07x04 - 12 Chefs Compete Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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07x04 - 12 Chefs Compete Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

(Announcer) Previously on Hell's Kitchen The only way we're gonna get better is working as a team.

(Announcer) The teams were challenged to serve lunch to a spirited group of USC students.

I can't eat my helmet.

It all came down to Fries! Fries! Come on! Get the fries! Go! Let's go! Oh, my God! And the women scored their very first victory.

Ladies won.

Aah! I'm so excited!
- At dinner
- Ready, guys? Let's go.

Chef Ramsay made Holli and Salvatore assistant maitre d's.

Excellent choice.

What is that? I don't know how to write.

In the red kitchen Let's go.

Four Risotto.

It's ready, Chef.

Nilka aced appetizers It's better now, the Risotto, yeah? Jamie ruined the garnish Wake up.

How can we burn a carrot? [bleep]


Ugh! Fran tried to hide a serious burn.

- I am fine.

- Go see the medic.

And it was a complete mess on the meat station.

It's raw! I'll fix it, Chef.

She completely lost control of the station.

(Announcer) In the blue kitchen Where's the beef, please? Benjamin impressed on meats.

That meat's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

Scott was determined to distinguish himself on appetizers.

Please let me do this for now.

But caught Chef Ramsay's wrath instead.

Hey, Scott.

Stop serving me [bleep]

! Chef Ramsay reached the end of his patience with Salvatore.

It's not on the [bleep]

ticket! And Salvatore reached the end of his.

I'm done, Jean

No, you're not.

Fight back, young man.

But the men won dinner service.

Ladies, does it have to be this painful? And the women had to nominate two of their own for elimination.

I have to nominate Fran and Jamie.

Fran took a beating.

I can't teach an old dog new tricks.

But it was Jamie who would be forced to say good
-bye to her dream of becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant in London's Savoy Hotel.


Uh, uh.



Woo woo woo woo.

The way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child.

Aah! Yes, it does.

The way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees, 'cause I'm smokin', baby.

Baby, woo woo woo.

The way you push, push, lets me know that you're goo

You're gonna get your wish.

Oh, no, fire.

What I said, child.





(announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

I totally believe Chef Ramsay has kept me here for a reason.

He's a smart man, and I know that he knows I can do this, and just to be able to show him that he's right, is gonna make me very happy.

I need a [bleep]

in' drink.

Salvatore, two seconds please.

Yes, Chef.

I want you to know something really important.

Sometimes when I tell you something, you disintegrate.

- I need you to bounce back.

- Yes, Chef.

I have not given up on you.

Yes, Chef.

Now fight back.

Good night, Chef.

Tomorrow night, it's gonna be different.

I'm not say I'm not gonna get yelled, because that's gonna be impossible, but I will do my best.

Is that an Italian suit? Suit is a suit, Chef.

Doesn't matter.

We're cooking.

Good answer.

Good night, Chef.

Buona notte.

(Announcer) As dawn breaks over Hell's Kitchen, the chefs are all still sleeping, except for Scott and Salvatore.

Should just go over each dish.

Let's do what we have to do to make sure we win.

(Scott) Salvatore and I have a pretty good working relationship together.

At this point, I want to see him be successful so that the team is successful.

By fight back, he means, "Show me you're strong.

Show me you can take it.

" How do I deal with it? Yes, Chef.

Get back to work.

Yes, Chef.

Get back to work.

(Salvatore) Scott is the only person that's been honest with me so far.

You know, he tries to help me out, and I respect that.

If you take my advice and do it my way, I feel like it's gonna be beneficial for you.

(Announcer) The chefs make their way down to the restaurant, and Chef Ramsay is ready to test them with another purposeful challenge.

Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

Today's challenge, listen carefully.

I want you to be under the maximum amount of pressure, okay, to see how creative you can be on the spot.

Like all good chefs.

Yes? Yes, Chef.


Let me explain.

Today you are all rolling for your ingredients.

Oh, my goodness.

(Maria) I'm from Vegas.

Craps table bad news.

Each of you gets to roll the dice once.

Each letter will signify an ingredient.

Ten seconds per choice.

Step forward.

(Announcer) This challenge will test the chefs' ability to think on their feet as they must name six ingredients that will work well together in order to make one creative dish.

- Right.

Blue team are you ready?
- Yes, Chef.

Okay, Chef, will you give it a blow for me, please?
- You want me to what?
- Blow on it for me.



What do you want a [bleep]

-luck blow? Right.

Off you go.


" Halibut, Chef.

- Halibut?
- Halibut.

That was quick.

Halibut? We've cooked it every single night.

I'm kind of over it.


Come on.


- Endive.

- Mm.


Off you go.

Hit it.



Straight away.


Salsify is an awesome vegetable.

You know, just picking that salsify will, you know, balance out the dish.


Off you go, big boy.

Come on, Benjie.

And it's a "C".

I'm gonna go with crab, Chef.

Oh, ho! Oh, man.


Off you go.




Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.


It's not even cooked yet, but it's sounding delicious.


Come on, Sal.

- Off you go.

- Let's go.


[Suspenseful music]


I'm concerned about him when he sleeps, so I was definitely afraid he was gonna choke.

Bacon? That's a good one.

That's nice.

Very good one.

Huh? I was thinking, Chef.

Don't hurt yourself.

Slow down.

Halibut, endive, salsify, crab, bacon, peas.

That is sounding delicious.


Right, ladies.

- What are you wishing for, Fran?
- Lobster.


Give me an L.


Five seconds gone.

Okay, "B", "B", "B", "B".

Uh You get ten seconds to decide, and he's counting, "Five, four" He's counting down.

Two One Beets.



You can always make a salad out of beets.



Come on, Nilka.

Imagine you're in Vegas.



Oh, dear.

Shallots and beats.


Shallots and beats.

We're all like, "Holy [bleep]


"Please, let somebody know where we're going with this.

" "M".

(Autumn) Um Five My mind was completely blank.

Three, two, one Time.


Mango? Ooh.

Holy [bleep]


What was wrong with monkfish? It's okay.

We can do it.

-mahi? Didn't come to mind.




Beets and mango.

What the hell is wrong with me? Roll.

Let's go.

And "H".




Oh, we're [bleep]


We're completely screwed.


- Ready?
- Off you go.


When I was standing there and I rolled the dice, all I kept saying was, "Turnips, turnips, turnips, turnips.

" Turnips.

Turnip? Come on, Holli.

Come on, Holli.



That's good.

Okay, that's a good one.

Yeah! Thank God.

I know duck is gonna work.

I think we're gonna have a good meal out of this.

Okay, you've got thirty minutes to come up with a stunning dish.

Make sure each and every one of you has input in that dish, yeah? In the kitchen.

Let's go.

Thirty minutes.

- All right, ladies.

Let's go.

- Let's go.

Couple of things, guys, real quick.

Make sure you save some of that duck fat.

We can put that into the turnips, all right? (Announcer) The Chefs must work together to prepare a dish that will be judged on creative use of the six ingredients.

Twenty minutes to go, ladies.

You gonna take the breast off? It's easier to do it before you cut it, but go ahead.

No, no, no, it's easier Here.

Let me see.

Autumn, she just want to be in control.

"No, I have to do it or else.

" Let me come on over.

It makes more sense.

(Nilka) You know, we're not stupid.

We all have knife skills.

Don't think that you're better than everyone.

And don't forget to score it.

(Announcer) While Autumn is looking to help out Nilka, over in the blue kitchen, Salvatore is looking to help out
- Anything I can do?
- Nope.


- Anything I can do?
- No.

Anything I can do? You want to do this right here.

Use the lathe on this fish like this.

Boom, boom, boom.

You don't want to dry it out, though, okay? Want to be nice and careful.

(Scott) Salvatore doesn't have experience.

He doesn't have fine dining technique.

My job as a Chef is to help people grow, to help people become technically better, to motivate them, to give them the confidence I got it.

I got it.

Don't get your hands on it when I'm trying to cook, all right? Let me cook it.

You start interfering with me,
- we get [bleep]


- Okay, okay.

Two minutes to go.

One more minute on the salsify.

All right, hand me the duck.

Let me slice it.

Don't slice the duck too early.

It takes a second to slice a duck.

No, it's time to plate.

'Cause he just suggested it, let's take his suggestion.

I just wanted to be like, "Autumn, shut up.

" This one's a little over.

Last thirty seconds.

Nice dish, guys.

Nice dish.

Oh, plate it.

Come on.

Three, two, one.

And stop.


And here we go.

Men, what is the dish? We have a pan
-roasted halibut, with a bacon, pea, and crab ragu, uh, salsify puree, and a salad of crab and endive.

This is quite clean.


Slightly sweet.

Peas cooked perfectly.

Halibut's cooked nice.

So these are the salsify chips? Yes, Chef.

And just sliced raw? Sliced raw, fried, and lightly salted.

It's a shame.

They're just quite bitter there, aren't they? Just tastes of fryer.

Doesn't need the fried salsify.

Right, ladies.

Just explain the dish for me, please.

It's a mango
-glaze pan
-seared duck, pureed turnips, with ham and mango and beets.

And the turnip has tarragon and duck fat and the ham.

The turnips look really boring.

However, they actually taste delicious.

Good, good.

Whose idea was it to put the duck fat in the turnip? Autumn's.


Nilka, you seared the duck?
- Yes, I did.

- That duck's lovely.

However I've got more fat than I have meat.

But, collectively, all six ingredients Work beautifully.

The most important part is that you've used your brain.

Both teams, well done.

Two fantastic dishes.

Tough call.

Tough, tough, tough decision.

I said to myself, it's gonna come down to salsify and duck fat.

I cannot believe this.

The winning dish By a fraction For one reason and one reason only Congratulations Tough call.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay has challenged the teams to each create one great dish made up of individually selected ingredients.

Both teams, well done.

But now he's having a hard time choosing a winner.

The winning dish By a fraction Congratulations Men.

Well done.

Ladies, you cannot serve raw fat.

I'm angry with Nilka.

I knew right when I touched the duck breast that it was too fatty.

Had that duck been cooked perfectly, you would have won.

Sorry, ladies.

It sucks when you lose.

Everybody hates to lose.

And you hate when you're the one, so you just aah.

You want to die.

Okay, ladies, the punishment today, you are going to be cleaning my entrance hall.

Scrubbing the floor, washing the carpets, polishing the mirror.

Yes? Yes, Chef.

One more thing.

We're opening for dinner tonight.

I want both kitchens prepped.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, men.

We're going skydiving.

Oh, [bleep]

! Jason, are you all right? [Laughter]

What's the matter? [bleep]


Jason don't jump out of [bleep]


Do I look like a bird? A condor? A [bleep]

- Ready?
- Hell no.

Go upstairs, get ready, 'cause we're diving in under an hour.

Hurry up.

(Announcer) While the men, excluding Jason, are anxious to face the challenge of skydiving, the women are not exactly looking forward to sprucing up the entry hall and doing prep for both kitchens.

It's an absolute mess here, it's part of your punishment, yeah? Okay.


Scrubbing the floor, Hoovering the floor, getting rid of the dust.


-Philippe puts so much gel in his hair, it's so perfect, you know, I'm sure that the front of the house needs to look just as perfect.

Let's go.


(Autumn) Fast.

Everybody no talking.

Move fast.

Don't talk.

Punishment sucks.

It sucks.

I hate losing.

Yeah, this is taking two and three, four passes to pick up, so Prep of the food's more important than vacuuming.

Plain and simple.

Way, way more important.

Food has to get served tonight.

What's still left to do? It's more tiring than it looks.

Sweat was just pouring down my face.

I was sweating like Whitney and Bobby on crack.

This is some hard
-ass work, boy.

(Announcer) While the red team is on their hands and knees cleaning, the blue team meets up with Chef Ramsay.

(Jason) I had a big sigh of relief when I realized we're not jumping out of the plane.

I felt God had let me live.

Oh, nice.

(Jay) Seeing Chef Ramsay in the wind tunnel was great.

He was flying up and down and all around.

It made me want to jump right in there and fly.

Hey, Chef.

I told you we're going skydiving, yes?
- Are you ready?
- Yes, Chef.

Get changed, guys.

We're going flying.

(Announcer) While the men are suiting up for their adventure, back in Hell's Kitchen, Jean
-Philippe suits up for his white glove test.



There's dust on top of the frames.

He went across the frame.

He was like, "Look, it's dirty.

" Yeah.

Dust on the frame.

- Just another pass.

- Yeah.

Look at this.

It never goes away.

You're sweating.

I know.

Hard work.

(Jay) It's harder than it looks, huh? You can just tell by his face.

I can tell, yeah.

Chef made that [bleep]

look so easy.

Oh, man.



(Benjamin) The reward today was awesome.

It's almost like cooking in the sense that you need to relax while you're doing it.

Just get up there and let your body understand how to do it.

It's pretty amazing.

It was a really, really fun time.


Look at his cheeks.

(Jason) All that wind rushing past your face, floating your body up, it's amazing.

It make me really want to buy one of those, put it in the backyard or something.

I charge the whole neighborhood.


(Announcer) While the blue team enjoys their adrenaline rush at iFLY, back in Hell's Kitchen, the women rush to prep both kitchens for dinner service.

This is really taking up some time.

Yeah, that's a tedious process.

Oh, I feel like I'm stuck in front of a wall here with the mango.


Not only do we have to prep our own stuff, we have to do the boys too.

We got to get this stupid prep done.

- Can you help do the drums?
- Yeah.

It's just 'cause I'm dying.

Oh, God.

Guys, what else do you need? We need to set up the stations on the other side too.

Hi, ladies.

Hey, guys.

What's happening? Guys, we're really sorry in advance.

She just said we're really sorry, guys.

She just said, "We're really sorry.

" We're unprepped.

Well, that's pretty [bleep]


That's not good.

I think maybe we're not gonna be very well prepared for dinner service.

We still got to do the boys' stuff.

Just don't hit the panic button.

Let's just get focused.

You're gonna overcrowd the pan, Fran.

You guys are losing your your techniques.

Right now we're not going towards winning at all, whatsoever.

You guys have, like, an hour to get everything ready.

Yes, Chef.

Are you crying? Why are you crying? You'll make us all cry.

Don't do it.

- She's crying?
- Yes.

(Maria) I'm really stressed out.

Like, I was working as fast as I could.

Like, we're down to the wire.

Ramsay's gonna be so upset.

We're all gonna let him down.

Oh, God.

I just didn't want to let him down.

I'm so worried.

We're [bleep]


We're so [bleep]


(Announcer) With dinner service just 45 minutes away, the pressure of prepping both kitchens has gotten the best of Maria.

(Maria) We're [bleep]


We're so [bleep]


He's gonna eat us alive.

We had to prep super fast, and we had to clean today.

We didn't have enough time.

(Announcer) And Chef Ramsay's right hand in the kitchen, Sous Chef Andy, checks in on her.

I feel like just a [bleep]

cook on the planet earth right now.

Like, everything is just a mess and I'm really worried, you know? You need to stop being emotional.

I know.

It's gonna k*ll you.

You need to get it together.

You can do it.

It's simple.

It's food.

- Okay.

So go do it.

- Thank you.

(Maria) Chef Andy was like, "You got to step up your game.

" And she's right.

Because obviously I want to shine, plain and simple.

Ladies, let's go.

Line up, guys.

Nothing burning, Holli? Maria, bring that lovely face of yours over here.

Let's go.

I was like, you think I'm pretty? I was like, my God, nobody ever thinks I'm pretty.

Ah, that's good.


I was like, something good is happening right now.


Okay, we're going to be entertaining some very special guests this evening.

They're not going to be eating in the dining room.

We're gonna be setting up the most amazing chef tables.


(Scott) Having somebody sitting there in the kitchen, it shouldn't throw us a curveball.

You're working in a kitchen with Chef Gordon Ramsay, you're just focused on what his expectations are.

In the red kitchen, on the chef table, we'll have the host of Entertainment Tonight Kevin Frazier and his dear wife.

Blue team, you are hosting a star who's in Entourage.

Debi Mazar.


By the way, she's bringing her husband, who's a chef.

So on your toes in there tonight, guys, yeah? Yes, Chef.

Get with your sections.

Check it out.

Move your ass.

Hey, everybody, get your game faces on.

- It's about to begin.

- Yep.

Got it.

Okay, Jean
-Philippe, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

(Announcer) There are always VIPs who want to dine in Hell's Kitchen.

I'll have the beef.

The seared halibut.

I will try the Alaskan king crab cappellini.

-Philippe) So you'll be in the kitchen tonight.

Oh, great.


(Announcer) But the celebrities aren't just in the dining room.

Good to see you.


Hi, my darling.

(Announcer) They're sitting at chef's tables in the kitchen as well.

There's Chef Gordon Ramsay right there.

Okay, let's go, yeah? Right, gentlemen.

Stand by.

Two cappellini, two scallops, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

(Scott) Let's win this [bleep]

tonight, guys.

Two scallops, two cappellinis.

Two scallops, two cappellinis.

I heard you, Scott.

Keep 'em right there.

They're not getting dark enough.

You want to get a lot of color on 'em, so leave 'em there, let 'em cook.

Don't put the butter in till you flip 'em.

It's too early.

The worst cook in our kitchen right now is Jason, but I'm doing the best I can to kind of help him and mentor him and coach him a little bit.

I'm used to being a leader.

And I want to help out where I can help out.

As soon as this pasta goes into the water, it's about three and a half minute pickup time.

So keep that in your mind, all right? Don't overcook it, don't undercook it.

I got it.

(Jason) Scott acts like he's helping, but he's calling out my name trying to make me look bad.

And Chef, he could see that.

Put the pasta in, bro?
- Yeah.

- How long? Um It's gonna be four minutes, all right? So you want to get all [bleep]


Get your white wine in there, your lime juice I got no, I got it.

(Jay) Scott, I don't like the way he talks to people.

He's condescending.

No, no, no, that's too much, that's too much.

Take about half of what you have there.

If I saw Scott in a dark alley, I would probably beat him about the neck, chest, head, breast, and face.

Don't [bleep]

it up.

All right? Let's go.

Jason, we're a team, all right, I want you to succeed here.

I know.

He doesn't [bleep]


That's the problem.

Just listen, all right, if I'm suggesting something.

Let's go, Jason.

Two cappellini.

Cappellinis up.

Jason, cappellini, cooked perfectly.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Now that Jason has the blue team off and running with their appetizers, Siobhan has just delivered her first crab cappellini to the pass.

(Gordon) Who's done the cappellini? I did, Chef.


There's [bleep]

lobster in it.

(Maria) Oh, careful.

Madam, that's a lobster.

That's lobster.

You're just cooking like a zombie.

You have to think.

(Holli) It's a big difference, lobster and a crab.

Huge difference.

And it was just like, come on, Siobhan, get it together.

I've sent the [bleep]


Half the table's not eating.

Yes, Chef.

- Smells good.

- It looks great.

(Announcer) While Siobhan keeps the playboy models waiting for their food, back in the blue kitchen, Salvatore is ready to impress with his snapper appetizer.

- Let's go.

- Behind you, Chef.

Oh, [bleep]


I've got raw snapper.

Not pink, not thirty seconds raw.



Get two more orders going.

(Gordon) Get it back in the pan.


Yes, Chef? Stop [bleep]


Yes, Chef.

I have to focus when Chef talk to me and not take it too personal.

(Mazar) Poor Salvatore looks like he's about to have an aneurysm.

- Right.

- Very red.

Bunch of [bleep]


Let's go.

(Announcer) While Salvatore tries to regain his focus You ready, Autumn, to go to pass? Yeah.

Here we go again.

Let's go.

(Announcer) Siobhan is ready with her second attempt at the crab cappellini.

- Hot pan.

(Gordon) It's lobster again.

I've got lobster in the [bleep]


Chef, I pulled it right here, it says "crab.

- Look.

But it's not.

Look, come here.

What are the
- Wha wha
- Oh, yeah, that is lobster.

Oh, come on.


(Gordon) Even though it says "crab," look at it.

What is it? That looks like lobster, Chef.

That's the second time.

Crab was not crab, it was lobster.

Where's the crab? It was lobster.

Here it is, Chef, I got it.

(Gordon) How can we not spot it twice, Siobhan? It's my fault, Chef.


It's okay.

I can do it.

(Announcer) While Siobhan tries to figure out which crustacean belongs on her station, Salvatore is hoping his next snapper will meet Chef Ramsay's standards.

Four snapper.

- Yes, Chef.

- Go now, go now, go now.

Behind you, Chef.

(Gordon) Just put it down and [bleep]

off, yeah?
- What do you want, a photograph?
- Yes, Chef.

What's that? Salvatore.

Oh, [bleep]


(Gordon) Salvatore.

Salvatore! (Announcer) It's only thirty minutes into dinner service.

Chef, behind you.

And Salvatore is already feeling like this dinner service may be his last.


- Come here, you.

- Yes, Chef.

Hurry up.

Come on, Sal.


Snapper's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

Don't send me any more [bleep]


I won't, Chef.

Thank God, you know.

I was like, whoo.

(Scott) Salvatore and I have a pretty good working relationship together.

He's my pet project.

Don't forget the broccoli.

With my technical abilities and my leadership abilities, he could definitely be an attribute to our team.

- Good job, Sally.

- Thank you.

(Announcer) As both teams are sending out appetizers Mm.

So good.

That's really good.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay is counting on Nilka to push out the red team's first entrees.

Three beef, one halibut.

All three beef medium

(All) Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

(Nilka) I don't want to [bleep]

with the meat.

I want to have all my temps right.

So I got a lot of pressure on me.

All right, keep talking, keep talking.

All I'm giving you is three beefs, correct? Three beefs.


Yup, I'm on it.

Yes, yes, good, good, everybody's working.

Keep talking.

Finally sounds like a [bleep]


Keep it up, keep it up.

(Gordon) Hey, let's go.

Beef, please.

Right here, Chef.

- Behind you, behind you.

- Beef, please.

Right here, Chef.

- Both medium, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Nilka.

- Yes, Chef.

That beef's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

Beautifully cooked.

Now [bleep]

off, will you?
- Will do.

- Let's go.

I was so [bleep]

nervous that I rocked that [bleep]

the [bleep]


There's no stopping me now.

(Announcer) Nilka has delivered on the meat station, and in the blue kitchen, Salvatore is hoping to do the same with his first entrees.


Yes, Chef.

Salmon, cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

- Good job, Sal.

- Thank you.

(Jason) Salvatore not only recaptured himself, but hit the damn ball out of the [bleep]

park with the fish.

(Announcer) With Salvatore's salmon waiting at the pass, Chef Ramsay has a question for Ed! Yes, Chef.

I've got rock
-hard potatoes.

Touch that.

They're still [bleep]


Perfectly cooked salmon, now the [bleep]

potatoes are rock

If you need to blanche the potatoes in there, put them in.

I'm not serving rock
-hard potatoes.

(Jay) Come on, dude.

Like, you want me to hold your hand? Like, it's [bleep]

mashed potatoes.

The potatoes are like b*ll*ts.

Come on! I was a little bit disappointed with myself this evening, you know, with the garnishes.

Don't you taste anything, Ed? Yeah, Chef.

Sorry, Chef.



(Announcer) Despite the potato predicament, diners are enjoying their entrees.

Very good.

(Announcer) Back in the red kitchen, Chef Ramsay is looking to Autumn on the fish station to continue the women's run of perfect entrees.

Where's the salmon? Ready, Chef.

Oh, [bleep]


- Autumn.

- It's okay, I've got two here.

Yeah, just put it down.

Just put it down.



Autumn, you use a fish slice, you go under, you pick it up.

You can't pick this up [bleep]

like that.

Help me to understand where your respect for ingredients is.

You handle fish like you're a [bleep]


I don't get it.

Oh, the princess.

The princess got yelled at tonight.

Autumn, just concentrate.

I'm just frustrated, you know? All I did was not use a spatula.

Show a little respect.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While Autumn tries to get a handle on the salmon, the customers are growing impatient waiting on their entrees.

Are you still hungry? [laughs]

- Yeah.

- I'm waiting on my food.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, back in the blue kitchen, entree, three beef, one Wellington.

All three beef medium.

Coming now, Chef, coming now, Chef.

(Announcer) Scott delivers his first fillets to the pass.

Oh, dear.


Yes, Chef.

All of you come here! Just touch that beef.

Just touch it.

Hurry up.

How's that temperature?
- Rare.

- Yeah.

- How's that temperature?
- Rare.

That's [bleep]


I requested it medium.

Feels medium
-rare to me, Chef.

You're [bleep]

miles off! And each and every one on your [bleep]

team said it's undercooked.

Just get it in the oven! Chef.

My temperatures are usually always correct.

And tonight, you know, obviously I was a little bit off.

I understand the Chef expects perfection, and those of us that have a little bit more experience he probably has a little bit higher expectations.

Behind you, Sal.



Go, go, go.


Sorry, sorry, sorry.


What's going on? Sorry, Chef.

(Announcer) As Scott scrambles to fix his fillets, out in the dining room, Jean
-Philippe does a little damage control.


Should be here any time soon, but you should start because otherwise it's gonna be cold.

It's nothing personal.

Don't take it personally.

You want some salmon? Sure.

(Announcer) Back in the red kitchen, Entertainment Tonight's Kevin Frazier and his wife are waiting for their entrees.

That's the chef's table there, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Thank you.


Yes, Chef.


Look at it.

That Wellington's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

Now serve your beef to the table, please.

Yes, Chef.

(Nilka) I don't have much experience cooking Wellingtons, and I'm just so proud of myself tonight.

I am just overjoyed.

Enjoy, okay? You're k*lling it tonight, aren't you?
- Yes, I am.

- You're having a great night.

Nilka did such an incredible job on meats.

She kicked ass, and she had it all under control.

Here go your beef, honey, enjoy.

- Doing phenomenal.

- Thank you.


(Announcer) Line cook Nilka has impressed with her solid performance on the meat station.

Meanwhile, back in the blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay is hoping executive chef Scott will have similar success.

Right behind, Chef, coming through.

That's [bleep]


(Scott) Yeah, that's no good.

Everybody come here a minute.

Just touch that.

I've requested it rare.

(Benjamin) Raw.

There's a big [bleep]

difference between rare and raw.

What are you doing, Scott? What the [bleep]

are you on? Nothing, Chef.

(Jason) Scott [bleep]

up twice.

He destroyed us tonight.

He should be gone.

This bright white fat is [bleep]



off, okay? (Announcer) It's an hour and a half into dinner service, and Scott's undercooked Wellington Everybody, come here a minute.

(Announcer) has brought the blue kitchen to a screeching halt.

I requested it rare.

There's a big [bleep]

difference between rare and raw.

(Jay) Scott tries to be the leader, the best, blah, blah, blah, but that was still mooing.

This bright white fat is [bleep]

raw! How long, Scott? I need three minutes, please, okay? [bleep]

off, okay? (Announcer) While Chef Ramsay waits for Scott to re
-fire his meat
- Salvatore.

- Yes, Chef.

Nicely cooked, the halibut.

(Announcer) Salvatore continues to shine on the fish station.

Present it to the table, please.

Yes, Chef.


[Speaking Italian]

(Salvatore) When I went to the celebrity table I was happy because I was communicating with both of them in Italian.

[Speaking Italian]

(Salvatore) It was a kind of nice relief.

Then I don't have to explain it in English.

- Buon appetito.

- Buon appetito.

(Announcer) As the blue kitchen's special guests enjoy their fish (Mazar) I actually like it.

It's light.

Let's go.

(Announcer) The red kitchen continues to turn out excellent entrees.

That beef is beautiful.

Yeah, mine's very good.

All right, I'm going up.

Come on, ladies, keep the momentum going.

Talk to each other.

-Philippe) It looks very good.

And it tastes good as well.

- It is very good.

- It's fabulous.

(Announcer) Meanwhile, back in the blue kitchen Away now, two salmon, two Wellington.

Coming now, Chef.

(Announcer) after a number of problems, Scott is desperate to impress Chef Ramsay.

Uh, Scott.

Beef's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

So good.

(Gordon) Beef, please.

(Scott) Tonight was definitely a wake
-up call for me.

I have to really start paying a little bit more attention to my own station.

(Gordon) Nice.

Let's go.

Two Risotto, one scallops, one cappellini, yes? Yes, Chef.

Nice, nice, nice.

Last table, guys.

Come on, you got one more ticket.

Push, push, we're even, guys, we're even.


Put the desserts on the tray.

(Both) Okay.

- Benjamin.

- Yes, Chef.

Push out the desserts, please.

(Announcer) It's 2 hours and 50 minutes into dinner service.

It's really refreshing.

You guys want to try? (Announcer) And both teams have completed serving all of their customers.

That's good.


All right, ladies.

Good job.

Switch off, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

I thought the girls did damn good.

I thought we kicked butt overall, throughout all the little errors.

I thought we was on point.

Pleasure to serve you.

(Frazier) The food was phenomenal.

You did a great job.

Take care.

Good luck.

(Nilka) Girls, I'm proud of us tonight.

Son of a g*n, I'm proud of you too.


Job completed.

Well done.

Switch off.

(Jay) We had a little bumpy start, but I think dinner service for the blue team went relatively well.

It was great.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for coming.

Okay, I'm gonna keep this brief.

I personally can't [bleep]

believe it.

I'm amazed.

I'm amazed how good you were.

- Really? (Gordon) Yeah.

(All) Thank you, Chef.


You can cook.

Thank you, Chef.

You're not a pizza chef.

Stop downgrading yourself.

Trust me, you can cook.

Just don't stop.


Never trained in fine dining, you cook meat to perfection.

You have every right to feel proud, because you've done a phenomenal job.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

- Well done.



On the back of those outstanding performances, yeah, both of you go up to the dorms and give me one person each from your teams up for elimination.

Okay, off you go.

(Nilka) When Chef Ramsay told me I had to nominate one person from my team, that was totally unexpected, but he gave me that decision to determine who should go home from my team, and I will honor that.

It's on Nilka's shoulders.


Damn, that's a lot of weight.

So Nilka, honestly, who do you think made a mistake? I was listening in the kitchen, everything he said to you, and he was riding you the hardest because of the fish.

I think that Chef got on me for not using a spatula, and that was his main complaint.

If you look at dinner service, there isn't really anything that I did that would warrant that I was the weakest cook in the kitchen, in my opinion.

It feels unfair to me.

(Maria) She sucks.

She's got an excuse for everything.

The only thing that was sent back, I think, was just the lobster.

Yeah, what happened over there? There was crab on top, I tasted it.

And here, underneath of it there was lobster.

Something happened.

(Siobhan) I had issues with my cappellini.

It sucks.

It happened.

It happened right in front of Chef.

I just I'm praying.

I don't know what to think, though, at this point.

I'm definitely scared and nervous.

(Nilka) I'm just gonna go up there and voice my opinion how Nilka feels, and that's it.

I am not gonna walk out that door.

I think it's a you know, I don't know.

I mean, it's a tough decision.

(Ed) Chef was very upset at me.

He told me I made some stupid moves.

Did any tables come back 'cause of me? Did any tables sit in the window 'cause of me? Nope.

You just [bleep]


Simple as that, you know.

(Salvatore) Scott.

- Yeah, buddy.

Talk to me.

You're my friend.

And you help me a lot.

If I see somebody that needs help, I'm gonna give it to 'em.

Right here, rissole these fish like this.

Boom, boom, boom.

Your mistake tonight was kind of kind of big.

You started getting nervous like I did.

By no means do I think I'm the worst cook here.

- No.

- Nor am I the worst leader.

Too busy, uh, trying to pay attention to what everybody else is doing and trying to lend a helping hand.

Not worrying about myself.

(Scott) Salvatore and I have a pretty good friendship and working relationship together.

So I better damn well trust him.

I'm happy that you had a good service.

Scott is one person that spends more time with me.

We get up in the morning together, like, drink coffee, talk.

He's only the one person that I get along well in the house.

It's not like you don't deserve to be here.

'Cause you're good.

Sometimes, even in competition, when somebody helps you, you know, it's just not easy.



Nilka, have you made your decision? Yes, Chef.

Who is it and why? I chose Autumn.


Why? (Nilka) I feel like she has a lot of book knowledge, but tonight, she didn't perform to her full potential.

(Gordon) Salvatore.

Have you made your decision? Yes, Chef.

Who? My decision (Announcer) Nilka and Salvatore have each been instructed to nominate one teammate for elimination.

Nilka has chosen Autumn.

Now it's Salvatore's turn.

My decision is Scott.

Why? The meat was not cooked well.

And it started a backup a little bit.

Autumn, Scott, step forward.


You strike me as the appendix of the red team.

Chef, I am not the appendix.

The one that everyone wants out.

I don't believe that's true.

I believe that my team needs me.

And I think that I help my team.

Your team needs you? They've just put you up for elimination.

There's no closeness.

I don't feel an affection with food.

- I love food.

- When you dropped that salmon, there wasn't an ounce of expression.

Where's the salmon?
- Ready, Chef.

- Oh, [bleep]


I would've been mortified.

But for you it was like, "Oh, [bleep]


" I don't believe that.

I am passionate about food.

You are soulless.

I am not soulless.

There is so much in here.

I left my PhD program to cook.

I had a full ride, but I gave that all up and made $10 an hour for two years.

Busted my hump because I love to cook, and that is why I'm here.

I love food.

Me being soulless, that's just not true.

A person doesn't give up everything to follow their dreams because they have no soul.


You were [bleep]

on a shovel tonight.

I cooked like a [bleep]

tonight, Chef.

You didn't cook at all.

I had one bad performance up to this date.

This is the first time I'm up for elimination.

I am the strongest leader you have here by far.

I'm a leader, maybe to my detriment.

I'm too concerned about helping everybody else out as a team effort.

I learned my lesson tonight.

I'm gonna [bleep]

everyone else now and think about myself.

You talk like a politician.

- No, Chef.

- You're full of [bleep]


No, I'm not full of [bleep]

, Chef.

Let me tell you something quite interesting.

You're not as good as you think you are.

Pipe down.

And have a little bit more of a humble approach.

My decision is Both of you.

Take your [bleep]

jackets off.

Let's go.

Autumn, listen to me.

You are in the blue team.

Get in there.

You, get in the red team.


You got a new chance with a new team.

- Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

Make it count.

Good night.

Get out.

(Jason) I mean, what else can we say but "Wow"? Scott should have got eliminated.

I don't even know why he's still here.

Good riddance.

Take your ass over there on the red team.

(Autumn) I'm here to win.

No more silly mistakes.

My game face is gonna be on from here on out.

But the red team's gonna be sorry they let me go.

(Scott) Switching to the red team, I'll be energized and just as excited to be in the kitchen working with the ladies as I was to be with the guys.

Now I'm gonna come out to play.

(Gordon) After our best service yet, I've decided to give Autumn and Scott another chance.

But they'd better excel or they'll both be gone.

(announcer) Next time on Hell's Kitchen Let's go.

(Announcer) The competition turns deadly.

Pigs, they don't know they gonna die today.

Oh, my God.

(Announcer) The chefs are at each other's throats.

- Okay, well
- Don't "Mmm" me!
- So answer me!
- I didn't hear you! Shut the [bleep]

up and cook.

(Announcer) And both teams turn to sabotage.

Are you trying to screw the blue team? No.

Not intentionally.

(Announcer) All hell breaks loose.

(Gordon) Tables are starting to complain! I can't [bleep]

take it.

(Announcer) All next time (Gordon) Listen to me, you [bleep]


(Announcer) on a Hell's Kitchen I need the [bleep]

entrees! (Announcer) that pushes Chef Ramsay Stop! (Announcer) to his limit.

- Listen to me, Jason!
- I'm listening, Chef! Then do it, then!
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