02x29 - Captain Tangent / Chuck and Brent Ride Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x29 - Captain Tangent / Chuck and Brent Ride Again

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

today's featured words

Are "tangent"
and "valuable."

Just another typical day
in our fair city,

As our pint-sized powerhouse,
word girl, has apprehended

A villain for the ,th time.

Word girl: ,th,
thank you very much.

Announcer: hmm.
Are you sure?

Word girl:
yeah. Positive.

Oh, you think you captured
amazing rope guy?

Well, don't count
on it yet! Ha ha ha! Ah!

Ok. I surrender.

Oops. We're late
for dinner with the family.

A superhero
with a family.

It's like you have
a secret identity.


I've got to go.

Announcer: later,
at blackbeard's buffet...

Sorry we're late.

Bob had to,

A break-dancing

I always took you

For a disco man, bob.

That was my guitar sound.
I made it with my mouth, though.

Well, I'm just glad we could
have the whole family together.

We're celebrating!

It's not every day
your mother takes th place

At the city
arts and crafts fair.

Way to go, honey.

Yeah. I knew
this was the year

I'd break into
the top .

Whoo-hoo! Top !

Mwah! Ha ha...

I'm number .

Announcer: meanwhile,
in a decidedly less funky

Part of the restaurant...

Look, you just don't
have what it takes

To be a waiter
at blackbeard's buffet.

I'm going to
have to ask you

To turn in your
parrot, patch, and hook.

Avast! Utter
another false word,

And I'll swab
the deck with ye!

Right. I have no idea
what you just said.

You can't fire me.

I be more qualified
to work here

Than the rest
of ye landlubbers.

I come from a long
line of buccaneers.

You see, me great-

the seven seas.

He gathered so many
gold doubloons,

He used them
as fishing lures.

Anyway, when me uncle
wasn't fishing,

He enjoyed
playing croquet.

He was the champion
of his country club

Or was it ?

I know he was
a runner-up twice--

Let me interrupt
you here.

Look, this is exactly
what I'm talking about.

Your stories are always
going off on tangents.

You ignore the customers.

But don't I fill
your money box

With stacks of
valuable doubloons?

Well, that's
another thing.

You're always talking
about doubloons.
It's annoying.

Yar. Doubloons.

I don't understand
why you're obsessed

With gold coins that haven't
been made in years.

Please, hand over
your hook and parrot.

It's not working.

Please! I beg ye.
One more chance.

Pirating be
in my blood.


You can take the table.

But this is
your last chance, really.

If you don't bring them
their order in time,

You're fired.

Oh, thank you,

I haven't been
this happy

Since I got
me first rowboat.

Did I ever tell you
about that boat?

The oars were
as heavy as me...

I'll save that story
for a later time.

Argh! I'm a pirate, y'all.

And I'm fixin'
to do some sailin'.

Oh. Um...i'm not sure
that's how pirates speak, honey.

You want to know
how a pirate speaks?

Shiver me timbers.

Looks like a table
full of old salts.

Perhaps ye'd like to
wet your whistles.

Why, absolutely.

to be honest,

I'm not sure
I understood exactly
what you said.

"Captain tangent."
That's an unusual name.

Yar. 'Tis indeed.

The moniker was
bequeathed me years ago

When I was
but a wee laddie.


Ok, then,
me hearties,

The main grub be

But I'll take ye's
order for appetizers.

Yar! That's
a creaky plank.

This bucket
of barnacles

Was most likely
not built

From a true pirate's
favored wood.

Pirates prefer
certain types of wood?


No, no, no!
No, no, no!

Yar. Choosing
the right wood

Is important
when building a ship.

So hungry.

A good pirate looks
for oak, mahogany,

Spruce, white cedar,
yeller pine.

But it's not
just pirates

Who are picky when
it comes to wood.

baseball players

Choose bats made out
of ash or maple,

Maple, as you know,
is where we get

Our delicious
maple syrup,

Which can be
as sticky as tar.

And that,
my friends, is how

The modern ballet
slipper was invented.

Hello, and argh.
Welcome to blackbeard's.

How are you folks
enjoying your food tonight?

We actually haven't had
a single thing to eat.

We've been
way too busy listening

To some fantastic stories.

And I suppose
these stories had
a lot of tangents.

Yes! Tangents.

I'll tell you
what the word
"tangent" means.

'Tis an enchanting
tale that dates back

To the ancient
world of--

Oh, no, you don't.

I'll define
the word for you.

When someone telling a story
goes off on a tangent,

It means the story
doesn't stick to a topic.

Like, our waiter started talking
about kinds of wood,

But ended up
going on a tangent,

And suddenly he was
talking about ballet slippers,

Which I really still
don't know how we got there.

Thanks for the definition,
young lady.

Here's a valuable coupon
for a free dessert.

You can't use that
any day but sunday.

And you,
I've warned you

About your
never-ending tangents,

And you're wasting
customers' valuable time.

Turn in your hook
and parrot now!


Sorry about that.
It's not the best night.

You'll have to excuse me.



Voice: ye found
the treasure of old no-beard.

I curse ye with powers
all shall fear!

Argh! Has me hook
become some kind of magnet?

Bawk! It sure has.

Oscar, 'tis about time
ye respond.

Ahoy. Say hello
to the fiercest pirate

Ever to sail these waters--
captain tangent.

All: hello,
captain tangent.

captain tangent.

Yar. I wasn't expecting
such an enthusiastic response.


If you'll excuse me,
I'll be taking ye's doubloons

And valuables.

Whoo! Wow!
A magic show!

Hurry for captain tangent!


Nice one!

Ugh! Come on, bob.

Word up!

Mom's trophy! Ok.

Show's over,
captain tangent.


What? Don't you see,
he's robbing you blind?

worth it!

Oh. Come on,
captain tangent.

Return everything
you've stolen.


I'll be deep
in davey jones' locker

Before ye catch me.

Sporks--part spoon,
part fork, all fun.

Announcer: later, at word girl's
spaceship hideout...

Man! I can't believe
that rookie villain

Got away
with mom's trophy

And all those other people's
valuable possessions.

Focus, huggy. Here.

Check out this book
about pirates.

It says here pirates
are obsessed with treasure,

Particularly coins
called doubloons.

Hmm...where would
captain tangent

Find a stash
of coins?

Man on television: is carrying
around a heavy bag full of coins

Getting your arms tired?

Ever wish there was a machine
that collected your coins,

Counted them,
and gave you a receipt

You could then exchange
for paper money?

Well, now there is.
Come on down

And check out our new
rapid coin counter .

It will turn your doubloons
into dollars.

Wow. The timing of that ad
was certainly coincidental.


Announcer: meanwhile,
our newest supervillain,

Captain tangent,
has picked out a lair

And is decorating it
with authentic pirate gear.


Once I fill up me chest
with valuable doubloons,

The manager
at blackbeard's buffet

Will see that I'm
a real pirate

And have no choice
but to hire me back.

What? Why would he
hire a criminal?

So you're saying
I should make

The scoundrel
walk the plank?

What? No.

Though I must say,

"Plank" is a bit
of a misnomer,

As it would imply
a single board.

In fact, frequently
the so-called plank

Was similar to...

Announcer: later,
at the grocery store,

Customers wait patiently to use
the rapid coin counter .

Ha ha ha! Ahoy!

'Tis captain tangent,

And I smell
valuable doubloons.

Har har har!

The doubloons are mine!

I'm the greatest
pirate ever!


Now what are my customers
supposed to do,

Count their change

They don't have
that kind of time!

I'll take that.

Word girl:
oh, no, you don't.

Shiver me timbers!
Word girl!

Return the change,
captain tangent.


I mean, you do realize
they're just coins, right?

They're doubloons,

The most valuable
thing on earth.

the word "valuable"

Means having
a lot of worth,

And since these coins
aren't really gold doubloons,

They're really not
that valuable.

Don't tell a pirate
what's valuable
and what isn't.

'Tis quite rude.

Not as rude as stealing.
Now, huggy!


[Huggy face screeching]


Now to take care
of that hook.

Argh! Me hook!

'Tis me main w*apon
for piracy.

And I remember the first time
I ever put it on.

Not now, please.

'Twas a beautiful
spring day.

I was practicing...

Let's get this stuff
back to its rightful owners.


Only later did I discover
'twasn't a mermaid at all,

But a pile of seaweed.

So, have either of ye
ever wrestled an octopus?

Announcer: yikes.
I'm going to go ahead

And take over here
to spare you loyal viewers

From any more
boring tangents.

And so a new villain
learns a valuable lesson

At the hands of our hero
and her trusty sidekick.

Well, me mateys,
be sure to tune in

For the next exhilarating
episode of "word girl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "imitate."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Uh...i think imitate
means to dance and sing, right?

No! It does not.

Yes, emily?

Imitate means to mimic
or impersonate,

Like in that last clip,

Where huggy is imitating
tiny big's moves.

That is correct.

Huggy, what
are you doing?

Ok. Well, I'm sure
you have your reasons.

Anyway, congratulations,

You know, I'd really
appreciate it

If you'd stop
imitating me.

Emily, you are
today's winner.

You know, that's really
quite distracting.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official beau handsome

Emily, you're really
going to have fun with that.

I am?

Indeed. That's it
for today's episode.

See you
next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

today's featured words

Are "confidence"
and "zest."

It's another quiet morning
in the city,

And it's business as usual
at the bank,

Which means another local
villain is trying to rob it.

Excuse me. Pardon me.


What can I do
for you today?

I'll tell you what
you can do for me today.

Chuck, the evil
sandwich-making guy,

Wants you to put
all the money in a bag

And hand it over
to him.

Why are you talking
about yourself
like that?

Like what?

You referred
to yourself

As "chuck, the evil
sandwich-making guy."

Oh, chuck is trying
to sound more confident.

What do you think?

I don't know.
I just don't think
it's necessary.

Well, I thought I'd
give it a shot, you know.

Anyway, if you could just
put all the money in a bag

And hand it over,
that would be great.

No. No. That would be
against bank rules.

You should have
brought a bag.

Chuck has lost his patience
with your bank rules!

And chuck has lost
his patience with you!


Oh, hey, you seemed
more confident
that time.


And this ketchup
is delicious.

I use special spices
to give it some zest.

Uh, excuse me,

I'm kind of busy robbing
the bank right now.

Chuck, it's me,
your brother brent.

I need to talk
to you.

Brent, what are you
doing here?

I...have a problem.

Can't it wait?

It's really

And my career as
a supervillain isn't?

Everything is
always about you.

Well, what about me?

I've lost...

I've lost my confidence.


Chuck, I've lost
my confidence.

Ha ha. I heard you
the first time. Wow.

You're brent,
the handsome, successful,

"Everyone loves him"
sandwich-making guy.

You always had
so much confidence.

Not anymore.
I'm ruined.

I invested all my money
into my new idea,

And it bombed.

Ha ha. One
of your ideas failed?

I love this.
Could you please excuse us?

Ok. Um...so what was
your terrible idea?

Peanut butter
and jelly bread.

After my success
with crustless bread,

I was on top
of the world.

What is that?

But peanut butter
and jelly bread

Didn't even make it
to the shelves.

That's too bad.

Now that it bombed,
I've lost my confidence.

And without confidence,

My zest for sandwiches
has diminished.

Sandwiches don't
excite me anymore.

No way.

Go ahead.
Name a sandwich.


See? No zest.

I never thought
I'd see the day

The great brent would come
running to me for help.

Ok. I'll tell you what.

As soon as I'm done
robbing the bank,

We'll go to my place.

I'd like to finish
robbing the bank now.

I'm sorry. While you
were busy talking

To that handsome guy,
another man robbed
the bank,

And he brought
his own bag.


Oh, I'm so sorry.
It's my fault

You didn't get
to rob the bank.

I seem to be ruining
everything I touch.

What a strange

That big left hand guy
and I would rob the bank

On the same day.

I'll tell you
what's strange.

I pressed the crime detector
button a long time ago,

And word girl still hasn't
come here to arrest you.

It figures--the one time
word girl doesn't show up,

Someone else
gets to rob the bank.

Announcer: meanwhile, at
word girl's spaceship hideout...

[Theme song playing]

[Chomping loudly]


You're right.
It is strange

That the crime detector
hasn't gone off all morning.

Let's go test it.

I don't get it.
The button doesn't work.

The light is out.
It must be broken.

This has never
happened before.


But where can we find
a repairman?


No. Let's go with
handyman tom.

Stan's crime detector repair
and waffle house can't be good.


I don't have a lot
of confidence

In their ability
to fix crime detectors

If they're busy
making waffles.


No, there's no time
for waffles.

Now let's go get
handyman tom

And bring him
back here.

back at chuck's lair,

The brothers sandwich
play video games.

I beat you again.

I think losing
your confidence

Has given me
more confidence.

Ok. You want me
to beat you at darts now?


You sure? I'm up
for anything really.

Chuck, what do
you do when you're
very, very sad?

Well, I make a sandwich

Or I put on my fuzzy
rabbit slippers

And watch
my favorite tv shows

Or I rob
a sandwich shop.

I'm not sure
that'll help.

I'm too busy
thinking about

What I'll do
with myself

Now that I'm not
in the sandwich

Why don't you
come work for me?

Me a villain?
I don't know.

No, no, no, no.

I'm the villain.

Sidekick? Well,
what would I
have to do?

You just have to back me up
wherever I need it,

Tell people how great I am,

Oh, and always remember,
I'm the boss.

Woman: chuckie bear,
do you and your brother

Want a sandwich?

Ma, keep
our sandwiches warm.

Brent and I are going
to do some business,

And I'm in charge, ma.

Announcer: back
at the spaceship hideout...

Thanks for understanding
about the blindfold,

But my hideout
has to be a secret.

Oh, sure. I have
a hideout of my own.

I just throw a blanket
over chairs and dive under.

It's like going on vacation
without ever leaving your house.

That's nice.

So, do you
think you can fix
the crime detector?



Huh. Would you
look at that?

Well, can you
fix it?

I'm fairly certain
I can fix it.

That doesn't give me
much confidence

That you know
what you're doing.

What do you mean

I'm a handyman,
not a word man.

Well, confidence means
that you have trust

In something
or someone.

You can even have
confidence in yourself.

So when you say you're
only fairly certain

You can fix
the crime detector,

You don't sound
as confident

As if you said
you're positive

You can fix
the crime detector.

Ah, ok. I get it.

Word girl, I'm positive
I can fix your crime detector.

That's better.

But I never work
on an empty stomach.

I'll start after lunch.

Would you please take me
to the sandwich shop?

I'm starving.

Right now?


Oh, you're hungry, too?

Come on.

Announcer: at the local
sandwich shop,

Sandwich maker reuben grinder
gets ready for the lunch rush.

[Doorbell jingles]
reuben grinder,

You're about
to be robbed

By chuck, the evil
sandwich-making guy,

And his sidekick brent.

Chuck, hello!

I haven't seen you
around here in a while.

What's the matter?
You too good to rob me?

I've been busy.
Hey, you don't have

A bring-your-own-bag
policy here, do you?

No, of course not.

You get the bag free
along with your meal.


Aren't you the guy who
invented the crustless bread?

Yeah, yeah. That's
my brother brent.

Brent, say hello.

Nice to meet you.

You have a very nice
sandwich shop.
I love it.

Oh, you're too kind.
Thank you. I love your bread.

Hey, I'm in charge!

We're in the middle
of a robbery here!

I'm sorry.
It's not every day

You get robbed
by brent,

The very guy who invented
crustless bread! Wowzers!

I'm the one
robbing you!

He's just my sidekick!

Tell him you're
my sidekick, brent.

I'm his sidekick.

Let me tell you

I love
your crustless bread,

But the sandwich world
needs something new,

Something with
a little more zest.

Well, I did have
one idea that I thought

Would change
the sandwich business,

But it failed.

I can't believe it.
What was your idea?

Peanut butter
and jelly bread.

Every slice tastes
like peanut butter
and jelly.

Oh, see. I knew you
wouldn't like it.

Silly brent. That's
a terrible idea.

I didn't say that.

You should have more
confidence in yourself.

I like the idea.

Wowzers. You do?

Come on.

What if, instead
of making one loaf

That has both
peanut butter and jelly,

You make loaves--

One is peanut butter
and the other one jelly.

Hey, that's
a great idea!

Guys, take it outside.
I got a robbery here.

Please, chuck, we're
talking business here.

Yeah, yeah. Then you
might want to go

To sammy's subs
across the street,

Because there's a robbery
in progress here.

Word girl!

You mean there was
a robbery in progress here.

I was wondering
if you'd show up.

You didn't show up
this morning
at the bank.

I was starting
to get worried.

Aw, thanks, chuck.

Our crime detector
is broken,

But we're taking
care of it,

Right after we get
a sandwich...

And take you down!

On . ......

Ha ha ha! .

Hey, you cheated!

I'm a villain.
I'm supposed
to cheat.

If mustard
doesn't hold them,

My zesty
ketchup will.


Oh, well, "zest"
means excitement.

If you have zest for something,
you have a love of it.

For instance, I have
a zest for words.

Or it can also mean
spicy or flavorful.

Wow. That chili
has a lot of zest.


Good news, chuck.
It looks like mr. Grinder and I

Are going
into business together.

great news.

I've got my confidence

And zest for the sandwich
business back.

Go ahead. Someone
name a sandwich.

Egg salad?
I love it!

Turkey club.

Corned beef
on rye.

See, my zest is back.

All right.
Well, you got your zest.

Now can I rob
the store?

If it were just me,
I'd say go ahead,

But I don't think word girl
is going to let you.

That's right.
Now, huggy.


Good work,
huggy face.

Thank you both.

As your reward,
I'd like to give you

This platter
of sandwich.

Oh, there's no need
for a rew--oh.

Well, it looks like brent

Hasn't lost his zest
for the sandwich business,

And captain huggy face hasn't
lost his zest for sandwiches.

[All laughing]

That's good.
That's funny to me.

Ha ha. Yeah.

Announcer: back at word girl's
spaceship hideout,

It looks like the crime detector
is finally going to be fixed.

I usually take
an after-lunch nap.

It helps get the creative
juices flowing.

Oh, please stop

And fix
the crime detector.

Ah, you didn't
let me finish.

I was going to say
I'll forego the nap

And get right to work.

Uh-oh. This might
take a while.

[Loud whirring]

I guess it wasn't
plugged in.

I'm sorry.

If we had more
in our ability

To fix
the detector,

We wouldn't have had
to waste your time.

No problemo.
Here's my bill.

Your bill? You're charging us
for parts?

You didn't use any parts.
A screw-turning fee? Really?

I don't make the rules.
I just follow them.

until next time,

I have confidence
that your zest for words

Will have you tuning in

For the next thrilling
adventure of "word girl."

I'm want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

On pbskidsgo.org.

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!
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