03x08 - Lady Redundant Woman/A Game of Cat and Mouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x08 - Lady Redundant Woman/A Game of Cat and Mouse

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: today's featured words
are "perplexed" and "redundant."

Late one night, inside
the local copy shop...

[Narrator yawns]

Narrator: man, I hate
working nights.

Well, thanks,

Dave thinks he's
soooo great.

Huh! I should be manager
of this copy shop,

Not dave.

So what if he's
nicer than me

And he gives correct
change and he never once
bit a customer on the leg?

He doesn't love the copiers
like I love the copiers.

That's right, baby.
Mommy loves you.

Hey, beatrice!

Yes, dave? Oops.
Sorry. Clumsy.

Hey, don't be
so hard on yourself.

We all make mistakes.

Hey, listen.
Do you mind

Watching the store
for a bit?

Uh, yeah, sure.
No problem.

I'm gonna carry
mr. Tompkins' copies
to his car.

Aw, you don't have
to do that.

Oh, no. I insist.

Wouldn't want you
to get a paper cut.

Well, thank you,

You are the best.

Oh, pssht.


Are you ok, beatrice?

You seem a little upset.

Who, me? No. Oops. Oh.

Now, why would I be

I love my job here,

But I'm, uh...uh...

Thanks for asking, dave.


Oh, anytime. Listen,
if you ever need
to talk about anything,

My door is always
open, ok?

You bet. Thanks
again, dave.

Ok. Great. Back in .


Ugh. Dave.

It really perplexes me
how anyone could think

He's a great manager.

I should be in charge
of this place--me.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, baby.

Mommy didn't mean
to hurt you.

What's this? I've never
seen that button

On a copy machine.

"Merge with copier."

That's odd, but I do love
pressing buttons. Ha!

I feel...strange.



This could be
very useful...

And helpful

And beneficial

And I like the outfit.

Ha! Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: a few days later,
some villains are up to no good

In the city, but not to worry.

Wordgirl and captain
huggy face are...

On the case!

Narrator: you know,
I have one job.


Don't worry,
captain huggy face.

These ruthless
criminals won't
get away.

Narrator: wow. What
did they steal?


Narrator: yikes.
Pretty ruthless.

Well, actually,
they stole one
couch, one sofa,

And one futon.

Narrator: huh. You'd think
just one would do.

Oh, no! They're
splitting up!

All right.
You take the one
that went right,

And I'll take the
one that went left.

I know, but what
can we do?

We'll just have to
let that last one go.

[Tires squeal]

It's time to take
this couch back
to its rightful owner.

Or sofa or futon,
whichever is in here.

So why don't you just--

What? That's weird.


Your driver's
gone, too? Hmm.


Well, at least we got
the sofa and the futon back.

But how did all
of the villains

Get away with
the couch,

And why would
someone steal

That are almost
exactly the same?

Kind of redundant
if you ask me.

Narrator: lady redundant woman.

What's that?

Ah, you'll find out
soon enough.

Later, back
at the copy shop...

Beatrice: the couch
looks nice,

But without the sofa
and futon,

The break room
feels unfinished,
incomplete, undone.

Curse wordgirl
for foiling my plan.


I did get away.

Not every supervillain
who battles wordgirl

Can say that.

I have the power to make
copies of myself,

Copies that do
whatever I say.

Tell me I'm
a super evil genius.

You are an amazing
evil super genius

Who deserves
to be manager.

Really? Oh, thank you.

It's so nice to be
recognized for who
you really--

I mean, I really am.

Ha ha ha ha!

Now bye-bye.

But now back to my plan
to make this break room

The most fabulous, outstanding
top-of-the line break room

In the city.

Once I do that, the rest
of the employees

Will realize that
I should be their boss,

Not dave.

Then they'll run him
out of town

And make me copy shop
manager for life.

[Knock on door]

Hey, um, beatrice?

I was gonna run out
and buy some pizzas--

You know, as a thank-you
for everyone's hard work.

You like pepperoni,

Ooh, yeah. Sure.

Uh, that's really

Thanks, dave.

No, thank you.

I should be the one
asking you

If you like
pepperoni pizza,

And for the record,
although I enjoy

I prefer black olive
and green pepper.

Not such a great
manager now,
are you, dave?

Oh, uh, don't mean
to be a bother,

But I seem to remember
you saying

Black olive and green
pepper pizza was your

Is that right?

Um...that's right.

Well, then black olive
and green pepper it is.


Touche, dave.

I still can't
figure out

How those villains
got away.

Hey, little puppy.
Nice bow.

And I'm still perplexed
as to why someone

Would want to steal
things that are
essentially the same thing.

It's so redundant.[Squeak]

Yes, I know I've
said it before,

But that's because
it's true.

Hey, violet, I need
to pop into the copy shop

To make copies
of my report card.


I need one
for the fridge,

One for mom's fridge
in the office,

And one for my records.

I'm just thorough,
that's all.

No problem, becks.

My mom needs stamps,

So I'll be in
to buy some

As soon as I finish
petting this doggie.

Oh, you're a good
doggie. Yes, you are.

You're so good.

You're good
from the inside out.

Here you are, ma'am.

Thank you so much.

I know you wanted
them all on white,

But I went ahead
and made you
on white,

On eggshell,
and on ivory.

It doesn't matter
to me,

As long as wordgirl
sees these fliers

Thanking her
and her sidekick
for returning

My valuable
sofa and futon.

Well, it's no big
deal, really.

I bet that's exactly
what she'll say

When she sees
those fliers.

I like the eggshell.


Hey! What's the big

just trying so hard
to be so nice,

And this is...

I am so sick of
hearing everyone talk

About how wordgirl
beat the bad guy,
the villain, the rogue.

Well, she is a hero.

Yeah. She's right.

Is there a key
for the bathroom?

Not so!
First of all,

The thief
got away.

Second of all,
she didn't catch me,

And third of all,
I escaped.


Yes, that's right.

Me, myself, and i,
beatrice bixby,

Am the notorious,
the villainous,
the sinister

Lady redundant woman!

Um, excuse me.
Do you sell stamps?

Yeah. There's a machine
over there by the pens.


Well, lady
redundant woman,

The only couch
you'll be sitting on

Will be behind bars.

I laugh at your threat.

Hee hee hee!

And I chortle, too.

Hmm hmm hmm hmm hee.

And I chuckle as well.

Hee hee hee!

Jeesh. You certainly
live up to your name.

What do you mean,

Well, redundant means
being needlessly word
or repetitive,

Like saying laugh,
chortle, and chuckle.

She said the same
thing in slightly
different ways.

Ooh, or like stealing
a couch, a sofa,
and a futon.


Wow. Now I'm smart.

But what still perplexes me

Is how your two assistants
got away the other night.

We opened the vans,
but no one was there.

Hmm. Well, you're

You're confused,
you're bewildered,

Because I alone stole
all those pieces of furniture.

You see, wordgirl, I have
superpowers of my own.

Watch carefully.
Pay attention, please.

[Beep beep beep]

Impressive, isn't it?

Redundant mes--attack.

We have to split
them up, divide,

Oh, great.
Now I'm redundant.

We have to
hold them off.




So they stopped a few
of my copies.

Do they actually think
they can stop me?


Wow. This is getting easier.

No. What's going on?

Looks like you're
out of ink and time.

Now, huggy!


Let me out of here.
Release me!
Let me go!

She's all yours,

don't worry,

I'll find someone
to cover your

Thanks, dave.
That's awfully
nice of--


I'm supposed to be manager
of this copy shop.

I'm supposed to be
in charge.

We get it.

Narrator: so wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Ward off evil once again,

Saving the city,
the metropolis,

The municipality,

Pretty redundant.

Ahem. Right.
Stick to the script.

Ok. Tune in next time for
another amazing adventure

Of wordgirl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play!

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is smash.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the correct meaning of the word.

[Drum roll]

[Music playing]

You ok?

That's funny.
The word is smash,

And you smashed your hand.

You could also say
you struck, hit,
or whacked your hand.

Well, tommy, while you
did correctly define smash,

You didn't buzz in,

Yes, phil.

Uh, what he said.

Well, that...[Murmuring]

[Ring]technically is correct.

Congratulations, phil.
You are today's winner!

Oh, man.


Huggy, show phil
what he's won.

The official wordgirl
styrofoam statue
of dr. Two brains.

Audience: ooh!

Oh, huggy, that's the third
one you've smashed today.

Well, that's ok, big fella.

Phil, I think there's
one left in the back.

That's it for today's show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: psst. Listen for

"Texture" and "weakness."

In the secret lair
of dr. Two brains,

Some spring cleaning
is under way.


Toss, keep, keep, toss.

Hey, boss, this ray
sucks the cheese

Off macaroni and cheese.

Oh, I remember
building you...

Before I moved on
to bigger things.

Toss it!

Huh. This ray says
it can make mice sing.

♪ Say cheese

♪ Say cheese

♪ Say cheese

Toss it!

This one says
"only works on hair gel."

Hmm. I always sport
the dry look.

Do either of you
use hair gel?

And now hold still.

Hey, my hair
feels all funny.

Yupper. That new
texture you're feeling

Is [sniff]
cream cheese.

Huh? You mean--

That's right.

This ray turns
hair gel into
cream cheese!

We can have some fun
with this one, boys.

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: the next day, at the
wordgirl and captain huggy face

Super secret spaceship

Wow. That is a mouthful.

Ready to go patrol
the city, huggy?

Word up! What?[Squeak]

But we always use the hatch.

The secret exit chute?

That thing is way
too much trouble.

yes, I know
you built it.

Look, you can use it
if you want.

I'll meet you
outside, ok?

Word up!

So was it as fun
as you remembered?

See anything?


Those two work
for dr. Two brains.

What are they doing
outside of that bank?

Narrator: wordgirl would soon
discover that it's not just

Any bank, it's the federal
cheddar reserve,

Filled with bricks of cheddar
cheese more valuable than gold.

Wordgirl: is he combing
his hair with a butter knife?

Narrator: ew.

Wordgirl: ew! I guess
we'd better check it out.


Hey, you can't bring
that thing in here.

Say, nice hairdo,
although it is
a little cheesy.

Ha ha ha!

Aah! My hair, you guys!

Ha ha ha!

Every hairstyle
is a weakness.

All right, boys,
clean out the cheddar,

Every last morsel.

Hold it right there,
dr. Two brains.

Wordgirl and captain
sidekick monkey.

My, you both
look lovely today.

Thank you?

Just out of curiosity,
did you two use any
hair gel this morning?


Maybe a little.

No reason, except
that well-styled hair

Is now a weakness!

Ha ha ha ha!

Wordgirl: take cover!

Well, that wasn't
so ba--aah!

Can't see! Helmet
full of paste with...

Strange texture.

Cream cheese?
Ew! Gross!

Adios, wordgirl.
I'll be sure to send
you some bagels

For your curly "lox."
Bwa ha ha! Bagel jokes.

Narrator: dr. Two brains
has escaped

With all the cheddar
in the federal cheddar reserve.

Can wordgirl defeat
his texture-changing
cream cheese ray?

Was he serious
about those bagels?

And is there a better word
to describe this episode

So far than
"totally cheesy"?

That's two words.
Just change scenes
already, will you?


Narrator: fine. Just trying
to liven things up. Huh.

Excellent work,

We should have enough
cheddar to last us

A good long ti--oh!
Oh, boy. There it comes.

What is it, doc?

Mouse brain says
must have more cheese,

Always more cheese!

Ah. That scratched
the old itch.

Prepare the tv
cameras, henchmen.

I have an
announcement to make.

Uh, huggy,
I don't think so.

Cream cheese? Yeah.

Ah. You know,
back when the doc

Was plain old
dr. Steven boxleitner,

He was a really good guy.

It's that pesky second
mouse brain that causes
all the problems.

It must have a weakness.

you know,
a weakness.

One particular quality
that isn't strong.

A way it can be defeated.


His old lab?
Maybe he left behind
a clue.

Let's check it out.

Hey, and tell you what.

I'll even take
the chute.


Oh. Let me guess.
You're fixing it.


Looks like someone
new moved in.

Um, hello?

Oh, uh, hi.

Uh, this used to be
dr. Boxleitner's lab,

And I used to be
a friend of his,

So I was wondering
if I could look arou--

State your name.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm wordgirl.

Oh, really? Well,
what's the definition

Of the word texture?

Texture is how something
feels when you touch it,

Like sticky, smooth,
or bumpy.

Correct. What's
the opposite of
a weakness?

A strength.

Correct again.
Ok. Hold on.

Come on in.
Don't be shy.

Sorry about the quiz,
but you can't be
too careful these days.

Professor robert
tubing, scientist,

And this is my helper

Pleased to meet you.

Likewise. This is
my sidekick, captain
huggy face.

Ah. Very good. And
what's his real name?

Captain huggy face.

Why does everyone
always ask me that?

Ahem. So you say
you knew the scientist

Who used to work here.

Yes. Dr. Boxleitner
was my friend until...

Narrator: ahem. Wordgirl,
mind if I handle the flashback?

I am the narrator.

Wordgirl: oh. Ok.
Yeah, go for it.

Narrator: dr. Steven boxleitner
was wordgirl's friend

Until an experiment

With a vicious lab mouse
named squeaky

Went horribly wrong, leaving him
with a tiny mouse brain

Stuck to his head, and an evil
new identity, dr. Two brains.

Wordgirl: that
was perfect. Thanks.

Narrator: just trying to
pull my weight.

So you probably
came here to search
for clues

So you can find out
dr. Two brains' weakness

And stop him from
using the cream cheese
ray again.

Yes. That's exactly right.
How did you know?

Well, I'm a brilliant

Also, he's on tv.

And action.

I, dr. Two brains,
demand every last
shred of cheese

Stored in the government's
largest reserve

Fort salut, and if
I do not get it all
by tomorrow night,

I will zap every hairdo
in the city with my new
favorite toy,

A ray that transforms
hair gel into cream cheese.

You will just love
the new texture.

That is all.
Say "cut."

Evil laugh and walk off.
Oh. Oops.

Oh, dear.
This is serious.

You've got to stop him
by tomorrow night,

I know, but by
tomorrow night?

That doesn't leave
us much time

To figure out two
brains' weakness.

Hmm. Have you tried

All mice are
afraid of cats.

Of course we--pfft--

I mean, of course.

You've never tried
cats, have you?


time is almost up, general.

Have you been able
to reach wordgirl?

We're trying,
general, but she's not
answering her phone.

Wordgirl on telephone:
hi. You've reached wordgirl

And captain huggy face.

We can't come to
the phone right now.

Hee hee hee! No, you say it.

Ok. Ok, together.

, , .

Leave a message![Screech]

Oh, drat.

All right, generals.
What's it gonna be?

What do we do?
What do we do?

Well, the style
of our nation's hair
cannot be risked.

Bring out the cheese.

Oh, this is too easy.
Ha ha ha!

Uh, perhaps we


Who are you?

And how'd you get
on the base?

Please, gentlemen.
I am a man of science,

And this is my monkey
of science.

[Microphone feedback]

Oh, dr. Two brains.
Yoo hoo!

It's me--professor
robert tubing,

The scientist who moved
into your old lab.

Oh, no kidding?
Nice to see you again.

How's that sublet
working out for you?

It's nice. Lots of
natural light.

Say, any chance of you
giving up?

I can see about removing
that mouse brain for you.

No. I've grown rather
attached to it.

Ha ha ha! And now
no more stalling.

Hand over the cheese
or say good-bye
to your up-dos.

Well, I tried.
Professor tubing
to wordgirl.

Come in, wordgirl.

Go for wordgirl.

Launch operation weakness.


Operation weakness?

Begin loading the cheese.


Did you hear that?

I didn't hear


There it is again.

It sounded just like
a c-ca-ca-ca-cat!

Oh, boy.
A kitty cat.


Giant cat coming
right at us,

Scaring pants
off of mouse brain!

Run for your lives!

Wordgirl: oh, no,
you don't, two brains.

Now it's your turn
to get creamed.


[Engine shutting off]

My ray!

Oh, no.

They did it!
We won! Huzzah!


[Truck starts]

You've saved the day
again, wordgirl,

Thanks to that thing.

We call it
the katzenjammer.

Yeah. Ok. Well,
anyway, thanks again.

All right, the cheese
goes back inside!

On the double!
Let's go!

Thanks for everything,
professor tubing.

We couldn't have
done it without you.

You weren't so bad
yourself, kiddo.

So see you next week
for a monkey play date.

Just kidding.

But don't be
a stranger, ok?


Narrator: and so wordgirl finds
dr. Two brains' weakness

And saves our city's hair gel
from turning to the creamy,

Yet gross, texture
of cream cheese.

And a good thing, too.

I have a date tonight.

So remember, if you
have a weakness for
action and adventure,

Tune in next time
for another episode of


Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is the bonus
round of...

"May I have a word?"

Phil, you correctly
defined the word smash.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Uh, I think so, beau.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for smash.

[Lively music playing]

Ok. Time's up, phil.

Um, mr. Botsford is really
stomping on those grapes.

I'm going to go
with number .

That's correct, phil!

You've won the bonus

Huggy, show him
his special prize.

Beau: yes, you get to
borrow mr. Botsford

And his grape-smashing abilities
for an entire week.

What am I supposed
to do with him?

You're hurting
the man's feelings, phil.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Announcer: want
wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Singers: favorite word,
what's your favorite word?

My favorite word is "sweet."

If I get a good remark
on a test, I'll say, "sweet."

If I get a good score
at a dance competition,

I'll say, "sweet."

If something good happens
in my family,

I'll say, "sweet."

When it comes to my favorite
characters in "wordgirl,"

Wordgirl, sweet.

Captain huggy face, sweet.

The butcher--not.

The word "sweet"
fits so many things.

Singers: ♪ that's
my favorite word ♪

Captain huggy face, show us
what flabbergasted means.

That's right! Flabbergasted
means to be so surprised
you can't think or act.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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