08x15 - 2 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x15 - 2 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) This season, for the first time ever This is it.

This is for real.

(Announcer) Before the Chefs were allowed to set foot in Hell's Kitchen It's locked.

Let's go.

(Announcer) They were shown the prize restaurant.

(Gordon) This is L.


Market, a multimillion
-dollar restaurant.

One of you will become the Head Chef.

(Announcer) And though it was meant to inspire them That is exactly the place I want to be.

It has my name written all over it.

(Announcer) This group initially did little to impress.

Okay, this is a seafood pancake.

It's a what? [Retches]

We've gotten worse now.

We can't even dress a [Bleep]


(Announcer) But right from the start, it was clear that these Chefs were the most aggressive I'm going to fight until Chef kills me or until I win.

Let's do this [Bleep]

, guys.

Step back and let daddy take control.

(Announcer) Relentless Cook your [Bleep]

Dish! I'm gonna keep fighting, Chef.

I got it! I got it! I'm gonna outperform all their asses.

(Announcer) And without question You ain't done better than me at all! Calm down your little ghetto attitude.

(Announcer) The most combative You suck! What the [Bleep]

Have you done so far? Shut up! Shut the [Bleep]


(Announcer) In the beginning, there was one Chef who was always in the eye of the storm.

You're a [Bleep]

Douche bag.

Don't, bro.

You're a waste of life.

I'm in this situation where it's me versus them.

(Announcer) Raj tried to deflect the pain inflicted by others.

Listen to me.

You all right? Ahh! I'm the mongoose, and the mongoose is trying to fight the cobra.

Ahh! Wah! Ah! (Announcer) But he could not escape Chef Ramsay's disapproval.

That is [Bleep]

Raw! Get out! (Announcer) Once again, this season Chef Ramsay found new ways to test the Chefs.

[Emergency sirens, overlapping shouting]

There's your kitchen.

[Horn honks la cucaracha]

(Announcer) In the team competition, the red kitchen clearly dominated.

Well done.


Go, red team.

(Announcer) Winning challenge Red team, congratulations.

Well done.

(Announcer) After challenge.

Got to be [Bleep]


(Announcer) As for the men in blue, they unfortunately had the distinction You make yourself look so stupid.

(Announcer) Of being the worst
-performing blue team ever.

Whoa! Somebody take control.

(Announcer) And while they failed at challenges I've never had such a run of bad luck in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

(Announcer) And dinner services Can anyone cook salmon on there? You performed like [Bleep]


(Announcer) They did excel at something He missed scallops.

He's cooked them in both kitchens.

You snake! (Announcer) Blaming each other.


Zero, bro.



(Announcer) There was another Chef who stood out from the pack, and that was Sabrina.


Sabrina! I know what I'm doing! Everybody thinks that I'm stupid, but you know what, I'm one manipulative bitch.

(Announcer) Everyone thought she would be gone early.

I'm better than you.

You're gonna go home before I do.

Watch! Watch! (Announcer) But this overachiever fought for her rights I have bigger balls than any of these [Bleep]

Girls here.

(Announcer) Defied all the odds Sabrina, that's nicely cooked.

Perfectly cooked.

Oh, thank God! (Announcer) And surprised everyone by earning a black jacket.


I'm so happy.

(Announcer) Last dinner service, two Chefs emerged.

Russell, we need a little more seasoning in the chowder please.

How long you out, Trevor? Come on, buddy.

Scallops coming.

(Announcer) And have now taken center stage.

Finalist number one, Russell, started out a little quiet.

Russell, excellent.

Thanks, Chef.

(Announcer) But once he found his voice Come on, bro, we can't wait on garnish.

It's gonna be no more Mr.

nice guy.

(Announcer) He never stopped talking.

How long out on the [Bleep]

Scallops? I'm gonna yell what the [Bleep]

I want.

(Announcer) Trashing It's a disaster over here.

Boris is a Russian pig.

(Announcer) And fighting with his fellow Chefs.

If you talk to me like you've talked to me before, I will slap the [Bleep]

Outta you.


(Announcer) But no one can deny that he was the most consistent performer at dinnertime.

Russell, that steak's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

Keep it going, Russell, yes? Keep it going.

(Announcer) Our other finalist, Nona, survived some early trouble.

Nona, I've had enough.

It's undercooked! It's such a shame! I am [Bleep]


(Announcer) But after some strong dinner performances Nona, very good, that risotto.

Good girl, bingo.

Gold star.

(Announcer) She outshined everyone in the taste test.

Scallops, squash, endive.

Yeah! Well done, Nona.


Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) And then in the difficult taste
-it challenge Congratulations, Nona.

Well done.

Pancetta is right.

Yay! (Announcer) She proved she has one of the best palates in Hell's Kitchen history.

You've got the most important jewel in the crown.

(Announcer) Tonight our two finalists, Chicago sous Chef Russell I have a fire burning bigger than any [Bleep]

California wildfire ever.

(Announcer) And Atlanta sous Chef Nona I want the L.



I'm doing it for my family.

(Announcer) Will face off.

Who will become Head Chef at the multimillion
-dollar restaurant, L.


Market in downtown Los Angeles? The salary, $1/4 million.


(Announcer) And become the spokesperson for Rosemount Winery.

Holy moly! Yeah, baby! (Announcer) One thing is for sure Let's go.

Come on, come on.

(Announcer) On the most combative season ever Get a grip! (Announcer) The fighting is far from over.

Come on, Vinny! You're k*lling us.

Russell is a douche bag.

This is my [Bleep]

Day, and I'm not going down.

Boris, it's wrong.

Move! Come on, man, you took too much out.

Hey, argue later.

Hey, hey.

Don't touch me.

I will put your ass through a wall.

Don't touch me.

That's the third piece! If you two don't shut the [Bleep]

Up, I swear to God.

I have come a long way.

You can't break me.

(Russell) It's the biggest night of my life.

(Announcer) Find out who wins Hell's Kitchen right now.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire whoo
-whoo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does, uh the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child woo, woo the way you push, push lets me know that you're good oh, yeah fire what I said, child, ow Mm.

Ah! [Screaming]

Fire fire (Announcer) And now, the conclusion of Hell's Kitchen.


Thank you, Chef.

Thank you so much.

The next time the doors to Hell's Kitchen open, the restaurant will be yours.

I want you both to start planning your menus tonight.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

And good luck.

Whoo! I am so happy to be in the final two.

Whoo! Yeah, baby! Ow! Oh, I feel great.

I feel like a million bucks.

Bring on the hookers.

To us.

To us.



I'm so proud of myself.


This menu is the most important thing I will ever write.

It's gonna be something well
-flavored with beautiful ingredients, southern through and through.

(Announcer) Russell and Nona spend most of the night working on their menus.

With only 32 hours until the doors of Hell's Kitchen open, the two finalists head downstairs to consult with their sous Chefs.

How are you? Wonderful.

Menu ideas are flowing? Yes.

Heavy flow.

My menu is elegant, it's contemporary, and it's simple.

I wanted to kinda do, like, a fusion kinda thing and do, you know, goat cheese.

(Announcer) The Chefs spend the day going over their food lists.

It's a crumbly cheese, and it has apricots in it.

(Announcer) Fine
-tuning their presentation.

Do the scallops here, do the puree.

A little drizzle of curry oil on the plate.

Sounds nice.

(Announcer) And perfecting their cooking techniques.

I'm not wanting it to be, like, a mash.

(Announcer) Nona and Russell have finished designing their menus.

This all is starting to come together.


(Announcer) And for now their work is done.

Russell, Nona, come here.

(Announcer) Because there's a pressing issue that they need to attend to.

Chef Ramsay is waiting for you.

I need you to go upstairs and get changed immediately.

Yes, Chef.


What the hell is going on? I have no idea where I'm about to go.

I hate the not knowing.

Hell's Kitchen is notorious for throwing the biggest curveballs.

Where are we going? And I feel like we're about to catch one right now.


Hey, Chef.

Nona, look at you guys.

How are you both? Great, Chef.


Now for one of you, Los Angeles will be your new home.

So I can't think of a much better way to see it than from that thing there.

Ahh! Awesome.

Ready? Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

I've never been in a helicopter.

How freakin' amazing.

Ladies first.

(Pilot) Okay, here we go.



from the air is gorgeous.


Santa Monica Pier.

The Kodak Theatre.

Hollywood Boulevard.

It's truly breathtaking.

Oh, my God.

I will do whatever it takes to win this, because I have to work here.


What did you say? Challenge? I thought we were just hanging out.

Oh, my God! Let's do this.

I want to get down there and see what this is all about.

James is waiting there, and he's got parachutes.

What the [Bleep]

Is this about? Listen, it's not that far down.

But more importantly, they open a*t*matic.

I'm gonna open automatically.

You want me to jump off a roof? No, no.

I'm gonna [Bleep]

My pants.

Oh, my God.



Let's go.



I'm ready to go.

I will free fall right now.

Let's do it.

(Gordon) Nona, come here.

I'm joking.

Come on.

Man! Oh, my God, I was so ready.

Give me some toilet paper.

All right, let's go, guys.


You just made me [Bleep]

My pants.

But we're heading downstairs to do the final challenge.

Let's go.

I'm ready for anything.

[Cheers and applause]

(Nona) There's all these people jumping up and down and screaming.

I'm like a rock star.

I was, like, about to bust out in some Motley Crue.

Are you ready to rock? Whoo! Ladies and gentlemen, our Hell's Kitchen finalists, Nona and Russell.

[Cheers and applause]

Now today for your challenge, each of you will create five stunning dishes.

One hour to cook all your dishes, and you'll be judged by the most highly distinguished individuals of the Los Angeles culinary community.

It's absolutely do or die.

There's no rehearsal for this.

This is it.

Are you ready? Yes, Chef.

Off you go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

(Announcer) The finalists will be cooking in what could be their restaurant, located in the lobby of this new downtown skyscraper.

They will have less than an hour to prepare five dishes consisting of a soup, salad, pasta, fish, and meat entree.

Hot stuff.

This is my last challenge.


In the eye.

I'm making a southern menu.

Pan is steaming.

But I'm gonna tweak it up a little bit and make it real fine dining.

Oh, yeah.


[Cheers and applause]

(All) Russell! Russell! Half an hour left, yes? (Both) Yes, Chef.

Trying to cook something without cream, without a lot of butter.

Just something that people from California appreciate.

My destiny is in my hands.

This is me against Nona.



(All) Russell! Russell! (All) Nona! (Gordon) Five.





Time's up.


(Announcer) With the cooking complete, it's now time for Nona and Russell to go head
-head in their final challenge.

Time to meet our first judge.

He is the President and the CEO of AEG, the company behind the revitalization of downtown Los Angeles, as well as L.


Live, home to the restaurant, the L.



Please welcome Tim Leiweke.

Absolutely amazing.

Thank you so much.


You'll be judging our first round
-the soup.

Nona, explain what your soup is, please.

This is a loaded potato soup garnished with bacon, cheddar, and chives.

That's very good.

(Gordon) Oh, nice.

Oh, my God.

Yay! [Applause]


I have roasted cauliflower soup.

No cream.

Trying to keep it light, California.

A little crab salad, a little curry oil to top it off, keep it simple.

Two very fascinating, interesting
-looking soups.

Very different tastes, both of them.

Is it Nona's or is it Russell's? I love 'em both, but if you had to twist my arm I have to say Nona's was my [Cheers and applause]

Yes! Yes, I've got a point! Wonderful.

I'm liking the way this is starting off.

(Gordon) The next dish is the salad round.

Now this man is the holder of six fantastic restaurants.

Please welcome Michelin
-star Chef Joachim Splichal.

Joachim! Really good to see you.

And welcome, welcome.

Thank you so much.


This is a beet salad with frisee, arugula, and watercress with a grapefruit champagne vinaigrette.

Tastes great.

Thank you, Chef.

(Gordon) Excellent.

Now, Russell, please, the Chef will explain.

I have a burrata and prosciutto salad on a little bit of arugula all dressed in white balsamic.

It's really a fantastic salad.

I don't know who should win here.

Which one of these dishes will be best suited to the brand
-new L.


Market restaurant? It will be Russell.

(Gordon) Russell.

Ladies and gentlemen, one


Thank you.


I got this.


The next dish.


It will be judged by a Michelin
-star Chef, David Myers.


[Cheers and applause]

(Announcer) The score's all tied up, and now Chef Myers will decide between Nona's pan
-seared chicken breast over orecchiette I would eat this all day long in the summer.

(Announcer) And Russell's garganelli with sea scallops.

I love the way he paired the orange with the scallops and the mint.

It's really tough.

Chef, I'm gonna go with Nona's.

(Gordon) Nona's.


Nice! (Gordon) Excellent.

This entree will be judged by the Executive Chef of the Water Grill Restaurant, Chef David Lefevre.



It's like going from one superstar to the next.

It's like cooking for Kobe and then cooking for LeBron and then cooking for Carmelo.

So I need to impress these heavy

(Announcer) With Russell down by one, he must win the fish round, or Nona will clinch the victory.

(Gordon) Here we go.

(Announcer) Chef Lefevre starts with Russell's pan
-seared arctic char.

You're serving the skin, which I love.

(Announcer) Followed by Nona's pan
-seared salmon with sauteed vegetables.

Overall, I think it's a good dish.

Very good job, both of you.

[Cheers and applause]

(Gordon) Is it Nona's or is it Russell's? [Shouting]

I have to choose this one.

Congratulations, Russell.

(All) Russell! Russell! We're all tied up.


It all comes down to the final dish, the meat entree.

This dish will be judged by someone that our finalists will really want to impress.

He is the future employer of the winner of Hell's Kitchen Kerry Simon! [Cheers and applause]

Good to see you.

Thank you so much for coming.

Here we go.


We have a pan
-seared rib eye with a cauliflower puree with wild mushrooms.

I love purees and stuff working with meat.

I think it works well, and the mushrooms and all that.

[Cheers and applause]


I did a grilled veal tender with roasted red pepper, a little bit of pearl onions.

I like the presentation.

Got the swirling going on and the sauces around.

Tough decision.

(Kerry) It's very hard.

Your decision
- is it going to be Russell's or Nona's? Oh, crap.

I have to win this point.

I need this now.

Please, lord.

Which one? I I think I'm gonna have to go with
- (announcer) The Hell's Kitchen finalists are all tied up in their last challenge.

Your decision
- is it gonna be Russell's or Nona's? (Announcer) It's now up to their future employer Kerry Simon to decide the winner.

Which one? [Shouting]

It's tied two

In my head, I'm like, "[Bleep]


Are you kidding?" Come on.

I have to win.

Say it! Just say it.

I think I'm gonna have to go with the veal.

Russell! Yes! [Cheers and applause]

Congratulations to Russell! Good job.

Well done.

I'm feeling great.

I'm always thrilled to win, but I've still got one step left to take.

And I think tomorrow, if I give my best effort and I show Chef that I am a leader, I think the prize is there waiting for me.

Congratulations to Nona.

[Cheers and applause]

You may have won this battle, Russ, but I will not lay down for the next one.

Gonna be a big, big fight.

(Gordon) Okay, right, Russell and Nona, well done.

I have one more little surprise for you back at Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

Ladies and gentlemen, Russell and Nona, please.

[Cheers and applause]

Good night.

Thank you.

(Announcer) It's the end of the final challenge, and Russell and Nona return to Hell's Kitchen feeling a little anxious about Chef Ramsay's next surprise.

We walk upstairs.

All the lights are off.

And so we start to, like, tiptoe, like, what the hell is going on? There really is no
-no telling what Chef has in store for us.

All: Surprise! [Laughter]

Oh, my God.

I'm immediately thinking about who I want as my brigade.






Hell, no.

I don't know who's on my team yet, but I know who can't cook.

[Phone ringing]

Hello? Trev.

(Trev) Chef.

Come on down.

All right, sure.

Thank you.


They're back.

(Trev) Let's go.

Quick, quick like a bunny.

(Gordon) Great smiles on your faces there.



So you're all back for one final critical dinner service.

The big difference is, this time, it's not me relying on you.

It's Russell and Nona.

They are relying on you like you've never, ever experienced before.

Yes? Now, Russell, for winning the challenge, you get to pick first.

Think carefully and pick your strongest option.

Boom, done.


(Gordon) Jillian, congratulations.

I knew Russell was gonna pick me first because I kick ass in the kitchen.

If I was Russell, I would pick me too.

(Gordon) Good choice.

Right, Nona, your choice.

Off you go.


I'm so happy I'm on Nona's team.

She knows I can cook my heart out.

We're gonna rock this out, and we gonna kick some Russell ass.


Second selection for the brigade.

I wanted to pick Vinny, but Vinny seems a little tired, like out of it, glazed over.

How are you feeling? 'Cause you look tired.

I want to know.

Are you confident? I feel like a million bucks.

Russell got me out far earlier than I should have.

Russell, who did you vote for? Vinny.

He didn't pull his weight tonight, and he buried us.

If he picks me, it's gonna turn my stomach.

(Russell) Vinny.

Get your ass over here.

Move faster so I got some confidence.

Fast as I go.

This sucks.

Now I'm gonna have to help that piece of [Bleep]


Okay, Nona.



Good choice.


Next choice.

(Russell) Um Sabrina.

Really? [Laughter]

I'm gonna go with my gut, girl.

I do have faith in Sabrina.

She hasn't had a lot of bad services, just a lot of attitude.

I didn't get picked last! I can't believe it.

Finally, somebody got some brains up in this bitch.

Next choice, Nona.

Who is it? Trev.


Good choice.

I want to help Nona win.

I'm glad I'm gonna get a chance to knock Mr.

cocky to the floor.

(Gordon) Russell.

I cannot tell you how important this moment is.

You're choosing for both of you now.

Think carefully.

Russell, your choice.

Off you go.

(Russell) Rob.

Well done.

Boris to Nona.

Let's go.

Nona, how do you feel? I've got a workhorse of a team here.

I'm really excited about 'em.


How do you feel, Russell? I feel great.


Tomorrow, it's make or break.

Good to see you all.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

I am confident in my team.

I know that they are loyal.

I know they want me to win.

I think that this is definitely the team that's gonna take me to victory.

Nona picked a bunch of weaklings.

I am not worried about my competition.

And I'm not gonna even look over at their kitchen.

(Announcer) While the finalists and their teams tuck themselves in for one last night in Hell's Kitchen Good night.

Sweet dreams.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay's team works through the night transforming the dining room.

As dawn breaks, Russell and Nona get to work prepping for the most important dinner service of their lives.

(Nona) I'll put the prep list up here.

We all pumped? Yep.

Guys, let's get started.

Let's get pans.

Let's go.

Come on, guys.

Nona, what size do you want? Julienne.

Today is the day.

Everything has to be perfect.

I planned my menu in a simple way that is definitely not hard to execute.

Are these on? Boris is my biggest concern right now.

He's just slow.

It's on.

It is on? Yup.

Like, mentally.

All right, come here.

We're gonna do this together.

I'm definitely gonna have to talk with him, but it's like talking to a child.

You want to use an adult
-sized spoon.

Five minutes in the oven.


I'm going to vomit.

(Announcer) While Boris seems to be moving in slow motion, over in the blue kitchen, all the Chefs seem focused on the task at hand.

I'm excited to do this [Bleep]

, dude.

You want me to get you some eggs? Yeah, I need some egg wash.


Great job, Jillian.


Vinny, watch those tomatoes, buddy.


It's the biggest night of my life.

A lot of pressure is on me, and I'm over
-top motivated.


I got to be honest.

Everybody else has shown passion today.

I want you to [Bleep]

Fire up.

I'm serious.

I need some excitement, bro.

(Russell) I'm worried about Vinny.

He's jealous that I made it to the finals.

I don't care.

It's not about anybody else.

It's about me.

If somebody can't get the job done, it's gonna get ugly.

That was dirty the way you did me.

(Gordon) Russell, who should not make it to the final six? I voted for Vinny.

That was dirty.

Vinny, get over it.

Gotta stop worrying about the past.

I'm not playing games no more, bro.

I'm not even kidding.

I will put your ass through a wall.

Vinny, if you want to be on the other team, by all means, get the [Bleep]

Out of here.

(Announcer) The final dinner service in Hell's Kitchen is fast approaching.

But Russell Vinny, if you want to be on the other team, get the [Bleep]

Out of here.

(Announcer) Is about to be down one team member before the night even starts.

(Russell) Vinny, wait! Vinny, come back.

I know you're pissed.

I want you to [Bleep]

Fire up, because I've seen it before.

I know you got it.

You don't got to worry about me.

I can't stand the [Bleep]


I really can't.

I just can't wait for this day to be over.

I'm not worried about anything.

All right.

Do your thing.

(Announcer) With their final dinner service less than an hour away, Russell Are my panna cottas almost done? (Announcer) And Nona Can start, there's still one detail that must be addressed.

This is your service, your night.

Yes, Chef.

I need you both to look the part.

Nona, that's for you.


Thank you.


Hey, big man.

That's for you.

Now head upstairs, get changed, and come down as the Chef of your kitchens and really inject the creativity and the passion into your team.

Off you go.

(Both) Yes, Chef.

Are we good? Got it.

I want everything up.

I'll be right down, okay? It's time to take the next step.

It's not 16 anymore.

It's not 8.

It's not 4.

It's not 3.

It's 2.

And I'm ready to go.

It feels great to wear the head Chef jacket.

-I can't wait to get started.

I mean, it is for real.

It's go time.

Right, James, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) There is clearly excitement in the air as tonight's dinner service will launch the career of one of our two finalists.

It's Nona's contemporary southern cuisine featuring roasted baby beet salad, halibut with red pepper coulis, and rib eye with a red wine reduction
- I'll have the beet salad.

(Announcer) Against Russell's European
-inspired menu, which includes scallops over cauliflower puree, goat cheese ravioli, and pan
-seared filet mignon.

It's a battle of top dog We're gonna move.

We're gonna use urgency.

(Announcer) Versus mother hen.

I have complete faith in y'all.

All right, Nona.

Do it.

First ticket.

Four top to the blue.

(Gordon) Blue.

Let's go.

Fire two scallops, one burrata.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Four top to the red.

Thank you, James.

Fire appetizers, four top.

One ravioli, one carpaccio, two beet salad.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Come on, Vinny.

I need you to come to the window with those scallops.

Let's go.


Don't tell me yes.

Get it moving.

Russell is a douche bag.

Give me that scallop.

Let's go.

But I'm a professional, and I'm not gonna screw him in any way.

I'll do what needs to be done.

Come on, Vinny.

Take those.

I'll be up with the others.


(Jillian) I don't think so, man.

Dude, it's not even hot.

Yes, it is.

I just took it out of the [Bleep]

Convection oven.

Why are you arguing, Vinny? [Bleep]

Talk to me like that, you're [Bleep]


Come on, Vinny.

Vinny didn't even make it to black jackets, so he's got a lot to prove tonight.

Come on, Vinny.

Give me that scallop.

Make it happen.

I'm gonna be up on his ass the whole night.

And he knows that.

What are you doing, bro? I need this now.

Come on.

You got it right now.

Scallops in the window, Chef.

(Russell) Vinny, those scallops are perfect.


(Announcer) Despite Vinny's false start on his scallops, appetizers are now leaving the blue kitchen.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Trev.

Two beet salad.

(Announcer) Trev is hoping to get appetizers rolling for Nona.

(Trev) Salads up.

Trev, let's talk about this real quick.

It's way overdressed.

Lightly toss it.

Lightly toss it.

Real, real quick.

I want to keep my team motivated, so I have got to remain calm, cool, and collected.

But it's do or die right now.

This is the first ticket.

It's gotta be right.

Coming! Salad remake.

Thank you.

(Announcer) With Nona's guidance, Trev's redressed salads are finally leaving the pass.

And both kitchens Runner, please.

(Announcer) Are off and running.

Next up.

Next up.

Table 30.

(Announcer) With the dining room filled with important guests I like how this works.



(Announcer) And their futures at stake, both Chefs Come on.

Come on.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Push to keep the momentum going.


Hell, yeah.


That's really good.

Russell, 27 appetizers.

Right now, it's neck and neck.

Pick it up, guys, yeah? Let's go.

Both of you, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Let's do it, okay? (Announcer) And now both teams are ready to send entrees.

I need the beef to start moving.

(Announcer) But first, Chef Ramsay What is this? (Announcer) Has a question.


Yes, Chef.

What is this? I put a little
- I put a little stock, Chef.

I won't do it anymore, Chef.

I don't want it to dry out.

Like, so I'll just add a little bit of stock.

You know, Chef Ramsay comes out of [Bleep]


You're stewing it! You're supposed to be dry
-roasting all the beef.

Get it going.

I need it now.

Yes, Chef.

You cannot stew beef.

Sabrina, come on! Sabrina was boiling steaks.

We've never done that.

Come on, Sabrina! Meat's on its way, Chef.

Thank you.

No, that's raw.

I'm not sending that.

What's she doing? I can't do this anymore.

This is my [Bleep]


And I'm not going down.

If I'm the Chef, it's up to me to get the blue team back on track.

And I'm fighting to get this food out.

Sabrina, switch.

Vinny, Sabrina, switch it.

Sabrina, get on fish.

Let's go.

Vinny, six beef on order all day.

Six beef.

Don't screw me, Vinny.

Vinny completely [Bleep]

The scallops.

But, you know, a switch had to be made.

Hey, switching them, clever move.

Very clever move, yes? (Announcer) Russell's quick decision Let's go! (Announcer) Seems to be working.

Whoa, Vinny Good job.

Keep them going.

No problem.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Halibut right here.

Hot pan.

(Announcer) Boris is ready with his first entree.

Boris! Yes, Chef.

How long was it in the oven? It was about
- nearly about four minutes.

No, it's five minutes in the oven.

Come on.

I'll put it back in the oven.

I'll put it back in the oven.

Putting Boris on fish is an absolute risky, risky move, but no one is gonna drag me down tonight.

Take a deep breath.

Is it done? Don't bring it up twice raw.


Halibut's up, Chef.

Boris! Yes, Chef.

It's raw.

Look at me.

I told you it better be cooked.

Come on, Boris.

Come on.

Get it together.

How long was it in the oven? It was in the oven four minutes.

Come here.

Come here.

One, two, three, four, five.

Five minutes in the oven! Nona.

It needs to be
- don't argue with me.

It needs to be five minutes.

Yes, Chef.

That's the final word.

I got the shrimp.

I got it.

I got it.

All right, that's it.

If it happens again, I'm jumping over.

Trev, I know how to do my [Bleep]


I'm trying to do my job.

He's like
- [Blathers]

I'm not a [Bleep]


I'm 38 years old.

I mean, come on.

If it happens again, I'm jumping over.

I know.


Thank you.

(Announcer) It's one hour into dinner service and Boris's mishandling of the halibut Come on, Boris.

Wake up.

(Announcer) Has slowed the flow of food leaving Nona's kitchen.

And customers are getting edgy.

It seems like they're doing a lot back there, but nothing's coming out.

(Announcer) And Russell's kitchen is pulling ahead.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen That fish, Boris.

Hot, hot.

(Announcer) Boris is hoping the third time's the charm for his halibut.


Yes, Chef.

It's raw.

Oh, come on.

It's still raw.

(Woman) Come on, Boris.

You're [Bleep]

Me over, Boris.

Right here.

I'm pretty hungry now.

I'm starving.

He's got one [Bleep]

Piece of fish to cook.

Boris! Let's go! What am I going to do with Boris? He's just [Bleep]

Me over and over and over again.

Nothing's coming out.

(Boris) Trev, I got it.

Trev, it's
- Trev, I got it.

Boris, chill out for a minute, okay? Boris was running around like an idiot as usual.

Now I have to jump over and fix his mistakes.

'Cause if I don't, we're done.

That's our [Bleep]


Trev, come on, man.

I need to do my [Bleep]



Argue later.

Hey, if you two don't shut the [Bleep]

Up right now, I swear to God.

(Gordon) All of you, just stop.

(Announcer) It's the final dinner service.

Boris, it's raw.

(Announcer) And Boris's weak performance on fish Just overcooked
- if you two don't shut the [Bleep]

Up right now, I swear to God.

(Announcer) May result in Nona's dream going up in flames.

All of you, just stop.

Get a grip, please.

Let's go! Trev, come on, man.

I need to do my job.

Trev, listen, don't worry about it.

I got it.


I know how to cook fish.

Shut the [Bleep]

Up and let me work.

Hot, hot.

Properly cooked a halibut.


Good, good.

Well done.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen, Russell Order in.

Fire a four top and a three top.

(Announcer) Is determined to stay ahead.

Two chicken.

Five beef.

(Announcer) And has fired two tables at once.

Vinny, I need that [Bleep]


I can't do it any faster.

I'm fighting to get this food out.

I don't want to lose.

That's what I'm thinking is push, push, push.

Hey, Vinny, cut that [Bleep]


I need it.

I'm slicing.

Russell's whole goal was to, like, push everything out really, really fast.

He's expecting miracles.

Make sure it's seared and ready to go.

Unrealistic expectations.

Beef in the window.

(Gordon) Russell.

Are you sending a four and a three at the same time? Yes, Chef.

In the history of hell's kitchen, we've never sent a four and a three at the same time.

Runner, please.

Let's go.

Hey, urgency.


(Announcer) Russell's persistence has paid off.

And food is now leaving the kitchen at a rapid pace.

Unfortunately, some of it is being rapidly returned.

Chef, table 11.

They said it's too rare.

Russell, you cannot do that.

Hey, hey.

I need you to flash this meat, and I need all
-new garnish.


Let's go! Russell.

Just two seconds with me now.

Look at me.



Market doesn't run like this.

One table at a time, yeah? Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While Russell suffers a setback, in the red kitchen, Nona Order in.

(Announcer) Is determined to keep the momentum going.


It's my husband.

Don't [Bleep]

It up.

- one beef, three minutes.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Put some pep in your step, Melissa.

It's coming, baby.

Let's go.

Right now.

This is my husband's ticket.

And I have busted my ass day in and day out for my family.

I want them to be so proud.

I want to show them it has all been worth it.

That better be [Bleep]


It's good.

It's hot.

Coming right up with your beef.

Melissa, it's raw! I've been making rookie mistakes, but I'm better than this.

And I'm gonna prove it to Nona, and it's gonna come out.

Get over there.

Get over there right now and do it again.

Yes, Chef.

It better be cooked.

(Announcer) It's over 2 1/2 hours into dinner service, and after overcoming Boris's miscues, Nona has another obstacle in front of her Don't [Bleep]

It up, Melissa.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Melissa, who is sinking on the meat station.

Meanwhile, over in the blue kitchen, Russell (Russell) Rob, I need one order of ravioli.

(Announcer) Is focused on the finish line.

Rob, move! Got it.

What are you doing? Looking for more tomato water.

It's one order.

I'm out of water.

But you need to tell me before you're out.

Just went and looked.

Thought we had a backup back there.

Come on! Are you serious? I need to send this food.

I don't know what Rob's deal is.

It's k*lling me.

Rob, when you've five left, you got to tell the Chef.

You've now got no tomato water left.

There's nothing going out.

Come on.

Get some veg stock.

Don't just stand there and look around.

Come on! It's right [Bleep]


Where are you going? Get working, man.

Come on.


Just sitting here.

Come on, rob.

Don't snap.

I'm in no mood for this [Bleep]

At all.

Hey, come over here and cook, because he can't do it.

Come on.

You're [Bleep]


No, this is my day.

Get over here, Jillian.

I'm nervous.

This is not a good situation at all.

It's done.

You're [Bleep]


Hey, hey.

I'll run the show.

Rob, you know, you really pissed off the wrong [Bleep]


You better [Bleep]

Move out of the way, bro.

Because I'm about to slap [Bleep]

You, bitch.

Step back.

Step back? Hey, hey.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.

(Announcer) As the final dinner service nears the three
-hour mark, on the blue side Come on, rob.

Dude, dude, step back.

Step back? (Announcer) Russell's aggressiveness may be backfiring.

Hey, hey.

I'll run the show.

It's about fighting back and controlling the team and not letting them control you.

You know, I'm not gonna go out like a chump.

Hey, hey.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.

Don't touch me.

Oh, no.

Hey, just get the [Bleep]


(Announcer) While Russell continues to crack the whip in his kitchen Bring it to me.

Come on.

(Announcer) In the red kitchen, Nona It's my husband.

Don't [Bleep]

It up.

(Announcer) Is doing the same.

(Nona) Put some pep in your step, Melissa.

Non, your beef.

That's perfect.

He'll eat it.

Table 30.

(Announcer) And now both teams Urgency.


(Announcer) Are hitting their stride.

Now we're rolling.

Come on.


Runner, please.

Enjoy your meal.

I think Nona did a great job with this.


Let's go.

One beef, one chicken, one halibut, one veggie.

Coming up with raviolis.

We're all working together.

The whole kitchen gelled.


Just like that.

Let's go.

Last chicken.

Let's go.

Come on, guys.

If you want to get this food out, let's go.

Let's get it out of here.


Sabrina, move your ass.

Let's go.

I feel like I just ran a marathon doing the hurdles.

I want to move.

Let's go.

But I'm pretty happy with my overall performance.

I've had such a great run, and I've been so consistent.

I expect to win.

Table 12.

Later, guys.

Later, Chef.

You all did a great job.

Bye, guys.

This is it.

Pins and needles.

The anxiety level is through the [Bleep]


My heart right now is going 15,000 miles an hour.

I just want to win.

And I'll be really disappointed if I get second place.

Man, I'm nervous.

I'm just teetering back and forth between nausea I feel like I'm gonna barf.

And bursting into hysterics.


Oh, my God.

I hope I did good enough.

Ripping my nails off, i'm just like, oh, my God, oh, my God.

Come on.

(Announcer) The winner of Hell's Kitchen will be determined by the customer comment cards and Chef Ramsay's overall observations.

Don't just stand there and look around.

Come on.

Come on, rob! Dude, step back.

Step back? No, this is my day.

Come here, Boris.

Come on.

I told you it needs to be in the oven five minutes.

Trev, I got it.

Trev, it's in
- Trev, I got it.

Boris, chill out for a minute, okay? If you two don't shut the [Bleep]

Up right now, I swear to God.

[Phone rings]




Russell, I've made my decision.

I need you and Nona in my office straightaway, please.


Are we going? We are.


My entire future depends on tonight.

This is my night, the night of my dreams.

(Nona) This is definitely one of the biggest nights of my life.

I have fought so hard to get here.

And I didn't fight this long to go home.

Okay, listen to me.

This is the moment you've both been waiting for.

One of you is about to realize the dream of a lifetime.

I've thoroughly scrutinized the customer comment cards.

The customers on both sides really enjoyed your menus.

Your scores were incredibly close.

I really wish i could give the job to both of you.

But I can't.

I want you both to step up to your doors.

(Russell) This means more to me than anything else I've done in my culinary career.

It's so close you can taste it.

Good luck.

I want this so bad.

My family is counting on me.

(Gordon) The Chef whose door opens will become the winner of Hell's Kitchen and become the head Chef at L.



Nona, place your hand on top of the handle.

Russell, carefully place your hand on top of the handle.

Nona, Russell, are you ready? (Both) Yes, Chef.

(Gordon) On the count of three, both of you turn the handle.

One Two Three.

Nona, Russell, are you ready? (Both) Yes, Chef.

On the count of three, turn the handle.

One Two Three.

[Cheers and applause]


Oh, my God! [Screams, then laughs]

My door opened.

It opened! This is nuts.

Mommy won.

I fought and I fought and I fought, and this is just amazing.

I'm so thankful.

I am so proud of you.

This was a huge sacrifice.

Missing my son's first birthday, missing his first steps.

It's absolutely worth it to make his life better.

You have done an amazing job.

I'm pissed.

I'm not happy at all.

Look at me.

You keep that up.

Okay? I chose the team that I wanted, and I thought that they would help me win, and, in fact, they helped me lose, so, you know, thanks a lot, guys.

It felt like I was being sabotaged.

You did your best, man.

(Russell) You will never get a job in any city I work.

I'm gonna definitely blackball you guys, 'cause you guys [Bleep]

Me so royally tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hell's Kitchen winner Nona! [Cheers and applause]


(Gordon) When Hell's Kitchen first started, I used to say no, no, no to Nona.

After every service, she improved dramatically.

And I was soon saying yes, yes, yes.

She has a phenomenal palate and a real passion for cooking.

Soon all of America will be saying yes with me when they see her excel as the head Chef of L.



You had to deliver a knockout punch, and you did it.

Thank you.

Well done.

(All) Nona! Nona! Nona! Nona! Nona! Nona! Nona! [Cheers and applause]

oh, the pressure behind my eyeballs.

Oh, my God.

Do we have any more champagne? Or whatever this is? Wah! Boom! [Snoring]

Fire Vinny, how come you always look so immaculate in the morning? What is that? It's a gift, I guess.


Really sets me off Oh, sh**t.


Hang on.

I'm here.


Yes, Chef.

Is that hair there, is that real? This is all me, Chef.

Come here.

Come here? I think I'll stay right here.


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