01x14 - Heavy Metal w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x14 - Heavy Metal w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons.

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

So far we're right on schedule.

Pretty soon these energy
discs will start tapping power,

from the Earth's magnetic field,

and we'll have all the heat and
electricity we need.

Hey! I didn't send for
more equipment!

Did you hear me?!

I said...


There's nobody driving.

-Right! No one drives us,
stupid human.

We are the Constructicons!

We drive ourselves.

-They're stealing the energy disc!

Stop 'em!

They've got the power converter too!

Help! Police!

-We have what we came for!

Constructicons, transform!

Foolish man of flesh.

If you interfere with us,

you will be terminated.


-We return to our master, Megatron!

-Th-they're with the Decepticons.

MEGATRON: My Constructicons
have returned to our,

temporary base, right on scheule.

They were worth the time we spent
bulding them in these caverns.

Scrapper, report.

-All present or accounted
for, noble leader.






and myself.

MEGATRON: You have the
energy disc components?

Excellent, Scrapper.

Unload and attach them to
your new invention at once.

-I am honored to serve, Megatron.

-Soon, Starscream, soon.

Scrapper's invention will give me
the power to defeat the Autobots,

once and for all.

-Forgive me, but I believe your
boast sounds vaguely familiar.

We failed before, through
no fault of mine,

but this time I shal not be denied.

This device will enable me
to strike at the Autobots,

through Optimus Prime's only weakness,

his over-developed sense of honor.

[ laughs ]


Those signals spell trouble, and
I'm talking Decepticons.

-Can you make out how many, Spike?

-Looks like just one, dad.

One's one too many, when it's Megatron.

-Let's see how he likes
my new shock-blast cannon.

That's a shock alright.

-Too much lip, Wheeljack.
Not enough action.

-Since when have you decided to
make yourself a target,

without fighting back, Megatron?

-I have come to talk,
not fight, Optimus Prime.

-Autobots, hold your fire!

Very well. Speak, Megatron.

-I come about a matter of
Cybertron law, Optimus Prime.

Our w*r has gone on for millions of years.

Decepticons fighting Autobots.

In which opposing leaders,
you and I Optimus Prime,

may do battle.

The loser must exile himself, and
his army, to deep space for eternity.

The winner may stay where he chooses.

Do you have the courage for that?

-I don't trust him, Optimus.

-But it would end the w*r.

-And you could take him,
Optimus. You're the best!

-Also, it is the law of our native planet.

Very well, I accept the challenge.

-Somehow I felt you would, Optimus Prime.

You have such a strong sense of honor.

Your invention is completed, Scrapper.

Then we are ready.

So proceed with the strength transfer.

-As you order, master Megatron.

Now, Decepticons!

Each of you must contribute a power
chip rectifier to the exchange furnace.

-But, I need my power chip rectifier.

Besides, the Cybertron Code of Combat
requires each warrior to fight as he is,

without additional reinforcement.

You wouldn't want to cheat,
would you Megatron?

-I will win by any means!

At any cost.

Even if it means terminating
you, Starscream.

-I was only raising a legal point.

-I am not concerned
with technicalities.

Only victory interests me.

-The critical temperature has
been acheived, Megatron.

-Then let the strength transfer begin!

Yes. More, more!

Give me all your power!


The strength transfer is a success.

I now posess all your powers,
in addition to my own.

Optimus Prime, and
the Autobots, are finished!

[ laughs ]

I now have the strength of
all my Decepticons!

-The Autobot's computer, Teletraan I,
if it detects your deception,

it will alert Optimus Prime.

-It won't!

Scrapper, you and the others
have your orders.

Constructicons, transform!

While all the Autobots are assembled
to watch my combat with Optimus Prime,

my Constructicons will tunnel their
way beneath those headquarters.

Then enter the control room
and destroy Teletraan I.

[ laughs ]

Optimus Prime won't know
what hit him!

[ laughs ]

SPIKE: I'm still not crazy about,

this combat deal Optimus.

We all know how tricky Megatron can be.

I mean they don't call those
creeps Decepticons for nothing.

-The code specifies a fair battle, Spike.

Under those rules I'm
confident I can beat Megatron.

Besides, if he does not abide by
the rules Teletraan I will tell us.

The time for the battle approaches.



roll out!

Autobots, transform!

-Okay, we're here. Where's
the opposition?

-That answer your
question, Ironhide?

-Hail, Optimus Prime!

And welcome to defeat!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Defeat Megatron?

But our battle has not yet begun.

-As soon as our respective
armies take their places,

we shall correct that oversight.

-Remember the law, Megatron!

This battle is between you and me, alone,

and unaided.

-Doesn't this remind you of the
gladitorial comabts in ancient Rome?

-Maybe it would, if I knew
what you were talking about.

-It's Earth history Ironhide.

Skip it.

-One-to-one combat, Megatron.

-With the vanquished and his
army exiled to deep space,


-Never knew he was that strong.

-My power chip gives him the
use of my cluster bombs.

-Go Optimus!
-Alright, Optimus!

-Zap him good!

-And the use of my null ray, too.

-You should see me do that,
when I got my power chip.

-Optimus, behind you!

-Careful, Scrounge. This
volcano is indeed active.

-Scrapper, I'm picking up
computer signals from above.

We're directly under Teletraan I.

SPIKE: Optimus Prime! Get up, Optimus!

SPARKPLUG: You can beat him, Optimus!

-Way to go Prime!

-You're not down yet!

-[ megatron laughs ]

-You cannot blast what
you cannot see.

-Nor what you cannot hear.

[ laughs ]

-Reflector and Thundercracker
must be proud,

or rather there power chip
rectifiers must be.

-You were good, Optimus Prime.

But not good enough to fight Megatron!

And so the battle ends!

MEGATRON: It is over!

Optimus Prime has been defeated!

All Autobots must exile
themselves to deeper space!

SPIKE: No. I can't believe it.

-Optimus Prime, beaten by Megatron.

-He's still functional, but barely.

-My fault. Underestimated Megatron.

Never suspected he had so many powers.

OPTIMUS PRIME: I was not prepared.

-Well, I'm prepared,

to knock those Deceptibums
all the way back to Cybertron.

-[ indistinct chatter ]


Megatron has beaten me,
according to Cybertron law.

To violate that law would
destroy our honor.

We will comply.

And leave this Earth, forever.

(Autobots groan)

-As you command, Optimus.

-We'll need Teletraan I to
diagnose all his damage.

-Optimus, can you transform?

-I'll try.

-Maybe I can help Optimus save some
of his strength on the way back.

Let me take tha load, Optimus.

-You're a true friend, Huffer.

Autobots, roll out!

Perhaps for the last time.

-We will accompany them back
to their headquarters,

to make certain noble Optimus
Prime keeps his word.

-Now, the Autobot
computer, Teletraan I,

is just beyond this
cavern ceiling.

-We'll have to blast through.

Mixmaster, we need acid.

-Ok. Uh, let's mix up some, uh,
HSO with, uh,

with, uh, HCL, with uh...

I know! I'll combine some of
each of the stronger acids.

-Teletraan I calls. Dinobots respond.

-There's Teletraan I!

For Megatron, destroy it!

GRIMLOCK: No destroy Teletraan I!

Dinobots destroy you!

-Sludge not see these Decepticons before.

-Not see again either.

Because we dynomite them to pieces.

-Dinobots no fool around.

-Right. Dinobots, transform!

-It's bad news Scrapper.

They've brought out the heavy artilery.

-Then it's time we did the
same, only heavier.

Constructicons, transform! Pase one!

Now, transform! Phase two!

-Prepare to meet your doom.

Nothing can withstand the might of...


-Hey, check that out!

What is it?

IRONHIDE: Our Dino-buddies.

We gotta help!

OPTIMUS PRIME: No, Irhonhide.

Remember the law.

IRONHIDE: Uh, sorry about that.


Optimus is a good as the day he
rolled off the mechanical line.

Better, even.

-But, I still don't understand where
Megaton got enough strength to whip 'im.

-I do.

I just had Teletraan I do an energy
scan Optimus' damaged parts and,

see for yourslves!

WHEELJACK: Of course.

Somehow Megatron used the powers
of all the other Decepticons!

-Then, then Megatron cheated!

And we can ignore the agreement with him!

Right, Optimus?

-That is affirmative!

Autobots, the time has
come to fight back!

[ autbots cheer ]

-Nothing defeats the Devastator.


AUTOBOT: Nothing, little one?

[ laughter ]

What would you say about me?

[ laughter ]

-Now, before he realises
what is happening.

-The giant Autobot was
a holographic illusion!

It wasn't real!

OPTIMUS PRIME: No! But we are!

-Nail 'em, guys! Turn 'em to scrap!

-No, Megatron.

You will not have to fight
all Autobot powers at once.

Just me!

It is ended.

-Is it really over, Optimus?

I mean, have we seen the
end of this w*r forever?

-Who can say, Spike?

In this vast universe, is
anything truly forever?

-We shall rise...

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