01x08 - The Ultimate Doom: Brainwash (Part 1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x08 - The Ultimate Doom: Brainwash (Part 1)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons.

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

NARRATOR: Off the Malabar coast of India,

a Maharaja has converted his
palace into a Solar power station,

As a gift to his people.

-The solar collectors are producing three
hundred units of energy per second.


What can be happening?

-I hear the Maharajah's
holding an open house.


-Autobots, activate hydrofoils!

-Thanks for the crazy
waterskis, Wheeljack!

I always wanted to play motorboat!

-Ah, I wish they were painted to
match my basecoat. They clash!

later, Sunstreaker!

Our primary concern is the Decepticons!

-I've got to restore power!


-[ laughs ] Anyone for a game of... catch?

-We're not here to frolic, Skywarp.

Get rid of him.


SKYWARP: Optimus Prime!

transform for action!

-You will get more action than
you bargain for, Optimus Prime.

-You promised me a guinea pig, Megatron.

I need one for my experiment.

-Patience Dr. Arkeville.

Operation Guinea Pig is
proceeding according to schedule.

Soundwave, acknowledge.

-Proceed, Megatron.

-The Autobots have been
successfully diverted.

Begin Phase Two of the operation.

-Affirmative. Rumble, transform.

CLIFFJUMPER: Aah! Watch it, Sparkplug!

-What's wrong? The oil too hot?

-What the...

-Ravage, transform.

-What's shakin'?

-Center of the
disturbance is over there.

-It's Rumble.

-Laserbeak, transform.

SPIKE: Ironhide? Bumblebee?

What's goin' on?

-Nothing a little flare-fire
can't clear up.

-Look out, Sideswipe!

-Way to go, Sideswipe!

-Clobber that Decepti-kitty.

-Let me go!


-Decepticons have captured my dad.

MEGATRON: Decepticons!

Operation Guinea Pig complete.

Return to base.

-Decepticons, follow me!

-They've pulled out.

-And without any energon cubes.

-Hmm... that does not
satisfy my logic circuits.

-Prime, the Decepticons have
hit Autobot Headquarters!

-We were set up!

-Autobots, transform and roll!

Back to headquarters at once!

MEGATRON: Your guinea pig
has arrived, Dr. Arkeville.


-Let me go, you Bakelite-beaked buzzard!

-Laserbeak, where are your manners?

Our guest needs a seat.

-Guest, huh? Prisoner's more like it.

-I say Megatron's plan was brilliant.

-And I say the diversionary attack
on the solar plant was a waste of energy.

-You waste more energy with your mouth.

-Look, I...

-Silence! Control yourselves.

-One of these might
open a door out of here.

-Don't go yet!

I have something which
will interest you.

MEGATRON: It had better function, doctor,

or you may cease functioning.

-I have worked too diligently
to fail now, Megatron.


-Whatever you're doing,
the Autobots will stop you.

-Silence, miserable flesh creature.

You are to be the first of a new breed.

A breed of slaves.

-Cheer up, Spike.

We'll get Sparkplug back safe,
no matter what it takes.

Got any inventions, Wheeljack?

-Maybe, but we'll need a plan.

-I've got the plan, if all of you've
got the cast-iron manifolds for it.

-We have!

Transform and roll out!

-Everything is in readiness, Megatron.

-Are you sure the new
spacebridge will be large enough,

to transport its special... cargo?


But delivering the cargo will use
up all our remaining energon cubes.

-We will worry about that later.

Eavesdropping, doctor?

-What's this about a spacebridge
and a special cargo?

-That's not your affair.

The Earth shall be yours when
we are through with it.

That's all you need to know.
Now, give me a demonstration.

-My hypno-chip has the power
to override the will of the individual.

I, and I alone, control
the actions of my slaves.

-We shall test your theory, doctor.

Sparkplug, say hello to your friend.

-Optimus Prime. Prepare to attack.

-[ laughs ]

Relax, you panic monger.

This is merely a model of our enemy.

-Sparkplug, deal with him.

-Excellent, doctor!

Your hypno-chip will provide me with
the means to conquer the Earth,

and the Autobots once and for all!

-You have your assignments. Go for it!

-Into the ocean, best be daring,
the last one in is a rusty herring!

-I hope the saltwater doesn't
bleach my body enamel!

-Activate your depth gauge, Cliffjumper.

We've gotta know when
we're below sea level.

-. feet above, and descending.

-A scanner at twelve o'clock, Prime.

Let's see if they can scan this!

Autobots, move in!

-[ laughs ]

There's more where that came from.

-Ditto, Mega-dunce! Plenty more!

-We're not only below sea level,

We're below the ocean floor, Brawn.

-Hang a left and straighten out!

-Hey, Thundercracker!

This belong to you?

-We should be gettin' close.

-You'd better pass me.

-Your magnetic field
activated, Windcharger?

-Right. Soon as I feel a tug,

we'll know we've reached
Decepticon Headquarters.

-Everybody into the pool!

-I don't care what Megatron
says. The prisoner stays.

-How would you like me to reprogram
you into a trash compactor?

-Okay, this must be the place.

-Give it the glass gas, Cliffjumper.


-Gotta grab Sparkplug!

-Hold your breath, Sparkplug!

-Those Autobots will pay for this!

-[ laughs ]

DR. ARKEVILLE: They certainly will.

They've just taken our
sl*ve into their midst!

-Will ya hold still, Sunstreaker?

-Be careful with that thing.

You'll get scorch marks
on my selenium shinguards.

-Gee, Dad, it's sure great
to have you back.


-No talk. There's work to be done.

Who else needs repairs?

-Wheeljack. Something's wrong with Dad.

-You're not kiddin'.

-Hey, cut it out!

My back's A-OK!

-No, sl*ve.

Fix only the Autobots who are injured.

-Prime's circuits are fine, Sparkplug.

I told you I fixed them, didn't I?

-I'm a mechanic. I know what I'm doing.

-Attack! Spare no one!

-How'd they get in?

-Teletraan I must have blown
his beta-biodes.

-What's going on?

-The destruction of
your breed, Autobot!



SPIKE: A wrench? Dad's wrench!

That's why the alarm didn't go off!
Dad sabotaged Teletraan!

-[ laughs ]

-Excellent! Excellent!

SPIKE: Dad, what's wrong?

It's me, Spike.

-Don't know. Can't stop myself.

Decepticons want me to...


What is it, Dad?

-They want me... to help...



-You will obey me, sl*ve!
You have no choice!


-Out of my way!

Must work!

-Dad, Please!

-Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Farewell, Autobots, forever!

-It's up to you, Teletraan.

-Fire-retardant foam.

Our circuitry's been shorted out.

-My w*apon!

Can't we just bash 'em to pieces?

-If we stay, this foam will permanently
damage our circuitry.

The Autobots are through, anyway.


-Come. Join me and rule!

-Dad! You're not like
the Decepticons!

-Then you will fight against
your own father.

When next we meet,
we are enemies!

-Coordinate the angles of
the energy pylons.

-So, Megatron, you're
finally preparing,

this "spacebridge" to send
that "special cargo", eh?

-Precisely, doctor.

And the cargo will be nothing less
than our home planet of Cybertron.

-Your planet?

You're bringing a planet to the Earth?


-But the gravity of your planet
will create earthquakes,

tidal waves... it will...

devastate my planet!

-Ahh, but that devastation will create
a tremendous flow of energy.

Energy which your hypno-chip slaves
will collect into energon cubes.

The cubes will then easily be
shipped to Cybertron for our use.

But what will be left of Earth, then?

I will be ruler of a dead world!

-A small problem, my dear doctor,

for your amazing genius.

-Has Teletraan I been debugged?

-We're just checking it out.

OPTIMUS PRIME: Good. Teletraan's Skyspy is,

functioning once more.

SPIKE: Yeah, and look what it's picking up.

RATCHET: Decepticons! Let's get a read-out.

of those energy pylons,

form a space pyramid,

with the apex beyond this galaxy.

-A spacebridge.

The biggest spacebridge ever!

-We must investigate at once.

Roll for it!

-Spacebridge completed.

We are ready to transport Cybertron.

-And we are ready to receive.


-Position the slaves, doctor. At once!

-As you wish, Megatron.

-Autobots, transform and move in.

The game is over, Megatron!

-On the contrary, Optimus Prime!

I still have a trump card to play!

-Autobots, hold your fire!

We cannot endanger the humans!

-You disappoint me, Prime!

I never dreamed you'd let a
few worthless flesh creatures,

stand in the way of attacking us!

-It's not over yet, Megatron!

-It's Dad!

attack the Autobots!

-Hey, this is not my scene.

-Spike, I need your help.

-Dad, no!

He's your friend!

All the Autobots are our friends!

-Autobots? Friends?


What's wrong? Are you...

-I'm getting bio-feedback from
Sparkplug's hypno-chip.

I must re-compute the control codes.

-Feeling better, Dad?

-I... think so, son.

-[ chuckles ]

This jolt will reactivate his hypno-chip!

-[ groans in pain ]

Out of my way.


-Don't call me that.

Never again!

-Entering final countdown phase.

If energy pylons are not operational,

Cybertron will be
catapulted into oblivion.

-Pylon number one activated!

-That's the last one you're
activating, Megatron!


You will activate the last pylon and
bring Cybertron here.

-As the Earthling say...

Fat chance, fat-head!

-If you don't, you will be responsible
for Cybertron's destruction.

-Destruction? But there are
still many inhabitants...

friends on Cybertron!

-Then make your choice,
Optimus Prime!

-Very well, Megatron...

...you win.

-Aahh! This is only the beginning!

The sum of Earth's magnificent
energy will be mine!

I have won!

[ laughs victoriously ]

-Have I saved Cybertron...
only to destroy the Earth?

NARRATOR: In the next
episode of The Transformers,

Megatron's deadly plan to bring
Cybertron into Earth's orbit,

creates tremendous natural
disasters around the world.

The Dinobots attempt to stop the
huge tidal waves, and earthquakes,

which thr*aten to rip the planet apart.

And Spike journeys to Cybertron
to save his father, Sparkplug,

who has been turned
into a mindless sl*ve.

All in the next exciting episode of
The Transformers: The Ultimate Doom.
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