03x13 - Return of the Reprise of Lady Redundant Woman/A Simple Plan

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x13 - Return of the Reprise of Lady Redundant Woman/A Simple Plan

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are "elegant" and "incognito."

Late one night, in the "villains
locked up by word girl" section

Of the city jail, well-known
meanie, lady redundant woman,

Is stewing.

Here's your dinner,
lady redundant woman--

An orange
and a tangerine.

You forgot my clementine!

Ah! I've had just about enough
of this prison cell.

It's cramped, tiny,
and entirely too small.

And it's no place for someone
as elegant as myself.

Ah, this situation
is annoying,

And it's frustrating,
and I'm sick of it!

Narrator: that's why they
call her lady redundant woman.

She likes to repeat herself...
A lot.

Hey, lady,
keep it down, huh?

You, too, narrator.

Narrator: sorry.

Oh, word girl.
This is all her fault.

She thinks she's so sharp,
so clever, so with it,

So on the ball,
but one day, the world will see

Word girl is not all
she's cracked up to be.

Hey, that rhymes,
and it's poetic,

And it's in verse!


If only I could use my amazing
copying ability to escape.

Man on tv: the most stylish
citizens of the city

Are cordially invited to attend
the triple-dip charity ball

This saturday evening.

Ladies, bring of your
most elegant outfits.

At evening's end, we will choose
the most elegant look

And crown that lucky lady the
belle of the triple-dip ball.

Why, it could be you.

It should be me.

I must be crowned
belle of that ball!

But first...

Oh, dear sir.
Excuse me, sir.

Huge sneeze coming.

Oh, yeah?
Is that so?

Please. Ah...
If you could just...

Take off my nose
guard for a second.

Nice try, lady,
but no chance.

I read the report
on you.

You make copies of yourself
by touching your nose.

Oh, please! Just
for a few seconds!

It feels like
a doozy! Ah...ah...

You're faking.

No, I'm not.

Oh, I think
you are.

Oh, I'm about to
get it all over.

You don't want
to see this!

It's gonna be--aah!

Ok, ok, ok. But only
for a second.


I knew it.
You were faking.


I'd like you to meet
a few of my friends--

Me, myself, and i.

[Evil laughter]

Oh, and there's also
moi and yours truly.

Narrator: the next day,

At word girl's secret
spaceship hideout...

Hey, huggy,
you got a package.

of disguise kit.

Amaze your friends
and coworkers."



Ok. How
does it work?


Oh, not bad.

Ok, try...a grocery
store manager.

Hey, you're pretty
good at going
incognito, huggy.

[Alarm beeping]

Oh, no! There's
a robbery

At the dress shop
down on ashford
and simpson.

Let's go, huggy.


No, we don't have to
go incognito.


Ok, fine. You can
bring the trunk.

But you have to take
off that disguise.

Now come on.
Word up!

So you say the thieves
stole of your dresses?

Of my most
elegant dresses,

And all
in similar colors--

Navy blue, midnight blue,
and indigo.

Hmm...that's odd.

Please help me get
them back, word girl.

I have a customer
coming in tonight

To pick up those dresses
for the triple-dip ball.

Of course, ma'am.
I'll look for clues

With the help
of my trusty sidekick,

Captain huggy--

Is that him?

Oh. Ha ha. Yeah.

He's incognito.

Oh. I thought
he was a monkey.

Well, yes, he is,

But he's trying
to look

Like a mannequin
in a dress.

You see, "incognito"
means you're hiding

Your real identity,
like when you wear

A costume
or a disguise.

Dispatcher: robbery in progress
at mary lou's fancy shoes.

All units respond.


Excuse me, ma'am.
We have to go.

But the police can
take it from here.

Of course. Oh!
My, that was quick.

Hello, officer.


Huh? Oh, boy.

Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile, in lady
redundant woman's hideout...

Oh, it feels so good
to be back in business,

Back on the scene, and back
in the swing of things.

Now, then, let's see
how I look in my new duds.

Ladies, enter.
Show yourselves.

Come on down!

[Kisses and blows]

Oh, those gowns.

Oh! And those shoes.

Ooh, we all look
so elegant!

Hmm...that jewelry would
really complete the look.

It should be simple,
effortless, easy as pie

To steal elegant

And then my wardrobe
will be

Finished, finalized,
and complete!

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!
What fun.

Narrator: meanwhile,
word girl hunts for clues

At mary lou's fancy shoes.

Ooh, that was fun to say.


So mary lou says
that a shoe thief

Broke in and stole
pairs of their
most elegant shoes--

Pumps, wedges,
and stiletto heels--

And all
in the same color.


Elegant? It means
beautiful, fancy,
and stylish.

Ooh, like those
fancy dresses

That were stolen
from the dress shop.

What I don't get
is that,

While those dresses
were all very elegant,

They looked a lot alike,

And the stolen shoes
are the same way.

They're almost...
Redundant. Hmm.



Lady redundant woman
has escaped from prison!

Also called
the penitentiary.

She has?
Oh, great.

Where were you
scenes ago?

Sorry. My bus was late.


We've got to
stop her, huggy.


You know, you're really
good at going incognito,

But it's getting hard
to take you seriously.

[Alarm ringing]

Man: stop, thieves!

The jewelry store!

Let's check it
out, huggy.


What happened?

A group of ill-tempered women,
who all looked alike

And smelled like
freshly copied paper,

Just stole of my most
elegant gold necklaces.

Sounds like lady redundant
woman, all right.

Yes. Well, they took
a very expensive
gold choker

And an even
more expensive
gold locket.

Of course! It all
makes sense now.

Lady redundant woman is
stealing elegant outfits

To wear
to the triple-dip ball.

But wait. Did you say
they only stole necklaces?

Yes. Using
all my cleverness,

I was able to
heroically rescue
the third necklace.


Oh, all right.
One of them tripped
on the rug

And dropped it,
but still...

Aha! She has to come back
for the third necklace.

Which one
didn't she steal?

That one--
the priceless
pendant of penzance.

It's our very last
gold necklace.

Last one? But there's
a whole box of them

By the front door.

Ah, yes. Those are
just cheap copies,

Costume jewelry
for playing dress-up.

That is the only real
pendant of penzance.

Isn't she stunning?

Perfect. We're
going to set a trap

For lady redundant woman,

And that pendant
will be the bait.

No, not that kind
of bait.


Looks like you just
got a new salesman.

Narrator: later that day, the
villainess lady redundant woman

Goes incognito
as her secret identity,

Beatrice bixby,
in order to sneak into

Ye olde fancy schmantzy
jewelry shop.

I would like to inquire,
request, and ask about

Your most expensive

Well, yes,
those are nice,

But the one I want
is right--no, no.

You see, only a gold
necklace will do,

Like that one.

No, not that one.

That one.

No. No, that one,
right there.


Let me...say,
what's going on here?

Sergeant furry face.
It's a trap!

Well, no matter.


I, lady redundant woman,
am not going to let

Some monkey salesman
stop me from taking

What I want--
the pendant of penzance!


Hold it right there,
lady redundant woman.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't word girl.
Lovely to see you again.

Enchante. Mm-hmm.

So, you think
you can stop me?

Yes, I do think
I can stop you.

But can you stop...

And me?
And me?

And me?
And me?
You, too?

Oh, boy. Ok.
Get ready, huggy.


We have you
word girl.

The elegant

Of penzance
is mine!

With this necklace,
i, lady redundant woman,

Will be the belle
of the triple-dip ball!

My gosh.
You're right.

That necklace is
so beautiful and elegant.

I'm sure it will look
wonderful on you.

You better believe it.

Too bad all of you
can't have one. Hmm?

Well, there is
only one.

You mean
I don't get one?

Well, uh...

What about me?

Well, no, but--

I get one,
though, right?

[All talking at once]


I think you should all
get one of your very own.

Huggy, now!


Time to give up
the goods, beatrice.

[Shouting continues]

Not so fast!

Give me!

No, awful girl!

Narrator: will word girl succeed
in this glitzy tug-of-w*r?

Or will lady
redundant woman win

And become the belle
of the triple-dip ball?

Mine! Mine! Mine!


Also, is this the least-elegant
thing you've ever seen?

Ah! One
of my copies
still exists!



Go, copy of me!

Take the pendant
and flee!

I'll take care
of word girl,

And we'll
meet up later.

You're beautiful.
You look great.


Yes. That's right.
Run for the...huh?

Ha ha ha. That's no lady.

That's huggy incognito.

What? Are you
kidding me?

Well, this is
just...i am...

Fooled? Duped? Tricked?

Narrator: how about

Good one.
How about

And so once again,
word girl is triumphant

Over lady redundant woman,
thanks to a very elegant plan

And some nifty incognito work
from captain huggy face.

So tune in again
next time

For a triple-dip
of action and adventure

On the next adventure
of "word girl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

All: "may I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "pounce."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.





What is going on
with you, emily?

Ha ha ha.
It's just so cute,

The way huggy
pounces on people.

Ok, but can anyone--


I'll define it,

But can huggy,
pretty please,

Pounce on
something first?

I really don't think
that's a--

Thanks, huggy.

Ha ha ha.
To pounce
is to spring

On something
or someone

That is correct.
Congratulations, emily.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official word girl
hot-air dr. Two brains balloon!

All: ooh!

Nice pouncing, huggy.

Ha ha ha.
He's so cute.

All right. Well,
that's it for today's show.

See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

Narrator: psst! Listen
for "hideous" and "complicated."

The evil dr. Two brains
and his henchmen

Are about to return
from a long day of crime-doing.

Oh...that was a long
day of crime-doing.

Narrator: told you.

Uh, boss, why did
we have to do

All that stuff

How many times
do I have to explain it?

First, we had to use
the antigravity ray

To fire all those cotton balls
in the air, so that...

We could then use
the super-gravity ray

To roll these
bowling balls down to...

Knock down the door
to the bat house,

Causing the bats to fly out
and distract the guards,

And grab the largest
string-cheese rope
in captivity!


Narrator: kind of complicated,
don't you think?

No one asked you,
mr. Nosy pants.

It'll all be
worth it

When I get a look at
all that beautiful
stringy cheese.

open the box.

That's all we got?


Sorry, boss.

What am I doing wrong?
Don't answer that!

Oh, maybe my evil plans
are getting too complicated.

I remember the days
when we would just

Walk into a grocery store
and steal some cheese.

Life was easier then.


That was before
you hired us.

That's right. Back then,
my plans weren't so complicated,

And I didn't need you.
No offense.

None taken.

That's it. I'm going
back to basics.

Back to my roots.
I'm keeping it real.

I, dr. Two brains,
will steal cheese

By committing the most simple,
uncomplicated crimes

Of all time!
Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: the next day,
an unsuspecting becky botsford,

A.k.a. Word girl,

Is working on
a project of her own.

Ok, bob, it looks
like we have to sell

, Lucky goblin dolls
for the school fundraiser

In order to have
enough points to get this--

The princess sparkles
the unicorn bug-bite kit.

And getting it
will be a cinch.

All we have to do
is sell these,

The cutest little lucky
goblin dolls ever.

Aren't they

They're hideous.

But I know
we can do this.

All we need is
a positive attitude.


Lucky goblins for sale.
Get your lucky goblin here.


[Loudly] hi, honey.
What you doing?

just selling...

[Softly] I'm raising
money for school.

Oh, fantastic.
What are you selling?

I could sure go for
some lemonade or--aah!

Lucky goblin dolls.

Oh. Oh. Sweetheart,
that's the most...

What's the word

When something is really,
really ugly and revolting?

Hideous? It means frightful,
awful to look at.

That's it exactly.

That's the most hideous
doll I've ever seen.

Hideously cute, right?

Oh, no. Not cute at all.
Not even a little.

But don't you want me
to reach my fundraising goals

For school, daddy?

Laying it on a bit
thick there, hon,

But tell you what,

I'll pay you to not
have to take one.

Oh, good.


Someone's robbing cheese
from the grocery store!

Wait. Is this
the police station?

No. It's my daughter's
goblin-selling stand.

That's right.
I am selling

These adorable
lucky goblin dolls.

Would you like
to buy one?

Aah! Help!

All right. They're hideous.
I get it.

I'm not sure
you do.

Listen, dad, bob and I
are going to walk around town

And try to sell
some of these dolls.

Come on, bob.

Wait. You're not going to
take any of them with you?

Oh. Right. Probably
should take some.

No, no. I think
that's brilliant.

Don't show people
the dolls

Until after
they've bought them.

Great. Thanks, dad.
Let's go, bob.

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the grocery store...

That cheddar is the best
that money could buy.

I'm stealing it.

Then it's the best
that money could steal.


And now for the finale
of my oh-so-simple scheme.

Wait just a minute,
dr. Two brains.

You're too late,
word girl. Ha ha ha!

Prepare yourself
for defeat.

Go ahead. I dare you
to make your move.

I already did!

Ha ha! You lose!

What? Where?

Right here. I didn't pay
for this cheese,

And yet I ate it
right in front of you.

Take that. Crime.

No, really, what's
the real scheme?

That was it.

Oh, also, I'm taking some cheese
with me when I leave.

Ha ha. Also a crime.

So no ray blasters
or mouse-shaped

Or complicated
plans of any kind?


Walking in...

Taking cheese.

Huh. Great.
Taking you down

Just got
a whole lot easier.

Holy cow! What is
that thing behind you?

What? Where? I knew
you had a bigger...


That was embarrassing.

I'll say.

He fooled me, ok?
I thought

His plan would be
more complicated.


Complicated means
difficult, complex,

The exact opposite
of simple.

Like that display
that woman is
putting up--

Is that easy?

Why, no. Actually,
it's quite...complicated.

Right. Now, if
you'll excuse us,

Huggy and I have to
try to figure out

Where two brains
will strike next.

Looks like
he's heading

To the cheese shop
across the street.

You're kidding?

milliseconds later,

At the cheese shop
across the street...

Hold it right there,
two brains.

Oh, hi, word girl.
You're just in time

To see me commit another
uncomplicated crime

Right before
your very eyes.

Are you ready?
Prepare to be dazzled.


Oh, yeah! Take that!

Oh, I'm so bad! Whoo!

Let's just wrap this up
quickly, ok?

Nothing there. Ok.

That trick's not going
to work again.

So, two brains,
prepare to--ow! Hey! Quit it!

Did they just escape
by throwing cheese at us?

ok, boss?

Not enough cheese
for mouse brain.

Mouse brain wants more.

Ok. Ok. We'll keep stealing
little amounts of cheese,

But we'll do it
a lot more often.

Is that ok with you,
mouse brain? [Sniffing]

But...what is this?

Tomorrow the mayor
is going to dip

A giant tortilla chip

Into a stadium
full of cheese.


And really, how
complicated could it be

To steal a stadium
full of cheese?

Narrator: meanwhile, back at the
hideous lucky goblin stand...


I tell it
like it is.

Oh, I'm never
going to get

My princess sparkles
the unicorn bug-bite kit.


You're right, bob.

We've got to focus
on two brains.

But how will we
ever find him?

Dr. Two brains?

How do you
know my name?

knows your name?

They do? Oh, well,
that's nice to hear.

Yeah. So, what are
you doing here?

Well, I couldn't
help but notice

That you were selling
these hideous dolls.

How much?

First of all,
they're not hideous.

They're hideously cute.

Second of all,
why do you want one?

Oh, no reason.


I know. It feels
so wrong.

But it's
our first sale,

And I really need
the princess sparkles

The unicorn
bug-bite kit.


No. I know.
You're right, bob.

You're right. It wouldn't
be right to sell him a doll.

Actually, I'll take
all of them.

Can I help you carry
them to your van?

You see, henchmen,

It's just a simple
-step plan.

We use the goblins
to distract the guards.

Then we drive
into the stadium,

Drain the cheese
into these giant containers,

And drive away.

But how are we going
to get the goblins

Up to the guards?

Right. Ok.


-Step plan.

We'll put them on a cart
and roll them past the guards.

What guard
wouldn't be distracted

By a cartful
of hideous goblins, hmm?

Right. Charlie says
that the guard stations

At the stadium
are all uphill.

How will we
get the cart

To roll
up the hill?

That's another step.


We'll zap the cart
with my antigravity ray.

A simple -step plan.

Wait. How are we
going to get the cheese

Into the trucks?



A simple, simple,
simple plan. Hmm...

Stop right there.
Dr. Two brains!

Word girl! Here to stop
my simple plan, eh?

Huh. That's simple? Looks
pretty complicated to me.

Hey! Oh!

So long, word girl.
Come on, boys.

We have a stadium
full of cheese
to steal!

Ha ha ha!


Ok. This could get
a little tricky.

Let's try plan
number first,

Followed by half of --

Hmm. I suppose your way
could work, too.

Word up!

Ok, boss, all the goblins
are in the car,

And the anti-gravity
ray is set up,

And the blimp is
circling overhead.

But how do we signal
the scuba divers?

Easy. Easy. We'll use
the sonic ray g*n.

A simple -step plan.

Come on. Enough

Zap the cart. We're losing time.
Distract those guards.

Whoa. Look at that.

What are those
hideous things?

I'm so distracted.

It's working.

Oop. Oop. There.
Hey, a little to the left.

Yes! Success!

Give up now,
two brains!

It's already done,
word girl.

Everything worked.

The trucks are
filling up with cheese.

Oh, there's no way
you can stop me now.

It really worked?

Yep. Told you
it was a simple plan.

Yeah, I guess. Oops.

Looks like your truck
has a flat tire there.

Huh? Which one?

You're right,
dr. Two brains.

Simple is better
than complicated.

And thanks for buying

All those hideous
goblin dolls from me--

My friend becky.

She really
appreciated it.

Uh-huh. Eww...

And now to go home
and wait for my
bug-bite kit...

That my friend becky
is buying for me.

[Ahem] let's go,

Narrator: and so, once again,
word girl and captain huggy face

Saved the day
and the city's cheese.

Hey, buddy, is there
any way you could move

These hideous dolls?
They're creeping me out.

Sorry. No can do.
I'm just a voice.

Ah. Ha ha. I've
got the willies.

Join us next time
for another exciting

And hopefully slightly less
complicated adventure

Of "word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have
a word?"

Our returning
champion emily

Correctly defined
the word "pounce"

And will now go
for another prize.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

mr. Handsome.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition
for "pounce."

Ok, emily,
what's your answer?


Oh, I know. I know.

He's so cute when he
pounces like that.

Sorry. The answer
is number one.

You are correct,

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

Yes, it's an official
"word girl"

Captain huggy face

Too cute! Ha ha!

Please, no more

See you next time on...

All: "may I have
a word?"

Want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to
your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is "cr*cker."

It was my first word
when I was a baby,

And it's just
a fun word to say.


My favorite word
is "exquisite."

This is because I like the way
it sounds in my mouth.

Starting in second grade,
my grandma was always

Saying to me,
"you look very exquisite today."

So that's how I began
to like the word.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what pensive means.

That's right! Pensive means
to think a lot about something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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