08x03 - 13 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x03 - 13 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Male announcer) Previously, on the heels of Hell's Kitchen's worst My God.

(Announcer) Opening night You're joking.

(Announcer) The Chefs.

Chef Morimoto's Sushi dishes are exquisite.

(Announcer) In a Sushi challenge.

Pure attention to detail.

(Announcer) Gail was disappointing for the the women.

(Gordon) Where's the fifth piece? (Announcer) And Boris led the men Congratulations.

(Announcer) To victory.

At dinner service While Nona You're cooking the halibut perfectly.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Was a Ray of sunshine for the red team Oh, my God.

(Announcer) Emily I don't know how to cook meat.

(Announcer) And Melissa's performances (Gordon) Runny mash.

(Announcer) Were dark and gloomy.

You put your team in [Bleep]

! (Announcer) In the blue kitchen Yes, Chef.

Working now, Chef.

(Announcer) Curtis couldn't cut it on the Sushi.

It's not good enough for me! Get out! (Announcer) And vinny's plan to speed things up You guys order sides, you're gonna be here till next week.

(Announcer) Backfired.

You do not decide what goes out of this kitchen! I have no faith that he's gonna be able to get the sides out.

I'm ready with the sides! (Announcer) Chef Ramsey had had enough of the blue team.

Get out.

Get out! (Announcer) And the blue team You're a waste of life.

(Announcer) Had had enough of Raj.

Bro, you're 50 years old, and you couldn't pick parsley! [Bleep]

You, bitch! (Announcer) The women completed their first dinner service.


Men, you lost.

(Announcer) And the men nominated Raj.

(Announcer) And Boris.

(Announcer) For elimination.

But there was one performance that Chef Ramsey could not forgive or forget.

Curtis, give me your jacket.

Leave Hell's Kitchen.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire uh, uh the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a fuller love, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wracks my nerves and I'm so excited, child Whoo Whoo the way you push, push lets me know that [laughs]

You're gonna get your wish oh, lord fire what I said, now, ow fire burning, burning fire burning, burning (announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

(Woman) Good night, Chef.


It was really surprising, Curtis getting eliminated.

It was definitely a shocking turn of events.

Keep moving, Raj.

More shock that that lunatic is still here.

-hee! Yow! Waaah ow! Whoo! All right! Thank you, lord.

Thank you, Jesus.

Whoo! I'm feelin' great! Now I am definitely gonna win this competition now.

I know it! Feel the karma, baby! Can't get off these hands of
- Raj, Raj, Raj.

Please, please, please.

You have malice here.

You know what I mean? Malice
- I don't have evil designs.

I don't lie.

I tell the truth! I didn't lie, either.

For you to tell the dining room customer not to order food because I'm working it I mean, that is sick.

I did not tell those people, "do not order sides.

" I highly recommended it.

I want to win a restaurant.

Guess what: You ain't.

What? You ain't.

You guys have some [Bleep]

People on your team, dude.

We have a strong
-ass team.

Except for Emily.

That bitch needs to go, dude.

I believe that the main disaster was Emily.

I mean, everyone else was pulling their weight all night long.

I don't want her dragging down the kitchen, because we're all trying really hard.

I think she needs to go back and work in that nursing home that she came from.

I'm not here to make [Bleep]


(Announcer) While there's real animosity developing within the teams, there's one Chef Waaah! (Announcer) Who's not letting all this negativity dampen his spirits.

Whoo! I'm winning the [Bleep]


Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

I know that the guys in my team have absolutely no chance.

So they're doing anything they can to get rid of me.

Lie and you die! The guy is here to be an anchor to us.

We're gonna have to learn to work with him.

(Trev) Somebody's gotta get him in line, and you guys aren't getting through to him.

He seems to listen to me.

Raj listens to you? Yeah, I've been one of the few guys that hasn't yelled and screamed at him.

If I can just get Raj to focus, I will.

We need to learn to work with the tools that we're given.

He just happens to be one of those tools.

You have to handle him with kid gloves, though.

This (Raj) Whoo! We gotta get this guy to work somehow.

You can't.

(Announcer) After a long, exhausting night, peace has finally arrived in the dorm.

But that's about to change.


[Horn honks]

(Man) Wake up! Wake up! (Woman) Wakey, wakey! Get your ass o whoa, whoa, whoa! [Overlapping chatter]

Oh, my God, what's going on? Is there an earthquake? We're in L.


Like, oh, [Bleep]


Where are you at? I'm here at Hell's Kitchen.

Okay, what's your name? Raj.

Next thing I know, he's there pinching me all over the place.

I did not know what do think about this.

Look at meight in the.

Look at me.


Okay, heart rate 76, strong and regular.

You know, they started like, you know, "hands up, hands down.

Bend over, dude.

Pick up your shirt.

" Like why? What is this, you know? Okay, everybody's been checked.

Let's go, guys.

Get up.

Everybody downstairs.

Let's go.

I hope I pass the paramedics test.

Good morning.

(All) Good morning, Chef.

Okay I asked these paramedics here for a reason.

At our last service, across the board, a lack of energy.

And I was somewhat curious as to why.

After looking carefully at the results of these tests, it's become very clear that, physically There's nothing wrong with you.

You're all fit and healthy.

It means it's a mental block.

Upstairs, between the ears.

And the person who's gonna become the head Chef at the La Market needs to be mentally strong.

Now, listen to me.

This is your next challenge.

We are gonna be making a amazing breakfast for these talented paramedics.

But not just these two tables.

We've invited a few of their friends as well.

Ladies and gentlemen Wonderful.

Good morning.

Nice to see you.

Chef Ramsey invites in the rest of the emts.

And they're just coming in in all their uniforms.

(Gordon) Nice to see you.

(Emily) I don't even know if there were any emts left in L.


Or if Chef Ramsey had them all in our dining room.

Remember, it's a race.

Are you ready? (All) Yes, Chef.

Into the kitchen now.

Off you go.

(Announcer) For today's challenge, each kitchen will have to cook breakfast for 50 hungry emts.

The menu consists of two options
- an egg white omelet with Turkey bacon, roasted tomatoes, and toast
- and the second option
- scrambled eggs, french toast, bacon, and sausage.

Who's good at making omelets? (Announcer) Chef Ramsey, sensing problems, among the Chefs, is testing each kitchen's ability to work as a team.

I need to see a team effort, okay? (All) Yes, Chef! (Announcer) The team that serves their side of the dining room first wins the challenge.

How about for you, sir? Okay.

Okay, ladies, here we go.

Can't send anything out until the fruit salad's gone.

Come on, guys! Come on! We do not want to lose anymore challenges.

Hey, we can do this.

I got pineapple, she's doing cantaloupes.

We need to slice the bread for the french toast.

I say we get two guys on fruit.

It's gotta go first.

We cannot send anything out uit has gone.

So naturally, there should be two or three of you on the fruit.

(Rob) Who's sliding over? We need fruit cut right away.

Nobody slid over.

Nobody helped me.

I was doing my thing.

I was doing as best I can out there.

I got strawberries ready for a bowl! Good, put 'em in the silver bowl, please.

You got this, Lady.

Right here, girl.

We need to talk.

(Gail) Sometimes, we don't get along.

But we're actually working together, and we're listening to each other.

It's just such a good feeling.

Service, please.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

And the ladies have sent two bowls of fruit salad.

Hurry up, guys, yes? Raj, we need egg whites right away, brother.

No we don't, we need the [Bleep]

Fruit right away.

Go, sell it.

Fruit's gotta go! [Bleep]


Uh, guys, where's the [Bleep]

Pineapple? My fault.

That's my fault.

Right here, Chef.

Bring it back! Their not being able to put together a fruit salad is pretty embarrassing for a professional.

Let's go! Six.

Six fruit, six fruit.

(Announcer) While the welcoming fruit bowls have finally left the blue kitchen, the women are starting to fill orders.

Six french toast, one omelet is on your first table, yes? Yes, Chef! Emily! Bacon and sausage.

Got it? Cool.

Thank you! We just worked like a machine, scrambling, scrambling eggs.

We have to work together.

We can win this.

Come on, guys! Come on, guys, calm down.

Do it, do it! Eggs right here! Eggs right here.

Hot handle.

Be careful.

Okay, let's go.

Table 30, please.

(Announcer) The women,uild on their victory in last night's dinner service, push out their first orders.

Looks great.

(Announcer) And over on the blue side, the men are just trying to keep up.

Guys, the girls are setting the tables faster than you are.

Right now, they got three tables out.

You don't even have one out yet.

No, we have
- guys, the omelet's just sitting here! Come on, guys, let's push this out! Come on! Burnt on the bottom.

Tried to cover it up in the fold.

I don't want so much color on egg white omelets.

It's supposed to be egg white, yes? Let's go.

I'm not serving that.

No chance.

It's an omelet, for crying out loud.

Eggs aren't hard.

That's like screwing up boiled water.

You're an idiot.

Start it over again! Boris! Yes, Chef! Your eyesight's perfect.

I got it checked this morning.

Standards! (Announcer) While the men concentrate on remaking their first order Guys, get me the spatula! It's right there in front of you! Thank you.

Sorry, guys.

(Announcer) Over in the red kitchen, the women are focused on Two bacons! Two bacons! You're on bacon, Emily! Emily! I was like
- looked at Emily, and I en her stupid face.

And I was like, "she's not [Bleep]

Doing anything.

" I got your bacon and sausage! So I go to the oven.



Over here, Chef.

Emily couldn't even watch the [Bleep]


You stupid bitch.

You didn't have to do anything else! Just make sure it doesn't burn.

I'm sorry.

Just get bacon in the pan! Get bacon in the pan! Emily, just open your eyes.

Am, Chef.


I need four bacons! Bacon's coming! Bacon's coming! Bacon right now! Bacon right now! Come on, bacon, right now right now! Come on, ladies! There you go.

(Announcer) Thanks to Sabrina and Melissa, the hungry emts on the red side have something to cheer about.

Meanwhile, over on the blue side It's a completely different story.

We look like a bunch of [Bleep]


Not even one table yet.

(Gordon) Raj! Where's the scra okay.

Gotta get these out.

Hey, guys, guys.

Come here.

All of you, come here.

Quick! Hurry up.

Get out of the way.

Get out of the way.

Ooh, get out of the way.

Taste it.

Taste it! Taste it, taste it, taste it, taste it! Not an ounce of seasoning! What do you
- we're doing it again.

Don't argue with Chef! Don't talk back to Chef.

He says something, you say, "yes, Chef," and move on
- that's it.

Say that again.

Hey, say that again.

No, che
- yes, Chef! Don't spit [Bleep]

In my face! Say that again.

(Announcer) In a true test of teamwork, the red team has come together and served over half their diners.

That looks really good.

(Announcer) The men, however, haven't served a single table and are at a standstill.

Taste it! (Announcer) Thanks to Raj's unseasoned eggs.

Not an ounce of seasoning! What are you
- we're doing it again! Don't argue with Chef! Say that again.

Hey, say that again.

No, che
- yes, Chef! Don't spit [Bleep]

In my face! Say that again.

Say that again.

Yes, Chef.

There's not an ounce of [Bleep]

Seasoning in that.

These guys save life for a living.

Yeah, and you're about to [Bleep]

Up their breakfast.

Got it? Yes, Chef! Chef Ramsey is like, "oh, my God! There's no salt! There's no pepper!" And I'm like, "what the
-" go ahead, go ahead.

Go! Go! I thought I seasoned it, Chef, correctly.

But, no, obviously I didn't.

Why is he cooking scrambled egg when he can't even season it? I try to make some sense out of this intense chaos.

I gotta cool off somehow.

I tried to clear my head by sticking my head in the refrigerator.

But I couldn't.

Raj! Move your fat [Bleep]

Ass! Somebody take control, please! Come on, guys, let's keep pushing! Turkey bacon's going in! We got this! Come on! Keep moving! This is important! Wipe that off.

Wipe it off.

N) It's on fire.

Oh, no.

Who's in control here? Come on, guys, let's push this out! Disaster.

Absolutely disaster.

(Announcer) While the blue team can't get out of the starting blocks You don't need four guys on french toast! (Announcer) The red team is racing to the finish line.

This is your last table! Come on, ladies! Come on! [Overlapping shouting]

'Scuse me.

Table 30.

Thank you.

[All cheer]

Well done.

Really well done, yes? [All cheering]

Whoo! Yes! Yes! Girls won the challenge.

Go, red team.

We the top.

We the top.



Ladies, two seconds, please.

(All) Yes, Chef! Each of you pair up with one of the guys and get their breakfast out.

Yes, Chef! Hustlehustle, hustle.

We got hungry emts! (Announcer) With the women coming to the rescue Here you go, Chef.


The men finally finish serving breakfast to the remaining emts.

[Overlappi ladies, well done.

Great finish.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Gentlemen Clear down.



Ladies Yes, Chef? That was teamwork.

Well done.

(All) Thank you, Chef.

You deserve a special day.

You're heading to Santa Monica Where you'll be having lunch poolside.



At one of L.


's trendiest hotels, yes? The viceroy.

Stunning, beautiful, and quite cool.

Not only that, but there's a big surprise that will take place before that, which I don't want to spoil it now, 'cause it's
- it's
-it's quite unique.

Enjoy every minute of it, 'cause you deserve it.

Well done.

(Sabrina) Finally, the girls win! And we get to be outside.

We don't have to be cooped up in Hell's Kitchen anymore.

I love my red team! [Both whooping]

Guys, hey.

I've never seen such a disorganized team working as individuals.

Trev Yes, Chef? What did you see in there? No communication at all, whatsoever.

Everything just broke down right in front of us.

I tried to, but everybody just went ahead and did their own thing anyway.

And that's what you guys did.

Stop! He's basically screaming at us to get together as a team, and it's a bunch of individuals still! Exactly right.

(Trev) The blue team is a complete disaster.

Raj is bringing the team down.

He spent half the time in the cooler.

The guy's not contributing at all.

I just can't take it anymore.

So take advantage of what's happening today, because you're gonna be spending a lot of time together.

We're gonna be serving unique cocktails for the very first time in Hell's Kitchen tomorrow night.

For your punishment today, I want 250 beautiful stemware polished, ready for those cocktails.

But there's more.

I want you cleaning the kitchens.

Yes, Chef.

The loss today was tough.

Having to clean kitchens definitely sucks.

Take advantage of this time together and regroup.

Because you [Bleep]

Need it.


(Louis) Hopefully, we get our act together and start functioning as a team.

If we don't do that, we're done.

It'll be, uh, all girls in the final.

All the fruit.

Put it away.


Bye, guys.

Whoo hoo! Man! Anything outside ohere is awesome.

[All cheering]

Chef said there's something really big that he hasn't told us yet about.

And it's a big surprise.

[All cheering]

Oh, my gosh, we start walking up, welcome to trapeze school.

(Melissa) And I'm psyched, 'cause I've never done trapeze or anything before.

This is what you guys are gonna be learning today.

[Laughter and cheers]

Oh, you're gonna be gonna be going on the trapeze.

I was like, "hell, yeah, dude.

I climbed up that ladder so fast.

(Instructor) All right, feet together, legs straight! Legs straight! Legs straight! Hanging upside down in mid

Yeah! It was crazy.

(Announcer) While the women are hanging out Back at Hell's Kitchen, one Chef is just hanging around.

Don't be scared, Raj.

Jump in.

I was.

Everybody's polishing.

You're just kind of standing.

You're blowing it with me.

The one guy that had your back, you're blowing it with me.

Ah, please.

Trevor, he's
- he's really not a nice person.

And he's also being very mean.

What do you want us to do with you? I'm a professional Chef.

I'm working with a bunch of kids.

I'm in this situation where it's me versus them.

Water marks.


Water marks.

Raj, seriously, I mean, can that? Are you gonna look? Just do his glasses over.

That's not fair.

Just do it over.

This is harassment now.


Right, ladies.

Come over.

Come and sit down.

How was it? [All talking at once]

You walk into the Viceroy, you feel like you're just somebody special.

It nice to be out? (All) Yes, Chef.

It's absolutely perfect.

Never in a million years would I ever imagine that me, Nona, sitting next to Chef Ramsey.

I mean, whatever! Felt like a superstar.

Oh, [Bleep]

! [Laughter]

You are okay? [Laughter]

I was a little glad that a champagne cup poured all over me, because Chef Ramsey was patting me down.

Somebody's cold.

Now [laughter]

What? [Laughter]

You okay? Okay, let's try that again.

Good job.

And a great Bond as well.

That's what our plan is.

We plan on winning again, 'cause we just wanna make Chef Ramsey proud.

We're trying to stick together and watch the guys do nothing but fight and argue.

What's this, Raj? Raj You just give up halfway? Nah, I just wanted to cover it.

Give me the [Bleep]


I've tried everything I can with this big, dumb animal, and it's just, it's frustrating.

It's tiring.

That's [Bleep]

That he's even still here.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, wait.

You might have been cooking the longest.

Obviously you cooked in [Bleep]

Restaurants for the last 30 years.


What's unfair about it? You suck! And you tanked us.

You guys gonna keep going with it? Yes! Till it gets through that thick skull of yours! Trevng me for no reason.

And he's being more of a problem than a solution.

You guys seem to be targeting me in a vicious fashion.

You got something against me because I'm older? Go home, Raj.


Go home and stuff yourself with twinkies so you have [Bleep]

Heart attack on your recliner.

Oh, so now you're gonna make fun of my weight.

We gotta figure out what you're good at.

You gotta be good at something, right? Aside from sleepin' and [Bleep]

Eatin' and running your [Bleep]

Damn jaw, you gotta be good at somethin'.


"I'm a Chef and I'm almost 50, i got more experience than everybody.

" What the [Bleep]

Have you done so far? You [Bleep]

Dillydally in the [Bleep]

Pastry section! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut the [Bleep]

Up! What the [Bleep]

Have you done so far? (Announcer) Near the end of a long, punishing day Shut up! (Announcer) A non
-stop verbal w*r between Raj and Trev is at its peak.

Shut up! Shut the [Bleep]

Up! Or what? Guys, guys.


I said shut up! Just shut up! Or what? [Bleep]

All you [Bleep]

! You guys are a bunch of snakes! You [Bleep]

Snake! I'm being targeted.

I'm being harassed.

And I really am at the point where I don't know what to do.

Raj, can I have a word with you? I'm tired of this! One minute.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

Raj, please.

Raj, Raj.

We need to listen and work together.

I don't want to see anybody get hurt.

I don't want to see anybody thrown off 'cause we need every man on our team, including Raj.

I got in
- listen to me.


You all right? But that guy is [Bleep]


Deep breath.


(Raj) I'm fine.

(Announcer) After a day of highs for the women And a day of lows for the men, everyone crashes for the night.

The next morning, the Chefs are back at it.

All right, gentlemen, let's crank.

(Announcer) And the men are looking for Raj to turn it around.

I need you to talk, Raj.

Do not shut down.

Okay, you got it, man.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, the women are looking for Where's Sabrina? I do not want to be in Hell's Kitchen for another day of prep.

I just don't think that Chef Ramsey's looking for a [Bleep]

Strong prep cook.

So what else do we need now? Where's your list from last night? Um Why I'm gonna waste my [Bleep]

Time writing a [Bleep]

Prep list is just ridiculous.

Uh, Sabrina.

Did you already put the Risotto in there? (Melissa) Sabrina, when it comes to prep, she just doesn't seem that she's focused.

And right now, I'm very, very nervous about her performance tonight.

(Announcer) While the women were able to complete their last dinner service (Gordon) All right, ladies, let's go.

(Announcer) This year's men's team has had two of the worst dinner services ever.

Right, gentlemen.

So far, your history in Hell's Kitchen has been a disaster.

The weakest start ever.

It is comeback night.

(All) Yes, Chef! Raj, haven't given up on you.

However, push it tonight.

Yes, Chef! Come back.

Yes, Chef! And stay out of the [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

As always, here in Hell's Kitchen, we like to sort of raise the bar, keeping it somewhat trendy.

Tonight, for the very first time, each guest will receive a stunning, delicious, culinary cocktail.

One person from each kitchen will be making these cocktails.

Ladies Sabrina.

Yes, Chef.

It's you.


Make them, don't drink them.

Yes, Chef.

Ye yeah, you're fast? Yes, Chef.

Do it.


They couldn't have picked a better guy.

My personality carries a hell of a lot better than a set of [Bleep]

And good hair.

Now, tonight, should be no excuses.

Third service, third time lucky.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

U know you got it.

All right, bro, kick ass.

Right, James Chef.

Let's go, please.

Open Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) As Hell's Kitchen opens for another ce Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

I'm gonna be serving you guys some very special cocktails tonight.

Ouncer) The women ReadyTo rock and roll! (Announcer) Are hoping their momentum continues, while the men may just be hoping Whoop.

Oopy woopy.

(Announcer) For a miracle.

Raj, you good? Yeah, yeah.

No worry.

Now you get to see the Raj.

We got some serious issues on my team.

Everybody hates me, la la la la.

But I'm a great Chef.

Okay, guys, here we go.

(As, Chef! Two spaghetti, one scallop, one chowder, yes? (All) Yes, Chef! Let's go.

(Announcer) Vinny on the appetizers is working with Raj on the fish station to get the starters out.

I am an excellent poissonnier.

Everybody loves my food.

Everybody knows my food.

I've been written up.

Just Google my name.

Two spaghetti, one scallop, one chowder.

How long? Four minutes! Scallop up! Oh, come on.

So you're four minutes out and the scallop's already cooked.

I don't know.

Ah, [Bleep]


Refry new scallops.

I got four minutes.

Scallops, you can't cook ahead of time.

When they're ready, they need to go out.

Yo, Raj, please, make sure those are perfect.

Dude, I cannot refire this order.

Thank you, vin.

Come on, guys! Our first [Bleep]

Table! (Announcer) While Raj refires his scallops, in the red kitchen Can you taste this? 'Cause I don't like tomatoes.

(Announcer) Jillian and Emily work together to get their first appetizers out.

Mo salt.

I have an excellent palate.

More salt.

A tiny pinch.

I don't know what's up with that girls, but she could not salt for the life of her.

I almost wanted to, like, just pour in the salt.

Two scallops and spaghetti, yes? My spaghetti's ready.

Service, please.

(Announcer) It's only 18 minutes into dinner service, and the red team's first appetizers are making their way out to the dining room.

Unfortunately, they don't stay there for long.

What's wrong with that? Red team, salty.

Oh, dear.

Ladies! (Both) Yes, Chef? Now it's coming back.

Salty! Wow.

(Jillian) Emily's just unbelievable.

I shouldn't even have counted on her to do [Bleep]

For me.

She just don't know how to do anything.

Taste! Taste! Taste! I don't think it's salty.

I don't think so.

(Announcer) With both kitchens having setbacks on the appetizer section (Announcer) The pressure shifts to Sabrina and Trev, who are supposed to be making welcoming culinary cocktails for the diners.

Have you got any drinks out yet? No.

We need to get them out.

James is like, righin your face, like, "come on, we need the cocktails.

We need the cocktails.

" Come on, get a move on! I don't need to be told what to do.

Hurry up.

I am the one seasoned bartender working, uh, you know, in Hell's Kitchen.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is cocktail time.

Ah, there we go.

I stand and I liver.

(Announcer) Trev and Sabrina have finally pleased James in the dining room.

Back in the kitchens (Gordon) Service, please.

Table 21 and table 10, yes? (Announcer) Both teams have finally pleased Chef Ramsey.

Delicious, that Risotto.

Thank you, Chef.

[British accent]


I like it.

(Announcer) One hour into dinner service, eam (Gordon) Salmon The salmon's ready.

Has moved onto entrees.

That is perfect.

I've personally cooked thousands and thousands and thousands of pieces of salmon in my life.

What's that in there? What
- that's not grilled.

Oh, dear.

Raj! What's that? What is that stock he's putting in that salmon? It's supposed to be grilled, dude.

I grilled it and I finished it with a little bit of sauce.


No sauce, bro.

Come on, get another one going, bro.

My personal techniques are not working for Chef Ramsey.

Disgusting! He's the Chef, it's his opinion.

And I have zero opinion.

Start over.

(Announcer) Raj's cooking techniques aren't cutting it with Chef Ramsey.

And in the red kitchen Melissa, it's overcooked.

(Announcer) Neither are Melissa's.

Out comes Look at that.

Overcooked on the bottom.

Crispy as [Bleep]


And it looks like Gandhi's flip

What a shame.

I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.

Gandhi didn't even wear flip

He lived in the jungle.

I don't even think the dude had shoes.

Look at it underneath! [Bleep]


(Announcer) As Melissa starts over on the Dover sole Hopefully, we'll get some food.

(Announcer) Guests on both sides of the dining room continue to wait.

We haven't been served any entrees.

(Announcer) But not for long.

In the blue kitchen Where's the salmon? It's
-it's two seconds! (Announcer) Raj is ready with his second attempt on the saln.

One, two! I mean, 30 sec
- I mean, one minute.

(Announcer) Well, almost ready.

Concentrate! I don't like that "meh meh meh.

" Sorry to say that, but it's true.

What a [Bleep]


Here it is.

Here it is.

Oh, dear.

Raj! Come here, you.

It's raw.

It'sRaw! That's weird.


Come on, man! It's raw! The guy can't change his underwear the right way.

We haven't even served the [Bleep]


I need to get food out! Oh, boy, here we go.

I've had enough! (Announcer) into dinner service, and Raj's problems on the fish station continue.

This time It's raw! Chef, could I
- would you mind if I said something, Chef, or no? Not to me, you're not.

No, don't say a damn thing.

Just finish your tickets.

You know the salmon I gave you that you smashed? Right? I'm not this timid man who's just gonna sit back and just say, [whimpering]

"Okay, Chef.

" You know, I'm going to try to make a case for myself.

Really, Chef, really, of all the
-all we're in the middle of service right now, and I want food.

Shut it! But, um It's
-it's hard.

I got it, i got it, I got it.

No, don't
- don't! Hey, what do you think this is, a talk show? No, no
- cook your [Bleep]

Dish! And shut your fat mouth! Yes, Chef.

Vinny, get a piece of salmon on there, yes? Yes, Chef.

Raj just cannot cook.

At all.



Give me the tongs.

So you have to over and do it for him.

Hot behind.

Salmon on the pass.

Perfect, let's go! (Announcer) Thanks to vinny, Raj's salmon is finally on its way out to the dining room.

All right.

(Announcer) And an hour and 45 minutes into dinner service It's all right here, Chef.



(Announcer) Both teams (Announcer) Are back on track.

Let's go.

You need help? No.

Gail, you need anything? I do! Good, what do you need? I need four gratin.

Four gratin, heard.

We're team players.

We're helping each other out.

Sides, three gratin, one carrot.

Do you have the gratin? I do not.



I thought you were doing my gratin.

I'm sorry.

Emily is worthless.

I got it.

Ooh! Now I haork double tie because she doesn't perform.

Coming out now.

Good girl, bingo.

Gold star.

(Announcer) With no help from Emily, Nona rallies on garnish.

Service, please.

(Announcer) And completes the sides.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen, it's time for Boris to step into the spotlight.

Ington, medium rare.

How long? Okay, let's go.

If Chef Gordon Ramsey wants medium
-rare meat, then Chef Gordon Ramsey gets medium rare meat.

I'm a man of integrity.

He's not getting raw meat from me.

Boris, let's go! Chef, I'm ready! Chef, hold on.

It's raw, man.

Oh, come on.

I can't give you raw meat.

Sorry, Chef.

The last guy that I should have to worry about is Boris.

He should be fine on his own.

It's meat.

It ain't rocket science.

Let's get another one.

(Announcer) Thanks to Boris, re leaving chen.

There you go.

Send it back.

(Announcer) But thanks to Raj, none of them are going to waste.

So I just, you know, ate it.

Raj, please don't do that.

Look it, he's eating, look.

Haven't you got enough in there? But that's so good.

It's really a waste.


No, I mean, just a quick little bite.

It's really tasty.

Oh, [Bleep]


How could Chef Ramsey blame me for eating this delicious food? It's fantastic.

(Announcer) While Raj has snack time in the blue kitchen, over in the red kitchen, Gail Has nap time.

Wakey, wakey! You're on fire.

(Nona) Oh, my God.

There is flames sh**ting up.

And Gail was [raspberry]


Nothin's happening.

Gail, out of the way! Oh, my God.


Gail I think your pan's a bit too hot.

You've lost it.

I haven't lost it.

Yes, you
- look, you've given up.

Body language, face, attitude.

You've given up.

Anyone that can stand there and watch a piece of rib
-eye beef sit on fire is out of control! You've given up.

(Announcer) Two hours into dinner service.


Where's the beef? I'm walking on beef.

(Announcer) Gail's next attempt at the beef Gail Yes, Chef? Beef beautifully cooked.

Thank you, Chef! (Announcer) Is successful.

Quick, quick.


(Announcer) Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Up to the pass with the halibut! (Announcer) Raj is eager to finally impress Chef Ramsey.

Sorry about the delay.

Let's go.

Yee yoo! Ha! (Announcer) Maybe a little too eager.

How many have you cooked? One, two, three.

Oh, my God.

When I get busy, I just start firing everything.

So when they need it, I got it.

What are you doing, playing the odds? Ma be good out of three? But this is Chef Ramsey's kitchen.

You can't do that.

Why would I try to fire three tables? Uh, uh, yes, um Donkey.

Dude, you can't serve this to anybody.

(Vinny) Raj cooks three Dover soles before they were even remotely close to needing them.

Sole special! Chef, we ran out of the sole special.

What? I've got three on order! We ran out of Dover soul.

Oh, man, this is gonna be real ugly.

Oh, no.

This sucks.

Embarrassing [Bleep]


(Raj) It's a very bad situation.

I don't know what we're gonna do.

I think we have to figure something out quickly.

(Announcer) Thanks to Raj, the blue team has run out of Dover sole.

I've got three on order! (Announcer) And Chef Ramsey has run out of patience.

Get out there and tell them you're dragging two! And you go to the customers and tell them you [Bleep]

Ed it up.

I didn't
- I need another jacket, though.

I can't go out there with this jacket.

All right, come here.

Come here, you.

If you tell you to get out there, I don't give a [Bleep]

If you got a thong up your fat crack.

Get out there! Hey, listen, [Bleep]

Off out there, will you? [Screaming]

Put it down and get out there! Couple of things are going on in my head.

Hi, my name's Raj.

How's it going back there? My God, look at this.

I'm a star.

I'm terribly sorry, but we ran out of the sole specials.

Then the next thing you know, look at this, I'm an idiot.

So it's this elation, and then this
- this "degration.

" All at the same time.

We have other nice fish, though.

(Announcer) With Raj in the dining room , Chef.

(Announcer) The blue team is pushing out entrees.

Service, please.


Moving Raj completely out of the kitchen made things run er.

I'm working it.


This is the first time the blue team is sounding like a team! Let's go! Last ticket, ladies! Let's go, keep it moving, guys.

Don't stop moving.

Right behind you.

Right behind you.

, the girls are plating their last table.




Clear down.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Go, John, please.

Switch off.



What a night.

Oh, dear.

Tonight, we did complete the service.

My God.

That was painful.

It's pretty obvious I can't pick a winning team.

It's impossible.

So I'm gonna revert to the customers' comment cards.

Because I need to at they'r.

MenYour diners, they loved the food.

But they hated the wait.

The percentage of customers that rated their experience above average was Ladies Your percentage of diners that found the overall dining experience above average Yeah.

SoYou lost.

Ladies, go back to the dorm.

And think of two individuals who you don't want any longer on your team.

Now [Bleep]


(Women) Yes, Chef.

(Jillian) It sucks we lost.

But now, I want to get rid of the people who haven't done anything.

Who aren't an asset to the team.

Who do you vote for? I would definitely have to vote for Emily.

Emily has sucked at everything she's done since she got here.

I'm putting Emily up.

Nona One of my votes will definitely be for Emily.


That's my vote.

I'm not ready to go home.

I deserve to be here and I want another day in the kitchen.

Okay, so we know emily's going up, yes? (All) Yes.

So we just need one more person to go up.

I'd vote for you, melissa.

You're afraid.

It's like you're afraid to do it.

Melissa should be up for a nomination.

She [Bleep]

Up the fish station and just keeps failing.

I guess that would have to be my vote, for Melissa, if you base it on overall performance.

But Melissa's strong in prep.

I think Melissa's got the goods.

There's no question in my mind who's the asset to our team and who's not.

Based on prep, I'm gonna have to put up Sabrina.

(Sabrina) Are you serious? I wasn't even in the [Bleep]


I was in the dining room.

I would have to go with Sabrina.

I just think it's stupid to base it off of prep.

Does Chef Ramsey want a prep cook? How is that gonna help out, you know, La Market? Kitchen doesn't run if there's no food to cook.

Yeah, but he have somebody else do that.


I think you guys just vote for me because it's easier
- because I have an attitude, because I don't step up and prep, because I've only been doing this for six months.

All these b*tches, they don't know what they're talking about.

They singled me out.

They always do.

Two are for you, and two are for me.

So now it's up to you.

Gail, it's your vote.

Gail, you gotta
- you gotta vote.

I don't know who to vote for.

Um (Announcer) After a difficult deliberation, the red team has finally come up with two nominees for elimination.

Jillian Yes, Chef? First nominee and why.

Our first nominee was Emily.


We all felt that she's not really an asset to our team, Chef.

Second nominee and why, please.

The rest of the team They decided to vote for saina.

Why? I really don't know, Chef.

I didn't vote for Sabrina.

Who did you vote for? Melissa, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

Sabrina wasn't anywhere near service.

Can someone give me a little bit of insight into why she's nominated? We feel it's a mixture of a weak link and she does Jack [Bleep]

During prep.

She doesn't do her prep list.

I don't stay awake all night writing a prep list because I understand it.

I don't need to write it down, make a list of it every single day.

Because I get it.

Okay, let's get it out of the way.

Okay, Emily.

Yes, Chef.

I look at you, and it's like, "phfooh.

" Blank.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Because I have the drive to make it, Chef, and I'm willing to learn.

And understanding criticisay .

I don't think you've got the stamina quired to make it.

I think I do, Chef.

I'm ready to fight.

Ay yi yi.

Sabrina Yes, Chef? Your team really wants you up here, yeah? Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I don't think that I shoul i here.

Why should you stay melissa should be here.

Who has been consistently horrible? The executive Chef, right there.

Emily, yeah, she [Bleep]

Up, and she sucks, but at least, you know, she hasn't done as horribly as Melissa.

Take a big, deep breath.

I wanna know why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Yeah? You.

I'm here to learn, and I'm here to grow.

I have bigger balls and more determination than any of these [Bleep]

Girls here! All of them put together, Chef! Okay, this is a very difficult decision.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Raj.

Get your ass over here.

You, big boy, are out of your league.


Big time.

And I personally can't go an inch further.


There's the door there, big boy.

I can't believe it.

It's just a shock.

I didn't get along with anybody.

I didn't get along with Chef Ramsey.

I didn't get along with Scott.

I didn't like the menu.

But it was a great experience.

I had a great time.

I'm really glad I did it.

Relieved? Hat was
- that was like a reward, bro.

Thank you.

Sabrina, Emily Tonight, you're getting a gift.

Ladies, back in line.

The prize may be La Market.

Honestly, right now, you're not fit for a supermarket.

Let's get that right.

Get some sleep.

Tomorrow's gonna be a tough day.

(All) Yes, Chef.

Get out.

(Trev) Finally, finally We got no more dead weight.

The game has begun.

The girls gotta watch out.

I don't think there's any stopping us.

(Sabrina) My goal from here on out is to just continue to fight, so Chef Ramsey can see that I can be the one to run La Market.

Nothing's gonna stop me.


When the going gets tough in the kitchen, a Chef puts his head down and cooks.

All Raj wanted to do was put his head in the freezer.

And that's why his stay in Hell's Kitchen was a short one.

(announcer) The winner of Hell's Kitchen will become head Chef of the brand
-new, multimillion dollar restaurant, La Market in downtown Los Angeles.

The salary, $1/4 million.

(Announcer) And they will also tour the country as the official spokesperson of rosemount estate winery.

Next time, on Hell's Kitchen There's the door there, big boy.

(Announcer) Raj may be gone To a new beginning.

To a fantastic ending.

(Announcer) But the blue team wastes no time finding a new scapegoat.

Trev, he's not a Chef.

He's a tool to be used.

Pull my butter.

Give me a little squirt.

More, more, more, more, more.


Turn on the fryer.

I'm done with these guys.

(Announcer) The red team has the mother of all meltdowns.

I don't give a [Bleep]

! Calm down your little ghetto attitude! You aren't doing better than me at all! Shut the [Bleep]

Up! No! We don't want Sabrina on the team anymore.

(Announcer) Sabrina takes revenge in the kitchen I'm one manipulative bitch.

I'm starting my spaghetti, Sabrina.

I'm ready to walk! I'm ready to walk! (Gordon) Sabrina, it's cooked perfectly.

Gail, where's the two spaghetti? Ha ha ha ha ha.

(Announcer) And when Chef Ramsey discovers her plan Sabrina, youating me like a [Bleep]


(Announcer) He punishes everyone.

I'm trying to [Bleep]

Run a restaurant! All of you! Get it right! Gordon Ramsey lost his mind.

I've had enough! No! No! No! What the hell is that about? (Announcer) But that's nothing compa what.

I'm gonna make their lives in Hell's Kitchen literally hell.

(Announcer) on Hell's Kitchen.
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