03x02 - Granny's Good Time All-Cure Spritzer/Mecha-Mouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x02 - Granny's Good Time All-Cure Spritzer/Mecha-Mouse

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: psst! Listen for
the words "hoax" and "potent."

Wordgirl and captain
huggy face are

In the sky.

Uh, yeah. I think
they can see that.

Sorry. There just doesn't seem
to be a lot going on.
I didn't know what else to say.

Well, I guess
things have been
slow today.

wait a minute!
What's that?

It's the notorious
granny may,

And she's got
someone tied up.

now that's more like it.

A crowd forms in city park

As granny may ties up
an innocent civilian.

Let's check it out,

Stop right there,
granny may.

But I wasn't doing
anything wrong.

This man volunteered.

Uh, it's true. I did.

Oh. Ok. Really?

Granny may's goodtime
all-cure spritzer is so potent,

Just one spray can make
this man strong enough

To escape
this cocoon of yarn.


Ah, I did it. I did it.

The spritzer
really does work.

I've never been able
to break out
of a yarn cocoon before.

[All murmuring]

That's right!
With just one spray

Of granny may's goodtime
all-cure spritzer,

Anyone can feel
years younger

And have the strength
to do anything!

Granny may's goodtime
all-cure spritzer?

Are you kidding?

Nope. Check the label.

Well, I still think
your spritzer
is a hoax.

You think I spit burps
on a boat?

Huh! It doesn't
even make sense.

I think you've been flying
too close to the sun.

No! A hoax!

Your spritzer is
a hoax! A fraud!

A scam! A fake!

Why, I'd do
no such thing.

My spritzer really works.

Now, who wants some?

[All clamoring]

I don't understand.

We always have
trouble getting out
of granny's yarn.

How could one spray
from that bottle
be potent enough

To make someone
stronger than me?

I know granny's up
to something.

We just have
to figure out what.
Come on, huggy.

"Feel ten years younger
and have the strength

To do anything...
Except fly."


Narrator: later,
at the botsford residence...

Hi, mom and--dad?
Dad, what are you

Oh, hello, becky.
I'm just spraying myself

With some of granny may's
goodtime all-cure spritzer.

Sure is a long name,
but it works wonders.

How do you know?

I just went out
for a -mile run.

I've never done that

That's because
you've never owned
running shoes before.

True. But it was
the spritzer

That made me feel
good enough to buy
these running shoes.

Aren't they great? Huh?
Huh? They're even good
for walking.

And standing.

I'm glad
you feel good, dad,

But are you sure
it's from
the spritzer?

Of course.
What else could it be?

I don't know.
I'm just saying

Granny may
has a history
of robbing people.

Maybe everyone should be
a little more cautious
of what she's selling.

Normally I'd agree
with you, honey.

But it's no hoax.

That spritzer is
really potent.

I don't know
what "potent" means,
but it sure is powerful.

"Potent" means
the same thing
as "powerful."

Why, with one spray
of granny's spritzer,

I'll be strong enough
to replace wordgirl's

I doubt the spritzer
is that potent.

Oh, come on.

Even if it only makes me
a little stronger,

I'll still be better
than that little monkey
she works with.

Hmm, maybe
it does work.

granny may's
at the market,

And she's
having a sale
on her spritzer!

If you buy
bottles of it,

They give you
one bottle for free!

That's an incredible deal!
Come on, becky!

We'll get you
some, too!

Come on, bob!

Becky: bob!

Look. It's
really her.

The lady on
my spritzer

So, who would like
to volunteer

To help me with
my demonstration?

I will!

Oh, well, aren't you
a handsome young man?

Heh heh! All thanks
to your spritzer.

What do you say
we show everyone
how well it works?

Dad, you sure
you want to do this?

Oh. Is this
your daughter?

Yes. Say hi, becky.

And what a cute
little koala.


And with just
one spray--

Oh! I can feel it

It's so potent.

I'm feeling stronger!

Yeah! Ha ha!

Look out!

I told you
it wasn't a hoax.

Man: I'll buy one.

How much
for a case?

You know, I could
use a suck--i mean
helper like you.

Would you like
to be my assistant?

I have dreamt
about this opportunity

Since the first time
I sprayed myself
in the face.

Thank you.

Now dad can break out
of granny's yarn?

We've got to find out
what's in that spritzer.

Word up!

♪ Doo doo doo doo doo

♪ Baby, doo doo
doo doo doo ♪


Almost done with
my latest batch
of spritzer.

Wordgirl: orange juice
and spray cheese?

Ha! I knew
it was a hoax!

Oh, hello, wordgirl.


Oh! Too strong!

Hee hee hee.
But my dad--

Uh, I mean, mr. Botsford
was able to break free
so easily.

Well, it's all part
of the hoax, wordgirl.

And it worked perfectly!

But no one will
ever know now that I've
got you all tied up.

Ha ha ha--

Ha ha ha!

Get her, huggy!

Oh, hello,
fuzzy britches.


Have a petrified
purse mint!

Huggy, look out!

Granny may: well,
I'd love to stay,
but I can't.

I'll be late
for my next
spritzer sale.

The "p.m. Dinnertime
evening news show"
will have cameras there.

They're going to film
your spritzer sale?

That's right,

And once it's
on television,

The entire city will
want my spritzer!

I'll make millions!

And there's nothing
you or your fuzzy little
chum can do about it.


Huggy, we've got
to stop her!



I guess granny's spritzer
is good for something.

Wait a second.

Huggy, wrap your hands
in that blue yarn.


Now try to break free.


Now wrap your hands
in the purple yarn.


That's how dad broke free.

Granny's got two
different types of yarn:

The purple one that's
amazingly strong

And the blue one that's
fragile and weak!

Now find something
to get me out of this yarn.

Nice work, huggy!

Word up--

Oh, right. Sorry.

meanwhile, at the park,

Granny may has set up
a stage for her big
spritzer sales pitch.


With just one spray
of granny may's goodtime
all-cure spritzer,

Any person can feel
ten years younger

And have the strength
to do anything!

But don't take
my word for it.

Listen to
mr. Flopgord.

it's botsford.

Oh, right.

and gentlemen,

Mr. Bopcorn!

Granny may is right.

Her spritzer is so potent,

It turned me into
a regular old he-man!

Why, it's made me
so strong,

I'm going to start
my own rock moving

Ok, dear,
that's enough.

That's right, folks.

Granny may's
goodtime all-cure

Is so potent
that after
just one spray,

This nice little man
will be able
to break free

Of an unbreakable
yarn cocoon!

Bring me my yarn!


Is there a problem,

Wordgirl! Uh, what?

Problem? Uh, no.
No, no, no.

It's all--
it's just, well,

That's not the yarn
I was going to use
for this demonstration.

Well, that shouldn't
matter, right?

With a little
of your spritzer,

Mr. Botsford should have
the strength to break
through anything.

Granny may:
o-oh, right.

Heh heh heh!
Of course,
of course.


Well, go ahead, granny.
Spritz him.

Heh heh! Uh, ok.

Uh, here goes.

Ah. Now watch
as I break--


It's as easy as...

Usually--ha ha--
all you need is
just one spray to--


it's not working.

[All murmuring]

It never worked.

It's all a big hoax!

[Crowd gasps]


The blue yarn is

But the purple is
virtually unbreakable.

Hey! It's a hoax!

I want
my money back!

Me, too!

Uh, no problem.

I will give all of you
your money back

When pigs fly!

Ha ha ha!



Nice work, huggy!


Too bad I have
another hand.





Out of gas?

I thought I told you
to fill up my suit.

Uh, no, you didn't.

You just told me
to break out
of the yarn.

Oh. Hmm.

Well, a good assistant
would have known to do it.

You're fired!

You can't fire me,
because I quit!

Right about now is
when I'd storm off
really dramatically,

But I can't
because I am tied up
in your yarn.

Narrator: tune in next time
for another potent episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word!"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word!"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "pounce."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show
the meaning of the word.

[Huggy screeching]


What is going on
with you, emily?

Ha ha ha!
It's just so cute

The way huggy
pounces on people!

Ok, but can anyone--

I'll define it,

But can huggy
pretty please pounce
on something first?

I really don't think

Thanks, huggy.

To pounce is
to spring

On something
or someone

That is correct!
Congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what's she's won!

An official wordgirl hot air
dr. Two brains balloon.

All: ooh!

Nice pouncing, huggy!

he's so cute!

All right.
Well, that's it
for today's show.

See you next time on...

All: "may I have a word!"

Narrator: listen for the words
"identical" and "astonished."

It's the eve of the city's
for festival,

Jam-packed with events,
bargains, and fun,

All for the price of .

As the city prepares
for the celebration,

A different preparation
is underway

In the secret laboratory
of dr. Two brains.


The mecha-mouse
mechanical muscle machine!

Whoa. Shiny.

yes. Shiny.

It's a mechanized suit,

Fully loaded with
every goody imaginable.

That sounds great!
What's that mean?

What's it mean?

It means wordgirl is finished!
That's what it means!

She always gets
the best of me

Because she's
both smart and strong.

I've always been smart,
very smart, but too weak!

But now, with this suit,

I'll finally have
my own muscle!

There's no way
she can stop me!

Ah, ha ha ha!

[Suit motor sputters, dies]


Hang on.
I'll get the manual.

Oh! Oh, oh, yes.
Now, where was i?

[Engine turns over]
it's working!
Ha ha ha ha!

[Dr. Two brains laughing]

B-but seriously,
this will help me

Finally accomplish one
of my ultimate goals:

To buy or lease
or timeshare

My very own personal
private island!

Ha ha ha ha!

Every evil scientist has one.
It's high time I had one, too.

Of course, since it's
for week,

I'll get another
identical island for free.

We'll use that
for cheese storage.


Yes. Identical.

As in alike?

Exactly the same?

And now, with
my mecha-mouse suit,

I'm both smart and strong!

It's the ultimate -for- !

And once I get
my private islands,
I shall be unstoppable!

[All laughing]

Yeah. You can
do it all now.

It's almost like you don't
even need us anymore.

that's the smartest thing
you've said all day.

You're fired.


Oh, don't look
so astonished.

You said it yourself:

This suit can do everything
you can do, only better.

Remember you said that?

Hey, doc,

Can we still come
to the island?

Narrator: the next day,
the for festival begins,

And at the art museum,

Our heroes enjoy the for
special exhibit.

Different narrator:
totally unaware of the danger

About to descend on
the city and on the world.

Whoa! Who was that?

oh. That's my brother.

He's here for
the for festival.

You know, two narrators,
one episode.

Narrator's brother:
enchanted to meet you.

he's a little theatrical.

I think the whole idea
of the for festival
is two of the same.

You guys aren't
anything alike.

Narrator: oh, no.
We're identical twins.

Narrator's brother:
I am seconds older.

Right. Got it.

It is i, dr. Two brains!

I hope you enjoyed
these priceless works of art,

Because I'm about to do
a little -for- shopping!

stink spray times two!

Ha ha ha ha!

Come on, bob!
Word up!

Hold it right there,
two brai--ugh!

ugh! The stench.
It's disgusting!

To me it smells
like victory!

Ha ha ha! My new suit has
lots of fun surprises!

Take a big whiff,

it won't prevent us
from stopping you!

captain huggy face?

Bring it on, kiddo!

Hey! What gives?

Astonishing, isn't it?

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ I'm stronger
than wordgirl ♪

♪ I'm stronger
than wordgirl ♪

Can't...get free.

Oh, hello, mr. Statue.

You'll look good
on two brains island,

And your identical twin, too.

I don't want to break up
the family. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha--oh.

Hey...you guys.

So, you're security
guards now, huh?

Working hard or
hardly working? Ha!


Hey, your shiny new suit
really works, huh, boss?

Look, I'm not your boss.
You don't have to call me
that anymore.

Oh. Yeah.


Well, gotta go.

Mecha-mouse machine:
blast off!


Oh, right,
right, right. Ahem.

Mecha-mouse machine:
blast off!

He got away.

Um, yes.
I can see that.

I don't think we'll
be needing your
services anymore.

Looks like
two brains has
a new toy.



See the golden
dance pants!

Made from
gold bars!

Is this it?
Where are the other
golden dance pants?

It's for -for- week!

But there's
a pair of pants
right there.

I mean,
a pair means two.

Then there should be
two identical pairs

Of golden dance pants,
shouldn't there?

I don't know, man.
That's all I got.

Oh, fine!

I won't need a bag.

I'm trying to be
more environmental.
Ha ha ha!

Not so fast!


I still can't make
a dent!

Let me know
when you're finished.


Whoa! Stop! Ah!

Oh, get off, get off!
You're messing up the head!


Ha ha ha ha!

My suit is unstoppable!

I guess I won't
need this anymore.


You two again.

Hi. All right.

Well, good luck.

Mechanical muscle mouse
machine: blast off!

Narrator: will wordgirl
find a way to defeat
dr. Two brains?

Narrator's brother:
or is his amazing
new suit too powerful?

Narrator: jeez, I hope not.
Hey, come on!

I'll beat
that suit!

It's got to have
a weakness.


Good work,
captain huggy face!

This is exactly
the break we needed!

My golden
dance pants!

My store!

You two
are fired.

Turn in
your pants!


oh, wow.

This suit has
some astonishing

Astonish? Oh.

Well, it means to fill
with wonder or amazement.

It also means
really surprised.

Remember everyone's face
in the museum

When they first saw
two brains and his mecha-suit?

Right. Those people
were astonished.

Hmm. Back to
the mecha suit.



yes! Yes! Ok.
Here's the plan!

Narrator: have wordgirl
and captain huggy face
discovered the flaw

In dr. Two brains' mechanized
muscle mouse machine?

Will they stop dr. Two brains
before he gets his very own
private island?

Narrator's brother:
or will two brain island become

The center of crime
and evil for all eternity?

Ask your brother who
usually wins the battles
on this show, buddy.

Narrator's brother:
kids grow up so fast
these days.

Narrator: later, at
the private island store...

My identical
private islands will
become the center

Of crime and evil
for all eternity!

At least that's what
a little narrator
told me.

Henchman # :
get your private islands.

Buy one island,
get a second
identical island free.

Oh, you again!

Would you stop
following me?

But we work here!

That's what
you think!

Now, off you go!
Shoo! Shoo! Go!

not so fast, two brains.


I'm astonished,

You insist on repeating
the identical situation

Over and over and over.

You know, you're right.
You're just
too powerful now.

I am? Huh!

You're actually
complimenting me.

I'm astonished.

Well, that suit just
proves what a brilliant
scientist you are.

I like to think I had
something extra.

Spunk, natural flair.
Call it--

Yeah, yeah, you're great.
We get it. So, me being
the superhero and all,

I feel like I should
at least try to stop you
one last time.

Oh, if you must.
Prepare to smell
defeat, wordgirl!

stink spray!

Something's wrong!



What just happened?

We discovered a weakness

That could trigger
a mecha-suit meltdown--

That big red
self-destruct button,
which is right on your back.

You noticed that,
did you?

I'm astonished
it was so easy.

Oh, I knew
I shouldn't have
put that on there.

Oh, well, live
and learn, I guess.
See you around.

Uh, you're going
to jail, actually.

Jail?! No!

Hey, henchmen! Guys!

How's it going?

Not so great.

You just got us
fired again.

Good, good! Great!
Glad to hear it!

So, hey, how about you
help me take on wordgirl
and captain hoozy-winks?

For old times' sake.
Doesn't that
sound like fun?

Sorry, pal.

We got to get
to a job interview.

Guys? Guys?
Please? Please!

See you when you
get out of jail!
Ha ha ha!


Well, I guess
I deserved that.
Yep. Shall we go?

Narrator's brother:
so ends the astonishing story
of a man and his machine,

Brought to justice by
a girl and her monkey.

Wow. That was
actually pretty good.

Narrator: it was beautiful.
So, you back off to hollywood?

Narrator's brother: yeah.
well, thanks for visiting.

I, uh, just gotta
finish up here. Ahem.

Join us soon for another
astonishing episode

[Voice cracks]
of "wordgirl."
Oh. Ahem.

I can do a lot better
than that, I promise.

Narrator's brother:
please, allow me.

Join us soon for another
astonishing episode
of "wordgirl."

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word!"

Our returning champion,
emily, correctly defined
the word "pounce"

And will now go
for another prize.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

mr. Handsome!

Ok, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "pounce."

Ok, emily,
what's your answer?

oh, I know.

I know. He's so cute
when he pounces like that.

Sorry. The answer is
number one.

You are correct, emily!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

Yes, it's an official wordgirl
captain huggy face balloon!

Too cute! Ha ha!

no more pouncing.

See you next time on...
"may I have a word!"

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

"Conserve" is
my favorite word

Because it's so important
to the world.

You can conserve
water, wood,

Paper, plastic,
and lots of other things.

I conserve at home.

I recycle, and I know
ways to conserve:

Reduce, re-use, recycle.

I call them "the rs."

Conserving is
my so favorite word.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what drowsy means.


That's right! Drowsy means
to feel really sleepy.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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