03x06 - Two Brains Forgets/Banned on the Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x06 - Two Brains Forgets/Banned on the Run

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Listen for the words
"quarrel" and "identity."

In the laboratory lair of
the villainess, dr. Two brains,

Two criminal masterminds
play a sinister game.

Do you have
any fours?

Liar! You do so!

I can see them
in the mirror!

You cheated!
Did, too! Did, too!

Will you two
please stop quarreling?

I don't want to have to
separate you again.

Sorry, boss.

Now get over here
and bask in the glory

Of my latest
cutting-edge creation--

The one I call...
The really big mechanical ear!

With this giant ear,
I'll be able to listen in

On every conversation
in the city.

I'll find out about exotic
cheese tastings,

Stinky cheese contests,
cheese rolling marathons,

And then steal the cheese
before the events begin.

Ha ha ha ha!

Yep, it's an ear,
all right.


Voices: does this dress
make me look fat?

What do you
think of trees?

I love them.

Danny gets the pig farm.

So we're all
in agreement.

We'll hold the vintage
cheese tasting

Next saturday at noon.

Ooh! Yes! Yes!
I'll be there!

I just have to
find out where.

Right here
at the civic center.

Meeting adjourned.


Now my handy map machine
should tell me

The exact coordinates
of the civic center.

Girl: bob, you can't
be serious.

Yes, I'm serious
that you can't be serious.

I mean, seriously, bob.

Hmm...there's something about
that high-pitched voice,

That authoritative tone.
It's so familiar.

Could it possibly be?

You can't possibly
want new wordgirl
and huggy uniforms.


It is! It is wordgirl!

And that monkey fellow.

Look, bob,
we considered

A lot of designs
for our uniforms,

And what we have now
is for the best. Ok?


Come on.
Let's not quarrel.

Woman: becky, bob, t.j.,
It's time for dinner.

Becky: ok, mom.

Oh! Did you
hear that?

secret identity

Is a girl
named becky.

And with help
from my map machine,

I can tell
where she lives.

Prepare to meet
dr. Two brains, becky.

Or should I call you
wordgirl?! Ha ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile,
the botsfords

Are in the middle
of a leisurely family meal.

So, family,
what's new?

I want
a new sister,

One that's cool,
like wordgirl.

That's nice, dear.

Uh, let's see.
I got a "c"
in art class

On my painting
of william

Good work.

And a fine
president he was.

Now, bob...

Any decent log cabin has to
have a fence around it. Here.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

It's dr. Two brains!

[Becky gasps]

Dr. Two brains?

Yes, it's me--
dr. Two brains,

The truly evil

With an urgent
announcement to make.

Well, come on in.

Oh. Well...ok.
But only for a minute.

Should I take
my shoes off?

Regarding your
daughter becky--

Isn't this exciting, dear?
A real live supervillain.

It sure is.

Your daughter is--

You know, I never would
have guessed he was evil.

He seems so normal.i know. I know.

Mr. And mrs. Botsford,
I demand you pay att--

Well, except for the mouse brain
stuck to his head.

Your daughter becky
is wordgirl!

[Becky gasps]


Yeah, right.

Ha ha. Not true.

No, really.
I am serious.

Wow. An evil villain
and a sense of humor.

[Both laughing]

Oh, I just love it.

Please, dr. Two brains,
join us for dinner.


A good meal
will help you

Bring you
to your senses.

I assure you, there's
nothing wrong with my senses.

I can prove
your daughter is--


Hey, is that
macaroni and cheese?

Yes, indeedy.

Look, I can prove
becky is wordgirl.

Mmm. Cheddar.

For instance,
how come you never see

Wordgirl and becky
in the same place?

Salt, please.


Becky: ahem...

Oh, I know.
Because wordgirl

Is too cool to be seen
with a geek like my sister?

Now, t.j.
That's not nice.

Ok. Then how come they
look so much alike, hmm? Hmm?

Same height,
same weight, same face.

Ew! They don't look
anything alike.

T.j. Is right.
Wordgirl has

That red outfit
and cape.

Becky has
no cape. Hello!

Ugh! Don't you
find it odd

That both wordgirl
and becky

Have identical
monkey sidekicks?

That's ridiculous.

Bob can't be
a superhero sidekick.

He's afraid of spiders.
Or is that me?

It's you, dear.

Interesting idea,

But I'm afraid
you're quite mistaken.

Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha! Ha...

Ha...ha ha.

Oh, am i?

You really think
I'm mistaken

About your secret


Oh, what is
that word?

Ident--i mean,
I don't...i'm not sure.

Ah, yes, I have it.

You really think
I'm mistaken

About your true


What's that?



It means a set of traits
which defines a person or thing.

Oh, right.


Let me look it up
in the dictionary.

Mmm! Dictionary.

See? She can't be

She doesn't even know
what identifamy means.

There's no such word
as identifamy.

The word you were
looking for is identity.

It means who
or what you are,

What makes you different
from everybody else,

What makes you you.

Ah, yes. Identity.

How clumsy of me.

Well, I guess I was wrong.

There's no way your daughter
could possibly be wordgirl.

But thanks for
the great laugh.

Any time. And thank you
for a delicious dinner.

Next time, less mac,
more cheese.

You're welcome.
Come again.

Don't be
a stranger.



Narrator: big oops.


Becky really is

Huh? No!
Becky's wordgirl?

Guys, no.
I'm not. Me?


Ha ha ha. That's really...

You know what that is?
That's funny. Ha ha ha.


But, honey...
You're flying.

Uh...but that was
a trick.

Yes, a trick.

I learned it
in magic class.

But, honey,
you don't take
a magic class.

No, but I've
always wanted to.

Mind if I cut in?




Hey, is this
string cheese?


You know, I like
how you stick

To this whole
cheese theme.

Oh, thank you
for noticing.

It's not always easy,
believe you me.

Hey, no more small talk!
Back to my lair!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: back
at two brains' lair,

The evil doctor
is unveiling

The latest in mad
scientist gadgetry.

Yes, it looks like
your ordinary

Super-slick space ray
with titanium finish,

But its lightning-quick
amnesia-causing rays

Can erase a person's
memory in seconds.

Are you guys listening?

Oh. Um, sorry.

We're still
a little shocked

That our daughter
is wordgirl.

Well, pull it together.

This is some great evil-plot
explaining I'm doing here.

Go ahead.
We're listening.

Now, after I turn
this ray on becky,

She'll forget all about

Her annoying crime-fighting

And remain just becky,

A mild-mannered fifth-grader
with a great vocabulary.

Never again
will I have to worry

About wordgirl ruining
my cheese heists!

[Laughing maniacally]

Look, guys,
I have a plan.

And to think,

I was president
of wordgirl's
fan club,

Which makes me
president of
your fan club.


T.j., I need your help.

Nothing doing.

I mean, wordgirl
needs your help.

Neither of you
are getting
anything from me.

And now that I know
your true identity,

I'm giving you back
all my wordgirl stuff--

My official wordgirl
fan club card,

My lucky wordgirl
rabbit's foot,

My cereal box
decoder ring.

T.j., This is
no time to quarrel.

I'm not quarreling.
I'm arguing.

Quarrel, argue, bicker--
they all mean the same thing.

Mom, becky's
wordgirling me again.


Word up.

Look, sally,
it's our little girl
as wordgirl.

Hi, honey.

Makes you so proud.

Everyone scatter!

Dr. Two brains won't be able
to capture all of us

If we split up.

Come on, honey.

You heard our little
superhero daughter.

It's time to scatter!


Peekaboo! Oh, this
is so much fun!

Hey, no playing
with the mechanical ear.

Oh, sorry.

What are you doing?

Get wordgirl!

Leave my daughter

Mom, I can handle this.

T.j.: And another
thing, becky,

You can take back
your stinky
wordgirl boomerang!

Hey, where are we?

And what happened
to dinner?

My hero!

T.j., You saved the day.

I did? Really?

Hey, has anyone
seen becky?

Don't look at me.
Ha ha ha.

What's going on?
Where am i?

Who am i? Who are you?
Who is everybody?

You mean you don't
remember your identity?

Mmm...nope. Wow.

Look at all this
cool stuff.

Narrator: so once again
wordgirl and captain huggy face

Saved the day
from the forces of evil,

Keeping their secret identities
safe for now.

Why do I have
a mouse brain
stuck to my head?

Don't forget
to join us again soon

For another amazing episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play.

May I have
a word?

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "soar."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yeah, to soar.
It's, you know...

What wordgirl and huggy
did in the clip.

Sorry. That is not
a definition.

[Ding]oh, but, phil,

Captain huggy face
doesn't soar.

You see, to soar
means to fly upward

Or rise
to a great height.

Can you run
the clip again?

See? Wordgirl is
actually carrying huggy

While she soars.
Huggy can't fly.

That's right. You defined
"soar" correctly,

Which means
congratulations, emily.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

The official wordgirl
"soar like an eagle" hang glider

With attached eagles.

Audience: ooh...

[Eagles squawk]

Boy, huggy sure doesn't
have luck with soaring.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Psst! Listen
for "ban" and "restore."

At the rd annual
plastic cup throwing festival...

Man: and as is tradition,

I will officially
begin the festivities

With the ceremonial throwing
of the plastic cup.

[Applause and cheering]


[Audience gasps]

I challenge you,
mr. Mayor,

To a plastic cup
throwing contest.

[Audience gasps]


Bob, does that
mysterious man

Look familiar
to you, too?


Why, I've never
been challenged

To a plastic cup
throwing contest.

Oh, mr. Mayor,
I think you'll agree
to the challenge.


I accept
your challenge,

And if you win,
I will give you

Complete control
of the entire city.


Wait a second.
The mayor can't
give someone

over the city.

Man: actually, he can.
It's one of the town laws.

Whenever you're ready...
Mr. Mayor.

On your marks,
get set, throw.

Yeah. Score.
Beat that.

The mayor is acting
awfully strange.


It looks like
you have won,


You now have
total control
of the city.

I am no longer

And I will leave
now. Good-bye.

Mayor, come on!
Come on! We love you!

Ha ha ha ha! Success!

Thank you, former mayor,
for turning over the city to me,

Mr. Big!


I knew it!

Yes, i, mayor big,
shall restore this fair city

To its former glory.

[Excited murmuring]

There's a new
mayor in town.

Looks like this
is a job for wordgirl.

Well, of course.
Captain huggy
face, too.

I mean, it's implied.

Word up!


Narrator: pretty ominous,
don't you think?

As usual, my plan
worked perfectly, leslie.

This whole city
is under my control.

Congratulations, sir,
but may I ask

Why you're still
wearing that hat?

Oh, this? Well, I thought
all mayors wore top hats.

No, sir.

Oh. I'm still
going to wear it.

It keeps my hair warm.

Well, it won't
keep you warm
in jail!

Give up control
of this city
right now.

My, wordgirl, you certainly
have a way with entrances.

Now let's see how you do
with exits. Bye-bye.

We're not leaving
until you admit

You cheated
to become mayor.

Why, I would never--

Oh, please.

We know you
used your special
mind-control device

To control the mayor
and force him

To lose that contest
on purpose.

Why, wordgirl, even
if that were true,

Which it
very well may be,

You have no proof.

Oh, don't worry.
We will...in time.

Well, then I'd just
better make sure

You don't have
that "time."

As my first order
of business...[Ahem]

I hereby ban you
and your hairy friend

From the city.

Uh, sir.

Your first order
of business

Was ordering
that pizza.


Oh, fiddle-something.

Yes, my second order
of business as mayor

Is to ban you and that monkey
from the city.

What are you--

Mr. Big
is the bad guy!

No, I'm the mayor.
And that means

The police have to do
whatever I say. [Ahem]

Wordgirl and captain
huggy face,

I hereby ban you
from the city!

[Evil laughter]

Just to clarify,
by "ban,"

You mean we can't
ever come here again?

Yes. You two are no longer
allowed to enter this city.

Yes, that is correct.

I was afraid
of that.

Ta-ta. Ha ha ha ha!

With those two
out of the way,

I'm free to do
whatever I want with this city.

We have to prove
mr. Big used mind control

To take over the city.

I know wordgirl and captain
huggy face are banned,

But becky and bob aren't.

It's up to us
to save the day.

Hey, scoops.
Why so down?

Oh, I'm off
to mr. Big's office

To write another
glowing story about him.

Why would you write
nice stories about mr. Big?

He's terrible.

He passed a law
banning negative
stories about him.

So I can only
write about

All the wonderful
things he's doing.

"Mr. Big discovers
the moon"?

I worry the reputation
of the daily rag

Will never be restored.

Mr. Big: [ahem]...
Attention, loyal subjects.

It is i, mayor mr. Big.

Because I am the mayor and you
must do everything I say,

I will now read you
the new laws I have created.


Number one, no one shall blink
for the next minutes.

Number , let's make that
the next minutes.

And number , instead
of saying hello,

People will now
greet one another by quacking

Then hopping on one foot
and saying, "raspberries."

That is all.

All these laws
are outrageous!

They are, but
everyone in town

Has to abide
by them.

Mr. Big
is the law.

Hey, dad.

Quack, quack. Raspberries.

What's wrong?

Mr. Big liked
my favorite tie so much,

He...he...took it!


He's so mean.

[Narrator sighs]

Taking a man's tie,
that's low.

The worst part is,

With wordgirl banned
from the city,

There's no one
to stop mr. Big

And get back
my favorite tie!

If your mother asks,
I'll be at the tie store,

Trying to replace murray.

Narrator: murray?

He names all his ties.
It's strange.

Well, I have to
get back to work.

Mr. Big is excited
to tell everyone

About how
he invented ham.

Come on, bob.
Becky botsford has an idea.

Ok. Let's see...

What new law will make
everyone miserable?

Oh, I've got it!
Thank you, jeremy.

From now on, tuesday
will be called wednesday,

And wednesday will be called
froggy ping-pong.

Let the people know.

Mr. Mayor, sir,
it's here!

Ooh! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Oh, it is even more beautiful
than I imagined.

What? It's just
a bunny.

This, my clever
little columnist,

Is much more
than just a bunny.

This is from squishy
company, limited.

This is
the squishiest object

That has ever existed
on the planet earth,

And it's all mine.

Squish, squish...

Here you go, sir.

What is this,
the population of the city?

No. That's the bill.

Oh, my.
This is ridiculous.

I can't possibly pay this.

But everyone else
in the city can.

[Evil laughter]


Scoops, let the people know.

The best thing
about this is,

With wordgirl banned
from the city,

There's no one
to stop me.

Uh, hi. I'm sorry
to interrupt.

Who are you?
I'm becky.

I'm here
to take over
for scoops.

Say, when did
you get a job
at the paper--oh!

Ha ha ha.

I didn't know
someone was coming

To replace
my reporter.

Well, I've been dying
to have the chance

To talk with you.

After all, I'm such
an enormous fan.

Oh, well, by all means,
talk away.

Ok, then. Mr. Big,
you're charming, charismatic,

And a natural-born leader.

Do you feel that
more than makes up

For your lack
of planning skills?

Planning skills?

Yeah. You know,
thinking ahead,

Figuring out what
you're going to do

Before you do it.

Why, I always
think ahead.

Yeah, not buying it.

Oh, you don't,
do you?

So you don't
believe me, huh?

I just said--

So you're saying
you don't take

The words I say
as truth, correct?

How many times are you
going to ask me that?

Well, if you
don't believe me,

Take a look at this.

This is what
I planned out
for this past week.

Monday--wake up,
eat breakfast,

Count money,
go to bed.

That was
a great day.

Hmm. I still don't see
any signs of real planning.

Tuesday--wake up,
eat breakfast,

Use mind-control device
to defeat mayor

In plastic cup
throwing contest,

And secure control
of the city,

Count money, go to bed.

There. Are you happy?

Very. Come on in!

I'm sure you heard
mr. Big's confession.

Well, most of it.

You see, there was this
really neat pigeon out there.

Oh, I love pigeons.

Oh, boy.

No, that wasn't
a confession.

We were...well,
we were practicing

For a play I'm writing.

Who am I kidding?
I don't write plays.

I fixed the contest.

Uh, mr. Big, you no longer
have the right to be mayor.

Your power over
this city is over.

And I am officially
restored as mayor. Yay!

Congratulations on getting
your old job back.

Here. Have
a present.

Oh, my. It's so squishy.

This is amazing.

Hey, jim, come here.
You've got to try this.


He's getting away.

I know. It feels
just like

Butter in a sock,
doesn't it?

Oh, forget it!

Maybe this is
a job for wordgirl.

yes, and captain
huggy face.

Ha ha ha! Fools!

Drawn in by the awesome
power of the squishy.

Going somewhere?


You're banned
from the city.

Yeah? Well, this ban
just got lifted.

Mr. Big looks
a little thirsty,
doesn't he?


Now, huggy!


Mayor: and so, I'd like
to thank wordgirl

And captain huggy face
for once again saving our city

From a naughty,
naughty man.

Well, we're just happy
the mayor lifted the ban

And restored us
as the city's superheroes.

It looks like there's
something else

That needs to be

[Sobbing softly]

I think this
belongs to you.

Uh! Murray!
Thank you, wordgirl.


You have no idea
what it means to me!

I'm just glad
to help. Ew.

Ha ha ha.

Narrator: well, once again
wordgirl and captain huggy face

Have saved the day
and restored the city

To the happy place
it once was.

Tune in next time
for another amazing adventure

Of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: may I have a word?

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "soar."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Is wordgirl ready
to fight crime?

You betcha. Ok. Take a look
at these pictures,

And tell me which one
shows the definition for soar.

What do you think, emily?

That eagle is really
taking off in flight.

I'm going with number .

You are correct, emily,

Which means you win
the bonus round!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

Soar like an eagle

With these official
wordgirl eagle wings.

Is huggy ok?

Oh, he's great.
See you next time on...

May I have a word?

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to
your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up.

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is "curious,"

Because when
you're curious,

You get
a lot of answers.

I'm a very curious
person myself,

And I love
to ask questions.

I also love
to receive answers.

Well, I like
the word "star,"

Because I really love how you
look into the night sky,

And you just see stars,

And they're all twinkling
all around you.

And it's really fun.
When I think about stars,

I think about a wish,

And that wish
is what you want to do.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what pensive means.

That's right! Pensive means
to think a lot about something.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]

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