01x18 - Deadfall: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x18 - Deadfall: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Mannix,
Berwyn Electronics

stole our working model.

That's it, clear and simple.

They blew up
our laboratory

to hide the theft.

Where's Reston? He said
he was onto something.

Reston was just m*rder*d.

Doctor, you stole the formula.

Day after day, you walked
out with pieces of it.

This contract, this
contract was your payoff.

You wanted it kept secret
until things cooled down.

It was Reston,
I tell you. It was Reston!



Hello, Lou.

Thought I'd call to see
how you were feeling.

That medication I gave you
can cause side reactions

in some individuals.

What kind of reactions?

Well, they vary,
but I want to know

if you experience
any emotional problems,

if you sense any instability.

I feel fine.


Why, Fred? Why?!

Reston is alive.

Liar! Liar!



Who were you talking to?

I phoned Intertect and
asked for your doctor.

You drugged me...

and you called Reston.

Now get inside!

Joe, I called your doctor.

I called Intertect.

Sit down!

Believe me,
Fred Reston is dead!


No, he isn't.

The guy he sent
over the cliff is.

The man at the golf range is.

The lab technician is.

But you're not gonna put me
on that list.

♪ ♪


we'll wait for him... together.

Answer it.

Answer it.

Didn't waste any time.

Very interesting.

What's the g*n for?

It keeps me young.

Give me a hand, please.

What is it this time?

I asked the boss
for a raise.

Lou Wickersham?

I think he flipped.

In what way?

Bag, please.

How many ways
are there to go?

Joe, do you know

that Wickersham's
been very ill?

I've been treating him
for an infection.

I think he got better.

I'm trying to get
him into a hospital,

but he just won't
listen to me.

I think you've got a
fracture there, Joe.

We'll need some X rays.

I've been treating him
with steroid compounds.

They're new and
they're very effective,

but they could
be dangerous.

You have to watch your
patient very carefully,

but he won't take a
minute to lie down.

You're taking... an
awfully long time

to try and tell me something.

I'm telling you that there
can be strange reactions

to those dr*gs.

What kind of reactions?

Depression, anxiety,
anger, delusions...

you name it.

We're friends.

We went through wars.

He saved my life.

I saved his.

I gotta find him.

You'll never
make it, Joe.

You want to bet?

There's your inside agent.

Copy! Detwiler's desk pad.

Josephus., : p.m.

Copy! Contract for employment

between Berwyn Electronics
and Andrew Josephus,

but double what you were
paying him here at Vancom.

Proof that he was meeting
Detwiler regularly.



hold on!

Hey. Wait.
Wait a minute.

Wait. Wait a minute!
Hold on, Wickersham.

Wait a minute.


Blame my agents

for your lousy mess!

Sweep him up.

I can't stand sell-outs.

Now just a moment.

These don't mean a thing.

Oh, what the devil
do you expect me to do--

find it in his pocket?

I expect you to bring
concrete proof

that the Berwyn Company
paid somebody

in this organization
to steal from us.

This only says

they bought a man in our
company to work for them.

For a very fat price.

They've done that before.

We've done the same thing
to other companies.

It doesn't mean anything.

It's all part
of the game.

Musical chairs.

It was your man.

It was Reston.

Don't fix your tie, Josephus.

I'll hang you yet.


Andrew, I am disappointed

to think that you've ever
been unhappy here.

But this was never
a personal matter.

Well, apparently you were
going to leave anyway.

Which is just as well.

At least, until we get
this mess cleared up.

Now, look.

He came to me.

Detwiler came to me.

He waved money.

Well, it happens every day.

You said so yourself.

Okay, I made a deal,

but, when I realized
that all he wanted

was to pick my brain
for the laser,

I told him to tear
up the contract.

You can't push me out now.

Consider it a vacation...
for a short while.

You're hanging me
before Wickersham does.

Intertect will find this person,
whoever he is,

and then everything
will be fine,

just fine.

Say something.

Do something.

What, what do you want
me to do, Andrew?

You're my friend.

You've told me that
a thousand times.

Well, I...

I, uh...

I just don't know
what my role is.

Support me, friend.

Get behind me, friend.

Take a walk
with me, brother.

Now wait, wait
a minute, Andrew.

Wouldn't that be the most,

most ridiculous
thing I could do?

I mean, what would that
accomplish for you?

I can do so
much more here.

You go to that...
No, wait a minute.

Wait a minute. I-I
ask you, Mr. Carlisle,

can't I do so much more
for him within the company?

Squelching every rumor,

stopping the dirty little jokes
before they get started?

We'll work out something
equitable, Andrew.

We'll compensate
you in some way

for all this trouble.

You work out how you're
going to look at your face

the next time you
shave... brother.

Sometimes it takes
a situation like this

to bring out a man's
true substance.

Shut up.

I pride myself
on having friends

in all walks of life.

But some people
just don't fit.

No matter how hard
we try, they...

Shut your dirty mouth!

Good morning.

Everyone's entitled
to their own opinion.

Are you feeling better?

Yeah, thanks...
for the headache.



I, uh...

Sorry about last night.

It's all right.

What about Wickersham?

The doctor's been
trying to reach him.

Listen, would you mind
getting Intertect for me?

The number is - ...

I know the
number, remember?

I hit him.

I should have known
he was sick.

I had to hit him.

All because of that lousy little
flashlight Forrest invented.

That little "flashlight"
is a unique device

by which the most powerful
applications of light

can be usefully employed
in controlled

and safe metal

Hello, Intertect?

Just a minute, please.

Hello, this is Mannix.


Now, listen, when
Wickersham gets there...

Then hold him.

I don't care how, hit him!

Hit him on the head
with a chair, hold him!

It's a payoff,
that's what it is.

It has to be a payoff, we've
been looking to tie him in.

We'll find it.

Mr. Wickersham.
Why don't you let me...

Will you keep out
of my way, Pender?!

Now check
Josephus's accounts.

Go on, check it!
I'll do that right away.

Has to be a pay-off.

I'll find it.

I'll hang that man.

Wait a minute.
I'll take that.

Hello. Wickersham.

Well, if she won't say who she
is, I don't want to talk to her.

The Reston case?

Oh, she's probably
some kind of a crank.

No, put her on, put her on.
I'll talk to her.


Mr. Wickersham,
I'm so glad I found you.

Well, what is it, Edna?

Mr. Wickersham,
I don't know what to do.

I'm afraid I'm losing my mind.

Please, I'm so afraid.

Mr. Wickersham, please,
I've got to see you right away.

All right, you stay
right where you are.

I'll be right there.

I'll be back.

Mr. Wickersham.
Out of my way, Pender!

I said, out of my way!

I told you to hold him here,

I tried, Mannix.

Believe me.

Did he say anything?

Anything that might give us
a lead to follow?

All I know is
he got a phone call

and took off like a madman.

Maybe we can get a lead
by checking the readouts

to see what
information he pulled.

May I have the Vancom data
Mr. Wickersham was computing?


Listen, Gail Mason is on
the Vancom list of people

who had access to the laser
laboratory, isn't she?

That's right.

Put her card through first.

"Gail Mason.

"Three years, engineering,
State University.

"Quit in her final year.

"Involved with a graduate
student, broke up.

Completing her engineering
degree requirements nights."

Apparently, she had access
to Forrest's work,

in addition to
Josephus's department.

Who the devil let her
get around so much?

Fred Reston
was in charge.

Mr. Wickersham!

Mr. Wickersham.

So sorry I had to
bother you, but I got so...

Here are his keys.

We keep getting in deeper.

They never let up
the pressure.

Not Intertect.

He's our ace.
He's our ticket out.

I keep seeing that man
in the car.

When they cremated him,
I really felt it was you.

He was a wino, Edna.

He wanted to die.

Does Wickersham
want to die?

Pender speaking.

This is Edna Reston.

We have Lou Wickersham.

Call off your men or
you'll never see him again.

What are you talking about?


that's all we want.

Where do we find him?

We'll radio instructions.

Reston's buying time.

That means he's waiting
for something.


Now she said they'd
radio instructions.


Ships use radios.

His brother-in-law, Logan,
has a small tuna boat.

No, he wouldn't go back
to that boat,

not after I spotted him there.

You just said "ship."

Well, there are other ships,

And captains who don't
ask for passports.

I just wish we had something
more concrete than train sounds

to feed into the computer.

Eh, wait a minute,

those train sounds
were just too loud and clear.

Now only a fool'd make it that
easy to trace the call area.

Did you give them
the message?

Just like you said.

If they just buy it
for a couple of hours.

If they just forget

about me long enough
to look for him.

You sure you did it
just the way I told you?

I told them
we had Lou Wickersham,

that if they'd give us a chance
to get away, we'd...

we'd radio instructions
on how to find him.

You said what?

I told them we'd tell them
how to...

Did you say "radio"?

What is it?

Edna, planes use radios
and ships use radios.

They won't notice.

I noticed.

They trained me.

They'll notice all right.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


I have to laugh.

First time in years you get
into a bind and you panic.

You're trying to ruin me, why?

Now, you take a guy like Mannix.

He drinks with the boys,

plays poker now and then.

You know, if he was
running this show,

he'd know what to do.

I built Intertect!

Ho, ho, ho.

London Bridge is falling down.

Just count out $ ,
in small bills, Hayden.

But Mr. Wickersham

I'll sign a chit.
you were fired.

Give him the
money, Hayden.

How will I enter it?

Under M.

What do you want the $ , for?

I'm booking passage
on a ship.

Where to?

Try Argentina.

But that only costs $ .

I like to go
first class.

♪ ♪

Hold it right here.

Uh... Why don't you wait
at your apartment, huh?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Come on! Get that loaded!

Hurry it up!

Benny, I need help.

Benny, I've got to get
away-- I'm in trouble.

Sure, you're in trouble.

Come on, Benny.
You know me.

I hit a guy too hard.

Give it to me.

♪ Who is it please? ♪


♪ Come in, Benny ♪

The guy here wants
to do business.

You are an oil broker, sir?

No. And he
don't sell olives.

Oh. Old records, possibly?

The guy's in trouble.

Who am I? The Peace Corps?

Wait a minute.

Why do you run
in the first place, Mister?

Why do you ship olives?

This will make it impossible

for anybody to bug
our little talking.

♪ Where do you want to go? ♪


♪ Travel is expensive. ♪

Tomorrow, there is a ship.


♪ The world is troubled ♪

♪ I could be cheating you. ♪

I could be a cop.

You could be found under a dock.

Opera never k*lled anyone.

It will stay there
until after you sail.

So I can always swear
you put it there

if you make trouble.

What ship?

Have an olive.

Benny will show you
where to hide.

♪ ♪

Nobody hardly ever
comes up here.

I can't understand why.

Make yourself at home.

Keep the door closed.

I'll pick you up
about a half hour
before sailing time.

I tell you,
he's a private detective.

Benny said so.

And he isn't running.

He's after me.

The man had such nice eyes.

This terrible world
is filled with leering eyes

and jaundiced eyes,
lecherous eyes and envy.

Okay, okay.
I got him in a box.

I'll put him away.

No g*ns.

Cops are always
around here.

Take some
help with you.

He's no pushover.

Sorry I wasn't
there to greet you.

It was half empty anyway.

Let's go.

I've been to the big city.

I've seen the elephant.

You're going to tell me
how you worked it

or, so help me,
I'll beat it out of you.

He's up there.

I'll wait here.

To be sure nobody comes.

Good job.
Didn't hear a sound.

Yeah, except
he wasn't there.

But I told him to wait.

Could be he don't trust you.

He's got to be
here somewhere.

Find him.

I'm sorry I'm not a thief.

I'm sorry I didn't steal

that laser.

And I'm sorry
I didn't get all that money

they must have paid for it.

All right.

All right.

You didn't do it.

If you didn't, who did?

No, no...

Who did it?

Come on.

Ask Mannix.

He's all over town.

I'm Wickersham.

Where's Mannix?

Mr. Wickersham, everyone's
been looking for you.

Are you feeling all right?

How did you get away?

The building they put me
in was falling apart.

Where did he go?

He's coming right back.

Please sit down, won't you?

Look, I called Intertect.

Everyone was so worried.

The doctor told us
about the possible effect
of the pills on you.

The pills?

I lost them.

All right, where is he?

I want Mannix!
Where did he go?!

He's gone back to the docks.

He's sure he's close.

He thinks that Fred Reston
is about to get on a ship.

Let's go, you're taking
me to the docks.

I just picked it up.

Not a bad day's work.

Don't forget the rent
for my ballroom.

What about the rest?

That's it.


You promised me half!

Okay. I changed my mind!

He came out of one
of these buildings.

All right, let's
try this one.

Do you want me
to wait for you here?

No, I want you in front
of me at all times.

My idea, my work,
my invention.

You were stealing
from your own company.

I kept quiet for you.

That's what it's worth--

ten percent.

I should have turned you
in when I found out.

Do it now.

You must be crazy.

Get away from me.

Go on.

Go on.

Turn me in.

You've k*lled three men.

Tell the police.
Tell Intertect.

They'll understand.


Hold it!

All right,

everybody over there.

Come on.

Would, uh, just
a simple thanks do it?

Take care of them.
I'm going after Reston.

All right, this way.

I had nothing to do with it.



Hey, I just... I just
got a brainstorm.

Maybe we can use that
laser beam for surgery.

What happened to your name
in the science journals?

They waved too much
money in my face.

What ship is Reston on?

What ship's he on?

The Aldebaran,
the end of the dock.

Get him a doctor.

Hey, Mister...

nobody allowed on.

Looking for a man named Reston.

Never heard of him.

♪ ♪


It's no good, Reston.

Throw away your g*n.

Reston, use your head.

I don't want to have
to sh**t you.

Hold it, Reston!

Hey, Mannix!

Are you all right?

You know, shouting my name
at the warehouse

didn't help my odds.



What was he about to say?

Ask him.

Look, I'm not accusing
you of anything.

Once a day is enough.

I'm a little upset.
I just wasn't thinking.

Joe, think now.

You don't really know if
I was involved with him.

He's dead.

He'll never be able
to tell you.

I want you to tell me, Gail.

No, you'd never be sure.



I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Joe.

Hey, take it easy.

It was Reston all along.

Yeah, Reston and Forrest.

Welcome back, Lou.

You know, you...

Don't tell me
where I've been.

I don't want to know.
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