02x01 - Horses' Collars (1935)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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02x01 - Horses' Collars (1935)

Post by bunniefuu »


The case you are about to go on
is very dangerous.

It requires courage, ingenuity,
and above all things,


That's why I sent for you.

I missed.

I didn't.

Quit staring at me.
You make me nervous.

Yes, yes. Go on.

I have a client out west
who owns a ranch

and is in danger of
losing it. How come?

It seems that my client's father
signed an IOU for $ ,

over to Double Deal Decker,

the gambling boss
of Maverick Center.

Well, what about it?

Well, after he signs it,
Decker frames a gunfight,

has the father shot, leaving
my client holding the bag.

Go on, boss.

Your story's gripping me.

And if my client
doesn't pay the $ , ,

Decker will take
my client's ranch.

What does your client look like?

Ah, she's very attractive.

Oh, a woman.


Her picture's here on the desk.

Which is her face?

My wife. My error.



Spread out.

And here is a picture
of Double Deal Decker.

He always carries
the IOU with him.

You have got to get it
by hook or crook.

But remember, he's a k*ller.

Let's see it.


He looks like a lily to me.


Moe, Larry, the cheese.



Will you hold him?

Moe, Larry, the cheese!

Okay, okay.
Moe, Larry, the cheese.

Wait a minute. Take it easy.

Here. Here. No, Roquefort.

The cheese. Oh, all right.

Well, just a minute.
Roquefort, Roquefort.

Roquefort! Roquefort!
There you are.


[MUFFLED] Roquefort.



What's the matter with him?
We forgot to tell you.

Every time he see a mouse,
he goes crazy.

He's marked that way. Why?

Because his father was a rat.


[SIGHS] That'll be four bits.

Try and collect it.

Wait a minute.

I'm gonna give you one chance.





DECKER: All right,
boys. Sweep 'em out.


The next time any strangers
come around here,

I won't be so easy.

That's right, boss.


STOOGES: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!



Well, partner.

Give me glasses.

That bottle.



Thanks, bartender.

Hey. What about the money?

Go on, that's a tin roof.
What do you mean?

It's a tin roof.
It's on the house.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

That's a hot one.

Wait a minute.

A wisecracker, huh?

Oh, sort of a toughie, eh?




Nice sh**t', stranger.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Toss up a quarter.

Nice shot, son.

Got a $ gold piece?



Toss it.


Here's your quarter.

There's your change.

Thanks, partner.

Boy, you look years younger.


You keep your eye on 'em.
First crooked move they make,

we'll give 'em the works.
Right, boss.


Nell. It's Nell.

Miss Higginbottom to youse guys.

If you was alone,
I'd punch you right in the nose.

Well, why don't you do it?

Well, I'm-- I'm with you.

What are you doing?

NELL: Gentlemen.

Be seated.


A pleasure.

Hiya, Nell.

If you gentlemen don't get
that IOU for me,

I'll lose my ranch, and...

You got nothing to worry about.

Are you good detectives?

See that heel? Yes.

I ran that down.



Quiet. I can't hear the lady.


Here comes Decker now.

If he asks you to dance
with him, accept.

Why? Simple.

We'll get dancing partners...

You bump Decker into us...

And we'll frisk him
and get the IOU.


Sometimes you got brains.

Thank you, thank you.

Don't let 'em go to your head.


Good evening, Nell.

At last I have found you alone.

How about tripping
the light fantastic?


Excuse me.

Listen, mugs.
We gotta be careful.

Lobo's watching every move.
Now, get this.

Every time somebody bumps
into you on the dance floor,

reach back and go
for that IOU. Got it?

All right, get your partners.

Spread out.

Would you care to dance with me?

Oh, I'd be delighted.


Say, girlie,
you're light on your feet.

That's what they all say.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.



Pardon me.

You mind if I cut in?

Why, no.


CURLEY: I'm not much
of a leader, you know.

MOE: Let's go.

You know, you're not
a bad dancer.

Aw, I bet you tell that
to all the boys. Heh.

Now, you listen to me. Yes?

Decker's wallet's got
a chain on it.

Yes, yes? Tell Larry.

Why, certainly.

You know, you're not
a bad dancer yourself.

Are you insinuating?
No, just dancing.

That was very kind of you, babe.

Wise guy. We put it over on him.

That's teamwork. Teamwork.

The boss oughta give us
a raise for this.

It oughta be in here, boys.


Ah, here it is.

What are you grabbing?

Wonder where he keeps it.

There were--

♪ Oh ♪

STOOGES: ♪ You'll never know ♪

♪ Just what tears are ♪

♪ Till you cry
Like you made me cry ♪

Hey, Decker!

So thieves, huh?

Hey, folks, these hombres
stole my wallet.

What'll we do with 'em?

Let's string 'em up.

MAN: String 'em up. Get a rope.

Wait, no.

Take it easy. That's silk.

Wait a minute. I gotta go home.

We'll ship you home.

Come on.

Hey, wait for me.


Mr. Decker, you're making
a big mistake.

Let me explain.

Yeah? Well,
we'll hang 'em first,

you can do
your explaining later.


Wait a minute.

You guys are stretching
this thing too far.

Oh, a mouse! [WOMAN SCREAMS]



Moe, Larry, the cheese.

Moe, Larry, the cheese.

Moe, Larry, the cheese.


Moe, Larry, the cheese!

Moe, Larry, the cheese!

Moe, Larry, the cheese.


Moe, Larry, the cheese!

MAN : Come on.
MAN : Take it easy.


MAN : Pick him up.

CURLEY: Moe, Larry, the cheese.
LARRY: Wait a minute.

Wait a minute. We'll get
down out of this thing.



Moe, Larry, the cheese.

All right, take it easy.
Moe, Larry, cheese.

Take it easy. Cheese.

Here you are, kid.

No, Camembert.
Moe, Larry, the cheese.



Take it easy. Take it easy, kid.

You'll be all right. [SQUEALING]

All right. All right.

Shh. They're all asleep.

We must be quiet.


There's the safe.
The IOU must be in there.

Get to it.

Nell, get over by that door,
stand guard

and let us know
if anything happens. Go ahead.

Give me the sandpaper.

Take it easy, butterfingers.


are listening to Station WGN.

Our Memorial Day
musical program continues.

It's a radio. Turn it off.

There's the safe.

Go ahead.

Say, Nell's gone.

I better see what's happened.
Go ahead.


Did you hear that tumbler click?

Good work.

Did you hear
that tumbler click, Larry?

Larry's gone.

Go ahead, get the IOU.
I'll see where he is.


Ah, another tumbler clicked.

I got it. "IOU."

I got it!

Caught you with the goods, huh?

Before we string you up,

I'm gonna give you
the beating of your life.






CURLEY: Moe, Larry, the cheese!


Moe, Larry, the cheese.

Moe, Larry, the cheese.
The cheese.

Moe, Larry, the cheese.
All right, here. Here.

No, Limburger.
Moe, Larry, the cheese.

Moe, Larry, the cheese. Mmm.

Shh, shh. [WHIMPERING]

Nell, the IOU.




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