05x08 - The Glass Trap

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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05x08 - The Glass Trap

Post by bunniefuu »

Hold it right there, Brastow. Police!


Are you ready?
Just about.

Pete was so excited when he found out
you were coming to the club tonight.

I wanted to get over there ever since
he opened. He sure plays a mean guitar.

That he does. How about
having dinner with us afterwards?

The minute Pete's finished, I split.

Joe, you know Pete.
He wouldn't mind.

Peggy, even in the jazz scene,
three's a crowd.

What's the matter?
Brastow, I just saw him!

Call Tobias.
Tell him to get some men over here.

All right, Brastow, let's go.

There are a lot of people
anxious to see you.

We'll get him there in minutes.

Have the fugitive division contact
the New York people right away. Out.

California license number X.


Well this time it's going to work.

New York's got an open and shut
case against him.

It was supposed
to work the last time too.

Our case against Brastow
wasn't that tight.

Come on, Adam.
He ran a narcotics ring in I A.

Okay, Joe. We built a case
on strong evidence

but it was too circumstantial
to stand up in court.

New York has a much better shot at him.
It's true, Joe. They've got him cold.


They've got an unimpeachable witness
who saw Brastow k*ll that policeman.

Adam, within the hour,

Brastow's friends could have a contract
out on that unimpeachable witness.

Okay, Joe. We'll suggest they provide
protective custody in New York.

For how long?
Well, till the trial's over.

And that could be months!

Come on, Joe, in a couple of days
we'll have him on a plane.

Adam, you know as well as I do,

Brastow's lawyer will pull every trick
in the book to delay extradition.

Why no, we have no intention
of fighting extradition.

My client was innocent of the charges
You leveled at him here a year ago.

We have intention to prove he's innocent
of the charge of m*rder in New York.

He tried to k*ll me tonight
because he's an innocent man.

Mr. Mannix, you were the one who
initiated the as*ault against Brastow.

Try again!
He was the only one with a g*n.

Then, consider my client's position.

First he's unjustly accused
on a narcotics charge

now he's falsely accused
of murdering a New York policeman.

If he was innocent, why didn't he turn
himself in and face the charges?

I suggested that to my client,

but he was afraid
that as a suspected cop k*ller,

he might get shot down in the street
by some overzealous police officer.

No, no, no. My officers aren't
that zealous, Mr. Wilton!

I told him that, Lieutenant.
But the man is filled with fear.

Especially where Mr. Mannix here
is concerned.

Just a minute please.

Mr. Brastow, are we still agreed?

All right.

Mr. Mannix,

Mr. Brastow agreed not to press charges
against you as a gesture of goodwill.

Against me?
Why yes.

For as*ault on his personal life
and causing him grievous mental damage.

Good evening.

Could sure use some coffee.

Oh hello, Mrs. Frank.

Hello, Mr. Mannix.
Please, come in.

Thank you.
Nice seeing you again.

Sit down, Mrs. Frank.

Are we still so formal
after all we've been through?

She read about Eric Brastow.

I came right over. I wanted
to see what could happen now.

We, uh, can't try him
on that drug charge again.

But he's guilty!

Yes we know.

He k*lled my Joannie.

I know we can't bring her back,
Mr. Mannix,

but that man... that beast

We've got to see to it that he's stopped
from doing this to somebody else!


Well, he's wanted for k*lling a police
officer in New York.

They're going to take him back
there for trial.

But there was a trial before!
Yes, I know. But...

this time he won't get away.

I'd believe that more, Mr. Mannix,
if you believed it more.

But I do.

Thank you for talking to me.

I know you tried to help my little girl.

I'll never forget you for that.

Goodbye, Mrs. Frank.

Take it easy, Joe.

She walks in here all she wants is a
little assurance, and I let her down...

just like I let her down
the last time.

Still feeling guilty because you and
Adam couldn't get a conviction

on Eric Brastow?

Eric Brastow hooked
Joannie Frank on dr*gs!

Who knows how many others.

You know it, I know it
and Adam knows it!

Sure, she O.D.'d herself...

but Brastow k*lled her just as sure
as if he had handed her the needle.

Mr. Mannix' office.

Yes, he is.

Just a moment, please.

Joe Mannix?


Are you the one who got lucky last night
and grabbed Eric Brastow?

That's right.

I guess he ain't as tough as they say?
Who is this?

This is the guy who's taking
him back to New York for trial.

Maybe you've heard of me...
Ross Santini.


Hello, Joe.
Are you taking him back to New York?

Yeah, along with my partner Tom Wall.
Where are you?

L.A. International.
Sit tight. I'll be right over.

No need. Wall got in early this morning

to check out the security
setup at the airport.

Mary and I just got in minutes ago.

My wife, Joe.
You did it!

Yeah, six months ago.
Well, when do I meet her?

Well she's going to stay on here
with her folks in Simi Valley.

I was kind of hoping
you'd keep an eye on her.

Consider it done.
Where you headed now?

Mary's going to grab a cab
and go get us a hotel room.

Then I've got to find my partner.

We'll rent a car, and I'll meet you
at Lieutenant Tobias' office in an hour.

Right. I'll see you there.
Okay, Joe. Great talking to you.

Old friend?
Yeah, Ross Santini.

We worked together here in LA
six years ago when he was a rookie cop.

He saved my life one dark
and dangerous night.

He sound like just the man to take
Eric Brastow safely back to New York.

Yeah, that he is.

Okay, Ross, get your signature
on this and it's all done.


Hey, Joe, you are looking great!

Hi, Adam.
Hello, Joe.

You don't look a day older!
This is my partner Tom Wall.

Hi, Tom.

Ross talks about you almost as much
as he does about his bride.

When do I get to meet her?
Maybe never!

She must be something. He hasn't even
let his buddies take a good look.

I know a nice little jazz place.
We can all meet for a drink.

Well, there may be
a hang-up about that.

New York said to head back
the minute we had Brastow in custody.

I wouldn't want to hold you up on that.

Lieutenant Tobias. Yeah.


I'll be right over.

It's Brastow.
What about him?

They're taking him
to the prison infirmary.

Will the
security officer please go to West?

Doc, what's the matter with him?
That's what I'm about to find out.

Gentlemen, will have to wait out here.
Say, Doc...

Consider the possibility he's faking.

I won't know exactly what's wrong with
him until I examine him further.

But from professional experience
I can assure you he is a sick man.

I knew it, Adam. No extradition.
It was too pat!

Well he's sick, Joe.
Well it's self-induced.

We had him checked when he came in.
He didn't have anything on him.

Someone could have given him something.
Well, that's true.

I'll have him watched. If he is faking,
he won't be able to keep it up in here.

Couple of days, no more.

I guess everything has a silver lining.
Now we can have that drink.

Care to join us, Tom?
Yeah, thanks.

I have a feeling Mary will insist
to visit with her folks this evening.

I mean, since I've got to stay now.
Well you'll have plenty of time.

Come on, Ross. I'm a jazz nut anyway.

Okay, Joe.

Great. It's the Cable Club, corner of
Fillmore and rd. About :

I'll drag him there.

I'll be back in a minute. Okay.

Don't worry, Joe.

Everything Brastow does has a reason
behind it. Even to getting a bellyache.

A Miss Van Buren called.

Something about a dinner she promised
to whip up for you at her apartment.

I hinted that you might be busy tonight,
and she seemed disappointed.

Get her on the phone
for me, will you, Peggy?

I better tell her to keep things warm.

I thought you were seeing
the Santinis tonight.

I am, but just for a quick drink.
They have to go visit her parents.

It was Brastow.

From the prison infirmary?
You know what I mean.

Come on, you got to be kidding. You make
at least one mortal enemy a month.

This could be any one of them.
Could be but it wasn't.

Why would Brastow want you dead?
You can't hurt him now.


Maybe he just doesn't like men
who send him to jail.

He's got more pressing things
to think about.

I'm going to take this thing to the lab,
but I don't think it's going to help.

Oops, it's half past ,
and I'm late for that drink.

Hey, Joe...

why don't you have two,
but keep your head down, huh?

Hi, Tom. Don't tell me Ross got mad
because I'm late and he went home.

Not a chance.
He just went to call your office.

You must be Mary.
Yes, and you're Joe.

He sure didn't lie.

Ross. He keeps raving about you.
Now I know what he meant.

He's here ten seconds, and already
he's got me eating out of his hand.

I just told her the same thing.

Now I know why Ross
kept her all to himself.

Joe, I was beginning to think
you were going to stand us up.


Darling, he's just as you promised,
a charmer.

I'm sorry I'm late,
but I've got a good reason.

Somebody actually had
the nerve to try and k*ll me.


That's frightening.
Yeah, and tough on the furniture.

Did you get a look at the guy?
No he got away. Say, Mary, tell me...

When did all this happen, Joe?

A couple of hours ago.
Scotch and water.

I called Tobias, that's why I'm late.
You sure you didn't see anyone?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Joe, you could've been k*lled.

Hey, relax, pal.
I've been shot at before.

They may not miss the next time.
If there's a next time.

Joe, you better cool it.
What do you mean?

I mean, get out of town or something.

Okay, Ross.
I'll settle for "or something."

It's not funny, Joe.

No, I guess it isn't.


to b*ll*ts that miss.

You know, Peggy, it's a funny thing.

How people's habits change.
Any particular people?

Yeah, Ross Santini. Six years ago,
he was the coolest rookie I'd ever met.

Last night when I mentioned the sn*per,
he came unglued.

He's probably just concerned
about you, Joe.

Hi, Tom.
Hey, morning, Joe.

Peggy, this is Tom Wall,
Ross' partner.

Peggy Fair, my secretary.
Nice to meet you.

All you private cops get such
pretty ladies working for you?

Just the lucky ones.

What brings you to our neighborhood?
Where's Ross?

Ross and his wife are out at
her parents' place in Simi Valley.

I wanted to talk to you for a minute.
Sure, sit down.

Would you like some coffee?
Yeah, fine. Cream, no sugar. Thanks.

What's on your mind?
It's about Ross.


He probably seemed
a little uptight yesterday.

Well he sure did.

I guess he didn't tell you, but he's up
for a big promotion in New York.

And the way he handles this Brastow
thing, it'll be a big factor.

Here are you.

I guess he's got reason
to be a little skittish.

Right. And also, uh...

it's his wife. I got to talking
to her yesterday, and...

she's not crazy about his
being a line detective.

Wants him behind a desk in an office...

away from the flying b*ll*ts.

I guess my story about being shot at
last night upset Mary.

Yeah. Yeah it did a little.

I just wanted you to understand, Joe.
I only had a minute. I've got to go.

Anything new about Brastow?

I checked this morning.
Still got a tummy-ache.

That poor fella.

Yeah. Thanks for the coffee.

That's very nice.

Well, now you know why
Ross Santini came unglued.

Yeah. Listen, Peggy...

Mary Santini said her parents
lived in Simi Valley.

Think she said her
maiden name was...

Colby, Cole, no, Colton.
Give them a call.

I just want to wish him luck.

Yes operator, you have
a Colton in Simi Valley?

Charles Colton?

Yes, Charles Colton.

Simi Valley Road.

, , .
Thank you, operator.

Hello, Mrs. Colton? Mr. Mannix
calling. He'd like to talk to Ross.

Yes, Ross Santini.

He's not there?
Is your daughter there.

I'm sure there's some misunderstanding.

They've been in town since yesterday.
They're staying at the Homewood Inn.

Oh I'm sure there's some explanation,
Mrs. Colton.

Thank you very much. Goodbye.

She didn't even know they were in town.

Tom Wall just said they were out there.

What about last night?
They were on their way there.

She sounded pretty sure, Joe.

What's that address?
Simi Valley Road.

Okay, Peggy, while I'm gone,
you check them out. Find out everything.

Mrs. Colton?

I'm Joe Mannix. You spoke
to my secretary a little while ago.

Of course.
I must say that was quite a shock.

I was wondering if we might
talk about it?

Well, yes, of course.
Please come in.


This is Mr. Mannix.

How are you, Mr. Mannix?
Mr. Colton.

Look, I'm sorry I barged in
on you like this but...

well I was a little puzzled.
Yes, I can understand that.

Would you care for a drink?
No, thank you.

Please sit down.

I'm sorry you had to waste a trip
coming all the way out here, but...

I'm afraid the mystery's
already been solved.


After I talked to your secretary
I called the Homevvood Inn.

Ross explained it all.

They decided to surprise us
last night and...

they had car trouble, and by the time
the car was repaired, it was too late.

They decided to surprise us
today instead.

And I had to go and spoil it.
I'm really sorry.

Oh, well there's no harm done.
Besides you couldn't have known.

Oh, there they are now.

That's our other daughter Katherine.

She's very lovely.
We think so.

Hello, Mary.
Hello, Mom!

You look just radiant.
How are you, Ross?

Fine, we're just fine.
There's someone here to see you.

How are you, Mary?
Just wonderful, dad.

Ross. Hello, Mary.
Hello, Joe.

What are you doing out here, Joe?

Well, the little mix-up this morning.
I was worried about you.

Six years later, he still
treats me like a rookie cop.

Which is pretty silly, since he's
about to get himself promoted.

I appreciate your concern. We've
always been terrified of Ross' work.

Mary's sister's husband
is a marine biologist.

Nice safe work, you know.

We'll breathe easier
when Ross is behind a desk too.

Well, seeing this is a family affair,

I'm going to run along.
Nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you.
I'll walk out with you, Joe.

Thank you for coming.

I'm sorry I messed up your surprise.

Why did you drive out here, Joe?

I told you, Ross.
There was a little mix-up.

You could have just called me
at the hotel. I would have explained.

Okay, I'll level with you.
Brastow is very important to me.

And you thought I'd foul up somehow?

I didn't say that.
Joe, Brastow's a big fish.

I don't want anything to go wrong.
I can understand that.

Then get off of my back!
Leave me alone!

Hey, pretty bad case of nerves.

Yeah, I'm nervous. I'm nervous about--

About Brastow.
This is very important to me.

You can't afford to be nervous.

Joe, you wouldn't, uh...

make waves?
What do you mean?

I mean, if anyone thought
I wasn't up to it...

taking Brastow back...

Do you think you're up to it?

Then that's all that matters, isn't it?

Thanks, Joe.

What's the matter with you?


Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.

In about ten minutes.
And keep your eyes open.

I don't want any slip-ups this time.

Joe. What happened to you?

A reckless driver with a motive.
Any idea who it was?

Probably the same guy
who took a shot at me.

Put in a description,
we'll get right on it.

Brastow sent him.
Come on, Joe. It's all over.

Brastow's over his bellyache.
Wall and Santini are taking him in.


Right now. I had to call
Santini back from his in-laws.

How are you getting Brastow
to the airport?

Armored van radio equipped.
Two of my officers aboard

with Tom Wall. They'll radio
their position every two minutes.

And Ross?
Driving his rental car behind the van.


For one reason, he has to return it
to the airport, and for another,

it's an added precaution in case
somebody starts following the van.

Tell me...

whose idea was that?

I'm was just asking.

Santini's and a good one. Listen
you got anything to say, you say it.

Everything in order?
They're taking him down to the van now.


Sorry everything got so fouled up, Joe.
We'll make up for it next time.

Yeah, sure, Ross. See you.

Nice to have met you.

Be careful.
He's here. Just a second. It's Peggy.

Yeah, Peggy.

I checked out the Cottons and everything
seems to be on the up and up.

I know. Their biggest headache

is wishing Mary had married
a marine biologist like her sister.

Sister? What sister?
Mary's sister!

No sister, Joe. Mary's an only child.

Thanks, Peggy.

Joe'? Joe'?

What do you Want, Joe'?

Before you leave,
I'd like to ask you a few questions.

I'm sorry, Joe,
it's too late for questions.

Get in the car and drive.

Do what I tell you, Joe,
I don't want to use this.

The girl in the picture,
she's your real wife, right?

Yeah. Brastow's men grabbed her
at the airport right after I called you.

Where are they holding her?
The old Sherman airstrip in the Valley.

Why did Brastow get sick?

His getaway plane developed engine
trouble. They needed time to fix it.

When I insisted on our getting together,
they were afraid I might smell the set

so they tried to k*ll me.
I didn't know they'd do that, Joe.

They dug up a ringer for Mary.

Then when Peggy tipped off the folks,
I had to let them in on it.

They were so scared, they
would have gone along with anything.

Ross, they'll probably k*ll Mary anyway
no matter what you do.

We've got to call Tobias.

No. I got no choice
but to go along, Joe.

How do you propose to stop that van?

When I give the signal, you pull up
alongside. I'll wave them over.

Then when they open up I take charge.

If that van doesn't call in
every two minutes,

the whole L.A. police force
will be out looking for it.

Doesn't matter, Joe.
Brastow will be in this car.

I'll use the g*n, Joel

Stop, Joel

Don't make me do it, please!

What are you going to do, Ross?

k*ll those officers and your partner
Tom Wall?

My partner's dead, Joel
Tom Wall is dead!

They k*lled him the morning he got here.
That guy's one of Brastow's men!

If I don't get Brastow to that airport
within half an hour they'll k*ll Mary.

Novv get back in the car!

Ross, you saved my life once.

I'll give it back to try and save Mary,
but not your way!

No! No!

Then you're going to have
to use that, Ross.


Okay, Joe, your way.

You drive!

Hey, Ross. Open up.

Hold it, Brastow!
Mannix, what's happening?

He's one of Brastow's men.
Radio Lieutenant Tobias.

Have him get a car over here. Tell him
to get out to the old Sherman airstrip.

Get this thing ready to fly.

What now?
Get over to the plane.

Tell them there was
a foul-up with the van.

Your partner is dead,
and Brastow is wounded.

When they come over here to see
you grab Mary and get out of there.

What about you?

Just get your wife.

It's not over yet, Mannix.

You just sit very still, Brastow.


You were supposed
to drive right to the plane.

Yeah, well...

we had trouble with the cops on the van.
They guy who took Wall's badge is dead.

Brastow's been wounded.
How bad?

I don't think it's very bad, but talk
to him. He might need a doctor.

Watch them.

How are you?
I'm all right.

I wouldn't need much of an excuse
to use this. So don't get cute.

It's Mannix! k*ll him!

Run, Mary! Get out of here!

Take off!

Where's Brastow?
In the plane!

You all right?
Yeah. Brastow's inside with the pilot.

Get him.

Have a nice flight?
Yeah, not bad. Ross and his wife okay?

Yeah, they'll be fine.

Little trouble to be straightened out,
but in general, fine.

Hey, how'd you like my spin-out?

Was that you?
Yeah, that was me.

A little rusty there.
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