02x28 - Victoria Best / Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x28 - Victoria Best / Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Word girl

Announcer: hey, listen for
the words "trophy" and "boast."

It's the most exciting day
of the year at becky's school--

Student award day,

And as a special treat
for everyone in the audience,

The school orchestra is playing
some beautiful music.

At least I think
that's music.

[Recorders playing

[One recorder
playing melody]

wow, victoria!

You're really good
at playing the recorder.

Becky, I'm not just good
at playing the recorder.

I'm the best.
In fact, that's my name--

Victoria best,
and I'm the best...

At everything.

Man: that's our daughter.

I'm mr. Best, and this is
my wife, mrs. Best.

We're the bests.

We certainly are.

Uh! I wish they didn't
have to boast like that.

I know.
It's annoying

To hear people brag
about themselves.

But I really
am the best
at everything.

Victoria, it's nice that you
take pride in yourself...

But when you go around telling
people how great you are,

That's called boasting,

And people don't really
like a boaster.

But I'm the best
at boasting.

Woman: all right, students,

It's time to hand out
the trophies

To the best students
in the school.

"The best students."

I think we all know
where this is going.

First, the trophy
for best recorder player

Goes to victoria best.

I'd say this is
a surprise,

But we all know
it's not.

Now the trophy
for best violinist

Goes to victoria best.

I'm the best!

Best spanish speaker.

Yo soy the best.

I'm the best!
Best gymnast.

Best kickball player.
Best bug collector.

Best actress
in a school play.

And now the final
trophy, for best reader,

Goes to vic--
wait a second, victoria.

The trophy goes
to becky botsford.



Becky, come up
and get your trophy.

Thank you, principal.

No, becky.
Thank you.

I was getting
pretty tired

Of listening
to victoria boast

About how she's
the best.

But...i am the best
at everything!

Victoria, you can't be
the best at everything.

Mr. Best: yes, she can.

what went wrong?

I don't know, father.
I did everything I could.

Clearly you didn't,

Because if you did,
that reading trophy

Would be ours--yours.

If you want to be
the best,

You have to be %
dedicated to being
the best.

That means
you must always keep

Your eyes on the prize.

Yes. Eyes on the prize.

Well, it's my prize,

So I'm just going to
leave with it now.

Ok. Bye!

Announcer: later that day,
on the school playground...

Bob, I'm also
happy I won,

But I don't think
it's right to
boast about it.

Ok. Nobody's

So maybe I'll boast
just a little.

♪ I won a trophy

♪ I won a trophy yay!

[Recorder playing melody]

Eyes on the prize.

Ohno! My trophy!
It's gone!

Well, somebody must
have stolen it.

I think we all know
who stole my trophy.

Victoria best.

I'm going to find her
and get it back.

[Piano playing]

Mom, dad, guess what.

Principal realized
she made a mistake.

She said this trophy
really doesn't belong to becky.

It belongs to me!

Does this mean
that our victoria

Is the best
reader after all?

Of course, darling.
If she has the trophy,

That means
that she's the best.

I suppose I can now
stop being disappointed

In you, victoria.

Now we can go around
the neighborhood

And boast how our daughter
is truly the best at everything.

I'll bring
the megaphone.

[On megaphone]
attention, neighbors!

Our daughter is
the best at everything!

I sure am.


Hello, victoria.


What brings you here?

I was just wondering
if you've seen my trophy.

Your trophy?

Haven't seen it.

Why? What
happened to it?

I have a feeling
someone stole it.

Why would I need
to steal your trophy?

I have so many
of my own.

Those are all yours?

Yep. Every single one.

Do you mind if I
take a look at them?

As long as you don't
steal them for yourself.

Steal them?

Why would anyone
want to steal

Someone else's

I wouldn't know.

You won the trophy
for best professional bowler?

I'm the best
at everything.

The nobel prize
for physics?

I'm the best.
That was an easy one.

The emmy for outstanding
writing and animation?

If I may boast,

I'm particularly proud
of that one.

Look. This is impossible!

You couldn't have won
all these awards.

You're just
jealous, becky,

Because I'm the best
at everything, and you're not.


Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to practice my recorder.


Not that I need
the practice,

I'm the best

At everything!

[Siren blasts]

Once again, our daughter
is the best at everything.

And we have
the trophies
to prove it.


You're right, bob.
She didn't win them.

She stole them,
and she's going to

Keep on stealing trophies
until someone stops her.


Word up!


Word girl, what are
you doing here?

I'm here to challenge you to
a competition tomorrow morning

At the school assembly hall.

I'll be there,
and I'm going to win,

Because whatever it is,
I'll be the best at it.

Why? Because--

The best at everything.
We get it.

I actually know someone
who can beat you at something.


My sidekick,
captain huggy face.

A monkey? You think
a monkey can beat me

At something?
Ha! Ha!

oh, yeah, monkey?

Well, obviously there's
something you don't know

About victoria best.

Father, megaphone.

Here you go, darling.

I'm the best!

I'll see you two

Uh...don't worry, huggy.

You're going to beat victoria
in that competition.

Then she won't have
anything to boast about.

Announcer: the next morning,
at the school assembly hall...

Principal: all right, students,
settle down.

Today, word girl has asked me
to bring you all here

So we can watch a contest
between captain huggy face...


And victoria best.

Mr. Best: yay!
Mrs. Best: achieve!

Mr. Best: go, victoria!

I'm the best.

Yes, victoria,
you mentioned that.

But before
you boast too much,

You should hear
what the contest is.

Who can eat more salty
crackers in seconds--

You or captain huggy face?

Contestants, are you ready?

On the count of .

, , .

Go, victoria.

you're the best!

I'm the best!

Go, huggy!

And...time's up.

Let's see who ate
the most crackers.

Victoria, you ate crackers.

Victoria: what I need
is a glass of water.

My mouth is really dry.

What did she say?
I couldn't tell
what she said.

And now captain huggy face.

Captain huggy face,
you ate crackers.

You are the winner!


Oh, no. Our daughter
isn't the best at something.

This is a real



Word girl: huggy,
for winning this competition,

You get this trophy,
the golden net.

The golden net.
That's a strange trophy.

But anything can be a trophy
as long as it's given

To honor someone's

So since this golden net
is being awarded to huggy

For winning
the cr*cker eating contest,

It's a trophy.

Uh...victoria, huggy and I
are now taking this trophy

To our secret hideout,
where we'll look at it every day

To remind us that he was
the best cr*cker eater.

We're leaving, victoria.

Stop right there!


What's wrong, victoria?
Is your mouth too dry

From eating all those
salty, salty crackers?

No, my mouth's fine.

Well, I'm leaving,
and I'm taking

This trophy with me.

Victoria, I can't
begin to tell you

How disappointed
we are in you.

You were supposed
to win that trophy.


Well, she didn't keep
her eye on the prize.

No, she didn't.


Eyes on the prize.

Aha, victoria!

You wanted trophies
so badly

That you wound up
trapped in a trophy.

I don't mean to boast,

But I really do think
that was pretty clever of me.

What is going on here?

Mr. Best, your daughter
has been stealing trophies.

Does this mean that she
really isn't the best
at everything?

Mr. Best,

Victoria is great
at a lot of things,

But nobody can be
the best at everything.

Victoria, I know
you like to boast

About all the trophies
you've won.

But a trophy only means
something if you've earned it.

You have a lot of trophies
you didn't earn.

And that's why I think
you should give them back

To the people
who really deserve them.

Do I have to?

Does she have to?


Announcer: and so, victoria
returned the stolen trophies,

Including the most
important one of all.

Here's becky's trophy.

Yay! I'm so glad
to have it back!


So I can make sure

Who's this? "Becky botsford"
gets it back.

Word girl, I know
you don't like to boast,

So let me be
the one to say

That you are the best
superhero there is,

The best!



Announcer: and so, once again,
word girl saves the day.

I think she deserves a trophy
for defeating victoria best.

Yeah, that cr*cker trick
was pretty smart.

Ok, now you're boasting.

Tune in next time
for another exciting episode

Of "word girl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "binoculars."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

give it a shot.

Binoculars are a device
used to make things

That are far away
look bigger,

Like tobey was doing
in that last clip.

That's correct!

Toby's binoculars
are very similar

To the pair I use
when I go birdwatching.

I'm organizing
a trip this weekend.

Would any of you
like to come?

Imagine sitting motionless
in the middle of a field

Completely silent,
waiting to get

A quick glimpse of a bird
that may or may not show up.

I have
ballet class.

Me, too.
Me. Too.

Well, don't worry.
I'll be sure to arrange

Another birdwatching trip

That's convenient
for everyone.


Well, anyway,
congratulations, tommy.

You are
today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

A gift certificate
for a birdwatching trip

With beau handsome.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you
next time on...

All: "may I have a word?"

♪ Word girl

Announcer: hey, kids,
today's featured words

Are "frolic"
and "procrastinate."

High above the city,
dr. Two-brains

Is about to unleash
his latest dastardly device

On the unsuspecting
and wide-awake citizens below.

From this height,
my super sleep snooze ray

Will blanket
the entire city,

Putting all single-brained
citizens to sleep.

And while everyone
is dreaming of things

Not involving me
stealing their cheese,

I'll be free to frolic about
stealing their cheese.

[Knocking on glass]
ha ha ha!

Boss, why don't
we just steal the cheese

At nighttime, when everyone's
already asleep?

Huh? Well...
Lots of reasons.

The main one,
it's tuesday,

And all my favorite
shows are on tonight.

I don't want to
miss my stories.

Hello in there!
I'm right here!

Oh, hi, word girl.
Word girl?!

Hold it right there,
dr. Two-brains.

That's "dr. Two-brains"
to you.

I...i think
I said that.

Oh. Henchmen,
can you hold these two

While I blast them
with my snooze ray?

Come here.


Aah! Hey! Ooh!


Huggy, we're going down!

It's up to you
to use your pilot skills

To land this ship.



Monterey jack...

Wow. Good aim, huggy.
You crash-landed

Right near
our super-secret hideout.

This must be your favorite
place to crash.


Well, it'll be easier
to take dr. Two-brains

And his henchmen to jail
while they're still sleeping.

So let's not procrastinate.

[Word girl's voice]
hi there, word girl.

It's yourself.
Cute boots.

You're just calling
to remind you

That a new episode

Of "the pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

Starts in minutes.

That's right. Oh, what
am I going to do, huggy?

There's no way
we'll be able

To get these villains
to jail and then back here

In time to watch
"pretty princess."


Cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese.

You know, they're sleeping
pretty soundly.

I doubt they'd wake up
before the show was over.


Come on, huggy.
Waiting an hour

Isn't going to do
anyone any harm.

And we'll be
right here anyway.

Announcer: with dr. Two-brains
and the henchmen safely tied up,

Word girl settles in
to watch her favorite show.


It's not like her
to procrastinate like this.


I'm just saying,
if dr. Two-brains wakes up

Before the show is over,
what's to keep him

From frolicking
through your hideout?

Huggy, can you turn up
the volume, please?

This sale won't last forever,
so don't procrastinate

And miss these super bargains.
Come on down!

Change it fast!

Change it back.


Where are we?

Well, let's get out
of these ropes and find out.

Where's the saw?
Did you bring the saw?

Oh, I brought the saw.

This saw is a combination
of sharp metal and sharp cheese.

Pure delicious genius.


Wow. Boss, you finally
got us a new hideout,

With a trampoline.

You shouldn't have.

Don't worry. I didn't.
Don't you realize

Where we are? Look!

Everything's all red
and yellow

With stars everywhere.

Uh...not jail.

This is word girl's
spaceship hideout.

I remember her
telling me about it

Back when we were friends.

Huh. Some friend
she turned out to be.

She never invited me here
for a secret-hideout dinner,

Despite her frequent and often
uninvited visits to my lab.

Do you think we
could go down there

And try
the trampoline?

Charlie loves

This is no time
to frolic about,

You lollygaggers!

There's a whole planet full
of unstolen cheese out there.

Plus, I've got to get home
and make a whole new snooze ray.

We've procrastinated enough.

Let's get a snooze on.

This place
is the best.

We should definitely
let word girl know

We're available
to house-sit.

Be quiet,
or I'll sit on you!

If I know word girl,

Right now,
she's busy designing

Some inescapable prison
to toss us in.

♪ tra la la la fa ta

♪ Tra fa la la tee da

Oh, I know I have to
get back to the kingdom

And warn everyone
about count cloudy's plot

To rain on the outdoor
pink cupcake picnic.

But I have
plenty of time.

♪ Tra la la la da da

♪ Tra fa la la tee ta

♪ Dee dee da

You know,
far be it from me

To second-guess
pretty princess,

But she really shouldn't
procrastinate like this.


What? Oh, shh.

I'll tell you what
"procrastinate" means later.

[Evil laughter and thunder]

Ha ha ha ha!


ha ha ha ha ha!

I've never been
so scared in my life.


I haven't forgotten about
two-brains and the henchmen.

I'll check on them
next commercial.

ha ha ha ha!

This place is like
a giant maze.

This is the second time we
passed that racquet ball court.

No. That's
a handball
court, boss.

Huh? What kind of a dump
is this anyway?

Hey, horsy.
I'm having fun.

You two need to stop

And start looking
for a way out.

We're defenseless
and also cheeseless,

And all you want to do
is frolic about.


Yes, frolic. It means
to play and run around hap--

If we're going to
define a word,

Shouldn't word girl
be here?

We're halfway
through the show.

A word should have been
defined by now.

To frolic--it means
to play around merrily,

Like you two have been doing
since we got loose!

Oh. So when we
spent all that time

In the butterfly

Yes, you were frolicking.

Or the antigravity


Or the--

Frolicking! Frolicking! Whatever
you were going to say next,

The answer is frolicking!

Now, if you're finished,
let's get out of here,

Go make a new snooze ray,
put the city to sleep,

And steal some cheese.

Hey, look!
A ping-pong table!

A ping-pong...

Ooh. Hey. Ha ha ha.
Ooh. Good one.

And what do you think
you're doing?

Oh, sorry, boss.

You can play
the winner.

What about my strict
no-frolicking rule?

Serving .

Uh...i can wait.

Can anyone break a five?

I need change
for the snack machine.

No. It already ate
charlie's quarters.

I think it just
takes alien money.

Uh! Ooh! Henchmen,
follow me!


Sweet -cheese souffle!

This must be
where word girl keeps

All the mementos
from her adventures.

Look! It's that kid's
robot clone.

Mr. Rich guy's
word girl doll.

That guy with the hair's

The one who thinks
he's so smooth.

What a bunch
of second-rate villains.


Has word girl really
beat you that many times?

Don't go there, sister.

Oh, if I could only get my hands
on one of these rays.

Ha! Jackpot!
Ha ha ha!

ha ha ha ha!

Oh, pretty princess,
stop frolicking!

It was foolish
to procrastinate.

Dr. Two-brains: I have
to agree, word g--

Shh! I'm watching...oh.

And it was foolish of you
to procrastinate, word girl.

Right, fellas?


Ah. They haven't been
too helpful anyway.

It's over, word girl.
No more dr. Nice brains.

I've set my super
sleep snooze ray

To permanently groggy.

After I zap you
with this ray,

You'll forever
be too tired

To stop me from stealing
the city's cheese

And taking over
your hideout.

So you're taking over
my hideout now?

Honestly, I'm not
too crazy about it,

But the henchmen
love it.

Hold still, will you?

Hmm...what's this?

"Superheroes and you:
a practical guide."

What kind of goofball
would write--

Oh, this is
the book I wrote

Before I became an evil
genius supervillain.

I know. Most of
what I learned about

How to be a hero
I got from that book.

The movie's better.

You were
a great scientist

Before you turned
to a life of crime.

Well, uh...
Maybe you should reread

The chapter
on procrastinating...

When you wake up.

Ha ha ha.

More procrastinating?

There's another book
I want to show you.

Now, huggy!



Come on, huggy.

Let's not procrastinate
in bringing two-brains

To jail any longer.


Well, to procrastinate
means to put off
doing something,

Oftentimes a responsibility
that really needs attention,

Until a later time,

Like how I put off
telling you

The definition
of procrastinate.

Announcer: you also

When you decided to wait until
after "the pretty princess" show

To bring two-brains
to jail.


You're welcome.

Ok. I'll show you both
I'm not a person

Who usually

Ha ha ha.
I don't care

If I ever
get home.

All right, you two.

The frolicking stops now.

Come on,
word girl.

We're having
so much fun.

Can't we play
one more game,

All of us?

Your spaceship
is so fun.

Ok. Ok. One more game
of ping-pong.

Then it's off to jail.

Announcer: have you
paid attention to anything

That's happened
in this episode?

All right.
Then I play winner.

That's all
for today, kids.

But next time
you're out frolicking,

Make sure
not to procrastinate

When it comes to watching
the next amazing,

Colossal adventure
of "word girl."

Send it back.

I'm want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

On pbskidsgo.org.

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!
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