01x06 - Divide and Conquer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x06 - Divide and Conquer

Post by bunniefuu »

Factories are busy manufacturing
weapons to be used against the

greatest threat the
world has ever known.

Evil, super powerful,
robots: Decepticons.

(Supervisor) If you can use your computer
skills to step up our efficiency, Chip,

we'll be able to double
our weapons output.

-I'll give it a try, sir.



-Foolish insects!

(Skywarp laughs)

-Humans run funny, don't
they, Starscream?

(Skywarp) Uh, look
out behind you.

(Starscream) Drain this factory
of its energy at once!

Fill the energon cubes!

-There's nothing we
can do to stop them!

-Well, don't cash in your
computer chips yet, sir.

-There may still be a few
buttons we can push!

(Ironhide) Any luck,
Optimus Prime?

Did ya figure out
where the Decepticon

space bridge will
show up next?

-I'm afraid not, Ironhide.

I've scanned the area where
the bridge first appeared,

but my readouts
came up zero.

-We might as well head back to
Autobot Headquarters, Prime.

-Wait. A distress signal from Chip
Chase at the munitions plant.

Decepticons attacking. Autobots,
transform and meet me there!

(Ironhide)You heard
the chief! Roll out!

-Heh. I wonder if I'll ever
get used to that.

(Skywarp) There it is, Starscream.

Every last micro-spark of energy
we could wring from the place.

-I'm afraid your button-pushing
was too little, too late.

-Mission leader to Decepticon

(Starscream) Acknowledge, Megatron!

-Megatron here. (Sarcastically) Report,
mission leader Starscream.

-I have achieved complete success.
All the factory's energy is ours.

-Return with the energon cubes.

When I receive the new
coordinates for the spacebridge,

we will transport them to Cybertron.

(Starscream) As you
command, Megatron.

But surely you wish to
commend me for my efforts.

After all, I was...


-I knew the Autobots
wouldn't let me down!

-Optimus Prime!

-Very perceptive.

-You outnumber Prime three to
one. g*ng up and destroy him!

-With pleasure!

-Alter attack angle!
-I'm with you!

-Optimus, are you all right?

-Affirmative. But keep back!

-I'd rather bash Prime one-on-one,
but when Megatron says g*ng up,

Thundercracker gangs!

(Skywarp) Hey! Ya blew it,
Thundercracker, but I won't!

-Wrong as usual, Skywarp.

-Optimus, watch out! That's
a heat-seeking m*ssile!

-Optimus! The computer!

-It's going to blow!

-I will shield you!

Hit him with everything!

(Optimus Prime groaning)


-Unidentified vehicles approaching.


-Starscream! Do not fight them.

(Megatron) Escape with
the energon cubes.

-Decepticons! We'll run
'em into the ground!

You can't, Ironhide!

You gotta help Optimus Prime!

-Wow... what happened
to you, Prime?

-Badly... damaged.

Losing... energy rapidly.

Wheeljack... Can
you repair me?

-I hope so, but not here. Can
you still transform?

-I'll... try.

(Optimus Prime)Power relays...
are fused. Mobility limited.

Part replacement essential.

-He's gotta make it.

-I don't know. He
got hit real bad.

(Bumblebee) Hey, lighten up, you guys!
Optimus is gonna pull through!

He's--he's got to!

What is the condition
of Optimus Prime?

-He has been permanently
deactivated. We saw him fall.

-Fall, yes, but can you guarantee
his laser core was extinguished?

I must be certain! Soundwave,
activate Laserbeak.

-Laserbeak, transform.

Come to me.

Fly to Autobot Headquarters

and learn the true condition
of Optimus Prime.

-I think Laserbeak's chicken!

He'll have more to fear if
he refuses to obey me!

(Megatron) If Optimus Prime's laser
core was in fact extinguished,

we shall destroy the
accursed Autobots

and none shall stand between us
and our conquest of the universe.

(Sparkplug) I don't know,
fellas. It looks bad.


(Megatron laughs)

-What's your diagnosis, Ratchet?

-It's a miracle that his
hydraulics are still functioning.

-Weaker... electro-pulse fading.

-He's doomed, I know it! I can
feel it in my data bank!

-Nuts to that! There's gotta
be somethin' we can do!

Isn't there, Dad?

-I don't know, son.

-Now, Laserbeak!
Finish him off!

-What the...

-It's Laserbeak! Stop him!

-He started some kind of chain
reaction inside Optimus Prime!

-Get back, everyone!
He's going to explode!


Everybody okay?

-We're fine, dad.

What about Optimus Prime?

-(Groaning) functioning, but
energy draining fast.

-They sure don't build
'em like that anymore.

-Ratchet, how long do we have before
his energy drains away completely?

-Not long, unless I can replace this.

-Huh. A cosmetron. I have
an extra one of these...

...But not here.

-Hey, talk to me, talk to me!
Point me in the right direction!

-It's not that simple, Bumblebee.

The cosmetron I'm talkin' about's
in my old workshop, on Cybertron.


-And, to make matters worse,

the Decepticons put a
computerized lock on the door.

-I knew it was hopeless,
I just knew...

-We've got ourselves
a computer wiz

who might be able to get some
of us through that door!

-Sounds like I've just
volunteered to pick a lock.

Well, what are we waitin' for?

I always wanted to
visit another planet!

Without Optimus Prime leading
them, the Autobots will be helpless.

-Then why don't we
attack them now, leader?

It's usually good strategy!

-We attack when I
so order, Starscream!

(Megatron) Come in,
Shockwave. Acknowledge!

Hail Megatron.

-When will the space
bridge materialize?

-Within billion astro-seconds
at these coordinates.

-Broadcast visual representation.

Excellent, Shockwave.

(Ironhide) But how are we gonna
get to Cybertron in time, kid?

Even Prime couldn't find a clue to the
whereabouts of the next spacebridge.

But Optimus Prime didn't use
the greatest detective on Earth,

Teletraan .

By feeding Teletraan all the data we have
about the spacebridge's last appearance,

I might get it to predict
where the bridge will appear next.

-Hey, just like Sherlock
Holmes with floppy disks!

(Ironhide) Come on, Teletraan.
Prime's runnin' out o' time.

-Careful with those
cubes, Rumble.

You clumsy clunker!

-Hey, who you callin'
clumsy, gasket-breath?

(Starscream) My talents are
wasted on this project.

I should be in sole
command of everything!

Ready, Starscream.

-Hey, I thought we needed a driver
to haul this stuff across the spacebridge.

-We do.

-No! Please! Not me! No!

-Have a nice journey, warrior.

-Say hi to the old
g*ng on Cybertron!

-Shockwave to Megatron.
Energon cubes received.

-Chip, you and Teletraan
are some hot team.

Ya found the spacebridge.


-Trash 'em!

-Battle time!

(Autobots groaning)

(Ironhide) Can't see! The flash
shorted my optic sensors!

-Bumblebee, look out!

Don't split yet, runt!

The party's just startin'!

(Chuckles) This oughtta
shake ya up!

What a sorry sight for sore eyes.

Starscream, wait!

The rain has given me an idea.

Let the Autobots win.

Do as I say.

Well done.

Return to headquarters
immediately for further orders.


-Some liquid nitrogen
should cool things off!

(Shockwave Grunts)

-Can't move! We're stuck!

-Megatron speaks: Security on
Cybertron has been breached.

Destroy all intruders with rain!

Acid rain!

(Bumblebee) We gotta get
into Wheeljack's old workshop.

Don't give up, I
know you can do it.

-There's one last
sequence I can try.

-Ya did it, Chip!

-Now if my detectors can only
find that cosmeta-whatchamacallit.

Was that fast enough?

Let's get this gadget
back to Optimus!

Acid rain!

If it hits our circuits, we're goners!

And so is
Optimus Prime!

-We f-failed, Chip... we... f-failed.

It's all over, Chip... all o-over.

-All over for them.

For us, it is just starting.

Everything is going
according to my plan.

The Autobots are without
their mighty leader,

and four of their number have
been vanquished on Cybertron.

-Then I humbly suggest we attack their
base now while we have the advantage!

-For once, Starscream, we agree.

And I shall personally
lead the as*ault.

The new age of Decepticon
supremacy is about to begin.

(The Decepticons cheer)

What's the verdict, Wheeljack?

We've done all we can, Sparkplug.

Optimus Prime needs a new cosmetron,
and if we don't get one soon,

all hope is lost.

-Onward to victory! No
one can defeat us now!

-We can't fail!

Optimus Prime,
our... our world...

the whole universe
depends on us!

-Failed, Chip. Acid storm...
disabled... circui... try.

-No one's ever really disabled
as long as he had courage!

(Autobots groan)

-Well, guys... do we
quit or f-fight?

-Maybe I still... h-have
enough power left...

to shield us from
this k*ller rain.

-Way to go, Trailbreaker!

Now your a*t*matic repair
systems can put ya back in shape!

-And while they work, I'll take
care of our three rainmakers!

-I never did like rain,
acid or otherwise.

-I'm really feelin' better! Like I
just stepped off the assembly line!

-All right! Let's stop
talkin' and save Optimus!

Transform and roll for his life!

-Don't strain your
linkage. I'll set us free.

The fools, they're back!

They'll never reach Earth
as functional mechanisms!


But we still have to get the
cosmetron to Optimus Prime!

How fast can you
go, Bumblebee?

-Hold onto your teeth!

-I'm sorry, Spike. Sometimes nothin'
you do makes any difference.

-Optimus Prime... dead?

Teletraan-'s security alarm!

We're being att*cked!

(Sparkplug) Decepticons!
Looks like all of 'em!

-D'oh, we're doomed!

Without Optimus Prime, we're
no match for the Decepticons!

-We can't go down without trying!

Prime would want us to go
for it, no matter what the odds!

Well, are you with me, or
do I fight this battle alone?

-Son, you can't!
-But we can!

We get your message, Spike!
Autobots, transform!

-Wheeljack and I'll stay
here to guard Optimus Prime.

-Roll for it!

Can you get a fix on the
enemy's location, Hound?

-Radar scope detects Decepticons
in close proximity, Huffer.

-Forget the radar! Here they come!

All right, guys!
Let 'em have it!

-Take no prisoners!

-You can't hit all of us
at once, Earth germ!

-Ravage, eject!

-Ravage! Bad kitty!


-So, ya wanna rumble
with Rumble, eh?

-We're expending
too much energy!

We must conserve!

-Then I will end this charade now!

-Chip, did you get the cosmetron?

-Yeah! I just hope
it's not too late!

-There's still time for
us to see some action!

But not for long!

Where's the gizmo?

(Megatron laughs)

We are victorious!

Is there anyone in the universe who
will challenge the might of Megatron?

(Optimus Prime)
There is one, Megatron!

I, Optimus Prime,
challenge you!

-Optimus Prime? He lives?

-Our leader's back.

-He accepted your
challenge, leader.

The battle code requires you
to engage him in combat. Alone.

-Then it's just the
two of us, Megatron!

-I used too much power against
the Autobots! I need assistance!

-How unfortunate.

If you cannot fight your opponent
yourself, you are not fit to be our leader.

I am the only suitable leader, anyway.

-Megatron. Do you yield?

-Yield. For now!
Only for now!

-Retreat! And take our
leader back for repairs.

(The Autobots cheer)

(Chip) I guess that takes
care of the Decepticons.

Uh-uh. They'll be back. I
just know it. They'll be back.
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