04x01 - A Ticket to the Eclipse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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04x01 - A Ticket to the Eclipse

Post by bunniefuu »

Uncle Ray? Hello?


You hung up.

I was here.

See? You've got no patience.

Oh, come on, Uncle Ray. It's only :.

We're not going to miss the curtain.

Yes, yes, I'll meet you
at the restaurant.

I'll be showered and dressed
and ready to go

before you've even left.

All right, just wait and see.


Nothing personal.

I'll get it.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Well, hi, Ray.

Yes. Yes, he is.

Yes, just one moment, please.

Who was it?

Ray Endicott.


He sounds awful.

Hello, Ray?


Oh, Ray, I'm sorry.

Is there anything I can do?

Sure. Sure, I'll get over there
as fast as I can.

Joe, what is it?

He wants me to meet him
at the Veteran's Hospital,

go down to the morgue with him.

The morgue? Why?

Someone just k*lled his niece.

It's Martha.

I'm all right, Joe.

So young.


Full of life.

What kind of a human being...

The police are working on it, Ray.

What are you doing here, Mannix?

Ray Endicott, Lieutenant Deegan.

He called me
from the Veteran's Hospital,

wanted me to be with him.

Please sit down.

This won't take long, Mr. Endicott.

Do you happen to know a man
named Tommy Gantt?

He was part of our outfit. Korea.

Did he know your niece?


It would help if you'd just
answer the questions.

Yeah, yeah, he knew her.

He did it.

He's the one, isn't he?

Tommy Gantt.

I haven't said so.

You don't have to.

I should've guessed.

I warned her. Didn't |, Joe?

I know, Ray.

I said, "Keep away from him.
He's nothing but trouble."

Why do you suspect him, Deegan?

Well, for one thing, his police record.

And for another...

we found this cigarette lighter
in the closet, uh...

where it happened.

I just remembered.

She stopped seeing him.

Two weeks ago.

She told me he didn't like it one bit.

Even threatened her.

Then that ought to wrap it up.

The motive was the only thing missing.

How did he do it, Lieutenant?

A blow to the neck.

Where is he now?

Where have you got him?

Nowhere yet.
But it's just a matter of time.

It better be.

I'll tell you now-- both of you--

Take it easy, Ray.

If you don't get him, I will.

And I'll k*ll him.

Don't touch that switch, Joel

And don't reach for your g*n.

Tommy Gantt.

You've got a good ear.

Now close the door.

Come on in.

Keep your hands where I can see them.

We were just talking
about you, Tommy...downtown.

You've got to get me out of this, Joe.

I'll pick my cases.

Now, why don't you play it smart?

Right there! And no tricks, or,
so help me, I'll use this, believe me.

I believe you.

You were the best natural k*ller
I ever saw.

What is that supposed to mean?

Korea. One guy who could
blast a man point blank,

slit his throat, or chop his neck,

and then grin and sleep like a baby.

Do you expect me to cry like one?
I was fighting a w*r.

And you've had a g*n
in your hand ever since.

I just saw your police record.

I give you my word, Joe.

I wasn't in Martha's apartment tonight.
I wasn't.

Then how come
your cigarette lighter was?

Why wouldn't it be?
I've been there a dozen times.

I lost it a couple of weeks ago.

In the closet? Yeah, that's where
they found it, near the body--

With only your fingerprints on it.

Now listen to me. I'm not lying to you.

Somebody's trying to frame me.

Where were you at

I was miles away from there, at the zoo.

The what?
The LA Zoo.

Oh, great. Where was it the last time?

The roller derby or the Hollywood Bowl?

I tell you, that's where I was.
I was meeting a guy.

That's very simple. Just produce the guy.

Who was he?

He, um--
He what?

He didn't show.

I'm sorry, Tommy.

You'll have to do better than that.

Grab him!

Well, I had a hunch
it might be you, Gantt.

Here's his g*n.

One of your neighbors spotted him
working on that window.

Um, sorry about your door.

All right, take him away.

Thanks a lot, Lieutenant.

It was just like old times.


I will do one thing.

I'll check out the zoo.

That completes it, miss.

You talked to everybody
that was on duty yesterday.

I said you were wasting your time,

what with the police covering
the same ground this morning.

I know. I just thought
that I might have missed somebody.

Toby, stand over here.

Oh, stop!
What's the matter?

I didn't talk to him.

No need to, because Smitty
wasn't on duty yesterday-- his day off.

What's going on, Charlie?

She's questioning people
who were on duty yesterday.

Heh. I wasn't on duty, but I was here.

Brought my granddaughter.
Busman's holiday.

What can I do for you, lady?

Do you remember
seeing this man yesterday?

Sure, I saw him.

You did?

Yeah, back over by the elephants.

You know, it's a funny thing
about the elephants.

You'd think that kids
would mostly go for them, but--

Excuse me. I mean, are you sure?

You see so many people here.

He's the one, all right.

I saw him later,
standing out by the main gate,

like he was waiting for someone.

Do you remember about what time?

Oh, about closing.

Yep, about :.

Oh! Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Come on, Toby. Thank you.

Yeah. Hi, Peggy. Where are you?

Still in the jungle.

But with a report that'll throw you.

The attendant's absolutely certain

that he saw Tommy Gantt yesterday,
and he'll swear to it.

You know what, Peggy?
You've just earned yourself a bonus.

Take the rest of the day off.

Some bonus! It's !

Oh, yeah, so it is. Well, look, uh...

how about a couple of days off
at the cabin?


Yeah, I thought you'd like that
a little better.

And no kidding--you and Toby
can have the place all to yourselves.

Is he having fun?

A ball.

But Toby's made friends
with two chimps, one penguin--

And this you won't believe--
someone that looks like a white hunter.

I got a list of all of the people

that Tommy Gantt has been
in touch with lately.

Any surprises?

Yeah. One good one.





Come on back. Come on, again.

Do we bow first?
No, just do it.



Yes, Miss Hoyo?
A gentleman here to see you.

That's no gentleman.
That's my fearless wartime commander.

My fearless wartime leader,
Lieutenant Joseph R. Mannix.

Am I right?

Oh, yes, I am right.


How are you?

Class, if you want to meet
a real expert--

I mean a real karate expert--

There he is.

We'll have us a real reunion
in a minute, Lieutenant.

Now, let's make it good
for our distinguished visitor.

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!



Good. You did it.

You did it. You know why?
Because of the hara.

The stomach, the stomach!

The center of gravity!
The center of gravity!

It keeps you--
It keeps you balanced and serene

and steady and ready, ready at all times

to turn your enemy's attack
back onto himself.

Ready to transform your defense
into a w*apon of as*ault.

And thus, with a few
beautifully ex*cuted strokes--

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

You can completely annihilate
your enemy.

And that...

is what karate is all about.

I don't want any of you
to ever forget that.


Class dismissed.

Miss Hoyo?

Uh, you got any objections
to closing up early tonight

and going home?

Not for me.
Well, I didn't think so.

You go on home
and have a nice weekend.

See you on Monday.
Same to you.

Good night, Miss Hoyo.

Well, what do you think of my kids?

I'm worried about them.

Yeah? Why?

It sounds like you're
teaching them how to k*ll.

That's not quite what karate is about.

Well, it is. It was.
It was when you was teaching us.

And you were some teacher, Lieutenant.

Yes, sir. You were some teacher.

How long has it been since you've been
on one of these things, Lieutenant?

Keeps you in shape.

Let's knock off
this "Lieutenant" bit, Mark.

The name is Joe.

Oh, sorry. Force of habit.

That was years ago.


Well, I guess--

I guess that time
has stuck with some of us

more than it did others.

I mean, some of us
really got stuck with it.

You know what I mean, Lieutenant?

I just found out
a little while ago that, uh,

you were one of the guys Tommy Gantt
had been in touch with lately.


Tommy Gantt.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Well, he had some problems.
I just helped him out like a friend.

You know how it is, Lieutenant.

Joe! Joel I meant Joe. Joe.

I also found out that it was you
who sent Tommy Gantt to me.

Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah.

Because I figured this time he needed
the very best there is.

You know, Lieutenant, you haven't
looked me up at all, have you?

I bet you even thought
that I was dead, didn't you?

Yeah, well, I've been
in touch with you, close touch.

And you know what I found out?

You're good.

I mean, you are good.

Were you surprised when you
walked in here and I recognized you?

It surprised me that it took you
so long to get here.

You know, Lieutenant, though,
to tell you the honest truth,

I don't think there's anything that even
you can do for poor old Tommy Gantt.

I mean, with that stupid alibi
and that lighter.

No, I think he's just about
as tied up as--

As tight as a piece of pork
in a salt barrel.

Maybe a little too tight.

I figure that cigarette lighter
was planted,

and Tommy Gantt was framed.

I wonder if you have any idea
who might have done that.

Yeah, it just so happens I do.

Ha ha! Me!

You know, about a month ago,
we buried Max Carson.

Everyone from the old unit
was at the funeral, except you.

Yeah, yeah.

Joe, have you ever tried
drawing a bead

from a moving vehicle
going in one direction

on a target in a moving vehicle
going in the other direction?

Huh? It's very hard.

It's very hard.

Blahh! Right through the temple!

Ha ha ha! Must've rolled over times!

Do you have any idea
how sick you really are?

Well, now, let's not confuse
sickness with grievance.

Don't ever do that.

I'd say you'd better get some help
as fast as you can.

I got all the help I need.
The only help I need is justice,

and I'm getting that,
step by step by step.

The last step is Tommy Gantt.

Well, you'd better back up a step.

Because I just sprung Tommy
at noon today.

His alibi holds up.
He couldn't have possibly done it.

You did that?

You sprung him?

Well, I said you were good, didn't [?

But you've got to admit,
I almost had him. Almost.

And for humanity's sake,
it's a shame I didn't.

Humanity's sake?

Oh, I like that.
Well, you should.

Because you drilled him
the way you drilled the rest of us.

Drill, drill, beating it into us.
k*ll, k*ll, k*ll!

Now you just naturally
got yourself a k*ller.

And I'm the only one
who's going to be able to stop him.


So that's what was bugging you.

That court-martial.


I took the rap
for that fouled-up raid of yours.

Me, the number I goat.

Tied and trussed and wrapped up

and shipped air freight
to disciplinary barracks

for ten wonderful years
of cold storage.

You were fairly tried and convicted

on six counts
of voluntary manslaughter.

You ordered that village neutralized!

What do you think
"neutralized" means in wartime?

That does not mean sh**ting
innocent peasants with their hands up!

Innocent peasants?
They were the enemy!

They were standing there
with hand grenades!

Not according to those eyewitnesses
that testified under oath.

They were not armed.

Oh, yeah, yeah. That's right.

Yeah, I forgot about the witnesses.

Yeah, the eyewitnesses.

My.. buddies.

My wartime comrades in arms.

Honorable Tommy Gantt.

Innocent Ray Endicott,
demolitions expert,

testifying with a b*llet in his back

and his heart full of bile
because of it.

And mincey Max Carson,

who would say whatever
any officer wanted him to say.


Yeah, those witnesses.

Well, we can close the book on Max.
Proceeding is closed on Max.

Your case is a little different,
though, Lieutenant.

And just how is that?

Well, you gave the orders
that started it all.

I mean, that's what began
the whole thing.

And you was going to end it, too.

Joe, you are the sweepstakes.

Tell me something.

Why that nice little girl?

Why Ray Endicott's niece?

The niece instead of Ray?

Him with a stray b*llet in his back
that I had nothing to do with?

He's the one that brought charges
against me in the first place.

Do you think I'm going to settle
for half payment like that, be cheated?

Oh, no. That little girl,
she made up--

She made up for it. She balanced it.

Yeah, we can close the book
on Ray Endicott.

Where are you going?

Well, now, if you're
planning to stop me,

you'd better get at it right now.

No, no. No, you go on ahead.

I got a few things to take care of
this afternoon.

Tell you what--

You meet me back here at : tonight.
We'll have the place all to ourselves.

I got a feeling by : tonight,

you're going to be pretty well
tied up elsewhere.

Yeah, well...

you do whatever you think
you have to do, Lieutenant.

But I guarantee you'll be back here
at : tonight.

You know why?

To k*ll me.

Because you're going
to walk out that door,

and you're going to find
it's all up to you,

that you're the only one
who can stop me--

If you can, of course.

And you know something else, Joe?

You're going to want to do it.

Because underneath,
you're a k*ller, too.

:! Don't be late, now, you hear?

Now, look, Deegan,
he's confessed to two murders.

He k*lled Max Carson in Palmdale
and the girl the other night,

and he tried to frame
Tommy Gantt for that.

Now, there's a very sick,
dangerous man out there.

I don't dispute he's sick.

I tell you, he's a loaded g*n.

There you are--

The complete, up-to-date file
on your loaded g*n.

A record of all his confessions.

If McKinley hadn't been assassinated
before he was born,

he'd have taken credit for that, too.

For the past two years,
he's confessed to every m*rder

from here to the east coast.

He did them all,
including your Max Carson.

Oh, uh, he did that with a . r*fle,
which he threw over Boulder Dam.

Did you check it out?

Max Carson was k*lled with a .,
which we're still looking for.

Now, look, Mannix,
we checked this guy out months ago.

Our psychiatrist said he was harmless.

That's how he gets his kicks--
coming in here.

And, uh, the girl's the last.

Your boy was prompt as usual.

minutes after the papers
hit the street,

he came walking in here
to give himself up,

wearing a karate suit.

So, uh, I guess he's had more luck
putting you on than he's had us.




What's the address?


All right, rope off the entire area.
I'm on my way.

Tommy Gantt.

What about him?

Somebody just blew him to bits.

I think it would be a good idea
to get this wagon out of here

as soon as you can.


Well, that ought to make
a believer out of you.

Have you picked him up yet?
There's no hurry.

You can't get far
holding on to a pair of crutches.

Ray Endicott's the man we want.

Did you get all the pictures you need?

Wait a minute.
You're out of your mind.

It's not possible.

You remember what he said
he'd do to Tommy Gantt

if he found him before we did.

He's not your man.

Well, he'll do for now.

A telephone message
was delivered to him

at Veteran's Hospital
around mid-afternoon.

He left in a cab, and he was seen
around here before dark.

Clear these people out of here,
will you?

Oh, uh...

you remember what Endicott's specialty
in the service was, don't you?


Let's see what you can do with that.

Well, come on in. Come on in.

I said you'd be back,
didn't |, Lieutenant?

Congratulations, Mark.

That was a great
demolition job you did.

Ah, sh**t! How about that?

And setting up Ray with the cops--

That was good, too.

I gave them a goat.

Something else I learned from you.

But you didn't really come back here
to congratulate me, now, did you?

Hmm? Nah.

I told you what you'd come back for.

I even knew you'd box yourself in
even tighter.

I don't follow you.

I mean, going to the cops
like you did there,

putting a tag on yourself
as the guy riding my back.

You just gave me the perfect out.

You know what that means, don't you?


You explain it to me.

Oh, come on, now.
You got more brains than that.

Coming in here,
attacking a poor coot

whose only crime is fessing up
to things he didn't do.

You see how it looks, huh?

Yeah, I got to k*ll you.

Self-defense, you know?

You know something else, Joe?

You got to k*ll me now.

Yeah. You see, it's going to be you,
or it's going to be me.

I mean, you got no cho--



Hey! You took your shoes off,
didn't you, huh?

Yeah, you're getting smarter
by the minute.


Hyah! Hyah!


You're rusty, Joe.

You'll never be great.

Know why?

No concentration.

That's why.

All bugged out
with that cluttered up life of yours.

Clients and career and...

that pretty colored secretary
with that little kid.

All those dumb broads.

And that weekend cabin.

You're dead, Joel

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead!

With machine g*n slugs.

You're rusty, Joe.

Just plain rusty.

Coming here like this to k*ll me,

making one stupid mistake
after another.

I came here to find the .
you k*lled Max Carson with.

You're a liar!
You came here to k*ll me,

and I'm going to prove it to you
before we're done.


Hyah! Hyah!


Hyah! Hyah!


Hyah! Hyah!



Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Hey, Lieutenant!

You blew it!

You should've k*lled me!

You're going to pay for it.

You're going to pay for it.

Be right back, Toby.

Morning, Peggy


Reports are typed, letters ready,

picked up your paper,
and coffee coming up.

Forget the coffee.

Just drop everything
and be on your way, huh?

It's no problem.

I'm already packed,
got a t*nk full of gas,

and Toby's waiting in the car.

Well, then you'd better take off.


What happened?
Nothing. Forget it.

We'll discuss it
when you get back, okay? Come on.

That cabin's been there
for a long time, and it'll keep.

You're not going to disappoint Toby.

I promised both of you. Go on.

Who did it, Joe?
Drop it.

The man you called Mark--
did he do it?

Look, you've got a very eager boy
waiting out there in the car.

Joe, I am not leaving until you tell me.

Yeah. |, uh, saw Mark last night.

I tried to k*ll him.

You what?

He said I'd be back to k*ll him.

And he was right.

Joe, you didn't k*ll him.

No, but |...came close.

Oh, you don't know
how close I came, Peggy.

Oh, but, Joe...

you didn't.

Hey, stop worrying.
I'm all right now.

Believe me. Come on.

Let me make you some coffee.
It's over, believe me.

Listen, Joe--
See you Monday.

On time, you hear?
Have a nice weekend.

That wasn't long, was it?

It's never happened before.

First class he's ever missed,
and not a word from him.

You think you know somebody but--

I mean, nothing seemed more important
to him than his work here.

But something must be,
at least today.

And you tried to reach him?

Yes, and that's the strange thing.

He was seen driving away
from this place

early this morning in rather a hurry.

Well, uh, thank you, Miss Hoyo.

I'll just wait.

Good morning, Bobby.


That pretty colored secretary

with her little kid.

Toby's having a ball.

He's made friends with two chimps,
one penguin--

And this you won't believe--
someone that looks like a white hunter.

You're going to pay for it!

You haven't looked me up
at all, have you?

Yeah, well, I've been
in touch with you, close touch.

That pretty colored secretary
with her little kid.

And that weekend cabin.

The cabin... cabin.. cabin.

Sheriff's office,
San Bernardino County.

Oh, yes, Mr. Mannix.

Sure, we know your cabin--
off Lakeside. What's the trouble?

I don't know, officer,
but I'd appreciate it

if you'd get out there and check

and see if my secretary
and her little boy are all right.

Okay, we'll check.

But it's going to take a while.

Both our patrol cars in that zone
are tied up.

Brush fire on the other side
of the lake.

As fast as you can, then.
Oh, and thanks.

Ten minutes ago.

Yes, I must have left them
right there on the counter.

Coffee, cream, and butter.

You will? This afternoon?

Oh, thanks. Thanks a lot.

Hey, Mom. Think we can go
catch something now?

Oh, now, darling?
We've got to catch our breath first.

And we don't leave suitcases
right in the middle of the floor.

Do we, young man?
No, ma'am.

You know what? We could get us a trout
and have it for lunch.

That would be fun, wouldn't it?

It would be a miracle, too.

So, just to play it safe, how about
taking some sandwiches along?

Oh, darling, see who that is
at the door, please.

Your mother at home?

Yes, sir. She's in the kitchen.


Can I help you?

Are you all right, ma'am?
Everything seem to be in order here?

As far as I know.

Seemed all right as we drove up.
We just wanted to make sure.

Your boss seemed to be
a little bit worried about you.

We didn't get a chance
to talk to him personally.

They radioed in the call.
He wanted us to check on you, that's all.

Oh. Well, he's like that sometimes.

But no complaints.

But I'll call him right away
and reassure him.

Oh, that's fine.

You check on the south end
of the lake, son.

They've been biting
pretty good there lately.

Gee, thanks.



All right, all right, all right.
We're going.

Just give me a little time.

And since you're so anxious
to go fishing,

how come you haven't changed
into your fishing clothes?

What do you want to do, hold us up?


Honey, take-- take this.

Take your fishing things out to the car
right now, and I'll bring this.

Just do as I say, darling. Hurry.

When are we going fishing?
Darling, later. The next time.

Get into the car, Toby, now!

Listen to me! Listen to me!

Hurry, Toby.

Drop it, Toby!

Don't argue! Just shut the door!

Why won't it?

Because the--

Toby. Toby, honey, listen to Mommy.

We're going to leave
the things in the car.

Listen to me! Listen to me!


we're going to leave
the things in the car,

and we're going to get out,

and we're going to run back
to the main road and catch a ride.


Now, darling, now. All right? Come on.

Come on.

Take the shortcut.

You folks seem to be
in an awful hurry.

Mom, it's my friend from the zoo.

That's right.

It takes a pal to know a pal.

Mom, he can help us.

Why, sure, that's right.

Pretty lady, why don't you
send the little boy away?


Please don't do this.

But if you really want help--

And then,
being in a situation like this--

Then I suggest you call Mr. Joe Mannix.

They tell me he's the very best
that there is.

Run, Toby!

Get out of here!

Peggy, Toby!
Get up here behind the car!

Stay down!

Now, you stay put.

I've only got three shells left.
He's probably got a whole clip.

Just listen to me.

You stay down here.
We can't stay hidden forever.

Mark! Look out!

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