07x03 - 13 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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07x03 - 13 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Who's ready to fight back? (All) I am, Chef.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay challenged the teams Prepare four different egg dishes.

Now! (Announcer) to go back to basics.

Siobhan, work with me and Fran.

(Announcer) Autumn overpowered Siobhan I asked you to work on your own.

I'm so mad at myself that I didn't.

(Announcer) which resulted in another loss for the women.


She threw us under the bus completely.


(Announcer) At dinner service (Nilka) Keep it up (Announcer) in the red kitchen, Siobhan continued to get pushed around.

She's cooking it, yet she's seasoning it.

She wants to do it.

Tell her to get lost! (Announcer) And Jamie failed on fish.

That wouldn't even pass as cat food.

I think I have some salmon in my ear.

(Announcer) In the blue kitchen Wake up, Mikey, yeah? (Announcer) Mikey was a disaster on fish.

The rice is bollocks.

(Announcer) Jason choked on the chicken.

That's your best? No, Chef.

(Announcer) And Andrew You're a [bleep]

ing joke to the industry.

(Announcer) called it quits in the middle of dinner service.

I'm walking out the damn door.

What does it look like I'm doing? Switch everything off.

(Announcer) With no winning kitchen This is not gonna get any easier.

(Announcer) both teams were told to nominate The one person that should go home tonight.

(Announcer) And they chose
- Autumn.

- And Jason.

(Announcer) for elimination.

- Oh, God.

(Announcer) But Chef Ramsay thought there was someone more deserving.

Mikey, get your [bleep]

ass up here.

Take your jacket off.

(Announcer) And with that, Mikey's dream of becoming head chef at Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant in London's Savoy Hotel went up in flames.


Uh, uh.



Woo woo woo woo.

The way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child.

Aah! Yes, it does.

The way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees.

'Cause I'm smokin', baby.

Baby, woo woo woo.

The way you push, push, lets me know that you're goo

You're gonna get your wish.

Oh, no, fire.

What I said, child.





(announcer) And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Don't ever think no one's going home.

Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

(Benjamin) I was really upset.

I think Jason was the worst cook.

He segmented us as a team.

That was [bleep]


(Jason) They all threw me under the bus.

"You didn't help in the kitchen, "and you're just hard to work with, and we don't know you.

" [Sighs]

Get the [bleep]

out of here.

You made a bad decision.

That [bleep]

was not [bleep]


We up in here and we 'posed to be crew? We 'posed to be down for each other? These my brothers in blue? Don't [bleep]

me because you don't understand me.

- Don't sit around and plot.

- Mm

We don't do that [bleep]

where I'm from.

(Jay) Jason has a temper, and I think it's starting to get a little ridiculous.

You don't think this carries over to the kitchen? Get the [bleep]

out of here.

You're ridiculous to work with.

Look at you.

Am I up front? Outspoken? [bleep]



You gonna crucify me for that? (Jason) Get the [bleep]

out of here.

You [bleep]

with my life, my wife's, my kids' all our future.

I'm not the weakest up in there.

I am not.

That ain't [bleep]

me! And they [bleep]

knew it.

They knew that [bleep]


- Jason.

- Stop.

(Nilka) Oh, my God! Jason just got [bleep]

out of control.

I could break this [bleep]

chair right now with my [bleep]


(Maria) The boys are pretty screwed up right now.

And they're all pissed at each other.

Like, we have 'em right where we want 'em.

There's nothing you can say to come back and make that [bleep]

gel right.

You can't.

I'm gone.

(Announcer) After a miserable dinner service, Chef Ramsay is determined to fix the major problems he saw in both kitchens.


Good morning.

(All) Good morning, Chef.

Okay, last night we had some disasters.

With no communication, no camaraderie, and silence.

What do all those three situations have in common? Teamwork, Chef.

That's right.

The only way we're gonna get better from now on in is working as a team.

Got it? Yes, Chef.

So today Hell's Kitchen is open for lunch.

The menu's very basic, very simple burgers, salads, fries, you name it.

(Autumn) Burgers and fries, not particularly difficult.

But then again, I'm able to cook on a level that not many people can.

Each kitchen will feed their side of the dining room.

Whoever finishes the challenge first wins.

Doors open in thirty minutes.

Let's go.

In the kitchens.


Let's go.

(Announcer) Chef Ramsay knows that to have more successful dinner services, he needs the teams to communicate and work more efficiently.

I got the onion rings.


He's hoping today's casual lunch will get the morale back and get both the blue and the red kitchens moving in the right direction.

Come on, ladies.

We can do it.

'Cause I'm cutting onions now.

All right.

I'm gonna start cutting the stuff for salad.

We can do this, girls.

(Nilka) The red team has not won one challenge, so we just have to stay focused, be in sync, and just do it.

We are not losing another challenge! No, we are not.

- You're gonna do salads?
- Yep.

Want to do salads together?
- Yeah.

- Want to work together?
- Oh, you want
- Yeah, you want to do it with me? Okay.

(Jason) I ain't forgot about last night, but I asked myself, "Jason, do you want to be at the Savoy up under Chef Ramsay?" So I got to do whatever I got to do.

You know, be a team member, but watch your back at the same time.

Hot stuff.

Hot stuff.

Behind you, bro.

Hot stuff.

Let's go, guys.

(Gordon) Okay, let's go.

Ready to meet your customers? (All) Yes, Chef.

Now, this bunch, they know the importance of precision, timing, teamwork.

- Jean
- Chef.

Let them in, please.

[Marching band playing]

USC trojans.


(Siobhan) It was really awesome to see the USC marching band coming, to feel all their energy.

There's a lot of them.

The hair on my arms was standing up.

I had chills.

(Jay) I definitely am fond of cheerleaders.

Of all teams.


Are you ready? Yes?
- Let's go.

- Let's go.

(Announcer) Communication and speed will be essential.

Let's go, guys.

Let's go.

Come on.

- Okay, I'm ready.

- Get it going.

(Announcer) With 100 band members and cheerleaders visiting for lunch, the red team and the blue team will each serve half the dining room.

What did you get? I got the cheeseburger.

- I'm really hungry.

- Seriously.

(Announcer) The team that finishes first will win the challenge.

Here we go, guys.

On order, yes? On order!
- Guys, guys, guys.

- Pay attention.

Six salad, five cheeseburger, one chicken sandwich.

- Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

Jason, any answer? Yes, Chef.

- Can we have a team?
- Yes, Chef.

Come on, guys.

Six salads.

Let's go.

(Gordon) Let's go.

(Announcer) While Jason flies solo on his salad, over in the red kitchen, Fran and Autumn are working it out together.

Going out.

Two sixes.

Here you go.



You go, girl.

(Autumn) As far as the chopped salads go, we are getting them into the bowls, dressing them, getting them out.

Let's go.


Thank you.

(Autumn) I'm really, really proud.

Fran and I kept it going.

We're gonna need a lot of [bleep]

ing salad.

(Announcer) The red diners are starting to receive food, but over in the blue dining room We want salad, we, we want salad.

I'm starving.

(Announcer) there's not much to cheer about.

But I can't eat my helmet.

Like, seriously.

Come on, Jason.

First salad out.

Let's go.

(Jay) I think Jason's a little bit bummed out.

I can sort of see it.

And it made us drag a little bit.

I feel like he's pretty good at holding a grudge.

Jason, pump it out.

Let's go.

Let's go, guys.

Push those salads.

Just like this.



Come on, Jason.

The salad.

Jason, answer me! Yes, Chef.

(Jason) Chef Ramsay was on me pretty hard about not talking back to him.

An order table two, six salad, four cheeseburger,
- two chicken sandwich.

- Yes, Chef.

- Jason.

- Yes, Chef?
- Come here.

- Yes, Chef.

Everything I've called out you're not even [bleep]

ing responding to me.

And now I'm getting pissed off.

- Listen to me.

- Yes, Chef.

This is like a two
-edged sword.

If I'm quiet, you know, he notice it.

But the more verbal I am, it kind of intimidate my guys, so [bleep]


I got it going for you.

I'm gonna put some condiments inside.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good job.

(Announcer) Jason has finally delivered his first salads to the pass.

Meanwhile, over in the red kitchen It'll be a shame if we can't put out hamburgers and damn chicken.

Go! (Announcer) Nilka is showing her team spirit.

How long on my burgers? We need our burgers.

They're really thick.

They're gonna take awhile.

Where's the three burgers with the three chicken? Come on.

Chicken is ready.

It's not the problem.

I am not gonna lose another [bleep]

ing challenge 'cause we stuck the wrong person on the station.

All right, you got to get, like, some sort of organization, like you're in a kitchen.

You know? One, two, three, four.

I got it.

Jamie was, like, "I got this," and I was, like, "Nope, we're not playing the 'I got this' game.

" Those are Jamie's famous last words, so I was, like, "No, no, no.

" Do you know what? We're a team.

We're gonna get through this [bleep]


I'm standing next to you, and I'm gonna keep my hands on meat.

- Drive the bus?
- Yeah.

(Announcer) While Maria drives the bus on the red team, back in the blue kitchen, Scott's strong effort on the burgers is helping the blue team get ahead.


Push, push, push, push, push.

Burgers in the window, Chef.

Just keep pushing like this.

We're good.

(Announcer) But not for long.

Scott! I've got a raw burger here.

Come here.




Yes, Chef.

I've got a raw burger.

Yes, Chef.

Put your finger in there.

Oh, come on.

Sorry, Chef.



Scott, check your work! Yes, Chef.

Absolutely, Chef.

Come on, guys.


win this [bleep]


(Announcer) While Scott has stalled the blue kitchen with his burger, Maria's help has Jamie's burgers moving quickly out of the red kitchen, and they've caught up.

Burgers up, guys.

Each team has Three tickets left.

Three on the blue.

Three on the red.

Come on.

Let's go.

Red! Red! Red! Red! Let's go! Red! Red! Red! Red! Red! Give me the chicken, man.

- It's raw.

- It's [bleep]

ing raw.

- It's raw.

- It's raw! Come on.

We gonna win guys, huh? I'm ready.

You guys ready? Yeah, I'm ready.

I'm ready.

Let's go, blue! We got 'em.

Let's go! Okay, let's go, guys.

Come on.

Go! Let's go! Oh, my God! Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Touch it.

Touch it! The relish, guys.

You're forgetting the relish on [bleep]


My bad.

What's next on call? What's next on call?
- What do we got coming up?
- Fries.

Come on, guys.

Let's do it.

Let's go! No, no! I got 'em.

- I got 'em.

- Fries.

Drop 'em.

Put 'em in.

Thank you.

Come on! Get the fries! Fries.


Go, go, go, go.

Fries! Good.

Season 'em.

Let's go.

Season 'em.

- Go, go, go!
- Fries! Come on, guys.

(Announcer) For Chef Ramsay's teamwork challenge, the chefs are cooking lunch for the USC marching band and cheerleaders.

With just one ticket left in each kitchen, it all comes down to Fries! Go! Go, go, go! Fries! Come on! Good.

Season 'em.

Let's go.

Go, go, go! Very good.


Well done.

Ladies won.


(Maria) We won! Aah, we finally did it.

We finally operated as a [bleep]

ing team and we [bleep]

ing won.

Aah! I'm so excited! (Ed) I'm so pissed.

I take full responsibility of it.

It was a race against time.

The faster team won.

May not be the better team, but they were the faster team.

Thank you very much.

Keep up the great work.


Okay, ladies, I've organized for you a very beautiful, relaxing day in the sun at the Malibu Beach Inn.


(Siobhan) You know, I don't really win too many things in my life.

And to go out and put my feet in the sand I mean, this is incredible.

And gentlemen, you'll be assisting the Heal the Bay Organization, helping to clean up the L.



Basically helping them pick up bits of [bleep]


And I've arranged some special protection.

Look at those beautiful overalls.

Yes? The yellow jumpsuits you can't be serious, right? You joking.

That is there to make sure that you don't get smeared in [bleep]


Off you go.

You're gonna enjoy it, okay? Yeah.

Oh, God.

You know, this is the first chance we've had to actually, you know, look more like our regular, everyday selves.

Got all glamorous makeup on.

Having the opportunity to be a woman again is really fun.

It's a MILF outfit.

- You know what a MILF is?
- No.

It's a mother I'd like to [bleep]


You are so stupid.

Oh, [bleep]


[Horn honks]

On the bus.

It's punishment, so you don't expect to ride in a limousine.

The bus is just a horrible, old bus.

No shocks.

It's just bouncing and just raggedy.


Why? Why? I thought we were gonna be driving to some place where there was an actual river, not just this cement river.

Dude, it smells like ass out there.


It's pretty bad.

Yeah, well, I'm Nick, and this here's James.

We're from Heal the Bay.

You can see quite a bit of debris, trash, plastic bags, stuff that's gonna make its way into the ocean, and then into that same food that you guys are cooking in the kitchen.

You guys want to get cracking? Yeah.

Where you want to start a pile? Anywhere? Guys want a piece of this chocolate bar? Oh, wait.

I got more hairspray for you, Jay.

But, no, it's red.

Never mind.

Oh, [bleep]


Tires and wires and bicycles.

It's it's crazy.

Dead bodies wrapped up in plastic.

This sucks.

This totally sucks.

Oh! Oh, my God.

Whoo! Malibu, here we come.

(Fran) Authentic Woody cars.

Pure California.

You're never gonna see 'em anywhere else.


Girls, we deserve this, girls.

This is the start of a new beginning.

It is the start of a new beginning.

Guys, we kicked the boys when they were down, and now they are feeling really [bleep]

about themselves.


There you go.

-ass shopping cart.

There's another one over there too.

Lot of weird things.

Got a chandelier? Little chandelier, yeah.

I got a muffler.

America, stop littering.

Hey, anybody need some rims for their car? You're causing a mess.


Malibu Beach Inn.


Oh, my gosh.

(Gordon) Hey, ladies! Welcome to Malibu.

Oh, my God.

Chef is here.

With this huge smile.

And we don't see that that often.

Come on.

Come down to the beach.

Let's go have some fun.

Do we go this way? (Holli) Chef Ramsay is cute.

He looks like a real person.

First of all, well done.

Thank you.

I'm so happy to see you guys out.



One more challenge.

What the hell? I thought it was the day off.

I'm gonna challenge you guys to a game of soccer.

Now you've got your team.


Meet my team.

Team Ramsay.

Aw! This is this is Megan, Jack, Holly.

And this is naughty knickers Matilda.

Tana you know.

Uh, what have you got to say first? Congratulations.


(Announcer) With Chef Ramsay and his family taking on the ladies of the red team (Gordon) One, two, three.

Off you go! (Announcer) it could be anyone's game.

Oh, Tana! Unfortunately, I wore the wrong shirt to play soccer in.

Didn't know I was gonna be bouncing around.

I was afraid I might kind of lose one.

That was so close.

(Gordon) On the head! Oh! Oh! Get it! Get it, get it, get it, get it.


Good goal.

Chef Ramsay played professional soccer.

You just have no chance.

[Whistle blows]

You guys won.

Good game.

Now enjoy the rest of your afternoon, yes? Well done.

You deserve it, yes? Thanks, Chef.

This is [bleep]

ing beautiful.

Oh, there's food and booze! Oh! Thank you.

You just felt like a movie star.

It was just like the world was ours.

(Autumn) Today was a really good day for my team.

I feel like we're well rested.

We all had a really good time bonding and getting to know each other better.

Whoo! Go, team red.

(Benjamin) You know, we didn't go on the reward today, but it was rewarding.

All day we worked together as a team.

Hopefully tomorrow at service we'll do the same thing.

But I don't want to wear these [bleep]

ing jumpsuits again, okay? (Jay) I don't know if the girls are gonna want to cuddle with us tonight.

(Announcer) Both teams bonded during their time outside the kitchen, and are approaching tonight's dinner service feeling very united.

Come on, guys.

Let's push it together.

Come on.

Can you set up the racks for the roast, please? The chicken, the cutting board, all that stuff?
- Yes, sir.

- Right on.

I think everybody's really come together.

I was worried about Jason after we put him up for elimination, but he's made a 180 turn.

happy with that? Yes.

Hey, guys, everybody feeling good? Yes.

(Fran) It's a big night for me.

First service I was thrown out and the second service I was on the floor, so this is the one where I have to show Chef Ramsay that I belong here in Hell's Kitchen.

How's everybody looking? Does everyone look like they're gonna make it? (Fran) No, it's too salty.

Just dump it and start over.

Oh! Oh, my God.

You all right?
- I burned my hand.

- Oh, my goodness.

(Announcer) Hell's Kitchen will open for the third dinner service in less than an hour, and both teams race to complete their prep.

How's everybody looking? Does everyone look like they're gonna make it? (Fran) No, it's too salty.

Just dump it and start over.

Oh! [bleep]


- You all right?
- Oh, my goodness.

I burned my hand.

When I hit the water on my arm, I knew it was bad.

Sorry about the water.

- You okay?
- I don't feel a thing.

But I didn't want to miss service.

I wanted to stay.

So I just chose not to tell anybody.

What happened? I spilled some water.

It was too salty, Chef.

I wanted to get rid of it.

Come on, ladies.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

- How are we?
- Good, Chef.


Now the one thing that both dinner services so far have in common is that they're very slow.

How painful is it for the customers? Very importantly, Jean
-Philippe is standing there tap
-dancing, trying to buy time.

So it's time for you all to understand what he's going through.

Tonight, yes? One person from each kitchen will be the assistant maitre d'.

Holli, Salvatore, you're the assistant maitre d's.

- Okay?
- Yes, Chef.

We're opening in thirty minutes.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Hey, guys, let's do this, yeah? Come on guys.

Let's push, huh? Let's go.

Girls gonna kick butt.

(Announcer) Tonight Chef Ramsay has assigned Salvatore and Holli to the front of the house, so that they can feel the effect their respective kitchens are having on the dining room.

You are representing your teams in the kitchen.

Don't forget that.

I have been in the front of the house before.

When I was sixteen, I was a hostess and a server at IHOP.

-Philippe, Holli, Salvatore.

- Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Yes, Chef.


That is an excellent choice.

(Announcer) The restaurant is fully booked, and the chefs are ready for their first orders.

There's just one problem.

Okay, Jean

-Philippe? Yes? There's three of you in there.

I've got no tickets please.

Yeah, hurry up.

Let's go.

Okay, Salvatore, show me.

Oh, my God.

What is that? What is that? I can't read that.

Are you writing in Japanese? [bleep]

off with you, yes?
- Holli.

- Yes, Chef.



An order of Foie gras for table 42.

Four Risotto.

Entree one halibut, one chicken, one beef,
- one tagliatelle.

- Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While the red team gets started on their first order, the blue kitchen is still waiting on Salvatore! How you write the amuse
-bouche? I don't know how to write English.

Amuse Six Bouche.

Which is French.

It's not English.

You know what? Let me write your order,
- because it's starting to irritate me.

- One Risotto.

They're here for dinner, not breakfast! Let's go.

Where's the six top? Jean
-Philippe is helping me out with the writing.

- So you're not writing it now?
- Chef.

Get away, you.

Two truffle salad.

One scallop, one Risotto, yes? (All) Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While the blue kitchen gets to work on its first ticket, back in the red kitchen, Maria is ready with her first appetizers.

Four Risotto now.

Right behind you.

Not enough lobster in there, yeah? Okay, not enough [bleep]

mascarpone cheese in there.

And a little bit more seasoning there, yeah? Yes, Chef.

And, more importantly, it's too [bleep]

ing dry.

Damn it.

Let's go.

Four Risotto.

You got to heat it up a little bit more so the lobster cooks through, okay? (Maria) Here's the secret.

Never really did a lot of Risotto before.

Now I've got stodge on the plate again.

Aah! I'm warning you now.

Stop being sloppy.

Get it? Yes, Chef.

Maria lacks self confidence.

Put your butter mascarpone in.

(Gordon) Four Risotto.

How long? Three minutes? Three minutes? It's ready, Chef.

(Nilka) You don't want to re
-fire starters.

You want everything to go out perfect.

Bam, bam, boom.

- Maria?
- Yes, Chef.

That's better now, the Risotto, yeah? Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) Thanks to Nilka, Maria's appetizers are leaving the red kitchen.

Meanwhile, over in the blue kitchen, Scott is working on his first appetizers.

Let's push this.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Let me Please let me do this for now.

Just please let me do this for now.

I don't want to get yelled at for somebody else's mistake.

If you don't want help, hey, that's fine with me.

Let me do it.

Let me do it.

You're gonna need a little more oil.

I know.

Let me do it for a second.

I'm so excited about the opportunity tonight.

The meal starts out on the appetizer station.

I get to work it by myself.

And this is an opportunity for me to stand out.

Let's go, guys.

Let's go.

Easy start.

Come on, guys.


Potatoes, Chef.


off, Scott, will ya? I got no color on there, Scott.

Not only that, but they're all [bleep]




- Hey, Scott!
- Yes, Chef.

That's what they're doing next door.

You want me to serve that next door? No, Chef.

No, Chef.

And that [bleep]

From you? No way, Chef.

We may be backed up, but stop serving me [bleep]

! Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While Scott starts over on his potatoes, out in the dining room, Holli and Salvatore work to keep the customers happy.

No food yet.

We love the appetizers.

Oh, good.

I'm glad.

I'm glad.

And the entrees will be coming soon.

(Announcer) Despite a slow start on appetizers, the blue kitchen is moving on to their first entrees.

All that is needed is the
- Garnish, Jason!
- Yes, Chef.

Or the whole [bleep]

lot's going back.

Come on, Jason.

Get it up there.

Come on.

Just don't bring me two carrots.

The [bleep]

mash Why isn't it mashed already?
- Come on, Jason.

- It had pepper in it, Chef.

(Benjamin) I know it's so easy.

I was like, "Why can't you do it?" Like, what the [bleep]

's going on? You're backing the whole [bleep]

in' kitchen up.

Chef Ramsay got up in my face and told me I was putting him behind.


Come on, Jason.

Get it together.

Let's go.

I'm most definitely on guard now, because they just don't want me on the team.

Come on, Jason.

You got it, buddy.

Stay in there, man.

Stay in there.

Jason, please give me the garnish! Take it, Chef.

To the window.

Come on.



- Benjamin.

- Yes, Chef? That meat's cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef.

(Announcer) It's two hours into dinner service, and entrees are making their way out of both kitchens.

- It's good?
- Really good.

- Worth the wait.

- Mm

(Announcer) But one is making its way back.

What's wrong with that? She said she requested medium

- Yeah, and it's not wrote on the ticket.

- Yes, Chef.

It's not on the [bleep]

in' ticket! So what do you want me to do now? Do you want to [bleep]

your team? Go in there.

Take it to them.

There you go.



May I please have a Wellington? Medium
-well, please, on the fly? Yeah.

All right.

Thank you very much.

Basically, it's not even written on the ticket, so we sent it out perfectly, and it's not your fault, okay? Hey, don't you dare.

Hey, hello? Get rid of that plate.

Take the [bleep]

plate and [bleep]


Ten minutes.



What are you doing? I'm leaving.




I'm done.

Hey, Salvatore.

Fight back, young man.

Salvatore! (Announcer) It's more than two hours into dinner service, and the blue team's assistant maitre d', Salvatore, has reached his breaking point.

Take the [bleep]

plate and [bleep]




What are you doing? I'm leaving.




I'm done.

Salvatore, do me a favor.

Don't don't do that.

Salvatore, fight back, young man.

Salvatore! Fight back, man.

Hey, listen.

I know the man for sixteen years.

The humiliation is to the point, Jean

No, no, no.

Don't take it personal.

I mean, he names me so many different ways.

Yeah? It goes in, it goes out.

- Because
- I'm done, Jean

No, you're not.

I'll finish the service, and I'll go home tonight.

I'll put myself up on the chopping block.

Don't do that.

I'm happy that Jean
-Philippe encourage me at least don't give up on my team, but, you know Just smile on your face.

Smile on your face.

(Announcer) As Salvatore returns to the dining room, Holli has a return of her own.

What's the matter? The steak's too rare.

Well, what'd they ask for? Medium

Oh, [bleep]



Yeah, they're right.

That's right.

One steak.




- Yes, Chef.

- Come on.

So you need a medium, and you need a medium
-rare right away.

I had a steak come back, and he was getting agitated with me.

So I knew after that that, you know, I really had to watch my meat, because if I thought about my hand, it would really screw me up, so it's better just to deal with the pain.

Halibut, beef, chicken, tag.

We ready to go to the window? Yes! And the beef is medium, yes? Yes, Chef.

It's beautiful.

I apologize, Chef.

Oh, [bleep]


That's supposed to be medium, right? Ah, [bleep]


Come here, all of you.

Touch that.

It's a little rare.

I requested it what? Medium

So no, I didn't request it medium

- Medium, Chef.

- Medium! It's [bleep]

raw! I'll fix it, Chef.

Send the table back.

(Autumn) Fran was getting flustered.

Some meats are overcooked.

Some were undercooked.

And she had no idea which ones were under or over.

She just completely lost control of the station.

I'm not sending it.

Then it's gonna come back.

Sorry, Chef.

Won't happen again.

All right, Fran, right now you need a medium rare.

Do you have it working?
- I need some help right now, okay?
- Okay.

(Announcer) While the women come together to help Fran on the meat station, the blue team is looking to Jason to get ahead on their entrees.

How long? How long? On what? I need the halibut set up.

The halibut? Uh, give me one minute.

Okay, that's dragging the whole table, so you got to go as fast as you can.

Where's the halibut? Halibut's right here, Chef.

Where's the garnish? That's who I'm waiting.

Oh, come on.

Come on, Jason.

Jason, how long? Twenty seconds.

- Twenty seconds.

- Yeah.

Garnish, you know, you're reheating stuff.

You want me to hold your hand? Like, how hard can it be?
- Go.

Come on.

- Okay.

(Jay) It's ridiculous.

Like, I can bring my mom in, and my mom will do this for you.

You're doing anything pureed,
- use the spatula, all right?
- I got you.

- Okay?
- I'm all right, though.

I'm all right.

I know, but I want to help you, 'cause I want to put [bleep]


- We'll be fine.

- No matter what, we're gonna [bleep]

in' get this out, all right? Scott came over and tried to, you know, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

And I'm like, "Get the [bleep]

out of here.

" Salsa, deep pearl onions, and oil.

I got it.

I been doing it.

I know, I know.

- I'm just here to help you.

- I know.


- I don't want us to get yelled at.

- Okay.

Inside, I feel like taking one of them [bleep]

in' hot
-ass pans and slapping him upside his [bleep]

in' face.



Watch out.

Watch out.

I got it.


(Announcer) It's three hours into dinner service, and Holli is doing her best to please some very hungry customers.

I'm just kidding.

I'm kidding.

(Announcer) While Holli tries to stall, back in the red kitchen,
- Chef Ramsay
- Jamie.

is desperate to get food out.

But only if it meets his standards.

It's burnt.

If that's burnt there, what is that? Okay, Chef.

I got it.

If that's burnt there, what's that there? Then it's scorched here, Chef.

No, I didn't this was the first one.

So then you reheat it.


come on.

I'll start over, Chef.

Jamie definitely was in need of some help tonight.

Come on, Jamie, you can do it.

Butter, parsley, a little veg stock.

Don't let those carrots burn.

- You got it, you got it.

- I got it.

She was not able to control her station herself.

Tasty, right? (Gordon) Why's Siobhan doing Jamie's garnish? Yes, Chef.

You're leaving your post, which tells me something really nerve

- No, Chef.

- Leave her! Yes, Chef! You're doing sides.

Let her run her section.

Yes, Chef.

You don't hand her your reins of the section.

- No, I don't, Chef.

- Never.

Carrots are burning.



How can we burn a carrot? Chef, I I'm not gonna say anything.

For me to explain myself in front of Chef Ramsay, like, during service, will not happen.

He was just all over my ass tonight, and, uh, not in a good way.

Let's get it rolling, ladies! All right, to the window, ladies.

Where's the halibut? Right here, Chef.

Let's push! Dear, oh, dear.


There you go.

Come here.

Just touch in there.

All of you.

Yeah, you as well, Jamie.

That's my fault.

Touch [bleep]


So you waste all this time wiping her [bleep]

, and making yourself look stupid.

Now I've got raw halibut.

Yes, Chef.

(Announcer) While the red kitchen is sinking Re
-fire two halibut.

the blue kitchen has rallied, and is now pushing out entrees.


Go, please.


Thank you.

One halibut, one chicken, one Wellington, one beef away, yes? Yes, Chef.

- How long?
- Two minutes, Chef.

You got the garnish, right? You got it? I got you.

Where's the beef, please? Beef coming right now, Chef.

This is your medium
- It's ready, right?
- That's a medium
-well get the [bleep]

out of here, please.

Okay, dude.

All right.

Handle it, then.

(Benjamin) Uh, I'm here to work for Chef Ramsay, not Scott.

You know, I'm here to cook.

I'm here to bust my ass.

And I think if Scott did the same thing, we'd have better services.

- Ben?
- Yes, Chef? That's nicely cooked, that beef.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Service, please.

- Good [bleep]

job, man.

- Thanks.

- There you go, madame.

- Thank you.


(Announcer) Ben's beef has proven to be a hit with both Chef Ramsay and the blue diners.

Now Fran has a chance to redeem herself.

Beef, mid

How long? I'm checking, Chef.

Just give me a time.

All right, I'm bringing this one up.

Chef, steak's up.

Sorry, Chef.

Dear, oh, dear.

That's medium.

Fran! Everybody, come here.

What's the matter? Here we go.



Touch that one then.

How's that cooked? That's medium.

I want mid

That's medium.

One was medium and one was mid
-rare in there.

I might have pulled the wrong one.

I'll go check, Chef.

Oh, [bleep]


Fran [bleep]

up on all her meat.

She didn't know what temperature.

Everything she got was sent back.

She seemed very nervous.

She let her nerves get in the way.

I can't send it as a re

Overcooked now.

Yes, Chef.

Undercooked, overcooked.

I just want it [bleep]

cooked, woman.

Yes, Chef.

Come on, girls.

Let's get it together.

This one's like All right, Autumn, I need a [bleep]

load of help.

I burned my hand really bad.

Calm down.

Is your do you need to see a medic?
- No, I'm not going.

- No.

My arm's throbbing.

I thought I had the pain under control, and then when I stuck my arm in the oven, the pain is excruciating at that point.

But, um, I knew I could suck it up.

I'm a strong enough person.

So I just kept a straight face.

- She's burnt.

- Where's you burned at? I can't look at it.

Pull yourself together.

You can do it.

You are not weak.

- I am fine.

- Okay.

- You're burnt, Fran.

Let me see it.

- No.

Let me see it.

Just shut your [bleep]

mouth, and don't.

Let me see
- Leave her alone.

- Leave her alone.

Stop about it.

Just stop.

Just leave me alone.

(Announcer) It's three and a half hours into dinner service, and Fran's injury has the red team in turmoil.

You're burnt, Fran.

Let me see it.

- No.

- Let me see it.

Just shut your [bleep]

mouth, and don't.

Let me see
- Leave her alone.

- Leave her alone.

Stop about it.

Just stop.

Just leave me alone.

It's bad.

You need to go see a medic.

What do we got going on, guys? Fran's hand is burnt badly, and she won't see a medic.

Show me your hand.

I want you to show me your hand.

I'm not showing you my hand.

You don't want to see it.

- Yes, I do.

- I'm fine.


- Yes, Chef.

- Come here.

Yes, Chef.

Show me your hand.

Oh, that's a serious burn.

Go see the medic.

(Fran) I didn't want out of the kitchen.

I wanted to stay in the kitchen.

Can't believe I burnt my [bleep]

arm like this.

I don't care if my hand falls off.

I I just wanted to finish.

Let me know if it stings too bad.

I think it's worse there.

See? I had a rubber band, so it kind of got stuck on it.

Away next, two halibut, one beef, one Wellington.

Two halibut, one beef, one Wellington.

Yes, Chef.

One beef, one Wellington.

What's the temp on the meat? Temp on the beef? I don't know.

Oh, [bleep]


Look at the state of this.

You okay to go on? Yes.

Just wrap it up, okay? We're almost done.

Aah! One beef medium, one normal.

- Yes, Chef.

- How long? One and a half.

One and a half, Chef.

(Announcer) It's almost four hours since the doors to Hell's Kitchen opened, and Chef Ramsay is hoping that tonight's service can end with a strong finish by both kitchens.

- Let's go!
- We're almost there, yeah?
- One more table.

One more.

- Go, please.

I think it's the last ticket, ladies.

Let's push it.

Okay, ladies.

To the window.

(Fran) If we lose, and if they think I should be the easy out because of this Come on.

Give me a break.

- Ladies, are we in synch?
- Yes.

We're in synch.

It's almost over.

Come on, guys, let's go.

Move it out.

Good finish.

Salmon, where is it? Coming up here, Chef.

Service, please.

Switch off.


Oh, dear.

Yes, we completed service, but does it have to be this painful? Ladies, you clearly got off to a much faster start.

That's because Scott wanted to serve crap potatoes.

Fran, stop panicking.

Tonight, the winning team The blue team.

Just thank your lucky stars there's someone called Benjamin on there.

Ladies, get upstairs to the dorm, put your heads together, and come up with a consensus of two individuals for elimination.



(Nilka) We [bleep]



So now we got to put two women back on the chopping block, and it sucks.

It really, really does.


All right, you guys.

I'll put it out there right now.

The main things that I brought back, to be honest with you, were meats.

Those re
-fires were k*lling us on meats.

That's what it was.

It was my fault for not telling yous I burnt my hand.

(Nilka) It's pretty clear Fran is up for elimination, but the second person, that's the question.

If I have to vote someone for elimination, it's a choice between Maria for the Risotto, or Jamie.

I'm so frustrated right now.

I really don't think I did second worst today.

I started getting in the weeds, and it was hard for me to recover.

I asked you plenty of times, "Are you good?" "Yeah, I got it.

It's coming.

I got it.

It's coming.

- Jamie, those are your famous last words.

- Yes.

"I got it.

" I was like, "Listen, the only thing you have is an excess amount of weight.

" You know, my first vote would be for you.

Of course.

The Risotto was inconsistent, and it got sent back.

You know? I don't feel for any reason that that would put me up for elimination.

How could they put me up for elimination when I got us out of the gate with all the appetizers? I didn't burn anything.

Plain and simple.


Risottos, I know Chef was sending 'em back.

I don't think I had the second
-worst food tonight, and I don't think that I really deserve to be up there.


Ladies, have you reached your decision? Yes, Chef.

Nilka? First nominee and why please.

Chef, I have to nominate Fran.


Why? Because she had so many re
-fires that hurt our team completing service, and she couldn't get it together.

Like, she lost her composure on the line, Chef.

So second nominee and why? Chef I have to nominate (Announcer) The red team has nominated Fran for elimination, and she's about to get company.

Chef, we have to nominate Jamie as well.


Why? Because she burned the mashed potatoes, and she burned the carrots.

You know, we just all came to the conclusion.

Jamie, Fran, let's go.

Jamie, seriously, straight up, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I know I'm a strong chef.

My flavor profile is always spot on, and I'm a very big team player.

That much of a team player that you hand your section over to Siobhan? Okay, Fran.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen? I have a drive like no other.

Because if I didn't, why would I burn my hand and not leave? I just wanted to prove so much, even to myself, that I'm supposed to be here.

But I'm really worried about you, because I can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Chef, I don't think I'm an old dog with no new tricks.

I think I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve still.

You know, Chef, I could crap out right now and blame my hand, but I don't want to get out of here.

I want to stay.

My decision is Fran.

Yes, Chef.

I believe you can fight back.

Back in line.

Jamie, take off your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.


(Jamie) Words can't describe how pissed off I am right now.

I don't think Chef Ramsay made the right decision.

I am by far a better cook than Fran is.

And I expected to be here a lot longer than what it was.

Listen to me.

All of you.

It doesn't need to be this hard.


off out of here, will ya, yeah? (Fran) I'm a strong person.

I walked around with these burns, I sucked it in, and I know after this I can do anything.

I am gonna show people what Fran really has.

I think the red team is a bunch of girls who just can't get their emotions in check.

They don't really get it just yet.

Hopefully they don't ever get it, 'cause I'd be more than happy to keep winning.

Blue team, your asses better watch out, because we got rid of our weak links, and we're gonna stand up and whoop your ass.


(Gordon) To be a great chef, you need creativity, leadership qualities, and passion.

Jamie had passion.

(Announcer) Coming up next on Hell's Kitchen It takes a second to slice a duck.

A cat fight on the red team I'm waiting.

I'm waiting.

Shut your [bleep]

in' face.

(Announcer) spells disaster for the women.

We are so [bleep]


And Chef Ramsay is worried.

Come here, you.

Come here! (Announcer) If no one can cook an appetizer I've got lobster in the [bleep]


(Announcer) an entree It's [bleep]


Just get it in the oven! (Announcer) or even a garnish What's going on? (Announcer) Are any of these chefs sober What the [bleep]

are you on? Like Whitney and Bobby on crack.

(Announcer) focused You're just cooking like a zombie.

and talented enough You were [bleep]

on a shovel.

to be head chef at the Savoy Hotel? Tough call.

Find out right now on an episode [bleep]

off, okay? you'll have to see to believe.
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