that from him, kick his ass! Uhh! Yeah! Haaaa! Oh Yeah! I'm a kitchen warrior.

I got my battle
-ax, I got my
-my shield.

Like, I'm really, really enjoying myself today.

Yeah, blue knight! It just keeps getting better.

We not only got to watch a sword fight, but we got to do it ourselves, man.

Point your sword out in front of you, just like this.

That was cool.

I mean, there was literally sparks flying.

As the blue team's reward gets better and better, the red team learns that their punishment is not just limited to cleaning.

I'm sick of this crap.

It also includes setting up for family night, which is tomorrow night at Hell's Kitchen.

Oh Great.

We're going to be assembling a playground.

Another team
-building exercise, ladies.

Good job.

And of course, Carrie the mouth was, like, "uh" You think a couple of us should get started on that? Yeah, can we do that? Come on, Elizabeth.

I thought the best thing to do was put together the biggest project
- the swing set.

Push forward.

But for some reason, Krupa, Elizabeth, and Carrie put together the basketball net, which is, like, three pieces.

Turn that way.

All right.


It is really stuck good.

How'd we get it stuck so good? Ha, ha, ha! Victory for the blue team! When the wenches are finished with the day's work, please bring me a flagon of mead.

Them acting like fools, I wanted to turn around and swing at one of them.

What are y'all ladies building? Do we get to play with this later? No.

That's a lot of instructions for a slide.

Ladies, enjoy building stuff.

We shall go be drunk and merry.

After a long day of pleasure for the blue team and pain for the red, the teams settle in to discuss their plan for the next dinner service.

Natalie, what do you want to bring to the table that's gonna help up win this service, based on what you guys did? Give us the scoop.

The reason why we did dinner service so good the other night is because we had everything set up on point.


We would make out lists for every station.

I'm taking all the advice I can get from Natalie right now, you know, because she was with the red team.

They blasted us out in the past two dinner services.

If we set up the stations and we keep a constant communication, that's all we need to do.

While the blue team works out their plan of action, the red team is hatching a strategic plan of their own.

Think about it logically.

What are we gonna do with Carrie doing dinner service? Especially if she's assigned to a hardcore station.

Help me come up with a solution.

I don't know.

That's the only thing
- that's
-I don't know.

What did she do today? She made bechamel sauce.

Not even made it from scratch.

What else? All right, good point.

You want to know what I did? Yes, I heated up the bechamel sauce.

Then I went over and I helped you with the quesadillas 'cause that would get things done faster.

Why do you have an attitude with me? I don't have an attitude with you.

I'm just
-God! Stop with the attitude.

I don't have an attitude.

I was giving you attitude, and you were
- excuse me.

I didn't even say anything.

They said it! Did you not pop off
- they said, "What did she do?" They said it! Excuse me.

At the end of a long and punishing day for the red team They said, "What did she do?" Jamie's irritation with Carrie has reached a boiling point.

I didn't say a word.

You popped off and said I put onions in it.

So you shouldn't be giving me any attitude.

damn it, Jamie.

Carrie is creating all these problems, and that's what's fracturing the team.

If she can't get it together, we're screwed.

This is going to be a problem.

She's got something wrong.


Tonight is family night in Hell's Kitchen.

Meat's doing good over here, guys.

And while the red team is hoping to repeat their successful last dinner service in Hell's Kitchen, the blue team is hoping to claim victory like they did yesterday in the mommy and me lunch.

These garlic and shallots are done.

Prep is going very smooth.

Everyone's in sync.

That's the number one step to victory, boys.

While the blue team's communication has reached a new high, the red team's communication.

Who needs confit garlic? Has hit a new low.

Prep seems to be going good.

The red team is not fighting.

Anybody? I mean, what better way to avoid a drama than not talking? No? The most popular night in Hell's Kitchen is family night.

Are you clear on what you're doing tonight? To ensure that this hectic evening runs smoothly, Chef Ramsay has dispatched Chino and Gina to assist James in the dining room.

James, Gina, and Chino, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, Chef.

You're right here, ladies.

For tonight's dinner service, in addition to the regular menu, Chef Ramsay has added a kids' menu that includes chicken tenders, burgers, and spaghetti.

Chicken fingers? Spaghetti? Okay.

I've got three entrees.

Each table will also be served a welcoming margherita pizza.

Order in.

Order in.

So what does that say there? Help me understand that.

It's a margherita.

One chicken tender, one beef Wellington, and what's that? Kid cheeseburger.

And no sides? Did you offer them sides? Uh, no, I didn't, Chef.

Oh, piss off, Chino! Chef Ramsay was busting my For not writing legibly.

And I don't know.

I'm completely discombobulated.

Here you are, Chef.

Two appetizers, three entrees.

Is that right? Yes, Chef.

Very nice.

Red team, we're off.

Two risotto, one Caesar salad, one cioppini.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, guys.

I'm gonna do the best that I can.

I'm on my "a" game, and I can get us off to a racing start.

Check the bottom.


Salad please.

Nice pizza, Elise.

Thank you, Chef.

Margherita pizza away.

Table 30, please.

While Elise gets the red team off to a good start, the blue kitchen is still waiting for Chino to deliver an order.



Chino! Chino, let's go.

Time's of the essence, so it's go time.

Gotta go.

Gotta go.

Ticket for 21
- chicken tenders, squab salad.

- beef Wellington.

Holy crap.

Finally, he's written the ticket out.

All right, blue team, margherita pizza.

One chicken tender, one squab salad.

-one beef Wellington, one spaghetti for the children.

Yes, Chef.

Give me a time on that first margherita.

Two minutes, Chef.


Let's go.

As jonathon gets the blue team's first pizza going, in the red kitchen, Krupa's ready to deliver her first appetizer.

Risotto, where is it? Krupa.

Yes, Chef.

All right, I'm walking with the risotto.

You guys ready? Yeah.

I need that squid asap! Blue team, you may be winning every Challenge that comes along, but we're winning the important stuff.

Who made that risotto? I did.

Thank you, Chef.

It's delicious.

Yeah, we're gonna kick ass tonight! Oh, my God! Amanda! What is going on over there? Elise.

Yes, Chef.

I knocked over the sauce.

Amanda is very frazzled.

It is super frustrating to me because I'm really sick, at this point, of babysitting people.

Oh, my gosh.

into dinner service Service, please.

Appetizers are flying out of the red kitchen.

And the blue kitchen is looking to Tommy Two chicken tenders.

To get them off the ground.

Chicken finger, are you up or no? Good.

Bring 'em.

Are they burnt? They're burnt, bro.

More chicken fingers down now.

Two chicken tenders.

You think that's burnt? You wanna serve it, bro, you Bring it to him.

Guys, I'm dying here.

Tommy! Two tenders, Chef.

They're overcooked and they're Dry.

Tommy, come here.

Come here! I know they're children, all right.

I've got four of my own.

Would you serve them that ? It's like a Baby's flip
-flop! Oh, piss off, will you! Come on, quality product, Tommy.

Piss off.

While Tommy's overcooked tenders keep families on the blue side waiting Where's my food? Where's my food? The red team, led by Krupa and Jamie, has completed their appetizers, and Chef Ramsay is looking to Carrie and Jennifer to keep the momentum going with the entrees.

Okay, first entree.

Two sea bass, one lamb, two New York strip, one cod.

Six minutes to the window.

Yes, Chef.

Wake up, Carrie, Jennifer.

Let's go! I am not a Carrie hater, but I am not looking forward to working with her on the meat station tonight.

Are we sure there's a burger on this? Yeah.

One Wellington, one cheeseburger.

Correct? Yes.

Jennifer, what proteins do you have right now? One Wellington, one lamb, two stripsAnd a burger.

Okay, two strips.

So I have polenta right here.

Let's go, guys.

Right behind.

Just put it down.

Why do we have a kids' burger? It's not even on the ticket.

Neither is the Wellington.

All of you, come here! It's the first Ticket of the night.

Two bass, two New York strip, one lamb, one cod.

No burger, no Wellington.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Your first ticket.

Jennifer, this is embarrassing! Half the dining room is filled with children.

Pathetic! It's family night in Hell's Kitchen, and after a strong start Service, please.

Carrie and Jennifer's mistake on the first set of entrees has put the brakes on the red kitchen.

No burger, no Wellington.

Your first ticket.

Jennifer, this is embarrassing! I'm mortified that I was even a part of this.

I will not go down for Carrie.

I should have just pushed her away and had her do something else.

Start again.

Yes, Chef.

While the red team stumbles Now's your chance to get ahead.

Yes, Chef.

The blue team has completed appetizers, and now they're ready to get started on their first entrees.

Okay, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Two chicken tenders, one cod, one lamb, one Wellington.

One strip, one kids' spaghetti.

Yes, Chef.

You also have a zucchini and a broccolini on that dish.

Get your broccolini going now, get your spinach going.

Get everything in your pans, and let's rock! Tommy, he ended up messing up on appetizers, so after that, I was
- me, personally, I wasn't gonna have none of that.

Chef, I'm reading this right here
- turn around and put the food back.

These are solo chicken So if I have to work fish and garnish at the same time, I'm gonna do what I have to do.

If you guys me on this fish, man, I'm gonna be pissed! I'm tired of losing.

Dude, I'm sorry, bro Don't say sorry to me ever, bro.

Just do it, man.

You got it.

Will's great at calling out and getting everybody on focus.

Tommy, five potatoes, bro.

I wanted to say, "get away and leave me alone
- I'm not an idiot.

" But it was much
-needed help.

What's the ketchup for? Next time you start giving me stuff I don't need, I'm just gonna throw it at you.


Thanks to a very vocal will, the blue team's first entrees are leaving the kitchen.

As for the red team, they are now ready with the second attempt on their first entrees.

I'm ready.

I'm ready.

Is it ready? You guys, I'm ready.

Anybody else? I'm ready.

You ready? I'm ready.

Somebody send it then! Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, New York strip.

Let's go, fast! Right behind.

The garnish is there.

I have one.

Is the other one behind? Right behind it, Chef.

It's gonna come back.

It's raw.

I don't
- should I put it in the oven? Put it in the oven.

Put it in the oven.

Come on, let's go.

Hurry up.

Let's go, Amanda.

Come on, girl, you got this! Where's the two bass? Two are in the oven.

Where's the sea bass? Two are in the oven.

Amanda! Yes, Chef.

How long for the first two bass? Three minutes, Chef.

It's raw.

I didn't cook it.

Three minutes? She said it should be, like, one more minute.

That's because you didn't sear it good enough, and you
- okay, you don't need to yell at me.

I'm already getting yelled at by the Chef.

Why the are you yelling at me? Let me cook the food.

I'm not yelling.

I'm just telling you so you don't do that again with that one.


Stop! All of you! There's nothing happening, Amanda! I'm sorry, you guys.

While Chef Ramsay and some children are still waiting on the red team's first entrees, over in the blue kitchen Two Wellington, one lamb, one strip, two burgers.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, Natalie.

All eyes are on Natalie on the meat station.

You got everything going? Yeah.

We're waiting on you.

Natalie, you drive the ticket, right? It's in, everything's in.

You're just waiting.

I'm just waiting, yeah.

It's go time.

Natalie should be coming out with fire out of her eyes.

Oh, my gosh, it's raw.

It's raw? They're not cooking how they're supposed to.

While the blue kitchen waits on Natalie's Wellingtons, the families on the red side are hoping food will be coming their way in the near future.

What's going, Amanda? I'm sorry, Chef? What's going? I have two bass on this ticket, Chef, with a lamb.

And a cod.

And a cod? And a cod.

The cod's not on? The cod is not on, Chef.

What? I forgot about it.

Oh, my God! Amanda Is there anyone home? You haven't got the cod on? I forgot about it.

Ugh! It's family night Disaster night! I'm sorry, Chef.

You're gonna be up on that chopping block if you don't get it together, girl.

I look over, I see Amanda, and she is just absolutely blank stare.

She's a deer in headlights.

She's shutting down by the second.

I'm sorry for letting you guys down.

Amanda Yes, Chef.

Fight back! Yes, Chef.

For God's sake, woman, get some dignity! It's our first table.

While Amanda holds up the red kitchen, the blue kitchen's still waiting on Natalie.

I'm just running behind on those Wellingtons.

Natalie Wake up! Right now I feel like the spotlight's kind of on me.

I need to step up, or I'm gonna fall on my face.

Natalie, driving, how long? One minute.

One minute.

Thank you.

Let's go, Natalie.

Yes, Chef.

Coming up with two Wellingtons.

Behind, behind.

Two Wellingtons, Chef.

Natalie, good job.


Beef Wellington.

With Natalie back in her groove, families on the blue side are enjoying their meal.

That's good stuff.

Yummy, huh? But the families on the red side continue to wait.

Ah How much time now? We're waiting on the lamb.

Are you standing there with your hands on your hip while we're trying to put this ticket out? No, I am not.

I better see you cooking something! Elise is always yelling at me.

See what I mean? I'm not gonna let her get to me.

I know I can cook.

I know I'm good.

How long till window? We have one more minute.

Please, let's get it up.


Let's go.

Here we go.

Yes, Chef.

Where's the bass? It's coming up right now.


Where's the lamb? It's right here, Chef.

Let's go.

Garnish, please.

Look at this.

Oh, , it's raw! Is it still raw? Come on.

And it's walking.

No, it's right there.

You gotta be kidding me, guys! No, that's
- okay.


Leave me alone! All of you, come here.

Look at the state of this! I thought it looked good.

I honestly think that Carrie doesn't have all her marbles.

Why are you doing this to me? I saw this, and I thought it was okay, Chef "I saw this.

" It's not even hot.

It's raw.

Raw! ! Gina, please.

Yes, Chef.

Take this useless brigade around every table, and I want a sincere apology on the back of your crap performance! Piss off! Every one of them.

Why don't you explain to this table? Could you look at all these children.

They're all famished.

We sincerely apologize about your entrees.

It was humiliating apologizing to the tables when I felt like it wasn't my fault.

Very sorry.

We apologize.

We are sorry you don't have any entrees right now.


Yes, we're a team, but you can only do so much when you have a broken leg.

Ladies, I promise it will not happen again, okay? Ladies Yes, Chef.

That was the first useful thing you have done tonight.

It's also the last.

Get out of here! All of you! And hang your heads in shame because you absolutely suck.

Piss off! Embarrassing! And on family night! You certainly don't care about the children! Oh, my God.

Shut it down! Chef is going to call me out, I'm telling you.

He's gonna call you out, but there's two of you going up.

This could be a great opportunity for the red team.

We can get rid of Carrie and turn something negative into a positive.

The first time all the food was up there
- don't talk to me right now.

I don't wanna hear what you got to say.

Just wait.

Get out of my face.

Just wait.

You can talk to her later.

She can talk up on the chopping block.

That's where she can talk.

Don't say a word! No, I'm not gonna have you talk like this, especially to me.

Let me ask you a serious question right now.

Do you take medication? Elise, stop it.

Because I think that you are living in another world.

You are nothing but a distraction on me.

You didn't call anything.

You up the whole rhythm of the kitchen, and I knew this was gonna happen! I did not.

Elise, stop it! Yes, you did.

The I did! More than two hours into family night, and the red team's ejection from the kitchen has ignited another battle between Carrie and Elise.

You up the whole rhythm of the kitchen, and I knew this was gonna happen.

The I did! Elise, stop it.

Yes, you did.

I did not.

Yes, you did.

While the red team is busy pointing fingers, the blue team is fired up and on their way to completing their first dinner service For you, milady.

Feeding not only the families on the blue side, but on the red team's side as well.

We were like the pistons in a car.

We were a unit, we were a team.

We dominated.

I'm ecstatic.

Come on, guys, we're doing awesome, all right? Come on, guys.

Last ticket, guys.

Are you good, Tommy? Yeah.

Where's the lamb? Lamb, Chef.

I knew that I would be able to make a difference on the blue team.

Go, please.

Yay! Yay! Blue team, you finally did it.

You walk out of this kitchen tonight with your head up high.

Good service.

We got it.


That felt great.

I love my team.

I just couldn't help but smile all over inside.

Redemption, man.

This falls on the meat station.

And I'm not saying you.

Fine, then I'll go up.

It bothers me.

It's not fair that I might go up because of my partner.

Elise is right.

Carrie needs to go home.

Elise, you're gonna blame me anyway.

You don't even want me here.

I called it.

I said if Carrie's on meat, we're .

Because that is the station that drives the tickets.

I got frazzled.

I did.

Every time.

That is not true, Elise.

Every time there's a test, you get frazzled.

I admit I up with the raw lamb.

"I up with the raw lamb.

" How 'bout "I up the entire night"? "I up" Elise, I didn't up the entire night, though.

Well, then, you're crazy, just like I said.


End of discussion.

Now I know.

I do deserve to be here.

I'm not ready to leave Hell's Kitchen.

And I'm ready to fight.

Where do we start? Ladies, where was the group of women that performed so brilliantly in the second service? It was very disappointing and humiliating.

And I feel like the common denominator was Carrie, Chef.

Jennifer, talk to me.

We were unfocused.

We weren't talking to each other, we weren't
- it's a dream having two on a section.

One takes out the protein, one drives it.

I wish I was alone, Chef, to be honest.

Whilst you're all jumping on the bandwagon of Carrie, let me remind you nobody stepped up to the plate.

Anyone else got anything to say? This is what needs to happen, is that attitudes need to be adjusted.

They do.

There's a lot of attitudes in this kitchen, and something needs to happen.

A lot of egos.

Who has the problem with their ego? There's a huge problem between Elise and Carrie and the drama that they've brung.

Because people who did work today are pissed.

I'm pissed! Krupa stood there.

I tried to bail my team out.

I tried to bail my team out while Krupa stood there.

Krupa stood there.

You stood there, honey.

Excuse me There goes the ego, Chef.

This confirms Why no entrees left your kitchen.

Jennifer, step forward, please.

My next choice is After a total team breakdown led to a devastating loss for the red team, Chef Ramsay's making his own nominations.

Jennifer, step forward, please.

Carrie, step forward.

And you know what, Amanda, join them.

Carrie, tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I love cooking.

It is my passion.

It's in my heart.

I'm not ready to go yet, Chef.

I want to prove to you I am good enough.

Why is your team so desperate to see you out of here? I don't know what Elise has against me.

She's had something against me since day one.

I'm not quite sure what it is.

It's not just Elise, Carrie.


Yes, Chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Well, Chef, unlike Carrie, I am not in denial that I had a crap performance tonight in the kitchen.

I know it Not in denial at all.

I want this, Chef.

I'm not gonna around and lie to you and say, like, "oh, you know, save me.

You know, feel bad for me.

I'm good.

I can
-" I can work my ass off for you, Chef.

I can do better.

You've seen me do better.

You didn't fight back.

Yes, Chef.

You threw the towel in.

I know, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, the last days I've been here, I've become a little bit more comfortable.

I'm one of the hardest workers in this kitchen.

So why don't you take control then? I thought that you driving the meat would have done it.

I should have cooked everything.

But again, I have a partner, and I thought she could handle one thing out of seven.

It's so easy to throw me under the bus.

Why are you in denial, Carrie? I'm not in denial.

I had a horrible performance this evening.

I know that.

I'm not in denial about it.

So we're not throwing you under the bus.

We're just telling the truth.

Okay, the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Amanda.

I'm sorry, your time is done.

Give me your jacket, and leave Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good night, and good luck.

Love you, Amanda.

I'm so completely and utterly embarrassed and disappointed with myself.

My dream coming into Hell's Kitchen was to win.

So to have one of my idols tell me, "you're not worth it" That sucks.

Back in line, both of you.

This is a message for all of you.

When you screw up, no matter how little, how big, you fight back And show me you belong here.

And more importantly, never, ever give up.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

Get out.

Blue team, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

I'm so mad I could punch a wall out.

Carrie has zero talent.

The sight of her makes me want to puke.

And if Amanda had to go, Carrie should have went along with her.

Elise, she kinda just made a fool out of herself.

Sorry, honey, I'm not going anywhere.

I will defend myself.

I'm not gonna let anyone try and s*ab me in the back.


Taking how low the women feel, we want to drive them that much lower.

If they're five feet under right now, I want to put 'em ten feet under
-take no prisoners.

Amanda lost the will to cook on the line tonight.

I lost the will to keep her here.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Man your station! Yo, man, you ain't gotta talk There's fighting on the blue team Whatever, man.

If you're gonna quit, then just quit now.

Get the out of here! There's fighting on the red team Keep your opinion to yourself.

No! No! Oh! Shut up, I'm talking! But when Chefs cross the line Don't talk back to me.


You're so disrespectful.

And dare to fight You ain't gonna keep cussing at me.

I don't give a Who you are.

With the sous chefs Alls you have to do is bring it up! I understand.

Then do it! Then it's done, then.

you! Well, you too, then! Stop! Chef Ramsay Come here, you! Has the final word.


And what happens at elimination The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Shocks everyone.

All next time on a tear
-jerking, heart
-stopping Shut up! Jaw
-dropping Wow! Episode of Hell's Kitchen.

Oh, my God!
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