01x06 - The Cost of a Vacation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x06 - The Cost of a Vacation

Post by bunniefuu »


Okay, turn
on the lights.


Pose again.

Use the flower.

Pose again.


Just a few more.

Look out this way.





Ramon, wait!




is that you?



What's with you,
doll face, huh?

I saw an old

On your own time,
okay, sweetheart?

I'm sorry.

It was someone
who meant a
lot to me.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Well, I did call the police,
but they turned me down.


Well, they said it wasn't a
police missing person case.

Now, would you hold a moment
please, Miss Loman?

Please bring in the list
of available agents.

All right, Miss Loman,
I'll put a man on the case.

Do you have a business phone?

Uh, well, kind of.

I'm a model and I'm working
the International Home Show,

but, uh, it doesn't open
until tonight.

The International Home Show.

And is there a phone there
where we can reach you?

Oh, one moment

All right, Miss Loman,

I'm sending a man
named Jack Fredericks.

He should be at your house
within an hour.

Uh, Mr. Wickersham, uh,

do you happen to
have an agent named, uh,

let's see,

Or Manners?

Could it be Mannix?

Yes, that's it.

Uh, he was highly
recommended to me.

Is he available?

I'll check with him.

Oh, good.
Could you call me back?

Oh, I don't think that will
be necessary, Miss Loman.

Just put him on.

He wants to talk to you.

Yeah, Lou.

All right, Mannix,
since when does

a simple missing boyfriend case
turn you on?

Well, she happens to be
a good friend of mine

and I'd kind of like
to help her out.

Just a friend?

Maybe you shouldn't be on the
case if she's anything more.

No, no, Lou, that, that was a
couple of years ago.

It's all over now,

and she's a very
good friend

and I'd like to help
her out, okay?

All right.


That makes it

Now, tell me everything
you know about him,

like, uh, habits,
hobbies, problems,

things like that.

Strange... usually
when people disappear,

they change nothing
but their names.

His name is Ramon Verona.

He's about five-ten.


Very good looking.

Any, uh, identifying marks?

Yes, a matter of fact,
he has a scar on his chin.


Now, let's see,

we met in New York
last year.

He was working for
a travel bureau

that was selling
economy tours

to some of
the models.

And we started
going out.

I was on the rebound,
if you remember.

When I left New York,

I told him it would be better
if he forgot about me.

So I didn't hear from
him until last night.

All of a sudden, there he was,
walking down the street.

Uh, when he called you
this morning,

did he actually say he was going
to commit su1c1de?



Well, he said it was more
than he could bear,

knowing that he
couldn't have me.

And it was the way
that he said good-bye,

I know that's what he meant.

Oh, Joe, you've got
to do something before he...

Otherwise I'll always feel it
was my fault.

Well, that's a big city.

Where do I start?

Well, he said that he was
walking home last night

when he saw me.

So maybe that means that
he could live somewhere

near the corner where
we were working, hmm?

Do you think you can
find him, Joe?

Oh, it's easy.

Just simple leg work.

You just go from house to house
knocking on a lot of doors,

asking questions
of a lot of people

who have their own problems
and aren't too wild

about helping you find
a Latin lover.

if you're lucky

you wind up with a couple of
straight answers,

and end up
at the right door.

Even if it takes all night .

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Get me Homicide.

What is it?
What happened?

I just came out
with the garbage.

I guess a guy gets
to the point

where it just
doesn't matter.

What if somebody's still
up in that room?

Boy, I hate things
like this.

Oh, how I hate things
like this.
Well, maybe he...

Cops will be all
over the place.

Is he...?


Did you, uh, know
Señor Balagar?


that's not him.

Look, why don't you
call the police?

Uh, they should
be notified.



I think you'd better
go along.

She looks like she's
about to pass out.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Hands. Sergeant.

Well, who's this?

A tourist.

I'll tell you when.

It's on my belt.

Good. Turn around.


What were you
doing in here?

Gaining consciousness.

Empty your pockets.

Joe Mannix,
private investigator.

Works for Intertect.

Hey, Sergeant, this is the guy

that called in
the Cintron homicide.

What were you doing there?

Uh, Cintron left a message
for me to meet him.

Leave you a message
for you to come here, too?

No, that was my own idea.

What did Cintron want with you?

He never got to say.


I've got no idea, Sergeant.

If I knew,
would I have to come down here?

You mind if I get dressed?

So you met Cintron,
had an argument,

maybe over the fee.

You know, a guy with your build
could underestimate

his own strength
and break a man's neck.

It looked to me like he was
pushed out that window.

After he was k*lled.

Then you called us
to cover for yourself,

frisked Cintron,

found nothing.

Came here to steal whatever
he was trying to peddle. Right?

Right. And when I caught myself
in the act,

I knocked myself out, and just
laid here on the floor

waiting for you to find me.

You gonna book me?

Go on.

You didn't give me
much to feed in, Mannix.

Even a computer functions
better on a square meal.

All we've got are
the file names on three cases.

Now, that's not much.
What do you want?

I had roughly five seconds
in a dark room last night.

You're lucky I remembered
the names on three files.

The three cases
you remembered.

Now, uh, case number one
in Diego Cintron's file,

Benjamin Lorkin,
a divorce matter.

Uh, the husband's in New York,
the wife's here.

She hired Cintron
for the usual reasons.

The, uh, second case
is Lorraine Frocks.

That's a dress house,
the factory's here.

Their original designs
are being stolen.

Joyce Loman was
in New York recently.

That could tie her
into the divorce case.

Did she ever model
for Lorraine Frocks?

I'll ask her.

Now the other name you gave us

was Costa Verde.

Now, that could
refer to the country

or to the international holding
company of the same name.

I'm checking both.

Now, wait a minute, Parker,
there was a fourth case.

The file with the word
"Help" on it.

It's just a word.

Well, feed it in.

Thoroughness is the lifeblood
of Intertect.

Feed it in, Parker.

Lou, would you run
a fast print check on that?

Oh, where'd you get it?


Around the apartment
where the man was k*lled?

Part of the job,
protecting the client.

Where does protecting
a client end

and concealing
evidence begin?

Okay, okay, so turn it
over to the police.

I can see the headlines now.

"Intertect Fingers
Its Own Client."

Should be great for business.


Now, don't get edgy, Joe.

I'm your friend.

Is that what you are, Lou?

No, I'm an idiot!

Because you told
the police Diego Cintron

phoned here asking for you
and I swore to it.

You know, your reflexes
are sharp as ever.

You ought to be on the outside,
fighting the good fight.

That's your problem, Mannix.

You keep forgetting
Intertect is not at w*r.

Our side, their side--
everybody wants to win.

What would you call it?



Well, any luck?

♪ ♪

I thought you said the name
on the bell was Carlos...


Well, why did you even bother
to check the apartment?

I was looking for Latin names.

You must have been
in the wrong apartment.

Did you give him
a cigarette case

with your name inscribed on it?


I was in the right apartment.

I just won't believe that Ramon
had anything to do with it.

That other fellow...


Maybe he lent him
the cigarette case.

Maybe he pushed that detective
out the window.

You do have a way of thinking
the worst about people.

Joe, I think people have to be
kind to each other.


I'd just like to see you get
hurt a little less often.

Get down!

Now what?

Someone's sh**ting at us.

I didn't hear anything.

He's using a sil*ncer.

Is the game over?

No, not yet.

We can't stay here.

Let's go!

Get down!


Will you stay down?!


I feel absolutely

It's good for your career.

Sit down.

Now, you can
tell me the story.

What story?

The real one, and you can start
with everything

you forgot to tell me
about Ramon Verona.

I told you.
He called me,

Yeah, I know,
he was gonna k*ll himself.

Well, if he was,
I never saw a guy so confused

about which way
to point the g*n.

Wait a minute,

what makes you
so sure it was Ramon?

A good guess.

You know of anyone else
who wants to k*ll you?

Well... well, people sh**t at
you all the time.

Maybe it was one of
your old friends.


could you come
into my office, please?

Wait here.

Big brother
is watching.

I don't want to hear
the explanation

for the beach party
in your office.

I'm sure your reasons
will be quite convincing.

So what did you want?

Get rid of the girl.

I want you to drop the case.


Mannix, I've traveled
a long, hard road

to build this store
to where it is today.

The police could make me
close up shop in ten minutes.

You're running scared, Lou.

They can't prove a thing.

How do you know?

You've lied to them,
you've withheld

what may be important
evidence, and I'll bet...

I'll just bet you don't even
know what this case is about.

A man threatened
to k*ll himself.

Do you believe that?

No. But she's still our client.

And she is paying us
to find her boyfriend.

You're not going to find him.

What makes you so sure?


We ran a complete check
on both Ramon Verona,

the name your client
gave you,

and Carlos Balagar,
the alias he was using.

No driver's license was ever
issued to either of them.

No military record

or draft card.

Not even a Social
Security number.

And Joyce Loman told you
he worked in a travel agency.

Are you beginning
to get the drift?

Well, he's a foreigner.

Did you check Immigration?

No record of entry.

What about the prints
on the cigarette case?

Total blank,
no match anywhere.

Beginning to see why I'm so sure
you're not going to find him?

I don't know who k*lled
Diego Cintron, but the mythical

boyfriend your client told
you about doesn't exist.

You're chasing a shadow.

Well, maybe that's what
your computers tell you.

There's something
they don't know.

You know that nice
clean company car

I checked out
this morning?

It now has four
b*llet holes in it.

Now, why don't you shove that
car into your computer

and see if it still whistles
"Me and My Shadow."

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Joe, I didn't lie to you!

You know, it's a funny thing
about computers.

You feed them a lie,
and they have to believe you.

They got no choice.
But you don't
believe me?

No. I've got an advantage.

I can look into your eyes.

I can see your face
get a little red.

Now what is Ramon Verona's
real name?

All right, I did lie to you,

but not about his name.

He didn't call me,
and he didn't say

he was going to
k*ll himself.

I only said that so
you'd work harder to find him.

That's not good enough.

There's no record
of your boyfriend anywhere,

which can mean only one thing--
he's a submarine.

A what?

He's in the country illegally.

Watching your favorite
channel, Lou?

Just tuned in, Mannix.

Did Parker turn up anything
on the Costa Verde file?

No, but he got an angle
on the word "help."

It's not a word at all.

Initials? Acronym?

Yeah. HELP.

Help Ease Latin Poverty.

Run by a man named Duncan.

Leonard Duncan?

Another old friend?

Tell Parker I'll pick up
the information,

and you stay put.

The weatherman says
it may still be raining lead.

Mannix is on his way.

Give him the address and all
pertinent data on H.E.L.P.

♪ ♪



¿Cómo estás, hermano?

How are you?

Good to see you.

Oh, you're
still alive.

Hey, that calls for a
drink, huh? A toast.

Boy, am I glad
to see you.

Still with us, baby.

What'll it be?
Tequila or kosher wine?

Yeah, whatever.
The house specialty is fine.


Well, now, uh, somebody
told you I was here.

You didn't just,
uh, fall in, right?


Well, I'm building up
a little trade here.

What do you know, huh?

Hey, where are you
marching these days?

I'm with Intertect.

Intertect. Oh, a
private cop, huh?

It's the only w*r in town.


Oh, hey, you
remember the last one?

Oh, sí.

Sonora-- does that
ring a bell to you?

These are food packages,
huh, Lenny?

Yeah, yeah.
The quiet life.

To the old habits
you don't forget.

Say that again.

Lenny, you used
to help get people in the U.S.

to save them from firing squads.

What's your excuse
these days?


You're hustling immigrants.



You know it,
I know it,

and Diego Cintron
obviously knew it.



That, uh... that name
doesn't register.

Try Ramon Verona.

Ramon Verona.

What's his trade?

He k*lled.

Oh, come on, Joe.

You know I don't mess around
with that kind.

You made a mistake
this time, Lenny.

Diego Cintron is dead.

Somebody broke his neck
and then threw him out a window.

Lenny, what's the matter?

This shirt
pocket. Pills.

Hurry up!

Easy, boy.

Here you are.

Come on, we better sit down.

What is this,
something new?


How many years can you take
firing-squad mornings

and bad whiskey nights?

Fighting every w*r
that comes along.

Oh, boy.

gotta give.

You'd better
watch it, kid.

You might be next.

Aw, Joe.

That was a, a dirty trick,

pulling that Cintron
thing on me like that.

Yeah, well, you let his
k*ller into the country.

Now help me find him, Lenny.

I didn't, I swear.

Sorry, Lenny,
I'm short on time.

Who're you calling?


You can't prove
anything, Joe.

Maybe they can.


Verona made a sucker out of you.

I told you. The name
doesn't mean anything.

He's dark, good looking.

Got the kind of face
girls will notice.

Got a scar on his chin.

I don't want any
part of this, Joe.

Lenny, he's trying to
pick off a client of mine.

She's years old, hasn't
even heard a firing squad yet.

All right. I
brought him in,

but how was I supposed to
know what he was up to?

What did Cintron
want with Verona?

Some big-shot heard that they
were going to bring a k*ller

into the country
to... to get him.

So he hired Cintron just to
check him out, that's all.

Big-shot, huh?

Who was Cintron working for?

He wouldn't say.

Joe, he wouldn't give me
the name of his client.

Would you?

He told me he had
$ , to do the job

and he offered me a grand to,
just to give him a lead.

So I gave him one, that's all.

All right, Lenny, where did
you bring Verona in from?

Costa Verde.

♪ ♪

Señor Mannix?

Hold it.

You will come with us.


This is Señor
Lazaro Figueroa.

Seems I recall
a General Figueroa.

Then you are
the same Mannix

who fought for us
in Costa Verde?

I was there.

For the cause, or for money?

I'm a hero.

I only fight on the
side of the angels.


Whose revolution
are you fighting now?

I'm a private detective.

I see.

And, uh, what is it
you want from me?

You hire Diego Cintron?

I did.

Then you must know
someone's out to k*ll you.

That has been made
quite clear to me.

It is also clear
that soon after the threat

I find a hired k*ller,

a mercenary, lurking about
my premises with a g*n.

Not lurking.

I'm looking for a man.

I think he's the one
that's after you.

And do you also
happen to know

what this hired
k*ller looks like?

Might you even be so fortunate
as to have found out his name?



Ramon Verona.


Oh, that is good,
Señor Mannix; very good.

The implementing of the threat.

Drop the name of the most feared
k*ller in my country,

and the old man
will shake in his boots.

That was for insulting
my intelligence

with such a
clumsy bluff.

Ramon Verona is in prison

in Costa Verde.

Go away, Señor Mannix.

I won't be going far, Figueroa.

The man I'm after will
be coming to get you.

So I'll just be hanging around.

I am a sentimentalist,
Señor Mannix.

That is the only reason you are
still alive at this moment.

Whatever debt my
country owed you,

I consider now paid.

But the next time you are found
"hanging around," as you put it,

my men will k*ll you.

Oh, Ramon, it
was you I...

Joyce? You'd better
hurry up.

We're going to be late.

Come on.

I don't want
you to get away

this time.

Come on. It's all right.

Hey, you remember me, eh?

I'm surprised.

I think, uh,
most people, uh...

don't remember
vacation romances.

Oh, is that all it was?

Well, you know they
always end badly.

It's best to forget them
quickly, you know.

You didn't even call.

You didn't even say
you were in the country.

Well, yes, I didn't want
to bring you my troubles.

The police think
you k*lled a man.

It's only important
you believe I didn't.

Well, of course I believe you.

Why didn't you say
that to the police?

Hey, Joyce.

I'm a fool, huh?

All of my life, you know,
I'm in trouble,

and I'm so bad I can't
even get a visa

to come to this country
to see the girl I met

one beautiful summer
in Costa Verde.

You know the only way
I can get into this country?

So, uh... you'll excuse me

I didn't stay
and explain to the police.

I can help you, Ramon.


You already helped enough
already with the detective.

Joe Mannix is
an old friend of mine.

But he'll go
to the Immigration peoples, huh?

No, I didn't tell him
anything about that.

I lied. I said
I met you in New York.

Joyce! Come on!

All right,
just a minute.

I've gotta fix my
hair and makeup.

Just... I'll be in
in a minute.

Why don't you come

with me now, okay?

No, I can't now.

I don't get finished
until : .

Can I meet you somewhere?

I have a car in the garage.

We could, uh... you
can meet me on the,
on the bottom level?

And, uh, we can go somewhere
and be alone together, eh?



Uh... Sweetheart,

uh, you go ahead,
all right?

Don't be
late, Lazaro.

You have to make a speech.

Why did you come back,
Señor Mannix?

Something still bothers me.

Your life's been threatened.

Why aren't you worried about it?

First, you tell me something.

How much did they pay you

to frighten me?

I am not trying
to frighten you.


Such a gesture of good
faith must be respected.

Perhaps I am a
fool, but, uh,

I am beginning
to believe you.

But you don't believe
someone's out to get you.

Then just
what are they after?

A business empire built
after the revolution

while the
others fought

over who should be
called prime minister

and who should
become presidente.

They argued and I
went into business.

In a country where no one ate,

they talked politics
and I created food.

Sounds like a reason
for a monument, not a tombstone.

Yes, yes, but, uh, one day,

my friends
who fought over titles

that I had taken the real prize.

But they did not
want to k*ll me.

They merely want
to become my partners.

Then why did they bother hiring
an assassin?

To fortify the rumor, Señor--
a good trick.

Yeah, well, maybe they've
changed the rules on you.

Maybe this time they mean it...

'cause Verona
is in this country.

Señor Mannix, I
have told you...


I have talked to a man

who admitted bringing
Verona into this country.

Now, you'd better
keep him under guard

until I can
find Verona.

Wha...? You, you, you think
I am afraid to face death?

Maybe not, but you're facing it.

What should I do?

Why don't you finish dinner?

KG- .

Overseas Operator.

Mannix here.

Mr. Duncan called,
said it's urgent.

Get him.

That line's
out of order.

Check with the phone company
and ring me back.

Hey, you weren't supposed
to come back here.

We have to talk.

Yeah, but the deal was that we
were to have no further contact.

I know.

But you're the only one
who could tell Diego
Cintron where I was.

Oh, how could I know?

You have a nice
thing here, eh?

You smuggle some
peoples into the country,

take a little money, huh?

And then, uh... you
follow them, eh?

You let them get started--

you come around,
take a little more.

Come on, am I a
rich man, huh?

Do I have a big car?

Look at this place.
This dump.

You know, I have a problem--

this sil*ncer, it affects the
trajectory of this g*n.



look, look.
Here's my bank book.

Here, everything I own...
it's all here.

Look! It's all here.

Will you look?

Yeah, it looks good, too.

You know, I headed to the
ocean this afternoon,

and I couldn't hit a thing.

And I have an important
job this evening.

You understand, it's business.

Hey, you know what I need?

A practice target
to help me set the sight.

Something moving.

Hey, wait!

Wait a minute, wait, wait!

Help me, please, somebody's
trying to sh**t me over there.



We're closed.

It's me-- Duncan.
Where's Amos?

He's gone home,
I told you. We're closed.

In the name of God, open up!

Somebody's going
to m*rder me!

You're already drunk.


Somebody! Anybody!


Where are your pills?

Pills won't help.



Costa Verde, tonight.


The Trade Fair...

I'll get you an ambulance.

KG priority.
KL -Double - .


This is Mannix.

We still haven't been able
to complete that Duncan call.

I did. Get an ambulance over

to Fourth and Tamlin, fast--
g*nsh*t wound.

And give me Wickersham.

Yes, sir.


Lou, that shadow I'm chasing

is cluttering up
the streets with bodies.

What happened?

He just shot Leonard Duncan.

His real target is
Lazaro Figueroa.

You better get the police over
to the International Home Show.

Oh, and Lou, don't let Joyce out
of my office,

even if you have to lock her in.

Looks to me like he's trying
to get rid

of everyone who might
identify him.

Mannix, she's gone.

Good evening.

Julie, I've got a date.

Do you mind staying alone?

The story of my life.

What happened?

He fainted.

Maybe a heart attack.


Take him in.

When did it happen?

Just now.

Didn't hear a thing.

Must've used a sil*ncer.

Excuse me, where is Joyce Loman?

Have you seen Joyce?

She had to leave.

I'm finishing up
for her.

Tell me...
Hey, won't I do?

She's already
got a date.



He got Figueroa.

Yeah, I know. Verona.

And I think Joyce
is meeting him.

Ooh! Oh! Excuse me.



Hurry, Mannix saw me.


Just as I was coming
down the stairs.

Any other way out of here?

There must be an emergency
exit somewhere.

There he is.

Watch it,
you'll hit Joyce.

We've got to get him
in a cross fire.

We'll need more men.

Joe, wait!

Go, querida.

Go on, move!

He said all vacation
romances end badly.

Joe, all right?


He wouldn't really
have hurt me.

No, of course not.
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