01x09 - Huntdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x09 - Huntdown

Post by bunniefuu »


I think so.

Right. We'll check into it.

Hi, Lou.

Go home.

Of course;
I agree with you.

Look, may I call you
back later, please?

Thank you. Good-bye.

You know, Lou,
I was thinking...

minutes ago,
your doctor called.

He said you're to
stay off that foot--

that b*llet wounds
don't heal overnight,

that you have the
constitution of an ox,

and the disposition
of a mule.

He's a great doctor, but he's
got no sense of humor.

Look, you're in no
shape to work,

so go to the beach,
go to the mountains,

take a vacation
or something.

I've been on a vacation, Lou.

Two weeks flat on my back,
with my leg in traction.

You are of no
use to me.

You tail somebody
in that thing,

you'd be spotted
in a second.

Supposing some...
I know all the arguments.

Think positive.

There's got to be
something I can do.

Forget it.

Excuse me.

Look, take a
holiday, will you?

Wait a minute-- there is
something you can do for me.

Some local attorneys
want a signature.

The party lives in
a town called Grandvale.

Get a paper signed,
bring it back with you.

Sounds thrilling.

If it was thrilling,
I wouldn't ask you.

Now, look, you might
as well go fishing.

I don't want you back here
until that leg is healed up.

Now, if you don't want
to stop in Grandvale,

that's okay with me, too.

It's not that important.

Oh, come on, Lou.

Okay, you want to work, get
behind one of those desks.


Whose signature do I get?

Amos Silo.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Is there a taxi
around here?

In this town?

Is there someplace
I could rent a car?

Oh, yeah, you can, uh...
you can rent mine.

Only, uh, it depends
on how long.

I have a date when
I get off the station.

Well, it depends
how long it takes

to get to the Twin Horn Ranch.

Oh, well, uh...

Finish adjusting the brakes.

Oh, it can wait.

This fella wants to
go to Twin Horn.

Don't worry about
where he goes.

You go to the grease rack.

Boy, what's bugging you?

I'm sorry,
the car's not for rent.

Oh. Why not?

Ham's a big operator

when he smells a chance
to hustle a buck.

You could get k*lled
in this car.

Seals are leaking,
the brakes are gone.

I haven't had
a chance to fix it.

I see.

Are there any other cars


I sure am sorry.

Well, uh, you mind if I leave
my bag and fishing rod here?

I don't run a check stand.

Why don't you try
the motel down the road?

You must be new in the business.

Yeah? Why?

Well, you had to take the wheels
off to check the seals.

It seems kind of silly
to put them back on

before you fixed 'em.

I sell gasoline, mister.

If you don't want to buy some...

why don't you move on?

I guess I might as well.

Out of gas or
something, buddy?

Give you a lift?

It'd sure help.

Where you headed for?

The Twin Horn Ranch.

I'm sorry about that, buddy.
Wish I could help.

But I hang a left on the cutoff
just down the road.

Can I help you?

It'd be a nice change.

Uh, you walk up here?

From where?


That's a long way.

Mind if I ask what you want?

I'm looking for Amos Silo.

You a friend of his?


Shame you had
to waste your time.

Amos is dead.


Twin Horn went before Amos.

Lot of heat lightning
this time of year.

Like a match head exploding.

Whoosh, and
you're on fire.

When'd he die?


I'm heading on
to Silton.

Take you there; glad to.

No, thanks.

Wrong direction.

Nothing much in Grandvale.

Don't even get a bus
but once a week.

They got a daily bus
out of Silton.

Yeah, well, I, uh,
made it out here.

I guess I can make it back.

Oh, friend, uh...

We do have a time with people
who wander in the desert

and don't know the country.

Easy to get lost.

Temperature gets
way up, over a hundred.

A man could die...

...of thirst.

Did you know Amos Silo?

Oh, I knew most
all these folks.

This is where all
my friends are.

Uh, Amos Silo.

There's a headstone
with his name on it.

Over there.

You said a headstone;
you didn't say he was buried.

I got here early in the morning

and the headstone
was there.

It wasn't the night before.


You know, there could've
been a funeral after I left.

Could've been one
before I got here.

It's possible.

As far as I know, Lou,
Amos Silo is dead.

As far as you know?!

The word is, he died suddenly

and was buried
even more suddenly.

Oh, next of kin can sign.

Lou, I don't like this town.

I don't like the people,
I don't...

Wait a minute, look,
let me get the file

and I'll look up Amos Silo's
next of kin, then...





Oh, you're mad.

I know.
I get furious.

About what?

About being cut off.

You're saying something,

you're listening, and all of
a sudden, there's nothing.

Would you mind placing
my call again?

Oh, I wish I could.

But it wasn't me,

it was the board.

It went dead,
just like that.

It's happened before.

I see.

Well, thanks anyway.

I'll get the call through.


There's a telephone
at the gas station.

Oh, you don't understand.

It's not just my board,
it's the line.

All the phones.


Tell me, uh, is there a
telegraph office?




Inter-urban bus?



Next week. The one you came on.

Well, I guess I won't
be going anyplace.

Amos Silo died of a coronary--

heart attack.

There wasn't anything
I could do for him.

Massive damage
to the heart.

Happened just like that.

You do a postmortem?

No. No reason.

Maybe Silo had a history
of heart disease.

Or was he healthy up
until the day he died?

I don't give medical
information on my patients,

even after they're deceased, to
anybody who happens to walk in.

Is Silo's next of kin
classified information?

He died without relatives.

Did he leave a will?

Ask his lawyer-- Sam Glass.

Information is tough
to come by around here.

Can't seem to get any answers.

Well, I'm Amos' lawyer.

I'm the only lawyer in town.

Also the mayor.

Only mayor.

What about Silo's will?

Well, he died intestate.

No relatives?

As far as I know.

Well, thanks.

Mr. Mannix...

...you don't talk much
about yourself.

I'm not curious about me.

Well, I'd like to know why
you came to Grandvale.

To get Silo's signature.

Well, he wasn't famous.

You weren't interested
in his autograph.

Eh, you're right;
I wasn't.

Thanks for your
help, Mayor.

♪ ♪

Hendie's place.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

We keep the lid tight
on this town until Wednesday.

And I mean tight.

So, we help Mr. Mannix keep
cool, and be our guest.

You tuck this in
the vault, Sheriff.

Anybody asks to examine
the Hall of Records,

we've got nothing to hide.


♪ ♪


Miss Brooks?


It's very important.


Not yet.

Our little telephone operator.

You're the one
that pulled the plug

on my long distance call,
aren't you?

Are you goofy
or something?

Now, why would I do
a thing like that?

I don't know why anybody
does anything in this town.

Look, I know
you're shook up.

I'm sorry about the
phones, but it happens.

Tell me about Amos Silo.


You're his next of kin.

Well, I'm his second cousin,
if you call that next.

Oh, hi, Sheriff.


I want you
to come with me.


You gonna
give me trouble?

Yeah, I'm gonna
give you trouble.

I'm getting tired
of being pushed around.

Get against that wall.

Concealed w*apon.

There's a permit
for it in my wallet.

Did he do something wrong?

Don't you worry about it,

All right, Mr. Mannix.
Let's go.

♪ ♪


Yes, put me through
to the sheriff, please.

What can I do for you?

I'm trying to locate
one of my men.

He's registered in the motel
but he hasn't been in his room.

His name is Joe Mannix.

He's in jail.

What's the charge?

Suspicion of
breaking and entering.

I'll post bail.
How much?

I'll have to check that
and get back to you.

I'd appreciate that, Sheriff.

Can I expect to hear from you
within the next hour?

Well, I don't know if
we can get things sorted out

quite that fast.

Try, Sheriff.

Try hard.

Is that a threat,
Mr. Wickersham?

No threat, Sheriff.

A promise.

I'm getting a lawyer for Mannix.

He's going to make very sure

that no rights
have been violated.

Thanks for your courtesy,
Sheriff. Good-bye.

You finished with your dinner?

Yeah, thanks.

♪ ♪

Violet, I've got
to have your help.

I have to know
about your cousin.

Amos is dead.

Are you sure?

Look, I know there's a name
on a gravestone.

That doesn't prove a thing.

I was at his funeral
early this morning.

Did you look into the casket?

No, you're wrong.

He died and he's buried.

Somebody's trying
to hide something.

Now what is it, Violet?

Is it m*rder?

It's the sheriff, Violet,
and the mayor.


Now you can scream
all you want.


What's the matter...?
Mannix, out the window.

What did he want?

He asked about Amos.

What did you tell him?

I told him he was
dead and buried.

You just keep
saying that, Violet.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


I'd like to make a long-distance
call, Operator.

It's urgent.

Area code ... KL - .

What number
are you calling from?

Uh... .

Thank you.
One moment, please.

What number were you calling
again, please?

KL - --
area code .

Did you wish to speak
to anyone in particular?

Yeah, anyone.

Thank you.



Hello, Operator?

The circuit is busy.

If you wait there, I'll call
you as soon as it's free.

We know he was at the gas
station not ten minutes ago.

How far could he get
in that time?


I'm Sam Nash.

I just drove in here
from Silton.

What can I do for you?

I got a telephone call
from Intertect's attorneys.

They want me to represent a
prisoner you're holding here--

Joe Mannix.

Mind if I see him, Sheriff?

That's gonna be
a little difficult
to arrange.


Your client is not available
for representation, Mr. Nash.

At the moment,
he's a prisoner at large.

On bail?

No, breakout.

Run him down!

Make it look like an accident!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Who is it?

How is he?

Oh, he'll live,
if that's what you mean.

That seems
almost a shame.

Well, we can't get him
back to that jail;

that lawyer would
get to him.

He's going to have
to stay here, Violet.

I don't want any part of this.

But you're in it.

We all are.

Until tomorrow.

You're a winner...
you're a winner, Lou.


great town...

fresh air...

How long before
he comes out of this?

Fresh air...


Buried cows... you know...



Men with masks.

You keep him under
until this is over,

you hear?

Great town.

I'll leave
something for him.

Two tablespoons
every four hours.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Thanks for the tender,
loving care, Miss Nightingale.

That's water. Pure water.

I know that's pure

'cause I filled the
prescription myself.

What's this town
hiding, Violet?

Where is Amos Silo?

I swear to you,
he's dead and buried!

There's more to it than that.

Everything's changed now.

Mr. Mannix,
they want you dead.

So have a lot of people.

That's how I make my living.

Right there!

One move, you're dead.

sh**t, friend,
and there'll be two of us.

Now put the g*n down
on that jeep.

You won't.

You'll burn, too.

That's right, friend.

But as long as you're
holding that g*n,
I got nothing to lose.

Now put that g*n down.

sh**t or put it down!

Back off!

Mr. Surayano, all we need
is your signature.

Sheriff Weed,
Mr. Surayano.


Pleasure's mine.
Double pleasure.

Some of my cattle
included out there.

You'll get no finer breeding
stock in the whole world.

I wouldn't be buying them
if I didn't believe that.

This seems to be in order.

Now, the delivery

Have your trucks deliver
them at dockside.

Our ship is waiting.

My country needs this
stock desperately.

Oh. Excuse me.

Mayor Glass.

Sheriff's with me.
I'll take the message.

He did?


All right.

A little
pressing civic business.

The sheriff and I have to go.

I'll send a man in
to drive you into town.


You head south.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Either you're out of your head

or you're looking to get it
busted wide open.

These trucks picking up
cattle in Grandvale?


Any more?

more, coming from Silton.

Well, you better turn
around and go back.

Are you kidding?


Now tell the others.

You're a persistent
man, Mr. Mannix.

You've got
a sick town here, Mayor.

I don't aim to see it die.

k*lling me isn't going
to help this place.

It was anthrax, wasn't it?

We weeded out the sick ones,
and immunized the rest.

The cattle are
clean now.

Like Amos Silo was clean?

That's why you burned his place
to the ground, wasn't it?

And he died from
that disease, too, didn't he?

Our cattle have
to ship out.

These men's lives
depend on it--
their families.

It's our only
economic existence.

Your lives, your family,
your survival, one town.

What about the other lives,
other towns, other survivals?

You'd ship sick cattle to them?

The cattle are healthy!


But you'd better let

a government inspector
decide that.

I won't! I can't!

They'd k*ll the herd, and
destroy the town in doing it.

They've got nothing at
stake, nothing to lose.

Mannix, there are
no more sick ones.

You can't be sure of that
until it's too late!

That's why they can't let
those cattle live.

I don't want to have
to k*ll you.

Put down that g*n, Mayor.


Use your head!

Hand over the g*n, Mannix.

Let me get him, Sheriff.

Stand back!

Don't sh**t.

You k*lled him.

That's right.
He tried to k*ll me.

You'll find an empty
shell in that r*fle.

I had no choice.

Put it down, Hawk.

Put it down!

We agreed to this thing
to begin with,

but not to the point of
anybody getting k*lled.

I didn't think
it'd go this far.

Get in the car.

Well, Violet, I'd like
to place that call now.

Area code ,

KL - .

It's all right, Violet.

Put it through.

It's ringing, Mr. Mannix.

Yeah, Mannix here.

Put me through to Wickersham.



I asked you for a simple favor,
just to get a signature.

I'll be getting that signature
from the next of kin.


And where do I send
the bail money?

The breaking and entering
charge was dropped.

And the jailbreak?

They're overlooking that, too.

But, uh, I had
to k*ll a man.

Are they overlooking that, too?

The sheriff knows
it was self-defense.


I don't know
what went on there,

and I'm pretty sure
I don't want to know.

Just get that signature

and leave town.

You think you can do that?


I came to Grandvale
to get this signed.

It's a quitclaim

for a freight
damage case.

Go ahead.

Value of merchandise: $ . .
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