08x01 - 16 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x01 - 16 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

(Announcer) From the big cities To the farmlands To main street, USA In restaurants all across America (Man) Go, go, go! Behind the doors of every kitchen Coming up! Coming up, let's go! (Announcer) Are a special breed of people You're up! There ya go.


(Man) Let's go! Order up.

(Woman) Two minutes! (Announcer) Whether it's four
-star restaurants or greasy spoons (Man) Go, go, go! These warriors share a passion for cooking and a dream.

[Inspiring music]

aah! Aah! "Congratulations.

You have been chosen to be a Chef on Hell's Kitchen.

" Whoo! (Announcer) They know it has the power to ignite careers [Laughing]

Welcome to L.


here I come.

(Announcer) Bring fame and fortune [Screaming]

I am here.

The king has arrived.

(Announcer) And change their lives forever.

I've been chosen to be a Chef on Hell's Kitchen.

Did you make it? Yes, I made it, Buddy.

from well over 10,000, and they come to Hell's Kitchen, ready to do battle.

Ready To rock and roll.

(Announcer) These Chefs are so competitive We have to slaughter them.

No holds barred.

All I'm worried about is me, me, me.

(Announcer) So intense I need 1:30 on your chicken cordon! (Announcer) And so paranoid You guys seem to be targeting me.

(Announcer) They will let nothing get in their way.

Not the fat b*tches Can you stop giving me an attitude? Not whack
-as you don't have anybody worry about.

(Announcer) But this season, Chef Ramsay's standards are higher than ever.

It's [Bleep]

Raw! Raw [Bleep]

! We should serve better than this! Don't [Bleep]

around with me! Er) Every dinner service, it's a battle in the kitchen Shut up! Hi you fat [Bleep]

! Shut the [Bleep]

up! Pow! Where's the teamwork? (Announcer) That boils over into all
-out w*r in the dorm.

You ain't that better than me at all! Calm down your little ghetto attitude and shut the [Bleep]

up! [Bleep]

stupid bitch.

I own my [Bleep]

station! Whatever! No problem! (Announcer) These Chefs are so determined that they even stand up to Chef Ramsay.

I need two minute garnish.

Shut the [Bleep]

up! We're just perfect.

Say that again? Hey.

I said, "yes, Chef.

" Say that again.

You ignorant bitch.

You can [Bleep]

Off right now! That's fine.

That's fine! Cook your [Bleep]

Dish! Take a breath.

Shut your fat mouth! I expect some [Bleep]

Respect! (Announcer) Bottom lineThese Chefs hold nothing back.

Let's go! I really need a [Bleep]

Accurate time.

Anything he gave me to do, I can [Bleep]


Knock it off! (Announcer) Never before in the history of Hell's Kitchen Get out! [bleep]

! Has there been a more combative You know, get through that thick skull of yours.

(Announcer) More desperate I have to win.

I got no place else to go.

) More emotional You're not gonna [Bleep]

Break me.


(Announcer) More frustrating What the [Bleep]

Is that? What the [Bl this? What the [Bleep]

Is that? Where's your [Bleep]

Passion? Um Oh, my God (Announcer) Group of Chefs.

Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get ready for the most unpredictable Are you okay? I'm trying to [Bleep]

Run a restaurant! (Announcer) Hell's Kitchen yet.

I've had enough! Good luck Superstars.

After much anticipation, arrive at Hell's Kitchen for the toughest challenge of their lives.

-hoo! Yeah, I'm here! Hello, people! (Announcer) They know once they step through those doors, they're in for the journey of a lifetime.

I've finally arrived.

This is finally my shot.

This is the beginning of something exciting and amazing for me and my life.

And for these Chefs, that monumental moment Will have to wait a little longer.

(Woman) Is anyone in there? It's locked.

We get up there, and the doors are locked.

It was like the biggest tease in the whole world.

Push? Push.

Chef Ramsay, where are you? Jean
-Philippe, where are you? (Man) Hello.

Hands off my doors, please.

Excuse me.

I'm James, the new maitre 'd here at Hell's Kitchen.

Jp was not there.

It was some new dude, James.


Whose accent is not sexy.

There's been a change of plans.

We're going somewhere else.

You need to put one of these blindfolds on.

I was really nervous, 'cause I really wasn't sure where he was gonna take us.

Let's go.

You know, he could take us to the desert and buried us alive.

That's what they do in mafia stories.

We haven't even gotten in the doors yet, therno jp, and we're blindfolded, driving around in a car with a bunch of strangers.

(Announcer) For the last seven years, Chef Ramsay's made sure Hell's Kitchen is full of surprises.

And he's about to reveal another one right now.

(Gordon) Chefs.

Oh! I just instantly recognized his voice, and my heart just fell out of my butt.

NowListen very carefully.

All of you are now standing in the very restaurant where one of you will become The head Chef.

Are you ready to see it? (All) Yeah! Okay.

Take off your blindfolds! [All exclaiming]

(Woman) Oh, wow! (Gordon) ThisIs la market, a multimillion dollar restaurant.

(Curtis) The most beautiful restaurant you could ever lay your eyes on.

I've never seen something soAmazing.

It's part of the multibillion dollar L.


live complex.

(Nona) Oh, my God, are you kidding me? La market's ridiculous.

It's exactly the place I wanna be.

It has my name written all over it.

It doesn't get any better than that as a Chef.

Are you excited? Yeah! And you wanna see more? Yes! I don't think so.

You haven't earned it yet.

Let's not forget, this is Hell's Kitchen.

And more importantly, it's time to get to work.

So I want you to get your butts back to Hell's Kitchen and cook me your amazing signature dishes.

(All) Yeah! Off you go.

Bloody hell.

Here we go again.

[The Ohio Players' "Fire"]

Fire uh woo woo woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child woo woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no, fire what I said, child ow fire [overlapping shouts]

La market Here we go, boys! Here we go! The Chefs race to prepare their signature dishes in just 45 minutes.

(Man) Let's get this party started! (Boris) I was born in Russia.

I grew up in Brooklyn, New York.

My experience has only been in fine dining.

Fire! I don't believe in doing anything half

Yeah, baby.

My signature dish will make a huge impact.

(Woman) Come on, cook! Bouncing right out of my dress.

(Woman) How much time we have? Some big
-ass breasts.

Why, thank you.

My feet hurt so bad, man.

Whenever I walk into a kitchen, people don't take me seriously.

If I were a male, if I were older, if I were fatter
- those people get more respect.

You should start thinking about plating up now.

(Man) Yes, Chef! 15 seconds, ladies.

Plates, plates
-where do you guys keep plates? Five Taste my food.

Four (Man) Ooh, I like it.

Three, two, one.

And stop.

Ah! (Announcer) Once again, Chef Ramsay has divided the teams into men versus women, and their first challenge is signature dish.

(Gordon) Okay, over the last 45 minutes, i seriously hope you were thinking about what you saw this morning, yes? Oh, by the way, one more thing to tell you.

The salary for the head Chef at the la market $250,000.

Hell, yeah! This is awesome.

I definitely gotta win Hell's Kitchen.

I have to.

Let's go.


E go any further Would you mind just sort of covering your puppies just a little bit? Sorry, Chef.

Yeah, I'm a little bit boob

Gotta give what the DNA gave me.

But this is my favorite date outfit.

It usually does well.

Would you mind just putting it on, in case something pops out? Excellent.

Hi! These are my boobs.

Let's cook! Are you for real? Okay, first name is? I'm Emily.

What is it? A duck breast with a grape and Walnut compote.

That's nice.

Thank you.

Cooked perfectly.

Hopefully, he'll remember my duck breast and not my human breast.

Okay, big man.

First name is? Russell.

I'm very confident in my abilities.

I bring the technical aspect, and I don't want to sound overconfident, but I have a great chance to win.

What is it? I have a Grilled calamari steak with a little salsa Verde.

And the calamari, is it normally that pink in terms of undercooked? I like mine mid

In terms of what you serve in the restaurant, is it served that undercooked? It's served exactly like that.

I mean, come on.

You're supposed to be bringing your a
-game, for crying out loud.


Calamari's slightly dense.

In terms of delivery, it hits the mark.

It's nice.

Thank you.


Tough choice.

Congratulations To you both.

(Announcer) Never before in the history of Hell's Kitchen has Chef Ramsay enjoyed the first two signature dishes.

Next two.

Now, sous Chef n Atlanta.


Let's go! And line cook vinny from Queens are hoping the trend continues.


Ladies first.

This is fried chicken with asparagus.

I'm from the South.

That's what we do
-we fry stuff.

And there's nothing more Southern than fried chicken.

And what's the secret? I throw all the herbs in the oil first and infuse the oil.

And the asparagus.

Simple sautee.

Salt and pepper.


Did you forget to cook the asparagus? No.

I'm glad you find it funny, sweet.

Can you imagine if 100 diners were cutting into that? No chance.

Why's it so sweet? 'Cause I put honey on it.


What a disaster.

Okay, next.

Hello, Chef.

I'm vinny.

From Queens are very People from Queens.

These are boiled poached halibut.

If you cross me, be prepared to be humiliated.

What is that? That's some of the oil from the halibut.

You sure it's oil and not something dripping out your hair from a product? If you're gonna step on my shoes, be prepared to have me bite your [Bleep]

Toes off.

Would you normally serve a liter of oil? I think it tastes nice.

I have a big problem with this dish.

I was totally praying to God, and I'm not even that religious.

It looksHorrific.


However, the fish Actually tastes quite nice.

Nicely seasoned.

Definitely a no, no, no, no for nona.

One to the boys.

Looks like there's clouds parting on the horizon.

Well done.

It's sort of like a little under the cover "yeah.

" Next, please.

With the men leading by one point, the women are counting on line cook antonia to even the score.

Okay, what's under there? But one member of the red team [yawns]

Seems to be losing interest.

Excuse me two seconds.

First name
-what is it? Um, Sabrina.

Are you bored? No, Chef.

You are.


No, I'm not bored, Chef.

You were yawning.

The girl at the end of the line, Sabrina, starts yawning.

There's a door there.

Oh, that can't be good for our team.

That cannot be good for our team.

Will you go now? (Lisa) She's gonna go.


Me, I don't give a [Bleep]


I don't give a rat's ass.

You joke and [Bleep]

Aand yaw.

Oh, my God, what did I do? I'm tired of this! (Announcer) In the signature dish challenge, the women are down and on top of that Excuse me two seconds.

Sabrina Are you bored? No, I'm not bored, Chef.

You were yawning.

Isn't scoring any points with Chef Ramsay.

There's a door there.

Will you go now? Me, I don't give a [Bleep]


You joke and [Bleep]

Around and yawn There ya go.

Sit down and rest your weary legs.

Thank you, baby Spice.

You look very cozy there.

Would you like a drink? I'm okay.

Haven't even tasted your food.

Already, I'm pissed with you.

I got tired.

I don't care.

I'm not scared of you, Chef Ramsay, I'm not.

What is it? It's a mardi gras gumbo.

Oh, God! Does it normally look like a plate of liquid [Bleep]

? No.

Every time I make my gumbo, it always gets eaten and everybody loves it.


It's gonna be good.



'Scuse me.


! [Whispers]

Oh, God.

Are you crazy? Have you tasted that? No, I didn't get a chance to taste it, Chef.

[Belches, gags]

So you cooked it, and you didn't even taste it.

I didn't have enough time.

I'm so sorry you don't like it.

N't like it? I'm sorry it wasn't up to par.

Up to par? It's inedible! Okay.

Then throw it out.


I'm not gonna throw it out.

G man.

Yes, sir.

You like your food.

Take a mouthful.

Pass it along.

It was completel I would have rather had a cat [Bleep]

In my mouth than have eaten that any further.



Oh, my God.

I don't even know how to explain that.

Vinny, what was that tasting like? Like a big bowl of mud.

Dear, oh, dear.

Young man, first name is? Curtis.

Where did you study? Apprenticeship schools.

Had a great opportunity move up to executive Chef.

Blow me away.

Looks like a pair of wings.

It's actually a lemon pepper chicken, Chef.

It's [Bleep]


Yes, Chef.

Piss off, both of you.

No points.

There goes the balloon to my parade.

Puuuh! Next two.

Right, uh Did you singe them off? No.

I got them tattooed on.

Show me.


What is it? It's an herb and vegetable stuffed chicken with a herb cream sauce.


Actually tastes quite delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Good for her.

You can't judge a book by the eyebrows.

You know, she has some talent there.

Okay, what is it? I got a pistachio crusted Colorado rack of lamb.

No way possible that Chef Ramsay will not like my signature dish.

He's gonna ask me for the recipe, and I might give it to him.

We'll see.

Did you take a bite of that? I did not.

Is it normally served that raw? That's medium

See the white fat? Yeah, I do, Chef.

That's raw fat.

So when the fat's not melted, that tells me straight away that it's not cooked properly.

One point for the ladies.

Thank God! Even if the rest of these people suck, at least he said my food was delicious.

Next two, let's go.

(Announcer) With the men and women tied at two points each, executive Chef Gail What a shame you burned the potatoes.

Faces off against line cook and bartender trev.

It's an embarrassment.

And both dishes fail to impress.

No to both of you.

Not good enough.

Corporate food director Lisa Why's it so dry? Is up against camp Chef Louis.

I can't get the lobster out of the Shell.

But neither gets a point.

Let's go.

Executive sous Chef Melissa Are you off your tiny mind? Goes head
-head against catering Chef Boris.


Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

An Boris gives the blue team a one
-point lead.


That's 3 to 2.

(Announcer) Now the pressure shifts to the final pairing
- let's go.

Personal Chef raj versus prep Chef Sabrina.

I'm worried about Sabrina.

Chef has already said that he doesn't like her.

We are so screwed.

Nice suspenders.

Oh, thank you.

Sir! Yes, sir! Chef.


What's under there? Um, under there
- do you want me to take it off? Ah, [Bleep]


It would help.

This is a piccata fish with grilled endive and blood orange fennel salad with a Brown butter vinaigrette.

That sounds a very sophisticated dish.


Which book did you copy it out of? I didn't copy it out of a book, Chef.

No? Okay, to be honest I don't really even read that often.


The balance of the dish Is beautiful.

And you've done something slightly unique, 'cause the fish is cooked perfectly.

Yes, Chef.

Big boy, first name is? Raj.

I'm an executive Chef, and I began cooking when I was 14 years old.

Show me your dish.

I was always the best cook in the kitchen, so I can't see why this would be any different.

This is a seafood and vegetable pancake.

My God! It's what? A seafood and vegetable pancake.

Pancake? Yeah, it's a pancake.

What? That is a pancake? It's a

Does that look like a pancake? Mm

Oh! It's going for a [Bleep]


A pancake that [Bleep]


It's a shame, 'cause the seafood actually tastes quite nice inside.

Oh, thank you.

However, it looks a mess.

Presentation's shocking.

One point for the ladies.

Oh, my God.

Sabrina nailed it.

Yes! We have a tie.

In any kitchen, you're only as good as your weakest link.

There's one dish that's been the biggest insult 'cause it actually made me physically ill.

And that is you, antonia.

Ve lost.

Yes! Antonia was the most valuable player on the guys' team tonight.

Ladies, look at the mess behind you.

Your punishment, to get those kitchens immaculate.


I did not wanna clean that kitchen.

I don't wanna clean our side.

I don't wanna clean the guys' side.

I have people who do that for me.

Okay, guys, not only do you escape cleaning up, but there's a little surprise for you on the patio.


Off you go.

(Announcer) Although the men barely eked out a victory, they're getting a little taste of how winners are treated at Hell's Kitchen.


Oh ha ha! Enjoy.

Thank you, James.

Good lord, what a way to live.

Oh, my God, did we just walk into shangri
-la? Indulge.

Oh, my God.

This is heaven.



Massages with these petite, beautiful women.

Oh, my God, it's so good.

These are really good ingredients of life.

Pays to win! And while the men are treated like kings The women sl*ve away.

It's horrible.

Always gonna lose, or what? No! We're gonna win.

(Sabrina) My signature dish was one of Chef Ramsay's favorites.

I don't wanna clean.

I hate cleaning.

I'm not trying to lose ever again.

After hours of tedious cleaning, the women are ready to crash for the night.

Meanwhile, the oldest Chef, raj Ju
-deh! Is ready to put on a show.

Oh, my God.

Holy [Bleep]

We got a Mr.

miyagi! I start drinking, and I start doing karate.

It's a bad habit.

Let's take it down a notch and let's put that energy towards your food.

[Making martial arts calls]

You know, I'm gonna get out of the way.

I thought he was about to have a damn heart attack.

Aah! Kung fu! (Announcer) Tonight is the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen, and the Chefs have their work cut out for them.

Zwilling j.


Henckels, suppliit for all of you.

It's beautiful.

That's a sharp knife.

Let's kick ass.

Etter, you better look out, we will not be shut down.

You will.

Good pace, ladies.

Keep it up.

I'm feeling real good about service tonight.

It's all abog the guys'! (Announcer) While the majority of the Chefs are feeling confident, antonia is just feeling Ill.

Oh, my head is hurting me.

Hey, where's antonia? Where'd she go? I don't know.

Will you find her? I will find her.


Antonia! [Groans]

Antonia? Antonia? Antonia? Oh, my head is hurting.



Only an hour before the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen.

Hey, where's antonia? I will find her.

(Announcer) One member of the red team antonia has mysteriously passed out.


Are you okay? Just my head hurts.

What happened? I had a migraine.


Let me look at you here.

OhMy head.

How would you describe that pain? It just
-oh, my God, it's excruciating.

Let's get you sitting up here for a second, okay? Can you do that? Oh, my God.

Girls, antonia's, uh, not doing so well.

She's got a really bad headache.

It's not looking so cute.

(Sabrina) Ne but I mean, it's like, come on! I'm nauseous as well.

I wanna throw up, but I'm not gonna do it.

I'm not feeling good.

I'm not feeling good right now.

Something's wrong! I don't know what's wrong with me.

(Medic) You okay? Talk to me.

What's the matter? Talk to me.


What's the matter? You gotta talk to me.



What's the matter? I I just don't feel good.

[Siren whoops]

(Man) Go, go, go.

Get her to the hospital.

(Announcer) As antonia is rushed away, Chef Ramsay has no choice but to keep the Chefs focused on opening night.

Okay, uh I've got something very important to tell you all.

Unfortunately, antonia is at the hospital.

However, the show must go on.

Yes? (All) Yes, Chef.


Get on your sections.

Let's get set up, guys, yeah? Let's go.

(Vinny) Let's go.

Everyone comes together tonight.

It's close to dinner service, and we're all scrambling, but I just
-I think we're gonna do pretty good.

I have a good feeling.

We're gonna beat the boys.

Come on, ladies.

We gotta win.

That's all there is to it.

Right, James.

Yes, Chef.

Two seconds, please.

Okay, now, it's their first service this evening.

Yes? It's also yours.

Yes, Chef.

Ake sure you stay on top o s

Come straight to me.

I will.

Okay? Ready? I am.


Let's go.

Open Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, Chef.

As an opening night special, each guest will start off with their choice of three mini

One Chef from each team will be taking the orders.

For the red team, it will be Emily.

Good evening.

Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

You're our first table tonight.

How exciting is that? (Announcer) And for the blue team, raj.

Good evening, madame.

Hello, monsieur.

We have an amuse
-bouche this evening of a A, uhUm You know, I want to always sincerely do my best for Chef Ramsay and Hell's Kitchen.

Table ten.


But I find myself lacking the abilities at some point.


Guests, four.

Why don't you do this at the table as you're talking to them? UmThat's very
- thank you, Chef Ramsay, for that advice.

Well, raj, this is gonna be a long night.

Gentlemen, here we go.

Two cheddar, one salad, one Risotto.

Yes, Chef.

All right, Boris.

Yes, sir.

Two pieces away.

Table three.

Let's go.

Two away, Chef.

(Announcer) Both Boris and Melissa on the pizza station We're up.

Tomato and beef, Chef.

Margarita up.

(Announcer) Get their teams off to a good start.

(Gordon) Let's go, service.

Thank you.

(Announcer) And Jillian and nona move forward with their appetizers.

One salad, one spaghetti.

Here you go, Chef.


Ous as hell because my boyfriend told me, "make sure you don't cook your pasta too long, "because you like your pasta soft, and Chef Ramsay doesn't.

" Let me taste it.

Who cooked the spaghetti? I did.

Yeah, very nice.

Thank you, Chef.


Keep up the good work, Jillian.

(Woman) Good job, Jillian.

Thank you.

Jillian's first pasta has impressed Chef Ramsay.

And in the blue kitchen Salad.

Trev is hoping his first salad will do the same.

I have to prove to Chef Ramsay that I can do this, and that's what I want to do tonight is try and put out the most perfect food that I possibly can.

All of you! All of you, get here! Who dressed that? Too much.

Too much? Do you honestly think they came here for that? No.

We've got worse now.

We gotta undress the [Bleep]


Salad, trev, let's go! (Trev) Who doesn't know how to make salad? This guy.

Thanks to trev, no appetizers have left the blue kitchen.

If you could hurry it along, it would be very great.

Our apologies.

(Announcer) The red team, however, has served half of their customers' appetizers.

But some of them have not received their welcoming pizza.


Yes, Chef.

Touch that.


What is that? It's raw, Chef.

It's what? Raw, Chef.

Touch that! It's raw, Melissa! Yes, Chef.

It's raw.

Come on! Yes, Chef.

[Boris, imitating gordon]

It's raw! It's [Bleep]

Raw! Boris, what were you thinkin', Buddy? You don't mock Gordon Ramsay.


Yes, sir.

Come here.

Yes, sir.

So I'm telling her about a and you're mimicking me at the back.

Sorry, Chef.


What's your game? I'm just here to cook, sir.

So I'm telling her the pizza's raw
- come here, you [Bleep]


Oh, no! And there you go.

You touc now, look at me! Take the the piss outta me now, [Bleep]

Face! I'm ready for you to [Bleep]

Around! I understand
- I'm ready for you to [Bleep]

Around! (Announcer) It's an hour into an opening night filled with careless mistakes.

Touch that! It's raw! Come on! (Announcer) But one Chef It's raw! Has made a mistake that Chef Ramsay is not going to forgive or forget.


Come here.

Yes, sir.

So I'm telling her about a raw pizza, and you're mimicking me at the back.

Sorry, Chef.

What's your [Bleep]

Crack? I don't have any crack, Chef.

What's your game? I'm just here to cook, sir.

Now, look at me! You [Bleep]

Take the piss out of me one more time is the middle of [Bleep]

Service, yeah, kiss your [Bleep]

Ass good

Is that clear? Understood, Chef.

Wake up! Will not happen again.

Shouldn't have done that, and I meant no disrespect.

What can I say? I'm losing my mind.

All right, just concentrate.

Look at me, look at me.

Just [Bleep]


Will do, Chef.

Yes, sir.

Come on, we're starting to fall way behind on these.

(Announcer) While Boris tries to catch up on pizzas, the red team continues to push out appetizers.


Lisa, we have more scallops going? Yeah.

They're goin' down right now.

Is your pan hot that you just threw them in? I didn't throw 'em in yet.

Lisa's slow.

She's so slow.

She moves like a turtle.

They're not in the pan right now? What? Oh, it's right here.

Oh, bangida, bangida, bangida.

Have you realized, Lisa, why there's no color on your scallops yet? 'Cause I keep turning them.

And the [Bleep]

Pan's not hot enough.

Okay, Chef.

(Sabrina) Can I go with my Wellington? No! They're boiled scallops.

There's no color.

They're not even hot.

Lisa's been cooking for 30 years.

How long does it take to learn how to cook scallops? I guess longer than 30 years.

OhThis is not good.

While Lisa's work on the fish station has left her teammates seriously underwhelmed, over in the blue kitchen (Gordon) Trent! Chef? Trev's salad is once again seriously overdressed.

Oh, my God! Probably too much, Chef.

That's just on one [Bleep]


Come on! Yes, Chef.

Dress me a [Bleep]

Salad! Hey.


You all.

I almost wrapped my hands around his narrow neck.


Salad! Get the salad out! Nothing's easier.

Here's that salad you're waiting on.

Thank you! You're very welcome.

Service, please.

Blue team! (All) Yes, Chef! 1 hour and 30 minutes into service, that's the first table of appetizers gone! Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Oh, [Bleep]


The men have finally sent out their first appetizers.

(Woman) I like it.

It's good.

But in the red kchen, Sabrina is ready with her team's first entrees.

Okay, I'm coming up.

Unfortunately, there's a slight problem.

(Gail) Sabrina, hold up on that.

We need the salmon and the tagliatelle first before anything else.

Dude, I can't wait! Come on, man! Sabrina, don't get mad at me.

We'rrder of the tickets.

What? I just spent like 20 minutes cooking all this, letting it rest, doing it right, you know, and it's like, honestly, I wanna show him that.

Here's the two beef and the lamb.

(Nona) What is she doing? Two beef and lamb.

Where's the halibut? Well, I just wanted to bring this to you, Chef.

You just what? I wanted to bring this to you, Chef.

What? Wha
- is this bitch crazy? And where's the halibut then? And where's the garnish? Are you ready? No, Chef.

(Gail) I told her not to bring the beef up because everything has to come up at the pass together so that we can send out the whole entire table at the same time.

Why are you throwing them under the bus? F.

So what the [Bleep]

Is this doing here? I'm sorry, Chef.

I cooked it for you, Chef.

What can I do with it? Nothing, Chef.

Oh, [Bleep]


Hey, baby Spice.

As long as you're okay, right? No, Chef.

Here's my food.


Everybody else.

She doesn't [Bleep]


(Announcer) While Sabrina needs to get back in sync with her team, in the blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay needs Raj! Help them or [Bleep]


It was fairly abusive on his part.

I'm a little bit worried about Chef Ramsay's You know, karma.


Yes, sir.

Kick off of there and let these two work as a team.

(Russell) Boris and raj are working together.

It's like watching two idiots do a rubik's cube.

There's no chance on earth they're gonna get it right.

The mozzarella cheese.

I got the cheese.

All I'm asking you is to please help me roll the [Bleep]


(Raj) Where the [Bleep]

Is it? Oh, it's here.

First shape it.


Put it here.

Put it down.

Shape it.

The dough
- you can't roll it.

Roll the [Bleep]

Pizza dough.

Here's more mozzarella.

Roll the [Bleep]

Pizza dough! What are you doing? Are you [Bleep]

? [Groans]

My partner was sent here to sabotage.

That guy is [Bleep]


Why aren't you two working as a team? (Raj) We're doing the best we can, Chef.

We're screwed on a [Bleep]


(Announcer) Raj and Boris's inability to make pizza has slowed down the blue team, but over in the red kitchen Halibut.

Lisa has picked up the pace and is ready with her halibut.

(Gordon) Halibut down here, please.

Lisa! Yes, Chef.

Come here.

It's Sushi.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Hey, madame.

What's happening here? (Lisa) It was a mess.

I [Bleep]

Up big time.

And I'm really disappointed in myself.

(Announcer) Over two hours into dinner service (Gordon) Ay yi yi yi yi.

And, unbelievably, no entrees have left either kitchen.

Nothing's coming out of that kitchen.


I'm really surprised.

And not surprisingly, the diners are completely Fed up.

Chef, I've got tables walking out.

They've been here for two hours, Chef.

(Gordon) [bleep]

Hell! (Announcer) Over two hours into dinner service, not a single entree has left either kitchen, and the diners are leaving.

No one's even working together.

No one's even caring! [Bleep]


Is that clear? (All) Yes, Chef.

Everything off.

Clear down.

I've never in my life had such a disastrous service Ever.


That, honestly, has to be the worst ever opening in Hell's Kitchen.

Tonight we set a new low.


There's no winning team.

Both teams n upstairs and nominate heies.

But the good news is you're spoiled for choice.



We lost our battle today.

We all sucked.

So we all are now looking for the blame.

Easiest way to do this is to write votes down and count 'em out.

Any objections? No objections.

I'm sorry, raj, honestly speaking, you did things today that were totally out of character for any Chef.

Raise your hand for raj.

Everybody's just completely jealous of me.

And that's the only reason why They wanna eliminate me, 'cause they know I'm gonna win.

Trev, five salads, though.

I'm sorry, man, you know.

Five salads.

Raise your hand for Trevor.

All right, it's Trevor.

It all came down to the crazy guy and myself.

Damn right I'm scared about goin' home.

I would nominate you based on the fish
- the halibut.

The halibut
-whoo! You saw me.

I'm like[bleep]

! I don't know if Lisa's got what it takes.

She's sweet or whatever, but she can't handle the pressure that it takes to work on the line.

I'm way better than that.

I know I can cook my ass off.

I can't defend my performance tonight.

But I really do know what I'm doing.

It didn't look like it tonight, but I really do.

Nona, who do you think it should be? I think it should be you.

You think it should be me? Of course, 'cause I think it should be your ass! Your signature dish, it didn't cut it.

Now, maybe if you would have cooked it right, but I mean, fine dining Fried chicken, you can't cook an asparagus? Nona thinks that fine dining is fried chicken? She has no clue.

She doesn't got a clue.

Tell me why you think I should go home.

I just didn't think that you were a real good team player.

Why else should I go home? Tell me.

I'm telling you.

She went all gangster on me.

You're all talk.

(Nona) She's an idiot.

She has a lot of potential, and I think you're just kind of looking at it wrong.

I'm not putting Sabrina up there
-that's my girl, man.

I'm not like trying to attack you.

Nona, she's just

She gets under my skin.

Something about her.

(Sabrina) Who's being nominated? I don't know, man.

This is [Bleep]


Raj, come on.

I've got something very important to tell you all.

I just got word from the hospital, and antonia will not be returning to Hell's Kitchen.

But one of you is still going home tonight.


Yes, Chef.

Who is the men's first nominee, and why? Chef, the men's first nominee tonight is raj.

He seemed a little delusional about his performance.

Delusional Spot on.

Second nominee and why.



His holdup of the apps really took our kitchen down tonight.


Yes, Chef.

The women's first nominee and why.

Our first nominee tonight is Lisa based on her dinner service on the fish station.

It was terrible.


Second nominee and why.

Our second nominee tonight is (Announcer) The blue team has put trev and raj up for elimination.

The red team has chosen Lisa as their first nominee and now must give Chef Ramsay their second.

Our second nominee tonight Is Sabrina.


Based on her lack of teamwork during dinner service.


Raj, trev, lisa, Sabrina, step forward, please.

Dear, oh, dear.

I've never felt so disappointed on the opening of Hell's Kitchen.



Why should you stay? 'Cause I think I can do this.

I think I can be a great Chef.

I'm self

I might not have the experience that these guys do, but I got the drive to do it.

RajWhy should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? Now that I'm more familiar with everything, i'll be able to jump in there and really cook the food correctly
- aren't you the most experienced Chef in here? Yes.

You've been cooking longer than me.



! Lisa.

Yes, Chef.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I take full responsibility for my service tonight.

I was nervous.

My timing was completely off.

I know that I can do much better than this.

I know I can.

Sabrina, you are, quite frankly, the most selfish cook in here.

Believe it or not, you don't know me, and you don't know what I'm capable of, Chef.

I made a mistake.

I [Bleep]


Give me an opportunity to prove to you that I can do better, Chef.

And honestly, if it's between us two, I meanI'm
- she's spent, Chef, you know? I'm young.

The world is my oyster.

What was that? I'm spent? Spent? You're spent.


Yeah, you're finished.

(Lisa) Are you kidding me? No, I'm serious.

I will cook circles around you, honey.

I may be 48, but believe me, you don't have a chance.

Sabrina, who do you think should go home? I think that nona should go home, Chef.

Her idea of fine dining is fried chicken, Chef? She can't cook asparagus.

She snores, and it keeps us all awake.

And I honestly believe she's good for nothing, Chef.


That was low.

[clears throat]

She's crap and she can't cook asparagus, but she's not standing in your shoes there.

Quite frankly, all four of you should go.

My decision is [Dramatic music]


Please give me another chance, Chef.

Shut it.

Back in line.

Thank you, Chef.


Yes, sir.

Back in line.

Thank you, sir.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen [Dramatic music]


Give me your jacket.

Your short time in Hell's Kitchen is over.

Thank you for the opportunity, Chef.

A little over your head, my darling.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

Back in line.

I honestly never would have thought I would have been the first person to go home.

This competition was everything to me.

Chef Ramsay should have sent Sabrina home.

There's no doubt in my mind if I ever met her in a cook
-off, I'd kick her ass.

We need to make a massive comeback.

You all have a choice.

Get serious or get out.

Now [Bleep]


Raj is back! That's right, Ramsay.

And I'm ready to fight.

Whoo! Sabrina tried to throw me under the bus.

Are you serious? The claws are out now.

I'm here to win this damn thing.

(Gordon) The only thing positive I can say about Lisa's performance tonight
- she didn't k*ll anyone.

(announcer) The winner of Hell's Kitchen will become head Chef of the brand
-new multimillion dollar restaurant la market in downtown Los Angeles.

And they will also tour the country as the official spokesperson of rosemount estate winery.

The salary
-$1/4 million.

(Announcer) Next time on Hell's Kitchen Do it, bro! (Announcer) You'll be shocked to see what these cutthroat Chefs do to get ahead.

How dare you condescend to me.

Jackass! [bleep]

You, bitch! (Announcer) It's every Chef for himself.

Are you trying to sabotage your own team? I would never do anything of the sort.

(Announcer) And Chef Ramsay [bleep]

! Is having none of it.

You do not decide what goes out this kitchen! I've had enough! Get out, you! Get out! Get out! Get out! (Announcer) Next time What an evil thing to do to somebody.

(Announcer) On the most devious Hell's Kitchen ever (Gordon) All of you, [Bleep]

Off home!
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